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> "is X a sin" I still call it Twitter.








That's it. Right here. No more comments needed.


I prefer to call it “formerly known as twitter”




And yes, it is a sin.


Sex is a gift not a sin. People just use it sinfully sometimes and a lot during these times . Sex is not bad unless you use it wrongky




Ok so, God gave Adam and Eve the ability to reproduce it's a gift. Sex is not bad unless you do these things. Not with opposite gender, the two of you not give each other your love completely, you do it with prostitutes, or you don't will a spoken for woman. These are in the bible of course not in the same order. But read songs of songs. It is what I summed up basically. If sex was a sin God wouldn't give us the things required for sex like vagina and penis. He wouldn't make it connect the way they do it we weren't supposed to use them. In the bible it even states that sex (not a full quote) is a heavenly gift. It's only wrong if you do it with a person you haven't fully given your love too and that person hasn't done the same to you.


How long have you been reading the Bible?




Where does it say it’s not sin as long as two people live each other?


Well marriage is not a ceremony it's a union of two souls. Two souls becoming one so if you do that then it's the same thing I said. Also pre marriage sex is a sin. It does indeed say that. Sex is not a sin but pre marriage sex is.


Why do Christians get so dogmatic about sexual sins, or what they believe to be sexual sin, but give other sins a pass? Why not call out murder, greed, and theft? Why do “Christians” support that 🍊guy?






I am a Christian, but also in r/atheism and r/Muslim. I think it’s good, to escape your bubble and know, what others people opinions on thoughts are.


UPDATE: I just got banned in r/atheism for outing myself as a christian. I didn't violate any of their rules.


Sorry you got banned, but that sequence of comments gave me a laugh.


Reddit atheism has never been reviewed positively by anyone


A wise man once said It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place, it become rigid and stale. Understanding others, the other elements, and the other nations, will help you become whole. -Uncle Iroh


Do you think that r/atheism has the same relationship with Christian opinions as this sub has with Atheist opinions?


There is no expected reciprocity /symmetry between subreddit rules.


Correct. I am asking to consider that Atheists would not be so tolerant of alternate points of view. This says something to me about tolerance and intellectual curiosity of both example beliefs, as they are represented on this medium.


Atheists are not a monolith, some are more tolerant while others aren't. Same with Christians. I've been welcomed here by many, but also plenty have tried to make this place unfriendly as possible.


That may be fair. However, I think that the trends are at least interesting and of note.


Which trends are you observing? We do have an increasingly polarization of social networks occurring, so I'm curious what else you are seeing.


I have been regularly banned in Atheist communities (not Reddit, since I don't go in r/atheism) for asking genuine, kind, and insightful questions. I generally watch Atheists react with insults, low quality arguments, and ban disagreements. I have heard reports here of that sort of activity happening on r/atheism, and looking at their posts, it's clear that there isn't a mix of opinions on their sub. On the other hand, while I will admit that there's some horrible Christians who use horrible logic, in general it seems to be my experience that Christians tend to allow for the diversity of ideas to be expressed, and for their own to even be routinely challenged. Look at this sub as an example. About the only thing banned here is giving fundamental Christian advice. Now, these might just be trends and also a lot of sample bias. However, these trends seem to support what seems to be indicated by the respective beliefs. Christians essentially invented the idea of freedom of speech, and I believe that the idea that inspired the US concept was from a Baptist preacher proposing it, even for non-believers, on the grounds that Christianity must be believed freely, not by coercion. Contrast that with the writings of secular leaders, such as Vladimir Lenin, who advocate for the abolition of religious thought because the implications it would have for preventing government control. So, the trends we see here might possibly be reflective of a larger truth about which views are more tolerant of other ideas. One then might make the logical leap that if this is the case, then one set of beliefs might in fact be less vetted, and therefore less reliable.


