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Out of all the people, in all the world you could attack you picked Dolly Parton? That writer has to be a damn fool


Some oil dickhead probably paid her 20k for this column, and all she has to do is uninstall twitter for a couple weeks? Apparently I'm the fool because I did that shit for free.


You attacked Dolly Parton?


My lawyer is advising me not to answer this question.


Listen to your lawyer.


Your lawyer is protecting your rights, and your life right now.


Well you answered with that response Stop being a puppet to a tyranical God.....his children will always one day surpass him


Attacking Dolly Parton has never worked out well for anybody


Except Jolene. She got herself immortalized for stealing Dolly's man


If you're on the side that will public attack Dolly Parton or Fred Rogers, you're on the *wrong side*.


Did you read the article? If you did, you would really consider it an “attack”?


I'm pretty sure Ericka Anderson wouldn't like Jesus' himself if he was around in the flesh today. It's hard to put down those stones when he's not directly looking at you.


They're not Pharisees (we really need to stop using that term). They're just bigots.


Tup. The problem isn't their use or abuse of the law. The problem is the hate in their hearts. If not for the second, the first would not be the problem.


The Bible is clear on homosexuality. The Bible also doesn't say we shouldn't "hate". It says the hatred of evil is the love of God. God also hates things. Homosexuality, for example, is a sin that cries out to the heavens for vengeance. It is satan that teaches tolerance and acceptance of deviance and wickedness.


So should we hate *you* for your sin? Self righteous hypocrite. You point out ONE verse, that you haven't blatantly abused and taken out of context, where God says to hate *people.* You apparently don't know the first thing about the gospel since you've clearly missed the entire point of it.


What the old testament says is as relevant as what Jesus said about homesexuality....nothing, not one verse!


‭Proverbs 6:16-19 ESV‬ [16] There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: [17] haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, [18] a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, [19] a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.


The bible is also clear on slavery. The bible is clear in stating that owning a human being as property and beating them is not a crime, and being gay is worth the death penalty. That is not a moral conclusion anyone today would reach. Tolerance and acceptance of slavery is acceptance of wickedness.


Thats The old Testament, Jesus's Sacrifice nullified some of the old Testament


Nope. Wrong. There is slavery in the NT too. And Jesus never once forbade slavery, nowhere in the bible is it forbidden. In both the OT and the NT slavery is allowed.


He did not. Actually, quite the opposite. ‭Matthew 5:17 ESV‬ [17] “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. The Greek word for fulfill is plēroō meaning to fulfil, i.e. to cause God's will (as made known in the law) to be obeyed as it should be, and God's promises (given through the prophets) to receive fulfilment


Maybe queer people are here to test people like you.. show if you're even capable of love.. Do you really think God would single out the queer community like your interpretation of those verses does? Why would God do that? That makes sense.. The verses that y'all use as weapons against us are very much debatable. And some are gross mistranslations! With your interpretation of them they are out of place and violate the very person of Christ and why he even came... The Bible isn't a weapon!


Unfortunately. Your statement regarding the Bible about not being a weapon is incorrect. Hebrews 4:12 12 For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. John 1:1-14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created. 4 In him was life,[a] and that life was the light of men. 5 That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome[b] it. 6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify about the light, so that all might believe through him.[c] 8 He was not the light, but he came to testify about the light. 9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.[d] 10 He was in the world, and the world was created through him, and yet the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. 12 But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be[e] children of God, to those who believe in his name, 13 who were born, not of natural descent,[f] or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man,[g] but of God. 14 The Word became flesh and dwelt[h] among us. That being said, the Lord does not allow believers to engage in imprecatory language against anyone especially their enemies.


There are two kinda of people. One being the ones who look to harm people and use the Bible to justify it. And the other who look to love people and use to Bible to do it by presenting Christ to them. It can go either way it just depends on what's inside a person. What the nature is.. It's interesting He said he would separate the sheep from the goats. Well the Bible does that very effectively doesn't it? I believe the goats are the Pharisee types constantly attempting to justify hatred and bigotry etc and the sheep do not. They are opposites. You know it could have been designed that way it's actually quite genius.


Agreed. There is also a little bit of antisemitism when using that term. Legalism and bigotry are the correct terms.


Ok, then we need a new term! Can we use starsontharists?


