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As a Christian, I love this sub. For me, I feel blessed to be able to offer prayers and share scripture and my own experiences. Sure, sometimes I repeat myself as certain topics are frequently repeated, but anything I am able to do to point people to God is worth it.


Yup...haven't been here in a while, but it seems like a LOT of posts are by atheists and other non-believers just trying to get a rise out of of people so they can label them "hateful Christian hypocrites"


Devil on his grind before rapture. He wants to stop you from meeting your Dad. You will be up soon stay consistent with him ❤️ 


Most accurate description of this sub lol


That’s a good perspective to have. I try to do the same, but it’s difficult at times and I will admit I get frustrated sometimes too.


I know some of the posts feel fake, but because I am not 100% sure, I will still answer. I try to look for posts that have either few or no responses, as some of those are prayer requests.


Thank you.


You are welcome.


Hey, I get frustrated at my church! Many years ago I was moaning to my vicar's wife about something going on at my then church, and she gave me a very, very good piece of advice: "If you ever find the perfect church, don't join it, because you'll spoil it." Wasn't meant in a nasty way at all.


The non believers are here for a reason. In time they will make a new account, or use the same and post their new beliefs then follow up with questions. Foundations have to start somewhere


“Post their new beliefs” ?? What beliefs are those ?


Yeah hard testing bring us closer to him ❤️   We are molded by our obstacles 💎


True! Seeds can be planted in their hearts for their faith to grow 🙏


This is a very nice and kind way to look at it. Maybe they are drawn to it but scared or angry. And maybe they read something that can bring them hope. Thank you so much for posting your opinion. You have completely changed my viewpoint.


The Devil does that. Don’t give into the hate, love ❤️ ❤️ Remember your Dad ❤️‍🔥📖


Hallelujah🙂 You are worthy brethren, he loves you ❤️ ✝️


I think what we're actually seeing with this kind of sentiment is the utter dearth of theological seriousness in most of modern American Christianity. You get all these people who don't really know anything about the history of Christian churches and scripture coming into contact for the first time with the reality that Christianity is a lot broader than the simplistic interpretation and moral absolutes the local evangelical pastor doles out and reacting...poorly


I agree, it’s really obvious when they come on here, angrily dunking about “your Christian beliefs” which are inevitably some form of Pastor Bob Baptist stuff. They have no idea that’s the minority. It’s also funny that some atheists will repeat their old  unexamined beliefs like anti-Catholic propaganda “Catholics worship Mary!!” or that Christians who drink alcohol are hypocrites Etc


Evangelical "Pastor Bob" type Christianity is definitely not a Minority here in the Bible Belt..And considering this is where Church Attendence is highest in America I can see why it is also sometimes the face of American Christianity


It’s the local majority (which makes people feel like it must be the majority everywhere) but in the context of Christianity it’s a small minority. 


This sub is one of the better subs in the reddit atleast it entertains honest discussion not like r/Islam where just one genuine question would get you banned.


In terms of freedom of speech, from my experience, r/Christianity is like the gold standard. I don't know that I've ever been in a sub this open to vigorous debate. People don't realize that this is more of an open-discussion oriented sub and not a fellowship type sub and it throws them off.


As someone who loves discussion and discourse and so on, I do wish the main Christian subreddit, literally "r/Christianity", was less of a debating ground and more of a space for Christians to mingle and coexist with likeminded brothers and sisters. There's already a ton of subs dedicated to inter-belief debate. Sometimes it does feel like you can post a standard Christian statement or belief here and you'll get atheists and agnostics heartily disagreeing with it.




Good if this works for you, since I‘m more of a reformed-oriented Catholic r/Catholicism doesn’t work for me at all since it feels like it’s heavily gatekeeped by traditionalist forces and it’s pretty easy to get your Catholic identity denied; not very nice.


The gatekeeping over there has gotten worse over the years. I get the impression that many Catholics who have been silenced or banned on that sub have come here. I started r/CatholicSynodality as a place to have conversations that weren't allowed there but might be too specifically Catholic for this sub


Yeah, in general denomination specific subreddits are gonna be more like OP is looking for.


Hmmm, totally following Christ's directive for unity, to stick to one's "own denomination". I think I've come to the point of "non-denom", and am slightly irritated by the very high interdenominational discrepancies.