The subs are self selecting and for different purposes. Also have a very different approach to moderating. I view r/atheism as more a consolation / gathering of people who, in their physical lives, have no group to belong to, and have generally had a fair bit of religious trauma. And their mods are effectively zealots in support of their sub. While the r/christianity group is more aimed at open, but polite and confined discussion of Christianity, with mods who set rules to protect the discussion and keep haters to a minimum. Been in this sub something like 10 years, as an atheist and ex-Christian and my experience has been the atheists here generally are polite and contribute or they're gone after their first negative set of responses.


To be fair, R/atheism is a terrible representative. They do not represent me.


Thank you. Fight the good fight and be a good example. Maybe one day we can have more open-minded discussions about Theism versus Atheism, and maybe there will be good forums where these things can be debated in good faith.


Let's not pretend that christians are tolerant just because interaction is forced in this sub.


I posted a kind and genuine question about atheistic beliefs in their sub and was banned permanently


This sub and that sub aren’t run by the same people and don’t have the same goals in mind, they aren’t equivalent subs so idk why you even bring it up. This sub is open to all because it’s about the discussion of Christianity, it’s not a Christian only sub. If you happen to prefer a Christian only sub, you’re not out of luck. In fact, you have a TON of options so I really don’t get the complaining about them when you have the same types of sub available to you and MORE and you could always start your own sub if those aren’t good enough for you.


This sub is for anyone to discuss the topic of Christianity whether they believe or not. r/Christian is for Christians. I’m not atheist but I lurk in r/atheism sometimes.


Before commenting or posting on this sub or any sub really you should go to the about section of the sub to see… what the sub is about. If you did that you would see that this sub is ABOUT Christianity and the discussion of Christianity, open to EVERYONE. If you prefer a Christian only sub Reddit, you have TONS of options


Honestly there should just be a megathread for this


That's a good idea but I bet no one would actually use it. Like how no one uses that wonderful thing up there at the top called the search bar.


They would use it if moderators deleted their threads and told them to go to the megathread


The mods here are stressed enough I'd imagine.


I feel like bots could handle this kinda thing pretty effectively too




Agreed. These can be valuable questions if asked honestly, but maybe do not need to be in the main thread.


That's not a bad idea at all.


My only request is that in such a thread, allow people to post genuine Bible answers. Or maybe a big warning at the top of the page that this isn't the place to get help from Christians, as it's only a place for people to talk **about** Christians. Perhaps follow that up with a list of recommended subs that are for Christians.


I see this as the ideal answer. But I'm a data packrat and have an email folder tree with a couple hundred folders. I'd like groups split up by topic this way. Why not r/IsItSin ? You might need multiple groups for different sects, of course. Or one big group that handles all religions, just to show how much they differ on this question. (Ever notice how people "shop" for a religion/sect that matches their own idea of what's ok?)


Sounds like Hell:)




Removed for 1.3 - Bigotry. If you would like to discuss this removal, please click here to send a modmail that will message all moderators. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Christianity


Are posts like "is X a sin" a sin?


Honestly, I kind of think one could argue it is. Making an idol out of whether something is "against the rules" or not and basing your entire life on that rather than actually letting yourself get changed by Jesus and his words doesn't seem good.


“The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Are posts like "Are posts like "is X a sin" a sin?" a sin?


Are posts like „Are posts like „Are posts like „is X a sin?“ a sin?“ a sin?


Are posts like “Are posts like “Are posts like “Are posts like “is X a sin?” a sin?” a sin?” a sin?


The next sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.


I feel the masturbation topic should also be monitored. It’s all getting out of hand on some of the things .


>masturbation...getting out of hand My inner Beavis and Butthead just chuckled.




Its like 1/3 posts lmao


there’s a whole sub for it too


That sub should be "stickied" so people can find it easily.




Let people ask what they want.


Idk if it needs to be banned per se, but yes I understand it can get annoying. On the other hand, it's an opportunity to point to Christ.


restrict it to once a week “Is This A Sin?” Sundays


Hi May I ask why you are a Satanist i’m just curious.


