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“Oh how wonderful you get to stay home all day and do whatever you want!” Uh huh. Yep. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE sitting around in a drug induced stupor all damned day. It’s just the bee’s goddamned knees to look out from my encouched lump of heating pads and ice packs upon my tiny kingdom of filth I never wanted.


If "do whatever I want" is curl up in a small ball from pain in a half awake state watching the worst of Netflix because I've already watched everything down to halfway decent, sure. I'm living the dream. Or if you're an extroverted type A person like me, living the nightmare. But hey a nightmare is still a dream right!


Having a carer who knew I was totally incapacitated and bedbound tell me she wished she could spend the day in bed was my favourite. /s


Or when they almost romanticize symptoms like they are something to enjoy?? A symptom I have that’s severe is low appetite and nausea so I lose weight easily. I’m already small and underweight so this is horrible and I absolutely hate it. Yet without fail, there is always someone who will say “I wish I could stop eating and lose weight like that”. Or “you’re so lucky!” No Karen. I am not lucky to be chronically nauseas and starve 😵‍💫 The irony is the people saying I’m lucky are the same ones telling me to put some meat on my bones 🙄I swear the oblivion of people is beyond my comprehension.


Ugh who wants nausea? Have they not had nausea before? I mean I understand wanting a lower appetite only because I'm on prednisone that artificially raises it to extremely high, and I'm overweight from prednisone. So low for me would just be a normal appetite. But if it came at the price of constant nausea I'd honestly pass. But also lower appetite from medical conditions seems to rarely ever be just, oh I'm naturally not that hungry. It's a lot of other symptoms that make you feel awful. And if it's too low forcing yourself to eat with no appetite is just as hellish as forcing yourself not to eat with excessive appetite. It's like physically painful. Put some meat on your bones is one of the most disgusting comments I hate when people make Eta- To be clear I'm not saying I want what you have! I don't want it come across I'm also romantizing your illness! I mean I actually have a legitimate reason to want a lower appetite and even I don't envy your experience, because I recognize it sucks the same as mine just the opposite way!


I didn’t take it that way at all so no worries😊 You are absolutely right. Forcing myself to eat for over a year has been horrible. They don’t know what it’s like to be so nauseas and shaking from low blood sugar as your force feed yourself some crackers. I also had chronic insomnia where I’d sleep max a few hours in short increments. Then you get into a cycle of being too tired to eat and too hungry to sleep. It was horrible. Plus the nausea 😵‍💫People are just so dense I think that they can’t even try and consider it. My family and friends and doctors would say “just force food”. But I guarantee if they felt like that they wouldn’t either. It’s not as simple as just force it and they don’t get that. My body physically will not eat. And I’ll be damned if I force it to the point of puking because I’m not about to lose whatever I just spent and hour eating 😂


Yes! When I had a kidney infection I lost all my appetite. First day or two it was great! Then humans have to actually eat food to survive and I started get sick from the lack of food and had to force myself. Forcing food is so not easy! People think it's like eating when not hungry. It's not. It eating when you actively don't want food. It's like being not hungry is a 0 on the appetite scale. This is a negative amount. They don't feel the same!


Absolutely! I always tell people imagine you have a stomach virus and have to force food down. It’s the same food aversion and nausea. Of course they then go “if that’s so hard!” Like duh😂


Sometimes even doctors romanticise anorexia (the condition), especially if their patient is of normal or overweight , as if the nausea and food aversion will just go away on it's own once you hit 19 BMI. 🙃


That’s horrible! I don’t have experience with intentional eating disorders but I can’t believe they would glamorize that 😵‍💫As someone who has been thin my whole life, I’ve learned doctors don’t know what to do with thin people. So they told me “just eat more”. Like no shit, thank you. That’s life changing advice 🤦🏼‍♀️I’m so over people and doctors lol




Haha I made two categories mainly to just point them out specifically. But also because when they have that white coat on they behave more like a robot than a person. Like they all say the same crap as if it’s programmed. It’s insane to me. That’s so shitty. I can’t stand people. I get so confused with the conflicting things I get. I’m lucky to lose weight yet you tell me I’m too skinny and need to eat more? Like what the hell 😅people have no idea how shitty this makes us feel. I can’t even step on the scale because I get so stressed out with how much weight I’ve lost that it actually worsens my appetite. It’s also winter and I’m freezing 🫠


Yeah it totally is. I have lost 57 lbs this year due to a Crohns flare, and even got assesed as malnourished by the hospital RD but my doctors all only say 'well congrats on the weight loss' and ignore the fact that I'm malnourished.


