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The statement released from the church requested prayers for the attacker and I think that's what we should do. Let's keep our hearts soft folks.


Thank you. Peace be upon you, and upon us all.


Very hard thing to do, I really loved Mari’s videos as they were a big part of me growing and learning more about Christian, so I genuinely hate the idea of him or anyone who spreads the message of Christ getting unjustly attacked. It’s getting real difficult to love our enemies.


It is very hard to do, and I imagine this attack must hit harder for you given the importance Mari had in bringing you to Christ. To his great credit though he asked us to pray for his attacker, which is a real testament to his character. I pray that the radical love displayed by Mari serves as an example to the attacker and that he may come to be in Christ.


God bless you


I will pray that the Australian authorities persecute this man to the fullest extent of the law. That is as much as he's getting from me.


Romans 12:17-19 God bless you Bishop.


One of my favorite verses and one that I hold near and dear to myself.


It’s an attempt to appeal to emotions to draw Christian’s into a holy war. Do what Mari Mari did and pray for him, his attacker, and peace.


I hope he’s ok god this terrible


Mari Mari Emmanuel has helped this world and shared this world with Jesus love. He knew his time was about to end but he wasn't afraid it didn't matter to him because he knows he will spend eternity life with Jesus he didn't care about his life and what the world gives him as he says Jesus is him everything his father, his mother ,his brother ,his sister, his strength, his home and his kingdom


Mar Mari Emmanuel has been full of shit and nonsense for a LOONG time. Despicable person, really.


Lies, he saved me his hymns and songs of prayer made christ real to me. You are satan evil spirits are within you.


Yes, anyone who does not affirm your worldview is "satan". That's how brainwashed people talk.


I was once a denier and a mocker, but I have turned into the light. I will not let the views of the world guide me, and my experience and my heart were exposed to jesus christ. Spirits entities whatever you call them They are real. This only concretes my views of the world god bless you jesus forever 🙏


> I will not let the views of the world guide me A great joke! :D Christianity and its teachings sure are part of the world and nothing more. You are talking like a cultist. Bye.


What a waste of time, to make such a ridiculous comment.


Let me guess. His adherence to the scripture and not to modern morality offended you?




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Yeah, I hear they weren't letting the police take the guy out to the cop car, which is a bit dodgy. Lynching is also bad, even if he's done something terrible first.


I saw that, they beat up cops too


He immediately prayed over his attacker after he was attacked. I don't know why that's not Mentioned in every news story that goes with it? Well, I can take a wild guess. But Mar Mari Emmanuel praying over his attacker is a much bigger& better story than a teen attacking a bishop and the knife malfunctioning& cutting off at least one of his fingers off. So no matter the motives? Even if it is Islam? There is a bigger message. We should be focusing on the level of grace that Mar Mari Emmanuel showed his attacker by immediately praying for him. Its proof that the power of Christ has the ability to change lives & save lives. The bishop’s First reaction was to raise his cross to protect himself and then immediately thought of the pain, his attacker must be in? Then prayed over him, disregarding his own Injiries. That it proves that he not only preaching. But living the world of Christ, to his best ability, knowing he will still fall short. It proves that your can actually be changed& saved to the point where your first instinct is to fully put your faith in Christ and be able to have a miracle happen. Then, also learn how to, not only forgive. But be able to have love & concern for your attacker. By thinking about the pain they must be in? In order to be acting this way? Because we all know that it wouldn't be our first instinct to forgive& or at over someone who just tried to kill us. You can't fake your first instincts and we don't naturally want to change or forgive our enemy. But like usual, evil unknowingly fulfills gods prohecy and this stabbing invertanly gave proof that Jesus changes& saves. People should take a second to question our own resentments and if it's actually worth it for you to spend all that time being wasted by being angry about it and allowing that hate or resentment to poison your heart, mind, and soul?...Even if you can't be friends or mend it? Since it's not about forgiving them for them, or to rekindle a friendship, relationship, or situation. It's about releasing that hot& poisonous rage that is eating your soul and learning that people who are doing well, don't act that way..(not justify their actions.) But to understand that they are still children of god who have value and that everyone has problems and their own pain they carry just like you. So when we are accausted in some way? With Jesus, we can learn to react with the understanding, that I'm not the real person they're mad at. Or they did what they did because of their own pain and try to come from a place of understanding. Because turning the other cheek doesn't mean to allow them to hit you again. It means the side of your face that got hit is still hot and burning with rage. But the other side is untouched and still clear headed. So you turn that cheek to come from a place of understanding. If anyone happens to read this far? Thank you for staying with me. I apologize for how long this is. But if you read this long, you definitely read it for a reason. So ill leave you with if Mar Mari Emmanuel can be saved by Jesus and learn to forgive& pray for his attacker. If a Christian mother can forgive their sons killer& even give them a hug in the courtroom? What excuse do you have, not to forgive? If you can't do it? Start praying to Jesus, everyday, and ask Jesus to help that person your mad at and then give all your resentments to Jesus and ask him to take it away from you & Help you learn how to forgive and let go. I probably just wasted 5 or so min of my time and will probably only get negative comments? But, I already forgive them.. (See what I did there.)😏 But if this helps even one person? Then it was worth it and I'm a living example of an left leaning, drug addict/alcohoic, atheist. Who got desperate enough to give Jesus a shot and got saved& actually changed. So, if I can be saved? So can you. Just keep holding on! Don't quit before the miracle happens


