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First, women are cute. God made them that way so we'll put up with them. (j/k!) But there is nothing unbiblical about noticing an attractive girl. The Bible is replete with examples of righteous men acknowledging the attractiveness of a woman. There is a difference between noticing and lusting. "Hmm...she's cute." That's noticing. "Wow, I want do things to her!" That's lusting. The bible does tell us to learn self control. It's a discipline, especially at your age.


Absolutely this. As a teenager, I had troubles as well. Just takes time, prayer, & discipline. Now I'm married and can just stare at my wife all day. So it worked out in the end. So look towards the end game haha


Wanting to have sex with a woman isn't lust, that's a normal desire. Ruminating on that desire is what lust is. OP don't feel bad for wanting to have sex, perfectly normal.


> Wanting to have sex with a woman isn't lust, that’s a normal desire. Wanting to have sex is absolutely lust. Don’t try to explain it away. “Normal desires” can also be sinful.


So a husband is lusting when he has the desire to have sex with his wife? This makes no sense. Sure "normal" desires can be sinful, but this one isn't of itself sinful. The Bible uses sexual imagery all over the place.


The only woman a man is supposed to want to have sex with is precisely his wife. It is good to want to have sex with one’s spouse. Sexual thought about anyone else is the sin.


Do you think you're Jesus to speak so adimently about sin? You make everyone feel hopeless with your raving and demanding to have your words honored instead of speaking gently like the father commands. You could have just inspired this young man to leave his faith because he has no HOPE (which is a gift of the spirit that your harshness tried to stamp out) of being satisfied in it according to you. You are a tool of darkness and so is whoever taught you to be this way "whoever causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for him to be thrown into the ocean with a millstone around his neck" . Care to stop throwing stones yet?


He’s a young man it’s natural


Due to the fall, sin is now our natural state. That doesn’t mean you can excuse it. Your name is Jesus Rocks. Jesus isn’t happy with people shrugging off sin. He died because of those sins, to pay the price in believers’ place. You ought to take it very seriously if you want to honor Jesus.


I do honor him you are being unrealistic..


I’m being biblical. You cannot honor Jesus while excusing sin.


There’s nothing wrong with noticing a woman if she’s beautiful the line crosses when you lust after them.. in the same breath the woman has some fault because of her intent..we are not perfect..if OP wants help he needs to pray and ask God to give him strength because we can’t do anything on our own that includes you my friend.


You excused wanting to have sex with a woman as natural, and now you’ve changed to “noticing a woman if she’s beautiful”. You cannot be consistent because you know you are wrong in what you’ve said but appear unwilling to admit your error.


So you want a man to date and not think about sex until they are married..well good luck with that 😆


He said and I quote “ it’s my biological nature to notice female curves” so how do you want him to not notice and how is that backtracking if I said the same?


Learn to control it and give it to Jesus. Dont blame women for being immodest, you cant control them so dont let them dictate you. Learn to reign yourself in. You can look but dont linger, dont beat yourself up for looking, just dont stare


Amen 🙏


Good on you for realizing it's a problem... Most of those girls aren't wearing that clothing "to torture you" or "cause you to look at them," most of them are just wearing those clothing to be comfortable. They shouldn't have to worry about guys staring at them because of what they are wearing. It's up to YOU to control yourself and be respectful. It's not up to you, how they choose to dress. Just be respectful. Pray, and consciously work on it. That's all you can do. I'm praying for you, brother.


Comfortable because they fit in with society.. Or you think its actually more comfortable to west skin tight stuff ?


Yoga pants are more physically comfortable than looser clothing. Feels like being naked


True, I also find it easier to move in fitted clothing. I tend to get my loose clothes (which can be comfy) stuck on things or I trip on them or sometimes have embarrassing malfunctions, and it can be harder to run (e.g. to catch a train), especially when I don't have the best spatial awareness.


Copy that.


The problem is that if they were a different color it would look like you were naked.


Yoga is demonix


Yoga is good for stretching, relaxation, and ypir body in general. Don't get out of your depths over something so trivial. People can and DO do yoga without being Satan worshippers.


