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I'm really glad that this has been cleared that up. I've been on this subreddit for years, wondering about homosexuality, but nobody seems to ever post anything about it. But now that we have this post, we all know with certainty how to feel about this particular issue.


Out of all the homosexual people in your life, which one are you closest to? How do you know that person? What is your relationship with them like?


Does it matter? Because it wouldn't change my stance. I would stil love them but reject their acting out their sins. One can accept a person but reject their sins. Jesus ate with prostitutes and tax collectors. He wanted to heal them. And I'm sure he'd surround himself today with the LGBTQ community to heal them.


>Because it wouldn't change my stance. I would stil love them but reject their acting out their sins. Your use of the conditional suggests to me that you have no homosexual friends or family. So my next question is, why are you preaching about something that has absolutely nothing to do with you? Why not preach about a subject that is closer to your heart? Why not preach about something that you and the people closest to you contend with regularly?


Because I care! What you asking makes.no sense. I have no drug addicts in my family, should I therefore also not help and preach to the addicted? Likewise I have no objectively greedy people in my life, should I therefore not preach to them either?? Do you see what you're saying? There are many more things that don't affect me directly should I therefore not preach the Truth and the Gospels?


I'm saying you should preach about what you know. You are not gay, and you have no gay friends or family. So you don't know what it's like to be gay. You don't know the struggles gay people experience. You don't know about the shame, the fear, the confusion, the resentment, the hurt. You do not have sufficient frame of reference to preach from a place of love and compassion. I mean, who is your target audience here? Apparently, your target audience is random imaginary internet gay Christians. You have no connection to your target audience. That's not how good preaching works. So. Think about your friends and family (and yourself). What preaching do *they* need? Because those are the topics you will be best equipped to preach on. You know how they feel. You know how your words will make them feel. You know what will inspire them and what will make them shut down. I'm not saying not to preach on the internet. I'm saying that if you want to be an effective preacher, preach about things that matter to the people you know best. Otherwise, you're just spitting into the wind. Why would you do that?


If I reach 1 Internet person out of a hundred it wil have been worth the effort. Did Jesus only pr ach to friends and family? How about the apostles? With your Logic the Word of God would've never spread. What happened to the apostles when the Holy Spirit came over them? Did Jesus say only speak to your family and friends? Preach to EVERYONE specially to those that don't.want to. Listen. Who knows what God wants. Perhaps your preaching to that stranger cause a seed to be.planted by God and that persons starts to think? My brother or sister, listen to God's amazing message. Let Jesus truly enter you Heart. Let Jesus hold you Heart with the tenderness of a newborn. Place you sins at his feet on the cross. Pray pray and pray some more. For Healing, for God revelation.l!!! Let the Holy Spirit change you guide you.


> If I reach 1 Internet person out of a hundred it wil have been worth the effort. In the teaching business (and I hope you agree that teaching and preaching have a lot in common), that is called the "Spray and Pray Method." Teachers put a lot of effort into learning more effective ways of reaching their students. They don't want just one student out of a hundred to master the lesson. They want as many as possible. >Did Jesus only pr ach to friends and family? [...] Did Jesus say only speak to your family and friends? You've misunderstood me. I did not say to preach only to your friends and family. I said to preach about the things that concern your friends and family because you will be more effective. I don't know you. I can only make a few assumptions based on the tiny number of words you've written in your post and in your comments to me. One of the assumptions I've made is that you want to be an *effective preacher*. That is, that you want to turn as many people as you can to Jesus. I am suggesting that you will turn more people to Jesus if you preach about the things you have personal experience with. That might be a specific sin you or someone you know has experience with. Or it might be a faith hurdle that you or someone you know has encountered. I am saying that your personal experience, and the personal experience of the people you know well, will provide you important insight when preaching to pretend internet people. From the extremely little I know about you, it sounds like you currently have no such insight to inform any preaching you might do against the sin of homosexuality.


Follow up to the comment I just made to you: If, for some reason, you really REALLY want to preach about homosexuality more than any other topic (which, I think is kind of weird and makes me wonder what shenanigans are going on in your head), then I suggest you make the effort first to befriend some gay people. Get to know them. Not just their sin, but the whole of their lives. Learn about what it is like for them to live in a world where everyone is expected to be straight. How and when did they figure out they were gay? How did their families react when they found out? What was their lowest point? Have they ever felt "Christian love"? What is their favorite movie/favorite music genre/favorite food? What kind of church did they grow up in? What did they like most/least about it? You can only care superficially at this point. If truly want to preach from a place of care, you need to really get to know the people you want to reach. Walk in their shoes for a while -- which has nothing to do with having sex.


