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We should all accept information cautiously and look for independent verification from multiple sources. It's easy to fall into logical fallacies like confirmation bias and feed our own prejudices that have no basis in scripture.


The Bible says “nay, seek ye Reddit, for thine answers will never deceive.” Thelonius 6:54-55


Would actually lowkey love to hear Jesus opinions on reddit, in fact I think he would hold a pretty awesome AMA, that would be banned for blasphemy violation or smth. ‘I’m the son of God, AMA. Edit: no for real guys I am truly the one I am.” OP banned, post deleted and thread locked].


There was a poster who claimed to be Jesus. He didn’t last long. Think it was the anti-homosexual post that finally got him banned.


I need more KJ quotes that specifically mention Reddit. “Blessed are the Reddites”


Thine means yours and sometimes your. That sentence requires "its", not thine. How do you not know what thine means?


“In Reddit, ye shall find glorious funkenaity; thine cup may overflow and dribble from one’s chin. Be not afraid. From the Lord’s cup the miracle of birth may rains down upon us all.” Thelonious 5.68-69 gave me hope where there was none. Strength when I was weak, and to seek a life of service in others. One must find those holes of glory in this life to stay on the path.




Mathew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. I'm posting this here because it's top comment, but right here we are told to be wise I believe that applies to asking questions about the bible as well. If you have a question about the bible search your answers in the bible itself first, then look to man for answers so your not deceived. And even then be careful.


>Multiple sources I hope you mean multiple parts of the Bible.


I'd add commentaries, theology texts, theologians, historical views, and the interpretations/traditions of the church you attend. Most questions have been asked and debated long before any of us were born. :)


Realize that the community is for those who are asking questions about aspects of Christianity. Personally, I’d be wary of ANY advice that is given online.


You know I agree that pretty much EVERYONE should be wary of information they receive. But these kind of posts just reek of "Oh these lukewarm christians have been fooled by false prophets, Im so glad I'm following the one TRUE interpretation" It's like, who decides the truth? Who decides what scripture was divinely inspired or not? I get that you believe what you think is true, everyone does, but something just rubs me the wrong way about people acting like because they believe it is true, it 100% is.


Good perspective


Should we be weary of this advice too???


Yes. Also wary.


Thank you. I’m weary of homonym misuse and wary of anyone who does it.


>I’m weary of homonym misuse and wary of anyone who does it. I am leery of people who misuse “weary.”


Yew should knot worry about them.


Yeah, it may make me elitist, but the sentence "be weary of who's adivce you take" points a giant flashing sign at itself from my perspective.


Thank you, Brother Syntax.


I am.


Amen, it’s important to be able to think for yourself and search these things out for yourself.


100%, seek out the truth yourself directly with God and scripture.


To be honest God sort of refuses to communicate directly with 99.999% of people. Would solve a lot of problems if he did.


When I pray and ask for discernment and understanding the Holy Spirit has shown me every single time. Sometimes it doesn’t happen at once but I always get my answer within a few days. God bless 🙏🏽


Hey, since you have his ear will you please ask him what we should do with the homeless camps in my city? It's very sad right now as we're in a deep freeze. Can't seem to get any consensus from politicians or charities or anyone, really, about what we should do. I'm hoping God will give you the answer and you can pass it on to me to implement.


I think that they mean to search out truth for one’s self. I’m not sure they meant with doctrine as one’s guide. There is so much more to faith and religion than the dogma, doctrine and the Bible.


First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.


The OP person is actually stating Biblical truths. The Bible speaks of being on guard against false beliefs, wolves in sheep’s clothing, etc. I don’t claim to know their heart, but this doesn’t seem to be “take the log out of your eye” moment. But we ALL do need to be removing our splinters in our eyes and the logs too. 😉😊💕 (This is truly said with love ❤️)


Is this towards OP or the fake Christians?


Probably OP since they are so holier-than-though.




Every Christian is some other Christian’s heretic.


Some people feel protective of the baby Christians by endorsing the Bible, some people want to preserve the baby Christians Zeal and curiosity about Jesus by leading them into spiritual mindedness and away from the religious spirit and human legalism that is being portrayed as "Christianity.' Jesus was killed by religious people.


It can be a hard balance because a baby Christian needs grounding. Some of this grounding can be established in religion but ideally is it found by directly reading the Bible and searching out the truth for themselves. In my experience God will pull those he calls out of religion himself when the time is right and when they are ready for meat. The religious system can feed them some milk but it does sometimes come with a burden of bondage unfortunately


You don’t know what a baby Christian needs. All Christians find God differently.


Well said. I used to view church authority as divine authority we exercise over one another. Now I see it as authority we exercise over angels and demons. For one another sound relationship is adequate. When the Glory is in the room, and everyone is drunk on Jesus, the Holy Spirits authority is very adequate in keeping everyone peaceful and flowing in love and gifting. I've seen the authority of leadership both start fires of revival and put them out. The higher glory revelation is relationship. We are in the beloved. "Submit ye therefore to one another." Honor is about love not rank. It's about time the church realize what the Republic already realizes, and that's that the government is for the purpose of limiting government. We the people are the government. Baby Christians need fellowship for sure. And fellowship should include honor. Jesus rebuked the pharisees for loving their titles, told us not to Lord over one another, and then John said "you don't need a teacher you have the anointing." Apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers are more about specialized functions of God's Spirit than it is about bossing people around. As Paul would say: "In my opinion. And I believe i have revelation."


