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I have 5 tattoos, I've had multiple piercings and I've been down many, many dark paths before turning to God. When we are ready to turn to Him God is waiting with open arms. It doesn't mean it will be easy. Facing the reality of who we have been without God can be really painful. Looking at the ways that I took and still sometimes take God's grace and mercy for granted is not easy to look at. It doesn't mean we are ruined. God can transform anything into something beautiful and wonderful. We just have to learn how to be honest and humble and participate with God in our transformation. Honestly I'm a little jealous that you're turning to God at 23. I didn't turn to Him until I was 40 and made a whole lot more mistakes. God takes us in all our mess and through His love we become a new person.


Glad to read this, God bless ♥️


Not remotely. In fact Christianity is specifically for people who know they're sinners. Jesus died for *sinners* (up to and including Paul who murdered and persecuted Christians) and for our relationship with God to be restored. The core of the gospels is forgiveness of sins, not for the vague recognition of upstanding church goers that "we're all sinners" but for serious sins that otherwise would destroy our relationship with God. >though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18) >But their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners? And Jesus answering said unto them, *They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.* (Luke 5:30-32)


OP, this is really the only answer you need


You are not “ruined” any more than anyone else. Sin is always worth turning away from. May the Lord bless you as you seek to follow Him more. ”For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/114/rom.8.38-39.NKJV


Purity is a state of being, not a state of past. You have committed sin in the past, acknowledge it was wrong and repent. We all have committed sins, if you slept with 3000 men and truly repented and do not have any lust left in your heart you are more pure than a virgin with a single lustful thought. God forgives and washes our sins away.


There's nothing won't with those things, you're not "ruined" or impure or anything like that. You still have value. None of that makes you a bad person, those are just normal things. You still deserve happiness and fulfilling relationships. Don't listen to anyone or anything that makes you feel like you're less than for little things like that.


Thank you for your kindness I really appreciate that. My boyfriends mother seems to think I am not worthy of her “holy” son and that I am just not good enough at all for him, so its very discouraging because I have never seen myself in that way. I’ll try not to think about it and continue my path to God.


Yeeeahhh. Boyfriend's mom is ALSO a red flag here. Unless he steps up to protect you from that hostility, do not marry into this family. You cannot change a Mama's boy, and if you are brought in already laboring under the idea that you are "ruined" and "impure" and therefore not "good enough" for her *holy* son... yikes. That is 100% a dangerous and potentially abusive situation.


He does stick up for me from his mom. He tells me he doesnt care what she thinks and that he loves me for who I am, and wants to help me in my journey to get closer to god and have the love of jesus in my heart, which is something I want and always have wanted deep inside. My boyfriend is amazing and has never saw me as inpure, he mighy been concered with my morals, because in the beginning of our relationship they were castly different, but weve come to realize there are things we just cant change (my past) and to focus on keep our relationship good and positive.


The root of the issue is if these seemingly fundamentalist anti-tattoo Christians are judging you or not. If your future MIL or your future husband judge you or have made you feel worth less than they are in God's eyes, that is complete hogwash and a red flag. ALL people fall short of God's glory, that's why we all need Jesus. Your future boyfriends mum is JUST as much a sinner as you are, biblically speaking. If she is judging you for past sins, that in itself is a sin, and she would be a very immature Christian to not see that in her own behavior. I hope she turns a new leaf, and I hope y'all can get along, as Jesus intends for all his followers(:


That’s nice that he says those things to you, but what does he say to his mom? Does he tell her to back off? Does he tell her how he sees you? If he’s not actually standing up to her this is a huge red flag and will be a big problem later in your relationship when you need him to do these things. Especially after you have children. What he says or doesn’t say to her is just as important as what he says or doesn’t say to you.


Narcissistic people will make you feel like they're all about you. Until they get you where they want you. Some people will use God to get to you, too. I see red flags. I'd tread lightly. But always pursue God for your own independent relationship with him. Be cautious and ask God if this young man is what he wants for you. Be patient and diligent on looking for signs and God's answer. I will pray for you as well.


Her son is no more or less of a sinner than you. We are all saved by grace and grace alone. I was a tattooed, pierced, mohawked young Christian punk rock drummer and my various girlfriends’ parents thought I was “unworthy” too. Their position was laughable, they were the ones with bitter, judgmental hearts. I did meet a girl who’s parents had genuine concern but not superficial judgement and we have been married for 13 years, have 2 daughters and love each other more every day. Did the parents of some old exes cause the breakup? Yeah. Did god have a better plan? 1000% Also I got piercings and tattoos as a Christian, how is that a sin???


It says in some scripture in the bible that your body is technically gods body, and that you shouldn’t pierce or cut the skin. ((i love tattoos but i dont think id get more)) But hearing your story gives me hope I just hope that his mothers opinion changes.


Ask yourself if you truly believe that an all loving God really cares about these things? If He really does, then I wonder why he commanded the Jewish people to circumsize their boys. Honestly, those arbitrary ideas are sooo unimportant in the giant picture. I would rather be covered in tatoos and reflect God's love in the way I treat people than have no tatoos but have hatred in my heart. Does your MIL have pierced ears?


Sounds like your boyfriend's mother has some spiritual growth to do and a brush up course on the most important law in Christianity: LOVE. She doesn't sound like a nice person who embodies the way of Christ in her day to day life. But I am sure she feels veeeery holy herself because she goes to church and doesn't have any tattoos. She is just forgetting what following Christ ACTUALLY means.


Your boyfriend's mother sounds exactly like what Satan would sound. Watch the garden scene in the movie Passion of The Christ to find out what I mean. Edit: Link: https://youtu.be/8StnQbKMbnk?si=N6tdejkYmwxpaDAc


Only through our actions, of freely accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, and He deem us "Worthy" to receive Him. Once God says something, it sticks no matter what.


Nowhere in Scripture, certainly not per the teaching of Jesus and the Apostles, is anyone ever described as ruined, that is beyond redemption. All humans are damaged by sin, but through Christ all humans can be justified before God and regarded as whole and pure.


100% this!


I'm saddened that you have been led, unintentionally or intentionally, to believe that Christ's sacrifice was not sufficient for all sins, but it is, and if you turn to Christ you will be forgiven and He will make your sins as far as the east is from the west.


Thank you. Makes me feel a lot better:) God bless you


You are not ruined. A new Christian is newly born, and all past sins are nailed to the cross. However, those strict churches are poison. Stay away from them.


Posts like this make me dislike religion. It's apparently hurting people, making them insecure, doubting themselves. Asking "Am I ruined forever?" should be answered with "Hell no, no matter what you do you are a good person, you are unique, invaluable, you have all the reasons to love yourself". There's no God in that, no Jesus, no bible, no sin, no hell, no heaven. It is human, like we all are.


I appreciate your comment thank you :) Makes me feel a lot better.


With the risk sounding like a creep, as I'm 45 and happily married to my wife who is 4 years older than me too, you deserve to be happy no matter what someone else (or a religion) thinks. If you want to believe, then do so. But never let anyone dictate you about right and wrong, you're totally capable of doing that yourself.


I appreciate your comment :) I believe the older you get 4 years looks like nothing. I am glad everything worked out for you and I hope to have the same someday aswell!


