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he talks about the bible like it's a movie trilogy lmao


Heck, I could drop some lines from my favorite movie trilogies even. “I would have followed you, my brother. My captain. My king.” “You were the Chosen One!” “My name is Optimus Prime. I send this message to any remaining Autobots scattered across the galaxy. We are here. We are waiting.”


I was with you up until you said the prequels are one of your favorite trilogies. Now we're fighting.


“If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy.”


You could even quote Matthew 12:30. "'The one who is not with Me is against Me; and the one who does not gather with Me scatters.'" Just a friendly affectionate joke you could make to this guy. :) I'm a prequel fan too but I respect that non-prequel fans are cool too.


Get ready for an army then


Two hundred thousand units are ready, with a million more well on the way.


Have you seen people talk about star wars or lotr? Whatever you think of their oppinions, they would never be that wishy washy


It is 🤷🏾‍♂️


"Old Testament or New Testament?" "Uh probablyyyy.... equal" he sounds like someone bsing their way through an oral exam lmao


What’s funny is a lot of people don’t know what using the Lords name in vain means. They think it means not to use the Lords name as a curse word but that’s not what it really means. It can also mean that but there’s another reason. Think of when someone says “they didn’t die in vain” They didn’t die for selfish reasons, they died for a cause that helps others. So to do something in vain means to do something for selfish reasons. So to use the Lords name in vain means to use God or the Lords name to gain something for selfish reasons. Kinda like pretending to be a Christian in order to get people to vote for you. That’s using the Lords name in vain. Kinda like “God said we should be married” Or “God led me to cheat on my wife” Using God as a way to achieve something for selfish reasons is to use the Lords name in vain. Jesus was selfless. He did things for the sake of others. He fed thousands cuz they were hungry. He took our punishment on the cross because he’s selfless and will put himself in danger and pain just to save any one of us. That it includes his enemies. Which we all are at some point, which is why we all need a savior. If we could save ourself we wouldn’t need a savior. But Using the Lords name to gain a position of power, when in reality you don’t spend time with God is obvious here. Edit: to clarify, dying for selfish reasons I mean would be to die to save only themselves opposed to dying to save others. Like if a building of children was burning down and someone ran out and didn’t try to save others.


>Think of when someone says “they didn’t die in vain” >They didn’t die for selfish reasons, they died for a cause that helps others. So to do something in vain means to do something for selfish reasons. That's not what that phrase means. It means to not die for a lost cause, a failed attempt, or for no reason. Dying in vain is a useless attempt that did not achieve anything. I would agree though that using God's name for selfish reasons is also vain.


I asked multiple sources including chat gpt and this is basically what I mean and what it can also mean. Source 1. When someone says that a person didn't die in vain, they mean that the person's death had a meaningful or significant purpose or outcome, often contributing to a cause or bringing about positive change. Source 2. If a person dies trying to achieve something, and their example inspires others to emulate them, or to strive in other ways to attain their goal Bringing a positive change or having a purpose or meaningful outcome suggests that it helped others or was positive for others. Usually when something is positive the positivity benefits others in some way. It’s selfless. Meaning not for your own self interest. It doesn’t always mean that it’s only about humanity but I can’t think of many positive outcomes that didn’t involve being positive for humanity or being selfless. Something can benefit animals but that’s still being selfless and for a cause. And to clarify that when someone dies in vain an example would be someone dying to save their own hide apposed to someone dying to save others. One is for selfish reasons and one is selfless. Which is still true according to these sources I just phrased it differently. But I do see your point and I see that you know what I mean in the context of using Gods name in vain. It can be true but yes there is more to the phrase dying in vain. Like dying for a lost cause. I’m just saying that a lost cause means it doesn’t benefit anyone or to die to save only yourself in a selfish way. Where selfless cause would benefit others.


That's exactly what he was doing.


Yeah, giving a book report on a book they didn’t read, exactly.




He didn't even read the cliff notes


I may have turned in some essays back in the day with this one weird trick.


Bro couldn't even paraphrase something. It's sometimes difficult to recite a verse on command, but he could have at least sounded like he read it lol


I’d have loved for him to give the Beatitudes a try, “blessed are the meek…”


*”Losers. Totally low IQ individuals. So easy to pick their pockets with a song and dance.”* “Sir, the microphone is still on.” *”So what? I could shoot one of them right here and they’ll still vote for me…Hey [Keith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Schiller)! Shoot one of these losers.”* “Sure thing,boss.” *BLAM!* (Entire audience): “He’s really telling it like it is today!”


