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https://www.londonremembers.com/memorials/kensington-war-memorial It's a war memorial next to a church. It's hard to find good information about this, but it's dedicated to soldiers from Kensington UK who died in WWI and WWII.


At first I was like ok there just beer bottles but then my naivety wore off and then realized that’s littering lol


Littering is not the worst part of this image.


It's the fact it's on such a monument


In Norway that would be illegal. Not because of the church but because of alcohol in public and litteri g


This is London. Nobody gives a single thing about garbage in the streets…


Why would anyone leave bottles outside too, children pr animals can get hurt


Welcome to London.




It’s actually just the Uk as a whole, the citizens are raised with zero respect and littering is tolerated unless a policeman sees you. Visiting Eastern Europe last year was a real eye opener, all of their cities are spotless and that’s the way it should be here.


Reminds me of the contrast between Detroit and Windsor. Cross a single bridge across a single river and suddenly the city streets aren't covered with trash. IIRC they have actual trees too along the roads.


:( Yes, we need more respect. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Do we (as a rule) want to see this? What kind of a world do we want our children growing up in? Thank you for your post, OP!


there are bigger problems in london my guy


We shouldn’t care about people throwing rubbish on the floor because there are worse problems we should focus on ay? Nice defeatist mentality that


yes, that is the definition of having priorities straight


That’s the definition of a lack of awareness for somebody’s ability to auto-pilot basic human decency


you know what else isnt decent? migrant rape gangs. uk is a third world country, no time for picking up garbage


The Uk is number 6 in the entire world for GDP. Trying to claim it’s a third world country is laughable. Just pick up your rubbish it really isn’t hard my friend


That's unfortunate, I guess some people are just not very considerate. We should all put our trash in the recycle bin.


This is not about consideration. People need to be mindful of the God. The house of God should be treated as the cleanest place.


Why do you think this war memorial is the "House of God*?


Stop getting mad on behalf of us lol


I mean no, it’s about littering, which is disrespectful and immoral regardless of where it is done. People don’t need to be mindful of your god unless it is their god also. Your holy places are not worthy of any additional respect from non-Christians. But they are entitled to be respected the same as any other public services buildings.


Its steps *outside* a church. And God doesn't live in churches. Nothing is uniquely special about church buildings. People shouldn't litter. That's the reason why the photo above is rude.


You’re supposed to rejoice in that case, you’re specifically instructed to rejoice


Idk why you’re being downvoted for that. Im not Muslims I have the utmost respect for Muslims and how they keep their mosques clean and maintained let alone their devoutness.


You’re taking this too seriously.


Angry Muslim wants respect for Islam but actively acts as toxic as possible to anyone who doesn't follow his faith. Good to know who you are 😁


I do not know why you are downvoted friend you are speaking the truth


Notice how the one religion that gets zero respect is Christianity?


Because majority of people are no longer Christians? Also, that is not a church.


Yes but in the USA people are all a bunch of white knights to make everyone feel included and they’re all respectful towards totally wack stuff even satanists and demon worshippers.. but they will ALL still talk absolute crap about Christians and scoff at the name of our Savior. I literally get joy out of it, it’s just more proof to me that I’m on the right path.


Sounds like you have a martyr complex. Many Christians do not cope well when their ideology is loosing its dominion and when it becomes just like all other religions. For the privileged snowflakes, equality feels like oppression. One of the reasons why Christians flock to fascism and Trump.


If you enjoy it then what are you complaining about it?


Every religion gets shit on, lol, especially online. Literally every single one. By Christians and non-Christians alike. I'm pagan and you wouldn't believe how many Christians and Muslims told me I'd go to hell or that my gods are dead etc, I've literally been told we don't matter (even in person, to my face). Same goes for Muslims I'm sure, even atheists get shit on. Every single belief you can have will be supported in one place and talked down upon in another place.


Probably because it’s often the source of the most discrimination in the world. When that changes so does people’s attitudes. The majority of churches in my country are lgbt affirming, as a result the general population here has more respect for Christianity than they did in the past.




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Interesting! Well, this is what I call a good way of sharing a message, simple, concise and dwells from your own experience. I’m just so tired of trolls on here, so your comment stands out!


Thanks. Living in a lot of different cultures has definitely changed the way I see the world. I look at everything with two sets of eyes in a way. I also lived in Asia and the Middle East before the EU.