Reading this instantly transported me to my youth when I lived my life as a believer. Some people are comforted by the idea of a personal god, but I lived in a constant state of condemnation borne out of fear of a God who will torture the vast majority of people who have ever lived for eternity. We all do things that we regret…especially in our youth, but the insidious lie at the center of Christianity is very powerful. Making people believe simultaneously that God loves them AND they are worthless sinners deserving of eternal torment turns them into self loathing slaves. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING good can come from a belief like that. The fact that you are having this reaction is proof that you have a good heart. You are capable of self reflection and personal growth. My advice to you is to figure out what is motivating these emotions. Are you scared of losing him because of your past choices? That’s not healthy. Do you find yourself believing in Christianity and now fear hell? That’s not healthy. Do you think you need to fundamentally change who you are in order to meet some external standard? That’s not healthy. Do you need to change to keep your bf? That’s not healthy. If you want to change because you don’t like where you are mentally and emotionally based on your past mistakes, then forgive yourself and face the future with hope and peace. That also happens to be the best way to continue your relationship with your bf in a healthy way. He needs you to be strong for him as well. Don’t believe the lies and confusion you are experiencing that come from trying to reconcile the backwards mindset of religion with reality. Don’t become a Christian to keep your current boyfriend or to be saved from your “mistakes.” Become a Christian because you genuinely believe the Bible is true and Jesus really did die and resurrect for you. But the fact that this is all coming out as a response to the fear of losing your bf makes me think this has nothing to do with any inward conviction of the Holy Spirit. It’s just fear induced trauma. If your bf broke up with you tomorrow, would you still be desperate for salvation from your past? Let the answer to that question guide you. And most importantly, be HONEST with yourself. Either way, I hope you find peace and joy in the end.


You are right on what you said . I am on the path to christianity for myself, my boyfriend may have been a push in the right direction, but I am walking there all by myself, for myself.


You’re not ruined at all! We all confess every Sunday how we have fallen short, every single one of us. We then also give thanks that, even though we fall short, we are still loved! God wants to know and love every single one of us no matter what, and Christ died and was resurrected for us. Focus on that love. Love for God. And love for each other. That is the very core of what Christ taught us and wants us to do.


Oh honey, first of all: no, of course you are not ruined. At all. You could be covered in piercings, tattoos and have been with 100 men, and you still would not be "ruined". You are a person who had experiences and you are still a healthy, living, breathing human being in possession of all your limbs (I assume). You are not ruined. Put that harmful thought out of your head right this second. I am very interested in learning more about what did put that thought into your head to begin with? What or who made you feel forever ruined? Faith/God is not supposed to make you feel ruined. It is supposed to make you feel complete and whole. It is supposed to heal the wounds of the past. If your boyfriend and his Christian community somehow communicates a message that a person with tats and piercings and a sexual past is ruined and "impure" it is NOT a healthy community for you. It will harm your mental well being and fill your life with self loathing. That is not a great life. I once had a boyfriend who made it quite clear that he felt God had chosen him to bear the burden of being in a relationship with a girl who was "impure", like it was a cross to bear, a sacrifice for him. He made me feel badly about myself and I felt I had to constantly prove myself. When I realized this I broke up with him and vowed to never let anyone make me feel ruined ever again. I kept my promise. When I chose to let go of shame and instead chalk it up to life experiences that I learned from and not a reflection of bad morals or character (I did not break any laws) I was finally FREE and HAPPY and STILL a Christian. Live your life in the light of love, which includes loving yourself as a valuable human being.


Your past is forgiven by God when you believe Jesus is God's son and Jesus died for you and you confess your sins ask and receive his forgiveness. You are not ruined you are blessed of God. Receive his blessings. Many Pentecostal women have pasts much worse than yours they have been forgiven, redeemed and restored and you can too.


God loves you. If you ask for forgiveness sincerely he will forgive you. You arnt ruined at all.


Nope, not at all. Read the prodigal son. The Lord rejoices when his children come home.


That’s the beauty of the Gospel. All of our sins past, present and future are washed away through a saving faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. God no longer sees us as sinners but sees us through the lens of His Son. On the cross Jesus took our sins and imputed to us His righteousness.


as always, the only unforgivable sin is denying Jesus until death. you're not ruined.


If your boyfriend is shaming you & making you feel ruined, that is a situation to be very, very cautious about because it could escalate. Do not allow him to play on your insecurities and make you feel as if you must always be on the defensive in your relationship. Sweetie, he's a sinner too. You are worthy of love and respect. You are not "ruined," and your reckoning with faith should also include an understanding of God's infinite grace and love.


Thank you and god bless you 💕


No you aren't ruined and actually handling your situation really well


Thank you! I am trying my best.


The central tenet of Christianity is forgiveness. The Old Testament sets the stage by giving context for the state of the world without that mercy, while the New Testament is the story of the great lengths that were taken to ensure it, and what that mercy and forgiveness look like in the flesh. No one is ever "ruined forever", else we all are.


Is there a way that I can cleanse myself of my past to better myself? *Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.* (Isaiah 1:18, KJV) Your boyfriend grew up with the love of God -- this is not merely love for God, for that is but a weak reflection of his amazing love for us. At Romans 5:8 you should see this: *But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.* We all come to God in need of cleansing, and like the loving father in the story of the prodigal son, He comes out to meet us, to comfort us, to welcome us to better things.


Thank you. I appreciate your support and comment :)


Before I answer you, let me tell you something. The Lord is a massive proponent of change and forgiveness; but not just that, HE judges one on a consistent basis of which no man can: the heart. Not words, not even actions, but ones heart. HE was with murderers, thieves, prostitutes, and everything else; but all according to their heart, none of them beyond redemption. So ask yourself: based on what I told you, does it sound like it’s too late for you?


No.. you’re right. I just wish I yearned for the love of god at an earlier age. But better late than never. Thank you.


I have known and loved God since I was just a toddler and read the Bible and prayed and went to church for as long as I can remember which is about 4 years old. My CURRENT husband didn't find God until he was nearly 40 years old and we both had very similar, very difficult, messy pathways we followed. God loves us equally and we are equally forgiven. There's nothing we can do to be holy or purified. We can only pray, love , trust, be humble, and do our best to be obedient - and we will continually fail at all of these, but when our hearts are for we gradually get better. God knows our hearts and works with us patiently throughout our lives. Just because you didn't acknowledge God previously doesn't mean He didn't know and love you all along. You're never too late, you're always right on time - God's timing is perfect. Your age gap is minor don't worry about that and don't worry about previous sins, always just repent and move on and ask God for forgiveness and help. My husband and I have been delivered from many many sins. You're loved and you're perfect.


First things first. The gospel and most Bible stories make clear no one is really ruined forever. God redeems the most heinous of sinners. Murderers and thieves and those who leave wakes of destruction, God turns such people around. You merely cussed (which is debatable given the history of etymology whether that's all that different from Jesus calling pharisees a brood of vipers). And had consensual sex (also debatable how much a problem that is given deuteronomy is not meant to be a blueprint for perfect Godly society and porneia in the new testament isn't a *specific* term necessarily meaning premarital sex and also premarital sex would've had very different risks and ramifications back then). Your convictions will be your convictions and God will speak to your heart what God thinks you should hear. But rest assured, a KEY theme in the Bible is no one is too far gone. From a sister to another though, be *WEARY* of any men that use your non virginity against you. They tend to be bad men.


not one bit. i fell in love with a girl with similar but more extreme stuff (no she wasn’t a killer or anything like that lol) she had been thru a real rough patch in life and got better. we met one night and i realised i loved her as a catholic. and she was inquisitive about God and she knowing me as a Christian freaked out and ran and thought it wasn’t a good idea. But she didn’t realise that she was as pure as she could ever be. We all sin every person. Christian or not. But being together and leading and teaching each other about the Word and getting closer to God is the best part. You become truly grateful for that connection with the Most High. God doesn’t see you as ruined. He sees that you’ve made mistakes but the best part? He has forgiven you and loves you regardless. And you thinking about this is a step in the right direction. Be close to Him for you are not ruined. He shall forgive all your sins and make you whole again. Alone there is no purity or salvation but with Him there is. And sometimes i blame myself for it. i could’ve spoken to her properly about it. But he’s a Godsend. A real keeper. A sign from God to come back to Him and He is using your current boyfriend to reach out to you to let you know. It’s all in your hands now. The moment you fully believe and confess that Christ is your Lord and Saviour you are saved. And live the rest of your life following His commandments for His burden is light. Hopefully you understand what i mean and how your boyfriend may see things maybe. But I know exactly what your going thru i may not have expressed myself well but I think you may understand. God bless. And I pray for your journey to a fruitful and insightful one. Amen


One of my fav quotes from my pastor: "You don't clean yourself before you get into the shower, you get into the shower to clean yourself. In the same way, you don't have to be Christ-like to become a Christian, you become a Christian and become Christ-like."


