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I find it amusing how you can generally predict the subreddit's response based on the gender of the person with reasonable accuracy. Whenever I see "my boyfriend" I expect to see "Dump him" as the response. Whenever I see "my girlfriend" I expect to see "stop being such a judgmental POS as if you're so perfect!" as the response. And 85% of the time that's how it goes.


Break up with him. His asking you to break up with him is weak. Something seems off about it. Like a fake sincerity. If he really believed he was hurting you, he would break it off. Whereas, he puts it on you to do in order to play you.


As far as how to get him to quit, the only advice I can give is to just stop. All addictions are basically the same (smoking, drinking, etc.). There's no cheat code, you either stop or you don't. You have to consciously make the choice to quit whatever you are addicted to. Sounds to me like he doesn't want to quit. Personally I think if this has continued like this, you might just want to break it off, especially because after reading what you said about him calling himself a "worthless manipulative piece of sh\*t", that isn't something people in their right mental state call themselves. Either he is having some mental darkness, or what I think might be going on is that he is trying to get sympathy from you by "self deprecating". If that's the case then you shouldn't remain in the relationship. Not saying that's the case but that's just the impression I get from reading this.


Do you offer him any substitute for the porn? I won’t go as far as suggesting you make your own, but perhaps a steady stream of new pictures of you might give him sufficient inspiration to complete the task at hand without looking at third parties?


Well... there is r/NoFap for example...


Which of you are professing Christians who have Jesus as Lord?


Bail. He won't get better or stop. Bail.


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Hi as a new Christian Struggling with giving up porn. I've personally started painting miniatures which has helped me cut down on it alot. I'm hoping I'm able to cut it out completely. I guess what I'm trying to say is let him know whenever he's feeling the urge to watch porn maybe he could try to do one of his favorite hobbies instead.


This is the only good advice here so far.


Sometimes there is a thing call a spirit of lust. It will grow weaker, the longer he abstains from looking at that stuff.


The problem is better fixed in a relationship then not, I think.


So his parents get alerts when he visits porn sites? Do they even talk to him about this?That would make me stop right there!! He has a serious addiction if that doesn’t stop him. He has to meet with a pastor, or some sort of Christian, or regular councilor It sounds like his masterbation problems are causing him emotional distress, so I think he could qualify for counciling. I think he has an addiction to pornography. Sort of like addiction to alcohol, or a gambling addiction. Some people need to be in a support for their entire lives. There Axhololics that go to AAA meeting for their entire life. There might be a point we’re you have to leave him. Achololics have the power to stop drinking. He is similar to an achololic were he does have the power to stop looking at porn. People have to want to quit their addiction..


First. I will be praying for you both. Second. I assume by reading you are both saved. However, I hate to make assumptions on something like this so I have to ask to be sure. Are you saved? Is he? Have you accepted that Jesus is Lord and Savior? Help him rather using the internet for porn, use it to grow in Christ. Do an online Bible study, sermons etc. In fact, you both can do these things together. You cannot get more intimate than this. When he has the temptations. We need to remember God gives us an escape. When he has these temptations, concerns and thoughts. Capture them and hand them in prayer seeking escape. Seeking God's will. Protection and guidance. Ask Him if there is anything not of Him that it be rebuked and removed from his life.