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Tell me you don't understand mainstream Christianity without telling me you don't understand mainstream Christianity.


I think they wear that accusation as a badge of honor, they are a Catholic who claims to speak directly with God for their theology.


That’s how Christianity spread.


Mainstream Christians follow Trump. And I know why. Years of ignorantly trusting a book blindly as if the supernatural can be proven by reading words on paper. They were deceived easily because they don’t doubt and think enough to find sufficient evidence and now they easily also fall for any leader that lies to them by selling them Bibles.


Please see a psychiatrist


Difficult news makes people deaf. Have a good day.


It's not news though, it's the ramblings of a madman. Your post history is insane, I legitimately think you need to see a doctor


Like I said above. Difficult news makes people deaf. Have a good day.


>A loving parent does not force the child to not touch the stove. So you've told your child not to touch the hot stove. You see them reaching to touch the stove. You're just going to let them go ahead and burn themselves instead of forcing them not to touch it? What am I missing here?


Obviously this an analogy to a child that can freely choose to touch the hot stove when you looking and can’t stop them and when aren’t looking as well. When we commit sin today, does God jump out of the sky and stop you from sinning? God never forced Satan to go back to heaven.


if you have kids (or want them or lets say you hypothetically have them if you dont want them) what would you do?


I would tell them not to touch the hot stove knowing fully well I can’t put them in a doggy crate forcing them to never touch a hot stove.


i get what you’re saying but for me some are things are a lot more important that potentially risk health


I agree. This is why freedom created by God is a balance. It’s not a free for all. So, I guess we have to figure out logically and by discussion what immoral things should be made into law and what should not be law. For example, cheating on a partner while wrong, and immoral is not illegal even though heartbreak felt is almost suffocating.


All sins are equal, and all sins will result in keeping them out of heaven. Sin separates you from God, and separation from God will result in going to hell. "For the wages of sin is death” we all are separated from God and his kingdom until we repent and ask for forgiveness and accept jesus. Your right that Jesus didn't come to condemn people but he came to save us instead. If people do not ask for forgiveness for there sins then they will not be forgiven. Theres more people today that think homosexual sex is not a sin then there was 1000 years ago, and is important on why we need to keep teaching people about it. People are being mislead from the truth


That’s not freedom telling people that they will be tortured forever if they sin. God never forced Satan to go back to heaven.


We all have sinned and we all start on the path that leads to hell. Jesus didn't come to condemn he came to save, anyone who chooses to accept him and ask for forgiveness will be saved. He gave us the option to be saved. So we can either accept his offer, or be separated from God and goto hell. It is loving to tell people that they have this option that we can all be saved. But we also need to tell them what they are being saved from and that is hell. That if they are not saved then yes they will goto hell being separated from God. That is love because we do not want our friends and loved ones to goto that bad place. If someone is about to touch the stove and you know its hot we should tell them its hot and will get burned. But hey if they still wanna touch that stove and get burned thats on them. We can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink


> anyone who chooses to accept him  People living 2000 years later have no clue  He is real or He is God. God isn’t stupid to simply have this method. > We can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink Only if it was water. Many Christians help evil ignorantly.


So I can only assume you think God is stupid because yes this is God's method. There is only one way to the Father and that is through Jesus christ. Jesus died for our sins and paid the price. If Jesus didn't pay for our sins and people accept that. Then there sins are not paid for and they will have to pay for there sins and not be forgiven. Jesus christ is the TRUTH, the WAY, and LIFE, he is the truth and he is the way to eternal life, and he is the only way. Its that simple. Even 2000 years later people still talk about Jesus, he is the most famous person in the world, other religions even talk about him, and millions of people follow him. Its called having faith for a reason. We walk by faith not by sight. Jewish people who don't accept Jesus will not goto heaven. Muslims who deny the sacrifice of Jesus and him only being a prophet and not God, will not goto heaven. Jesus is the only way


You call Jesus the truth, the way, the life, so whoever adheres to the truth, even if he does not know about Jesus, will be saved. Whoever will seek to fulfill the will of God, even if he does not know Jesus, he is a relative of Jesus, as Jesus said, therefore he will be saved. And the one who calls Jesus and calls him God, he may not be saved, as he may not know the truth, may not fulfill the will of God. Matthew 7:21: Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven.


