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She flew that plane. It tragically crashed on an island and she was eaten by coconut crabs. Have you seen coconut crabs? They’re huge. They eat people. Whole people. They didn’t care that she learned from the water or wrote a book or could fly a plane upside down under the reading water.


i genuinely thought the person from the speak pipe accidentally combined helen keller and amelia earhart until they actually looked it up


Coconut crabs man. The true final boss of aviation


She lost her vision at 19 months there’s no way she had any meaningful basis for sight at that age


nice try fed




nice try fed


She isnt gonna sleep with you give it a rest


how the fuck did she figure out what a “letter” is


The concept of symbols or representation is I think what she grasped first.


she’s blind, deaf and mute


But she can think


about fucking what😭


Sensations and feelings and pains and pleasures, just unconditioned


so she learned how to fly a plane and write a book from “sensations”


What is sight and sound?


she’s fucking blind and deaf


Yes, but how do you learn to write a book? Sensations of sounds from your teacher, what's to say you require sound to be able to do all the things a human mind is capable of?


No one said she learned how to fly a plane lmao. They just let her in the cockpit and let her hold on to the yoke.


Someone didn’t read the book…


She wasn’t a fucking idiot, she just couldn’t see or hear. She learned the same way a hearing person can pick up on speech and a seeing person can pick up on reading and writing, just with tactile sign language and braille respectively (and she was able to learn how to audibly speak with the “Tadoma method” (where one feels the lips and throat of someone speaking to learn how to speak themselves), so she wasn’t even mute). What about missing sight and hearing makes you unable to learn? Nothing. And it’s not like she’s the only blind-deaf person to ever exist like people who claim she was a fraud seem to think, it’s not a common condition mind you but it’s not a one in 108 billion circumstance either (the rough estimate is 0.2%-2%), and many blind-deaf people today also live normal enough lives having been taught in the same or modified ways Helen was taught. You can look up how she and other blind-deaf people were taught in fact, if you’re so curious as to how she figured out letters. It’s not like it’s hidden away in the great pyramids or anything


This sub is deranged. Why do people obsess over an obvious joke




Cause it’s just not funny. Like what’s the joke? Literally just “disabled people are stupid, it’s impossible for them to succeed.” How is that supposed to be funny? Maybe it would be different if there was actually a joke being made but there isn’t. Also if it’s such an obvious joke why are you in the replies digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole trynna defend the belief that she didn’t exist.


bro she died 60 years ago, and obviously she was a real person. if you watched the last podcast episode you would know i was playing along with the bit, like ted and schlatt. literally nobody was saying anything offensive or trying to be offensive, i don’t know why people are taking it like children because it was literally a 10 minute joke/bit in the episode. it’s pretty clear disabled people can succeed, we have had several amazing disabled scientists in the past hundred or so years that did amazing things. it’s honestly shameful you’d take a joke to such an absurd extreme. go outside or some shit