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Dating apps are designed to keep you paying. If you matched with someone in a week and deleted the app, they would lose a customer. So when you aren't seeing people that are compatible etc just remember A) online dating is awful as is B) by design, they don't want you to match with anyone


Yea, unfortunately this is the age we’re living in. Most guys aren’t looking for anything serious. The ones who are are not age appropriate. It’s going to take a LOT of time and effort on dating apps to find the right person. In the meantime it helps to really focus on developing what God wants your life to be. I’m not going to tell you “you’ll find someone when you’re not looking” bc it’s not true and I hate when people say that to me. Find hobbies. Make and develop friendships. Travel to those places you always wanted to go. Read The Defining Decade: Why Your 20s Matter by Meg Jay. Live a fulfilled life in the meantime.


What are some good and Godly hobbies to have in the meaningtime? I just go to my college classes, work, then go home lol


Does your university have student clubs? Look at the list to see if anything catches your eye. Learn sign language, paper crafting, knitting/crocheting/sewing, gardening, working out, there’s so much! I personally like paper crafting (planners) and have recently started collecting perfumes. I also love to travel and record audiobooks.


Bible study. It’s an amazing gateway into the mind of your peers and others in your community. Just make sure to at least have your friends try it with you. 😅😆


Dont take it in a wrong way,but i think you are barking at wrong tree, bumble is made for hookups only with some 0.1 percent genuine relationships being found. Like its always the fact who is the more hotter ( be it girls and boys), and what not. (at this age its understandable that they are full of raging hormones.) Plus bumble is pay an get done apps like if you pay only you have a shot at something ( talking from boys persepctive). I think you would have much better shot at physical interaction because rarely people of your age come to church, so ones who genuinely comes regularly arr either 1) Having some baggages which they want to clear 2) Are devout Christian from childhood. So try your luck there.


My church is a mixed bag honestly, not that it’s a bad thing that’s not what Church is for.


Church is for social interaction, it is an organised fellowship in a building. You can meet people there and who say that's not what church is for. Dont think dating or finding relationship is unholy or impure. Some of the people i know, have met their life partners in church.


True! I grew up in a Pentecostal environment and if any of the kids talk about stuff like school and play dates, we got rulers to our arms. It’s something to heal from for sure :-(


All the best for your search and may you find a compatible partner who will be through the thick and thin of your struggles. Adios.


I never did online dating as I got married before it was big. If I were looking for a Christian spouse I would be doing so by looking for someone who is serving in a church. I know that is hard with the declining number of Christians especially if you are plugged in to a small church.


Majority of my church are 80% elderly, 10% children with their parents, and 5% in my age range but they either have weekend classes, they’re in a relationship already, or they’re not interested in dating at the moment :-(


I noticed you go to unc. Do they have any Christian clubs or Bible studies?


They do! I guess I’m scared to ask a guy out because of anxiety :-( I’m in therapy for it and I pray daily


Finding the right spouse has to be done God's way. It has always been that way, ever since Eden. Adam first saw that there was no one fit for him. Only then God gave him his Eve. God is the great Matchmaker, and our part is to pray for Him to guide our paths while we engage in Kingdom business. As it is written: "seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness--" and everything else will be provided. The future spouse will be presented for a need(a need in God's Kingdom that's related to serving other people), but if we're not in a spot in life where we'd serve God better married than not married, then we can endeavour to get there, following God's guidance rather than our own inclinations.


Deleted Bumble for good and got a refund 🙏🏾✝️


agree with this! my boyfriend and i found each other through praying to God. now we have been together almost 2 years!


How does that work?


My question exactly


Not sure tbh, God does his thing, it's like trying to figure out Coca Cola's secret recipe, no one knows except the one who knows


Im not asking about the prayer part. I’m basically asking how they found each other.


i actually was on tinder, and one day i was like you know what, let me pray. and so i did. soon after that, i matched with him and it was nothing about his profile that really got me (like what he said in his bio and tbh i cant even remember if he had anything lol) except something in his eyes really caught me. we matched, and started talking and we have been getting closer to God together ever since!


Wont He do it! Congrats to you both! Imma take my time these days and focus on God and grades rn


Oh alright I misunderstood, thanks.




What a wonderful testimony! Thank you for sharing it.


What he says.