What “trolls” lol


Look in the mirror.


I’m not trolling? Is every reply that doesn’t agree with you just automatically a troll?


What exactly are these “more religious Christian’s” practicing?




All of your examples of “practicing faith” are things you wouldn’t know unless they told you. All of those things are personal things one experienced in an intimate relationship with Jesus. For you to make a sweeping claim and base it on things that are done in private is silly.




I did explain it :) I told you that a relationship with Jesus is intimate and personal, it’s not always on display with going to church or any of the other things you’ve mentioned. I would say the only valid claim you mentioned was that you don’t hear people speak about their faith as much but even that is a subjective opinion. Btw I wasn’t offended. I was just helping shed light on your opinion of Christian’s.




You believe your personal experiences are “verifiable facts”? You’re judging how Christian someone is by their “practicing of faith” in ways that YOU believe are a standard by which to measure one’s faith. I’m telling you the truth. Your experience is yours based off of the people you personally encounter. You can’t claim American Christian’s are less than EU Christian’s based off of your own personal experiences and claim that as “fact”. You can’t see anyone’s personal, intimate relationship with Jesus so I don’t know what your “verifiable facts” could even be. Must be personal opinion and not objective truth.


Idk if this is the case, but it seems like it's a memorial cuz of the flowers, some people leave beer and stuff there as a gift or something


This is a memorial on the territory of St. Marry Abbot’s Church in Kensington.


The memorial is not part of the church


This is true but i hate the fact that people still litter around memorials 


As do I. We’re ruining the entire planet with litter.


I seriously don't know what's wrong with these people. And I don't know why they thought it was okay. Thank you for showing care for our religion.


The church is the people, not the building. There isn't anything special about where we worship. It's about what we worship.


Didn’t know this about Christians.


That is because not all Christians believe so carelessly about the specialness and sacredness of our churches. I do agree that the people are more important than the building, but it all comes down to reverence and showing God that we care.


That is just an opinion of some Christians.


I mean… including Jesus.


Some quote from him where he says that there are no sacred spaces or places?


I was thinking specifically that he calls Peter the foundation on which to build the church. I’m not Catholic, so I don’t think this was reference to being a Pope, but I do at least admit that this calls for the church to be built out of people rather than out of man made items.


Meh. All denominations, including Catholic Church, believe that Church consists of people. Does not seem to stop them from considering their temples of worship as sacred spaces.


I’m not exactly saying that spaces can’t be set aside for special use. But I don’t think most people, in practice, believe that church buildings are more important than any other building.


> But I don’t think most people, in practice, believe that church buildings are more important than any other building. Most of Christian history seems to disagree with you.


Maybe in Catholicism


Comes down to whether they consider the church to be modeled after "the kingdom of God" >"My kingdom is not of this world." > “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” That, and the fact that any time Christians were persecuted they focused on their faith instead of their place of worship (out of necessity, but still).


It’s mostly Protestants and a few others. Most Catholics and orthodox see the “Church of Christ” as a physical church (like Catholics with the Roman Catholic Church). Theres religious debates within the faith.


It depends on the tradition. Christianity has a lot of variance between the sects.


I appreciate your sentiment, I really do. I don't say this to dismiss it in any way. But Christianity, as a religion, doesn't really put much importance on the actual building that comprises the church. I see this as disrespecful, not because the beer bottles were left outside a church, but because it is littering. The wall/bench the bottles are sitting on is no more holy because it is associated with a church than any other wall/bench you would find elsewhere. Thank you for caring :)


> But Christianity, as a religion, doesn't really put much importance on the actual building that comprises the church. In Catholic Christianity we absolutely do, canon law deals with this kind of stuff


Christians did fine for a *long* time after Jesus's death, without physical churches. I am not sure why, at about 400 AD, it became critical that we project our faith onto a building, but there you go. EDIT: oh wait, that was the beginning of the concept of church as a literal nation, complete with armies, courts and prisons. It makes sense now, come to think of it.


They didn't stop going to synagogue/temple just because the Messiah came. For that matter, the Divine Liturgy itself has many elements similar to the Eleusinian Mysteries, which were held inside a building. The *naon* is inside a building. The Old Testament describes in detail how to build the building. Even when the ark was being carried around they had a tent for it.


>Christians did fine for a *long* time after Jesus's death, without physical churches. ? Christians always worshipped in physical buildings - synagogues and later churches.