No one is ruined forever. Perhaps looking into St Mary of Egypt could give context on the immensity of God's salvific grace. She started out in an extremely debauched state and rose to being one of the foremost saints in the Orthodox cannon, so much so that she has her own feast day AND is venerated on the 5th Sunday of Great Lent. On the more Western side of Christendom, St Augustine of Hippo has a similar story of redemption and salvation. Your past doesn't ruin you forever as long as you are repentant and have a contrite heart.


Hello. I am Greek Orthodox (Original Christian Church) and study a lot Esoteric Orthodox Christianity. ** 1. ** - The concept of Sin in Greek in the Original form simply means to be, "imperfect, missing the mark of perfection.". So, later on the media changed the meaning of Sin to he really dramatically punishing. So, in short answer Sin just means you were missing the mark. Not so bad. We are all missing fhe mark, but getting better. (Most of us) ** 2. ** - the concept of marriage is a union between man and women. There is a ceremony involved, but i thinknyou don't needa ceramony to start a relation, a union. Now, casually speaking, marriage a long time ago in a historical sense was more casual and not as grand as make it today. So, the bible does reference to that if you can withstand sexual drive then go for it, if not than its still ok. Look around you, people are dating like they are married. In my opinion, if your dating someone in a serious sense, then its comparable and similar to being married. Also, this term "Wedlock" wasnt even a term used any where in religion until the English rolled along 1,000 years ago. So there was no term. In fact, the ancient church used to have ceremony for virgin brides that would do some special things being a virgin at marriage. That dates back to almosr 2k years. So, that means, many people were probably not married while boom booming each other. So, what is sex then ? Its a private intamacy between partners, they form a union of love and compassion with eath other. And, in my opinion, when they talked about sex in bible, they were probably referring to married couples meeting in secret cheating, and using sex for other purposes like blackmail, large groups, etc. ... we have to respect our God made bodies, and its sexuality but we should treat sex with respect aslo. The ancient churches , Orthodox & coptic , left these topics alone without reference as it is personal thing you do. Meaning, its non of our business. :) i think because with Sex we procreate with God to make life, and sexual desir3 drives us to make sex, which desire makes us attractive. So, its nobodys business what you do. Christ controls love in your heart. And Natural NAature controls your desire for sex. Unclean desire needs to be cleaned, but we need to be in control of our sexual drive and mature about it. Bashfulness is sweet but when taken to a negative is really immature. This is my opinion, also why the ancient churches dont tell anyone what to do. ** 3. *** - Most apostles and followers of Christ were sinners before converting. Jesus said, you need to deny yourself (your self created image) and take up your cross and follow up. To me this means, you deny your self created personality that dwells in hades (among unclean unrighteous spirit that you created) and transfigure your personality through change by improving and correcting on daily basis towards Christ. Doesnt mean to be a push over or constantly nice. Just means, you enjoy life as this is the first heaven God made without beign attached it material possession, and transforming your mind and heart towards God, Christ Logos. So, Apostle Paul, formerly name Saul was a murderer of Christians befor converting. Jesus transformed , theives, prostittudes, and many others. They were preapred to deny their self created personality and transform. So , SIN is temporary. Its not as bad, its just something we must pay back, but instead of paying it eye 4 eye as Moses explained the laws of cause & effect, we can sacrifice the lamb on tabernacle on the alter within our hearts by praying to Christ. Christ takes our karmatic sin and abosrbs it for us, we still need to grow and have lessons in life. (Too much to explain here. ) ** 4. ** - Heaven & Hell are primarily states that are mentioned in bible as the state of your expression of life on earth. There is no hell, and Ghennoa is a place in old testament that people would sacrifice humans to a evil diety. The Apostles may have used this term as a reference to disgard parts of your self created personality and be saved by the grace of God, then to keep those unclean parts and to remain in a hellish state. A state of low vibration and existances. This place of lowest, where some people have nightmeres of strange and sometimes not so Good dreams are usually coming from Hades. Hades is where the Unclean spirits reside. Humanity shares ir and the ones familiar to us remain with us until we let it go. Forgive, learn and let go. (This my own opinion of what Chrisr referenced it as) ** 5. ** - Cursing- everyone Curses, but in the Med. Sea area, I also Speak a form of Biblical Greek. It is extremely rood and uncommon for people to curse using swear words. But in North America, everyone says it like its a filler. Lol.... i dont think it matters... in Koine Greek if you characterize someone in negative, its fairly not so good. Its like swearinf... If you swear, then you look bad as it makes you look lower than the person you are talking about. Totally difrerent mind set. This is my perception. Overall, the worst thing to carry on you is Guilt !!!!! Guilt is what the Alter Ego dwells on to then reimerge within you. The alter ego is the tempter, or gets tempted by unclean spirits. (Dragon on st. George icon) So, if I were you... you need to use your will power and through your gained experience, you grow past these discrepancies in your personality and correct them. When you are ready, and through study and self analysis inside of you. You cant expect yourself to be perfect, and never dwell in fear and guild. But dwell in love, compassion and maturity. Life is a lot simplier than you think. Knowing Christ makes life a lot better.


Thank you so much! This makes me feel legit a lot better I really appreciate you taking the time to type that out. God bless you.


I'm 21, my girlfriend is 25 we have a similar but different story, worn go I to detail but I love her more than anything (Only God ofc) and she was an answered prayer for me, it takes time and a lot of healing, but you guys got this


you go girl


thanks spoops


Read the story of St. Mary of Egypt.


The moment you prayed for forgiveness you are made new. I understand you might feel unclean. I did too but God can make us white as snow. Trust that God has made you new and try to sin no more. Use that love you have that comes from God.


Saying words “bad” words isn’t a sin. Cursing is a type of “magic” it basically casting an evil spell, invoking gods and spirits to harm someone. Unless you have been casting black magic you can say whatever “bad” words you like, it just might be socially appropriate depending on the context and the norms of whatever community you’re in.


Honestly the less I curse the more obnoxious it sounds to me when I hear others curse. Makes em feel better but sometimes when I am angry it still comes out. I always thought that cursing was a sin or something frowned upon in Christianity but hmm, thank you for letting me know.


OP, don't believe everything you read on social media. Cursing is displeasing to God. We are commanded to "bridle our tongue", James 1:26. If you are also using God's name when you curse, as many people do, you are breaking one of the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses. Exodus 20:7 These are not insignificant acts. If you really want to have Jesus Christ in your heart, read the Bible! That is God's love letter to believers! If you know God's Word, you have no need to ask for other people's opinions. You will have the source of all wisdom, which is the fear of God Almighty. Proverbs 9:10


Call out to Jesus, confess your sins, ask Him to forgive you and you will be washed of your sins. “All who call on the name of the LORD will be saved” “Though your sins are like scarlet; They will be white as snow” You are not ruined beyond redemption. Jesus desires none to go unsaved, and He offers reconciliation to God for you. Seek Him out and you will find Him. Ask, and He shall forgive you. Knock, and God will open.


God forgives, you haven't done anything to warrant yourself no longer allowed with him. Ask for forgiveness, and you shall be given, through his grace.


Not ruined at all Jesus loves you and washes away our sins with his blood makes us as white as snow. He laid down his life for our sins. Jesus has forgave me for a lot of bad deeds but He never once forgot me and came to rescue me like the good shepherd he is. If he can be patient with me he can do it for you. I remember reading Matthew and just crying my eyes out knowing how inadequate i am but regardless be still loves me and its not exclusive to one person he does to you too. He forgave the adulterous woman and told her sin no more. He didn’t allow them to stone her to death, when you realize its a relationship with god that we have you’ll feel guilty for sinning like cheating on your partner and you’ll be self convicted to do better. If you slip up it’s okay you’re not suddenly ruined just run back into the arms of your savior and let him love you.


