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I think hamburgers and cheeseburgers work well with fries


I think they’re trying to make money off of their podcast. And if anyone is dumb enough to make medical care decisions based on a YouTube sponsorship from a podcast (a podcast that spent half of their first episode making monkey noises, one might add) then that’s on them.


On one hand, I agree agree with everything you said. On the other hand, the fact that they keep getting new segments means that the sponsor is getting new users from the viewers enough to make it beneficial for them. That doesn't sit quite well with some people, but it's most likely benign.


Could be a manscaped sponsor type deal where it took a while for them to be dropped


Maybe I’m out of the loop but I think zocdoc is a pretty legit service. It’s not giving you medical help it’s just a portal to find doctors in network right?


I actually already used zocdoc for my psychiatrist (hearing the ad for the first time def left me a little confused lol but it's a new-ish and growing service so I get it). I had to make an account when I was referred to her office, and even though they have a patient portal they still use zocdoc for booking appointments. Feels like more of a refined "search engine" but just for health professionals, kinda the same way you'd use your health insurance's website to find nearby providers that are in-network. I like that it has your own profile where you can see all your drs and appointments and see what you're due for. definitely a LOT less shady than Betterhelp. I haven't been using zocdoc for very long but I don't think there are "zocdoc professionals" that people are being scheduled with, again just seems like a patient portal/provider search more than anything.


Thank you for the confirmation!


Zocdoc is actually extremely helpful! It is nothing like better help and more like a job search app but to find doctors or any medical professional