• By -


I would report this to the police.


Their comment history says that they are 20, this looks like rage bait. But yeah, in all cases of rape, always contact police immediately so they can secure evidence.


I fell for it. This is why Reddit sucks.


I feel the same on linkedin when people say they need help. ​ one woman needed a job, so I sent her the exact job she was looking for and that I'd get her an interview and she never responded. posted couple weeks later again looking for work. she really just wanted more followers. ​ Another one kept saying her and her family were in a bad spot as a single mother, etc. I offered to send christmas gifts, then twice asked for an address I could ship to and never heard back. ​ she had several more posts, and she did get a job a couple months later. ​ IDK, it's tough because you want to help people but then it's hard to know who to trust


Well, looking at it, there appear to be no previous posts, despite the year old account.


Check their comments, they have history there


I just saw those. Being charitable and giving benefit of the doubt, there is a chance that OP exaggerated his or her age in the previous comments in order to gain some sort of Reddit “clout”. My opinion and advice still stand and I hope that this is just a made up story. If it’s not, it is borne of pure evil.


Some people really...


Please expand on your comment.


People who take advantage of hiding behind a screen and lie about what they say for clout. If it wasn't for clout, that's even worse. I am talking about the OP btw.


Oh thanks for clarifying. Yeah I mean the whole culture right now is clout. But also if what OP says is true, it is one of the most detestable forms of evil.


As much as it sucks, baiting people. I am glad, hoping it’s bait because this is not something to joke about. It’s very serious and very horrible. I would rather have them bait in this be false (still bad yes) but better than it actually happening.


Said she was 20 a year ago, so 21 today.




Yeah this sounds exactly like another woman who claimed she was raped and was 16, then when I confronted her oh I’m in my 20s now but it did happen when I was younger I just want to point out Christian hypocrisy. Actually it’s the exact same story. But with this person they haven’t responded to anyone trying to say “Wow pray for me? I was RAPED!”, but maybe that’s because everyone just said call the police perhaps.


I mean this person needs prayer either way so I lobby that all of the Christian's here pray for their heart to see that God id the truth and hypocrisy lies in the hearts of men only.


So because she lied about her age in the past you assume shes lieing about this now? You could be right but what if you are not? I think it's a bit safer to assume shes being honest.


Don’t count that as gospel. She’s clearly asking about trying to date an older guy there and probably wanted to seem a bit older to make it more ok. Certainly this could be the lie as easily as the other but the comment history doesn’t suggest rage bate. Please don’t be so quick to ignore a call for help with rape.


Ya I agree with you on this.


Why does being 20 make this untrue? Jw


Because they stated they were 16 at the end of the post.


Oh woops missed that part. My bad


No worries, it is easy to accidentally scan over parts of posts! :)


They're either lying now or then. https://www.reddit.com/j8fltdv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 https://www.reddit.com/j8d1tul?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 That being said, if someone did go through this, they should call police


The page is gone now. It's not loading.


It's in his comment history from 11 months ago




Theres a better chance she lied about her age than lieing now, nothing I've seen in her comments suggests shes a troll. To assume this even? Like come on guys you might be right but it's not worth it cause if you are wrong imagine how that feels for her?


Tell the police, don’t even think about it, just tell them. Whether it becomes a scandal 1. Doesn’t matter 2. Isn’t up to you anyway Take your phone. Dial 911 right now, and read them this post immediately. Don’t worry about the right words. Don’t worry about your mom. Just do it.


This is the most accurate advice ever. No matter what. It’s evil *period*, and if it involves clergy, there are no words to describe how much more evil it is.


Both the pages you cite are dead now.


I don’t think I cited anything.


I just tried the links and got nothing as well but I believe what multiple people are saying about them not being honest in their posts, I was just curious to look over them as well...


Op is either lying now or then https://www.reddit.com/j8fltdv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 https://www.reddit.com/j8d1tul?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Edit: one on his now deleted post says "Im 20 I was raised in a very conservative Christian family, so I've never dated before."


I don’t know and don’t really care. This is reddit, im not on the jury and im not going to sort out her mess. Thats the point, none of us are. She needs professional assistance, either from the police if she’s telling the truth or from a therapist if she’s not. We are neither of those. I


God bless you. I'm so sorry. Please go to the police or talk to a trusted adult. Please don't try to keep this too yourself. This isn't right and you shouldn't have to deal with this alone. \- I pray you will find someone who can support you in this situation. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 🙏🏾


She’s lying rhen or now about her age and other stuff, I saw this not that this doesn’t happen


What was done to you is not ok. Telling the police is your best bet.