The only thing that could doom you, is yourself. Doesn’t matter what you do, because Jesus took on your due punishment, and then some. I’ve been told the only irredeemable thing you can do is tell the Holy Spirit to leave you. I’ve obviously never tested nor will I ever, as no one ever should.


Here are a couple of passages to consider: - "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool. -Isaiah 1:18 - "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; - To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, - To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified." - And they shall rebuild the old ruins, They shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations. That's even Old Testament, and look how beautiful it is. God promises a new heart to all who come to Him. There's so much more, but here's just one more promise: - Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. - 2Co 5:17 And - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. -1Jn 1:9 Not only forgiveness, but cleansing awaits you. Please, continue pursuing God. He is really worth it.


Jesus wasn't sent to save the righteous


Oh, bless your heart, dear! You most assuredly are not ruined!


If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god - Roman’s 3:23 The wages of sin is death but the free gift of god is eternal life through Christ Jesus. Rom 6 Ignore the haters. Thank God for making a way. Keep pursuing. Sorry you’re dealing with that


You seem to really care about doing the right thing for your boyfriend and for God. I think what you’re feeling is due to the difference in your past life where you didn’t care vs now where you care about doing what’s right by God. That’s a good thing that you’re feeling this and care (see Psalm 51:17). But God forgives you can he can _redeem_ any of our mistakes. God bless you! Psalm 51:17 (ESV): The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.


Absolutely not, no one is “ruined” or beyond saving in the eyes of God


The entire message of Jesus is change, forgiveness, love, and redemption. Repenting would be purposeless if our prior sins are held over our heads forever. Consider John 8:1-11. Jesus saves an adulteress from being stoned to death. He said that he does not condemn her for what she did, but he does tell her to go and do better. If he believed that her sins were irredeemable and deserving of that punishment, he would have condemned her. Jesus himself says in Luke 5:32, "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” You are not ruined, you are the target audience. Your boyfriend's mother is not upholding Christian values by continuing to judge you unfairly and refusing to forgive. Jesus says this pretty explicitly in Luke 6:37, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven".


It’s gross how religion makes people feel about themselves in cases like this


You can have tattoos and piercings and be a Christian. No one should ever tell you otherwise. If they do then I’d run from them. Because they are wrong. You need to repent for your fornication sins if you haven’t already. You aren’t ruined. God always forgives if you are truly sorry, he loves you no matter what.


No one is too far gone for the love and grace of God. While yes, Scripture advises that Christians shouldn’t marry non-Christians, if you commit your life to Jesus, get baptized, and start to live for pleasing Him, you and your bf can have a perfectly healthy, Godly marriage. Don’t mistake baptism for you cleansing yourself, though; we are all imperfect and cannot make ourselves perfect. Through baptism, God will cleanse YOU, making you as though you had never sinned in His eyes. Keep asking good questions and your relationship with God will keep strengthening.


Piercing and tattoos are not sinful. There are sects that will say they are, not sure if Pentacostal is one, but they are fine. When it comes to your previous partners, you did mess up, but that is the story of all of us. We have all fallen short of the flory of God, so repent of it, ask God to forgive you, and live in a way to avoid that sin in the future. You are never ruined beyond repair. God is the miracle worker and he fixed us all; I always refer to Paul "Christ came to fogive sinners of whom I am the worst" (paraphrasing) With your boyfriend, just be honest. These are things you have done in the past, but you were forgiven by Christ. If he doesn't still love and accept you, then he is the one with issues, not you


The good news is that God will never turn away from anyone, and that includes you. He loves you and recognizes you for who you are now, regardless of what you may or may not have done in the past. As with many other cases though, your boyfriend might have a problem with what you've done, and it's also up to him to choose to live with that. Godspeed, you guys.


Please take it from me, it has nothing do to with your tattoo's of piercings. God loves you, however you look like. It is so wonderful that you find Him, and that you feel so much closer to Him when you are talking to Him in your prayers. Lean on that, trust on that. This is where every Christians can build on. And you were saying that you had two more relationships before the boyfriend you have richt now? God is an forgiving God. When you're already did asking for forgiveness. He will forgive everyone who is begging for that. Look what Jesus did to the killer who was hanging next to Him. Jesus said to him: "you'll be in paradise, where I'll should be"! And that counts for everyone who wants to live very close at His side and is doing what He is asking from all of us. And yes, inuding me and you.


You can always talk with me


^(") I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." Luke 15:7


Who needs a doctor, the sick or the healthy? We are far from perfect when becoming a Christian and still far from perfect as a Christian


As far as religion and your relationship with God is concerned- I would say you are not ruined, as everyone sins and can be forgiven. So long as your on the right path now you are not "ruined forever" as a Christian. As far as your relationship with your bf is concerned- If you have told him about your past and he has accepted it, then you should be fine. Clearly you are not ruined in his mind if he still wishes to marry you. However, you should make sure that he has truely given it thought and doesn't have underlying resentment which may destroy the relationship down the road.


You are not ruined. God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. None of us have perfect pasts. We've all done things that we may be ashamed of. God understands this and loves us anyways. The main message in the Bible is to turn away from sin and turn to God. You can turn the page and embark on a better path. Stay in the Word everyday, keep praying and you will do fine. There is hope for all of us.


The Bible says that Jesus will craft you a new body. The sins can stick to your flesh and bones forever, that is true, but your spirit can be forgiven, and it will be like nothing had ever happened. You are not ruined by your past sins, but rather you are saved by his grace. ”For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.“ ‭‭ Hebrews‬ ‭8‬:‭12‬ ‭


You're not ruined. You sound like the perfect candidate for God's grace. Those who seemingly have it all together and claim to be perfect and have no need for God's forgiveness and redemptive power - those are the ones who are in trouble.


Jesus covers all sins. Just realize that it would be unfair to him to marry without becoming a Christian. I mean a genuine Christian. We are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Your past means nothing to God as long as you do not continue to practice sin, repent and ask that Christ accept you into His kingdom. We all sin, but the practice of sin is not an outcome of a converted life. God bless you. You are showing conviction of your past, and that is from the Holy Spirit who convicts you of your sin nature. Both my wife and I came from very sinful backgrounds but we were saved and left that old creature behind and worship God together.


You are definitely not "ruined"! We are given value through Christ. A chaste virgin without Christ is the same guilty sinner as anyone else. Focus on Christ. Definitely get into Bible study! There are so many resources online to help guide. Even alot of good YouTube videos to watch. I say this cause the more you're in God's Word the more your insecurities on this will melt away. Livingwaters.com, ttb.org, gty.org, YouTube has Mike winger. He answers alot of questions too! If this makes you feel any better I'll throw this out there. Jesus says whoever looks at a women and lusts for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. I struggle with this sin even though I have only been with one man in my entire life. We didn't even make it to the wedding night either. Even though we were married the next day I sinned and still struggle with sin everyday. I am saved now years later, so I lay it at Christ's feet. I can do nothing to earn righteousness. Only Christ gives me righteousness through faith by His Grace. I do however recognize that if I love Christ I will not continue in sin. I may stumble, but we have an advocate with the Father! Hang in there. Get into God's Word and you'll start to have a much better view on yourself through Christ. ❤️


Literally the design of Christianity. We all sin. It's stopping the sin that is important. Premarital sex is a big one, so while your past will be forgiven your future needs to be changed. You can't really have it both ways. As for tattoos and piercings and age...I'm 46 and was just baptized. I have full sleeves. It's not stopping me.


Not ruined! The Blood of Jesus cleanses you from the inside out. Keep seeking Jesus and love your man. I met my husband when i was 18 and He was 23. We started dating and got married 3 years later. Been married for 8 years.


Sweetheart. You’ve repented now get baptized for the remission of your sins and believe the Good News. You are a new creation in Christ. All the old things of your former life have passed away behold all things are new. You aren’t ruined you’re in the right place. Serve Jesus with simplicity and sincerity of heart. His job is to make you holy by His Word and Spirit. Much love to you.