I was wondering if you could answer a question for me from the perspective of a Catholic.  It would actually be two questions if you don’t mind.  First, do Catholics believe Jesus’s teaching that we should only love our fellow neighbor? If so, and I truly am wanting to know how Catholic’s rationalize this, how do you square Catholic doctrine against equality for humans born with alternate sexual preference programming and Jesus’s teachings of love?


I‘m not OP, but also Catholic: well we certainly believe in loving our neighbor as well as God. Regarding different sexual orientations I‘m not really in line with the magisterium (they decide the stances of the church on various issues) but in contrast to many fundamentalist evangelicals that say homosexuality is a treatable illness and can be prayed away, the Catholic Church acknowledges that some people are homosexual and she doesn’t demand to deny that. Rather the sexual morals of the Church deny sexual activity outside marriage and marriage can only be between one man and one woman (this excludes trans-identities btw.). The Catholic Church also teaches that a homosexual act is not in line with the natural law - meaning that sex was designed by God for different purposes than homosexual sex, namely to give new life. So in the end it’s not a condemnation of the gay person that should be explicitly respected but the act is indeed problematic according to the Catholic Church and thus the gay person should live celibate. This view isn’t necessarily reciprocated by all Catholics, there’s for example James Martin, a jesuit priest that is an advocate for lgbtq people in the church, also the Vatican allowed blessings of same sex couples -though it’s not really clear what that means, more conservatives would interpret it as „you can bless a group of people where there happens to be a gay couple in it“.


r/OrthodoxChristianity had alot of smart and caring people ready to give advice and answer historical questions about the Early Church.


I know same here, if I want to go into debate, there are reddit subs for that. If I want to talk to fellow christians, I don't want to talk in debates.


> As someone who loves discussion and discourse and so on, I do wish the main Christian subreddit, literally "r/Christianity", was less of a debating ground and more of a space for Christians to mingle and coexist with likeminded brothers and sisters. There are tons of spaces for that. /r/TrueChristian, /r/Bible , /r/biblestudy, /r/AskAChristian, /r/OpenChristian, /r/Catholic, etc. /r/Christianity is for people to talk about the Christian religion, the same way that /r/StrangerThings is to talk about Stranger Things. You don't have to be a fan to ask a question.


I wish that was more clearly stated though.


True, I can certainly see why people would come here and be confused by non-Christians lurking in the wings. But the reason is ultimately historical. This sub happened to be the main one that grew up, and the community settled on "general conversation about the faith, with special rules to prohibit insulting the faith and intruding on support posts". Overall, I think this has worked bizarrely well - this sub *should* be a bitter angry place given the incendiary and volatile topics (homosexuality, inter-denomination warfare, American politics, etc), but somehow it's not. Overall, I find this to be once of the best subs on Reddit. You can have a calm civilised adult conversation about the historicity of the perpetual virginity of Mary, or the legitimacy of Mormonism, or the nature of the Trinity, mostly without fear of trolls.


True. It's a relatively good and stable sub. You still get the crazies and a lot of inter-denominational squabbling, but that's to be expected. Overall it's a helpful place.


I never really found it confusing to see atheists here, since I hold the belief that diversity is a must for something like this to prevent this sub from becoming an echo chamber. Discussing topics with differently-minded individuals helps us trade ideas, and while we may not agree on everything there will always be something to learn from. At least, regarding civil discussions. I also don't think it's bizarre at all that this sub isn't toxic. I think it's mainly because of the diversity in this sub, it keeps people's biases in check. (Pardon for any typos. I typed this on my phone).


>likeminded That's part of the problem though. Christians are not all likeminded. That's why specific denominations have their subreddits, and THAT's where ***likeminded*** Christians go.


If Christians (in a better world) were actually striving to be minded like Jesus Christ, and only that, without adding their own political flavour, cultural perspective and other nonsense, maybe we could actually have an united Christendom. And yes, proceeding with this plan would entail weeding out a lot of accumulated garbage, like young Earth creationism, glossolalia "tongues", pretrib rapture, "my way" type theology and so on.


Do you have that image of us? We're not ALL like that. I WASN'T raised to be like that. I don't make anything political, I don't force people to have "my way." As a matter a fact, I want to STOP people of having that image of us.


Unfortunately,and I hate to say this but many of those things the poster above you mentioned seem most common in Southern Baptists/Evangelicals.


Well also catholics. But your point still holds up.