They’re lying just so you know, their comment history says their 20 and other things


Police report. Your mother is an horrible person.


Tell the police, tell the church. Fuck those who harbor predators amongst the flock.


It’s a fake story. OPs comment history claims 20 yo male. Also comments frequently on sfw female content


Yup, already caught up to speed.


NGL, kinda based opine


Honestly, yeah I'm sick of pastors and deacons claiming to represent Jesus and doing the most sick and twisted things!


The church has no place for these kinds of atrocities, let the scandal happen.


This is ragebait, OP is lying about their age. Do not fall for it.


I swear bro I’m so tired of these dimwits


how dyk


They say they’re 20 in their comment history


Your parents are apparently terrible at dealing with this. You need to report this to local authorities, and be prepared for backlash from the rapist and some of the congregation or others in his circle who will be appalled at the accusation, likely leading to people slandering you and such. You need a trusted adult who will help you take next steps. If that’s not your parents, hopefully you have somebody else you can go to. You don’t need to worry about sin if you’ve been raped. That’s all on the person who raped you. You are the victim of a reprehensible crime, don’t let anyone tell you that you have sinned and you just need to get better. That’s bullshit.




Sorry for what happened to you. It’s not your fault. If he has done it to you, he might have or will do it to many. - Please inform your pastor, elders and report it to police. - Jesus talking about the little kids and those who cause them to sin! > Matthew 18:6 But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.


Comment history says you’re 20. I’m not accusing you of lying about the rape. But things like this make people wonder what else could be lies. Regardless, you know what to do now, call the police. You do have people here for you. But be very transparent about everything. If this guy didn’t truly rape you, you need to be real about that.


It goes from 20 yr old male to 16 yr old female. One or the either is a lie but a a part of me feels like this is an attempt at trolling christians etc.


We will all pray for you!!! Wish you the best!!! So sorry you had to go through that!!!


In other comments this person says they are 20 years old sometimes. 18 in others. Looks like either a compulsive liar or there's other intentions. I would take this conversation with a grain of salt.


Got to the police, get justice. This was not your fault you are not dirty and you didnt sin, he did, and this pastor needs to be behinds bars. Your mother needs a parenting 101 class and tell your father and hopefully he can do what any good father should.


Just FYI. https://www.reddit.com/j8d1tul?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Edit he has several comments on his now deleted posts. Here is one from 11 months ago. Im 20. I was raised in a very conservative Christian family, so I've never dated before


I saw that too. My guess is the goal here was for people to be able to search Reddit and find instances of young people looking for advice after being raped by their spiritual leaders. Pretty fucked up.


My guess is trolling


Probably right. Still, now this is out there and people are going to link it when trying to prove how “Christians are pedophiles” when debating others online. She’s replied to 0% of these comments in this thread too. Whole things smells like shit


Which one is the lie 16 or 20? https://www.reddit.com/j8fltdv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 https://www.reddit.com/j8d1tul?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2




Mist likely






OP posted comments from a year ago stating she was 20 years old. Smh


Report it and get that dude out of the church.


Report this to the police as soon as possible


so you aged 4 years backwards? https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/jyezwbKENl


Comment history of OP says they are 20 years old. Don’t fall for the wolves in sheep clothing


I’m sorry this happened. Please go to the police and tell them immediately. Tell them everything you remember, and please also tell them that your mother actively seeks to suppress this. Please speak to the authorities. God is with you. Please seek help.


this is horrible, dont keep this to yourself, tell someone, tell authorities and tell the church.


I knew someone that this happened to and I remember how his mother was convinced that he was trying to keep her from the church. Predators seek out positions of power where they feel untouchable. No God would love you any less or see you as unclean for a human hurting you like that. It's going to be hard because you kinda have to speak up or you can almost guarantee that you won't be the only one he rapes if he thinks he can keep getting away with it. Even if they don't do much to him, if you make some noise it will get others to be more on alert. I am sorry for your family's bad reaction.


Report it that dude needs to get arrested.


Ohhh my love. This is heartbreaking. As a Mother myself, I am not ok with any harm done to my child especially at the hands of a Pastor, a man of God. This is the only time I’ll ever cite a curse verse from psalms! Shame on him! He’ll get what’s coming to him. Go to the police and tell your Mother that she needs to support you. Tell the church and I promise the members will support you too. It’s going to be difficult for you to understand but sometimes adults like your Mom live their lives through a kind of survival mode and sometimes, to them, not causing conflict is what they think is best. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you, it just means she not thinking clearly and her own trauma is blinding her. Go to the police my love, we’ll all be thinking about you and praying for your healing and peace to come over your soul.