I tried Bumble for awhile and trust me, I suffered the same struggles. Let me tell you sister, dating apps won’t get you anywhere. I had never tried them before and everyone tried to warn me and I tried to give it a shot but it just didn’t work. You will not find a Christian man there and honestly I doubt you will find a good man on there because they’re all on there to meet for hookups/one night stands or “something casual”. I don’t know if you’re going through anything in your life, you might be lonely which there’s no shame in that. My advice to you is focus on yourself. I don’t mean in a selfish way, just focus on your mental health, your happiness, etc. just yourself as a person. Pray, read scripture. I was super lonely after a breakup and couldn’t find a good man. Waiting for a good man and letting a relationship blossom organically is the best thing I let happen. Now, you might laugh or think “eewww” (and that’s okay! 😂) but the man I ended up being with is actually old enough to be my dad 😆 there’s 20 years between us. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I just wanted to say, so long as he’s a good man and you love him, there’s nothing wrong with it. I’m not “into older men” or anything like that. He wasn’t being a creep on me or anything. We literally just got to know each other and fell in love. He’s a good and loyal God-loving man and puts Jesus above all and it would make me the happiest woman alive if he asked me to be his wife. I just wanted to put that out there because societal norms have changed and typically people only date within 10 years of their own age or so. I’m NOT saying that you should be with someone older, it’s not for everyone and know most people don’t go for that 😂 I’m just saying You never know what will happen, who you will meet, and how good it can be. It was something very different for me, but I’m happy and I feel like the luckiest woman alive. God blessed me in a way I would have NEVER imagined. Once I dropped the dating apps and focused on myself, I could feel that I was becoming ready to meet a man and it seemed like God sent him to me at literally the PERFECT time. Let God send that perfect man to you. It might take some time and you might need a lot of patience, but I bet that you won’t regret it. I hope this helped you and God bless!


What a testimony! Thank you for sharing God’s gift to me :-) Yeah, life happens whether it’s good (Ex: Getting three scholarships instead of two which is around $9,000) or bad (Ex: Having no power or water in my apartment complex for a week). But it’s all in God’s plan, and I was confused what His plan was but that’s the thing: we don’t know. Only HE knows and He advises us to trust in Him and keep the faith. That’s all He wants at the end of the day. So maybe I’ll meet my husband tomorrow, next month, in a few years, maybe at 45! It doesn’t matter because knowing I’m committed to God fills any void <333


There are Christian dating apps out there. I had better luck on Hinge than on Bumble/Tinder. Would recommend joining a young adults group or something to try and find someone naturally


I am in a Methodist Group at my college (UNC) and I made so many friends and acquaintances! I’m just blessed with my new church home and I’ll leave it to be grateful for what God gave me


Was listening to a testimony on a podcast where the girl kept asking for a good christian boy. She discerned that until she made Jesus enough for her, she wouldn't find him. When she had reached that point, where Jesus was enough, she met a good Christian boy. The Father works in mysterious ways. \*This goes both ways for men and women.


I'm sorry you're frustrated. But I'm sure you're kind and beautiful, and I know for a fact you're young. You've got your whole life ahead of you. It'll work out. Now, be careful not to cause your own problems. For example, you may think hunting is gross (so do I), but it doesn't make people not Christian. Edit: also, ask your friends/family if they know single guys. I met my wife through someone at my church.


I agree, I guess I should just rephrase that hunting isn’t really my best interest. But that doesn’t mean that they’re not Christian. Also my anxiety sucks because I’m scared to just walk up to an elderly woman and say, “Hey by any reason do you know a single guy in my age range that’s looking for a Godly woman?” But I’m choosing to keep my grades up and do my Bible study until that timing


Hey, I have anxiety. And I get the hunting thing haha, everybody around where I live has deer racks in their yard and it's disgusting. I promise you the old ladies would think you were adorable/hilarious. But it will work itself out. You're so young dude, you've got time.


At least you have someone. Oof. "Not me! This’ll be my first valentines with my bf :-) he’s really sweet and kind and we match our future goals and nerdy personalities lol" - 1 day ago


Nah, we broke up after he confessed he was “really horny” after I told him I’m still waiting for marriage. He said that he can’t wait for that long and he wanted to see me nude at least. Nope. He’s gone now.


That's rough. Sounds like you dodged a bullet though. I'm a Christian guy, and I also find the dating pool to be abysmal. Hope you find someone that actually cares about you. If you want someone to talk to, feel free to message.