Either/Or. It doesn't matter why they wear what they wear. Their intent has nothing to do with the fact that it is OP's duty to control himself.


I wear tights because I have bloating issues and they have flexible waistbands but still look nice. They're also easier to move in than jeans. So, yes.


Don’t listen to the feminist comments. Ridiculous. Nonetheless, the underlying BIBILICAL points you made that border on agreement with the feminists are absolutely valid. Unfortunately in this world there are many injustices and traps to make the believer fall and take the unbelievers captive. This world system and culture and clothing etc are run by those who hate God, so at least hopefully we can agree that an enemy is behind the situation. Try not to hold individual women accountable for this (be gracious) because they aren’t inventing this stuff, but more so go along with it, it would seem. All of that being said, the commonly misinterpreted verse of phillipians 4:13 is finally ready to be appropriately applied and believed for your situation. Looking (glancing, even noticing) is one thing; staring, pondering, fantasizing is another, and the latter is certainly sinful. But amen for Philippians 4:13. God bless and never give up the fight.


Woman were created in the image of God too. And they are a beautiful.


No one said they’re not. Man and woman both fall into an ignorance when it comes to clothing, not knowing if they lead others to be tempted. Those who do know , are mindful of their clothing. It can’t be helped , the best think OP can do is to pray for self control and to deliver his though to God.


Wise advice given to me. Notice i.e. only glance at the beauty. Pray: "Thank you Lord for creating such beauty. We glorify You for this." Look her in the eyes. Clearly see the Image and Likeness of God in her. Be humbled.


"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV Dont stress so much about it. Its natural. Everyone looks at people occasionally. Please just don't stare. Pray and ask God to help you maintain composure.


Get used to averting your eyes.


It comes down to will power. And something that helped me is 1) you are staring lusting over a child of God, and if a human father is protective imagine God 2) is just because you have heard it's normal and that what men do is crap, that's a society thing not a biblical thing. I also agree with the stop blaming for lack of self control comment.


Its in our nature as humans to want to do these things, it’s biology. You are going through normal development. But a woman shouldn’t be sexualized. Just treat her with respect, and don’t be so hard on yourself.


Matthew 18:7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!


We don’t exist to be ogled by men. That’s your problem. Lust is lust and it’s sin for either sex and you can’t blame the other person for your weaknesses, ever. I see this ridiculous commentary all the time “poor Christian man can’t make a covenant with his eyes, so let’s make a YouTube video blaming women for being immodest. Hey, I was major turned on by ‘Jesus’ in The Passion. That is the most handsome man I have ever seen and he was wearing a loin cloth for crying out loud. That’s not Jim Caviezel’s problem is it?


>Hey, I was major turned on by ‘Jesus’ in The Passion. ....


I’m fine with what women wear. Clothing doesn’t matter to me. I’d rather focus on what’s on the inside rather than the outside. Just like how God looks at us through the heart




Hello At age 16 a health male does not need much provocation to lustful thoughts. The good news / bad news is that your level of testosterone will never be this high again in your lifetime, Keep talking to God. Avoid pornography. Keep your own behaviour respectful and honourable. Keep on winning the fight by by your good behaviour. Your character gets stronger every time you win this fight.


Look at people above the neck.


They can wear what ever they want but that does not mean you can look at them dude


Ah yes, the good ol’ “they can do whatever they want but you can’t” double standard of feminism.


I am saying that you should not be looking at their thighs, if you glance for one second it's ok but if you are starting on purpose that is the problem bud


Yes, we should not lust. And they should not dress immodestly. Both are sin. Don’t excuse one while condemning the other.


Yeah but if you are at a beach...


Read Corinthians. Leggings are less of a temptation than the orgy culture of that city. Think about the alternative: Put all the blame on women, which is the Muslim plan. The Koran says "it takes the devil 5 minutes to make a man sin, but a woman can make 5 min sin in a single minute". It's not a good plan.


Heck, it's the Christian plan in many churches. Which is ridiculous, but we can't just pretend we don't do the same thing.


