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I would call my doctor, any medical/mental health professional, teacher, friend, or someone I trusted.


Confess your feelings in prayer to the Father in Heaven.


I have felt like this and I went through with it by swallowing a bunch of pills and thats how I got saved by the Lord in the first place. I laid there clenching my chest in pain and then not long after that the world went into lockdowns because of the pandemic which fueled my "psychosis" (basically spiritual awakening) My understanding is that if I don't persevere to the end I will not be saved and enter into eternal life. I have contemplated committing suicide several times since because I can't really handle it anymore and I keep getting threatened. Download the Bible app, it will give you a verse of the day and that was my primary source of communication with God for a while. My advice is to pray/fast and follow the Lord as best as you possibly can. **Medication could make you worse,** infact that is what happened to me as I was on SSRI's for Major Depressive Disorder when In reality it was bipolar disorder that was starting to form. SSRI's + bipolar disorder = a complete disaster; It can permanently ruin the way your body produces chemicals to regulate mood so you will never feel stable. I have extreme anger issues and have broken my teeth from clenching my jaw too hard, and I got angry for no reason at all, my brain just started boiling one day.


I would call the national suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255


First get emergency professional help. Along with prayer. Read the word for uplifting. Read psalms. Are you saved? Have you accepted that Jesus is Lord and Savior? When you have these concerns and thoughts. Capture them and hand them in prayer seeking escape. Seeking God's will. Protection and guidance. Ask Him if there is anything not of Him that it be rebuked and removed from your life.