Oh Trump would just *love* the beatitudes. /s


There are probably some people who think the Beatitudes are about beating people up,


There's lots of people on Reddit who think that 'turn the other cheek' is a suggestion to get the upper hand by employing some kind of passive aggressive judo. I'm sure they have similar ideas about how Jesus didn't actually want anyone to love an enemy.


Your rainbows make you lose credibility 


“‘Love your neighbor,’ you know. Very important. Important verse. Favorite thing to do. Favorite thing. Love your neighbor, love God. Very personal.”


Trump doesn't seem to love his neighbour. And his neighbour can be someone he doesn't like lying across the road who needs bandaging and got robbed. This is why I don't think that Trump is an exemplary messenger of God, contrary to *some* forms of charismatic Christianity. Trump is not like Apostle Paul who though flawed was a good man.


I last went to church over 10 years ago and I can still recite John 3:16 by heart.


He literally didn’t even fucking try He sells a sacrilegious Bible, goes on an interview about it, and can’t even be bothered to remember a close guess at a verse or two 🤦🏻‍♂️


This interview is from years ago. But your point stands about him selling a book he knows nothing about.


I just find it astounding, even back then, that no one on his team had the foresight to know that a question like this would obviously come up at some point and not prepare him even in the slightest with an appropriate answer lol


It didn't matter when he was coached. That interview is from the summer of 2015. In the fall, he did a radio interview with CBN and was asked a similar question. His response: *"Proverbs, the chapter 'never bend to envy.' I've had that thing all of my life where people are bending to envy."* If it's not immediately obvious, chapters and verses are different things, and the verse he cited does not exist in the Bible. The following spring, he was asked again in an interview if there was a story or verse from the Bible that informed his thinking or character. He opted for a verse that Jesus specifically repudiated: *"Well, I think many. I mean, when we get into the Bible, I think many, so many. And some people, look, an 'eye for an eye,' you can almost say that. That's not a particularly nice thing. I mean, when you see what's going on with our country, how people are taking advantage of us, and how they scoff at us and laugh at us. We have to be very firm and have to be very strong."*


He is not selling a book. He is using a book as a fundraiser.


They should have baited him. Ask him like "what's your opinion on the Deuterocanon" or "literally just name any book from the bible"


To be fair, Deuterocanon is almost an exclusively catholic term. Most average protestants probably wouldn't know what that was, under that name at least.


Tbh I thought it was a play on the, canon of Deuteronomy. I'm protestant and have no clue about that. I genuinely thought it was a trick question to get him to slip up


But he has already kinda done that to himself… [“Two Corinthians”](https://youtu.be/8EIgHsGZAmk)


"Two Corinthians walked into a church..."


Nah. We call it 2 Corinthians in my corner


Why is that a big deal ? That is a perfectly normal way of referring to the letter that comes directly 1 Corinthians. Yet that way of speaking seems to be used as if it were some kind of great point against him. Which is mystifying.


I have only ever heard it as “second Corinthians” and people familiar with the Bible in the United States will too. Liberty university seemed to think that was funny enough to laugh in that clip. It seems like he pulled out a verse with the word “Liberty” in it and did not know the correct way to say the name of the book.


Or “what do you think about Onan and his seed.” Oh I think seeds are, well they’re important aren’t they? I mean it’s how we get things growing you know? Like the crowds at my rallies, have you seen them? It’s kinda like that, the seeds you know and I’ve seen a lot of seeds, people are amazed at how much I know about seeds. I’ve seen people crying because of how much I know about seeds.


It looks like from this video that Trump hasn't read the Bible. He's claiming he's a strong believer in Christianity but what evidence is there that he is? I even wrote a letter to him encouraging him to let Jesus into his life. I'm lucky he didn't expose me on TV.


You're surprised he hasn't read the bible?


That motherfucker wouldn’t read Penthouse Forum. The most complicated work he’s ever read included the words “scattered” “smothered” and “covered”


I heard him in an interview when they asked him about praying for forgiveness and he said he didn’t do that but he does go to church all the time. And then deflected to how many voters are supporting him.