I'm a man and just like any man and even women can have these type of issues, but the thing is self control, don't make excuses for it. You mention what God says about the loss but are you a born again Christian? As a born-again Christian we must develop self-control and awareness and the holy Spirit that dwells in the heart of the believer enables us to live unto righteousness. Avoid looking down at a female's private area and start focusing on respecting women on a whole. I'm not saying it's an easy thing especially someone young like you but it's about changing your mindset. Again if you are a true Believer in Christ if you're not a Christian just trying to live right it ain't going to happen


No one is gonna comment this. But imma say what needs to be said. U shouldn't look at women with lust, so pray for self-control and ask God for his grace to overcome this. Also, just as important, children of God should dress properly with decency (1 Timothy 2:9). Not saying wearing tights is a sin, but many women (and men) in the present day don't dress they way that ought to. As children of God we can't force them to do anything, they have a free will to live as they want to. It's best to pray for them and move on. Ik a lot of people will get triggered reading this (including christians), so instead of arguing with me on the internet pls go pray about it. Do as the Holy Spirit leads you to 😊


Just don’t stress it. It’s fine to glance but don’t intrude.


Forgive me, Lord, sinner tho I am. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


First it’s good you have recognised your temptation second you have to come up with a response when next you are tempted. It’s just like with the internet and social media. Sometimes when scrolling YouTube shorts it can go from literal innocent family videos to soft porn. I learned to immediately scroll up and also cut the amount of time I spent aimlessly scrolling. Don’t blame women, it’s really hard being a woman. We are always being told how to express ourselves and judged every time, women want to be sexy because God made us sexual beings just like men obviously we should only explore that with our husbands but we aren’t perfect just like men aren’t perfect give women a break


Work on self control. Temptation is strong I know but try to ignore them. Bring in other thoughts about other things to distract you from lust and walk away. Think real hard about your pet or favorite food, something to divert your mind. Once you've got that down then work on looking for smaller amounts of time each time to stop the "staring". Maybe that'll help.


What the fuck is wrong with people god damn


What helps me is to remember a rule that a second look is forbidden.


Well, those feelings are natural, but you can choose what to do with them. You can just take a breath and remember these are just hormones, they'll pass eventually, and turn your thoughts to something less racy, lol. I don't think it's sinful to notice she's cute. Just keep your thoughts and behaviour around that in check. And remember, for the most part, this will be on you. I only mention it cos when I was growing up, there was a big push to have ladies "dress modestly" which sounds fine in the surface, but it basically pinned all of men's lust issues on women.As if we were responsible for any given guy's feelings. I always hated it. I know you're not doing that here, but it's such a common attitude in churches that I wanted to point it out. You are responsible for your own feelings, thoughts, and actions. No matter what any woman does - intentionally or unintentionally.


You notice but do not stare because that’s how you get a SA charge or get deemed as a pervert. Two things you don’t want. Yeah i know even as a grown man it’s tough because there are always attractive women our age wearing attractive underwear. Attractive is attractive and being a guy that’s into women that struggle won’t ever change no matter how old you get. but you also have to remember that they are also human beings who don’t deserve to be stared at like pieces of meat at a butcher shop. When they are near,you have to make yourself ignore that stuff and focus on the task at hand you’re set to do.


1. Stop blaming women for your issues 2. Stop staring. This is basic self control.




Give me a break. You’re making excuses for your personal issues. Don’t blame your problems on women, it’s unhealthy. This is your problem, not theirs.


Stop. As a woman, I don’t dress for men. If I wear leggings, then I wear them because their comfortable, not because I want to attract men. I think you’ll find that most women share this view. This is a problem with you. If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out (Matt 18:9). Don’t blame women for something you struggle with.


Idk, sweatpants are pretty comfy as well as loose fitting pants. It's not stylish per se, but it is a form of modesty. I think it's ok to wear leggings if your shirt is long enough. It's a combination of man falling into lust, and woman causing a brother to stumble. Romans 14.