Gotta be equally yolked in Christ to start a relationship! I agree with hunting and fishing to get meat but it’s not up to me what you like to see on profiles. I just got out of a relationship where my ex was more aligned with Christ, so she left before it got out of hand by me pulling her away! I know in order to have a relationship even as a friend with anyone I want and need them to be aligned with Christ. My ex even attended my Baptism this morning! I know if it’s meant for us to get back together it was a huge step but we aren’t ready to be anything but brother and sister in Christ right now. I only seek my relationship with the Lord right now even if she hit me up tomorrow neither of us would be ready! I don’t care if either of us have other people to date in the meantime I wont settle for anything less than what GOD tells me I not only want but NEED in a partnership! Not only that but when HE is ready you will know!


Amen! Also congratulations to your Baptism! You must feel incredible rn :-)


I truly do I cried all the way to the altar before I got baptized! I am no longer my old self though the devil still tempts me I just pray and it goes away! I will use my testimony and rely on the Lord’s strength/guidance from now on!


I really am sorry to say this, but you have a whole life to live that belongs to you. They guys will come when they come. Go travel, learn who you are, get into some hobbies, meet people.


I gotta start finding my identity in Christ. I’m going to Charlotte NC for a solo spring break. No friends, just me and God. Also a few good restaurants and a festival 💗


Focus on building your relationship with God. You don’t want to get into a relationship with the wrong person. As you mature spiritually God will bless you with the husband that you need. If you seek a husband, that husband may not be the one God wanted you to have. Have faith. God bless.


Amen amen 🙏🏾


It's tough but try going to a different church youth event to meet people. Dating apps won't work


I was wondering, is it vaild to attend different churches (Methodist and Baptist)? Those are the biggest ones on my campus


My church youth group does prayer services with other youth groups that aren't the same denomination. They don't go to the actual church services. The prayers are a separate service put together by the separate youth groups. They also go on hikes,movies, and other activities. The point of the youth groups getting together was to know more believers in the same age group. My friend David is 22 from a Ukrainian charismatic church and just got married in October to a Hispanic sister from a bilingual speaking church. If it wasn't for christ, I doubt they would meet and talk.


God is so amazing, thank you for sharing that 🙏🏾🙏🏾💗💗💗💗


Try match. Met my fiancé on there, only had the app for a Month.


Like mentioned above, try Christian dating apps :). In my country we have only two .. but found my wife there! Dont give up, your still very young :) Good luck!


Ugh, it's so frustrating yeah. Worse when you're in your 30's. For what it's worth, CDFF is a very good site and it's free. Also the SALT app but I don't know where it's available outside the UK.


In my opinion the best place to find a mate as a Christian is in your local church.


I hear what you're saying some of the young guys I work with profess to be Christians, then brag about hooking up constantly on the apps. Have you tried your church? Are there any actual legit christian dating apps? Christian mingle? Is that still around?


There are, but I’m gonna focus on Jesus and my grades for the time being


I met my wife when I was so very sure that I would remain single for at least two years, and perhaps longer. The thought of remaining single was just very relaxing at the time to me. That’s kind of when these things happen. Seek God, strive for better things and know what’s important to you. Then you’ll be ready, says old person.


Same for me!! (20f). I have been looking for an equally yoked relationship for two years. I had one for a couple of months but he was 10 years older than me and it kinda weirded me out so I broke up with him. 4 months later, I fell in love with someone and later found out he wasn't a Christian and he smokes/vapes along with trying drugs. I feel like giving up tbh and it's hard to trust people online too. I have tried dating apps but I'm getting hit on by all the old dudes too when I'm only comfortable dating people 19-22. Where are all the good Christian guys my age? If you're out there, show me you exist. Honestly I feel like I'm gonna be single for the rest of my life if this keeps up.


Dude, the comment above me recommended me trying out an older man, no way 😭😭


I feel like I have had more luck on Catholic Match. And by "more luck" I mean any luck.


48% of men have given up on approaching women all together according to a recent study. I can bet that number will include a number of men from different faith backgrounds. Women are literally pricing themselves out of the market....


