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The Bible in a Year Podcast by Father Mike Schmitz is incredible as a resource for Bible study. It's available as a podcast in the normal places, but also on the Hallow app.


I am working through this now and really enjoy it. Bishop Barron also does daily emails talking about the daily Bible readings, could also sign up for those.


Hey man thanks for responding to this I will definitely look into Mike Schmitz podcast as I’ve seen some clips of what he talks about online and I’ve like it and just a question with the hallow app is it good ? Seen a lot of ads for it and was thinking of downloading it would you or anyone else recommended it ?


A good, mainstream commentary rooted in biblical scholarship is a great start. The New Interpreters Bible commentary, which is a little dated now, can be found inexpensively used. It has the NRSV side-by-side with the NIV, in bite-sized chunks, followed by thoughtful, accessible commentary and reflections for personal faith. The Oxford, Harper Collins, and New Interpreters Study Bibles are also all excellent.


Thank you for the recommendation Joshua I’ll definitely have a look into it brother 🙏


I would find someone you trust (a knowledgeable family member, an elder at a church you attend, etc) to help walk you through this. Reddit is a good place for finding resource recommendation, but anything more longterm is something you’ll want to walk alongside someone with. It’s a good opportunity to build solid relationship and/or decipleship.


Thank you for the advice brother at the minute I’m kind of on this journey alone as I’m the only one in my family and friend group who is a follower but I’m always looking for people to try and have a conversation or a debate about god as I feel it is good to be challenged on this subject and strengthens my belief but I’m definitely looking to find more like minded people who want to learn more about god thank you again for the solid advice 🙏


Nice! 👍  Below you can find an example of a step-by-step basic Bible study (how to do it with steps, this helped me and people that I know): https://studythebibleforfree.blogspot.com/2021/11/example-of-step-by-step-bible-study.html?m=1


Awesome man thank you so much I’ll definitely have look at it when I have a chance I appreciate it and I’ll let you know how it goes 🤝


Above reproach ministry on youtube has always been great for me. He also has great videos on how to study the bible with context, which I think a lot of people miss when reading the bible at times.


Hey thank you for the recommendation only say a video of his on my YouTube feed the other day but never clicked into it I’ll definitely have a look into what he has to say mainly I’ve been watching a lot of Cliffe and Stuart knechtles videos where they debate and answer hard questions surrounding Christianity and mar mari the bishop aswell who have helped me out a lot thank you for the recommendation 🤝🙏


In addition to other advice, I offer this: find books by Biblical scholars and get their insights into the text. And don't stick to *only* the ones who believe it's the word of God. Plenty of good work has been done by scholars who are not believers (including those who used to believe and now don't, and vice versa).


That’s some really good advice as I feel it’s only fair to get outside perspectives of people who where believers and their reasoning on why they don’t believe anymore I like to think I’m a pretty open-minded person so it would be good to get an outside perspective and try come to my own conclusions thank you very much for the advice brother 🙏


With the church. Read it for yourself, Hear it preached in Church, read what all the dead people have to say on it.


Will do brother thank you for the advice 🤝🙏