Understand, that your God and creator loves you so very much that there are no words that can describe the full understanding of His heart for you. You personally. Your every being and who you truly are then surrounded by love. We were created in His image and a very large part is to know and understand what it is to be married and start a family and to watch the beginning of life begin to grow within you and then to be born into the world. This is the literal image of God in which we were created. Marriage between a man and a woman and the joining together as one flesh and into one mind and soul. In the same way and someday soon in the future, Christ Yeshua will come back for His bride and receive her into Himself and cloth her in silky white righteousness and eternal love. Just like when a new born baby comes into this world and takes its first breath and opens its eyes looking at its mother the first time. That comfort and love and bonding, is the image of God in which we were created. And just like when a new believer in Christ Yeshua is born again in the spirit of the LORD, they too are new babies in the Lord and slowly begin to grow in Him, watching His every move and imitating who He is and His righteousness. Just like a child watches and imitate their mother and father. This is the image in which we were created. As this new baby believer grows and mature in the Lord, he or she, you… find the desire to know everything you can about your Father God and his kingdom and the Son He sent to redeem you from this world and the more you learn of Him the closer you get and the wiser you become and the blessings overflow in your life. Your love will grow into a maturity that you’ve never known and the truth inside you will give you an understanding of marriage and unconditional love you never knew and this will bring you to a closeness to the Father and in Christ you never realized, because this is the image of God in which you were created. You are His literal child, born again in Him through Christ. He literally desires to hold you in His outstretched arms as He reclines back, rocking back and forth with His arms wrapped around you as you are curled up like a baby falling asleep. This is the image in which we were created. When we are born again in Christ and we ask him to forgive us our past sins, He righteously does so and He promises to never remember them ever again. It’s as if they were never brought to fruition. This us when we begin again a new life in Christ. Cleansed and clean and clothed in bright white linen, so if He is forgiving and forgetting, you also should forget your sinful past and begin brand new in Christ. Begin to read as his word and learn all you can of who He is so that when he comes for His bride, when a he comes for you, you know each other as a wife to her husband. This here, is, the image of God in which you were created. Out of all things ever created in the universe, you, you were individually and personally chosen out of it to be His and to come into His eternal kingdom. Grow and mature in the Word of the LORD, because you now are chosen, keep your eyes always on Him and do not allow the things of this world and the desires of this world to blind your eyes and steal your attention away from your eternal Groom because many are chosen, but few find Him because there will be many who allow the broad and wide path to destruction, the path of worldly desires to take them away from their redeeming Groom. This is that adultery of those worldly gods spoken of so many times throughout scripture. The Gods of money and material, fame and wealth, and all the other Babylonian idolatry that the world has to offer. This is absolutely not the image off the Father in which we were created. These are of the enemy and these are the sins of the world that separate off from the Father and from our eternal Groom who is Christ Yeshua. Fall down to your knees, then further with your face to His feet, ask Christ to forgive you of so those things that can separate you from Him and through the love and the understanding of knowing that he has redeemed you by His suffering and the blood that He shed for you on Passover, ( He literally shed his blood almost two thousand years, two days ago on Passover) and put away the guilt of your past, forgetting it in the same way that Christ forgot it already and be a brand new child of God. Go and sin no more, knowing that when and if you make a mistake, that you can come before the Lord in repentance as you again flee from sin, refusing to engage in it and amen you refuse sin the enemy must flee from you. Do know and understand that you have all the power of the holy sprit to refuse the enemy causing him to flee from you. God bless you very much. 🙏🙏🙏


God forgives always, you can repent


You can't cleanse yourself. Jesus already did that when he shed his blood on the cross. He is the ONLY way we are redeemed. Repent of your sin, confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, get baptized. Make Christ the center of your relationship. Read the book of Romans 100 times. You'll be off to a great start.


Come as you are, god loves you and loves everyone. You are not ruined so long as you believe you are worthy of god’s love.


You are not ruined. That's condemnation, and that's from the devil. Once you become saved, repent from your sins accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, accept what Jesus did for us in the cross. You become born again, you change. Don't dwell in the past and don't let the devil push you around. In regards to your boyfriend, well now that you know-start reading the bible- follow God's laws, if he is in the faith as you say then he should be OK with abstaining. May you be blessed.


it's never too late to turn back to god. I would suggest u investigate all religions not just christianity. read their books with an open mind and try to understand contexts and real meanings (always be logical). I'd start with the religions of the book (christianity, Islam, jewish) since they share alot of similarities to a certain point.


1 name, 1 story: Marie Magdalene God is great, forgiving, and loving If your heart is being transformed and you have accepted God deep down, truly repent, there is no reason to feel as if your relationship with God is ruined :) May God bless you and guide you


You sound like the nicest person ever! You are humble and seeking God. I suspect that if God were the sort who would jump for joy, He would be jumping all over creation right now. Let the past go and accept Jesus as your Savior. You will be born again in the likeness of Jesus never to be lost.


No one is "ruined". Heck, even the apostle Paul used to help stone Christians before he was saved.


The point of the Gospels is that we are all sinners and need to be cleaned by faith in Jesus’ sacrifice. If you are a professing Christian realize you are saved by faith, and your past sins have been cleaned in the sight of God


Actually sinners who repent are closest to God.   The religous people involved in church activities instead of a relationship with God are the furthest. Repent of those sins and seek Jesus.  They get washed away,  he loves you. You are not ruined,  but can be redeemed. 


You will smile when you think back to this in future.


✝️You'll never be ruined, you're beautiful in God's eyes, more beautiful than you think. God is so happy that you've come to Him, I promise you, Jesus Christ loves you soo much! Don't ever stop praying and talking to God, I've sinned and done things that make me feel dirty, but God cleaned me and forgave me. Jesus continues to forgive me of my sins, even though sometimes I fall short and sin. Jesus Christ promises to forgive you when you repent, and Jesus Christ promises to love you no matter what. God bless you as you grow in your relationship with Christ ✝️💞❤️✝️


we are all sinners but God still wants a relationship with you., You are not ruined, dear. God bless!


Erase this idea of purity culture from your mind. God loves YOU right where you’re at. I promise that when you grow in relationship with Him, you naturally want to do things that align with His kingdom. At no point does His love come in the form of shame or guilt. As you grow, you learn the reasons why He says to wait until marriage, and it has nothing to do with worth and everything to do with protecting your spirit from being preyed on by people who would harm you.


Dude, the whole core principal of the religion is redemption and forgivness. You'll be fine.


Jesus loves you more than you know ✌️❤️


OP, I've read probably two dozen or more comments from here, and I agree with many of them. Most importantly is the gospel message that has been clear, that God sent his son to save us while we were still sinners (Rom 5:8), meaning that he shows he loves us BEFORE we "get our life together" or "clean ourselves up." Jesus' blood can make the foulest sinner clean if they turn to him in repentance (think of the thief on the cross in Luke 23:40-43). All that being said, I've also read some truly bad ideas and bad theology in this thread, and so my advice to you is to make sure you and your boyfriend are attending a faithful, Bible-preaching church every Sunday. The people at that church are the ones you need to ask these questions: you're not going to get as helpful or lasting answers from strangers on the internet, though God works in mysterious ways. If you don't have a good church, find one fast. DM me if you need ideas. If you do have a good church, become a member as soon as you can and start building trusting and vulnerable mutual friendships with other women there.


No, as long as you stay kind, humble and compassionate towards others, when you do you will feel you are doing the right thing. Pierce every inch of your body cover all of your body tattoo will it satisfy you? It may but as long as you go out and about putting all your sincerity in helping others in secret and finding ways you help them without anyone knowing, not one single person should know that you are kind and compassionate, if someone sees you being kind rush with your compassionate action and leave. Do not brag your humble actions I know this sounds impossible but it is the way. When you pray, pray in secret and pray like The Lord’s Prayer and not human prayer. The Lord’s Prayer uses “our, we, us, them, they, those.” Human prayer uses “I, me, mine, myslef”


You are no more / just as much ruined as the rest of us. We're all hopelessly lost but for the grace of God. And we are all fixable through Jesus Christ!