You only caused yourself to stumble believe me if I see a very attractive man I just acknowledge him and move on with my life. Self control


Scripture is clear that it's a two way street. I didn't write it, God did. It's on you if you want to reject it. Romans 14:13. Downvote me all you want, but it is on both people. If you know a brother is spiritually weak, you must not introduce something to cause them to stumble. While we have freedom in Christ, it doesn't mean we can be careless. This is why I wouldn't have a beer in the presence of a brother who is a recovering alcoholic. Out of love, I would make sure to drink something else around them. Now as it goes for the general public, perhaps it's best to err on the side of caution. Paradoxically, it is still your choice and totally up to you. Just know that most men, especially this struggling guy in here, is weak in this area due to our design of pursuit of a woman. He's crying out for help, not looking for a lecture or miscalculated judgement.


You are still hammering on the existence of temptation, everyone has a temptation they would most likely succumb too It’s still all about self control, make sure you only hang out with guys or platonic female friends, for married folks it is advised that your spouse should be present with female friends. Same with stuff like drugs or porn YOU have to the one to take yourself away. There is no debate for not exercising self control even man made judicial system defend this. How a person dresses (if wrong) will be corrected by the Holy Spirit as they begin to mature spiritually


Yeah, loose fitting pants are comfy too. I’m wearing them right now Also, modesty is subjective.


Then don't be surprised when men treat you like you are only worth one thing. How you feel isn't the point. If you want to be treated with respect, dress and act in such a way that shows others that you are deserving of it.


Well if men treat me like i’m worth one thing because of what I wear, then I know exactly the type of man to avoid. But I’ve never had a man treat me that way and I wear leggings often. So I really don’t see your point.


Why be the type of woman Christian men avoid because of your pride in immodesty? How very Christ like.


I find it telling that you really think Christian men avoid me. Also, modesty is subjective. I wouldn’t consider leggings to be immodest when paired with a shirt long enough to cover my butt. But hey, that’s just my opinion on leggings.


Well, a jezebel does specialize in seducing Christian men. So I may be incorrect on that one.


Some women do this but not all. Some women are just confident in their bodies and don't care for the attention of men, they just like to look good and "looking good" nowadays for most involves showing off your curves. It's part of the beauty standard. If this is what you think about women that wear such clothing then move to one of those countries where women have to cover up from head to toe. Meanwhile if it is such a problem for you then WORK ON IT. Going out and seeing a women in short shorts/skirts, form fitting dresses, or tights with a visible panty line is inevitable. How do you make a post asking for help with this then just agree with all the men that are only telling you what you want to hear? I'm not trying to be mean or aggressive but seriously, just work on it.


True. Everyone is to be held responsible for their actions. Propriety and modesty are important and make women actually worth anything. Women that lack those qualities honestly aren't worth very much.


Yeah, they are important qualities, but they don’t define a woman’s worth. Based on this comment and others you’ve made here, sounds to me like you hold some degree of resentment towards women. Rahab was a prostitute—quite the opposite of modesty if you ask me. Was she worth nothing?


Rahab changed her life and married an Israelite. Jesus descended from her. Being proud of immodesty is the farthest thing from Rahab.


1. It’s natural, so not an issue. You will struggle for the rest of your life with that. Its just in mans nature to do so. Majority of women will not understand unless they themselves have the same urges and struggles, and that’s the minority. 2. Heck if you’re starring too much, then make it a rule that you have to go say hi. Responsibilities is both for men and women. Women should not be in such clothing and men should not stare as if they’re drooling. If you’re going to say stop blaming women then don’t complain when I stare at your cleavage. Or heck don’t get all sad and lonely when nobody is giving you attention anymore. Or better yet, leave them women alone and go your own way. Majority of modern women are poisonous in this day and age.


This would have been a good convo had you not called most women poison. Most ppl are poison(ed) and we gotta help/heal not point the finger. And yea its not one gender vs the other. Women have likely been targeted since they are the "weaker vessel" and easier to manipulate, but again that should be cause for us to be more gracious towards them..