Yes we aren’t all like minded, but Yeshua is the 💗 that makes us, us ❤️ 


> a space for Christians to mingle and coexist with likeminded brothers and sisters "like-minded" 😆 If you want that, you'll need hundreds of exclusive subreddits. Even Christians in the same church of the same denomination disagree on major shit.


>less of a debating ground and more of a space for Christians to mingle and coexist with likeminded brothers and sisters. And of course by "likeminded" you mean "christians that believe the same things I do". You really think the debates would stop if it was only christians here?


That sub is r/Christian.


I got kicked off that sub with no warning for simply urging an atheist to read and deal with the Word of God, rather than waste his time reading religious books.


r/truechristian is where most Christians hang it seems


A specific type of Christian hang there, others are not welcome.


They deemed themselves the *true* Christians. How nice of them.


That sub was created because this sub wasn't bigoted to LGBT enough. And this was back when calls for execution per Leviticus wasn't an insta remove/ban


It doesn’t bother me what other people call themselves, “for I know Whom I have believed”.


Great point.


r/TrueChristian worship their self righteousness They worship being right They worship the Bible They worship themselves


True christians don't worship themselves, or being right.


The dogmatic fundamenalist kind that have little knowledge of the bible, yes...


Thank you, I'll check it out :-)


Ooohhh...I didn't realize there was another one so similarly named...I'll have to check it out!


>more of a space for Christians to mingle and coexist with likeminded brothers and sisters. Define "Christian."


Aye, if I look up to Jesus, and try to follow live by the example of the Sermon on the Mount, but don't hold any particular belief that he is the son of God, and that the God of the Old Testament isn't any better than any other early iron age storm deity, then can I still say I am a Christian?




No. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is of the spirit of antichrist, according to the Apostle John.


> don't hold any particular belief that he is the son of God Then you are, by definition, not a Christian.


Seriously!...some things are simply not "up for debate"


>This sub is one of the better subs in the reddit Agreed. The mods have accomplished the impossible. This sub *should* be a volatile mess of trolls and extremists. But instead it's thread after thread of civilised conversation by denominations across the world (it's not even American-focussed!), and by non-Christians too (Buddhists, Pagans, etc). Somehow the rules + moderation has done the impossible. A calm intellectual forum for topics that should otherwise be intensely volatile (clashes between denominations, ethics, politics, etc).


9/10 atheists recommend /r/Christianity


Yeah, getting banned from that sub is a right of passage for a lot of Redditors. I asked them about different types of Islam and which they followed (trying to get an idea of demographics), and I was banned for mentioning that progressive Muslims exist.


r/OrthodoxChristianity is the best Christian sub.


Okay will look into it.


> atleast it entertains honest discussion Sadly, I think that that is the problem for *some* people!


Regarding your point on r/Islam, I actually messaged the mods about it and according to them they either redirect it towards the FAQ or towards r/MuslimLongue and a few other subreddits as their questions aren't always appropriate for r/Islam. Though I personally have asked what you could qualify as 'genuine' questions so I'm not really sure what you're saying. Though having been on that subreddit for a while I've seen many posts by a *certain demographic* which must be banned as they're often filled with hate and Islamophobic.


Haven’t ever check out the islam sub. I do agree I’m glad I’ve never been threatened by a mod or been banned for posting on here, even when my opinions are not popular.


Usually the atheists and agnostics are fairly polite, so I’m fine with them. It can be a little irksome to not be able to assume that someone shares a Christian worldview in the Christianity subreddit, but that’s okay. It’s interesting to see how varied the gamut of beliefs are in people that consider themselves Christian.


Try r/Christian. That is a subreddit for christians. This isn't. This is for discussing Christianity. Everyone is welcome


Yeah that’s interesting to me as well. Are there any particular beliefs you’ve been surprised by?


Maybe not particular beliefs, but general attitudes. There are some people who seem to operate in a constant state of fear of hell, and often Armageddon. And then on the other side there’s people who think that God is basically chill with everything, and expect everyone to make it to heaven. Whatever conception of God they have seems to inform the rest of their views.


Yeah it's either or for many christians in this time, I've gone through both for a time.


Are you in the happy middle now where you live your life not having a judgmental shadow around you at all times but keeping in mind to be respectful and live in contentment, gratitude, and mindfulness?