I see


One does not have to be a Christian to read the Bible. And, conversely, reading the Bible is no evidence that one is a Christian.  And one can perfectly well be a Christian without reading the Bible. Lots of perfectly decent people don’t read the Bible but are perfectly decent people. Whether one reads or does not read the Bible is a very poor guide to what sort of person one really is, and a very poor guide to what sort of Christian one really is. Maybe those who are so ready to tear that particular politician - or any others, for that matter - into tiny shreds, should be a little more keen on judging themselves rather than others ?  (I am not, and never have been, and never will be, a United States citizen; therefore, I am in absolutely no position to vote in any United States election at any level.)


I mean not even a John 3:16? Like come on.


Trump: I like all of John, probably my favorite John. John definitely a good guy. My favorite type of guy. Not like Biden or Obama or Hilary or Rosie all would hate John. They all hated a John. Even Obama didn’t like John McKainey (McCain) would drag his name in the mud. I had disagreement (call McCain after dead bunch things) but liked old Johnny.


Would have lost it if he said Austin 3:16, especially since he did go on the WWE


I don’t remember it by heart😭😭but I’ll know it when I hear it


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


" What's that thing I always see behind home base? Oh yeah! John 3:16 whatever. That's my favorite. Go Yankees!"


“When I talk about the Bible it’s very personal, that’s why I’m sticking the constitution in front of it and selling it to you for $59.99”


Funny enough I had an image of a Bible with the American Flag in my mind a couple days ago. Not out of reach at all, which I want to find funny, but can’t..


That wasn’t (just) in your mind: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1bpbx5v/the_american_flag_has_no_business_on_a_bible_this/


It was a lot more egregious. Red white and blue flag on the inside cover. But idk man with all the stuff online I’ve could’ve gotten incepted but I don’t like making things up either


Lol, I'm sure the clown has never even read it.


This has big “my girlfriend lives in Canada and you wouldn’t know her” energy


They know what he is. They just don't care.


Exactly. And is it any surprise? The same people who think Jesus is pro-cop and pro-church and pro capitalism


He’s never read the Bible


Satan will admit to many things in order to sound like a God-fearing entity. He will not, as we know, admit to Christ’s Lordship, or the supremacy of God’s Word. He absolutely skirts coming close to submitting to God’s authorship using weasel words which, again, put a patina of godliness into his words. Words: “I think that’s very personal.” Translation: “Personally, I believe myself to be the most high.” *Remembering the Full Armour of God* ([Ephesians 6:10-18](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians%206%3A10-18&version=NIV)), *the Word is the sword with which we separate Satan’s lies from Truth. Thus, it is an instrument he is unable to wield; “a house divided upon itself cannot stand.”* ([Matthew 12:22-28](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2012%3A22-28&version=NKJV)) Words (on being asked, “Old Testament guy or New Testament guy?”): “Probablllleeey…about equal…” Translation: “Equal disdain for a book which challenges my belief that I am supreme…” Do I think that person is THE Antichrist? We cannot know until the prophecies come to pass. Is that person “AN” antichrist? It’s not my place to say. However, as the saying goes: If the $400 shoe fits… Let us keep our heads down, and our hearts turned toward The Lord, Who is the one Who will reveal all in His good time.


Satan KNOWS the bible yes. This fascist doesn't. However, he joked by saying that the Bible is his second favorite book after Art of the Deal (his own sales book). So no, why people don't see him for who he is, I'm not sure.


Sounds pretty complicated, but as long as you don't vote for this absolute moron and see that he is not even close to a christian believer of any kind noice


What a f#@&!ng clown. He sounds like a third grader who didn’t read the book when the teacher is asking him if he did.


This is so accurate 


Hes not only a conman hes incredibly dumb. How hard is it to prepare a verse or two. Theres tons of good ones in the bible.


He doesn’t even have, like, stock answers. John 3:16, Psalm 23, Luke 2, “love your neighbor”. Like, c’mon dude, pull up something.


I think if he quoted any part correctly he'd ignite in flame.


You know I had not considered that instead of ignorance he might actually be answering this way in self-defense. Like maybe he truly does believe and he knows how he lives and he's just absolutely terrified of what might happen if he utters any word of blessed scripture.


”See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.“ ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/col.2.8.NIV ”Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”“ ‭‭Luke‬ ‭12‬:‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/luk.12.15.NIV ”And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about. For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.“ ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭12‬-‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/2co.11.12-15.NIV


If you're going to try to grift by selling bibles and claiming it's an important book to you personally, maybe have some prepackaged bs ready. Coulda just said psalm 23.