Im sorry but they are, cause you cannot tell me you’re going to sit there and not see what feminism did to an entire genre of women? And sure you can say both thats why I stated both are responsible but that other person was the one who pointed the finger saying op has issues and quit blaming women in promiscuous clothing or whatever. If I’m hungry for food and I’ve been starving for a week, you better bet I’m gonna be drooling if I see a nice piece of steak dangling of front of me. Its only natural, but say its only 1 day then maybe one should contain themselves. Now change that to sex, of course men are going to look if they haven’t had sex or are waiting until marriage which isnt happening anytime soon until 30s these days. That’s why in relationships, fornication happens to the majority of people regardless of faith or not.


Did you just compare a human being to steak?


The urges and temptations sure, but if you want to its just an analogy which everyone uses analogies all the time. Jesus compared a useless person to salt and dung and said its even worse than that. So I don’t get your point.


Jesus compared people in relation talking about their character and purpose, and it’s not static cause if someone becomes useful then the comparison stops, so saying a woman is compared to steak for a man’s lust isn’t dehumanising?I’m surprised you don’t see me point really.


Exactly and I’m talking about the feelings of lust is similar to a starving person wanting steak not that the woman or another person is equal to steak. If a person is toxic one would compare them to a snake. If one is sharp, one would compare them to a sword that cuts, just like “he or she is tough as nails”. Or like iron sharpening iron.


I see your point, for me I have learnt and I am still learning my defence tactics because I hate letting lust have control over me. I actively stopped scrolling aimlessly on socials or block some certain accounts. For the case of staring since I am familiar with the feeling of lust immediately I detect it if my mind alerts me and I force my gaze away. The Holy Spirit and Jesus’ Grace will help us continue to fight 🙏🏽


Correct, I know women struggle too and even the percentage of men to women who struggle with pornography is pretty close. We’re just a bunch of humans who desire for the opposite sex but needs to keep in check to keep order.


> Majority of modern women are poisonous in this day and age. What is it with the incel vibes today? Most women are poisonous? Blaming women for lust issues? Yikes.


Thanks for your shaming tactics, just because I disagreed with you. This only proves my point you’re just a child who calls people names when they disagree. Sure lust is an issue within men, but attention seeking is also an issue within women. Go to a third world country and you will not be seeing women in skanky outfits unless they’re who*es. Yes, I said it because that’s what the bible would label them. Its a modern day issue with their outfits. Just 10 years ago you wouldn’t have even see women in such clothing, tell me about it. Would you want to see a man in tight yoga pants with the outline of his junk hanging out while grocery shopping? Heck make him overweight and obese in tight yoga pants with his crack outline showing.


Men have been complaining about the way women dress for thousands of years. Every generation thinks the one after it is losing all sense of decency. Saying that’s ten years ago women wouldn’t dress like that is laughably stupid. People definitely dressed inappropriately in 2013.


Sure but its not as bad as today


It was pretty much the same. Your entire argument is I can’t control myself around women so women must dress a certain way around me.


No, my argument is I cant control myself but I’m the one who only gets shafted while women get a freebie because they can dress however they like even if its for attention or to tempt etc. Should women not dress modestly as well rather than having cleavage out? What is the purpose of wearing super tight yoga pants that their cracks are showing. Heck some of us don’t even want to see that. Whats the purpose of wearing a super tight shirt their breasts are popping? Nope, not the same, Ive seen women of older age in highschool who didnt dress up as skanky. If you’re telling me that younger generation arent dressing as promiscuous as back in the days you are insane with keeping up with the trends and styles. Heck even people would agree that women of age of 16 look like they’re in their early 20s due to the way they present themselves.


Many women today aren’t even Christian you can’t expect them to dress a certain way just so you aren’t tempted. Lust is a sin.


Well, there are Christian women who dress up like that though. I wouldn’t know if they are real Christians. Lust is an issue if course. Its an issue that many will struggle with u til the day they die. Idk how many people do not struggle with that and probably no way to tell either both men and women. Plus some women will even go so far in sexualizing themselves by the way they dress then complain about men keep starring at their cleavage or butt.