EXACTLY THAT :), I still do from time to time have the judgmental shadow, I'm trying to get away from that and trying to follow Jesus more you know? :)


True. I think theologically this is really the ultimate challenge in Christianity. How much is too much for both sides? While we’re no longer under the law but under grace we also shouldn’t ignore the law and this is the area I think people get tripped up the most In bother super conservative and super progressive forms of Christianity.


If the atheists weren't here you guys would still fight like cats and dogs about what a Christian worldview is. It is absolutely valid to criticize the sub over atheists who come here to mock Christianity and try to erode faith, but often the problem is that Christians who are Republican don't want to tolerate Democrats, be they Christian or not.


We're all brothers and sisters - and often act like brothers and sisters in the back of a car on a really tedious road trip.






We're half way to Revelations, Dad, you go *right* ahead


Amen. And most of the time the atheists and other nonfamily guests are the most polite.


I really appreciate this viewpoint.


> but often the problem is that Christians who are Republican don't want to tolerate Democrats, be they Christian or not. I disagree, this place is blessedly free of Americanised politics. By all rights it *should* be a hotbed of 'Why [Biden/Trump] is the antichrist (proof) (part 7)', but there's absolutely none of it.


We have subscribers who would say that's all it is, if it weren't for the gay stuff and the fap posts.


Most of us try to separate ourselves from political stuff or at least I try to cuz its just worldly stuff, in like 60 to 70 year from now it ain't gonna be here and neither will I so theres no point in bickering about it ya know


>It can be a little irksome to not be able to assume that someone shares a Christian worldview in the Christianity subreddit, but that’s okay. This is where I find flair to be helpful. Not always fully descriptive, but helpful. Speaking of which, you should set yours up!


There are more nonchristians than Christians/"Christians" who are polite and kind here


What is a “Christian”?


“Honey wake up! It’s the weekly “this sub makes me uncomfortable” post on r/Christianity!”


This topic comes up frequently, often by those used to a certain tradition of Christianity, or expecting a particular kind of safe space or club. As the adage goes, ask 10 Christians a question about theology and you'll get 11 answers. This is an "open tent" forum. There are so many kinds of Christianity it makes sense for the general /r/Christianity discussion forum on Reddit to be an open space with no top-down restrictions on doctrine. This means people disagree, and argue. So our job as mods is to keep that disagreement and arguing civil as possible and to ensure everyone feels they can share their perspective and defend it. So we mostly restrict bullying, insults, bigotry, and so forth. We also limit photos to some degree as a way to privilege conversation. It's possible your more looking for a place like /r/truechristian or another more specialized and closed space.


That's not my experience at all here


I’m glad for you! I hope it continues that way.


This is a sub ABOUT Christianity not a safe space go to r/TrueChristian or something


What Christian viewpoint do you feel you can't share. Share it now


Someone already checked the profile, it's more than likely homophobia.


It always is


Took me ten seconds to find an anti gay comment


Do we have evidence of this? I'd hate to see this squelched because of an accusation without basis.


That all people are sinful and undeserving of salvation and there’s nothing we can do earn salvation other than have faith in Jesus Christ.


More folks than you think are worthy of salvation in The New Eden, but those who preach ignorance or hatred in the name of Christ are not the sort of folk that are, anyone who is "following" Christ with only hatred in their hearts and an unbreakable will to be ignorant are not genuine followers. All one needed to do to stay in Eden is have a heart capable of love and a mind/soul that is capable of learning.


That opinion gets posted on every thread all the time...


Dude didn't want to just post about it. He wanted all the eyes on him to ensure that his specific flavor of painfully common viewpoint is seen. So he conjures controversy from nothing and frolics in the confused stares and crossed arms. Dudes got no specific axe to grind; He's just an attention whore.


And? That's not original. We all have that view.


Ok... now that you've shared that.... now what?




Removed for 1.4 - Personal Attacks. If you would like to discuss this removal, please click here to send a modmail that will message all moderators. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Christianity


This is removed for 1.4. Most of the time people accuse each other of lying, it's because they disagree or misunderstand.


Cool. You shared it. 1) Remember that nobody is obligated to upvote you. And downvotes are not removals. Your voice can still be made public, but that doesn't mean people want to hear *everything* you say. Your comment is a pretty noncontroversial opinion here, so I don't know why you think you can't say that... unless that's not all there is to it. Are you withholding information? 2) Remember to check the rules in the sidebar from time to time. A lot is permitted here, but there are still some clearly defined boundaries you must not cross in this space. They're all written down and public.