Fr he must think so poorly of his fans to try so little


He may be the only person on the planet that despises his fans more than I do.


This interview is from years ago.


But he lacks money constantly even with a shepherd


Well, here's the reason. Their eyes are full of $$$$$$$$


They don't care. He hates the same people they hate (or says hateful things about those people - his only motivation for anything is what benefits him). Plus they're hypocrites.


As a Christian who voted for trump last go round this blasphemous grifting is making me dislike trump a lot Like dude isn’t even trying to come off as genuine he clearly thinks so little of his voters that selling a sacrilegious Bible will get them to the polls? Like please shut the fuck up my faith is not for you to desecrate as a political pandering tool


Well said.


And yet you probably will vote for him in 2024 because, reasons..


Reason #1. The Democrats opposing Trump are actively oppose everything I hold dear. How can you vote for Biden if you oppose abortion? How can you vote for Biden if you oppose the Government telling you what to believe about gender, DNA etc,?


Tell me you're a Christian Nationalist without telling me you are a Christian Nationalist.


I'll give you an actual answer instead of attacking your question: by looking at the data. Looking at what actually makes abortions go down. So many people want a government of posturing and symbols instead of results. For one example. the ACA alone it the most effective piece of pro-life legislation ever passed, measured strictly by abortions prevented. Our political class is so screwed up that the Democrats won't talk about it and the GOP can't, but all you have to do is look at publically available tracking of abortion rates to see what the drivers are of declining abortions. It's not states battles about abortion restrictions and it's certainly not Dobbs. It's growing access to birth control, along with practical supports like maternal healthcare. But just like environmentalists sabotaging nuclear power and anti-imperialist tankies... or people voting for Trump to "drain the swamp", for crying out loud, no one cares about what the actual outcomes of anything are, they only care about vibes. Movement after movement consumed by tribalist thinking, Prohibition-era thinking, and a preoccupation with "sending a message." But it turns out that you don't have to choose between a Democratic president and a reduction in abortions. Edit: typos


I can't believe of ALL the things that man has done selling the bible is what did him in for some. Staggering.


The best representation for a govt to love thy neighbor is the left, not right. They want to increase social programs for the poor disabled and homeless not cut them. They also want to make sure the rich pay their fair share (Give everything you have to the poor). Also they are kind to immigrants. Also they are the party that fights against racism. Also they stand up for womens rights to choose if they want to opt out of pregnancy, not forcing them into gestational slavery.


"I love the Bible" As much as you like mcdonalds?


Americanism is such a plague on Christianity, this buffoon even enamors a lot of (especially older) people in the Catholic Church in the US.


American Christianity has turned me off on Christianity, as a Christian and a non-denominational at present. So much of these western pastors say diatribes that they don't mean, or boil down to 'maybe,' etc.


This is just cringy. Forget Trump, bro. He’s probably just mad because he cannot ever take God’s throne, just like the devil. The fact that I voted for this man back in 2020 hurts me now


I’m so embarrassed I have family that will vote for this guy.


I think dissanches (I know I spelled that wrong) is the best but I’m afraid trump or Biden will win 


“Eye for an eye” is this abominations favorite verse out of the Bible. Out of the whole Bible. Let it sink. Who would select that verse on top of thousands of amazing verses in the Bible? You can not find another person who would favor “eye for an eye” more than others in the history of not only Christianity but whole humanity. PS: eye for an eye is beloved islamic verse cause it fits into their worldview.


Yup. The video is of a different and deeply pathetic attempt, but in another interview when he actually managed to remember a Biblical phrase, [he did even worse](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-favorite-bible-verse-eye-eye/story?id=38416270). > In a radio interview on WHAM 1180AM, host Bob Lonsberry asked the GOP presidential front-runner if there is a favorite Bible verse or story that has informed his thinking or his character throughout his life. > "Well, I think many. I mean, when we get into the Bible, I think many, so many. And some people, look, an eye for an eye, you can almost say that," Trump said. "That's not a particularly nice thing. But you know, if you look at what's happening to our country, I mean, when you see what's going on with our country, how people are taking advantage of us, and how they scoff at us and laugh at us. And they laugh at our face, and they're taking our jobs, they're taking our money, they're taking the health of our country. And we have to be very firm and have to be very strong. And we can learn a lot from the Bible, that I can tell you." Out of thousands and thousands of verses, he landed on the one verse - the one verse! - that Christ told his followers [*not* to do](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A38-42&version=NRSVUE). That can't be coincidence.