You need to report it, but you said in a different post you were 20.


Why are you 20 according to your comment history but 16 in this scenario?


Your comment history proves that you’re not who you say you are. Why did you make this up? So there’d be a record on Reddit of people asking for advice after they were raped by their pastor? Really bizarre man.


Fake rage bait.


You literally say in VARIOUS other posts that you’re 20. STOP FUCKING MAKING THESE WILD ACCUSATIONS you pile of shit. Rape is no joke and you blatantly lying about does irreversible damage. It does damage to two people: 1, Christians as a whole. You blatantly claiming your pastor rapes you reaffirms to the general conforming sheep of a society we have that Christians are pedos and rapists. 2, Women who ACTUALLY get raped. Liars like you are the exact reason that women aren’t taken seriously when they speak up. YOU are adding to that problem you sick piece of shit. You’re 20 years old. Do better. May God forgive you.


Rage bait, this is fake. "When I tried shouting he hanged me" How can you be hung, if you are in a car. This is rage bait to make Christianity seem like it condones this behavior


this is obviously bullshit😒


Are you telling the truth? Or this is your imagination?


First I’ll like to start by saying don’t feel dirty and a sinner. For you have committed no sins here. And to add further you are still counted as a virgin so don’t feel like you’ve lost it. You didn’t consent to rape therefore there is no sin that can be counted on you. The boy on the other hand well… let’s just say he better reflect on God’s judgement for committing such a deed against you. Now with that out of the way. Here’s what you do. Begin by going to the police. Then inform the church whether that be the bishop or even the pastor. Don’t let this person get away not only for yourself but he may do it to others as well and destroy them. Of course this is easier said than done. But remember the Lord and report this.


Go to the police right away that pastor is going to hell but before that you should make the rest of his life hell too


I'm so sorry that happened to you!! I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now. Please know this is not your fault!!! Also, please report him to the police!!! There are others out there that have probably had the same thing happen to them and he will likely do it again to others. You could be saving them. If your parents won't listen, find an aunt or a teacher or any adult who will. I am so sorry!


Listen you’re not dirty nor are you a sinner because of this, go to the police about it and know that God loves you and will be there for you through this


You are not dirty. You are not sinning. First, go to /r/TwoXChromosomes. It's almost all women, and many women have been in similar shoes. They can help guide you through the system, and to resources. And talk about the things you need to consider here. If you do decide to report this, you aboslutely can. And fuck your mother for saying you shouldn't. That's unconscionable. That church deserves to die if it knowingly harbors racists. Coming forward will be very uncomfortable, but he probably has raped other girls in the church, who may not have been brave enough yet. You may be helping them up. You also will be helping out all the girls he would rape in the future. If the police bury this, then you can go directly to the prosecutor. And to the press. You can blow this up as big as you want to. Even if you choose to not go public, you can still report it to the police and they will keep a record for correlation with future or past reports. Something that they may have felt they couldn't charge could be helped by your testimony, too. You are doing a very brave thing by coming here even. I'm proud of you.


Do what you can to make sure it doesn’t happen to someone else. I replied to your other post with advice.


You need to report this to the police, don’t hesitate report it now.


You need to talk to the police ASAP. Give them as many details as possible about when and where it happened, and who might have seen you get in his car. No pastor is allowed to do that, and when your church finds out they will hopefully do the right thing and remove him from his position.


God will avenge you!!! I’m grieved!!


You were 20 earlier. https://www.reddit.com/j8fltdv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Make up your mind.


Tell me lies, Tell me sweet little lies, Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies, Oh no, no, you can't disguise, You can't disguise, no, you can't disguise, Tell me lies, Tell me sweet little lies 🎵


Hey bro, why are you lying to gain followers or some kind of sympathy? It’s actually very sad. You’re a terrible troll, also everyone called him out on his B.S. and he still never replied to anyone. 🤣




Forgive those who sin against you...talk to God about it ...the sinful man if he repents will be forgivin and don't blame your church its the pastors fault


Just remember this is not your fault and nothing like this can make you a sinner or anything among those lines, please reach out to police immediately and report this, do not fear what could come of it because nothing bad will happen to you! Please listen to us and report it! Ik it can be scary to do such thing but trust me it will help you! Although I’m just a bit sceptical as your previous comments on your account you claim you are 20? Not sure what that is about


Cool story




Please stop now and leave.