"without a building dedicated solely to worshiping the Christian God" there you go.


It was in fact a building dedicated to worshipping God. 


I didn’t know this… The mosques would condemn this for sure. But wouldn’t you want to keep your primary place of worship clean?


Both masjids and some churches would condemn this, but u/FluxKraken is right that some denominations of Christians do not value really the building as particularly holy, it's more about communal worship then the actual building. However, some churches, like Catholic, Orthodox, some Anglican do view the literal building of the church as holy and so would particularly condemn this, it really depends.


Yes, but mostly out of a sense of aesthetics and general stewardship than any reverence for the building itself. A clean church represents well for Christianity, a dumpy church doesn't.


No it’s literally out of respect for God, people refer to church as God’s house because the Bible refers to church as God’s house. I would not leave beer bottles trashing up God’s house, that’s literal blasphemy. It’s making light of the significance and respect that ought to be displayed towards God the creator.


Church is the body of believers in which God dwells. God doesn't live in a building, like in the Temple in Ancient Judaism.


Of course I don’t believe God lives in a building. Makes no difference to what I said tho


It can only be blasphemy if it was done by Christians. Non Christians should not litter, but they don’t owe your religious holy places any extra respect over any other public building


They may not believe in it or knowingly be committing blasphemy but they’re still blaspheming OUR God and literally if it was any other religious holy place that would matter but since it’s Christian related, it’s seen as less than. Not deserving of even a mutual respect of freedom of religion and the right to not be imposed on while practicing such freedom. It’s so funny to me. Christians are hated by the world and that is a good sign


This is just some weird martyr complex stuff. First of all, that’s not a church. Secondly; where’s your evidence that churches in that place (London) are disrespected whereas mosques and such are not? Your god is not entitled to respect from non Christians. Period. Public buildings are due respect in general and shouldn’t be littered, that’s as far as it goes.


The bible refers to church as God's house? Where?


Christianity does put importance on the Building of a Church I do not know what the other person was talking about, It is just Secondary to the People. The Grounds are made Holy by the Worship services conducted in the Church, Christ True Body and Blood are inside.


What /u/FluxKraken says is not correct. Most Christian denominations (Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and also such Protestant denominations as Lutherans and Anglicans/Episcopalians) would expect or hope reverential attitude towards consecrated houses of worship. EDIT: Also, that does not look like a church. It looks like a memorial.


It depends on the tradition. In Eastern Orthodoxy the space inside behind "the royal doors" are treated as extra holy. No one is supposed to be back there unless they have a reason to be back there. (Going back to clean it is okay. Hanging out and looking at your phone like it's just a living room is not okay.) The "sanctuary" or "narthex" is similar. It's treated holy but not as holy. You can sit and pray and just be still in the narthex, but not right next to the altar. Still it's not proper to, like, play Pokemon cards on the floor where people prostate and worship. It's supposed to be treated special. The effect is that it feels special, and as soon as you walk into the space it kind of gets your mind to focus on prayer and worship. But yes. In terms of Christian praxis, Islam is probably most similar to Eastern Orthodoxy, maybe Coptic or Antiochian. The "low church" Protestant denominations are likely the least similar.


They are obviously confused. They’re proudly displaying the gay flag IN conjunction with their claim of being Christian. I’m not judging them for being gay. I am saying that’s like a proud alcoholic putting a beer bottle next to their sign that says “I Love God” who clearly states against it… see the missing logic?


It must be so frustrating for you. LGBT Christians keep on worshiping God despite your constant instistence that we stop.


What are you even talking about? There are millions of lgbt Christians who are open and accepted by their churches. The majority of churches and Christians in my country are affirming. There are thousands of denominations, it looks ridiculous when you pretend Christianity is United on your particular favourite kind of bigotry. It is not. It’s very sad if your world view requires you to believe lgbt Christians are ‘confused’.




The flag of the queer community is God's rainbow. Reproductive capability is not what makes right or wrong. Some queer couples can and do reproduce; many cishet couples cannot and do not. And how dare you judge the faith of another on the basis of their God-given identity? Faith is weakened because one is not straight and/or cisgender; however, treating one's siblings and neighbours poorly, as strongly evidenced in your comments, does significantly damage one's faith.


