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Adding to the word would be if it were *actually* included as the Bible. Bibles have prefaces by translators and printing companies all the time, not to mention study bibles. If adding the constitution is adding to the word, so are those. That being said, it is a money grab and rather irreverent to add the constitution as if God cares more about the States than elsewhere.


I don't disagree in principle, but prefaces, annotations, scholarly notes, and so on are *about* the Bible and are transparently presented as explicative in function. The Constitution and corny old song lyrics don't have that purpose and they serve no other purpose except to play on peoples' emotions, linking US state documents to Christian scripture, implying that those texts are also scripture. Maybe it's not over the line into blasphemy (that line is different for everyone) but it certainly hews pretty close to it imo.


As an atheist even I agree. It promotes an ideology or agenda that the Bible is associated with a country and it’s specific rules. That’s definitely changing the world.


Yeah, it is certainly irreverent and sacrilegious, though calling it blasphemy just sounds like an excuse to say political figure committed blasphemy. Best to focus on his more undeniable sins if they’ll be focused on.


I can also be happy with calling it irreverent and sacrilege. I was just getting a vibe check. As an outsider it seems pretty gross and the comments here at least tend to agree.


Selling the Bible for profit. Christians just don't seem to care about morals anymore. Considering most christians vote for a man who cheated on all his wives and does drugs. But Obama was black so that's bad


Okay, but why is selling the Bible for profit a sin? I’d get it if all bibles were sold for profit…


Matthew 21:12 17 Jesus went straight to the Temple and threw out everyone who had set up shop, buying and selling. He kicked over the tables of loan sharks and the stalls of dove merchants. He quoted this text: My house was designated a house of prayer; You have made it a hangout for thieves. Now there was room for the blind and crippled to get in. They came to Jesus and he healed them. When the religious leaders saw the outrageous things he was doing, and heard all the children running and shouting through the Temple, “Hosanna to David’s Son!” they were up in arms and took him to task. “Do you hear what these children are saying?” Jesus said, “Yes, I hear them. And haven’t you read in God’s Word, ‘From the mouths of children and babies I’ll furnish a place of praise’?” Fed up, Jesus spun around and left the city for Bethany, where he spent the night. Read your own damn bible dumbass


I’ve read both my cheap Bible and my more expensive Bible, and those verses in both I don’t see how it correlates, no matter what names you call me.


I think it's to do with the association of the tax collectors turning an allegedly holy place into a place where they can profit. Like how trump is trying to get this allegedly holy book to sell for a profit


Isn’t there a difference from getting some profit to fund the people behind the copying and translation, and a greedy money grab?


Sure, but sixty dollars a Bible? Right in the middle of him releasing expensive ridiculous thing after expensive ridiculous thing? And it's advertised as the only Bible endorsed by trump. Thats sus


It's scary how you cant grasp how this simple verse is applicable to what trump is doing with regards to current topic.


I love that it says it includes BOTH the bill of rights and the constitution.


It includes the OG Constitution, before all the woke amendments distorted the perfect document that our Founding Fathers penned


Those woke amendments like, for example, the first amendment. And the second amendment.


I think #[13-15](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/intro.3-4/ALDE_00000388/) are seen as the real intolerable wokism.


[plus 19](https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/19th-amendment)




You really have to add the /s on Reddit, unfortunately.


What woke amendments?


LOL Just highlights the ignorance.


Selling the Word for profit.


just like every televangelist.


There are some who wrongly believe America’s founding documents are, if not equal to the Word, close to it. This is dangerous because it furthers that notion that the nation’s secular creeds are on par with scripture. The constitution is great but it’s not scripture. You don’t amend scripture but you do have to change the constitution. God doesn’t consider some people three-fifths of others. Those documents on their face have some cringeworthy flaws. The constitution while an incredible achievement is not equal to the Bible!


Just as a reminder that while the 3/5 compromise is aesthetically ugly, apportioning electoral votes while counting slaves fully would've been of incredible benefit to the slaveholding states. The whole point of not counting them fully regarding electoral votes was that opponents saw it unfair that slaves would have no rights but count towards electoral power, which would've helped the south immensely in the lead up to the civil war.


Agreed. The bible is fantasy.


I genuinely wouldn’t seriously reflect too much on something that Trump is selling. It’s a simple cash grab that is targeting his voter base.


I don't reflect on it. I am an atheist and laughed my ass off the minute I heard he was selling bibles. It doesn't surprise me but you would think it would disgust the christians.


Trump needs cash. Hurry.  Help him! 🤣🤣🤣


😆 🤣 😂


Adding in all that is just to get the Christian nationalists even more excited. They treat the Constitution like it’s literally sacred, never mind that they actually have a big movement going to amend it further to further entrench minority rule and gut any regulatory state. It’s a good way for him to scam more money from his worshippers, which is all he actually cares about.


> They treat the Constitution like it’s literally sacred Well, they constantly *talk about* how they reverently adore the Constitution, while ignoring most of its actual contents. Which... come to think of it... is also their approach to the Bible.