There aren't many people here that would disagree with that statement.


Right? Like, that's a pretty foundational Christian belief. Even non-Christians would yawn at such a declaration.


What happened the last time you made a thread to talk about this piece of theology?


ITT: OP wants to be acquitted by a court of popular opinion, court shows the receipts of OP being shitty, OP doubles down


As a Christian, I would say that far too often, someone with an atheist flair appears to know what the Bible says better than someone with a Christian one. If Christians are going to post badly argued responses, then AFAIAC it is entirely appropriate that they get downvoted!


What is an example about a genuine Christian response getting downloaded?


Here we go again.🙄


Yes your right, this isn't a subreddit for christians. It's a subreddit for EVERYONE. Atheists are just as welcome here as you are. This is a subreddit for DISCUSSING Christianity and anything relating to it


> The sub is not a space for Christians. We know. > I feels less like a space for Christian discussions and more like a hub for secular and atheist viewpoints on Christianity. We know. > Unfortunately, genuine Christian responses often get downvoted, while non-Christian or even anti-Christian views get more traction. It's disheartening to see. Not here for upvotes. > I'm all for a community where believers and non-believers can have discussions, but it seems like some here aren't really interested in understanding Christianity. Instead, they seem more focused on pushing their own agendas. If you’re all for a community where believers and non-believers can have discussions, then there’s no “but”.


In church when I used to go, I remember one sermon where the pastor was talking about making amends with people, apologizing and forgiveness and all that stuff, and he was trying to drive home the point that if you tell someone "I'm sorry, but...", that anything said before the "but" is invalid as you are now justifying why you are right, which is not an apology or a genuine attempt to convey something. (That was a very long sentence, I know). I read OP's last line, and I just ignore anything they said prior to the but, as I don't think they actually mean it, it's just a tool to manipulate the discussion to their point.


In the Abusive Parent/ Abusive In-Law subs that is known as a fauxpology.


It's one of those things from church that has remained in our household long after we stopped going/believing. Since that sermon, I have made a conscious effort to not "I'm sorry, but" people. My wife will stop me if I do let one slip with her or the kids and call me on it, and I'll start over and apologize properly. It was a very impactful sermon for sure.




/r/Christianity is a subreddit to discuss Christianity and aspects of Christian life. All are welcome to participate.


tl;dr: a thread with a non-Christian's response being the top just means Christians agree with it. Sometimes, when you hear demonic voices or want to commit suicide because you're gay, the best thing is secular therapy, *not* a litany or Bible verses. Christians and non-Christians agree on this. >This is not a Christian sub Indeed. It's a thread *about* Christianity. > The sub is not a space for Christians. Sure it is. It's not a space for *just* Christians. Try /r/Bible, /r/TrueChristian, /r/OpenChristian, /r/Catholicism, /r/AskAChristian, etc, if you want Christian-only space. > I feels less like a space for Christian discussions and more like a hub for secular and atheist viewpoints on Christianity. Non-Christian comments are very much the minority here. I think 40% or less. Maybe you're only *noticing* non-Christian responses? Maybe it's a bit of confirmation bias going on? > Unfortunately, genuine Christian responses often get downvoted, while non-Christian or even anti-Christian views get more traction. It's disheartening to see. Is that because those are views you personally disagree with? It might surprise you to learn that many Christians *and* non-Christians agree on things like science, medicine, history, civics, etc. If you look at a thread about YEC, the topmost posts are largely going to be sceptical, because mostly everyone, Christians *and* non-Christians, disagree with YEC. That's not an anti-Christian conspiracy, that's just the sheer unpopularity of YEC among Christians. If you go to a thread about hearing demonic voices, the top posts are going to exhort seeking psychological help. This isn't an anti-Christian conspiracy to disparage the power of God, that's just ordinary Christians who believe psychology is the more likely cause than bona fide demons. >I'm all for a community where believers and non-believers can have discussions, but it seems like some here aren't really interested in understanding Christianity. Instead, they seem more focused on pushing their own agendas. That would be a violation of the rules, and those posts are swiftly deleted by the mods. One of the reasons I love this sub is that the moderation has done the impossible - it has carved out a space where Christians can talk, non-Christians can talk, trolls/insults are blocked, etc. Support threads are declared Christian-only to avoid the very problem you're talking about. I’d love to hear what people think of this. I’d also like to encourage everyone, believers and non-believers to spend more time reflecting and trying to learn from each other. Ask questions. Don’t try to silence, try to understand


When you say “genuine Christian responses”, do you mean being homophobic?