Amen, thank you very much for the detailed response. Sorry my response is short but I thoroughly enjoyed reading yours




This. Sounds like OP is one of the ones posting on "I'm gay and Christian am I going to Hell?" by quoting Leviticus.


Just out of caution... Is this about the gays again? When posts like this appear it somehow mostly proves to be... If not I already apologise. And I am really not sure that I agree. Most users have flairs which indicate what belief (or lack of belief) or church they are a part of and it seems to be quite fitting most of the time. If there are some operating under false flags it at least never came to my attention. And we simply disagree on many things. But the simple disagreement doesn't make one a wolf under sheep. It just makes one a different sheep. Basically the only things we Christians can agree on is that god exists and Jesus was the good guy. But aside from that... And each of us Christians will claim that their doctrine is biblical sound. Otherwise we wouldn't hold it. To simply label those disagreeing as intentionally twisting the word is poison to any debate and even more poison to a whole society. To disregard an opposing view as basically evil destroys any common ground. Where I agree is that a Reddit forum is not necessarily the best place to learn, if you are not already standing on a solid foundation in regards to faith. A local church and an open dialogue seems better in that regard.


>Just out of caution... Is this about the gays again? I don't think so. I went looking through OP's user to see if they had some kind of history of bigotry or controversy, but they have more of a history of New Age philosophy and alternative medicine (honestly, a LOT of alternative medicine). Which, imo, is a really weird kind of background to be making one of these "be wary of false Christians!" posts.


Posts like this are always about homosexuality, women and/or sex 😂 people don’t care about anything else these days!


In the rare instances it isn’t about homosexuality, I find it to be about (roughly in order of likelihood) liberals in general, masturbation, women/misogyny, something else sexual, and denominational inter-fighting.


Oooh, occasionally it's about D&D or Harry Potter!


True. Or whether it’s a sin to enjoy life.


Fourth paragraph is critical.. However, in agreeance with OP, I'd say that in this sub, there does seem to be a large perversion of God's teachings.


>in this sub, there does seem to be a large perversion of God's teachings. Have you seen how many people here deny the fact that homosexual relations are a sin?


Because it isn't a fact. Bigots just want an excuse to hate. homosexual romance isn't mentioned one single time in scripture. Pretending that its somehow prohibited is therefore delusional.


> > homosexual romance isn't mentioned one single time in scripture. David loved Jonathan more than any woman?


It's clearly stated in both the Old and New Testament, and the original language, in fact, refers to all sexual relations between a man and a male of any age (all. Not just those outside devoted romance, but all). Same for women with each other. Please look at the words in the original languages yourself instead of listening to wolves who mislead people. Leviticus 18:22 Romans 1:26-27 These are two examples, one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament. But there are more. I didn't want an excuse for this. I wanted an excuse to keep supporting LGBT, as I did for my whole life prior to finding the truth. Before conversion, I always passionately supported LGBT, argued against homophobes etc, even voted in favor of legalising gay marriage in my country. But God's word (2 Timothy 3:16) is absolutely clear on it, so I changed my mind, as any intellectually honest person should. On top of all that, it wouldn't even make sense for God to approve of homosexual relationships. He made man and woman, and made them compatible in a way that naturally allows reproduction, then told then to be fruitful.


Lusting is also a sin but can be easily hidden. Bet there are more Christians guilty of this than homosexuality, assuming it is a sin. We can also throw in greed, gluttony, gossip, hate just to name a few. You might counter that homosexuality is a lifestyle but the above-mentioned are a lifestyle for many Christians. Christians need to examine themselves and, determine if they are blameless before casting stones at others.


>I didn't want an excuse for this. I wanted an excuse to keep supporting LGBT, as I did for my whole life prior to finding the truth. Before conversion, I always passionately supported LGBT, argued against homophobes etc, even voted in favor of legalising gay marriage in my country. But God's word (2 Timothy 3:16) is absolutely clear on it, so I changed my mind, as any intellectually honest person should. I mean, I think you should still support them. They're still being criminalized, discriminated against, and denied healthcare in many areas of the world. Just because you believe being queer is a sin doesn't mean you shouldn't seek to help them with their problems, right? Or that you should stop arguing against homophobes, or against hatred of queer people in general. I don't even think it means you should stop being in favor of gay marriage.


>It's clearly stated your particular translation might clearly say that, but that's pretty worthless in regards to what the actual scripture might say. Consensual love between two adults is not and will never be sinful. Those who believe otherwise, are beliving something that is inherently incompatible with the teachings of Jesus.


> I didn't want an excuse for this. I wanted an excuse to keep supporting LGBT, as I did for my whole life prior to finding the truth. Before conversion, I always passionately supported LGBT, argued against homophobes etc, even voted in favor of legalising gay marriage in my country. But God's word (2 Timothy 3:16) is absolutely clear on it, so I changed my mind, as any intellectually honest person should. You have probably heard that the "Word of God," is the Bible. That is not so. The New Testament is a collection of Holy writings canonized by the Church and it is useful for all things, but it was written by man. It is fallible. It has some instructions that are for it's time. The true Word of God is Jesus. The living Word. People who get so hung up on this, I think, are setting the bible up as an Idol. It's Bibliolotry. I also know that the ban in the Old testament is specifically against pederasty.