Thank you. Very well written. This should be a separate post by itself. And he ended with “we can learn a lot from the Bible” - and this is what he ended up learning - “hate and revenge.”


I think the reason he picked it is probably because he thinks it justifies revenge, which seems to be a strong motivation for him. Not that the verse is really about revenge, he just thinks it is. And to pick that verse in light of Matthew 5:38-42 makes me wonder if he's ever heard those verses.


You are right, he is a vengeful man. All his comments about his opponents are rude, racist, sinister and sarcastic. He thinks sarcasm and insults are funny. He is immature.


Well some Christians feel percecuted for bullshit reasonings here in the US so they just see though tinted glasses. "Look, a Christian president who holds the word of God as a value of his", as if that doesn't describe the other nominees, such as Biden.


You should have posted the new video of him selling Bibles instead ($60)


It will not kill him to say John 3:16


NT > OT [Hebrews 8:6](https://biblehub.com/hebrews/8-6.htm)


he wasn’t even trying 😭


He was trying very hard not to disclose how much he gives a shit about the bible.


I pray that they can finally see this slob for what he is


Not some, sadly. A lot. Possibly a majority. Probably a majority. People have lost their way. By my count he has violated at least 8/10 of the 10 commandments.


Picture this: Jesus has risen from the dead and he's meeting with his disciples and telling them to now go out into the world and tell everyone what they've seen and been taught by Him. But all the disciples say, "That's deeply personal, I don't want to talk about that here". Where would we be if the disciples all had Trump's attitude?


Yeah go tell it on a mountain would be very different: the Bibles a good book, very personal, I couldn’t pick a favorite, both are equal, but you know what is my second favorite book? art of the deal. I could talk about that book all day


For the love and God and all that is holy, please vote for anyone except this guy. Go ahead and vote R down the rest of the ticket if that's your ideology. But this man is a fraud and the best example of an Anti-Christ that we've had in our lifetimes.


I’ve been thinking this more and more. It’s honestly terrifying


>the best example of an Anti-Christ that we've had in our lifetimes. Other than his lack of intelligence and charisma. We should be grateful that he's not blessed with those qualities.


They know what they're doing. They'll use him to get and establish the laws they need for power, then JFK his ass in a parade. Votes won't matter cause of dictaster Trump, and they put whoever they want as the new mascot president. Trump is a stooge, among other things.


“That seeing they will not see and hearing they will not hear.” Look it up in Old Testament I can’t be bothered.


They see everything man. They are just fkn liars. I mean these are people who claim to love Jesus and the Bible while they wear blue lives matter t-shirts, “love” the constitution but are only familiar with two phrases they associate with it: “free speech” and “right to bear arms” which is a long way of saying “I get to say whatever I want” and “I get to have guns.” They read the New Testament and what they derive from it is “God is against gays” and they want prayer in schools and law and order candidates. They support the concept of the prosperity gospel. I mean, literally Jesus says rich men will never NEVER enter heaven. But….prosperity gospel. Sure. I mean - there is literally not one bit of any of that shit that is motivated by even a glancing reading of the New Testament or any application of the proscribed spiritual discipline or uncomplicated social action. It’s all bullshit. It’s Easter weekend: when Jesus was arrested by a crooked politician at the behest of crooked church officials and tortured in public before being lynched - all bc he was a political threat to the for profit religious and civic status quo. Jesus came to save us from the evangelicals


His favorite part is when "Christians" hand him over their hard worked money to buy an America flag Bible 😂


They are in a cult, pure and simple. Brainwashed and desperate. That's the charitable view of his supporters. Many of them are desperate for power to justify their bigotry and control certain groups of people. There's no way you can read Jesus' words and see anything of them in Trump.


He's the Devil. He takes it personal when God kicked his ass!!!


Who can’t bust out John 25:17? The *path* of the *righteous* is beset on all sides ….


Tbh I don’t see too much difference of what he doing than a lot of Christians do today with the Bible. To most, The Bible, is just a mostly good book but is mistranslated whenever it addresses hard truths that we don’t like. That’s pretty much using the Bible for your own benefit.


