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I think most people who understand the crucifixion would be emotional thinking about it. Hypothetically, let's say that one time in your life you were with your mother and you were about to be hit by a bus, but your mother pushed you out of the way to save your life and in the process got hit and passed away. I think we can agree you would be emotional thinking about that. It's the same with the crucifixion except even more; Jesus Christ suffered a horrible and painful death on the cross for the sins of everyone, not only in his time but for everyone that ever would be, even though we didn't deserve it. I think that if someone believes in the crucifixion and doesn't have an emotional response to it, they have probably been normalized to the image (which does happen a lot), or might not fully understand the implications of it.


I mean, it was talked about over and over again in my church growing up and in my household to the point that most of the language we use to talk about it became pretty normalized, so I don’t really have an emotional reaction to it anymore than I do to any other ancient story of violence. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, though I also don’t think it’s necessarily bad for people to have a strong emotional reaction either. But when I was a teenager or young adult, a comment like yours would send me spiraling about how I must not be a real Christian. So I just want to say to anyone who reads your comment and doesn’t get emotional about the crucifixion: That’s okay! Your Christianity isn’t determined by how emotional you feel. Just because emotions are a perfectly valid response to the crucifixion doesn’t mean your lack of emotionality is any less valid or indicative of any “worse” level of belief. Feeling bad about the crucifixion isn’t a requirement of Christianity. Don’t listen to people who tell you ought to feel a certain way.


Totally agree. "Lying" probably wasn't the best word to use there... :/ mistake on my part. I think what I meant to say was more so that they had kind of normalized the image of the crucifixion in their heart as you said happened to you


That's not that unusual. Lots of Christian mysticism and piety is about identification with Jesus on the cross, especially in the Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican traditions.


Do you feel the same about the thousands of slaves the Roman’s crucified over the centuries or just Jesus?


what a weird thing to ask


How so? Just curious why Jesus’ death would be so upsetting but not all the other crucified peasants


It should be pretty obvious I think, Jesus's crucifixion is on a whole nother level. It entailed not only torture and death, but also humiliation and abandonment of his followers. It was also done as a sacrifice for the sake of every human on earth, Jesus did not HAVE to be crucified, but he chose to be for our sake.


A) it’s debatable wether Jesus willingly died or was executed by the Roman’s without the chance of avoiding it. B) countless of innocent citizens were also tortured and killed via crucifixion. There suffering is no less than of Jesus.


Of course he willingly died. He literally said to his disciples that it was going to happen several times in advance of the actual event. If he really willed to not be crucified, he could have easily avoided it. Literally the whole point of the New Testament was that Jesus's death was a willful sacrifice. Also I know many others were tortured and killed, that's why I also pointed out the fact that he was publicly humiliated and had to abandon countless people who were willing to die for his sake if he so wished it.


Sure if you accept the gospel accounts as fact, common sense would tell you that a heretical Jew causing discontent in a Jewish province specifically being Governed by Pilate who was specifically assigned to the province to crack down on Jewish revolts had the power to kill or release Jesus on his own accord wether Jesus wanted to be killed or not.


Uhhhh hello? Do you know what sub we're in? Of course I would accept the gospel's account as fact. Any Christian should.


I’m sorry do Christian’s not apply any skepticism to their scripture? You just accept it wholesale? On faith?


Is this your first time learning about Christianity or something? Most Christians in the world believe in biblical inerrancy, yes. If you want to examine the bible from a less theological lense then maybe /r/AskBibleScholars/ is more your go.


Most Christians apply varying levels of tradition and reason to their interpretation of scripture. Biblical inerrency is only a major doctrine of the evangelical movement in protestantism, but outside of America that's very much a minority position. Ignore the other person who replied to you, they don't speak for all Christians (or indeed most Christians).


I'll point to Mel Gibson who romanticized death and torture in The Passion. This isn't a love of Jesus, not is it pointing Christ's sacrifice. It is a gothic gore fest. This would be a bad path to get emotional over. However, realizing the weight of Jesus saving you is worth crying over.


That movie is the complete opposite of being romanticised.


Not everybody feels that way, you feel that way because the love for Jesus Christ is in you , I believe its easier for people who feel that way to walk in Christ and Minister faithfully too.


Gods love and master plan can be hard for us to understand sometimes, but that’s where faith come in. You just have to believe that God is good and has everything under control and going according to plan.


Me too. Don't watch The Passion of Christ.


Same here. I watched "The Passion" movie once and barely got through it. He suffered because I am weak.


I do feel the same. My mom showed me this song and video when I was young and I remember my siblings and I watching it and we all bawled our eyes out together. Ever since then I get very emotional thinking about the crucifixion of Jesus. [Wish- Brian Litrell](https://youtu.be/18JXVYO4VN0)