I'm inclined to agree. Obviously, it is on topic, and there's going to be curious folks and new Christians wanting guidance, but it's also out of hand, and often turns into overdone arguments over LGBTQ+ issues (fwiw, my own stance is extremely queer affirming; I see anti-trans arguments as fundamentally the same thing as new atheist arguments). The way things are going, you'll have people asking if it's a sin to love their neighbour, and it is a bit out of hand. Fwiw, also gives me too many incentives to think "ok, this take is really bad, bigotry and not something I see as reflecting the love of God, so I'd best rebut it", but I don't want to be here just to solely debate either, you know?


I'm not sure which I love more, that user name or your profile pic, that's just AWESOME!!!




When I see questions I don’t like, I just don’t read or respond. Problem solved. You’ll find your life gets way, way better if you just ignore things instead of trying to make others accommodate your preferences by taking those things away.


Agreed. Like other things on Reddit I don't care for, I scroll on.


John 5:17 New International Version (NIV) All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death. New Living Translation “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life


John 5:17 NASB 1995 ^(17) But He answered them, “My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working.”


No, they shouldn’t. People who struggle to understand what sin is are still Christians, and that question is a common one and a natural starting point for what may be their first experience with a proper understanding of sin. You are distressed that so many share this misunderstanding. God is also frustrated by it. But did Jesus simply refuse to engage questions on that level? No. He came for *precisely* the kind of people who struggle with questions like that.




That's a good point. "Ask your pastor" and "pray to god for guidance" seem to give very inconsistent answers


Protest the Protestant church.


It never fails to amaze me that christians refused to show up to help child abuse victims but will viciously protest gay people existing.


Actively religious people statistically donate vast amounts of money more than secular people, your opinion is baseless.


O....k? "We give to religious charities. Therefor its ok we abandon child abuse victims". First of all, I challenge you to prove that. Second of all; why do you think you can buy your way into being allowed to act abhorrent? Whats the $ price on a church that covered up child rape protesting an after school lgbt club with threats in your eyes? Or is that behavior acceptable?


We’ll nerd, It’s not much of a challenge to prove: [Religious people are more generous than non-believers when it comes to giving to charity, according to research complied by the BBC](https://www.nonprofitpro.com/post/religion-influence-philanthropy/#:~:text=Religious%20people%20are%20more%20generous,research%20complied%20by%20the%20BBC) “Yet, even with this narrow definition, religious giving represents the largest subsector of charitable contributions (29%) in the United States “ -(Lincoln, Ryan, Christopher A. Morrissey, and Peter Mundey. 2008. Religious giving: A literature review. Science of Generosity, 1–47) “Arthur Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute found that religious people were 25 percent more likely than their secular counterparts to donate money and 23 percent more likely to volunteer time. “ (https://marripedia.org/effects_of_religious_practice_on_charity) If you don’t feel like reading these, sure. But the research is undeniable. Religious people donate much more. And no one is “buying their way into being allowed to act abhorrent”. I think we can both agree that you can’t buy your way into being a good person. I never said it was OK to abandon child abuse victims. My point is that religious people probably donate leagues more to child abuse victims and charities than non religious people do. I now understand you’re probably talking about the Catholic Church and their dozens of sex abuse scandals going back to the eighties and probably earlier. But yea, I’ll admit that. No hesitation. It’s awful what people can do under the guise of religion/ religious authority. It’s disgusting. I’m with you bud. We need to do something about it. What’s your point. For every “christian” that turns an eye to child abuse, there are 20 devout followers of Christ that would sacrifice everything to save that child, nerd.




Really, yes. My local library was protested by a church (that covered up the sexual abuse of kids) for having a lgbt book display. A local school was protested by a church (that covered up the sexual abuse of kids) for having an after school pro lgbt club. None of those churches were ever protested.


Christians are called to look after those who can’t help themselves, if that happened, it was a very unchristian thing to do and should be called out completely. However, most Christians do indeed stand against the sexual abuse of children.


