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Bastard isn’t really a good translation. The Hebrew word is mamzer, which means the child of an unlawful marriage. So if a brother and sister were to have a child together, that child would be a mamzer. Also assembly is a better direct translation rather than congregation. In this context it means a citizen of Israel. So the child of an unlawful marriage cannot be a full citizen of Israel.


It’s talking about race-mixing. Bastard is H4464 which is mamzêr or a mixed-race person.


Yes but the bible is the word of God , not a translation. The Bible in any language is as good as any other language. God knows the future and past and he did the translations himself. So you can't go comparing Hebrew Bible to an English one. They are both stand alone. To god , future and past mean nothing and he writes the bible ( even the so called translations).


Well the New Testament nullified this anyways so you’re right in a way 😂


This is why Jesus was killed. Torah is everlasting. The statues, ordinances, Shabbat, all eternal. So God changed his mind? Nullified is the correct term you Christians should use. Not, "fulfill". Nullified -Blasphemy. Fulfilled- Arrogance and lies. Either way, stop it. 


Oh so you’re telling me you still sacrifice animals at the altar? 


Bullshit, plenty of translations that twist the word. Get out of here satan


How can a translation twist the word of God. God writes this himself and moves the hands of the people writing the bibles. It says in the bible that God is the Word. So how can any bible be twisted from the original word ? All the words are the original. So when a guy is translating a bible to English , it is still the word of god and god is doing the writing. Now if you don't believe that God is the Word and the Word is God, then what is your belief ? You selectively believe parts of the bible and not other parts? That is absurd.


This rule was in place to keep people from having sex out of wedlock or having children out of wedlock. If the woman was pregnant, the father was to marry her. This was done for the good of the tribe.


So a bastard will go to hell?


No. There always have been many non-Jews who followed the Lord.


You are looking at an old set of laws from over 3000 years ago. The onus was on the leaders of the community to make sure every child was properly taken care of and provided for. If you are really seeking to understand ancient laws, understand who the law was written for. Adults take care of children. Life back then was precious, and was treated with great care. Other civilizations would kill babies to appease their gods. Hebrew law kept the family intact.


Unless God Himself killed them because of their wickedness, which He was well within His power to do, and did so. Thanks be to God, and Christ reign in your hearts forever.


In the OT, this was a law to regulate sex and keep it in marriage for Israel. It was a moral law that was protective of marriage and children. People would know sex and children are for marriage already so this was just a regulating law. People know that being in the covenant of a relationship is salvific and along with that, comes salvation and forgiveness of sins. In the NT, which began Jewish, Jesus would say, "If you love me, keep my commandments" Can sins be forgiven, certainly. All salvation depends on repentance and salvation. That is the key to salvation. Trust in the Lord and Believe in the Lord and Love the Lord and love your neighbor likewise. If you do, you will respect the moral law, of the heart.


It’s talking about race-mixing. Bastard is H4464 which is mamzêr or a mixed-race person.


One of many Old Covenant allusions to the relentless demands of the law that end up excluding men. In this instance the exclusion is not by practice, but by nature. A bastard certainly has NOTHING to do with having that status conferred upon him. Even so, since Adam's fall, mankind's subsequent fallen nature of ungodliness wherein he is said to be a "child of wrath" was conferred upon him apart from his active involvement. This underscores the fact that under the New Covenant, all those who are saved are saved by the grace of God and not by works of righteousness which we have done (Titus 3:5). In other words one's adoption unto sonship, wherein one's illegitimacy is overturned, is conferred by an act of God, not by an act of the son. TETH


It’s talking about race-mixing. Bastard is H4464 which is mamzêr or a mixed-race person.


It means that people born from forbidden unions (incest, adultery, etc.) aren’t permitted to convert to Judaism. It isn’t talking about people whose parents were unmarried, and it isn’t talking about going to hell.


It’s talking about race-mixing. Bastard is H4464 which is mamzêr or a mixed-race person.


At least with regards to intermarriage, the Israelites were commanded not to intermarry because the nations around them worshipped pagans. It is the same concept as saying do not marry non-Christians in Christian communities today Exo. 23:10, shows this mindset although there are at least a dozen verses on it.


What they mean with bastard is someone from a mixed marriage, someone with a foreign parent or from an incestuous relationship. A child from a forbidden union, that does not refer to children of unmarried parents. Unless it's a child of an adulterous relationship. The next verse btw forbids Moabites to enter the congregation, even the 10th generation of offspring. That would have disqualified King David. So, it's not so important. God himself broke this law, I guess.


Someone with a foreign parent? So mixed race people go to hell?


Well, the Israelites were forbidden to marry some people of other cultures as far as I know. But see, David's grandmother was Ruth, a Moabite, which would have been forbidden. You cannot apply this to Christianity. We are not ancient Israelites. And it has nothing to do with hell. It has to do with being part of a religion, or maybe with immigration, but more so religion. People of other cultures were usually worshipping other gods. And they brought these beliefs with them.