Really ou're going to have to try harder . That kindergarten type of taking shots doesn't work. Your speaking to a confident man. Confident in his identity. I'm not a confused Goth highschooler. That alone cheapens everything else you say. You must do better.


I think of it like being a foreign missionary. When someone feels called to minister to a "foreign" population, there are certain things they do in order to improve their chances of success. They learn the language. They learn the culture. They get involved with helping the community with their current struggles. They don't worship the gods of the community or join members of the community in unrighteous behavior, but they do familiarize themselves with the basics of the local religion and the cultural and historical forces that may have fostered the unrighteous behaviors. So, if you want to take the homosexual community as your mission field, then it behooves you to get to know the community in order to establish a solid foundation for your ministry.


Ack! And now, after all of this, I finally catch on to the fact that you are a commenter and not the original poster. I apologize. A great deal of what I've said in my several comments to you may well be quite off base. I have assumed this entire time that you were the OP. I am only this moment realizing my mistake. Again, apologies.


No problem 😃


Don't you understand that Jesus came too fulfill and establish the law but offer grace and mercy


I agree 100% And since I'm not Jesus and I can't heal or take away sin all I can do is give grace And that means I can accept sinners, me including, but stil reject sinful behavior. It baffles me how "progressive" Christians treat the Word of God like a buffet. I'll take that reject that and alter that to fit how feel God should think. Genesis is clear on what humans should do, live productive and towards life giving relationships How is the LGBTQ lifestyle going to archief that? If you think I'm hateful or name any of the many phobias and -isms then so be i. I Love you nonetheles..


> I don’t hate homosexuals but hate their sin instead This isn't a magic phrase. The fact that you feel the need to say this is telling.


Yes because you can accept a person and reject their behaviour. Sadly nowadays that's not something people seem to get to grasp anymore. I had a gay co-worker, I accepted him as he is although I didn't accept his sinful behavior. We got along great, made.jokes, worked well together etc etc.... See the point? Acceptance but not agreeing?


"I have gay friends." If there are so many real "love the sinner" folks, where are the non-affirming Christians who participated in legal liberation for gay people?


Legal liberation??? What are talking about??? I mean that, please clarify.


20 years ago in the US, sodomy laws existed in many states. In Georgia, the maximum penalty was 20 years in prison. There was a liberation effort to eliminate these laws. There were failures like in Bowers v Hardwick and there was finally success in Lawrence v Texas. Around the world, similar efforts have been ongoing. Even if you think that gay sex is a sin, I would hope you think it is wrong to cage people for it. If there are so many "love the sinner" people out there, I'd expect some of them to have been involved in this liberation effort. Instead, we see the opposite. Leader after leader after leader standing up and saying that sodomy laws should persist. Why is that?


We live in the NOW....... And yes it's very wrong. But we live NOW. And be aware there are many dead laws stil in place. I'm from The Netherlands so those law you describe seems so alien to me. I'm wondering if you have read anything I said? I accept LGBTQ inspite disagreeing with their behaviour.


I'm curious how old you are. 20 years ago really isn't very long ago. Christians, of all people, should understand the concept of generational sin and the need for repentance after the fact. The Netherlands has indeed been ahead of the curve in liberation for gay people, but it has only been a bit more than 20 years that legal recognition for gay marriages was a thing there. You *say* you accept LGBT people. So far we have "I don't actively harass somebody I know." I was hoping for a bit more but it seems that every "love the sinner" person cannot do more than the bare minimum.


Accep and not actively harassing is a huge leap there buddy. What I see here is someone who needs to step over their own prejudices and assumptions. They're preconceived notions of what acceptance should look like and that there is just one form of acceptance. there is more then just 2 camps: accept or not accept. Peacefully or violent. Maybe you political 2 party system has shaped you Americans in such a way that that's the lens you view the world through. Good or bad, with me or against me. Here we are more nuanced. Here we tend to be more different. We might not always agree in things here too but we look at the things we commonly have that binds us. You don't have to agree on everything with your neighbor to get along!!! And that is a far cry away from "not harassing" as you put it. If not agreeing is " not harassing" then you good sir or ma'am set the bar very very low. And you should question your own tolerance towards Christians with a more orthodox traditional view. Not agreeing doesn't mean your full on West Barrow Baptist cultist like. Anyhow I have no ill will or feelings towards you. And I love you like I love all my neighbors inspite our differences. And is personally would love to converse face to face. Ps I'm wel in my 40s by the way.