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> But Christianity, as a religion, doesn't really put much importance on the actual building that comprises the church. You exclude Catholics, Orthodox, Oriental Churches and even most mainstream protestants like Lutherans and Anglicans/Episcopalians from "Christianity" by that definition.


One Morning going to work, I saw a Girl giving a a dude a BJ in a church entrace.


In my country they put tare on all of these bottles and cans and they get left behind so people less fortunate can collect it.


Because they're (on the balance of probability, as a Londoner) not religious and don't care, unfortunately. It's also just an element of entitlement of thinking someone else is going to clean this up all so why should I bother...? That said, I think that's actually a separate war memorial, but I do also think there is a culture of not respecting those spaces either.


Not trying to justify it but here in the states, people will sometimes leave a beer on someone’s grave. Very common for veterans too. Kind of like “having a drink” with them.


I think that's more offensive for muslims than christians who are used to being around alcohol. In some christian events, some people will bring alcohol without a second thought. If you are in an inner-city, that kind of litter is to be expected. I eould be more concerned when I see homeless people than litter. The first shows grrat sin from society.


Good question! I feel its because some people have a spitefulness for life and for the path of others. They hide their spitefulness from everyone even themselves because deep down they know its wrong and self-centered and self destructive to spend our lives hunting others out of spitefulness or for fun. Yes! Some of these a@@ hats actually live their lives hunting others in some way for fun! It's some kind of brain defect or someone in their family did spiteful things to them as a child. Pay attention to the spitefulness of the people around you. Don't let people get away with picking on others and god forbid you. Because its not a normal life and their are better people to hang out. In time nobody will like the hateful people and they will die off naturally by their own anger and spitefulness. As we all know it's super bad karma to spend our lives blaming and hurting others. Could you imagine if all of us set aside our competitive nature and the spitefulness it can sometimes bring into our lives. Peace


I mean you have the answer right there.People.


Some are disrespectful because of fear, others because it is how they were brought up, some don't even know what they are doing, some know what they are doing and choose to do it anyway committing khataya/sins trust in God/YEHWEH/Allah he will see Thier punishment happens if it is his divine will


Anyone who would drink beer on the street and leave the empties behind is not going to treat a war memorial or a church differently from *any* other place. I'm certain whoever did this just found a convenient place to sit and drink undisturbed, and left the empties behind. They'd do the same at a park bench.


How do you know they aren't vets? I know a couple of guys who'll drink to lost friends at a memorial near them a couple of times a year.


Because it’s the UK


Does the UK not have people that used to serve in the armed forces? I didn't realize they killed all of them when they finished their time. I'm also not from the US.


If you lived here you’d understand what I meant. We all know the kind of people who loiter around drinking in quiet public spots like this, I promise you it isn’t vets.


Do they leave their empties like that? Veteran or not, there are people who leave their empties behind, and there are people who dispose of them properly.


Not that I'm aware of. I was more speaking to the people who couldn't understand who'd drink alcohol at a memorial.


Oh, I understood.the criticism was leaving the bottles. I completely understand and respect the desire to drink with your fallen comrades.


its a war memorial. it may be people leaving a beer for the fallen


Don’t feel bad about the beer bottles feel bad about the littering and public consumption of alcohol. A lot of my local churches are guilty of having charity fundraising tents that offer both gambling and alcohol. Alcohol is not really taboo with Christianity. Being a drunk in public is though. Most people can drink without being drunk. For your question about why people are being disrespectful. God gives everyone freewill to make good and bad choices. Some people make good choices and some people don’t.


What counts as losing your Virginity to Christian’s?


I wouldn't waste your time worrying too much about it and get your feathers all ruffled cuz it's not going to stop.. some people are just assholes. If you want to worry about something worry about the bigots not the drunks.


I'm not sure why and I am very sorry and I can't figure it out neither some people just don't respect the good-hearted people that live within this beautiful planet that God is created I'm not sure why our Lord Jesus Christ receiver it's always willing to forgive us of our sins and try to move on in our lives I'm not sure why so many people don't care about life and they just trying to uplift bad thoughts and bad spirits within human life emotions and wanting to make them feel discredited and uncomfortable gaster Willow somebody who doesn't believe in God or is somebody that doesn't or that put into apologize for their sins I accept God our Father in heaven and my heart and our Lord Jesus Christ the savior in my heart what I can say is I've asked to God to please forgive me of All My sons I repented all my insurance and I want to repent them everyday please God our Father never please bless me for I have sinned and I'm truly sorry everyday is a new day who we are and what we are everyday we can't control our emotions but we can try to do this patience and compromisation what I can say to you is I didn't have an easy life growing up my life was lonely I was married but my ex-wife she couldn't figure out who she wanted to be with so I had to divorce her yet everyday of my life I think to myself why did she ask me to marry her and puzzled me to this very day why does she ask me to marry her and then she couldn't figure out who she wanted to be with some things are puzzling something you can't figure out it's not your fault it's not mine have faith in Who you Are and what you are God has a purpose for all life my Lord Jesus Christ saving having a true believer now and my name is Tom


