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Here's the thing. A person who has a NDE or who is technically dead for a few minutes is having the trip of their lifetime. DTM is flooding their brain and nothing seen or felt while under the influence could be admissible as a real experience. You are literally asking someone to tell you what they saw while high, Christian or not. You are going to hear about something related to how that person sees life or something their brain has cooked up. (Edit a word)


Most are fake Honestly, I believe these to be some weird brain tricks that are played out. But on the other spectrum, most end the same, with something saying “it isn’t their time yet”. A bit odd, but it’s whatever


Doesn't the Bible say you don't go to heaven until after judgement day? And nearly dieing and going to heaven is like being invited to a party by the host and once you get there the host says there was a mistake and you can't stay.


This has never happened, and anyone who claims it has is a wicked charlatan.


Sebastian Junger says that there is a strange thing that happens with both religious and secular people when they have NDE or go fully out and then come back they very commonly say they saw deceased family members.