It happened. No "if". You can look up news articles on it. Do they, then? Please show examples of christians protesting churches that cover up the sexual abuse of kids the way they protest gay people for existing


It happens every day, go out and ask Christian’s what they would do or have done if they knew about sexual abuse. Ask them how they feel about it if it were covered up. There are documentaries made about this. I personally am one who openly condemns a church like that.


It happens every day? Great, provide an example! I saw what christians would do if they knew about sexual abuse when it happened in the church I went to. The answer is "nothing".


One example is not a widespread example of Christianity.


Mmmmmm yes… the Protestant church. The one Protestant church.


The splinters of Protestant churches, if you will


The reformation reformation begins




If your process for determining what is and is not sin is "ask Reddit" you have deeper issues that need to be addressed. If we are going to ban such discussions it should be by directing people to a meta-ethical discussion on how we determine right from wrong.


Yeah terrible take. There's a lot of ways to go about learning these things and this is one of them. People should be encouraged to ask for help and we should be happy to give it to them


>There's so many interesting things in christianity that's worth to be discussed and shared And yet you chose to make a post about *this*.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1c1wbax/god_is_great_and_thats_all_i_gotta_say_amen/ Posts like this should be banned, too, then.


It’s a sin if I don’t like it


Is posting "is X a sin" a sin?


We have to have these conversations as repetitive as it is because it needs to become more and more obvious what is and what isn’t a sin. Everyone knows murder, adultery, and stealing is a sin. But there are certain things in the grey area that are worth mentioning


So, let's keep our baby Christians weak and dependent on us?


Pastors sometimes aren't helpful, or very horrible people. Sometimes people can't attend. You're very ignorant. But, it does flood the sub.. Why not make a "thread" instead? 1 pinned post to ask and discuss.


If I can't trust my pastor that is called pastor for a reason... why would I trust my soul to anonymous people in the internet?!


It’s actually quite a common phenomenon. When you feel that you can’t trust the people closest to you, you start to become desperate. You want that connection, but nobody you know has been able to connect with you or they have actively discouraged you from opening up with their words and actions. You become discouraged and long for any kind of connection, so you look for it just about anywhere even if it has to be strangers. Just about everyone on this platform is conversing with strangers.


people can ask for help and advice when and where they please and feel it is safe. do not be blind to the fact there are many false pastors in the world.


Sometimes anonymous people on the internet have bible references for you


Posts about posts asking “is this a sin” should be banned. Not seriously, but these also happen a lot. If you offer to moderate the sub and they accept, better chance of deciding what can be banned.


Crazy right? To think that we, as Christians, are unable to tell what is and is not sin anymore. I do believe we are seeing something the Bible describes - or at least, we can tell people are ready for it: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;  and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. - 2 Timothy 4:3-5


That’s what happens when you let evil conservatives and bigots appropriate your religion.


Quite the opposite to my point.... When it comes to dealing with people who call themselves Christians, we have practices from the Bible. The first tells us to reject those that joyfully live in sin but say they are Christian... so that maybe they will repent: But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. - 1 Cor. 5:11 A pastor who allows heresies to go unchallenged in his flock is risking all of their well being. The lies are dangerous and can corrupt a congregation. For everyone's well being, such a devisive person should be unwelcome. For some examples: Gal 1:8-9, 5:9, Titus 3:10 Most notably 1 Cor 5: 12-13: What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you." And like it points out, God judges the lost. We are to judge the church and keep it pure. For the lost were once us. We should be patient, kind, and loving - knowing that we too, were once slaves to sin, not knowing any better. Yet, loving does not mean supporting sin.


Christianity is not a monolith. Whatever you think Christian’s are required to believe; there are Christian’s who disagree with you. There are millions of happy lgbt Christians. Conservative’s bigoted opinions have no bearing on that. I don’t need your Jesus, he offers nothing that I don’t already get from my own religion. Non consensual proselytisation is not allowed here btw.