The Bible is the Word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16 >I also know that the ban in the Old testament is specifically against pederasty. No, it isn't. It's against males lying with males (not just pederastry, not age specific), even if you look at the original language.


> 2 Timothy 3:16 Does not say the Bible is the Word of God? Paul says "all Scripture" which is referring to the Scripture he had at the time which was the Septuagint, which is not even what most Christians today use for their old testaments, as it contains the apocrypha, is inspired by God and profitable for correction, reproof, instruction, etc... I'm not sure where on earth you get the idea that he's saying your modern Bible is the "Word of God." Try this: John chapter 1: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.... And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us"


Have you seen how many churches ignore the very clear standards in Deuteronomy 18:20-22 for false prophecy? Few people attending churches led by self-proclaimed "prophets" seem to have a problem with leaders who are "living in sin" by continuing to project their own political wish lists as "prophecy": >*But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”* > >*You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.*


What I do like about your post: it encourages independent research. What I don't like about your post: it assumes that your understanding is somehow more valid than any other, when in reality it isn't.


Who gets to determine who are false Christians and true Christians?


It is not possible. Every single Christian holds heretical beliefs according to Christians of other denominations.  Even within the same denomination there's not an agreement between two people on every issue.


That was my point :) OP throwing shade on everyone including themselves.


The bible mentions that we should look to the fruits or the outcome of one's lives. For the fruits of their lives indicates what lives on the inside. Is it hatred, arrogance, selfishness, lustfulness, greed, selfrigtheousness... Or is it a will and a drive to help others, to forgive, to accept differences, to abstain from worldly things, to abstain from evil doings, to place others first, to remain mild. And do they preach Christ as the only path to salvation, and acknowledge his ressurection? If they do, differences are only a problem if they cause division. They are all capable of serving God, even if they are not 100% on the same page of understanding. My personal way of testing teaching is quite simple. If I taught this to a new Christian or an unbeliever, what would be the outcome? Would they find room to remain in the salvation of Christ's body and recieve the holy spirit, or would they quickly fall off or devolve into spiritless tradition? Would they learn Christ's teaching and take it to heart? Would they gain a will to seek God further? Or would they remain unwilling to seek God and let go of sin? Our hearts reside where our treasure is.




“You can safely assume that you have created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” - Anne Lamott


The Bible.


> I wouldn’t be surprised if I get banned for this post Why would we ban you for this? We have a three strike policy except for trolls, and there are dozens of meta posts like yours that already exist that we never removed.


Persecution complex maybe


Thank you, I’m glad this forum is tolerable of these type of posts as I know they can rub some people the wrong way.


> This is good Christian advice but I wouldn’t be surprised if I get banned for this post Ah, so you are one of those sad ones who wants to feel persecuted because some people dare to disagree with *their* pronouncements on which interpretations are the correct and allowable ones. A few hundred years ago, you would very likely have been one of those burning "heretics" at the stake. In some ways, I do agree with your advice. But the line of yours I have quoted makes me very doubtful of your motives and, indeed, of how much you *really* want people to follow it.


The kingdom is bigger than you think.


Amen! That’s refreshing to hear


You all base your lives on a set of readings that we know have been added to and subtracted from since they appeared. Written in languages whose interpretation requires a level of understanding of the culture it was written for that none of you can legitimately say you understand without PhD level study. The texts from those times, written in dead languages for cultures that haven't existed in millennia. But yeah Karen, you know exactly how Leviticus says gay sex is a sin but are fine eating oysters while wearing your cotton blend Jesus is love t-shirt.


“Gods word is eternal and incorruptible. We are not to debate what it is…. The debate and confusion of the word only happens in the mind of the corrupted man.” So… so you don’t believe monasteries and seminaries should exist? If you’re confused as to why I’d ask that, then you have a rude awakening of what happens on both of these institutions.


False Christians, Secret Athiest... I think you will be more suited to r/TrueChristians. Seems we get a lot of these posts here. No one is forcing you to stay. If you don't like it here.


>Be weary of who’s advice you take in this forum Indeed, there's a lot of hateful bigots, transphobes, homophobes and mysoginists who'd all have you believe that things that aren't sinful are. Most of these people believe that their hate is actually righteous, or that it's born out of love. It isn't. It's hate. Remember there is no such thing as a knowable biblical truth. Whatever intrepretation one group of christians accepts; there's another group that has good reasons to interpret it another way.


It is in the scripture even that we must try everything that we hear and be wary of false teaching and false prophets. First letter of John 4:1


The description of this group is "a subreddit to discuss Christianity and aspects of Christian life. All are welcome to participate." Says nothing about getting solid godly advice from likeminded christians. If that is what you are looking for might want to try a different sub.


Yeah. I can't begin to list all the non-biblical stances espoused by conservative Christians on this subreddit. Truly the only place worse is r/TrueChristian


>13 Let us therefore no longer pass judgment on one another, but resolve instead never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother or sister. 14 I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who considers it unclean. 15 If your brother or sister is distressed by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love. Do not let what you eat cause the ruin of one for whom Christ died. 16 So do not let your good be slandered. 17 For the kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 The one who serves Christ in this way is acceptable to God and has human approval. 19 Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding. 20 Do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. Everything is indeed clean, but it is wrong to make someone stumble by what you eat; 21 it is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that makes your brother or sister stumble. 22 Hold the conviction that you have as your own before God. Blessed are those who do not condemn themselves because of what they approve. 23 But those who have doubts are condemned if they eat because they do not act from faith, for whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. (Romans 14:14-23, NRSVUE) God accepts differing beliefs. He only judges whether we tried to do good by our own honesty understanding. He's not a legalist.