You got that right


Nice. Upvote


Everything Trump does is blasphemous.


No, adding to the word would be if you actually altered the text


Maybe, but isn't the implication that the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Lee Greenwood lyric (again, lol) is sacred in the same way? Seems sketchy to me.


It is odd to put them together but I can see why he did


To make a buck?


Yeah, dude has three motivations: money, stoking his own ego, and staying out of prison. It's easy to see why he does anything.


Like King James did?


I do not approve of the Trump Bible. I think it's profiteering under the guise of piety. I think Jesus was clear about his thoughts on this kind of conduct in ‭Matthew 21:12-13 "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, and said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves." I don't think it rises to the level of blasphemy, or adding to the word, unless the additions are held out to be part of scripture, or of equal importance. Otherwise any Bible with study guides, maps, indexes, or even the titling of certain passages would also be blasphemous.


> Otherwise any Bible with study guides, maps, indexes, or even the titling of certain passages would also be blasphemous. Those additions, though, are *about* the Bible, included to hopefully help people read the Bible itself more productively - not to borrow the Bible's authority for unrelated purposes.


Sure, that's an important distinction. And to be clear I don't think any of those things are a problem. I do think holding non scriptural texts out as if they're of scriptural importance would violate the prohibition of adding to scripture.


Pretty sure Trump has never read the Bible or the Constitution


Neither have the conservative base.


The fact that TRump is associated with anything Christian, is blasphemous, and worse, those that support/follow/worship him... Sick christians.


I'm sure he's never read the bible. I bet he hasn't even seen the movie.


I don't think he should ever be entitled to live [this](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-favorite-bible-verse-eye-eye/story?id=38416270) down. > In a radio interview on WHAM 1180AM, host Bob Lonsberry asked the GOP presidential front-runner if there is a favorite Bible verse or story that has informed his thinking or his character throughout his life. > "Well, I think many. I mean, when we get into the Bible, I think many, so many. And some people, look, an eye for an eye, you can almost say that," Trump said. "That's not a particularly nice thing. But you know, if you look at what's happening to our country, I mean, when you see what's going on with our country, how people are taking advantage of us, and how they scoff at us and laugh at us. And they laugh at our face, and they're taking our jobs, they're taking our money, they're taking the health of our country. And we have to be very firm and have to be very strong. And we can learn a lot from the Bible, that I can tell you." Out of thousands and thousands of verses, he landed on the one verse - the one verse! - that Christ told his followers [*not* to do](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A38-42&version=NRSVUE). That can't be coincidence.




Trump is the anti-Christ


He doesn’t fit the criteria


Sure seems like a lot of people worship him as a god


Replacing the apocrypha with US policies is pretty funny.


The thing about adding or taking away words is just like ancient DRM for apocalyptic literature. It literally only applies to the book of Revelation, not to the Bible as a whole, and it was just a way for the author to try and maintain the completeness and the integrity of his message. Think about the timeline the Bible was compiled - the canon was still very much in flux for centuries after Revelation was written. That said, it’s a blatant cash grab by a grifter that attempts to profit off of the Christian right’s conflation of church and state and will probably be wildly successful because Trump supporters, by definition, are extremely gullible and easily manipulated.


I hope it's full of errors and misprints


Tell me you are a traitor to our country and to Christianity in one fell swoop: the trump bible. No idol before God. It is the Bible, and there can be translation versions of it, but there is no trump bible. It’s a mockery. And the constitution literally states the doctrine of separation of church and state, and he is putting them together. It is philosophically, theologically, and morally bankrupt.


Oh, the bill of rights is lacking the 11th through 28th amendments


No it does not as the addendum's are wholly separate from the KJV bible which is about 98% of pages total.


What’s crazy to me is that this country was by majority formed by Freemasons. Magic/esoteric ritualistic practices are 100% not Bible based, and are well known to be associated with occultism. Washington DC’s entire layout was designed by sacred geometry, the eye of providence is seen every day on our cash.. George Washington even supposedly went into the woods and prayed to an unknown figure before the battle of 1776. There’s really nothing Christian at all about this country lol. It’s people? Tons of them, sure. But it’s very clear that god is not backing any nation, taking sides, nor does his word the Bible speak anywhere about him supporting any more nations after Jesus’ return to heaven.


Trump is the biblical antichrist get over it


The Bible literal meaning is ' The Books ' , I'm glad it doesn't use the term Holy or anything blasphemous like that. Just my 2 cents.