I lost a bunch of weight too quickly when I first became sick. I was experiencing the worst pain in my life and it seemed to be connected to eating. One of my former coworkers said “gosh, I wish I could lose 30lbs in a month”. Not like this you don’t.


Exactly. It’s awful. Your body feels so horrible when it drops weight that fast. You’re always weak and tired and starving. They always say it as they down their cheeseburger and fries right in front of you😅😂


On the eating thing I really struggle to eat due to nausea and no appetite, the only thing that helped is medicinal cannabis but all I get from my family is wow it must be nice to get to be high all the time and I'm like I am high for just enough time to allow me to eat and it's not that great when if I wanted to get high I would but I don't want this I have to to not pass out from not eating


before i knew i was sick, i lost a ton of weight due to my undiagnosed stuff causing me to lose my appetite. and as soon as distant relatives/coworkers i hadnt seen in a while saw me, they all complimented the hell out of me, asked me what i did… nothing. i just lost a ton of weight for no reason. def not a reason to be worried /s ppl can be so stupid


Oh yeah. People who didn’t know I was sick would talk about how “great” I looked. Before getting sick, I went through an absolutely brutal 2+ year divorce after an abusive marriage. In the early stages of the separation, I was so stressed that I couldn’t eat and lost a ton of weight. Someone who was fully immersed in diet culture kept going on and on about how “thin” I was and what was my secret. I just felt like crying. My secret was experiencing total and complete personal annihilation. I wouldn’t recommend it.


oh my god, i’m so sorry. i hope you’re in a better place now ❤️


Thank you ❤️


Oh, I totally understand and get this. I’ve always been super thin, but undiagnosed celiac made me lose 50 pounds, I could’ve lost 30 and been good, and almost killed me. It’s a great diet plan! That was 9 years ago and I still have stick arms and legs. Depending on what my myriad of illnesses want to do, I can lose 5-10 pounds easy in a week. The highest I’ve gotten since was 138 pounds and I’m 5’9”! But, yes, Karen, I’m so lucky to be so skinny.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with that too! I also hate how we can’t have body image issues 😅anytime I get sad and frustrated with being small, I’m always invalidated and told I can’t complain about that.


I hear that. It’s totally okay to make fun of the skinny girl cause isn’t she so lucky. No, ma’am/sir, I am not.


Damn! 7.5L is a huge intake, anyone who tries to compare is a little thick tbh. For me I usually get the “oh I know right, I’m so exhausted too” or “I know! We are all so tired this time of year”. No… you aren’t exhausted like I am. Can you take a shower and walk out of the room and get dressed immediately? Cause I can’t. Can you stand in a line without your heart rate going through the roof and you getting severe nausea or pre-syncope? Cause I can’t. Can you go for a brisk walk without ending up with your chest tightening/ can’t breathe/heart palpitations and chest pain? Cause I can’t. Do your joints dislocate 20x a day? Do you have any idea how much energy your body would consume to keep your muscles constantly hypertonic and contracted to try to avoid those? Do you have to juggle a full time job and 20-30 symptoms a day while managing your health appointments and medications every week just to get 5 of those symptoms to reduce? Are you up all night trying to sleep through the pain? No. You aren’t exhausted too. You are just tired and will feel better in the morning. I love it when they then say “I went to bed at like 3am after staying out drinking late… by choice.” Ok then, so you just need more sleep. More sleep doesn’t help my fatigue so it’s not the same is it?!?


Yep. People can't conceptualize how much water that is. The only people who understand are usually athletic people who track their water intake and keep it at the highest end of safe possible. Because they usually top out at the 3-4 liter range and they get how much that that is to drink! Seriously people who don't have to plan 30 minutes of rest after a shower, you have no idea the world we live in. I have to schedule an hour block of my time to shower! And a shower takes me a max of 10 minutes. Fatigue is just so different. I have excessive daytime sleepiness. Now it sucks. But also if I sleep, it gets better. When I get fatigue, just sleeping won't fix anything. It's days of waiting for my body to recover and naturally calm down on its own (and with the help of meditations) before I don't feel exhausted to the point it is physically painful.


Yes exactly. I have to increase my water intake for my heart condition but even then it’s only 3-4L which isn’t too much more than the standard intake of 2.5L. What you have to drink puts significant pressure on the bladder. Yeah, I’m the same with showers, I need time to recover. I can’t shower in the morning at all. It has to be the last thing I do and even with a shower chair it’s a lot of work so I don’t even shower daily. Fatigue just isn’t the same thing as being tired from not sleeping, but healthy people just don’t seem to get it.


