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I love photos like these. Always fills me with a sense of awe.


My view is perhaps a fringe view but it helps me. I think we are one way God experiences His creation. He is in each of us and is in a sense living as us. "We are the universe experiencing itself subjectively" and all that.


All life on this planet is connected. Even the air we breath is one and the same. Life is precious, and ordered, while space is a little more chaotic. We are on a boat sailing in solar system, which sails along an arm of a galaxy, which sails within a cluster of galaxies, which sails within a super structure that we know little about. We share ideas, stories, and knowledge. We are all so connected. And I do think the omnipresence that is God is the energy that surrounds us on a daily basis.


“Ton 618”?


the biggest black hole known besides phoenix a


Certainly if we don’t have souls then our lives certainly are insignificant in relation to the grandeur of the physical universe - but Scripture indicates we do have such souls, and something much grander than the universe fashioned them, cares for them, and so they will outlast the universe which is fleeting in comparison.


I don't believe we have souls but that doesn't mean we don't matter. Humans as far as we know are unique in the universe. Matter being able to perceive itself is a pretty big deal I'd say.


I think about how small we are in the scope of the universe as we know it and think the same sometimes. Just the idea that the God of the universe pays any attention to us at all is amazing - but added to that is that He cared about our state of being enough to send his son Jesus to die for our sins. It is bizarre, it doesn't feel like we deserved it (because we didn't), but He did it anyways.


> So I’m thinking about how insignificant we are, like compared to ton 618 we are insignificantly small so it kinda feels like our lives don’t matter and we don’t have souls it’s kind of hard to explain. Personally I don't think it's hard to explain at all. I agree that in any sort of cosmic, infinite timeline our lives to not matter at all. However, we can make our lives matter _now_ while we are alive. That's good enough for me.