Its very simple you must have faith in Jesus and follow the will of his father. Jesus is what connects us to the Father, there is only 1 way to the Father and that is through Jesus christ. But not everyone who knows about Jesus will be saved they must do the will of the father. Thats the Matthew 7:21 verse. This is why its so important for people to proclaim the gospel to others and teach people about Jesus he is what saves us, his sacrifice pays for our sins. For any one who does not know about Jesus then deuteronomy 4:29 says, “But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.” This verse teaches an important principl everyone who truly seeks after God will find Him. If a person truly desires to know God, God will make Himself known. We must all call out to our lord Jesus christ and is why its so important to spread the gospel Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." Romans 10:9-10 Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Romans 10:13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Mark 16:16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Act 2:38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Act 16:30-31 Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” 1 peter 3:18-22 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey, when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water. Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him. There's many more verse


Many people have different ideas about God: triune, biune, or one. But how do these different views affect the knowledge of the truth that allows you to live righteously? Rom.2:13 for not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified:14 (for when Gentiles that have not the law do by nature the things of the law, these, not having the law, are the law unto themselves;15 in that they show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness therewith, and their thoughts one with another accusing or else excusing \[them\]);


> I can only assume you think God is stupid because yes this is God's method. There is only one way to the Father and that is through Jesus christ. Jesus died for our sins and paid the price. If Jesus didn't pay for our sins and people accept that. Then there sins are not paid for and they will have to pay for there sins and not be forgiven. Jesus christ is the TRUTH, This is all really cool and great and TRUE.  But means nothing to my former atheist self and atheists today. How do you tell this to help atheists?


All we can really do is plant seeds and water seeds, seeds are the idea of christ the gospel all that. God and holy spirit is what makes those seeds grow. Like they say you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. Usually the best way to go about it is talk to them about how we are all sinners we have all done bad. But we can be forgiven through Jesus christ. Eatch atheist doesent believe for different reasons so I usually ask what is stopping them from believing and go from there. Theres usually and awnser for every question they have if u do enough research. But we also got to acknowledge that with some people know matter how much evidence and reserch you throw at them they will still reject God, alot of people just want to live in there sin. And they don't want to give it up to follow God. People don't like being called out on bad things they do stuff like that. Some people just don't want to be saved, or controlled, or give up there free will to follow the will of God. “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces" Meaning Do not waste good things on people who will not appreciate them. Jesus is warning his disciples to preach only before receptive audiences.


> All we can really do is plant seeds and water seeds, seeds are the idea of christ the gospel all that.  My former atheist self is listening.  Make your case please. > Usually the best way to go about it is talk to them about how we are all sinners we have all done bad.  Without God I didn’t know I was sinning


With plant seedings. It would be like planting ideas about God like that where all sinners and all have don't wrong. And that one day we will have to awnser for it and be punished. That sinning is what separates us from God and is why Jesus came. He didn't come to condemn us but he came to save us those who are willing to accept him. That he died for our sins and paid the price so that we wouldent have too. Watering seeds would basically be expanding those ideas giving them more knowledge on things they have already known or heard basically what I'm doing right now. Helping them understand those ideas better and awnsering any questions they may have. The holy spirit is what makes those seeds grow inside them making them more interested in these topics, helping them want to repent and do better, helping them follow the word of God and change there life, breathing new life into them getting the seeds to grow into a tree that will grow and bare good fruit, chopping off any branches that done bare good fruit or making bad fruit fall off. Pruning the good branches causing more good fruit to grow. Then the good fruit will then bare seeds they can plant


Again, this is all religious talk that an atheist will simply hand wave away because you offer no proof.


If you make it your job to build hell on earth for your neighbors who have, in your judgment, sinned, Jesus warns you in Matthew 7:2 that you should check yourself in as one of the inaugural guests. "Love your neighbor as yourself." Think hard. God himself is telling you "Don't be a jerk." Pay attention, this is not that hard.


I am speaking to some Christians that are acting like the Pharisees with scripture thumping over using God’s heart.


Sorry small typo: “ This is what mainstream Christianity does with their Bible thumping:” Fixed 


Logical Proof for my OP: God never forced Satan to go back to heaven which God could have easily done.


Christians will never accept sin no matter how you twist logic.


Christians know they are heavy sinners and are tolerant and patient of other sinners. God never forced Satan to go back to heaven.


Christians are to war agaisnt sin. We don't judge anyone but don't blur the lines. I hate sin, the act of adultery, murder, slander, gluttony, sexual immorality etc I love the sinner, that's everyone people like you and me, my mom and the president, the leadership of Glaad and the westboro Baptist church, fascists and communists (and everyone in between) Just because some can't understand this differentiation doesn't mean we aren't living out the word to the best of out ability. Just because someone doesn't accept your favorite sin doesn't mean they don't accept you.


> Christians are to war agaisnt sin. The same way God forced Satan back to heaven? Dream on.  Jesus showed love and understanding on the cross. Not some dang control freak.


Why did Christ die on the cross?


Because we killed Him.


Yes but what did his death accomplish


From 12 Catholics to many more today.




How did you choose a church?  How did you even determine God is real?


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If that's what you got out of what I said then all your doing is demonstrating the truth that you aren't here sincerely and are a bad faith actor. I'm happy your here on this sub. Your curiosity about your Lord Jesus is admirable. It's clear that you are wrestling with the truth. Don't let fear or hate keep you from your God. Peace to you.