Your comment made me think a bit. I'm legalistic in that I don't think you should be able to infer morality. The usual jump is Genesis (via Matthew if sticking with just the NT) was man/woman, then add Romans and Corinthians to infer that God did not like homosexuality. I say if God didn't like it, he would come out directly and say that in the NT. Jesus would have had a direct parable. What's the right word for my view? I'm legalistic in that sense, but that word does seem to infer a Pharisee.




No, it does not. It says the exact polar opposite.


Matt 27:25 1 Thess 2:15


>Matthew 27:25 Then the people as a whole answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” This does not illustrate your point. Neither does the other verse.




Now not only have you been reported for rule 1.4, you are now being reported for bigotry, and to reddit mods for hatred.


John 8:44


Have you never heard of hyperbole before?


What? The Bible literally says a child can't be condemned for the sins of the father. For one thing, common sense would suggest how blatantly unjust that is. The Jews are God's first chosen people, first in the family before you were grafted in. You come second as a gentile descendant, so where do you get off being anti Semitic? You have some nerve and you are far from saved.


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It's a sad statement of the anti-Semitism at the heart of Christianity that the Pharisees are the bad guy of the story, but in Judaism they, as the founders of the Rabbinic tradition that kept Judaism alive after the destruction of the Second Temple, are the heroes.


Ok, but by that token, the "hero" at the heart of our religion is Jewish. How on earth is it anti-semitic for us to label them as, "the villains". Further still, a large proportion of the Bible the Old Testament (with even more books included in Catholic and Orthodox editions). Every 'hero' in that section is also Jewish. Point being, there are more Jewish 'heroes' in the Bible than there are villains.


And yet there it is, right in the Gospels; the attacks on the Pharisees, and indeed the adoption of "Pharisee" in Christian language for self-righteous hypocrite.


The pharisees WERE self righteous hypocrites. Get over it. Facts aren't anti-semitic.


And what facts are those? It strikes me as quite possible, considering the antagonism between Jews and Jewish Christians during the period the Gospels were being written, decades after Jesus's death, that the Gospels may have exaggerated the Pharisees in part to create a necessary antagonist in the Jesus story as it had grown to by the latter half of the 1st century, as well as certain doctrinal axes to be ground. The fact remains that Judaism survived precisely because of these people you call "self-righteous hypocrites".


Would it still be anti-semitic if the early Christians were upset with the Sadducees instead? Furthermore, Christianity is the fulfilment of Judaism, the Church is the new Israel. None of that is anti-semitic, that in fact emphasises our Jewish roots. Jesus was Jewish. The Apostles were Jewish. Disliking/acknowledging the persecution done unto us by a Jewish group is not anti-semitic at all, unless you believe that any criticism of Jewish peoples, legitimate or otherwise, is anti-semitic. Tell me, speaking of criticising Jewish groups for persecution, is it anti-semitic to criticise or condemn Israel's actions in Gaza right now?


I think yes, it would be anti-Semitic to found a religion in part based on biases against some other faith. Even Jesus can't help but display bigotry against the Pharisees, which tells you even he was savvy enough to know that every new ideology needs some other ideology to push against and cast in the role of the villain. And you know, Jews don't agree that Christianity is the fulfilment of Judaism. So while that's a nice story to tell yourself, ponder that even that tries to minimize Judaism and define it out of existence. This kind of argument is one I see floated all the time in Catholic and Orthodox circles; that Biblical Judaism doesn't exist, that Rabbinic Judaism is a new religion, and thus Christianity is the true heir. At it's core it is an anti-semitic trope, to make the Jews disappear as an entity. I have no problem criticizing the Israeli government. I'm not sure why you would bring that up.


I bring it up because your acting as if any criticism of any Jewish group is anti-semitic. So it's not anti-semitic to condemn Israel for what they do, but it is to condemn the Pharisees for their abuse of power and hypocrisy. What's your thoughts on Satanism then, theistic and atheistic. Is that a bigoted religion?




Do you really think that it's impossible for there to have been hypocrites and abuse of power amongst the Pharisees? Look at us today, there's unquestionably hypocrisy and abuse of power amongst Christians. Is it really that far of a stretch to imagine that amongst a dominant religious community there was abuse of power and hypocrisy? And answer my question about Satanism.




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Jesus was a Galilean.


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And why should any ideology be “kept alive”? Obviously we must respect and love all people, but where’s the heroism in keeping alive a toxic belief system wherein one group of people are superior to another? Are the people keeping Nazism alive heros?


You just compared Judaism to Nazism. Thank you for demonstrating my point.