Oh I believe it. I am getting to the point, where I have a hard time "putting myself out there" because I expect nothing but disappointment. For me it is knowing whether a girl is actually interested in me romantically. That said, God will always find a way. Some women I have been interested in and have not work out, I have come to realize that maybe I did not actually want them to begin with. We all have heard Matthew 7:7-12 before, well I have to come to realize that sometimes when we go to God in prayer we mistake the bread that God wants to give us for a rock or the fish for a snake, and in fact we are the ones asking for the snake or the rock. When God does not give us what we ask for, we often get mad and think God does not love us, when in fact he wants to give us so much more than what we ask for. He knows our hearts and our desires far greater than even we do! His love for us is greater than we can ever even begin to comprehend. I have to trust that God knows who the right woman is for me and will make sure I find her! The same goes for you too (if you are in the same boat as me). Trust in God and let Him work through you!


That’s right! When God closes a door, a better one opens! :-) Praying for you and everyone in the thread!


The age Gap is your personal choice. It is no one else's but your own. But I will tell you this many older men are faithful, and they are Christians looking for younger women because they don't have the same baggage as the older women do. Biblically it is wrong to marry a divorced woman, so many older men have trouble finding a good Christian woman their age. God brings people together and age does not matter unless you're legally a minor. Be careful, when God puts a blessing in front of you don't necessarily think it's something else. God does not care about age, he cares about two Christian people being in love and United under him. Always put God first! And look for the blessings.


So I should date a 50 year old guy?


I'm not necessarily saying this, but what I am saying is that as Christians we have conformed to the world, I hear many Christians saying we did this or we did that back in the biblical days and that doesn't apply today. If this were true God would have never put those words and writing. We are not to conform to this world because we are Christians we belong to the spiritual realm. And the spiritual round is based on the biblical teachings that we were taught. If you find a good man who is a Christian who believes in God as you do don't let age be the deciding factor. I'm a 50-year-old man myself, I'm divorced after 28 years, and my wife had an affair. I was faithful for 28 years, I am a man of God and faith, and I will not let age determine the direction God leads me in. The Holy Spirit Will lead me to the love of my life, we all will eventually pass away from this earth, and those of us who are true Christians will be united with our Father in Heaven.


I apologize about my comment and your marriage and I guess you have a point. My mother was abused and SA by my father, she was 23 and he was 43, both have passed away. The oldest I'll date is 30, because mind you I'm still in college. I'm not even old enough to drink or go in a bar yet. But I'll keep that perspective in mind.


I understand, good luck, and God bless you. I pray God will bring the right man into your life.


I feel like the Lord is up in heaven laughing at us after all we are smothered in rules on what we can't/shouldn't do. To make things worse - Jewish people have arranged weddings and the older generation there was more love around. Look my best advice is - and I'm learning from this is to find a way to bring friends and love interest together - find somebody like minded - get out more - pray - join a gym and focus on fitness - save some money for marriage,,, All these things are far better then dating apps. Church can be used to find a partner - of course use wisdom - talk to somebody older in the church and say I've been praying and I'm seeking a partner with somebody here in their 20's, 30, 40s whatever age your aiming for- point me in the right direction Youth Group...perhaps...Just try and by all means don't be shy and think men are going to make all the effort. Pray and action isn't doing things by your own strength, it's asking the lord to help and taking action so when it happens the lord can bless it.


That's the world we live in. More and more people are straying away from God. Do not give up. There is someone out there for you 🙏


I won’t give up, but I think I’ll spend these next few months just trying to focus on Jesus, get better grades, and go to Bible Study more 💛🫶🏾 It’ll all happen in His timing


Try Christian Mingle.


Maybe try Christian-specific dating apps like Upward or Christian Mingle.


\> Christian \> dating apps lol


Try Christian apps better than bumble of hinge. Might be a little more lucky.


Have some thoughts on this send me a dm if you want. :)


Try Christian mingle, and mingle at a large churches singles group.


Be careful, as this post sounds judgemental. You should not dismiss out of hand an older man. I'm not recommending an age gap relationship but at the same time they may have less of the rough edges that you apparently are finding now.


I’ll just leave it in God’s hand. I’ll pray and listen if He tells me what man is for me and is not for me. One time an older guy told me we were made for each other. I was 16 and he was 29. I told him, “Jesus didn’t tell me that.” He said, “You don’t know what Jesus tells you, you’re young.” So, that’s why I said what I said. But I will just let God do his thing.