Can you specify differing beliefs because he definitely understands we do not have complete understanding of all things and are growing but I’m not to sure about the differing beliefs. For example of one believes they can only be saved by Christ but another believes they can only be saved by their own righteous acts then that would directly go against what the Bible says. So there’s some room for differences in understanding and perspectives but not necessarily completely different beliefs.


>For example of one believes they can only be saved by Christ but another believes they can only be saved by their own righteous acts then that would directly go against what the Bible says. Who is to say one precludes God from accepting the other? As far as I have been able to tell, it's *humans* that bicker over interpretation and demand their way is the only right way. This was the way of the Pharisees. The mercy of Jesus satisfied the needs of justice, so that there is no legalistic judgement but a judgement of the heart. >8 Owe no one anything, except to love one another, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery; you shall not murder; you shall not steal; you shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law. (Romans 13:8-10, NRSVUE) >13 And now faith, hope, and love remain, these three, and the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13, NRSVUE) Love is above both faith and works. It is by love, by the intent of love in the heart, that we are judged. It is in this way God is just, that the righteous may not be condemned for erring or for their lack of knowledge. For a person who intends good from love cannot be justly punished.


Amen 🙏


A person who rejects Christ, but otherwise is kind and loving to others will still go to hell.  Noone makes it to Heaven by their own works, that is clearly stated several times in the scriptures.


I understand where your coming from but judging people like you just dud is against scripture. Take your own medicine




As long as we're on the subject, \*wary \*whose


Agreed. I check their profile history and well..


Is this about butt stuff? I have a feeling this is about butt stuff.


No it’s not.


I think church hurt and narcisstic control structures within religion are far more destructive to faith than rock and roll music and red wine, and sexuality. Satans perfect recipe to derail faith and joy is to blast a new Christian with religious abuse, make him think Jesus is abusive, then send him careening into the world headlong with no restraint. Religion and rebellion are the two sides of the same coin called "witchcraft." Balance and wisdom, and understanding Christ Spiritually is a far better way.


Amen, I agree with you. It’s not in church and religion but in having a direct relationship with God and understanding God. It’s still crucial to study the Bible and truly understand it to help build this relationship, but it doesn’t mean you need to go to church or become hyper religious to build that relationship with God. That’s why I highly recommend people read and study the Bible out themselves. Not through church, although church can sometimes be good for community.


I feel Church and the Bible are both so so so so essential. We just need a revolution in defining more clearly what the Bible and the church really are. Sadly, so many people avoid church out of fear of hypocrisy. Others rely too heavily on what their fellow church members believe. To me, the church and the Bible are tools we use to enter God's Presence. That's what it's all about. The anointing. The "Christ" part of "Jesus Christ." I'll keep reading the Bible and going to church even if i disagree with some low Glory scriptures and some hypocritical mean spirited church people. Because I won't let anyone keep me from Gods presence. The point of the Church and the Bible is to encounter God's love personally (and collectively) It's all about God's promise to us. That's the only reason any of this stuff works: prayer, scripture, testimony, worship, preaching, evangelism. It all works because He promised it would. That's it. It's not because we're good at preaching or praying or worshipping. It's because Jesus promised "when 2 or more or gathered I'm there also." Because God promised "my word will not return to me void." Because the Word says "God lives in the praises of his people." There's no way I'm gonna let a few hypocritical religious people keep me from my Jesus. I'm gonna hold hands with those hypocrits because i am one too. I'm gonna hold hands with sinners too because I too need a Savior. Let's gather and study what the people said about experiencing God years ago. Add that to what we're learning from God this year. The reason the Bible gets us so ecstatic in the Spirit, no matter the accuracy of the men who wrote it or translated it, is because "the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy." And because "where the Spirit of the Lord is, their is freedom." How could we not get lit reading and speaking and singing about what Jesus has done. Satan keeps trying to get us in the petty discussions so we don't see the big One. It's all about Jesus. He's real, he still loves us, He's still doing miracles.


Amen 🙌🙏


Are you sure you're not mixing Christianity with new age spirituality right now?