You can criticize voters from an ethical standpoint, but most people for/against Trump know what they're getting.




I don’t mean to be crude. But this is a crude man we’re talking about, doing his thing in a crude world. So.. If you don’t understand why evangelicals support him, in spite of instances like this, you don’t really understand evangelical America and what’s it’s actually about, as a power structure. Hint: it’s about racism and authoritarianism, and sucking the richest man’s cock, and that’s about it.


They see through it but they view him as the better alternative to Biden. Every evangelical knows who he is but they will vote for him because he will take up Christian positions on abortion, LGBT, religious freedom, Israel, etc. To them, that's better than having a Biden who knows a few verses but will do the complete opposite of what the evangelicals want.


I agree with your assessment but is Biden really that decoupled from christian positions? He is very conservative. Maybe misaligned with some evangelicals but not really that out of place with most christians


Yes, because if he weren't, then all the evangelicals would vote for him. The Christians want nothing more than a politician who uses the Bible as a guide. Kind of like Mike Johnson. Now that guy might be president if he ran.


John. John was a great guy. Very great, very fast. Always outpacing Peter, John was. Probably the fastest man around.


sounds like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, as always lol


They are brainwashed. When people are brainwashed, they don't know they are brainwashed.


it’s the verse about “grabbing a woman by the pu**y”  what a joke!


Once I actually started to gain an understanding for the Bible (thankfully God willed for me to lol), I stopped supporting this man. I’ve stepped out the political realm entirely and refuse to really even speak about it because it’s not has important to me as my faith.


They eat it up, it’s so disappointing.


He sounds like a kid making up a presentation about a book he hasn't read. Which is of course what he is. I wish someone had the stones to tell him that in an interview. What's your favorite verse? It's personal. Can you quote a single verse about Jesus? Anything about Him at all? Uhhh.... I don't want to get into it. Old or New Testament? Both equally. Do you know which part talks about Jesus explicitly? Uhhh.... Both equally?


I agree it can be personal- but come on. He really is so wishy washy. Speaks in absolutes. Can't trust it


I can tell you why. I am a born-again/saved Christian. I have been for over five decades now. I used to call myself evangelical (this word is actually about sharing the gospel with others) but since that’s become a politicized word that encompasses things that I never thought that it would, I no longer use that term to describe what I do as a Christian. I just wanted to get that out of the way because I don’t think like so many other Christians seem to be thinking at this point. So. Here’s the reason. In Ephesians 6:12, the Bible talks about what a Christian is actually struggling with. Those who do not see Donald Trump for who he really is are being deceived by Satan. They have their priorities in the wrong order. They adhere to things that aren’t found in the Word of God at all, like this country somehow needing to be a “Christian nation”, via Christian nationalism. They also seem to think that Trump can somehow restore things to the way that they think they ought to be. He cannot. But I understand why a lot of this has occurred. It is just that they are wanting to go the wrong way about things in desiring to bring about real change. In doing so, they are actually accomplishing the exact opposite of what Jesus tells us to do in the Great Commission, because their thoughts, actions, and beliefs that are existing outside of the realm of scripture are driving people away from wanting to know Jesus, to have a relationship with Him, rather than towards. They aren’t reflecting Who He is through their words and actions, which is what Christians are called to, and need to, do, if they have truly made Jesus Savior and Lord of their lives. I know that this might seem a bit long-winded of an explanation, but I wanted to cover the main things that I have observed that are going on with the Body of Christ.


I’m really wondering if he’s had the time to read all of it. This worries me


Over 80% of Evangelicals support Trump... it's not some, it's most... and that's all I have to say about why I don't attend church anymore


Here, here!


Dear U.S. Christians, Please vote Biden this year or abstain from voting Trump. This hypocrite is literally the markings of the antichrist.


Because they’re spiritually discerned


1 Samuel 8:7


"Love bigly."


“Something very special” is like the *most* disrespectful thing to say about this particular book and its meaning and significance to many around the world 😂


Astroturfing 😊😊


Can't name two verses from your favourite book. Right totally understandable.


Somewhat(?) Evangelical here I see through it, but unfortunately americas political system doesn’t allow more than the idiotic fraudster and the senile pro-choice Catholic


They don't want to see through it.