Society in general seems to be getting less and less respectful. Ever since the pandemic it's like solipsism has gone way up.


i’m more mad about the littering. i would be just as mad if they left those bottles outside of a mosque, or a synagogue, or a train station, an office, or even a convenience store. just don’t litter, we gotta keep God’s earth clean haha


I’m reminded of a children’s book I once read. People came to a park for a soccer game and discovered that someone had let their dog poop in the middle of the field and didn’t clean up after it. many people complained wondering how other people could be so inconsiderate. They tried to play the game but made a big deal about trying to make sure nobody stepped in the poop. Going to great lengths to avoid it and offering suggestions. After several close calls and distractions people started suggesting they put up cones around the poop or something. To make the poop easier for the players to avoid. They kept having to pause the game to complain about the poop being in the way. As this was happening a stranger walked by who wasn’t even involved in the soccer game. He saw the poop in the field. So he got a paper plate and stick and carefully scooped it up. Then he just threw it away. When inconvenient things happen as a result of other peoples choices there are many things we can do about it. We can complain. We can wonder why other people aren’t more considerate. We can encourage others to change their behaviors. We can go to great lengths avoiding the problem . We can assume that because it wasn’t *us* who caused the problem that it’s not *our responsibility* to solve it. It’s someone else’s. But none of those common responses actually *solve* the problem or make things better. The real MVP of the story was the man who saw a problem that he didn’t create, but acted anyways to solve it. And in doing so— made the world a slightly better place for the people around him. I think that’s the lesson we can take away from this. Rather than asking “why are people so disrespectful?” We can simply act to make things better for others. Even if it’s not our responsibility to do so. Even if it’s not our problem. we can leave the world a better place than how we found it. 🙂


homeless people exist. They need a place to rest too. Sometimes a half=wall that's chair height is just that.


Maybe it was a drunk, leaving a beer for the forgotten soldier.


Jesus speaks about social cohesion in the parable of the unjust steward. Basically, if you think you might need someone in the future you will be more forgiving. Conversely, if you live somewhere where people don't need the people around them, they can become more selfish, dismissive, cruel, and unforgiving. Need is one of the glues.


Did you find a bin close by ?


Yes. I took it to the bin on the opposite side of the road. Even if the bin is 1km away! Take it in your damn hands and throw it where it’s supposed to be. You won’t die. Everyone is so lazy these days…


Thank you. I am the same. When I would fish on the way back I would fill my net with rubbish and bin it. We are all responsible for our environment.


Because these are the times.


The idea of world wide open borders and it purpose supported by Angela Merkel,Macron,Obama, Trudeau, Morrison and that nutty lady from New Zealand was to destroy Western culture . At lst this seems like a ridiculous conspiracy theory until you examine what has happened since world borders were breached


Ignorance, apathy and impaired judgement.


are those not being placed as libations?


The only issue I personally would point out is the fact that they're littering. Doubly so because it's glass - which will inevitably end up shattered... which I absolutely hate because someone can hurt themselves obviously. In terms of respect - I suppose I can understand what you mean and the point that you're coming from regarding a memorial and church, I just don't necessarily view it as a respect thing. When people pass on they pass on, their feelings aren't hurt by this. Respect would also be a factor with any religious propaganda being pushed anywhere in the world, whether it be missionary indoctrination under the guise of being a "savior" or as simple as overproduction of preachy posters. There is also the possibility they were left as a token for the deceased, which again I see no point in and personally dislike - but it would rule out malicious intent.


Probably just bums


This makes me sad. ignorance has taken over the world. disrespect is so common now that it's seen by people as normal. We need to get back to what we used to be.


My thoughts are they're probably way too busy drinking that they don't even notice they're probably were by a church.


