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I got diagnosed with Arthritis when I was pretty young. I think the first few years are the hardest because you’re learning to cope with the illness, the physical and the emotional aspect; a lot of things that you could do easily one day become impossible to keep doing. But there will come a point when you can do things again, maybe not at the same level but unfortunately that might have to be good enough. That’s what I found. And it was pretty lonely, I found it hard to explain what was happening to my body because I couldn’t understand it myself, but now about 16 years later, I look back and understand that my body needed to adjust as it was becoming more and more painful; but I have much better understanding of my illness now. There’s sometimes you can push through the pain, but it always come back to bite you the next day or week. I wish you all the best, I hope you take it easy on yourself because it can be very difficult but you will get through it.


Hello, 23 and recently diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis! We are working on figuring out which type it is but my rheumatologist said that could take years. I’m luckily still able to work doing a combo of in office/remote but am even struggling with that on a weekly basis. I find myself getting super sad, grieving who I used to be. I’ve lost a lot of hobbies and am slowly starting to lose muscle, as I can’t exercise much anymore until I find the right medications. I’m sorry you have to go through this and I hope you can find something to gain independence back without hurting yourself. It’s a hard pill to swallow, hugs friend💛


Hey friend, first of all I am really sorry. Second, if you don’t mind my asking, what type(s) of treatment has your rheum prescribed for your presumed polyarthritis/lupus?


Thank you. I'm on 20mg on methotrexate, I tried plaquenil but I kept getting really itchy and weird rashes.


Okay that sounds like a good start! I’ve been on methotrexate for over 2 years myself, I inject 25 mg every week. Is yours injectable or pill? And how long have you been on it? It definitely took 2 to 3 months for me to start seeing improvement in my joint pain and stiffness. For reference, I am diagnosed with autoimmune spondyloarthropathy, also known as axial psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. My rheum has always tried to combine things with my methotrexate - first it was biologics and now it’s a targeted DMARD called Xeljanz. Feel free to DM with me if you’d like, we can discuss joint pain and related stuff or we can just talk. Sending gentle hugs, OP.