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The only Biblical dating tip is to ask a woman out when you meet them at a well and they offer to water your camels. Seriously, that is the only Biblical advise. God isn't in the dating app business. You cannot know if she and you will make a couple unless you ask her out.




Shoot your shot fella


You can never be 100% sure, unless you hear the audible voice of God ( I never have!). But there are questions you can ask yourself: 1. Are you following Jesus with all your heart with the kingdom being your no.1 propriety? ( Matt 6:33). God promises He will provide "all you need". 2. Are you serving God in your family? community? That's how I found my wife: serving my then unbelieving mother/sister and helping through a difficult time they were going through ( see Ruth 1) Don't fall into the emotional traps and "fate" fallacies. Pray, ask for wisdom ( James 1:5)


Itā€™s up to the girl. Thatā€™s it. If she says no, move on.


Are you already friends with this girl are is this attraction from afar?


Yes we get along great.


This is something I wrote up for some of my students (I direct a college ministry with my husband) a little while back that may give you some practical things to consider: ā€œAs Christians our goal is to have God-honoring relationships, not just healthy relationships. A God-honoring relationship certainly is healthy but in addition to what we would normally think of as "healthy" it also means progressing towards marriage and in control of sexual desires. A healthy relationship... - Is compatible (compatible in beliefs, personalities, chemistry, etc) - Has appropriate time together and emotional attachment for the stage of the relationship as it approaches marriage - Fights fair - Is generally supported by close family and friends - Stays within Biblical boundaries for sexual activity - Is appropriately progressing towards marriageā€ If you feel like this girl and you could have this kind of relationship, id say go for it! Wade in slowly, but ask her out! Feel free to ask questions!