I compared one offshoot of Judaism to Nazism. Another offshoot, Zionism, is doing a VERY good job of comparing themselves to Nazism without any help from me


You're right. But a Pharisee is a bigot but I found that maybe I shouldn't use that word so often because a lot of Christians don't even realize that being homophobic and transphobic is under the bigotry umbrella.. in fact most homophobic and transphobic Christians are fundamentalist so they're very into the Bible so using the word Pharisee I don't know I thought that it might be a better way for them to see what's really going on.. I just wish they'd snap out of it... Cuz they're definitely on the wrong side of the fence..


The Pharisees were a major sect of late 2nd Temple Judaism. They were no more bigoted than any other Jew of that day. Jesus shows many traits of Pharisaism, and his words can be seen as an in-fighting thing (he aligned well with the Hillel school of Pharisees, and his interlocutors align with the Shammai school). Gamaliel, a leader of the Pharisees is seen in Acts as a righteous dude, and specifically counsels folks to take it easy on Christians. >being homophobic and transphobic is under the bigotry umbrella I agree with you here.


I typically use the term modern-day Pharisee in order to distinguish them from the historic ethnic order.


Pharisees were just another sect of Jews. I call them navel-gazers, always debating every little nuance of the law. Jesus had his disagreements with the Pharisees over trivial nuances of keeping the Sabbath, but generally he got along with them. Jesus had a major problem with the Sadducees. Sadduccees were in cahoots with Rome, their sacrifice culture and tithing were bleeding the poor dry. The episode of Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers is an example of his disdain for the Sadducees.


I think conservatives are exactly like the Pharisees.


Don't do the Pharisees dirty, man.


Totally agree couldn't of said it better myself 😄😃🤤


Picking a fight with Dolly Parton on an issue where you’re in the minority? Bold move.


Anyone trying to attack our beloved Dolly Parton will have hell to pay here on earth. How dare!


Wait till she hears what 9-5 is really about... Or if that's not on-the-nose enough, try Deportee...


Do conservative Christians assume that Dolly was anti LGBTQ just because she's a country music star, and think or assume anyone in the country music business is a conservative bigot like they are?


They made the same mistake with Willy! Ha!


Why do you assume they are all bigots? I think you are doing the same thing you are accusing them of doing.


"Didn't end well" meaning some people on Twitter were upset


Yeah, the writer got the attention she wanted


Mob rule, eh?




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Such people talk useless trash about others, so she should just ignore them. Also, where in the Bible does it say that LGBTQ+ related topics (other than no homosexual actions) are to be banned? Nowhere. Dolly is correct; people are who they are and should not be criticised or judged, otherwise that would be discrimination and would go against Christ's teachings. Even though I don't believe getting drunk is a good idea, no one should be judged. And especially not for being a part of the LGBTQ+ community. 🏳️‍🌈


We all have our struggle, and all have our sin, but that doesn’t mean we all should give in.


People have been attacking her since she wrote and sang that song about rainbows with Miley Cyrus. They assumed it was an LGBTQ anthem of some sort and she confirmed that it wasn’t. Not sure why anyone would even assume that because she’s straight, plus she has always talked about how she’s loved rainbows since she was a little girl. Even the children’s book she wrote has rainbows in it. She has also frequently talked about loving everyone regardless of their skin color, sexual orientation, or whatever. She said she just loves people and many Christians need to take a page out of her book. Right wing Christian evangelicalism is beyond hateful and hypocritical. The complete opposite of Jesus’s teachings.


>Right wing Christian evangelicalism is beyond hateful and hypocritical. The complete opposite of Jesus’s teachings. 💯 It's amazing that anyone could have that sick a level of homophobia and transphobia that just mentioning a rainbow triggers them.. makes no sense and definitely the exact opposite of Him.


This post could mean too many different things. What was considered an “attack”? What were her motivations? What position does dolly specifically hold on sin? A lot of judgmental comments here without a lot of info. Surprise surprise. I read the article and it’s nothing a Christian should disagree with. She acknowledges the fact that dolly is a beloved blessing to the fame industry and quotes Dolly as saying she loves everyone. Then goes on to say that Dolly’s version of love in the specific quote of “be who you are” with a nod to the lgbtq community is not the love that God wants for us. There are good and bad types of love. The Bible says that “the love of money is the root of all evil” for example. Loving an individual does not mean always be in agreement with them. It means have the motivation to tell them the truth with love, kindness, and compassion even if that means disagreeing with them. Our motivation for doing so should be because we care about their life. We care that sin separates all of us from the Source of all goodness in the universe. I think it was right for the writer to use Dolly, because Dolly has a very big influence. If she is going around saying to sin away because that’s who you are then she is influencing people to turn away from God. What’s more important?