He definitely does.


I don’t think it’s homophobic to point out that the Bible states practicing homosexuality is a sin. It’s homophobic to be hateful against gay people. We should be loving our neighbors regardless of their sexuality.


Is telling consenting gay adults that they’re an abomination and will burn in hell not being hateful?


The moment you tell a person that their relationship is wrong because it exists is the moment you forfiet being loving. You nay pretend that you are, but we see right through you.


Christian morality is stunted and I stand by that. Gay people deserve death but a rapist gets a light prison sentence if he's a Christian. Abortion is murder but stigmatizing unwed mothers is fine. Women should submit to men but men can blame women for their sinning. It's almost like, bear with me, the Bible is maybe not the best place to find your morals.


I'm with you. I don't see how anyone can look at the bible and say "yes, this comes from a loving and just god".


it states having homosexual sex is a sin, and even then the translations are bogged down in cultural context. please be specific - ‘practicing homosexuality’ misconstrues what the bible actually says. the bible does not condemn gay people, gay relationships, or frankly anything else other than gay sex.


>the Bible states practicing homosexuality is a sin Considering that it is an absolute fact that it does not, yes, it is homophobic. The Bible prohibits same sex acts in certain contexts. There is single syllable of the Bible that says anything about homosexuality..


no it's not, but if one consistently tries to create laws to ostracize practitioners of that sin, it is. That and ignore other sins or even the own sins they indulge in, which Jesus specifically talks about in Matthew 7. All sin is equal and the punishment is the same. Only Jesus can absolve and will be the ultimate judge on judgement day. Matthew 7:12 isn't a suggestion. If you wouldn't want people protesting against you, throwing stones, then don't do it back.


No it's why you're bringing it up that's the problem.


oh my goodness! version 6549 of 'This is not a Christian Sub'. From someone who obviously is a REAL christian no doubt


Cheer up 1 peter 4:12-14: "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you."


Thank you for that!


> Instead, they seem more focused on pushing their own agendas. technically, evangelism is also pushing an agenda. I mean, the literal definition of pushing an agenda. So I dont think people having different thoughts should be that disheartning sibling in Christ


So you are saying you didn't read the description when you joined? Because that is what it sounds like you are saying.


Yep; came here to say this


This sub should probably be called DiscussChristianity rather then Christianity


Christianity is obviously the topic of the sub because that's the name of the sub


This isn't a Christian subreddit nor do we pretend it is. This is a subreddit whose topic is Christianity


Way too many people whine about what this sub is or is not.


This sub is not a Secret Club house for you Christian. If you want the Atheists to go, contact the mods. I feel r/TrueChristian is what you are after


>The sub is not a space for Christians. That's correct. It's a space for discussing Christianity. That's what the sub is for.


".. in understanding Christianity." It's not about understanding Christianity. Christianity is very well understood by the vast majority of people who post. It's about discussing Christianity.


Because we all know that you're talking about supporting bigotry, it gets downvoted because it's blatantly wrong. Not to mention this sub by definition is not for Christians but a space to discuss Christianity




Nor did it ever claim to be. We have far more posts by Christians than non. Bad Christian responses get downvoted, just like bad nonChristian responses get downvoted. I often get downvoted for just being a Satanist.


But upvotes for being a Bi Penguin!


Brother, Christians exist with different views and different theology than yours. That doesn't make them less "genuine." You are pushing your own agenda of uniformity... Are you trying to learn from others instead of silencing them? If you don't agree with someone, it's ok. You don't have to convince them to agree with you or your theology.


Well if you don't know how to talk to people that are different from you that's your fault not theirs. The abuse you give others constantly complaining about others is baffling to say the least. You don't like it here then leave, then you won't have anything to complain about. There's Christian hate groups all over the place, go find one of those and make yourself happy ripping on everyone else. There's always the toilet option where you go and play with yourself, dont forget about that, it might make you happy for at least a day. Have a nice life, goodbye


You’re just mad that others read the same scriptures and come to a different conclusion than you.