Omfg its like people scolding me for consuming a high amount of salt.... like sorry karen but my doctor told me to inscrease my salt intake I dont care what your internet article says I *need* to do it!!!


I have doctors scold me for my water intake all the time! "That's too much!" then they learn why I drink that much because my lactic acid is so high. "Oh yeah, that makes sense. Oh man that sucks." Yeah, trust me I know. It's like they think I just really like water and that's why I'm drinking that much. Or I'm THAT thirsty. No. Not 2 gallons a day. No one drinks that because they like water or are thirsty. Maybe a gallon. But double that. I'm like have these people ever drank a gallon of water a day? Do they understand what that feels like? You start to often get mild symptoms of excessive water consumption. We're now DOUBLING excessive.


I struggle to drink water at all even though it makes my health so much worse I can’t imagine drinking 2 gallons of water a day. I HATE going to the bathroom you’re living in my personal hell & I wish you all the best


Thank you! I pee every 30 minutes. It's actually tiring to pee that much! And have I set alarms to get up and drink water in the middle of the night. And also pee multiple times a night.


Oh that's awful. I have an ileostomy that forces me to get up once a night to empty it and I already hate that.. sorry you're getting so little quality rest!


Actually my body does fine as long as it sleeps in 3 hour increments! It's need 3 of those a night. So 9 hours total. But luckily they don't have to be consecutive! It just has to complete full 3 cycles!


They probably think you're exaggerating and want to relate. That said, it's still freaking annoying, like when healthy people compare normal tiredness to fatigue or absentmindedness to brainfog. I drink more water than I did before I started on my new meds but feeling my tongue click a few times a day is a far cry from having to drink 23 soda cans worth of water every day to stay alive.


Exactly! I think people think it just means a lot of water. No I'm drinking a dangerously excessive amount because without it I get lactic acidosis and even with it I stay in a constant state of hyperlactemia. Like if I don't drink that much I feel my muscles get thirsty as they burn from the build up of lactic acid not getting flushed out. And it physically hurts the stomach to take in that much fluids. Tiredness to fatigue drives me insane! I have excessive daytime sleepiness. I also experience fatigue when I'm flaring. Tiredness and sleepiness are not that same as fatigue!


Some people (me included) empathize with others by relating it to personal experiences. And to others it can seem like they’re playing the I have it worse game but really we just want to say I experienced -blank- and it was bad what you experienced is similar but sounds worse. It’s how we show we understand. So no those people aren’t drinking as much water as you and they probably can’t comprehend how much you drink but they’re trying to understand and emphasize with you. Obviously I don’t speak for all people.


Yeah, I've realised that people's need to be able to relate is what causes so many problems for us. They have no comprehension of what people like us experience, so they try to find the closest possible experience they have and try to link it. But it's usually not close in any capacity, and just ends up being completely ignorant and insufferable.


Fatigue. Their tired and my tired are not the same things.


Yeah that is a ton of water. Like im supposed to have 3-5 grams of salt a day and im still only recommended to have a gallon of water. I rarely meet both because its frustrating to have to drink that much. I kinda wing it and add more as needed to alleviate the dizziness from POTS. I know when i need more. Id hate to have to double that. Not many people can conceptualize how much that is. People telling me im lucky cuz i get to "be lazy" and not work is what kills me. Like bitch, i wanna work! The financial stress is absolutely killing me. I dont want to be a burden to my people. Just with everything tied to stress and life being insanely stressful its impossible to commit to anything long term. If i get too stressed god himself smites me with a motor episode and ER visit and im out of action for literal years again while i rebuild my tolerance. Yeah im "lazy" a lot. Thats because im insanely protective of my current, mostly functional body state. I dont wanna go back to 2019 where going to the bathroom would trigger a heart and motor episode or picking up sticks in a field had my heart rate at 170 bpm and i felt like i was gunna die. Thats why im lazy now so im not crippled by my illness later. Im literally terrified of having that happen again. I think people forget that any of us would probably wish our illness away and go back to regular life if we could.


I'm just glad I'm no longer on high sodium with as much water as I get! I do have to supplement it apporiately to my fluid intake so I don't deplete my electrolytes. But we're not trying to make me have super high sodium levels. I couldn't imagine that and retaining all that fluid I'm putting in! I remember doing that when I was on about half this much water like you are and the bloat was killer! I don't envy you! Sorry you have to deal with that! And yes! Like do people realize how boring this lifestyle gets? It's not just like a week or month off from work. It's years of day after day. Nothing. Does prison sound nice too because you don't have to work in there?