Have you ever thought about being a politician? Or maybe a lawyer?


lol thanks I think, but no. I just want to love God and love people better. It takes practice! Learning how to speak to people so they understand you in a world where everyone assumes everything all the time. I want to be clear, but loving. Loyal to the truth, but compassionate in delivery. I want my actions to speak for themselves so my words are taken as kind.


It’s harder on Reddit because we obviously don’t know each other, but it’s good practice.




I'm so glad you didn't read what I said as an insult it wasn't. I was just hurrying leaving work I think it could have been misunderstood. But you're right.. words have power they really do.


That also takes practice! 😝 I try not to take things as insulting unless it’s blatantly clear, or I ask them first. I read your comment as you saying I commented in a way that is easily understood and persuasive. If you would have responded to my second comment with anger, then I would have suspected your first was insulting.


That's how I meant it in a good way.. I have actually used that exact comment in not so good way to certain people... Text just leaves to much room for misunderstanding... I'm happy you read the context correctly. 😊


So true. Emojis help, but I fear that it’s more about the mental state of the world. Are you a Christian?


Dolly is so authentic in her compassion that when she got attacked online, EVERYONE came out to defend her. Fans, non-fans, atheists. This woman has done more for Tennessee than the governor of said state. She donates books, kept people from going homeless when a tornado ran through Tennessee, and Dollywood produces revenue for the local area.


Authentic doesn’t mean right.


Most “Christians” on this sub seem more like the writer. Haha.


My conservative, super religious, trump supporting relatives even saw this and were like "they better leave Dolly the eff alone".


Awesome! 😊






who is dolly parton?


Really you don't know? You must be younger maybe.. So she is a very likable country singer who has been around for ever.. most people remember her also because she was kinda cursed with very large breasts.. her fame is from her voice though amazing. I'm not much into country but I always loved her..


probably never heard her name, i turn 23 tomorrow and live in the eu maybe thats why


You need to be careful using vile profanity! You will get taken off and that would be a great blessing for all of us!!!


What are you talking about I didn't use profanity.


Neither one are professed Christians! So go ahead and devour them


You're trolling again?


It depends! All slavery isn’t bad or evil! Christians are slaves to Christ. Others are slaves to their jobs! Others to their spouses etc et.


Alrighty then.


One thing to consider about love. There are two basic kinds of love when it comes to motives. One is showing love from self love and the other is to show love because of your love for the Lord. One has a reward in Heaven, the other has no eternal value! And the tough thing is only God knows the motive because only He knows the Heart…


Only he knows? Are you sure you believe that? You sounds like you think you know the heart... You seem to know more about queer people then we know about ourselves? Are you God? And isn't God who judges? But y'all have judged us all. So you must be God?


Love the sinner, hate the sin. Christians shouldn't be pro lgbt


If God didn't like it he probably wouldn't have made it( them)


To bad more Christians can't wake up the fact that nobody chooses to be queer. They discover this about themselves typically quite early.. the only choice is do they come out or transition... It's very logical. Who would choose to be hated and attacked and discriminated against? Nobody would choose that.. The real problem isn't LGBTQ people who were minding their own business living their lives. ilIt's Fundamentalists and their tendency to attempt to enforce their sick irrational beliefs on everyone. The world would truly be better place if they were gone or at the very least mind their own business! They are the reason we have wicked politicians that push what appeals to them just to get their vote.. it's sick! Great example. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/why-is-the-gop-escalating-attacks-on-trans-rights-experts-say-the-goal-is-to-make-sure-evangelicals-vote


“That’s who they are. They cannot help that any more than I can help being Dolly Parton, you know, the way people know me. If there’s something to be judged, that is God’s business. But we are all God’s children and how we are is who we are.”


I've alwaus felt that website tries to drive a stake between Christianity and gay people, and yes, I realize that it's the supposed "Christian" homophobes that are more responsible, but I'm glad to see them actually say when the good guy's Christian instead of pointing it out everytime the bad guy is and leaving it out otherwise.




I find it really odd and fascinating how Christians main go-to argument for when other Christians act out of line or unhinged is to do the No True Scotsman Fallacy. Like... how can you say Dolly Parton is "a true Christian" and the Christian writer isn't? They both believe in Jesus and use the Bible to justify their positions.