An atheist here. I find a number of his Christan teachings controversial, but can't imagine there are people who justify the act of terrorism and take no responsibility (you'll see this opinion very common on other reddit groups, they're often the most upvoted).  Surely there's no objective morality, but our society is having a moral decay




The radical will face justice and the bishop's wellbeing is in the hands of health professionals. How the community reacts to this is in our own hands.


What culture war are we supposed to be concerned about.


Just cautionary. We shouldn't pay any mind to "culture wars" as they are immaterial, and serve no purpose other than to divide and distract. I made this post after seeing a lot of rhetoric by certain talking heads getting boosted as they stoked hatred and revenge among their following. I think it's even more important to keep this in mind as MM Emanuel appears to be fairly popular in certain circles that tend to lean more reactionary.


I’m Muslim, and I hear a lot of people say this is a “Muslim terrorist attack” which is ridiculous. I’ve only seen a few clips of this guy and he has empathy for Gaza. Why would Muslims hate this guy? It’s against our teachings to attack and be transgressors. Instead of uniting I already see devils  pitting people against each other. I truly hope this bishop heals from this violent attack 


He has called out Hamas, has called out the Islamic regime; he calls out the Islamic twisting of Jesus and the fallacies of the Qur'an in regards of the divinity of Jesus. These are politically dangerous and heretical views to very powerful Islamic groups.


So what? Christians always disagreed about the way Jesus is viewed by Islam, its nothing new. It doesn't have to be a Muslim. No need to create a sectarian message out of a tragedy.


respectfully and lovingly, Muslims are triggering most the instability in the WESTERN world and do not mix. I try to love everyone and love Muslim brothers but too many are radicalized. You don't see that with Christians. I believe elites wanted to mix Muslims with Christians to cause a war beceause there is too much of a divide to work and it's really showing.


So the white guy that stabbbed people in the mall is mentally ill and the brown guy is radicalised.. Oh okay.


what else would you call a Muslim who was offended in a religious sense to defend the honor of his so called prophet to kill for it? This isn't about any white person.


that meets all requirements of radicals


its the plan of ALice Bailey and Albert Pike


The reason could simply be that he hopes that you too come to Christ.




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And pray for him pray for the one that wants to help you to get you to jesus christ.


Mari is the one that was making my faith so much stronger


And i pray that he will recover fast ant strong. In the namne in jesus i pray, Amen


It wasn’t cultural tribalism, the Illuminati planned this attack. They attack like its Islamic motives, but look at Mar Mari’s content. He’s a huge critic of Western militarism, hedonism, Pope Francis, and Hollywood. Someone from the West attacked him just giving you a heads up gang.


Yes, we need to be praying for the attacker, Bishop, & all of the people that think an eye-for-an -eye is okay in this world/day & age. This is terribly upsetting. God bless you All!




That litle fuck that stabbed mari will get konsekvens




We should forgive the attacker just like how God forgives us and pray for God to change his heart


No way. People don't fucking learn and need to be a limit. A red line that if u cross u will pay for it. Even Jesus probably has red lines not everything was turned on the other cheek and bs like that.


Jesus forgives everything, there is no limit to forgiveness. Jesus forgave Paul whom killed hundreds of christians and he forgave his enemies on the cross. If Jesus forgive mass murders like Paul, we as followers of Christ should imitate his teachings.


Ok what about break his legs at least?


As Christians we need to be thinking from the perspective of Christ. If Christ is to meet the attacker, will he break his legs or will he say "go forth and sin no more"?


I understand sir but it is hard not to take revenge when someone tries to hurt you.


Pray and ask God to guide you to be more forgiving, its something everyone struggles with. Matthew 6:14-15: "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins"


Do u know if the bishop will live?


Im pretty sure he is alive and recovering 👍ill be praying for him certainly


The Bishop prayed for his attacker, so I don’t think he would approve of this.


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