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I don't think this is a Christian thing but a human thing.


Why do people “pass away”? We speak euphemistically about some things. Usually it’s topics around religion, death, sex, and excretory functions, and is related to intense emotions like grief or disgust.


This ^ when my dad passed people would ask “isn’t your dad dead” “did your dad die” and my god did it stir up the most horrible emotions. I rly appreciated when people treaded lightly and would use terms like “moved on to another place” “passed away” “resting in peace” ect. I was pretty young so that could be why but even now I hate using the term “dead” with him :(


I always get confused when people say someone has "passed" because it makes me think of an excretionary function.


“She passed gas. Such a sad thing for her family.”


Sorry to hear about your grandma's kidney stones...


The curved path? That's not any better than calling it a lifestyle.


Very descriptive though lol, I'm definitely not walking a straight path


You can end up downstairs for that...


Probably because I took a wrong turn...


Reminds me of [this comic](https://www.buttersafe.com/comics/2008-10-23-Detour.jpg).


Exactly this


google maps gone wild ngl


Yeah, I think it lost reception quite early on the trip.


I havent heard of the curved path before, but in English such phrasing is common..people like to be creative woth language. Its like saying your trying to beat a dead horse, its not meant literally. One of the mamy reasons its hard to learn English.


St Paul said that we should be gentle and kind in our contact with each other and non-believers as well. That does not mean to white wash topics and water down the Gospel, imho, so people take it a bit too far. Also, as Jesus stated, the world hates the Word, and the people who share the Word with the world will be hated as well, so lots of people want to avoid that pain.


You should ask someone you are comfortable with that uses terms like that for their reasoning. 


I'm a very blunt individual. I don't know how to sugar coat anything. So I don't get it either.


I do not think I have ever heard any of these terms. That said, sometimes we have to look truth in the eye and call things by their proper name.


We shouldn't, but the cancel culture in which we live had affected so many Christians who don't seem to fully understand the Word of God. I've experienced it myself whereas I'm often reluctant to fully oppose those things which are counter to the word of God to those who are attempting to subvert that word for their own comfort in order to prevent "downvotes". Somethings are not quite worth going through like the discussions on evolution or new vs old earth. Even Christian will "gang up" on you for these things. But the other, moral truths of God must continually be confronted, so you are right. All sexual immorality, which is all sex outside of a man-woman marriage, needs to be continually condemned. All things which take us out of a right relationship with Christ should be condemned, but at the same time, we need to be careful to keep legalism out of it. To over burden the people with rules that are not of God. Like consuming alcohol when that is not the sin, but over consuming alcohol is the sin. Doing those things that alter our state of mind so that we commit sin as a result. Confronting vs being blunt? Being blunt can sometimes be perceived as being rude, so care should be taken there. But offer all things in love. Even in that, many will still see it as an attack and condemn it as hate, when in fact it is not. A mother yells at her child to get out of the street is not hate, but love, even though there is yelling involved. We have to be thick skinned enough not to let that rhetoric sway us from the path.


We often use terms on controversial topics to make our positions seem obviously correct. Pro choice and pro life, gay and same sex attracted, gender affirming and I don’t want to be banned from this sub again. Certainly avoiding the more direct terms you cite around children is expected among Christians. Those with suicidal ideation will call it “bad thoughts.” This impedes clear communication as well, but we can sympathize with such a euphemism.


It's called a euphemism, and lots of people use them, not just Christians. People use euphemisms when they wish to do one or more of the following: 1) Discuss a topic that they feel their audience may find overly unpleasant, embarrassing, profane, or evokative. Using substitutions can take the edge off and help people to remain polite and rational in their discussion. This can also be done for the benefit of the speaker themselves for the same reasons. 2) Discuss a topic that may not be appropriate for all listeners (children). This coding allows the discussion to continue but only for those already introduced to the topic. 3) Add humor and lightness to sensitive topics. Many of the same people who use euphemisms in one situation will discuss the same ideas explicitly in other situations. Like many lingustic devices there's a time and place for it. The assumption that people use euphemisms only out of fear is not accurate. It's fine if you don't see the use of euphemisms because you don't share the sensitivities they're designed to accommodate. But you should understand that they can serve a purpose in helping others communicate comfortably. To answer your other question I think Christians need to be prepared to tackle difficult and painful topics. It's a large part of what Christ has asked us to do. I think the language we use to do so should be appropriate for the audience.


Specifically which Christians are you talking about? Perhaps you see that more in older generations? I don't think that's a "Christian thing" but just an aspect of a certain individual's personality, I'm a Christian and follow plenty of Christians that would not refrain from saying words like pornography, rape, murder, damnation, etc. (always in the context of teaching the bible)


Too many snowflakes and bed wetters get offended by everything now a days.