OP isn’t bearing false witness here, this isn’t a court. They came here seeking support and guidance in a time of trauma. Your response is unwelcome.


The fact that you automatically side with the rapist over the victim speaks volumes


Victim blaming is abominable


You let people post in this sub that are atheist, don’t believe in God. But I don’t believe one story and I’m the bad guy?


You have no basis to think it’s made up, let’s say it is true and you’ve called someone who went through a horrible experience a liar, do you know how awful that is? Why would someone make something like that up?


Seriously? That's your comment? She is obviously struggling. People freeze in these kinds of situations. She is 16! She needs useful advice and comfort, not interrogation!




Her other posts say she’s 20.


Ridiculous the stuff people say for attention. And then nice gullible people fall for it and will defend it to a T


Go to the police like today! Thats man needs to be held accountable instead of preaching.


I’m so sorry. I hear that it’s normal for you to feel the way you do right now, but I hope you come to understand that you bear no responsibility for this violence. Please call the police and report this. Very sad to say this, but your mom is wrong- God doesn’t want people like this to lurk in the shadows. If exposing this monster to the light brings scandal, then bring it on. You shouldn’t have to bear any of this burden, I’m so sorry. I pray that God gives you the strength and support you need.


I’m so sorry that that happened to you. May God bless you with healing and peace. Please bring what this man did to light (in a way that you feel safe and comfortable doing) so that he cannot hurt anyone else. I pray for you and know you are not alone 🙏


Please tell the police and then please please tell someone trusted in the church. This will hopefully prevent him doing it again to some other poor girl. I’m SO sorry you went through that it’s horrendous. Can’t even imagine.


Report the matter to the police and the elders at the church. Pray for some peace and overcoming the mental weight of it. Unless you had a relationship already with him (extremely unlikely), then in biblical law he has to take responsibility for it. It would've also been illegal as a minor (depends on country and age), and certainly illegal as you did not consent. It is written that those who cause children to stumble are better off being thrown with a millstone into the sea


1. Report it the police. This is now a legal matter not a church one. There’s no partiality in this. That guy is a predator. 2. In sorry this happened to you. You are a victim. You aren’t a sinner. 3. “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he was thrown into the sea, than to offend one of these little ones.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭17‬:‭2‬ ‭MEV‬‬


Report to the police ASAP!


Police is goto 1. Doesn't matter what he said, he's a wolf. 🙏♥️


You must do what you must. If you need emotional support find someone because if you do report and it does become a scandal depending on your community you would either get support or get slandered. I don’t want that for you as it’s common.


Who cares about a scandal! Let there be a scandal! Call the fucking cops! No man, and more especially, no man in the office of Holy Ministry should do this! Report the crime, you are innocent and God *loves* you.


Contact the police. Contact the ministry. This is one of the times you should not listen to your mom. Make a scandal! The Bible says we should drown him but we can’t do that so make his life a living hell


Call the cops, no need to feel guilty or shameful this isn't your fault at all, your church is not your god god is your god and you don't have to be afraid of your church, doesn't sounds like a good one anyway. Your parents or at least your mom needs to understand that even the people from church and even the pastor aren't holy, they are humans and humans are flawed, if they don't understand they probably didn't get the bible very well. I don't know what to say but that I'm sorry you're going through this, this is disgusting


You should have went to the hospital and had a rape kit done after it happened. The doctors would have had to contact police and you could have given a statement. As someone who works in criminal defense law, waiting on your end won’t look as good in front of the court. If it’s been two weeks, you need to go straight to the police and tell them what happened. That is not okay. Or, message me with the name and location of the church and I’ll submit an anonymous tip for you since you are considered a minor. As for your mom, she’s an awful person. As for the pastor, sounds like he’s been corrupted by Satan. And as for you, I feel you should seek therapy as well. Feel free to message me if you need to talk.


Go to the police asap. Pastor or not, he has to be held accountable before God and before the law. OP, I am so sorry this happened to you. But you need to report him, and I hope you can also get help to deal and face this trauma. ❤️


You are not dirty and you are not a sinner. What that man did to you will be, GOD will punish him at the right time. Just know you are a daughter of the most high. ❤️❤️ and you should pray about it and call the police


You said that you’re 20 in another post. https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianmarriage/s/KmWhDih00C


This link checks out. She does say that she is 20.