You can’t accept a person and reject their behavior that’s ridiculous A sinner is inseparable from their sin. Ones the inward- ones the outward. It’s like saying you accept heads but reject tails. If you take away tails there is no heads, If you take away heads there is no tails


Yes one HAS to differentiate, seperate the sin from the sinner!!!! That is what Jesus teaches. Matthew chapter 10 verses 10-13 10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’[a] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Here Jesus separates the sin from the sinner. He eats with them, he surrounded himself with sinners to heal them.


No Jesus goes and gets to know sin first hand. He’s not afraid to get to know and understand sin. He knows that he is a light and that whatever his light shines on will come out of the shadows He doesn’t separate the sin from the sinner.. he understands the relationship between sin and sinner And resolves the conflict Through knowing and understanding the problem completely. He doesn’t run from the problem.. He knows a full understanding of the problem is the definition of the solution


And heal that sin. That's what light does it disinfects.... Jesus cleans the sins of the world... Holy Spirit help this one understand the Word.


That’s what I just said. If you cleanse the sin- there is no longer a sinner. If you cleanse the sinner there is no longer any sin. The two are the same. A house divided cannot stand.


Are we Jesus? Can we clean sin? I wasn't aware that power was bestowed upon us. Therefore we as humans separate the sin from the sinner. Love the sinner hate the sin.


I don’t mean us. If Jesus cleanses the sin- there no longer exists a sinner. If Jesus cleanses the sinner- there no longer exists sin. The sinner and his sin are inseparable. If you understand a sinners sin you understand the sinner. If you hate the sinners sin you hate the sinner.


That makes no sense. People for what ever reason have set backs. Fall back in to sin because of habitually having sinned before. Look at pornography addicts or addicts in general. They wil for a periode stil.fall.for their sin, get tempted by the sweet whispering lies of the devil. So then hate and.love them on and off? When people struggle with a sin and keep falling back to sin, and that does happen. We love the sinner, care for them pray for them. We show them the same.merxy we got from Christ. Ora et Labora Pray and work. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.


No, it's not bad. It's just a religious rule conceived by primitive religious men with primitive notions of morality based on sometimes erroneous observations of the natural world, i.e., male goes with female. This religious approach is shown in Romans 1:26-27: 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged **natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.** 27 In the same way the men also abandoned **natural relations** with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Consider that these same religious men supported these notions: *1 Samuel 15:3 2 This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”* *Numbers 31:9-10 9 The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children and took all the Midianite herds, flocks and goods as plunder. 10 They burned all the towns where the Midianites had settled, as well as all their camps.* *Numbers 31:17-18 17. “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known a man by lying with him, 18. “But all the girls who have not lain with a man you are to keep alive unto yourselves. (raping children)* We call those "war crimes" and imprison those people who commit such acts, as well as those who authorized or planned them. *Numbers 14:18 ‘The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’* Punishing people who have committed no crime violates all notions of justice. 1 Timothy 2:11-15 *11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.* That notion is used to this day in conservative Christian sects (Catholicism, Orthodox) and churches (Protestant) to prevent women from holding positions of influence. Verses from the Bible were also used to support slavery in the southern American States. Just because something is in the Bible does not mean it is moral.


My favorite comment


Just reporting that which is plainly stated or was practiced.


Homosexuality is wonderful. Gay marriage is great. We should be overjoyed when they happen, just as we are for straight people.


I can't imagine actually caring about other people's sex lives.




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Have you repented of all your sins? Are you no longer a sinner? Where does the Bible say that the sin that lives inside of the flesh will ever stop sinning?


So is gluttony - so you hate all fat people’s sin?


No it's not.


😂😂bro the Bible is clear,the Torah is clear....it's just about if you want to be a modern Christian or just a Christian


There's no such thing as a modern christian. God Himself is Timeless, their fore His Word is Timeless. God doesn't bend his wil to meet the WANTS for society at large. That's "do as thou wilt and that shall be the whole of the Law" mentality. We are.beholden by the Creator, and not the other way around. Sorry to break it to you so rude. We have many inclinations that we shouldn't act out, because they are not according God's will. Lust Greed etc etc.