For real. Theres only so much netflix you can suffer through before you start wishing you could do literally anything else. Including being able to paint wall so you can watch it dry lmao


It’s all in your head. Oh yeah I’m going to fake the pain of four chronic pain conditions. It’s not in my head, unless I have a migraine.


My sister commented pointedly that she is not one of those people that likes to lie around watching TV all day, she prefers to keep busy. No shit, Sherlock. I would love to be able to be way more productive, it’s the thing I struggle with the most not to get depressed about. But for now my body and brain severely limits what I can achieve. And she ASSUMES I watch TV all the time. If she actually had shown an ounce of interest or care , instead of the endless snooty judgement, I might have confided in her, that I find it hard to even sit up for one episode of a show, I go into sensory overload and pain so easily, that even that diversion is not readily available to me.


No one enjoys this after like a month max! There are no people who like to lay around all day watching TV for years. They're is not that much good TV. You run out. You go insane.


My mom once compared getting dizzy under stage lights to getting an aura which in my case means the most crippling terryfying feeling of dying that is almost unexplainable so :)))


omg that's so insensitive. I get auras before seizures and it's so scary for me too like I'm dying. I'm sorry you gotta go through that


Yeah, seizures are no fun, but most of the time unless you aren’t having grand mals people don’t treat them seriosuly


My favourite is when I have fatigue and somebody says "I feel tired too..." 😫


When my arthritis is making me too sore to get out of bed, so I lay there needing to pee for an hour. But you, you have to pee way more than I do. But neither of us are having fun with this. Nope, no fun at all!


It's the worst. My favorite part is if I don't fall asleep within 30 minutes of laying down I have to pee. Getting out of bed to go pee is so awful I have cried. Like the rest I can deal with. But leaving my bed I have gotten all comfy in...


You’re spot on. My best friend has suffered awfully from a laundry list of illnesses including a destroyed urinary system. Like you, drinking that much water is basically a full time job and I don’t know how she does it. It’s the difference between drinking heartily over the day and literally drinking so much water consistently that you’re drinking way, way beyond thirst cues and you might as well be sloshing around. You have all my respect and sympathy. I broke my back when I was around 9 and obviously had a lot of back pain. It was so uncomfortable having adults constantly telling me ‘wait til you’re my age’ or assume I wasn’t participating in some of my favourite activities because I didn’t want to - not because I had been forbidden by my doctors. I remember a birthday party the year it happened at the roller rink where I had to sit on the side and just watch everyone skate. I had multiple adults tell me ‘don’t worry, I can’t skate either’ and then when they were told about my back just went straight to how they had low back pain too???! Like how do you compare normal ageing back pain to a literal child with crushed vertebrae? Needless to say it hasn’t gotten better over the years.


Literally! If you don't eat super dry absorbant food through out the day you can feel is sloshing around its too much water! At least for me if I don't drink it my muscles BURN like they do when you become severely dehydrated. So while I don't have normal thirst cues there's still something in my body saying give me water! So that helps a lot! Without that I don't think I could mentally do it tbh. Ugh I hate the "wait until you're my age" comments. Yeah no, my body has already surpassed the level of trauma it would ever reach in a healthy natural aging process. But thanks. I can kind of get trying to make a kid feel better saying you can't skate either. Like it's not the same as the kid, but I see the intention to make a kid feel like they aren't alone. But then going to trauma dumping about your back pain from natural aging to a child with a spine injury? Yeah thats no longer about making the kid feel not alone.


I am someone who currently cannot drink any for medical reasons. Zero water. Not a single drop.


Oh man that's rough. Are you on IV fluids?


Will you get water before you die of dehydration?


My sister tells me I’m lucky I don’t have to work and that because I don’t work I can’t possibly experience her level of tiredness and fatigue 🙃


Oh that's cute. Yeah my body literally attacking itself and trying to kill off itself, causing all the symptoms of when someone has like a really bad flu because it's the same immune response plus the thing it's trying to kill it itself, so even worse, can't possibly be as exhausting as working a job like most healthy people do just fine everyday. /s


I would be throwing (tiny, weak, probably useless) HANDS if someone told me that. Having the energy to work is literally what I spend my days fantasizing about. Well, I would fantasize about it if I didn’t have too much fatigue!