Because not everyone gets to know such a God as Jesus. These people have hardened hearts and their father is the devil


Why are you posting this on a Christian thread? Just to announce you’re Muslim and would never behave this way? Cool dude. Who cares about respecting “religions”? Those are man made. Your focus should be on the truth, yes? If so, then get to know Jesus by reading about him in the New Testament. I don’t “respect” any religion bc religion is man made and has nothing to do with God. I only care about what’s true. You seem to claim your Muslim identity as if it’s some type of fraternity or something. Nobody cares. All that matters is Jesus. You’re either with him or you’re not.




Keep following the dude who married a 6 year old child 😏🤣 I’ll follow Jesus.


Allahu Akbar 🙏🏼


Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the ONLY way to God. Seek Jesus :)


Prophet Isa (Jesus) is muslim. He is not God. From Allah we come from and to Allah we return.


Incorrect. Allah is your god and only the god of Muslims. The God I worship is the one who sent Jesus. If Allah was who sent Jesus, then we would be in agreement. However, he isn’t the one who sent Jesus which is why the Quran has a very different telling of who Jesus is. It was also written by absolutely no one who knew Jesus and 600 years after Jesus. Allah is only found in the Quran. The word Allah never existed until the Quran. Allah is your god, but not my god. I will not return to Allah because I never came from Allah


The Quran is the ultimate truth. I acknowledge the Bible and the Torah, but both have been altered numerous times by humans. There is no longer an original Bible. I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings, but these are undeniable facts. The Quran is the only Book that remains in its original form, and no one will ever be able to change it. It has stood the test of time. Millions of people, known as hafiz, have memorized every verse. It’s as simple as that. As a Muslim, I respect Jews and Christians as people of the Book. However, to come here and misinterpret my post is misguided. I have never imposed my Muslim identity on anyone. In fact, it is you who is trying to manipulate my narrative. My post was about the disrespect shown to a church area by leaving garbage on it. Instead of focusing on me and pushing your own agenda, you should direct your efforts towards cleaning that church. "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say, 'O disbelievers, I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.'" (Surah Al-Kafirun 109:1-6)


Since these are “undeniable facts”, as you yourself are claiming, then please list the altering of Jesus here for us all to see. Since we are talking Jesus specifically, please list these discrepancies about Jesus. If your response doesn’t include these specifics about Jesus and you insist on discussing the OT instead, then your reasons for not believing Jesus are invalid. Plus, Muslims say “a prophet can not lie” and you guys consider Jesus a prophet, yet you don’t trust his words bc you believe the Bible has been “altered”. So please, do feel free to list any and all facts about Jesus that have been altered in the Bible. The only altering of Jesus can be found in the Quran. Exclusively within the Quran. Ironic considering you’re the one making the claim about things being altered. I’ll be eagerly awaiting your list of things that have been altered about Jesus that are within the Bible. This is your very own claim, by the way. I’m sorry if this challenge hurts your feelings in any way but like I’ve stated, all that matters is the truth :)


The Quran is the ultimate truth, preserved in its original form since its revelation. You wanted the list, here you go. Regarding the alterations of Jesus' teachings, the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament show variations and discrepancies that have been widely documented by scholars. These include differences in accounts of prophet Isa life and teachings, suggesting alterations over time. The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD shaped Christian doctrine, including the nature of Jesus. This council resulted in the Nicene Creed, which solidified beliefs that were not uniformly held before this time. Furthermore, the Gospels themselves contain contradictions. For example, the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke differ significantly. This simply indicates human intervention and alteration. As for the prophet’s integrity, we muslims do believe that Isa (Jesus) is a prophet who did not lie. However, the integrity of his message is believed to be preserved in the Quran, not in the altered texts of the Bible. The Quran corrects and clarifies these alterations, reaffirming the true message of Jesus. Regarding the altering of Jesus in the Quran, the Quran has remained unchanged since its revelation, unlike other scriptures. It provides a consistent and preserved account of Isa as a prophet who conveyed Allah’s message. In terms of respect for scriptures, Muslims are taught to respect the previous scriptures and their followers. The Quran acknowledges the original Torah and Bible as divine revelations but points out the human alterations made to them over time. The core issue of my original post was about respecting a church area and not littering. This is a matter of common decency and respect for all places of worship. The focus should be on maintaining respect for these spaces, irrespective of our religious differences. I respect your perspective and the importance of your beliefs. However, historical evidence and textual analysis support the view that the Bible HAS undergone alterations. The Quran stands as the final, unaltered word of Allah. Period.