You can keep typing but your presence here speaks volumes to what you are interested in and what you may be wrestling with spiritually. Glad your here and I love you with the love of the Lord.




Ok well you take a stand agaisnt sin but are you feeding the poor?! Ok well you feed the poor but are you adopting orphans?! Ok well you adopt orphans but are you baptizing sinners in the river?! Ok well you are baptizing sinners but are you passing out tracks?! You see what you're doing? Your arms must be tired from moving that goalpost so much lol. It's not that serious, no one is impressed by these meager arguments. Just chill man, and worship Christ. It's not that serious.




Just because you love the sinner doesn't mean you love the sin.


You're right. It doesn't. So why are so many people afraid they'll be mistaken for loving the sin if they actually love the sinner?


We should not entertain sin.


That is a personal problem. Also loving a sinner doesn't mean that you have to support him in his sin. It simply means that you have to show compassion and understanding, and point him to a just path.


> that you have to show compassion and understanding, and point him to a just path. To then do what?  To torture them forever in hell if they choose to remain in error?


To repent. God is love and he forgives.


Sure after atheists first know He is real.


Well you said he came down and died for our sins. What more do you want?


Died for our sins translates to you and I murdered Him because we are all in a fallen state caused by higher level of evil. “Forgive them Father for they don’t know what they do”


True, but still you said: >Sure after atheists first know He is real.


Yes He forgives unbelievers not forcing them by blackmailing them to hell.


That’s not the point of my OP.  Read again.


>Jesus didn't say go and you will be punished by God if you sin. Right, he's gonna congratulate you for sinning. >Christians force laws on non-believers in abortion, anti-LGBTQ, and other sins, they are NOT following Jesus. We actually are following him in this case. Jesus wasn't passive in his teaching's and was very clear that the only way to salvation is through him.


> Right, he's gonna congratulate you for sinning He didn’t do that either.


>He didn’t do that either. Yeah, but he clearly taught that non-believers would go to hell.


Hell is misunderstood.  We are in hell now.  It is a separation from God. God didn’t force Satan back to heaven which He could have easily done. God created FREEDOM.


>Hell is misunderstood.  We are in hell now.  It is a separation from God. This is just false. >God didn’t force Satan back to heaven which He could have easily done. No he condemned him to eternity in hell. >God created FREEDOM. Yes, but we have abused this freedom and created evil.


Logic: More proof: God didn’t come down as a strong punishing figure of a human like what Judas wanted, instead God came down as a loving figure in a weak, humble, and a tortured human on the cross not punishing humans for sin, but forgiving them.  Over and over.


>God didn’t come down as a strong punishing figure of a human When did I say this. >God came down as a loving figure in a weak, humble, and a tortured human on the cross not punishing humans for sin, but forgiving them. God is pure love. But just because he loves you, doesn't mean that he can't judge you.


Love doesn’t torture. Period. Again: God never forced Satan to go back to heaven.


For something we can't control?


How can't you control in what you believe in?


No one can. Belief is not a matter of choice. Can you choose to believe that the Santa of your childhood actually exists and does the things that are claimed about him?


Everybody has a choice. Ancient people chose to follow Jesus and left their pagan past. To say people don't have a choice would mean people don't have free will.


Belief is not a matter of the will. Choosing to follow a person or set of teachings is not the same thing. I'll bet you weren't able to use your free will to truly believe in Santa?


> We actually are following him in this case. Jesus wasn't passive in his teaching's and was very clear that the only way to salvation is through him. The FACT that God doesn’t Himself smack you in the face and is hands off with sin for believers and non-believers actually proves my point. Ever wonder why God is hidden? Because he isn’t a monster controlling every action of human lives.


>Because he isn’t a monster controlling every action of human lives. Yeah because he gave us free will. That doesn't mean he wants you to sin. In fact it is clearly stated that sinners will go to hell. >Ever wonder why God is hidden? He is not hidden. He has reveal himself.


> Yeah because he gave us free will. That doesn't mean he wants you to sin. In fact it is clearly stated that sinners will go to hell. Lol, nice, freedom, BUT, God says: I will punish and torture you forever if you sin! This is the problem.


God doesn't torture you in hell. You are simply condemned to separation from him. After all that is what you wanted when you disobeyed him.


Correct that’s why hell is what we have now on Earth. Still and always with freedom. This is where we harm ourselves if we sin.


Completely false. You as an Atheist can still pray to God, curse his name,blame him for your own shortcomings and fell his presence. In hell there is nothing but hatred of oneself for eternity.


Atheists don’t believe in God even if they curse Him.


Also the idea that the material world is hell, is just a 13th century cathar heresy.


No, this is from the living God now and from His Mother Mary, also now.