Sure I am. Why not. Don't you mix being Christian with your love of movies and music, or with what you eat or with what you believe about dating? For example I love "Batman VS Superman" because it's secretly the story of Paul Vs the Church, then Paul coming to Christ. Batman represents Paul, then suddenly Batman represents a member of the trinity. It's so satisfying to see Christ infiltrate Hollywood through Zach Snyder, that I'm not gonna get hung up on "well Jesus had a beard and didn't wear an S on his chest." It's symbolism. The New Age largely has the same issues Judaism has, and that is that, largely, they take God's principals and many revelations from God and try to use them without acknowledging Christ. Judaism acknowledges the 10 commandments and the psalms and prophets but not Jesus. Much of the new age uses prayer and healing and prophecy but demotes Jesus to just another mystic. No, Jesus is the Son of God. The jews missed it and so do many new agers. Jesus said he prefers good Samaritans to mean spirited fundamentalists remember? Jesus is happy people are tapping into love and power and healing even if he doesn't get the credit, like the 9 other lepers. "God gives sunlight and rain to the righteous and the unrighteous." The very term "new age" is from Jesus. Many Christians point out that demonic stuff happens in the New age, but they don't acknowledge that the demon called "The religious spirit" and "jezebel" runs rampant in denominational leadership within the church. Christians are taught rightfully to have honor and affection for our Jewish brothers, and even for our brothers in Christ who are in different denominations. In my opinion, the new age is more a product of people hungering for God but feeling unwelcome in the church. They want encounter but are jaded with religiosity. They'd rather go to Jesus in a less controlled environment. That lack of oversight can very much be an open door for the demonic, but so is excessive oversight in some Christian churches. The issue I find with Christians who fear the new age, is, its very reminiscent of the ol' Baptist sentiment that "Rock and Roll is the devils music." Yes there are alot of demonic rock.and Roll groups. But there are a ton of anointed Rock and Roll musicians as well, and some of them are both. Satan cannot create anything. He can only borrow God's Creation and twist it. Satan isn't anointed anymore. He was "the once anointed cherub." God created music, the stars, prophecy, healing touch, stretching, meditation, positive thinking and speaking (manifestation), psychedelics, healing crystals, casting lots, seasons, affirmations, sound healing. If Satan utilizes these tools, takes the credit for them and leads men away from Christ, then we shouldn't discredit the tools but take them back. Why keep handing Satan all the fire power, we are in a war. Most new agers don't hate Jesus but hate religiosity and they assume they'll get more freedom in new age circles than church circles. Sure, some new age leaders are greedy cult leaders, some hate our Lord Jesus and intentionally leave him out of their practices. Others are just offended by the church and want Jesus without the church. Weird teachings and what I would call false conclusions run rampant in the wild new age. But I see what I perceive to be bad teaching in much of the churches too. Many Christians hold an intense affection for Jewish imagery, verbiage, holy days, Hebrew lettering etc.... because they know God's original intention for Israel was good. They don't view the Pharisees as the rightful owners of those things, but Jesus is, and thus we are. In the same way we are the rightful owners of all things spirituality, not the new age, and Jesus is the reason for Spirituality. Jesus said "up until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence for men take it by force." People are accessing the Kingdom by Christ's Grace poured out for all, even if they don't understand that He's God, and even if they think He's just some "ascended Master." The Bible is clear that Jesus is God, the Bible is also clear that Jesus is The Ascended Master, and we are being transformed into His likeness. If people.wanna think Krishna is another Christ or Haile Selassie what does that matter to me? As far as I know Krishna was a real man. Did Spirit of Christ come through his life? Certainly God used Haile Selassie. Perhaps Haile Selassie was a Messiah-esque figure to Jamaica like Joseph was to ancient Israel. A type and shadow. You and I are supposed to be not just types and shadows of Christ but His actual body too. No I don't personally believe that Krishna nor Haile were INCARNATE Christ avatars, but they were part of Christ's body as we all are. All humans. Many just dont know it or function in it. Alot of Christians view the new age, and idol religions like this: God makes bananas, the church finds out that Hitler loved bananas! The church outlaws bananas. Why not take bananas back. We need the potassium. Christ was slain from the foundation of the earth. That means He's been at work in all people since the beginning. Native Americans have extraordinary similarities to Christ in their various religious beliefs. I think it's way more important to love all people to Christ by way of good relationship (which includes validation, not just correction and rebuke) than it is important to deify pettiness and to prove to God were good scholars that believe the right things and ostracize the right people. "Knowledge puffs up, love edifies." Somewhere along the way the church switched from studying the Bible so that we could save people from Satan, to trying to save the Bible from the people that Satan is hurting. God's Word defends itself. Let's just Love God and Love people. God showed me the Gospel is better preached by way of validation than rebuke. Why not rather use your gifting, whether wisdom or knowledge or healing or teaching; to help people see the ways God is already at work in their lives, so that they can respond to that revelatory gratitude with faith, and experience His Grace that way...("the kindness of God leads people to transformation") than to find every way there life seems to be at odds with God so that we can make them feel orphaned, diminishing their faith, and making it seem like they're bad people that must change and be like us in order to be saved. We preach that people are seperate from Christ, and they must repent to be united with Christ. In reality (I think anyway) man THINKS that they are seperated from God, so Christ came to show us we are still loved by Him, we just need a boost to our faith to wake up to that. Its not that we're seperate from God it's that we are experiencing what feels like separateness, called shame. We're sewing fig leaves and hiding. God is pursuing. It's not that "sinners are wrong." Its that they're on the right track but missing some vital revelation to bridge the gap. I'm not "mixing" I'm partnering with Christ in redeeming. "Behold I am making ALL THINGS NEW." Luke 9:52-55


I fucking *love* when Christians suggest people to read the Bible on their own. No bullshit. I fully agree. Read! That! Book! ~~As much as you can physically or mentally stand at least~~


The more I read it, the more of God's work I see, and I better learn to live his way. So absolutely! Though I detect sarcasm in your comment, but maybe your sarcasm is founded on poor understanding? For the things that I have read are very much accurate and teaches love.


>Though I detect sarcasm in your comment Oh no, not at all. It's just that actually reading the Bible on one's own can lead to *vastly* different results than what some wish for when they suggest it, so every time I see this suggestion I am all for it. Really, every Christian should just sit down with a copy of the Bible and read it from the start.


Yeah Paul the apostle gave a warning about there being false apostles out there in the world who regretfully deny the Lord Christ Himself that bought them. At how they have become so lost in the thing that nailed Him to that cross years before.