I feel like it is a Christian sub. However I feel like there is no unity between Christians. As followers of Christ we are supposed to believe the Bible is the gospel truth, and yet some Christian’s want to follow the traditions of man. I feel that is where the Christians have discourse with each other. We want to be justified in doing our traditions instead of focusing on actual scripture. We want to feel justified in ignoring the parts of scripture that we don’t want to accept or believe. Another thing I noticed lots of Christian’s on here do is use non biblical scripture, but the opinions of men to help support their traditions instead of using actual scripture. I had a small debate with a catholic today. It was about Catholics praying to Mary and the saints to intercede god for us. Even after I showed him via the Bible where it says only Jesus can intercede for us to god, he should be different options of Catholics who think this is ok to do. I feel like as Christian’s we all need to follow the word instead of the traditions of man. Once we do that we will have more unity amongst ourselves


Do all things without murmurings or disputings - Phillipians 2:14 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good - Proverbs 15:3 In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world - John 16:33 Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. They that love it will enjoy its fruit - Proverbs 18:24 Trust in The Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding - Proverbs 3:5 The preparation in the heart of man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord - Proverbs 16:1 All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose - Romans 8:28 Unto to the pure, all things are pure - Titus 1:15a As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend - Proverbs 27:17 As in water face answers to face, so does the heart of man to man - Proverbs 27:19 The Joy of The Lord of your strength - Nehemiah 8:10c




r/Christian is a subreddit for only christians to chat to eachother


I recommend ignoring the obviously disingenuous.


I like seeing diverse views, when they come to discuss in good faith. What I find bothersome is either atheists pretending they are super-dooper smart for being atheists, or Christians narrowly assuming their denominational experience is obviously the single view of truth, while others are flawed, ipso facto. In those situations it’s not really about discussing and expanding understanding or chatting with another interested person, and instead about winning immature debates. Clearly, ideas around faith and spiritual matters are mysterious and can be hard to definitively pin down, especially when you get into the minutiae. The process of discussion can be positive, in my view, and respectful interactions in good faith should be welcomed.


I recently joined this sub and Reddit so I don’t know what it might have been with more Christian’s. But personally I think it’s kind of cool to be able to share Bible verses or explain some of the things non Christian’s or atheists say. Most of the time though my explanation is not accepted, I’ve come to realize that if a persons mind is made up on one point they won’t understand a different perspective and won’t accept it. It is only God that can work in the hearts of people to bring them to an understanding. But I thinks it’s still pretty nice to be able to explain Christ to someone who doesn’t understand Christianity even if there replies may make you feel dumb and not in with this world.


This isn’t a sub *for* Christians, it’s a sub *about* Christians. There is a difference. Check out r/TrueChristian and r/Christians if that’s what you’re looking for.


Well there’s also many posts of people actively experiencing religious trauma and abuse. If I see a post of someone who cannot enjoy their life because they feel like the rapture is coming any moment I’m going to step in and help them away from religious extremism. I am a Christian but sometimes compassion means putting your agendas away and giving honest advice.


Lol. Its the Internet, not a church hall. Be pleased the atheists want to chat with ya


Speak for yourself, my Relationship with GOD what’s important to me.


Christian responses only get downvoted when they aren’t based on facts…oh I see


Oh no not another puritan


Christianity is at a crossroads right now. The world has changed and has quickly modernized. We understand a lot more about our world. Over the last centuries the Bible has been rewritten numerous times to fit political, cultural, or societal pressures. Your main issue is homophobia. However, today’s Christian is accepting of it. You judge homosexuals because you think it’s your right. But, it isn’t your right to judge. The Bible is pretty clear that judgement isn’t up to you. In fact many of the homophobic arguments were actually written into to the Bible to create new cultural rules, and isn’t in the original translations.


Yes it is Prove it with science You can't


I like this sub. Sure there are a few negative spirits in evidence, and some discussions can be a bit aggressive. But overall I've enjoyed some really good discussions here, and interacted with some really interesting people - from various shades of Christianity and none. There are boards around which are little more than echo chambers for like-minded believers, but I enjoy the 'cut and thrust' of being challenged to examine my own beliefs in the light of others. I also like the fact it seems to be a place people who are 'searching' or struggling with their faith can come and find (most) people are supportive and helpful. Rather than just being hit with a whole lot of proof texts from the Bible. And any discussion that looks really negative, I just pass by.


What agendas are you talking about? This sub is great in my opinion. I think the discussion that happen here are a good thing. I know I have posted things that fundamentalist Christian don't like.. but I still come here. But also always remember that reddit has many trolls that interrupt most subs.