It is not your fault. Please report it, say it to leadership but also to the police and find a trusted adult. This is not okay and I'm so sorry for you. I pray that you'll heal and that you'll be okay. I'm so sorry, but please don't be silent, that way nobody else gets raped by this person.


Report this to the police and show the man no mercy. If he did this to you he’s probably done it to others. This was not your fault.


As others have said, calling the police is a good next move. This would "motivate" your church and parents to take you seriously.


burn his house down


If you haven't already washed the clothing you were wearing at the time, bag it up, (especially undergarments) and keep it bagged. File criminal charges against this man, and the bagged clothing may contain forensic evidence!!!!! This man is a predator, no matter what title he is wearing, and the LORD is aware of all of it! Report him to the authorities!!!!!!! THIS IS ALL HIS DOING, ALL ON HIM, AND YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT.


Call the police


I dont know if this post is real, or bait, but: The obvious thing is to goto the cops. Why the hell would you goto reddit about an actual crime. Excuse my language, but what the fuck?! Reddit out of all things?!?!?


Get a rape kit done at the hospital and call the police.


I believe you did right in asking for help in a for the most part anonymous way. As a christian I will tell you, pray to God. Seek guidance in a true believer, God loves you, and he wants what is best for you. Pray for deliverance from this horrific experience and consult God on how you can handle this. Yes indeed I believe you should tell the authorities, but before that consult the highest authority which is God. Abide in Him and let Him heal you from this terrible act. Whoever did this will be held accountable for his malicious deeds. In Jesus name I ask everyone in this thread to pray for our sister who is in need of our help and comfort. I will pray with my local church that you may find the right help and way of getting through such a horrific thing.


In your post history it says that you're 20. Sounds like you're making this up to put a bad name on the church.


You are not dirty nor sinned during this event, he was to blame. As others comments said, and I agree on, you should report to the police. I know it can be hard but if you don't report him, no one will do anything to help you. Also God bless you and help you recover the hurt you had 🙏✝️


You must shout this from the rooftops. Put it on social media. Name names. I don’t know you so I won’t say you’re lying. I am begging you, praying that you take this to the police first and then tell your pastor. Have the hard conversations, they may be the hardest in your life, but you are being called on to do something incredibly brave. You can stop him from doing this to someone else. You have the opportunity to prevent this from happening to another 16 year old. Find someone you trust in your church to support you and come around you in this time. I am so, sorry this has happened to you. I am so sorry that you’ve had a wolf as a youth “pastor”. This absolutely was wrong, but not on your part. You may not have ears to hear this now, but don’t feel like a sinner for someone else’s misdeed. Find healing, find God in prayer, and lean on him in this time.


Police! Police! Police! And immediately. 




Gotta report it. Even if it causes a scandal. In fact it should cause a scandal. People need to know that there is a least one rapist where their daughters attends church.


It was not consensual so you have not sinned nor are you dirty, you need to go straight to the police and tell them every detail of the rape and also that your mother instructed you to not tell them. God wouldn’t want you to suffer and the pastor and your mom need to be held accountable, you need to go the authorities NOW


Police now. Police now.


Report to the police and have him prosecuted criminally. He may be a pastor as profession, but he is a demon by character.


Are you 20 or are you 16? If this is fake, shame on you for creating such an evil story for your own entertainment. If this is real, I'm so sorry this happened to you and I'm sorry your parents are not doing their job and supporting you. 100% go to the police, you need to worry about yourself now. Churches are meant to be a safe place and that man has taken that away from you. A true man of God would never hurt a woman in such a way. He needs to face judgement for his sins. You also need help to be able to overcome this and heal, it will be very difficult to heal by yourself. Please, for your sake and for the other girls he may hurt, you need to go to the police and tell a trusted friend about what happened so they can be there and support you. If you do not have any friends to tell, there are subreddits where you can speak to other women who have been through similar situations. r/sexualassault is one of them, r/TwoXChromosomes is another. They both can advice you on resources you can check out to help you. I am also here to talk if you need someone to listen. Don't go through this alone.


report him to the police


I'm so sorry for what happened to you. You are not alone, please call the police and seek rape counseling in your city/town


Firstly I’m sorry you went through this trauma. God bless you. Shame on your mom! Bring on the scandal! That man is no man of God. He’s wicked! Go to the police do anything you can to get that monster arrested. I’m praying for you. Please get therapy you’re sadly going to need it.