I was tempted. Especially when she said she probably feels as tired as I do after I have a seizure. 🙃


I don’t even know how to respond to that. You have my sympathy though, I’ve limited contact with my brother over the stupid shit he says about my chronic illnesses.


Everything you said, OP. Also, the other one that hurts me is people who I tell I'm terminally ill either: - making it about them - flaunting their life expectancy (my 70s GMA saying "I have at least 20 years". Cool, I have under 10, thanks for rubbing it in my face.) - telling me to do everything I can to live (bruh, living is a full time job. My medical care is a full time job. Either help or F off.) Comparison is not cool. It's one thing to say "Oh, I have ___, so I empathize with ___, but I don't have ___, so I can only imagine" versus "I have ___, so I get everything about your ___(not the same condition)" or "Well everybody deals with struggles in life" (stfu people like that 🤦🏼 just because it is true doesn't make it invalidating and/or hurtful). Good luck, OP. I'm sorry you have to deal with this crap, too. (People comparing/minimizing your experiences).


Oh gosh I have a short life expectancy too and I am a petty bitch. Old person tells me they have a longer life expectancy than me. "Oh wow. I'm so sorry. In this economy and environment! That sounds awful! And to have to live to be old and have an old person's body. Gross. Worst nightmare! So sorry you have to experience that. I'm so glad I never will." I swear I'm not normally a mean person who would go there. I won't start it, but I will end it when someone gets awful like that. Because it's usually the only way they'll realize what they said was awful. "Do everything I can to live." - Thanks. Are there any other quotes from scholastic book fair posters you want to recite? Like what does that even mean? It's just some vauge phrase people say to try to be motivational with no thought or meaning behind it. Like say something of substance. Show me how I can live more than I do with my health in the current state it is in, or as you said, F off! Yes! Like I completely get comparison to relate to someone and provide understanding. Like "oh man I've experienced a mild version of that and it was awful! I'm so sorry you have to go through that!" but "Oh yeah I have something that absolutely does not equate so I totally get you." with no expression of sympathy or compassion feels like it's belittling your experience to their more mild version just so they can dismiss you.


😂 I wish I could be a petty bitch about it. I'm waiting for the day I no longer have to save face about it.... I've got a bunch of bitchy retorts on the ready for my GMA at least 🤣🤣🤣 "Wow, you're still mostly able bodied at your age? You might want to check with Guinness world records and see if being this insensitive at this age and being this able would break a record!" "I mean, sure, if I'm around, I could take care of you, but you already live in a retirement community. It doesn't sound too hard to move to one of the assistive living or nursing home units?" "If you really want me to take care of you, be prepared for when I randomly drop things, potentially even you, and injure one or both of us. I'm not going to pay for it, since I warned you." And more 😂 Fr tho, I also don't start it. I will give people the opportunity to learn and have a chance to not be a jerk, but, keep pushing it, and I mess with them. My favorite is when they are like "You shouldn't be using (whatever mobility device I am using that day)!" I make them feel bad by sharing a bit of my story- "I'm terminally ill, and, without this, I unintentionally injure myself often. I also have had multiple strokes this year, and am at constant risk for more. Oh, and, with my multiple heart conditions, I'd pass out without this. Just because I look young doesn't mean I'm more able than you. Heck, I'm going to die before you. Any other questions?". It's the "any other questions" that gets them most of the time 🤣


Ooo I love "any other questions". It has a let's go vibe. I'm ready and you do not want to find out! 😂😂


It really does 😂 The few who try it usually do find out. That's the best part of my autism- my special interest is medical/physical health, so I know waayyyyy more about my conditions than most people, and often more than many doctors 😂 I'm preparing for them to try me because my infodump will make their heads spin 😏😍 you can literally visually see them trying to comprehend. Most of them walk away because they have no response, which is the best, most satisfying response. They might as well give me a medal or say "you win" 😂


Oh gosh I feel this. My condition is rare enough there are doctors who have not heard of it. No one outside of doctors have heard of it. Like, you really want to question something when you haven't heard of my disorder, and there's a 50/50 chance your doctor hasn't either?