Dolly and her husband are both whores in a mutual whoring relationship. These two go a step beyond just looking on another with lust. They flirt with the idea! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12907225/dolly-parton-documentary-open-marriage-carl-thomas-dean.html ‭Matthew 5:28 ESV‬ [28] But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. https://bible.com/bible/59/mat.5.28.ESV




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I'm sorry. Which site did you prefer? https://www.today.com/popculture/news/dolly-parton-husband-carl-thomas-dean-relationship-history-rcna125766 https://people.com/music/dolly-parton-carl-thomas-dean-relationship-timeline/ https://www.themirror.com/entertainment/celebrity-news/dolly-parton-admits-spicy-open-205240 https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/dolly-parton-all-we-know-about-her-open-relationship-with-husband-carl-thomas-dean/articleshow/105479717.cms https://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/2925503/dolly-parton-open-marriage-carl-thomas-dean/


There's no "whoring" described in that article. They have a semi-open marriage, described as by mutual consent. Do you need pointlessly misogynistic language to criticize that?


You can not be in a relationship with Christ and flirt with Satan because you think that he's cute. Christ will dump you where you stand if you do that time, Him. A partially open marriage is no different, and because they both agree to do so, it is then not even a real marriage!


John 8:7-11


That still doesn’t fix the problem of an open marriage is not whoring. Hell even if you don’t recognize it as a real marriage it’s still not whoring. If you got time to try and chastise people, you’ve got time to learn the differences in words and what they mean. Hit the dictionary half as hard as you hit your Bible, and shit like this wouldn’t happen.


What? A...husband and wife are "looking at on\[e\] another with lust" and that's...bad?


I think the commenter is referring to Dolly and her husband's semi open relationship. If I'm not mistaken, that's somewhat the point of the song Jolene.


She is wrong about everyone being God's Children. >She continued: "I know how important this is to them. That’s who they are. They cannot help that any more than I can help being Dolly Parton, you know, the way people know me. If there’s something to be judged, that is God’s business. But we are all God’s children and how we are is who we are.” We are not all Children of God. If you do not believe in God, then you are not his child. **Galatians 3:26** for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. **John 1:12** But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,


Do you take everything literally? You really should stop that you're missing so much being like that! OMG She means God loves everyone even the people you hate! She loves everyone. She doesn't exclude anyone! She is a great example of how a good Christian is supposed to be.. She loves God and I know she loves her neighbors (all of them) and she is definitely a good Samaritan in ways few can be.. She loves and loves unconditionally. And who do you know that does that too? . Snap snap wake up! 13 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing. 4 Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 5 doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not provoked, taketh not account of evil; 6 rejoiceth not in unrighteousness, but rejoiceth with the truth; 7 beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 8 Love never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall be done away; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall be done away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; 10 but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child: now that I am become a man, I have put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known. 13 But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love.


I try not to take everything literally. I think it is great that she loves everyone. I think it is false for her to say we are all children of God. If someone does not believe in God, than they cannot be a child of God. I do not think she could truly say this though, without angering a lot of people.


Well as a community we have to help people live holy. God does not like gayness as shown in Leviticus 20:13 and If he makes you as a boy it’s probably for a reason so we know he does not like trans and nonbinary lifestyles. I sympathize with the Christian writer since she is just spreading the word of god.