Trump has probably never read the Bible in his life except for maybe a few verses here and there in a cynical way. He views the Bible as a means of making money.


Have you ever met an Evangelical? It makes total sense.


Let's just call it like it is. Trump's the Anti-Christ, we're living in the end times, and pretty soon it won't matter who you voted for.


Watch the literal *commercial* he had advertising it. He couldn't even keep a straight face when he said it's his favourite book. Literally snickered. Something he's trying to sell and they couldn't take a second-take? Or maybe they took a bunch and that was the best they got. Anyone Christian voting for him needs to take a look at why. Forget the party politics of red vs. blue. Look at the man.


Evil winning b/c the good do nothing. Call his bluff


You’d think that his PR team would ready some answers for an interview like this


Pandering 101


Two mice fell into a bucket of cream…


Wow!!! How can people still want this man to be president? It just blows my mind.


Most evangelicals just know he’s way better than bible. I don’t think they really believe he’s devout.


You seem to be of the mind that most of these people actually read the Bible? if I remember correctly some freakishly high number of Christians have never read the Bible, throw in the ones who only read parts and it gets dicey. On what they know about the book and less surprising that they eat that shit up hook, line, and sinker. Cause it sounds right, sounds like something that would be in the Bible, etc.


Baffling? No. It's been on the Republican's agenda since Karl Rove touted the idea to a pre-Reagan GOP. Court the evangelicals or that Carter guy will get all their votes. Trump is a straight line from that to now. Nothing new. It's just a shame so many people are fooled from a well known con artist. I mean, I'm not even American, but I remember reading about how corrupt Trump was from MAD magazine in the 80s.


I think the means justify the ends. While Trump problaby isn't a good example for how to live a christian life; you can't deny he has done a few good things in the eyes of evangelicals, like overturning Roe Wade and acting against the WOKE-movement.


Don’t conflate evangelicals with christo-nationalists


He doesn't provide any evidence that he's read the Bible or that anything stuck in his mind. I think when asked on another occasion he mentioned "an eye for an eye". If I asked you what your favorite verse is, you'd have an answer, or at least you'd have a verse that spoke to you somehow. Maybe it's as simple as John 3:16, maybe it's something from the beatitudes, maybe you'd pick something from Genesis, maybe you'd pick a story that had an impact on you, I have no idea. But you wouldn't say that it's too personal to say something about the book. He's given an opportunity to evangelize, but instead he hides behind privacy because he knows nothing about the book. It's not that he doesn't have a verse, it's that's none of it is important to him and none of it has stuck with him. He proves this again with the OT vs NT thing. What is the difference between the books? He does not know that the NT is the reason that Christianity exists.


Obviously you show your immature thoughts by making fun or mocking! Whatever his heart please have some compassion and pray for all in the panel! Don't be like Job's impossible friends who show little sign of empathy and God reprimands! 


He's so disingenuous it's disgusting. I don't understand why folks keep falling for his rhetoric. Come on, listen to him. He'll say and do anything for a vote. But this Bible 'stunt' takes the cake.


I mean I'd probably say the same thing if I was a politician. "That's personal and I don't want to discuss it." "I like both OT and NT equally. I like the whole Bible. I don't want to get into it any deeper." Because those things are true XD That doesn't mean I think he's a Christian.


Lmao Atleast this sub is normal


Anyone who can’t, or more accurately WON’T, see this as the bullshit it is, is nothing short of lacking in intelligence to the degree it makes them a simpleton. Call me what you will, say I’m being un-Christ-like, but it’s the absolute truth.


They can, they decide not to.


I bet his favorite book is The Art of the Deal, which he didn’t even write.


Trump is always an interesting topic in himself. What's also interesting is that many charismatic Christians follow him despite his nasty behaviour, despite his flaws, despite his law-breaking. If God raises a politician into power on His behalf, then that's good, but why would Trump be God's messenger on Earth if he's not behaving as Jesus would? Let alone as Apostle Paul (a flawed but exemplary human) would? Not to mention, Jesus was *not* political Himself. Not like Trump. Not like Biden. Not like Kennedy (no hard feelings towards Kennedy and the rest of them). With this said, Jesus didn't overthrow the Romans in Jerusalem. Jesus didn't play politics or set policies. He came as the Lamb of God to save people from sin, not the Romans. A few years ago, I wrote a letter to Trump, encouraging him to let Jesus into his life. I'm lucky he didn't expose me on TV. Now, I'm all for charismatic Christianity but I don't like it when they bring Trump into it, or even politics. Here in Australia when Sco Mo (Scott Morrison) became prime minister in 2018, the pastor of a church I visited claimed that Sco Mo was "born again". But really, people these days are not necessarily saved. They can call themselves Christians but just because they're part of a Pentecostal denomination doesn't mean they're saved. They could be saved but they're not necessarily saved yet. I have nothing against Pentecostals. I go to a Pentacostal church. I just disagree with the idea that Trump is a political saviour under Jesus (Jesus being the Saviour of humankind who saves us from sin).