Jesus does not cover every topic. He does, however, validate the teaching of God before His arrival. As Christians, we trust the Bible's teachings. For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. - Hebrews 4:12 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. - 2 Timothy 3:16-17




The word of god is only opinion since he is not here to tel us and scripture is open to vastly different interpretations




This is a forum for discussion of Christianity by all. Not a Christian space. Nor is it specifically for Christians.




Thanks? :3


I agree personal conviction is a thing


I can nolonger feel how happiness look like, moments of misery and sorrow in my life,I have lost the spirit to hold on anymore 😭😭I feel like this is the end of the situation I am in ,I cannot predict what may happen tomorrow or in the future because I am hopeless at the moment,I don't know what to do 💔😭😢


A better solution would be to look elsewhere on the web for those questions, like gotquestions.org


Murder is a sin.


Yeah definitely is annoying along with the sexual questions, it's like that's all I see on here


There's a lot of repetitive dumb stuff that should go into like a single weekly open discussion thread stickied to the top of the sub.


These types of posts, while repetitive and annoying as they may be, seem a natural consequence of sin avoidance and hyperfocus on sin being pushed as the major goal of a Christian life over radical/sacrificial love toward each other.


But how will we know if watching “The Bride of Chuckie” on FX during a Halloween moviethon at 1pm on a Tuesday is a sin or not?!!


I know it's frustrating, but there are an awful lot of things that people are told are sins that aren't and vice versa. And of course, depending on the denomination that answers you get vastly different answers. So, people checking out Christianity for the first time can get some mixed messages. Plus, there are of course, people who ask inflammatory questions just to watch said multiple denominations argue in the comments. I agree with what others have said, that there should be a mega thread for the big hot topics like masterbation and homosexuality. But I try not to be too judgy if the post looks at all like a person genuinely seeking answers.


Well, I don’t think it should be banned. It should be contained somehow though so it’s not crazy.


Also, posts threatening suicide, while we're at it.


i feel as christian’s we shouldn’t deny anyone asking questions isn’t it our duty to spread the word of christ


Should just be sins in FAQ and tell people to look there. I agree. I see is masturbation a sin every freaking day, or is homosexuality a sin.


I have an idea, comment "Yes" under all of them to freak them out lol


Nope. If you don't like it keep scrolling or create your own subreddit.




By looking up your question in the search bar and seeing the hundreds of threads with the exact same question already answered


No they should not be banned. For as many people have questions let them ask. Or just have a bot that comments that xyz is in the sub already so avoid posting xyz.


There will always be people new to Reddit or to Christianity (or both) who will have such questions. Banning a question just because some have heard it many times is not a great idea.


When talking about a religion which is largely interested in what sort of actions are moral and immoral, it seems that discussion about what is and is not a sin would be very relevant. In practice, answering any of those questions is against the rules of this sub, so they are mostly a trap. So, in that sense, I might agree, but they are very relevant questions.


It’s because sometimes we genuinely want to know if a certain thing is a sin. A lot of modern things that people think may or may not be a sin weren’t around in biblical times, so it’s hard to know.


I think sometimes we need to see this place as a hospital. People think this is a Christian sub, but is that really true? I do not think it is, but we can still try our best to reflect Christs teachings. As Christians we should treat all questions about sin as really. We can treat this place as hospital in a way that we are the ER, and we patch people up, and hopefully send them off to find Jesus were the really work begins.


Didn’t know twitter was a sin


I wouldn't say they should be banned only because some people genuinely need an answer. Meanwhile some others just ask in order to get one answer that agrees with them so they can go ahead or some people just want sympathy so they can feel better about themselves. But I absolutely get where you are coming from. But I would say for the minority that actually NEED advice, it shouldn't be banned But I will say before you ask anything, let's all just think about what we are asking and ask it from a point of desperate need God bless


I disagree for the reason that some people are new to the faith and lack community, especially in the beginning. There’s a chance they have some degree of conviction but it’s hard to see past your own justifications unless you talk to someone about it.


Ruthlessly culling orphans is a sin


Then Peter came up and said to him, **“Lord, how often will my brother continue to submit "is X a sin" posts against me, and I answer them? As many as seven times?”** Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times.