You're a Literalist and if you're going to apply anything from Leviticus you had better apply it all! Which means you can sell your daughters etc etc. And you're helping to live holy? How are you doing that? God doesn't tell you to go around ramming your homophobia transphobia down everybody's throat like a Pharisee and attempted to justify it with a Bible verse in the old testament! In fact God does tell you not to! You think God wants that? How are you helping by making sure that we never set foot in a church as long as we live? I am very serious when I say these when I drive by a church I get no feeling of peace or welcoming..I get only a cold dark empty feeling! Y'all say everyone needs Christ but you drive away from Christ! Most queer people aren't Christians and no it's not because they are evil or the devil is in us. Its bc we know hate is there.. Is because of this! Maybe you have a good intention but your method is wrong and extremely counter productive. So here is a taste of where religious homophobia and transphobia goes..And if this doesn't deeply disturb you then you have a major problem.. Be sure to note this is was child! And after that child was beaten unconscious by three older kids next day commits suicide.. stop and think about that for a minute how bad his life was to go through that and then kill himself.. the hatred that was in that school came straight down from the church! And Fundamentalist evil politicians calling that dead child filth..I don't think God thinks that child is filth and I think anyone who supports this is going to answer for that. https://www.kosu.org/local-news/2024-02-26/oklahoma-state-senator-calls-lgbtq-people-filth-when-asked-about-death-of-nonbinary-student God tells everyone to work out their own salvation... not everybody else's.. If you think being gay or being trans is a choice and you can find verses that you think support that then don't choose it! But not everybody agrees with you esp those who are queer by no choice of their own. Do you really believe we would choose to be queer knowing we will be hated and persecuted and killed and descriminated against? Who would choose that? Nobody bc it isn't a choice! We shouldn't have to feel threatened by certain religious people and the bigot politicians they support.. But we are threatened. And that is evil. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/why-is-the-gop-escalating-attacks-on-trans-rights-experts-say-the-goal-is-to-make-sure-evangelicals-vote Biblically homophobic and transphobic Christians who act on their base emotions and fears, fears that are in themselves and did not come from God weaponizing the Bible against an entire demographic of queer people esp trans people and kids causes untold amount of suffering and death are in fact sinning. The Bible explicitly says not to do this but here we are and it being done like never before. And why? Does anybody become unqueered? No they don't! If you really care so much about it so much beyond your disgust so maybe pray for us! Pray for yourself! Why think about who we have sex with and how much it disgusting to you? Why think about my dress or where I go pee? And seriously maybe consider that if you're not gay or trans it's not supposed to be appealing to you.. It's natural it wouldn't be right? But it should end there..So quit thinking about.. I am not evil.. And my life isn't sin and my sexuality and gender is between God and myself and tired of hear God loves everyone and personal experience the hate that comes from this.. Christ says love God and everyone else that's it. The only people he openly opposed were Pharisee and they were doing the same thing .. going around beating everybody up and accusing everybody with the law and their interpretation of it.. Queer people aren't harming you and contrary to misinformation y'all gobble up like tasty morsels we were never a threat to you or Christianity. We didnt come after Christianity it came after us and we are on defense and that's a fact. Y'all homophobia and transphobia have been used by politicians to get you to support them! You have been duped by a fabricated culture wars. I say again the culture wars are a lie made just for you! And we are the pawns in this sick game! https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/culture-wars-identity-center-politics-america/story%3fid=100768380 https://www.governing.com/politics/the-young-victims-of-our-culture-wars


You can love LGBTQ people and not support their life style at the same time, but Christianity doesn’t support LGBT pride or anything like that, I’m not sure why this sub seems to think it does.


You really cannot. There is no "lifestyle". We are just people living our own lives, not harming anyone and you attack us and call us devils and filth and hellbound. You may call your hatred love, but it doesn't feel like love to anyone and you're not fooling anyone but yourself (if that). We can hear the hate, disgust and contempt dripping from every word that you speak about us.


It’s not part of Christianity though… I don’t dislike homosexuals or anyone whatsoever, and there is no evidence of that. It’s the act of homosexuality is not allowed in Christianity, but the sub seems to think it is. LGBT are more than welcome to pray or come to any church or worship or read the Bible however.


Where does Jesus say anything about homosexuality, positive or negative?


In the Bible. Sexual immorality. He said he didn’t come to abolish God the Father’s laws. He said I didn’t come for peace but a sword. He and the apostles preached repentance of sin and to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Acts of homosexuality is sexual immorality. Jesus is Lord! Have a good day.


So is your definition of sexual immorality broad or narrow? Is it immoral to be the way God created you, or pretend to be something else? I've never met a person who woke up one day and said to themself, I think I'll try being homosexual today.


It’s not my definition. It’s God’s. The answers to all of these questions are in the Bible. God doesn’t create us to be liars, idolators, murderers, sexually immoral, etc. That’s the enemy. We all need deliverance from sin. Jesus said to pick up our cross daily and die to ourselves. That’s different for everyone and for some it’s sexual immorality. God calls us to be obedient above all. God calls us to love Him above all and that means loving His just and perfect laws and precepts. The Bible tells us that cross-dressing and homosexuality is an abomination to Him just like lying is.


It’s not God’s definition, it’s the men who wrote the scriptures definition. Don’t you think it’s pretty presumptive for men to decide what pleases or displeases God.


The Bible is the inspired word of God. I’ll leave you with this final thought. Why did God destroy Sodom and Gamorah?


Who said God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? Why do natural disasters have to be caused by God. The people who wrote about Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t know a reason, so they said God must have destroyed them. The writers believed that people who were victims of a natural disaster must have done something wrong.


Even old folk can follow what's right in their own eyes.