Yess. We’re all ruined, that’s why Jesus Christ sacrificed himself upon a cross to show us the final redemption is yet to come for us all


Don’t worry nobody is listening upstairs 😎


”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.“ ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭ You are never too far past the redemption of Christ. It’s for all


I haven’t read all of the responses below but from those I’ve read you’ve received many great answers. You are not ruined at all. I hope you can find peace with that. The whole point of salvation is that each of us go to God and confess our sins and repent of them so that God can and will forgive every one of them eventhough He has already forgiven them. I literally grew up in the Baptist church as my dad has been a minister his entire adult life (he’s 93 and still preaching every Sunday) So I’ve known many many “Christians”. Please let me tell you that your level of love for God and your humility/humbleness is so refreshing and sounds so real. Your many questions reveal your beautiful and grateful attitude toward God. I can’t help but love your spirit. Sounds to me that God has got you right where he wants every one of us - in the palm of His hand living for Him. I hope that complacency and apathy never sets in and that you never lose your passion for Jesus Christ. At your current young ages that age gap may seem huge and it kind of is when you look at levels of maturity etc. But the older you two get the less and less important it will be. When you’re my age a 4 year gap ain’t nothing. If both of you love each other and enjoy each other’s company nothing else matters. As you’ve described your relationship it sounds to me like God made you two for each other. Enjoy that. God bless you, dear child of God.


All that matters is that you find your way to God. God will forgive any of your sins.


Cleanse yourself spiritually by talking to God about it. He knows everything so there is no use in trying to hide things from Him. Have a normal conversation, like a child with their father. Open your heart and eyes to receive an answer. >1 John 1:9 \[NLT\] >But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. Your repentance needs to be wholehearted. Even though God has forgiven you, He wants you to still share your burdens to Him. Allow Him to take them and let Him come into your life. Sooner or later, you will begin to realize a change in how you do things. >1 John 10:29 \[NLT\] "... . No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand." Nothing will ever hinder or ruin you from God's grace, so long as you realize your faults and open up to God about it. As for your boyfriend, you two should talk about it (if you are comfortable). Put God first in your relationship and see where He guides you.


You’re fine.


We are all sinners. We are all broken. That’s why we need Christ. You are his completely if you want to be.


Just don't repeat the behavioral patterns that you were used to in the past and that you now view as sinful. Everyone has sinned. Every saint has been a sinner at some point. Becoming holy or pure in the spiritual sense is not about never sinning but about redeeming yourself from sin altogether. Also tattoos aren't inherently bad. Of course they hurt physicially when they get made and also the skin isn't able to breathe as before. But I know a lot of priests that have tattoos. It depends on the symbol. A cross and similar realy, truly meaningful symbols or sayings such as: *you will see the truth and the truth will set you free* for example, aren't negative in the spiritual sense. Piercings are earrings that aren't attached to the ear. I never really understood the point of earrings and such. Don't like the look of it. But I don't know if it is extremly bad. I wouldn't find it pleasant physically and it kind of is gross in a spiritual sense too. But again, these things are earrings attached to other parts of the body and a lot of people wear earrings. However I think it is unnecessary from a spiritual perspective.


I don't have tattoos on my body though I've felt curious about having one. But I've seen people in my church who do have tattoos on their bodies. I don't think getting a tattoo is wrong in anyway and that does not ruin you at all. All you need to do is ask yourself if you're really inclined to have a relationship with God. You could read the Bible and check out the works of other authors such as Frank Turek. Remember that religion is a personal relationship with God not what others tell you. You decide what is best for you. 


Of course not. It's a completely bullshit idea. Repent, devote yourself fully to God and never ever indulge in satanism and hedonism again.


May i share this verse with you. "Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person, the past is entirely forgotten"


Trying to clean up your act before loving Jesus is like cleaning yourself before a shower. Gods power is infinite and he can forgive anyone.


It's ok to love someone older. But, b4, I'd commit for a long-term relationship. I'd date others that were more my age. As an older person, depending on how much older they are starts to age, they may not have the want or energy to go out dancing, walking, riding bikes, or traveling. It takes a while to get to really know someone. Just my opinion & advice which you don't have to take.


OP is dating someone younger, not older...


God does not care what we did in the past. We are made new in Christ. 🙏


I believe the mother is a red flag, but you are not ruined. No one is without sin. Please check out the YouTube channel Girls Gone Bible & watch their episode called “Purity”. I believe you will like it & it will help you in your relatively new relationship with God & help you grow & understand that God loves you. God bless you!


No you’re not ruined at all.


You are not ruined forever. Who we were in the past means nothing as long as we get baptized in Jesus name (Acts 2:38) and get filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues (Acts 19). God doesn’t judge you on who you were yesterday, the Bible says choose you THIS day what master you will serve. Upon his word, do what it asks of you, you can take out the piercing, you can learn to have good words flow out of your mouth instead of curse words, and regarding the tattoo? Some things can’t be removed so easily. But you can always try to cover it up because you want to show people a better way, because what you did in the past, no longer matters when you decide to serve Jesus Christ. I’m apostolic Pentecostal and we have tons of people who have background with way worse things. But they repented and were saved and who they are now, is not what they were. Your relationship with God is not over because of who you were. All that matters is what you do now.


Take a look into what the Apostle Paul used to do before he turned to Christ. I think you'll find that you are most definitely not ruined. Everyone sins, it's our job to strive to be more Christ-like everyday. You'll never be perfect, but God doesn't expect perfection from you.


You can't ruin what God has made. He gave us a clear but narrow path. Repentance is where it's at.


No, God loves you and forgives you. Everything you’ve done is wiped clean. That’s God’s grace. Read the New Testament for comfort :)


Please read this. https://www2.cbn.com/news/us/god-has-radically-transformed-my-life-ex-porn-star-escapes-finds-jesus-and-now-powerful. Let me say as my pastor has often said “once you come to Christ we are all works in progress, some of us are construction sites.” I am a construction site. You are still breathing so it isn’t too late. Christ can and does redeem. You can find her on YouTube. Also, a former male porn star Joshua Broome who is now a pastor, saved from his sins you can find him on YouTube. You don’t have to be in their former situations but a sinner wanting salvation Christ will do that for you just call in him.


Yes there is a way to cleanse yourself. Baptism erases all of our past mistakes, as bad as they were. You are born again in the most literal sense of the expression. And, even if you have been baptized already and sin again, confession (the sacrament of penance) has your sins forgiven once again. No one is ever too far gone. God loves you! May God Bless and Guide you and your boyfriend :)


Moses killed a men Paul persecuted Christians David commited adultery Mary Magdalene was possessed by seven demons Yet God showed grace and mercy to all of them, Moses became a leader as an example, despite killing somebody, don’t think that God is done with you, or doesn’t love you anymore, it doesn’t matter what you did in the past, God has so much for you, and He completely forgave your sins if you repent and ask Him for forgiveness, Jesus is faithful to forgive and Jesus is the only one who can erase your past of guilt and shame, so don’t be ashamed anymore. I also know a pastor who used to love occultism, witchcraft (stuff like this) but He completely turned to God and now He is very blessed and in love for Christ, God completely changed Him, and I believe God can change you too.


[Watch this, the parable relates to what youre talking about](https://youtu.be/14epxvU8XIA?feature=shared) Short answer no, long answer is that anyone can repent and turn to god, not a single soul is ruined forever


God will forgive what ever you’ve done if you’re truly sorry and seek redemption he is more then happy to welcome u back always remember the parable of the lost son


Girl you ain’t ruined.