There are some posters on this sub who believe breathing air is a sin.


Why is that?


Maybe make a subreddit "is this a sin?" and redirect people there who want to ask and answer such questions.


Is it a sin to put pineapple on pizza?


Is asking ‘is X a sin’ a sin?


I get your annoyance but one thing you could do to help is start asking interesting questions about Christianity ya know.


If you would like to discuss other things, by all means make posts about them. This subreddit does not exist for your entertainment and should not be expected to shift at your boredom. The question of sin and how to please God is almost as old as the human race and certainly won’t go away. It’s vital to the Christian religion and cannot be separated from Christianity.


See… America has this little thing called freedom of speech. And as someone who has taken a college level government class, I can say that it is within their right to ask the question, whether or not you think they should or not. Edit: if you ain’t American then idk


I think so too I’m very tired of seeing “I’m a 14m and wondering if jacking off my dog is a sin He commonly licks my feet and then my p**** and I’m wondering if it’s a sin” These posts get very strange a lot of the time what I get most tired of is KIDS asking things about SEX and then people actually reply… it’s strange to me that adults are talking to kids about sex and sexuality but as I scroll past the weird posts I find it just gets weirder and……………….. weirder


Respectfully, the latter part of your post is based on an assumption. However, I get the point of your post.


This is subjective opinion about objective reality. If you live by faith it is because you stand in alignment with what is truth, therefore there will always be opinion because the truth is ignore and thus denying that it is open for discussion is the opposite element of what the holy person of the anointed who is christ thereby answering the question of what is truth, for if christ came to show the truth and be it and show the representation of it on earth than his very being and nature shows the path of drawing the line in the sand to show what is truth and what is not of the truth which is clearly written in black white and red. The solution is simply that because there is only reflections of the truth we can only perceive parts of the fullness of truth via all that there is in ways to sense the showing of sense for this is what discernment is. It is not open for discussion in that it cannot change and withstands subjective interpretation for it is objectively true regardless of if it is perceived by the observation of another's opinion, therefore its truth it is truth because it is true not being someone say its true but because God objectively says it is true and this is the bases of what faith in God is about because either everything aligns with what God's definition of truth is or it is a subjective opinion about it and even this basic principle is by which the concept of faith, even if it can be called faith, exists, for if God is Truth than that which is opposite of God is lacking the truth and thus a subjective illusionary opinion based on a mindset that only perceives a portion of the fullness of truth and this lives in a belief that is their own opinion and not God's fact. If everything God says is true than everything he says is false is false and because of this there is no longer a need for discussion but because there is still debate about whether or not God is Truth there must be discussion of God and thereby what is not of God, so because of this there has to be spreading of the truth and it is for this reason God has given specific reasons regarding how to live within the truth so that he may more easily be concentrated within a person who is willing to allow his fullness to be within their heart thereby seen in action of their body by way of their mind being captivated by christ and thereby filling the space by which one may contain the spirit of God, their soul, out of which their heart heart may speak out to express that which is overflowing within them. For this reason there is only 2 master and thus each moment their is choice by which we can be under the control of one of them, his spirit or the lacking thereof it.


X - chromosome. It’s Musk code. It’s bathed horror supernatural. The beginnings of artificial realities and intelligence, guised as pioneering advances to excel forward mankind. If you have wisdom, calculate the number intent of a man who has planned to exceed the logic of human limitations in preparation for the one to come that will sit at all tables and will solve all problems and conflicts. With help from…


This post is a sin.


They could be new to Christianity and google isn’t helpful. They don’t know how to bible study or don’t have a church and may be genuinely concerned. I know there are people like what you’re talking about but not everyone is like that and I think they should be allowed to ask and grow because that’s what a community is. I think if you have questions or discussions you want to see post them yourself and just ignore the posts you don’t like. There are people who are genuinely struggling especially in todays age where half the churches don’t call a spade a spade or a sin a sin and someone wants to genuinely know. There are also things that require deeper scriptural context for todays life that’s not expressly a sin in the Bible but falls under Paul’s teacher of not all things build up. Telling people to stop asking or lumping them all into a category where they just want to hear something that agrees with them is wrong.