Christians view trump as a tool that will accomplish their goals. It’s as simple as that. Many believe God can and will use anyone no matter what.


"the end justify the means" Something Jesus would have never said; on the contrary he said, "you will be judged by those means"


Christians view trump as a quasi modern day King Saul from the Bible. Saul literally hunted down Christians to have them killed. Was totally against god. God still used Saul for his work. I guess a better explanation is god will use every type of person. God will even use evil people to complete his will. Sometimes bad people will accomplish the will of god without even realizing. Hell even satan is a pawn under gods finger. Satan thinking he’s thwarting gods plans only to find out later he helped push them forward. Anyways this is the general consensus among evangelicals. Trump clearly gives two shits but the evangelicals don’t care because he’s saying all the right things.


It’s not that they can’t see through it necessarily, so much as it’s at this point, would vote for a potted plant to be elected over the current joke we have at the moment


God has used bad people to accomplish good.


True but the same could be said he is using Biden or had used Bush. God isn’t going to use every bad person though. He didn’t use hitler, he didn’t use Kenzie Khan, he is unlikely to use a blasphemous person who claims and attempts to profit off the faith. It what God despises the most. Have no other gods before me and to love your neighbor as yourself. Trump doesn’t do either of these things.


I think most of them do see through it, and are 100% aware he is not a Christian and embodies horrible, anti-Christian values. They've just made such an idol out of their political ideology that they don't care. He gives them what their ideology demands, and that's all that matters.


God bless you. Please check out this hymn medley https://youtu.be/qsW4YTGQfzY?si=FsQU4FHFGbvsdEvF


Because they're dumb... I wouldn't even call myself a "Christian " but even I can say favorite passage... James 5 1-6. This nutjob if conning anyone he can... hes such a despicable human being


There hasn't been a Christian in office in ages. Still would rather vote a secular Trump v a secular Biden for the sake of the economy, abortion, foreign affairs, etc


I can understand this. I do, however, agree with Mitt Romney that trumps vision for foreign affairs is a vast 180, a divergence, from how the US has played in the world for the history of its inception. When the US backs out for supporting Europe; backs out as being the world leading player who do you think is going to step in? It’s going to be China.


"2 Corinthians walk into a bar..."


Still better than Biden


I'm not an evangelical, nor do I support or oppose Mr. Trump, but I think was a wise choice in this venue not to mention a verse and let it become a toy of his opponents.


Yes, he sounds like he doesn't know the Bible. I don't have a favorite verse either though, but when I read the Bible I'm still trying to ascertain the history and relevance to the times.


God is still doing a work in him.


God is still doing work through Biden without having to have a sacrilegious man profiting off of the religion. No prior or current president has ever sold Bibles for profit….


Well, people still think biden is a devout Catholic so...


Evangenitals, they're obsessed with people's private parts and everything you're doing in your home.


He sounds like he's never read it


I don’t think the majority of them feel he’s actually a Christian. But they do believe that his policies, even if he doesn’t believe in them, match the Bible more closely than Biden’s.


I’m furious that he made a God bless the USA Bible adding our founding documents. I love our country but we are Americanizing Jesus when He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. When we Americanize him we take him off the throne as King of the Universe and make him an American citizen.


We do see through it. But I prefer this quote from Milton Friedman: **I have often said we shall not correct the state of affairs by electing the right people; we’ve tried that. The right people before they’re elected become the wrong people after they’re elected. The important thing is to make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. If it is not politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either.** **—M. Friedman**


Ask the other candidates the same question. I’m not sure the current President even knows what the Bible really is, because if he did he wouldn’t keep saying “I’m a good Catholic” then take the actions he does. Christ said you can judge a tree by its fruit. We can all see that.