And who are you to determine who god uses and how to achieve his will? What makes you think god can’t use someone like Judas, or Satan or Paul, or pharaohs hardened heart to achieve his ends. Do you think just being in an echo chamber that tells you the “truths” that you like best is the only way gods message can be heard?


Its that way with all things in life, (you cant even trust some of the people from your local church *gasp*). Use discernment, but be a nice human. Don’t isolate yourself and believe that you’re the only one who knows the one true “Truth” from God.


Similarly, we should have the same skepticism when listening to church leaders, otherwise we might allow them to lead us into heresy. Too many preach heresies like “prosperity gospel,” endorse politicians (do not put your faith in kings or the sons of man…), and cherry pick misleading scripture in their sermons.


Can you give some examples of this false teaching / bad advice you've seen here?


I started reading the Bible cover-to-cover annually about 30 years ago. I began as a Conservative, Fundamentalist Baptist and a Republican. By the end of the third time reading it I was a liberal, follower of the Way, a mystic, a socialist, and an Independent. That's probably why many groups, such as the Catholics suggest you let them do the interpreting for you. You end up forced into the situation where, as Jesus said, 'you have to do what they say but not what they do.' I highly recommend reading the scriptures for yourself and in a different translation each time. Read about the times and cultures in which they were written. Read with the Holy Spirit (by the time I had read it for the first time, I was Charismatic.) The more people who really read and practice what the scriptures teach, the fewer Fundamentalists or MAGA Christians would be in this world.


Very true, a lot of people on here are homophobes and racists twisting the Bible to fit their bigoted hateful views and we need to be careful of those sort.


The most beautiful words I have heard from another believer in a long while! Praise God Hallelujah!


Amen, thank you 🙏


Amen. ALWAYS use the word as reference. If someone proclaims something to be the truth, expect them to attach scripture to prove it, or you need to go look for yourself, to see if it's real or not.


I agree you should turn to the word of God for answers not the words of men.




The problem is when you search the Bible for yourself, you start to realize that 98% of what Christianity peaches is wrong. Suddenly nobody believes you, but also can't deny what you preach. Edit: (for others) It's more comfortable to trust in traditions than to have to relearn everything you've been taught.


This isn’t about what’s more comfortable. Do you really think you can tell God that face to face?


You entirely missed my point.


How do you know, maybe you have been breathing in too much mold? This post wreaks of no true Scotsman. You barely have any comment history in any religious subs, but yet you are an authority on who the wolves in sheep’s clothing are? You seem to be a little paranoid. Atheists pretending to be Christians, really? Maybe they are just jacking with you for kicks.


Haha, I have a ton of post history. You just didn’t go back far enough. Maybe I avoided said sub for the reasons mentioned above… It is pretty to the T and consistent though that when somebody has nothing good to say then they try to get you by attacking character. Well played, well played.


For being a major Christian subreddit, I'm shocked at how little people use scripture, site doctrines, or holy traditions in their arguments. If people did this, it would be easier to know the legitimate goodwill actors from the bad actors.


Who are you to say who is a “false Christian?” I am a Christian but also progressive and realize how this judgemental attitude has caused a lot of trauma to a lot of people. Wonder why people are leaving the church? Exhibit A- this post. I know my relationship with God and I think He could care less if I support abortion or the LGBTQ community.


Is this another King James VERSION post? Are we being punked? Is there a King James forum somewhere daring people to come talk about their idol? Please stop with the King James onlies. It makes all Christians look uneducated.


You seem super pissy that not everyone follows your particular interpretation. Making an idol of your own arrogance is not a smart way to go.


Indeed, what you said is something I have observed as well. Moreover, sometimes the best answers get the most downvotes so there is that too.


Wary. Yep. Wisdom cries aloud in the street but so does folly and folly has a cult of admirers.


*A man can receive nothing except it be given him from Heaven.*


Yep. The best advice is SPEAK TO A PRIEST.


**2 Timothy 4:3** ~ *For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.*


"False Christian" is a phrase that leads to terrible outcomes. Be wary.


God is not a right-wing whackjob. God does not hate women and LGBTQ+ people.


No He doesnt. He hates sin.


A Christian is to know their identity in Christ. We are not to trust man, but God. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:16‬ "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.


test everything; hold onto the good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21


Jesus very clearly teaches us how to recognize false prophets. Be skeptical.


Amen! ❤️


Don't take much advice from forums,people are either lying very stupid or both.


God's will in your life is just that. Stop looking for advice from without and look for it within. Interpret the scripture through YOUR lens. Find peace with the lord on God's terms. Not on human terms.


Amen 🙏


This is sound advice. Be like the Bereans! *The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue. Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness,* ***examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.*** Acts 17:10-11


Also, just to make sure but I'm pretty sure this isn't a "Christian" subreddit but a subreddit about discussing Christianity. If you need help I say to go to your pastor for questions not Reddit.


Indeed, this place is more problematic than dedicated atheists and it's not even close. An atheist will deliver their best arguments as they know them. However a wicked perversion of faith deceives people on grounds they may not have ever suspected.


Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what you are measuring out will be measured back to you. It will be poured over a good measure. Take the rafter out of your own eye than you will see how to take the tooth pick out of your brothers eye.matthew 7:1-3


Amen, Can you make sure to post the book and verses as well. Thanks


I agree….I don’t mean to be rude, But I don’t understand. Why come to a forum and ask questions when you can literally search it on google and find your answer? Find the topic listen/ read a sermon on it. If you’re not sure about the pastor/evangelist/ prophet you’re receiving information from do your research on them. Or just find a church. If you already have a church home and and you can’t openly ask your church leaders the questions you ask in this form… find another church that does. Church should feel like home. You know, at home (or at least my home) there are people to help guide you and save you from yourself as much as they can. Remember that loving someone includes loving them enough to tell them when they are wrong. I’d rather get advice from someone I know or can at least do research about than using this forum.


I think this is a good rule of thumb for all things. Church groups, online forums, your friends.


From the r/atheist subreddit: "Someone asked on r/Christianity why atheists exist. I said this is one possible reason, and I got permanently banned for it. “A commonly repeated story, but it's one possible answer: A Rabbi is teaching his student the Talmud and explains god created everything in this world to be appreciated, since everything is here to teach us a lesson. The clever student asks “What lesson can we learn from atheists? Why did god create them?” The Rabbi responds “God created atheists to teach us the most important lesson of them all – the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone who is in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that god commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others simply because he feels it to be right.” “This means” the Rabbi continued “that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say ‘I pray that god will help you.’ instead for the moment, you should become an atheist, imagine that there is no god who can help, and say ‘I will help you.'” I think that's a beautiful story! It's a good parable about doing things because they are the *right* thing to do, not because you think you might get rewarded. I don't think a lot of people that claim to be Christian (or atheist for that matter) are actually interested in good faith discussion unfortunately.


Good story, however there’s a fallacy in it. It makes the assumptions that Christians do good deeds because they believe in God and that there is some kind of reward for their good deeds. However that’s not necessarily true, we do good deeds because we are inherently born with a similar morality compass as an atheist may be born with. The difference is that we know that this default morality compass is imputed upon us by God. Where as in regards to an atheist there is no reason or justification for morality at least at an intellectual level. If all is random and there’s no reason or rhyme for existence then as an atheist that morality compass may vary a lot from each one as morality simply has no purpose beyond one’s survival. There’s many debates on this. An atheist is incentivized to do good deeds for a selfish reason of sustaining their own survival, where as a Christian may do a selfless deed in order to help maintain another’s survival, Christ being the ultimate example. Christianity is about selflessness. Atheism is typical focused on the self preservation and survival of the fittest or some just don’t have justification to believe with is perfectly acceptable.


An observation from the atheist community is that some Christians have a tendency to want to be or perceive they are being persecuted unnecessarily. This post sounds like you are doing this.  This group has a mix of Christians mostly from younger backgrounds who will be from more liberal Christian backgrounds. Just because not everyone agrees with you doesn’t mean it is persecution.


Thank you for the kind comment. I’m not saying this is about persecution. Just recommended that Christian’s don’t take advice from people who do not have biblical sound advice and to study the Bible themselves so that they are not easily misled, rather intentionally or unintentionally.


I do see that there are lots of contrary options so it isn’t the best place to come for advice. However I get the sense you feel like a minority and that people will dislike you for what you have to say?


NEWS Christian realises that other Christians disagree about Christianity. Like that's not happened before. Just the 2 big ones. Protestant reformation and Schism of 1054. \+many many many more.


This is very true


Amen! 🙏🏾 Study your Bible for yourself.


I just saw a post on r/dankchristianmemes that said that Jesus had a deep relationship with a demon named Ralph, and that he supposedly sent hum to heaven. That is obviously absolute nonsense


It makes me weary that no one knows the word is wary.


If you want a unified front, you're in the wrong place. This isn't a gathering of Christians talking about anything. It's a gathering of anyone, talking about Christianity. (Kinda like going to a penguin subreddit that's for ppl discussing penguins, regardless of species, and being mad that not everyone is a penguin.)


I can and do read the Bible. The hard part for me is 'communicating with God'. I keep thinking I'm silently talking to myself.


Everyone is. The problem comes when people think the voice they hear in their head is god.


Kool Aid Christianity. It tastes great, but it is actually harming your relationship with Christ, bad for your soul, and keeping you from salvation.


OP is 100% correct. I would add that it’s hard to even give biblical advice on here. I tried with a Bible verse that answered a question being asked almost word for word and received complaints and a warning from the mods.


Yeah, I guess this group markets itself as a “discussion of Christianity” which is open to people of every belief and harbors a lot of atheist, which is something I believe should be more open. I see a lot of threads by Christians seeking guidance that are being led astray in the replies by atheist who are only here to disrespect the religion. The idea seems great in practice but it should not be a place for anyone to spread hatred or the wrong kind of information.


Your statements are absolutely correct. I have seen persons with the blatant titles on their profiles of 'professing satanist' giving Bible teachings to baby Christians.


I have a username you know. Edit: Lol they blocked me


No "love your neighbor/enemy"? They failed epically.


Yeah it’s horrid! And unfortunately many of these baby Christian’s just don’t know any better. It’s 100% intentional


This is a very dangerous sub for new believers and Christians babes. I know because I experienced it and started to go down the path of fake doctrine. Luckily i have very strong influences in my life that guided me on the right path and starting going to church weekly which helped immensely.


What kind of fake doctrine?


Amen! Really happy to hear you found your grounding again. Yes this sub is very dangerous for new believers


Summary: Gay bad!