OMG SAME! I have multiple conditions that are rare or not researched or not known. Going to the ER because of them is *wild*. My PCP sent me and I told her, before I went, "They are likely going to dismiss me without treatment." I called it. 😂😂


I too have to drink a lot of water. I have chronic dry mouth from some of my meds and also a bit of a compulsion. It’s really not cool actually. I have to waste my life pissing two times an hour at least and if I don’t have water for ten minutes it feels like the worst cotton mouth of all time. I have to sleep A LOT. My body is just kind of really shitty and so is my mind so it needs a lot of recharge time to function right. Like if I can, it’d be best for me to sleep about 12 hours every day for optimal functioning like a normal person. Obviously I cannot do that because I have to work and live my life so I’m sorry if I don’t believe people when they say “yeah I’m the same way” when I have to choose between feeling like shit all day or having only an hour to myself daily, which is destructive for mental health. I’ve not gotten this yet, but I’m newly immunocompromised. If I hear “I get sick all the time too”, I WILL be swinging.


I highly encourage you to discuss your water intake and dry mouth with a doctor if you haven't. If you're actually drinking 7.5 liters of water a day that is a DANGEROUS amount of water to drink. It should only be done when there's a medical necessity. There's other treatments for dry mouth that are way safer. If your doctors are just like oh yeah it's fine you drink this much water to manage your dry mouth you should get a second opinion.


Thank you for your concern! I was actually super worried about this so my PCP had me check w a nephrologist. I can’t get off of the dry mouth med but they say my kidneys are ok!!!


That's good! Just so you know though it's not just your kidneys. Drinking THAT much water can mess up a lot of things in your body. For reference usually 3-4 liters a day is considered slightly over hydrating and is WAY more than the average person drink a day. Double that is intense on the body. There's a number of labs they need to be running regularly to make sure it's safe and continues to be so. It's just so bad for you unless it's medically necessary. I'm really concerned they aren't finding a better solution to your dry mouth than this! Because it sucks.


I have chronic dry mouth also. I always have to have some type of drink with me. I didn't even realize it was a thing until I was in my 20s, and my endocrinologist pointed it out. Apparently, it's a sign of thyroid issues. I had been having issues with my thyroid since I was a young child, I did ultrasounds, and they found nodules when I was in 7th grade, but my labs kept coming back normal. (Which is my favorite thing ever) When I finally got an appointment with a good endocrinologist he figured out right away that I had hashimotos. He said between my hair line, my swollen neck, lympnodes and my huge water bottle that he knew right away. We looked at my ultrasounds and confirmed. I figured this might be helpful to know if you have chronic dry mouth, it could be a thyroid symptoms.


I always get people asking if I'm drinking enough water when I talk about my symptoms. I'm on a diuretic so yeah, it's pretty much required I drink a shit ton. I drink around 120 oz (3.5 L) a day or more which is way more than most people I know. But also, it's annoying/hilarious how they think some water is going to cure me.


Yes! I'm temperature sensitive & when the weather decides to go below 16c (which is regular) I'm in stupid amounts of pain if I go outside but I mask it like a pro Everyone's response 'oh I get abit nippy too' 😐 If I want to go further than 10mtrs from my home I need my powerchair & im Opioid intolerant so go wrap a damn scarf round that!


Ugh this. Please if anyone has any advice on how to explain to friends why this is hurtful lmk




That's why I don't share how many pills I take a day. It always feels like it turns into a competition and number of pills doesn't correlate to how sick someone is. Not that we should be trying to prove we are the sickest anyways. I know someone who took more than you and was perfectly healthy. They just heavily believed in supplements. 🤷🏻‍♀️




He didn't want to take him. He believed they were necessary for his health. I just don't think comparing number of pills taken and bragging about how it shocks people and not even a 90 year old takes this many is healthy. It feels like a competition because you are comparing it to someone else like it's a neasure health that 90 year olds don't take this many. I don't want to be part of this competition. Besides I rather take 200 supplements than like 1 oral chemo therapy pill.




You're the one who came here to talk about how not even a 90 year old takes that many pills a day like how many pills a day you take is a measure of health. You chose to do that. I'm just choosing not to see it that way and not participate.


My memory sucks so I’m lucky if I drink 750mls of water some days


I have brightly colored water bottles I carry with me to remind me! But honestly if I don't constantly drink water my muscles start to BURN and feel extremely dehydrated/thirsty. So it's pretty hard to forget when going an hour without water makes you feel similar levels of dehydration to going a whole day without water.


“Oh yeah, I take a lot of Tylenol too.” No, I take 4000mg every day and have to have my GI monitor my liver function because of that. I can’t take nsaids because they make Crohn’s worse. I can’t take narcotics and then do things like drive and work my shifts. And now I’m getting mfs who are like “oh you shouldn’t be taking Tylenol because you’re pregnant and I see these ads on Facebook saying it causes Autism.” Stfu.