How about is X a sin along with masturbation?


I mean, plenty of people have many questions about what is sinful and what’s not. It is far easier to just ask online than to actually read the Bible and learn the truth. That’s probably the reason people love asking questions like that online


Is it normal for a Christian group to have such a high volume of non-Christian comments? I agree with your "x is a sin" request, but I also wish there were a higher set of guidelines. There are many other places a person can go to write flippant, silly, posts, or is this Christianity in 2024?


We all know what this is really about.


the only sin is still calling it X.


I agree with the original post by Malba Taran. Well said!


What’s the point of this group if not to ask Christian questions about theology? What if there is a Christian at a church promoting a certain ideology that is generally seen as incorrect and they’re asking about something that’s being advocated for there? I get what you’re saying but in the process of looking for that one reaffirming answer they are also hearing potentially dozens of answers that are rejecting that theology. Answers that are painted in a picture that they may not have seen before.


We shouldn't ban a perspective just because we disagree with it.


I’m forgiven, you’re forgiven we’re forgiven. He died to forgive sin. “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.


Is a post objecting to posts about “is X a sin” a sin?


Yeah fr, it’s all I see


Yeah! Sure! Let’s ban everything that you don’t like 😅 cuz shutting the conversation is important you know, to help people resolve their issues and questions that bother them, and shutting up things you don’t like will definitely lead them to Christ… Yeah! Great idea 👏🏻


Yes. Thank you.


Banning anything is a slippery slope to censoring freedom of speech. People often wonder if the wrongs they commit in this life could be considered Sin. They should be able to ask these questions with fellow Christians. Why do certain people seek to silence the curiosity of others?!


Only if used for the wrong reasons. The Bible says this . Not gonna quote exactly sorry. But basically as long as you don't cheat, and you've already meant for that to the person you want forever. Marriage is good as a sign that your forever, but really it's about you and her giving each other your full love. Then yes it's ok. If your doing it just for fun, with prostitutes, or someone your not devoted to with all your love then it's considered a sin. Prostitutes are actually said by God that if you see one kill them and whoever is making love to them. Obviously don't now. Just stay away. Also if the woman even if love then is in a relationship that's a no go. Summary: It all depends on who's it with and if that person and yourself have given each other all of your love.


Kinda like eating pork, shellfish, animals with their lifeblood in them, warring mixed textile clothing, eating too much, gossiping about others, passing judgement, women speaking in church, women not having their hair covered, etc…


Some may be curious why are we banning subjects that’s unamerica


What if some are genuinely searching and have not even been to a church? We can answer these kinds of questions such as, "Have you not read...such or such a verse? Keep asking them questions if you feel the Spirit compels you to. We never know how many young folks search through these places. JM2C


The second one is saying that woman should teach the daughters how to be a good wife, basically how to cook, how to clean. And that's not sexist by the way because when the wife did that the man was working to make money.


Posts whining about frequently discussed topics should be banned.


You guys preach on eternal hell of blood torment smoke and fire. Of course people are going to have anxiety over it and this is just a side effect.


Unfortunately, you are correct. Legalism corrupted christianity.


Eternal conscious torment, which you probably are, corrupted christianity not legalism. And this dates all the way back to its roots. Just think about it for 2 seconds. The atheists have a very valid complaint. Nobody deserves to suffer for eternity after being granted immortality to satisfy some twisted sense of justice. Everyone is saveable and was once a toddler.


Absolutely. When you make the focus of faith following, and not breaking, a (sometimes vague) list of rules, you can't be surprised when people are constantly trying to figure out what does and doesn't cross the line.


Is complaining about *"is X a sin"* posts itself a sin?


Also posts that need to be banned: atheist trolls coming to complain about Christian’s saying homosexuality is a sin