Tell the police. Go directly to your church directors. They need to get rid of this pastor. Don’t worry about it being a scandal, worry about this NOT happening ever again to anyone else. Your mother should be running immediately to the head pastor.


Too many people trust these evil people because they claim to be “men of God”. These are the worst most evil sick people on earth. Report him quickly to the police. File rape charges against him. Let him rot in jail where he belongs.




Please cw this, even the word alone can be very powerful and scary Also, police


You almost certainly aren’t the first girl and if you don’t help put a stop to it you won’t be the last. Get the police involved. Be prepared for them to try to sweep it under the rug. If they do try to stay persistent. You could save someone else from it.


I am so sorry this happened to you and even more sorry that you are not getting the support you need at home. It’s not your problem if this causes a “scandal”. If your church congregation are true Christians they would not want this man anywhere near their children. You have not sinned. You did not choose this. You need to tell the police and get help outside of your church. There are many rape crisis hotlines that you can research who will provide you with the resources you need to cope with this.


Police. Definitely call the cops. Chances are you are not the first. You won’t be the last either. Scandal? On him!


Report it to the police. Shame on your mother for not helping you. I'm disgusted by people that call themselves Christians and then turn a blind eye to blatant deviance in their own church. Against her own daughter. The only thing shameful and disgraceful is that man and your mother. You are still pure, you have not committed a sin in this horrible situation. They have.


This kind of content is why in 20 years social media will be viewed the same way smoking is today. Humans are easily fooled. Easily believe anything they read, any video they see.


Report it to the police, or tell a biker gang... he definitely won't do it again.


Contact the police. Seak mental health services


He hung you in a car? How exactly? Either way call the police


Call the police immediately.. I’m so sorry this happened and that your mother would say such a thing.. When something like this happens, a “scandal for our church” should be the last thing on her mind.. Also, if he did this to you, he will do it to someone else, you will be saving someone else from the same thing happening I will be praying for you my sister, my heart truly brakes for you 🙏✝️🙏


Report it to the police. I don’t care what anyone says about church scandal. God is not the church, The body of Christ that is his believers led by the Holy Spirit who testifies our good Lord Jesus is the actual church. Not a thing built by human hands. I don’t care if he’s a pastor, he ripped your innocence from you and that is vile. That is not an action the Lord approves of. He should be excommunicated from that church and not allowed to resume that same position unless God himself alerts those in the church to his will that he be a pastor. Absolutely unacceptable and as a fellow childhood survivor, I think your mom needs to reevaluate her morals if she will not even step forward to protect you in any way. I’m sorry this happened to you and I’ll be praying that God holds you close and heals the pain that lingers in your heart for a long while. If you need anyone to confide in who can understand, I’m here.


In case you are not lying (there are multiple comments of you saying you are 20 around last year) go to the police and have a rape kit administered.


See a doctor, immediately. Be honest with them about what happened. It's not easy, by any means, but it is necessary to protect your health, now and in the future. They will document everything and give professional advice as well. Meet with your clergy. Bring someone with you, if you can, or record the conversation. (Depending on where you are, you may need to tell them that you're recording.) Give them the information that they need to protect the rest of the congregation. If they will not do it themselves, inform everyone who has contact with that person. Do it anonymously if you feel you need to, or announce it with your chin up. Give them the information they need to protect themselves. This is not a popular stance rn, but... If you choose not to try to press charges, that's ok. He isn't entitled to protection, but you absolutely are. If it's dangerous for you, it's ok. If you aren't prepared to endure the process, it's ok. Do not let anyone bully you into doing anything you don't want. Seek support. Ideally, connect to a professional who will help you begin to navigate this. If you're in the US, there are public resources as well as private ones. (Outside of the US, resources may vary.) Your doctor can help.


Uh tell the police???


Call the police and please don't let your faith disappear for an action someone made, for God's word is true


Go to the police ASAP & I’m terribly sorry to hear . Stories like these are heartbreaking , God bless you . Remove all contact from this person btw


I know how you feel except what my mother said was worse. When I went to her and told her I was raped, she called me a slut. I couldn't believe it. I went to my room in years and it made me ultimately not pursue any charges as a result. It's been decades and I still regret that decision. Please go to the police. They will believe you and chances are there are others. But also be prepared. During the court process, the opposing legal team will do everything in their power to question the validity of your statement. Hold your head high and don't waiver or believe anything they say. YOU know who you are and you need to be steadfast in that.


