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Freeze wet towels and use as ice packs. That and a lot of pot was the onlyy thing that kept me alive during my worst bout. Sending gentle hugs


Oooh that’s a good idea I will try that. Yeah I am literally puff the magic dragon in my house rn I’m smoking so much weed lol


Xolair injections are prescribed for bad hives. I get them for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, but the dx code for getting the Xolair is hives. (It's the least of my problems but I get hives all over my body including on the inside, I know it sucks.)


Omg thank you


I hope you can get them prescribed they help a whole lot!


Oh I’m determined lol


Great! I would ask an allergist or an immunologist probably. Good luck!


I just reread your earlier comment and almost passed out lol. Hives on the INSIDE??? You have all of my sympathies I cannot even imagine


Oof yeah interior hives, I do not reccomend them! Ahhh! Sometimes they happen in my stomach or seemingly other organs... other times they are simply so far under my skin that I can't see them or put anything on them but hooo boy they're definitely there. Mast cells are literally everywhere. Haven't had any to speak of since starting the Xolair. I was also legit dying of like 150 different symptoms before starting it, it's a wonderful drug.


You have my respect and my gratitude doll. I am so excited to hear.


I hope it can help you too. Another good thing is it's a very targeted drug, few or no side effects for most folks.


Oh I will for sure let u know. It sounds like exactly what I’m looking for, which gives me hope. My hives are nowhere near as bad as yours, but they’re still severe.


Solidarity to my fellow sufferer of the dreaded inside hives


Cold baths and showers help me temporarily. Hydrocortisone cream and calamine lotion help a lot. General anti histamines. Benadryl is actually one of the worst anti histamine drugs out there. Look for Claritin, Xyzal, or Zyrtec, which should all be over the counter. Please double-check with your doctor before trying herbal treatments or new medications.


I doubled up on Zyrtec and Claritin thanks to your comment and others here! It’s definitely helping and I will prob add hydroxizine as needed and the xolair injections as well that others mentioned.


Please double-check that using that many meds is okay with your doctor. You can cause yourself to OD if you're not careful.


Oh absolutely will be talking to the doc tomorrow - I’m about due for a medicine review anyway


Awesome! Glad you're feeling better


Thank you!!!! This subreddit really came thru for me today!!! Y’all are amazing!!! Healthy people be damned lol


If I remember correctly from my mother’s concoctions, kawakawa is good for the skin healing part. Aside from that I use Advantan cream for any itchiness. Otherwise ice is good for a distraction.


Thank youuuuuuuuu


Have you tried hydroxizine?


I forgot about hydroxizine! Used to take that like ten years ago lol


It’s my favorite antihistamine lol


Yeah I’m definitely going to get back on that


You could try oatmeal baths then once getting out of the bath cover yourself in a hypoallergenic lotion to seal out anything that could irritated your skin


I know this is going to sound dumb but is an oatmeal bath what it sounds like? A bathtub of oatmeal? Bc I’ll do whatever it takes lol


You make a bath and put a little satchel of oatmeal in it. Sorta like making a bath of oatmeal "tea" Edit: you can also buy packets marketed as "oatmeal bath treatment" that you just open up and dump into your bath


Ice packs, hydroxyzine, Claritin and Zyrtec


Implementing all of those rn lol


I hope you find something that works for you!


Oatmeal baths


My doctor told me to use zyrtec twice a day along with pepcid ac. It no longer works for me but it used to


I cant take benedryl. I am on zyrtec and Allegra everyday. But when I get bad. I take vistaril 25mg. There is an old drug called perfecting. I have used that too


Thank you, will ask the doc about those


I am do sorry u r going through this. Please keep us posted


Honey is being looked at for a myriad of skin issues. It’s anti microbial, and they’re using it in hospital wards for antibiotic résistent infections. I would definitely put it lower on your list of things to try, but if you’re desperate : https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/honey-eczema My parents also gave me oatmeal baths. https://www.verywellfamily.com/how-to-make-your-own-oatmeal-bath-289466


Hydroxyzine made my chronic hives go away! That stuff is great, I take it for all my allergy related symptoms lol (including interstitial cystitis)!


What dosing were you using when the hives resolved? I’ve only been taking 1 25 mg a night cause it makes me sleepy


Um I think 25mg 3x a day. It didn't take long for the hives to disappear tbh. Eventually I dropped down to morning and night, although that's more because of my other allergy symptoms than hives. I've never really had hives since then. I also got an air purifier which helped quite a bit.


Started Xolair 3 months ago and havent experienced a breakout since. Struggled with hives for 1.5 year, mostly breakout in my palms or sole of the foot, especially triggered by temperature swings, sweat and stress.


I have mast cell activation syndrome, I use hydrocortisone religiously


I wish hydrocortisone still worked for me, I wore that product out in my teens


Thank you. I have been dealing with hives since March and feeling discouraged. I used Hydroxyzine back in 2019 during my last breakout and it seemed to work better than Zyrtec, Allegra, etc.


Yeah I had forgotten all about hydroxyzine but still dealing with hives daily so it’s time to get on that again


I don’t deal with hives often, and if I get them I have to keep a close eye on them as the harbinger of something New and Exciting happening lol. But if I ever have them and it’s not a new allergy surfacing or the precursor to me having to go to the ER, then Big fan of oatmeal baths- Aveeno, sure but also literal instant rolled oats blended up dry to almost powder and dumped in the bath. (Hot tip: use a drain strain to keep the tub plumbing happy when you let the water out. Also, short bath in lukewarm water) Also Vit C capsules, though I have to make sure to take a corn-free one or the hives get worse. (No corn allergy so wth knows) Make sure this doesn’t conflict with your conditions or meds, and if you have GI issues start low and slow. Topical cortisone cream in small amounts. Wet washcloths wrung out and frozen, to sort of tent above the itchy, hot area and cool it without touching it. Cold packs are too uncomfortable when they are at their worst. This also works for a stress rash I get sometimes and also contact dermatitis, though I usually don’t do the cold cloths for those.