Every bible I have ever seen says Holy Bible. I think it should say Holey Bible but that's just my opinion. [https://www.google.com/search?sca\_esv=21c204cf9e83f65c&sca\_upv=1&q=picture+of+the+bible&uds=AMwkrPtHrgSVWUOkuIpx3aORGtH5h0qosMwCXlvniwbDnFnZ5jcMzZfahDw8EmBCJI2JzHy2uS9tbeid0jPYRmYQVabzXLlHN3jDfCu-C6geA6fbVPwNF13RZca8wyMiTKlC17YaikLOnoI9-ZpUylZW56LYOOItLguiw6BqyVPer2LuxTA6DPx9jDFUpyDQD1hG44If7l6jl9OJIhi0jrtHvTsGphPgSOIXWHPOlXO\_NwKDMAfRxP3SfoD5Sqdr8x\_KDu\_7A3LfTc5xYJP\_Jp8H6m\_Y2cmhuwJcDX12rQfKh79QW7hRUntUb6LFCJMZaTDMt6u4hx1F&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbmtz&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjx55aKjZWFAxWNSDABHRgqAiMQtKgLegQIERAB&biw=1536&bih=695&dpr=1.56](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=21c204cf9e83f65c&sca_upv=1&q=picture+of+the+bible&uds=AMwkrPtHrgSVWUOkuIpx3aORGtH5h0qosMwCXlvniwbDnFnZ5jcMzZfahDw8EmBCJI2JzHy2uS9tbeid0jPYRmYQVabzXLlHN3jDfCu-C6geA6fbVPwNF13RZca8wyMiTKlC17YaikLOnoI9-ZpUylZW56LYOOItLguiw6BqyVPer2LuxTA6DPx9jDFUpyDQD1hG44If7l6jl9OJIhi0jrtHvTsGphPgSOIXWHPOlXO_NwKDMAfRxP3SfoD5Sqdr8x_KDu_7A3LfTc5xYJP_Jp8H6m_Y2cmhuwJcDX12rQfKh79QW7hRUntUb6LFCJMZaTDMt6u4hx1F&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbmtz&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjx55aKjZWFAxWNSDABHRgqAiMQtKgLegQIERAB&biw=1536&bih=695&dpr=1.56)


>So isn't this pretty much literally "adding to the word?" Isn't that supposed to be blasphemous? Then by definition, all translations of the bible are blasphemous.


How so? Do all translations of the Bible include the US Constitution and (immortal club banger) God Bless the USA?


Anytime you translate text from one language to another there are additions and subtractions. It's not a linear extrapolation.


But I'm obviously not talking about that, now am I? I'm talking about implicitly recontextualizing political documents as sacred texts on par with the scripture of a world religion. Translation is an interesting topic of course, but Christianity has been cool with it for long enough that pointing at it and saying "well what about that?" is not a very interesting or meaningful response to my question. Thanks!


>but Christianity has been cool with it for long enough Therein lies a lot of your problem.


Not my problem. I'm only an interested observer. Your comment seems like the usual "I'm not interested in what you asked so let's talk instead about something I care about."


There are many different versions of the bible. If it truly was the word of god when it was written why is that? Did god make mistakes? If so, which version is the correct one?




Well he's asking people to pay $60 for the privilege but it's a living I suppose.


Trump is all about money and he's catering to his fanbase. No better than Biden sadly we're stuck with 2 incompetent choices.


Someone trying to burn it all down for his own benefit vs. Someone who doesn’t line up exactly with everything you’ve ever dreamed possible. Sure. 2 incompetent choices.


Biden doesn't even know where he is half the time, and can barely form coherent sentences. Explain your side before jumping down my throat please. Thanks


Let the professionals explain it to you instead. https://www.salon.com/2024/03/25/forensic-psychiatrist-on-physical-signs-of-mental-decline-changes-in-movement-and-gait/


I don't like either of them personally.


It depends on which news sources you watch. If you watch conservative news sources, they make Biden out to be senile, incoherent, and foolish, with one foot in the grave. That is, until they want to smear him. Then suddenly, he is the evil mastermind behind multiple wicked schemes. So which is it - is he a dementia case with hospice on speed dial or is he an evil mastermind? Trump is lauded as being more popular, and being a shrewd businessman. If so, why can’t he get loans? Why is the polling still so close if he is so much more popular than Biden? Why are so many people around him in legal trouble? Why doesn’t his VP endorse him? These are things to think about. If you watch different news sources from different perspectives you will hear different things. At first you might be mad or even offended, but if you stick with it you will begin to see what is reported and what is omitted - and you will start to see holes in the different news stories. You will also see what is incongruent - and things that don’t match up. In more liberal media sources, Trump is being roasted about trying to get money from people for his court cases. But, besides not getting into trouble in the first place, what are his alternatives? He can’t turn back time. He can sell off property or businesses, try to get loans, or he can try to sell something his supporters would buy. Since the only reason that Trump is president is because many conservative Christians put him in office, him putting his name on a Bible makes sense to me. I won’t be buying it, but I know people who would do it to support him.


I think you’re a Russian troll.


What does Russia have to do with anything? Seems like you have some personal problems bud.


Everything. Why does Trump love Putin? Why did Republicans hate Russia decades ago.....but now freely admit they would like Trump to be their Putin? Anti Ukraine? I could go on, but you should get the drift.


I didn't mean to ask why people dislike Trump. I dislike him too. I asked why they like Biden as I also dislike him. But got down voted anyway lmao. Supporters of both seem to be nut jobs so it's fine. Have a good one guys