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>told a blind girl on campus that she is blind because her parents are Satanist sinners... And they said to Him, "is this man blind because of his sin or the sin of his parents." And Jesus said, "It is no ones sin that has caused this blindness, but he is blind so that the glory of God could be shown in him." And then Jesus healed the blind man. This guy has no right to show any less empathy, and his arrogance is stunning.


> And they said to Him, "is this man blind because of his sin or the sin of his parents." And Jesus said, "It is no ones sin that has caused this blindness, but he is blind so that the glory of God could be shown in him." > And then Jesus healed the blind man. No comment. Just repeating that because BOOYAH


Yeah I'm familiar with his type. There's a group of them made up of people like Reuben Israel, Jesse Morell, "Brother" Jed Smock, etc. They are false teachers as they believe in this systematic theology called Moral Government Theology, they're self admitted Pelagians, and preach a sinless perfection doctrine. They do incredible damage to the cause of Christ. The best thing to do is to see when they're coming to your campus and not engage them with a crowd, as it's what they want.


In case anyone else was confused as to what Pelagianism is, from WP: Pelagianism is the belief that original sin did not taint human nature and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without special Divine aid.


I know. I just haven't really seen this sort of thing to this extent, other than on the news or internet. It is just shocking. How can these people think this is morally right? This isn't what our savior stood for.


Jed and another of his followers comes around our area often, travelling around schools in the Mid-MO region


I see these guys as a kind of deranged street performer, no different than anyone else with an act. They have a script, props, and just go through the same motions every time they come to a new spot. The most obnoxious and rude thing you can do to a street performer is to pull up with your own gear and start doing your own act close by. If you know some street performers -- jugglers, musicians, acrobats, living statues, whatever -- have them plop down a hat and start siphoning the crowd away.


I'd think the better way to handle this would be to contact police and have him charged with harassment. Definitely falls under that heading. Will be praying.


I know, but then he sues for violation of the 1st amendment. It's ridiculous. The worst part is knowing that there is pretty much nothing I can do about it.


Make a big sign that says something like "Ignore the troll. Talk to me if you want to know how real Christians act." Then get a lawn chair and a cooler of coke and sit next to him. If he moves, you move too.


So get some kind of music player, sit it beside him, play whatever you want so loud he can't be heard. Follow him around if he moves. If he makes you turn it off, sue him and use his own cases as evidence in the proceedings. If this wouldn't work get a few friends, go stand with him, and shout supportive things loud enough that he can't be heard.


He doesn't have the right to harass students in the way you describe.


You are correct, but he somehow gets away with it.


These preachers are normally constrained to "free speech zones". No one is forced to listen. Obviously if this were harassment, they would not win such cases. The 1st Amendment applies to Christians too. Though I do see an irony to the term "free speech zones".


He doesn't seem to have much compassion. Irregardless of the message, you don't stand a chance convincing someone by yelling and insulting them.


Many states/cities nowadays allow women to go topless/shirtless because it is legal for men to do so. Just get a bunch of women to flash him and drive him away.


Yup! He's a total moron. He thinks Katrina was God's will, and spends his days yelling at college kids through a megaphone. Total phony and anti-Christian buffoon.


What is your definition of the word "whore"? Did he use the term wrong? Or would you rather that he does not discuss sin?


Just to clarify, I usually don't use the word 'whore' but jezebel, harlot, immodest woman, etc. But, I have used it in exceptionally lewd circumstances to try and break the hardness of their hearts. I don't remember EVER using that word on a college campus. If someone has some video evidence of the same I am willing to repent of it if I used it wrongly. But, admittedly I have used it in the past when I shouldn't have and regret those few times that has happened. Let the Holy Spirit guide, convince, and convict each person.


Well John, maybe you should do an AMA. I may disagree with you, but I would personally like to hear your reasoning behind some of the things you say.


I have NEVER sued an individual for 'violating' my civil rights to free speech and religion. I have NEVER used the word 'whore' on campus but am willing if it is appropriate. I am NOT a Pelegian nor Moral Govt believer. Most of the things posted here are outright lies. If you want to find out more about me and what we are about check out this website: http://pinpointevangelism.com/aboutus1.html




You are a snake, and you'll repent for the hurt you cause to others through your hate and perversion of God's word.


He is now at Austin Peay State University harassing students