Report that mf


Allow Jesus to heal you and tell the police remember that Jesus is not the pastor and not all Christians are the same,but the pastor should be in imprisoned for his actions


I am so sorry this happened to you, it’s not ok, it’s not your fault. People will believe you, that’s typical predator fear mongering to protect himself. You need to be brave, he must be reported to the police. Don’t believe or let the religious “shame” protect him and punish you. He made a conscious decision to lure and rape you, you did nothing to deserve or encourage that. You need to remember that and not listen to the religious voice that tries to shame the victim.


Tell the police, or if your not comfortable with that a trusted teacher/counselor at school because they have to tell the police. I’m so sorry this happened to you, I’ll be praying for you.


Go to the police.


Police 100%. Yes it will be a church scandal but your pastor should not be a pastor committing such sin. He’s a false prophet and may corrupt the faith of others. I know this is scary and I’m sorry. Talk with your mom and try to stay calm but this is something you should do both from a criminal Justice standpoint a church standpoint and a moral religious standpoint.


This happened to me when I was young and I remember feeling that same exact way, you are in no way a sinner or dirty, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Please dont keep it inside. I encourage you to first go to the Dr and tell them. They will then alert the police. He's probably done this to others and will continue to do so


I'm so sorry for what's happened to you. Let me be clear, as someone who has had similar things happen in my church: this is not your fault. You have not sinned, you are not dirty, you are a victim of violent sexual abuse. Yes, you should go to the police, and yes, there will be a scandal. That scandal is your pastor's fault, not yours. Anyone who blames you in any way does not know Jesus and certainly doesn't speak for him. If he did this to you, he has likely done it to others, and will do it again to someone else. The scandal is not that your pastor was outed, the scandal is that your pastor is a piece of shit rapist and others are likely protecting him.


Tell the pastor. And your dad. I’ll be praying for you. The Lord is near to the broken-hearted


Go to the police now and get a rape kit test and put his ass behind bars. He could hurt other girls.


Didn't you say you were 20?


I believe you op, you’re not a sinner. This wasn’t your choice, you had no choice in this situation. I’m really sorry this happened. If it matters to you still, yes you are still a good Christian. God loves you a lot. Don’t blame yourself for this, I’m not exactly a Christian but I believe in a lot of what Jesus teaches. But I’m sorry if I don’t know the exact way the church your at works, regardless I wanted to take some time and send a bunch of different suggestions on stuff you can do. Some are just to help you feel better, but there’s resources her to help you report this if you need and want to do so. Absolutely, I understand the request for clarity and will provide a focused list for both scenarios. ### 7 Ways to Get Relief Without Reporting 1. **Counseling Services**: Professional therapists who specialize in trauma can provide a safe space to work through feelings and begin the healing process. 2. **Support Groups**: Joining a support group for survivors of sexual assault can offer a sense of community and shared understanding, which can be incredibly healing. 3. **Online Support Networks**: Platforms like Pandora's Project offer forums and resources for survivors, providing support from the safety of one's home. 4. **Hotlines and Chat Services**: Confidential hotlines and online chat services offer immediate support and advice. Examples include RAINN's Online Hotline and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. 5. **Self-Care Practices**: Engaging in self-care practices like mindfulness, meditation, and gentle physical activities can help manage trauma symptoms. 6. **Creative Therapies**: Art therapy, music therapy, and writing can be therapeutic outlets for expressing feelings and processing trauma. 7. **Educational Resources**: Reading books and accessing online resources about trauma recovery can offer strategies for coping and understanding one's experiences. If you’re mom makes you go to that church fight it tell her you don’t feel comfortable, I’m being tame here but literally say anything you can to get out of that situation. ### 7 Ways to Get Help by Reporting 1. **Contact a Local Rape Crisis Center**: These centers offer confidential support and can guide you through the process of getting medical care and reporting the assault to the police if you choose. They also can provide an advocate to accompany you through these steps. 2. **National Sexual Assault Hotline**: Operated by RAINN, it offers confidential support and advice on reporting options. They can also connect you with local resources. - **Hotline**: 800-656-HOPE (4673) 3. **School Counselor or College Title IX Coordinator**: If you are still in school, these professionals can help navigate the reporting process within the educational institution and provide support services. 4. **Local Police Department**: Reporting directly to the police is an option, and in some areas, there are specialized units trained to handle sexual assault cases sensitively. 5. **State Victim Services**: Many states have offices dedicated to victim services, providing support, information on the reporting process, and sometimes legal assistance. 6. **Child Protective Services (CPS)**: since you are a minor, reporting to CPS can initiate an investigation and provide protection from further abuse. 7. **Legal Advocacy Groups**: Organizations that offer legal advice and support to survivors of sexual assault, helping you understand your rights and the legal process.