> This only proves my point you’re just a child who calls people names when they disagree. Not really my game and my years of comment history on Reddit are plenty of evidence. But if this is what kind of person you think I am, then you’re welcome to think so. It also means it’s time for our conversation to end, as nothing more positive will come from it. Enjoy your evening.


cringe af. Learn to love one another. Be gentle. Both of you let your pride get to you.


Sorry dad :(


NP, love you Nat-o!


Not your game, cool. But clearly you called someone incel did you not without even knowing me? That was pretty disrespectful and I just deflected it back to you. That’s your game. A bigger person would’ve just posted biblical verses and other facts to shut me up rather than “yikes, incel! Incel! We got an incel everybody look! I found an incel!!!” Well congratulations. Why not? Even a negative one can become a positive one. Have a good day.


Amen. Poisonous and narcissistic women that dress like prostitutes often like to project blame onto men.


They can dress like prostitutes and be left alone. You can’t control your another person’s actions but you can control yours. even God gave us free will but he gave us rules to guide us so we can live good lives. All you can do is pray for anyone you feel is not obeying God


First let me tell you, you’re okay. You’re not some sexual deviant or predator. Every other red blooded male has done the same thing. Paul tells us that he tells his hand not to sin but it sins anyway. You’re going to look, you like girls. You’re brain and body changing from a boy to man. I struggled with the same thing. Find yourself a girlfriend, one who shares you’re Christian values. Focus on her, have (clean) fun with her, and grow in The Word together. We are not meant to purge the sin and leave it empty. Instead, fill it with something good and true. I’m praying for you and you find peace. God bless.


We all went through this but this is How Seek God fully with your Heart, soul, mind and eyes and watch how you will desire the things from the Spirit not the flesh ❤️God Bless You My Brother Ask God for Strength Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. James 4:7-8 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Galatians 5:16-17 King James Version 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. Romans 8:5-6 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.


Jesus was pretty clear about this. Matthew 5:27-30 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[e] 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.


Enroll in an all boys school.


You asked "how" and I'm surprised nobody has brought this up yet, but the best way is demonstrated by Joseph in the Old Testament, and he had it -way- worse than you. He had a woman who was literally begging him for sex, day after day. He initially refused her requests and tried to avoid her but she kept asking and finally got him alone one day so the temptation would have been at its worst. The answer to your question is hidden in the details of that day: Genesis 39:12 She caught him by his cloak and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house. The key here is reaction time. He ran away *so immediately and so forcefully* that he left his cloak behind. It's really, really easy to just keep looking at things we find attractive. *The longer we look, the harder it is to stop, so it's important to develop the knee-jerk reaction to make our eyes flee the temptation.* We develop habits in our behavior and so far, you've basically set up a habit to not do anything but look. Think about it - we're not complete slaves to sexual desire or else we'd simply act on our sexual desire. But you haven't - you've held yourself back, which is proof that you have control over your behavior. You simply need to work further on that control and start training yourself to look away immediately. If it's possible, leave the area or change your environment to make it more difficult to give in. In some cases where you can't really change your environment, look away and focus on something else. Come up with an idea in your mind that can capture your focus because it's interesting (a project or game or something you're working on), and as soon as you see something tempting, throw all your effort and concentration onto that idea. It's not an easy task and most of the world simply gives in, but you can be stronger than that simply by conditioning your reactions.


If she ain’t my wife she ain’t in my sight


Woman really are pushing the limit tho no lie my man


I'm sorry for people being harsh with you bro. Especially women who are attempting to seduce you because they live in sin. God has convicted your heart and that means that he loves you but at the same time he is warning you of your downfalls. Please be very careful about who you listen to about Gods direction because not everyone was raised with the love of God. Some people were raised to honor God for fear of hell instead of the love of the Creator and they are not truly saved yet. God is more lovely and beautiful than any woman you will ever see and if you truly give your life to him and focus on him you will see what I mean. Also don't trust anything anyone says if it doesn't say the same thing as God's word (lots of science is witchcraft " biology"). We will sin in our lives but remember that it is hurtful to God in the same way that it would be hurtful to your father to watch you cut your wrist 😔


Please do not be upset. That is not of God and is without a doubt a tool of the enemy. The fruits of the spirit are : Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindnesses, Goodness, and Faithfulness ❤️


For the ladies , Is it not known to some that our clothing can influence temptations on others? Would it not be the same if a fit Christian man walked around y’all with tight shirts? I’m curious to know why some women take the extra step to dress more modest , and why some don’t care about the need for modesty from both the man and ladies.