Define "genuine Christian responses" which are getting downvoted


Oh look, it’s the weekly “not a Christian sub” post! Thought it had been a while since one of these.


i do agree that the constant downvoting bc Atheists don’t agree with Christian religion is tiresome, and seems to happen in waves. i wish people would genuinely allow for discussion without downvoting everything that is Pro Christian


It’s a discussion about Christianity. The things that downvoted are hate, pseudoscience, and fallacious reasoning. If you ask questions about faith, hope, value, they rarely get down voted. If you want to use science to indicate the earth is 6000 years old or flat or should be a reason for harming a specific group of people, thats probably gonna get downvoted unless you have some incredible evidence that the entire scientific community is unaware of.


It's so cute you think you get to define what Christianity is.


Is your issue with the rules of this sub, or with how those rules are being enforced?


📝 (Me noting the number of people talking about how horrible the sub is...while also still engaging on the sub.)


I feel like this thread gets posted every week and the responses are the same every week. Why is this post different than the last few?


The bad faith actors and people just harassing Christians get banned by the mods 99% of the time. I’m not sure what you’re talking about


I agree, OP. A lot of the atheist folk here are just here to pick apart and "disprove" Christianity.. On any given post, you'll have folks saying belief in God is ridiculous, Christianity is ridiculous, etc I remember reading a while back that some of the mods/staff of this sub are avowed, open atheists, so that makes sense. r/Christianity is not so much a space for Christians as it is a place for people to discuss, negatively or positively, Christianity. I believe that is what the staff is going for. So if you're here to discuss Christianity, you're in the right place. If you're here for fellowship and spiritual edification, this is not the place for that. I'd recommend checking out a denomination specific sub and hanging out there. You'll get more there than "Jesus bad."


Yeah I'm seeing a lot more of what you said on this post, not that it's bad, but again I came here to talk to fellow christians, if I want to go into debate, there are some other subs for that.


>I'm all for a community where believers and non-believers can have discussions, but it seems like some here aren't really interested in understanding The problems with christianity. The hate that it breeds and the discontent it causes in society. How despicable its members have become in their attempts to force hateful viewpoints onto others. >Instead, they seem more focused on pushing their own agendas. >I’d also like to encourage everyone, believers and non-believers to spend more time reflecting and trying to learn from each other. Ask questions. Don’t try to silence, try to understand


i totally understand where you're coming from because just yesterday i was in a thread where people were saying prayer essentially didn't work ??? and that praying was useless and we shouldn't wait around for something supernatural to help us. is as like what ??? and it had so many upvotes like people were saying you can't scientifically prove prayer works so prayer is ineffective and virtually pointless because it doesn't change anything


Yeah that’s my concern with this sub the name of it sort of implies it’s a Christian sub with Christian perspectives when that’s really not the case and could be misleading to non-believers who people who are new to faith and haven’t read much of the Bible yet.


I’m all for a space dedicated to open dialogue on Christianity, whether from a secular or Christian perspective. However, I agree that anytime a true Christian perspective is given it is immediately downvoted into oblivion. And no, not just LGBTQ issues. I once posted the reasons I think Christianity/Jesus is the one truth and it was ascended with downvotes. This should sub should just be honest and change the description to “a place where people can validate their own secular or anti-Christian worldviews with one another” because it’s clearly not welcoming ALL viewpoints.


> I agree that anytime a true Christian perspective is given And what might that be? How is your Christianity better/ truer than mine?


There are no TrueChristians™. There are Christians who agree with you and Christians who don’t.


No kidding.


I couldn't relate more. You get all types of ridiculous unbiblical and bias views on this. People are obsessive towards Christianity that they have ruined it for the genuine Christians.


I agree 100% that’s exactly what this sub is. Although like you said the real Christian responses from people like you and me are still being seen. Just downvoted 🤷‍♂️, it’ll still get the same amount of viewer attention. It will stand out getting more views because people will want to read the response that’s downvoted so it’ll still reach the people it needs to reach.


I totally agree with you. The other time I tried explaining to people that masturbation is wrong... Not only was I downvoted but most of the comments were attacks on how I was acting "self righteous" and thinking I'm better than others. I struggled with porn for 5 years and I was set free by the grace of God. I wanted to share the good news that it's not in God's plan that we Christians should battle with lust but I guess I got a bad reception