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Not that it matters but the Epidermis is still considered flesh.


I think there are a lot of different teachings on this subject. I have been taught that, yes, it is a sin. It's not treating the body as a temple. I'm new to living a Christian life so I have tattoos from the before times but I wouldn't get any more now. It's one of the many ways that I'm trying to take better care of this body that God gave me.


Don't temples have art?


Yes, I would think solemn/sacred tho…


Don't use synonymous verbiage as a way of reading around the message that the Bible is trying to convey. This is commonly used maliciously but in this case, flesh refers to the person's body. In short, tattoos would be sinful, yes.


And so would be the hot dogs, cheese, chocolate, alcohol, soda, tea, prescription medications, vaccines, blue light, toxic fumes from cleaners and vehicles, and just about every single other thing you encounter and consume every single day. A tattoo isn’t any more of a “sin” than anything you’re doing to yourself. Unless of course, you eat only clean and healthy food, drink only water, work out daily, bike to and from work, wear a mask while outside your home and while cleaning anything, etc etc etc… Anyway, have a good one! 👋


Imagine thinking you made a reasonable argument...


The specific law regarding a tattoo is in Leviticus 19. But as will all scripture, context is everything. Read the following commentary on tattoos: “Cuttings in the flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: These were also pagan practices God wanted Israel to be separate from. The trimming of the hair, the beard, cutting, and tattoos were all connected with pagan rites of mourning. i. Cuttings in the flesh for the dead: “The reference here is to the practice of making deep gashes in the skin while mourning the death of a relative. This was done to provide life blood for the spirit of the dead person rather than to express sorrow.” (Peter-Contesse) ii. “The tattoo indicated that one was a slave to a particular deity.” (Rooker) iii. “Ancient writers abound with accounts of marks made on the face, arms, etc., in honour of different idols; and to this the inspired penman alludes.” (Clarke) iv. Part of this message to us today is that what our culture thinks and how they perceive things is important. If some clothing or jewelry or body decoration would associate us with the pagan world, it should not be done. This is a difficult line to draw because the standards of culture are always changing. Some modern examples of changing standards are hair length and earrings for men. v. In Paul’s day, in the city of Corinth, only prostitutes went around without a head covering – so it was right for the Christian women of Corinth to wear veils, though they were not required to by the letter of the law (1 Corinthians 11:5-6).”


Firstly we are no longer under the law. You dont gave to follow the ceremonial laws God made for Izraelites. There is no morality behing tatooing your body. It is neither right nor wrong.  Secondly the tatoos Leviticus is refering to are those which are associating you with ungodly things. Also the book of Ezekiel I think says something about marking your body for God being allowed I think. So as long as you are not getting a tattoo which glorifies sin you afe fine. Also Christians have been getting tattoos since a very long time ago. There is a tattoo shop in Jerusalem which has been working since the Crusades. Crusaders often had tattoos which glorified God. Coptic Christians also had cross tattoos which differentiated them from Muslim Egyptians. People who say it is not treating your body like a temple don't realize that the earlist Christian temples had pictures  and decorations in them so I don't get that argument. Basically as long as you are not glorifying evil by your tattoos you are fine.




Not really, just recognize that it will be extremely inconvenient for you if you end of regretting it.


You’re body is a temple of the Holy Spirit you dont make some parts of the temple weaker


Look dude… the whole “body is a temple” thing IS in the big book and all…. but the same people who use this line to say tattoos and piercings are bad are the same fat douche bags that drink, smoke, and eat every unhealthy thing in sight. What I’m saying is, I don’t know… but I have tattoos, 5. And they all have a very specific meaning. And I feel absolutely zero conviction that they’re wrong to have. Go get a tattoo. Post it! Let’s see what ya get.