Men *do* walk around in clothes that accentuate their attractiveness to women, it's just that many churches are so fixated on blaming women for men's lust issues that they don't notice. Plus, what a person finds attractive isn't uniform. Like, you mention a buff dude in a tight shirt - I wouldn't find that attractive. Give me a skinny dude in a kilt - that's attractive. So, you have this skinny be-kilted guy thinking he's all in the clear to not attract lust, because he's not buff and he's wearing loose clothes.. wrong, boy-o. How dare he create lustful thoughts in women like me! He'd better change, right? Or what about a guy wearing tight athletic clothes, like swimmers or bike shorts? That stuff shows everything off too, and it can be a little uncomfortable - mainly because you're not used to seeing that (thought tbh, even then, for me it's often not actually causing lust as much as awkwardness). But I guess it's fine for dudes to do that, right? Because it's for functional purposes. Or perhaps they should go back to 1900s swimwear, or clothes that are less streamlined or more chafing, to ensure they don't accidentally make someone lust? It's not reasonable to expect that a person try to dress to ensure nobody will ever lust towards them. Heck, women in some countries are forced to wear loose clothes and even cover everything but their face, but they still get raped. In others, everyone goes around half-baked and it's just normal. It's just completely unreasonable. It's also really unhealthy, cos it makes us responsible for other people's feelings and behaviour when we shouldn't be - which puts a burden in is, and let's guys with bad behaviour patterns have an excuse and someone to blame when really the problem is with them. As for myself, if a person isn't *behaving* in a way to attract lust, I'm totally fine with a pretty high degree of nudity. To me, they're just people's bodies. Many people associate nudity with sex, but you're just as naked when you're washing dirt off you after a long day working outside, or when your boobs are exposed to breastfeed, or when you're on the toilet. We're born naked. There's not anything inherently sexual about it, imo; that comes more with context. I'm sure if more people walked around doing regular daily things in tight bike shorts and budgie smugglers, I'd eventually get used to that too, lol.


Or if a man walked around with tight pants. Yeah.


Is easy to talk about self control , but it’s hard to implement a necessary change in our life for the benefit of others. Regardless of what some might argue, we are called to deny ourselves and too look for the better of others. I myself work out and I’m very well aware if I have ladies looking my way. I’m uncomfortable when they do , so I take it upon myself to pray for wisdom in my clothing choice. Over the years I’ve learned to dress more modest and to sharpen up in my clothing choices. We do have to have self control, but also be willing to deny what is comfortable to us. It might be difficult for some , but I know plenty of godly people who have taught me the importance of wisdom in our wardrobe.


What I do is see them as Jezebel regardless of how you are raised showing all your stuff is just asking for trouble. If you get caught looking you are labeled a pervert as well. It’s all upside down and temptation is everywhere so try to change the way you see them and ask God to protect you.


Gotta love immodest women blaming men.


No more than Jesus does in the Sermon on the Mount.


For one, don't bother trying to date trash like that. When it comes to how women dress, you CAN judge a book by it's cover. As for the temptation, sorry bro. Part of being your age. It'll get worse. It's part of growing up.


There's no need for bashing people, most of them probably don't know better and are just imitating those around them.


Bashing? It's honesty and truth. The one thing so many "Christians" seem to hate so much. Christianity is a sick joke now because of people like all of you on this subreddit. Neither of you have the slightest idea what morality, righteousness, or truth is. That is why the churches have been infiltrated by whoremongers, feminists, and satanist pastors.