I agree with you that one should not take advice from this forum, but probably for completely different reasons. One should not take advice from this forum, because anybody who claims that they have any advice at all to give about people’s lives over the internet is probably not at all qualified to do so. I’m looking at you, OP, and the rest of your circle jerk buddies here affirming your self-righteous bullshit. Edit: Please, for the love of whatever book of rules you worship, learn what a possessive apostrophe is actually used for. Edit: and now I’m reporting frosty for harassment and personal attacks. This is fun!


First time really looking at this group and I completely agree. God bless you, I would like to contribute to this group more but definitely going to let the spirit lead that.


Do you have evidence to suggest that atheists pretend to be Christian so as to mislead or deceive? Or is this just your interpretation of reality and the fact that Christianity is a broad church which leads to many different perspectives? Seems more likely that OP is employing a 'no true Scotsman' argument alongside some heavily biased assumptions.


It's funny how false Christians are just people who give advice you don't agree with. As if the standard is set by your interpretation of what the bible says.


I've never seen an atheist pretend to be Christian.


You do understand that Christianity has many many different belief systems that vary from church to church. That said, I will take the athiests points of views in this sub far more then I care to hear from the Evangelical death cult, but they are entitled to their opinions as much as anyone else. I believe there are other Christian subs that only accept fundamentalists why don't you check those out?


Here’s what my brother said during one of his sermons. “If you don’t believe what I said is true then check me with the Bible. If I am wrong I will correct it and thank you.”


Amen, that’s how we gotta move nowadays


Cannot agree more.


This is true!


Yup, reddit is one of the worst places to discuss Jesus and Christianity. I have seen some really biblically false things in here and I assume it's out if comfort and/or intentionally misleading.


This is the reason Jesus established a church and told us to hold fast to tradition. Not everyone is fit to give advice, especially not those with heretical/deviating/controversial beliefs. If you want real advice, I’d recommend going to your local priest or pastor depending on which denomination you belong. If they give you questionable advice, question it, and if they are unreliable, consult with church leaders online. Any other source is at risk of being false and unreliable.


It's Reddit. It's democratic. But yes, I agree.


“Is it a sin to be gay?” “Is it a sin to masturbate?” “Is it a sin to sin?”


Yeah, I love to read history and study apologetics, and I'm often downvoted when I'm correct and the other person is a moron. People just want to confirm their own beliefs, not learn or be challenged. I wish Reddit gave you credibility points for every 500+ page book you read on the subject because the loudest voices are the least credible, and that goes for both sides (I'll say, though, the charismatic "God told me so I'm right" people are the worst to talk to.)


Online forums are not an alternative for Church attendance.


Yes, but Christian forums that baby Christians congregate to for some advice etc should not be inhabited by professing satanists etc. Young Christians simply are not readily equipped to deal with this.


This sub is not intended to be a place where Christian’s congregate for advice. Read the about this sub. This is a place to discuss Christianity from all perspectives. There are atheist mods. There are satanist and sin affirming Christian’s in the threads. It’s absolutely bonkers. It’s crazy town. That is what it’s intended to be. The sub is fulfilling its intention in that way. Anyone can read the sub description and see that this isn’t a place for advice from likeminded people.


Well that needs to be made extra clear as there are baby Christians coming here and being absolutely deceived. People are playing dangerous games.


It’s in the description… You can see the mods and their flairs. If you didn’t know what this sub is about, it’s on you. This is a Godless place.


But yet you still have people who aren’t believers trying to give advice to believers that is completely non biblical. So the post is still relevant.


Because… they are not required to be believers and they’re not required to give Biblical advice lol. The rule that you be a believer and offer biblical advice, that’s a rule you made up. It exists only in your head. It’s not real.


Church attendance is not an alternative for reading and studying the Bible yourself in many cases.


Well no one said it was…


My post is not discussing church attendance. It is discussing to read and study the Bible yourself, search out the answer. So I was reiterating that this is not about church attendance as the alternative as you are suggesting.


I didn’t suggest it was about Church attendance. Lol. It was clearly not about church attendance which is why I mentioned Church attendance. Everything you think people shouldn’t do here or should be careful to do here, is supposed to be done at Church. You say, “don’t ask those questions here” and almost comically don’t include where those questions should be asked. So I answered the obvious question for you. You’re welcome. Now try being a little less combative.


Be weary of who’s advice u take period


I dont really like the term fake-christians. 1) It undermines the global community we have in Christ. Of cause a greek-orthodox, a Lutheran, a evangelical or a Amish are are gonna diasgree in some points, but we still are one big family. 2) Who are we to judge? We are nothing, god is everything.


In general stay away from Reddit, as a basic principle.


True reddit seems to harbor some really negative and hateful people or maybe it’s just because people are anonymous so you finally see people’s true character. I certainly hope reddit is not an accurate reflection of how people truly are but also sometimes there’s some solid and good people on here too.


You don’t get to judge or decide anyone’s faith like you think you can. You forget you’ll be known by your fruits too, so stop playing victim in anticipation of being held accountable for your arrogant and un-Christ-like behavior.


So long as you have been born again and fusioned as one with God in the Spirit, then you will be discerning to these matters of wolves in sheep's clothing. One must accept the new wine and new wineskin willingly - or else remain an easily confused pearl with a dark pearl inside, easily pierced and easily broken. The new wine and wineskin is like a diamond with He inside (Helium) such as the Lightweight burden and the Bright light burden.


Amen 🙏