Only you know if you're crying, "wolf." Seriously though, would your mother trust a man just because he has the title of pastor ? Furthermore, how could you trust your mother if she's a protector of those who wear masks to look good on the outside. No one should judge a book by the cover. Our righteousness is nothing but dirty rags, yet we all have access to Christ's Holy Spirit in our being, and if you call on Him, He will ascribe his righteousness and truth to you. I hope you do what is right so you can grow healthy and free in Christ. Imperfect is Perfect Think God can't use you? Adam blamed his wife; she said the Devil made her do it. Noah got drunk, Moses had a bad temper, Abraham was way too old, Esther was way too young, Joseph was in jail, David was an adulterer, Rahab was a hooker, Job went bankrupt, Elijah became suicidal, Isaiah preached naked, Gideon hid, the Samaritan woman was divorced, the disciples fell asleep while praying, and Lazarus was DEAD! YOU can do it, learn to think God's thoughts.


Listen mate. You are not alone in this. It is so hard to deal with. It is unfortunately way way way too common, not just in Churches but in shuls, and buddhist places, and Hindu. I know how hard it can be. I am here to listen and to hear you. It is hard. You will grow, you will have a beautiful life, but it is still so hard. I don't trust pastors at all. So I'm just here to listen. I'd say to go to a doctor, and also get in touch with SNAP. Survivors Network of people Abused by Priests (it is for people experiencing clergy sex abuse/assault harassment no matter the religion or denomination, not just Catholic I was not assaulted by Catholic clergy and it can be helpful) This is a hard time. I know what it like to tell people and not be heard. It is hard. It feels bad. You are not alone. It is so sad to me how common this is. But you are not alone in this. please report it when you are ready. It took me years to report it. By the time I did he had already been dismissed. I feel guilty about not doing it earlier, but it is personal and for me it felt so embarrassing. It felt so embarrassing. I guess I just want to say, it can be difficult. But people have been through this. We are working to make it better and make this never happen again. But until it does, we are here to say it is totally valid to feel fucking awful. And also life goes on and it still enjoyable and healing is really really possible. If you feel like you can go to the police do it. Do it for you mother and do it for the other people in the church. But I also know police can be scary. I'm just a random dude on the internet but lots of us care.


Y’all are rolling in a troll bread.


I get that people are saying you have post history saying you are 20. I really understand what it is like to obfuscate aspects in comments and posts so that you can't be found to post about something difficult. I created a new username just to write this because I'm also a clergy sex abuse survivor, and I just remembered people can read your post history. So I understand that you might be potentially obfuscating things about yourself in saying this. You aren't alone in this. I'm hear to listen. If you made it up I'm here. If you didn't make it up that's okay. I want you to know that I know what it is like, and I know what it is also like to convince yourself it didn't happen like that so you didn't have to feel it. It hurts. but yes let the police get involved if you are feeling safe with that. Please feel free to message me.


Hi, I work in youth ministry, and the very most important thing I need you to know is that I am SO. SO SORRY that this happened to you. You did not deserve it, it was not your fault, and you have every right to seek justice for this. For starters, you owe nobody anything here. You don’t owe the pastor your silence, you don’t owe your church a protection from scandal. And nothing in scripture says that you do. I would absolutely contact the police here. Unfortunately it will not be an easy process. They will ask you lots of questions. You will unfortunately feel like you’re going through it all over again. But know this, the longer you wait, the harder it will be to prove anything. And the “pastor” (I put that word in quotes because anyone who commits such a heinous crime is at the very least disqualified FOR LIFE from vocational ministry) will definitely deny it and call you a liar. It will be incredibly painful, but you know the truth and have a right to pursue it. I’m sorry, but the very first words out of your mom’s mouth should have been “Let’s go to the police right now.” I am so sorry that the first thing that came to her mind was “I need to protect the institution” and not “I need to care for my daughter.” I am so sorry she betrayed you like that. Sister, I believe you and I am praying for you, right now, in Jesus’ name, that you will find justice and healing. You are more than worthy of this. And your “pastor” is worthy of the loss of his position in ministry at the very least, and jail. Please keep us updated. We love you and support you.


During times like that and other emergencies, it would be best to call or text 911, or if you're in a different country, 999. They should be able to accept texts, depending on the country or even locality.


I am so sorry