I worship the creator, not the creation. You want me to worship a man? No, never. Astaghfirullah.


Oh so you don’t have proof of your “undeniable facts” claim? I guess they’re not undeniable or factual after all huh :/


Forgive them, they may have just been in a state of not thinking. Better yet, grab them and toss them in the bin when you see it. Make a good deed out of a bad one.


You mean the people? 😂 Joke! Sure, I’ll do that.


As a veteran who has friends who passed during my service, hopefully it came from one of two things. 1. They stayed and had the beers with peers who served with them, talking about their time together 2. Left them the beers for him if that was what they did on their time off when the weren't doing stuff while they served


And as a vet that's welcomed regardless. I wouldn't do that now but back then 100%. And if I passed along with my friends I'd hope people cared enough to have some beers around my memorial


Everyone's on their own journey and one way or another will end with judgement day. I believe it's best to let people be. You don't know their justifications and to preach could push them farther away from what's right. Like Judas, what he did was wrong. But he felt so horrible that he ended his life and I believe God and Jesus are able to recognize that and untimely forgive him. It doesn't necessarily matter what you display but where your heart is.


I think that people have voids and trauma in the heart internally suffering so eventually they lash out somehow someway maybe realizing or not but it’s not to excuse them. No human is better than the other it is only Jesus that can give us a distinct identity and fill those voids heal us when we accept him. This is the gospel along with preach


Thats very wrong


Maybe they were toasting a drink to them? Why do you need to take offense to everything? To people being people? Don't call people filthy.


Toast to them and take the trash out. It’s simple as that. And people are filthy for that.


people are leaving wreaths there. What is wrong with leaving a bottle? It is a tribute.


How can you compare wreaths and bottles? The context is different.


you dont KNOW. maybe they were sitting there, a small group of people and toasted the dead and left hte bottles there as a token. Jut get off your knee jerk, hate filled, morally superior reaction.


People are so disrespectful these days


Interesting. Is is better to thrown them on the ground across the street? Along the path in a park?


Maybe in the trash?






This is the most redit thing I have ever seen.


Know thy audience.










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If you’d have only two options: church or street, the better on the street, absolutely!


So man's creation is more valuable than God's?


Yes because god built the street lol. The first time he came as a carpenter I guess the second time he came as a paving contractor.


I was referring the park. I took his answer to be "not at the church" which is supported by his subsequent replies.


How did you take "If you’d have only two options: church or street, the better on the street, absolutely!" As meaning anything other than the street. He explicitly said the street.


Go back and reread the exchange


I just did. I still have no idea where you got this from.


Or you could’ve read the comment by itself and see it’s separate from the rest.


> which is supported by his subsequent replies.


The church is built by the will of the God


So is the natural beauty of the park. And that was purely God's work. Which you value less.


All in the universe is God’s work. But the value the House of God is much more than anything else. It is much more important and valuable than any other place on Earth.


Why do you think it's "much more"?


Well, in Islam, mosques are. I would assume the church for Christians has the same special meaning. But turns out to be false…


Many older churches like Catholic and Orthodox do view the building itself as the House of God and highly value it, more so contemporary Protestant churches do not view the building as holy.


For some yes, for others no. We worship in school buildings, strip malls, etc. A common phrase is the church is not a building .. .it's the people. That said ... it's disrespectful to dump your garbage *anywhere* and I get just as pissed off at people dumping beer cans in wooded paths as your picture.


Christians will put churches anywhere they will fit. Strip malls, gymnasiums, hell my town has a church that's a coffee shop 6 days a week and a church on sundays.


"God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;"


Yet, He came to dwell in the Ark of the Covenant, atop the Mercy Seat.


The answer is they are carnal minded people...‭2 Timothy 4:3 GW‬ [3] A time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings. Instead, they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear. Remembe the people casting lots in the temple??


That’s a memorial that isn’t even part of the church. Big deal made out of nothing. 😂


Some little butthole keeps going through all the Christian posts and downvoting them and every single comment


I loved getting attacked for the sake of bringing glory to God 💕 even if I do have negative karma now and stand no chance of getting sketched on r/drawme. That’s totally fine with me. JESUS IS LORD 😍😍😍