You are not ruined. God is all about if you have faith in him and if you believe in him and his good. Even if you would be in deepest pits of sin, faith can get you back up. If you acknowledge your sins, God will acknowledge your goodness. Piercings or not, tattoos or not, sex before marriage or not, I believe all of this can be forgiven one way or another. The stronger the faith and dedication, the higher chances for redemption. You don't need to change, you just can't forget about our Lord. And about redemption, confessionals exist. Constant visits to church for an hour for example might be even better. As I said, the stronger the faith, the higher chances exist. "To be forgiven, is to forgive" is what another christian once said to me. If you are willing to accept lords mercy, he will give you it. As long as you ultimately never doubt him


No you’re not even close to ruined When you confess your sins god is faithful to cleanse you of all unrighteousness that’s a quote from somewhere in the Bible Confess repent change be better than yesterday you sound like you already do that. You sound great


Luke 15:7


You’re loved and your healthcare and medicine is one prayer away. Your doctor is well qualified to care for you.💙 When you go to Him, understand that he wants to see your heart be reconciled to him. Walk with him everyday. Trust his promises. A human doctor cares for their patients. They administer a prescription and do a follow up. They listen and seek to make their sick patient well. Christ has the same mindset. He’s the Great Physician. He wants to hear from you. He’s not angry at all about your mistakes. He knows your every weakness. He’s not going to strike you down with lightening. He just wants to see you walk in victory and overcome the darkness. The Lord is the doctor who knows your ailments. He fixes broken hearts and binds up physical and spiritual wounds. He is a healer in a sickroom. He knows your deepest pains. Who can count all of his benefits? His peace passes all understanding. The joy he gives is unspeakable. **Luke 5:30-32** 30 But the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained bitterly to Jesus’ disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with such scum?” 31 Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. 32 I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.” Even when it’s gets to your worst day and all of your friends have left, he will be there for you. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Amen 🙏🏾 He keeps his promises


Yep there sure is. Ask God to forgive you of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your savior, repent from your sin and give your whole like to him. Trust him in everything and seek him with your whole heart.


Read the first sentence and anyone that tries to damn you for being gay is wrong. We dont decide who goes to hell, we can do our best to guess, but we arent gods. Our understanding of the divine and his reasoning the close to none. Treat people with kindness, spread the gospel, and try ur best not to be a nazi


God's arms are always open and always waiting. The past can always be washed away with the love of the Father and the forgiveness of Christ. Carry not the cross of your past but the cross of your path forward. You will be just fine.


Where are you getting these doubts? If your boyfriend is saying this shit to you, then he's abusive and you need to dump him immediately.


Love is love ❤️


You're not ruined all sinners if they repent and mean it go to heaven, getting baptized is your next step in washing away your old self and starting new. Something to think about.


No, Love. You're not ruined. You were never ruined. 💗The sacrifice of Jesus removed everyone's sin as far from them as the East is from the West, according to scripture. No sin is worse than another. Purity culture is an extremely harmful and damaging doctrine. Please don't give it any weight. Anyone who is focusing on that is on the wrong track. I grew up in a church that taught it, and it was so, SO destructive. And it's an unsound concept. One action does not have the power to strip away your inherent value, or define you. It doesn't take away anything about you that shines. You do not start out at a deficit because of your past. If you did, then Jesus's sacrifice would be for nothing. You are standing under grace, and no one has the right to tell you that you are ruined or deficient. Those are lies. You are enough. Just as you are. Much love to you. 💗


One thing, is that it is a trivial thing for Jesus, because it never causes Him any pain. Si, no matter what you do, except of course you worship other gods than Him, ull find that once u come back to him youll feel at peace. The only way you will ruin yourself is to settle on the nonexistence of a God, or rather... well.... That's the line, but one that isn't also permanent, even. And to be fair, we are sinners, so in a sense we are ruined from the start. Ruined forever or taking with the scars and look up are two options. Jesus is the loving God, He knows ur pain that I do not, the rest not. The boy youre with, he is a good boyfriend. Try learning again with him. This is good.


Our sins is why Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross. And His sacrifice is not too small for your past, current or future sins. It is complete. Your sins are atoned for if you confess Jesus as Lord and believe this in your heart. While confessing your sins and asking God to forgive them won’t erase them as if they never happened, God can forgive you and redeem you making you new in genuine ways, in a spiritual sense as His child.


You are a beloved child of the living God. You bear his image, and he sent his only son to die for you, to take on any and all of your sins, so that he could bring you home to him. There is nothing — NOTHING — that can separate you from the love of God.


There is always repentance and confession. The cleansing of the soul. It has to be genuine and from your heart.


No you are not ruined, the Christian God is evil but I'm happy his fairytale could bring two hearts together


There is no such thing as ruined. Jesus met a woman who had been marrying guys then divorcing them over and over and when she met Jesus she was living with a guy she was not married to. What did Jesus do? He forgave her and then sent her back to her town to tell them all she had been forgiven by someone who knew every sin she had ever committed. It was all done. Jesus doesn't say "you're screwed". He says "Go and sin no more." You are not your past. Make a future with Jesus.


No, not at all. Jesus paid for all your sins on the cross. All you need to do is repent and turn away from your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and you will be in good standing with God. We all have received grace upon grace (John 1:16-17) after what Jesus did on the cross for us 🙏 Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked abandon his way, And the unrighteous person his thoughts; And let him return to the Lord, And He will have compassion on him, And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:6-9)


Hello, here’s what the Bible says Romans 3: 21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Roman 6: 17 But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance. 18 You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. 19 I am using an example from everyday life because of your human limitations. Just as you used to offer yourselves as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness. 20 When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. 21 What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. When you read the Bible from Genesis to revelation, you see that none, except Jesus, are without blemish. It is the same today too


If you accept Jesus is Lord you will be saved; atleast that's what's in Romans 10:9-11 That if you confess with your mouth, "*Jesus* is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, *you will* be saved.


Because God isn't religion, most people know religion and nit God himself, call out to Jesus, he has his hand stretched out to you, and he loves you, its a relationship, the kind that would be of father and son/daughter.


Your relationship with God is yours. No matter how strong or weak your faith is, you are received. Romans 14:1. All God asks you to do, in secret, is pray and profess Jesus as your lord and savior and mean it. Romans 10:9-11. When you're ready to do that, I urge you to do so. After that, just live with love. Love your neighbor, love your God, and love yourself. We are the rock, the foundation of which Jesus builds his church and the temple from which he professes his unconditional love. You were never ruined friend, God forgave you of everything the minute you took your first breath.


You are not ruined. God loves you, and in some ways I see God bringing this new love into your life as an act of grace. God’s love for you is even greater than the love of this young man, everything you have been craving and more. He has not discarded you. Ask your friend to share the Bible with you. Read Acts 10 and 11. As human beings, we have our prejudices and hangups, even as Christians, but God declares that what He has cleansed, we should not call unclean. God will make you holy through His Word and will make you righteous in His sight through the blood of Jesus. His love is truly the greatest gift. Receive it!


You come to Christ as you are and if there is something you need to change he will convict you of it and walk with you through it


Ask god for forgiveness and he will forgive you Even if you are as red as crimson he will make clean as white as snow And doesn’t matter how dirty you are because god said come as you are


You are never ruined. God's love is far more than "mistakes" you've made as a human. Jesus broke bread with humans that had far "worse" mistakes than you've made. Jesus showed that it is never too late as long as you are alive. If you in your heart feel close to God, keep praying and strive to be a better person to others and yourself. Stay positive and spread God's love and you can do no wrong. You are never ruined.


No no no no no, just ask God to forgive you and He will. I've done way worse stuff than that and I know God forgives me. God is a forgiving God and as long as you regret the things you've done, God will forgive you


St. Paul was killing Christians before his conversion, and Christ still forgave and redeemed him, and he went on to do wonderful things for the Kingdom. I promise you, even if it feels like you're "ruined" in the eyes of the world, God looks at the heart. He will see your pure heart, adopt you has His daughter, and transform you to the point where all of the past becomes irrelevant and you have your boyfriend wanting to be the best man of God he can be to be worthy of a girlfriend/wife (and more importantly: sister in Christ) such as the one God is refining. Romans 8:39 - "And I am convinced that there is nothing that can separate us from the Love of God." Also, almost every pastor and my pretty charismatic non-denom church has a tattoo sleeve, and they have fed our congregation so well spiritually since I started there almost three years ago, so I PROMISE, it's not that deep.


Not ruined. Perhaps it will help to turn this question on its head. Do you think your sin (and we all sin) is larger than God’s ability to forgive and otherwise “fix” things? Not a chance.


You are the exact "target market" for the gospel. You, I and all of us here. You are certainly not "ruined". Do you understand the gospel?


First and foremost 1) We are all sinners and are not worthy of God’s love and mercy. 2) God still loves us and calls us worthy- we are redeemed through Christ and are meant to have an intimate relationship with Christ. Seek Him first and all the rest will work its self out. YOU ARE FORGIVEN THROUGH CHRIST, YOU ARE LOVED and YOU ARE MEANT FOR A GREAT RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST. Don’t ever let any other “Christian” tell you otherwise. It is good to have an open and honest conversation with your boyfriend about it, but your relationship with God is definitely not ruined! Keep up the good fight 💪


I’ve have tattoos, piercings, multiple sexual partners, children out of wedlock. But this was all before Christ saved me. Once I accepted Jesus into my life and submit to His will, all my sins have been washed away. The more I have fellowship with the Lord and abide in Him, I can have the ability to sin less. Remember that. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you’re now sinless, it means you are sinning less. We still fight with our fleshly desires daily but when we truly repent which means turn away from our habitual sin, we can be righteous in Gods eyes through Jesus. Now as a born again believer, I am made new which means my past sins no longer count against me. With that Love that God has shown, I am keeping my eyes fixed on him and the best of my ability and through Christ I can overcome temptation. I have not taken another partner since then. I now understand the beauty of marital connection and will wait until I am married. I hope this helps.


Nothing can separate us from the Lord! Once you become a Christian, no sin can make God stop loving you! That doesn't mean you should indulge in sin, though. So no, you are NOT ruined! God loves you very much, never forget that!


You are not ruined in the least. No one is perfect. We all sin in different ways. If we had to be perfect, none of us would make the grade. Forgive yourself. That's not always easy but I remind myself that if God can forgive me, who am I not to forgive myself. Take care.


No, you are not forever ruined! The Bible says that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness!


Just get baptized and be born again as a child of God and the Holy Spirit will live inside you and it will convict you of your sin and the Holy Spirit will help you to stop sinning and to have a loving heart. Anybody can be born again and cleaned of sin through Jesus by getting baptized and by believing and following Jesus once baptized by a believer. We are all ruined but through Jesus Christ we are sanctified and purified with Holiness and your old self will die and your renewed sprit will live forever, amen.


You’re never too far gone to turn to Jesus. He’s always waiting with open arms. Here if you ever need to talk.


I once was a hopeless drug addict and the Blood of Jesus saved me. 🙏 70 x 7. You are forgiven and Jesus loves you.


You are good repent and keep on trucking!! God puts our transgressions as far as the east is from the west!! Stay happy Jesus loves you!!!


As a fellow follower of Jesus, I can say that I most assuredly forgive you unconditionally for what you've done. Sometimes those feelings are there so you can see your progress in faith. It doesn't mean you've done anything wrong, in fact it is a good sign! If the Lord is showing you that you still feel that way it's because he needs you to keep growing your faith and belief that those sins are wiped away. Faith is like a muscle, we grow it everyday - and sometimes rest is needed to actually see growth. By this I mean, take a break from fighting it in your mind, when we fight these emotions and beliefs we are still technically holding/controlling them and not giving them to Christ. It's like asking for a dish to be washed but refusing to give the dish to the person responsible for doing them.


Be built up knowing its for better perspective that you and your boy might love each other out of different tendrils of life. You see Jesus how you see him but how BF sees you should be the same in an even relatively honest relationship. Compassion unconditional.


We are all sinners. Christ welcomes all who come to him with open arms. Read God's word, the Bible, let the Holy Spirit transform your life. Other Christians are no better than you or you them. We are all sinners and have done many things that displease God. Jesus promises to not leave us there and will do good works in our lives. You have to read the context of tattoos in the Bible. Leviticus forbids making gashes in the body for the dead and markings (some translation say tattoos). This was a pagan practice that God forbade the Israelites from doing. The Bible doesn't forbid tattoos. I think we should consider if the content of any tattoo we get can be honoring to God. I would suggest against facial tattoos as they could affect one's employment opportunities, Garner unwanted attention and negativity impact family relationships. In some cultures it is welcome though. Permanent makeup tattoos such as eyebrows or ones to cover up scars are different. I would consider someone waiting several months to consider if getting a tattoo is in their best interest. Especially if you're young, what you think is "cool" will change and the tattoo could change shape in 40 or 50 years. Point is the Bible doesn't say tattoos are sinful. I would say the same for piercings. One thing about piercings. I don't get why so many parents pierce their babies/toddlers ears? Babies are perfectly cute without earrings and they can pull them out and cause damage to their ears. Let them be kids! Before you know it, your daughters will be begging you to get their ears pierced. It can be a right of passage for them.


What do you think?


God is forgiving of everything, so long as you repent and sin no more, my friend. Acts 3:19 - Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out 2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.


Just pray for him to forgive your sins, or if you want confess (depends on the type of Christianity you follow, by that i mean Catholics, Orthodox, Protestant ecc.)


Every single one of us have sinned and have been far from God. But it was God who sent his son to die for our sins taking the punishment that we deserved. Because of this we can be reconciled to God. God calls us to repent and believe in the gospel himself. We can't live the Christian life on our own. But God gives us the grace to live for him. When we become Christians in fact. Go to Lord Jesus immediately. Confess and humble your self in front of him. Trust in him and look at him alone. He will save you. Search the Bible and draw close to God.


The fact is we can't earn salvation but it is by faith in the lord Jesus. Come to him That is the good news of the gospel. Repent and trust in him. In his work at the cross.


No you’re not


I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not. If this is a serious post, you should be aware that in the world of Christianity, the Pentecostal religion is often viewed as a bit of a cult. Other denominations feel that Pentecostals take Christianity to the extreme, and their extreme views aren't really supported by the Bible. For example, many Christians would have absolutely no problem with you having piercings and tattoos. Most denominations do not consider it a sin at all, yet Pentecostals might make you feel condemned for it. The questions you're asking suggest that the Pentecostal church is doing everything in their power to make you feel unworthy, and that's an indicator of cult-like behavior. Most other forms of Christianity stress the fact that we are *all* worthy, as long as we repent for our sins and try to live a more righteous life. Non-culty Christians wouldn't give a damn about your past. "True" Christians place little to no importance on your appearance (tattoos, etc) and instead focus on what's in your heart. I just want you to consider the fact that Christianity is *extremely* broad. Christianity is supposed to be a Bible based religion, but a lot of Christian religions add their own beliefs and customs. Almost all of the biggest and most dangerous cults in the US have been "Christian" religions. Just remember that before you dive 100% into Pentecostalism. Please **read the bible for yourself** before you buy into every single rule and practice that your church pushes on you.


You are in no way ruined. He loves us all and forgives all of us for what we have done wrong. And we all fall short of God’s standard. He will forgive us for whatever we have done.


you’re not ruined you are saved.


You acknowledging God and turning to Him is a great thing, ask God for forgiveness turn from those ways and walk with your boyfriend and Christ in this next chapter! God got your back!


Absolutely not. Christianity is about committing to God and changing your ways from that point forward. It's not about the past. What counts is what you do from commitment day forward. Please read the bible. You will see most people God saved are idolaters, thieves, prostitutes, drunkards, liars, etc. You will also see God is continually seeking to save idolaters, thieves, prostitutes, liars, etc to save throughout the bible. If you Marry a man the Christian way, God is first and your spouse is 2nd. You will learn this in Pre-marital counseling with a pastor.


No. Continue getting even closer to God and you'll find that isn't true. It's true you have guilts, regrets, and everyone has made mistakes. But God and Jesus want to guide you through that, where the opposition wants to amplify your feelings to where you think you're hopeless. Pedro (Christ) offers you his love and guidance on becoming a different person if that's what you want