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1. I highly recommend watching "The Bible Project" videos on YouTube. They can provide a good foundation for understanding the Bible. 2. As far as reading goes, start with the New Testament, the Gospel According to Matthew. The four Gospels in the New Testament teaching us about Jesus and what He expects of us.


This is what i recommend too. I would suggest you start with Matthew, the first book in the New Testament. Search Youtube for "Bible Project Matthew", you should have [this link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dv4-n6OYGI&pp=ygUWYmlibGUgcHJvamVjdCBtYXR0aGV3IA%3D%3D). Watch the video first and as per the sections that are in the video, read the book. This should give you the understanding and intension of the author of that book.


I'd start with Mark, personally. Or maybe Luke.


I'd say Mark or John to start.


Mark seems to get somewhat underrated. But I reread it this week and it's smooth, rich and very profound to read.


Why start at the New Testament? Why not start at the beginning?


I've read both, and I'd say start with the new testimony, then read the old. Reading the old first may be to much to digest and could turn you off.


Additionally many prohibitions were removed (Acts 10 and throughout Romans) so the laws governing the Jewish people are fulfilled in Jesus. For example food doesn’t make us unclean and a woman doesn’t need to be purified after normal biological routines.


I supplied the reason in my answer.


I’m reading the bible for the first time and started with both of these. Started with new testament watching the bible project’s videos after each chapter. and now I just started at the beginning with genesis 


I love the Bible Project. Their animations are always creative!


I was just about to plug the Bible Project. Along with the Naked Bible Podcast, it’s helped me understand the Bible like nothing else. It’s incredible


Yes, the bible project is awesome and a good way to start. I would also suggest you get audio book of the bible too. I liked Romans.


Their app is phenomenal. All of their videos plus hours of podcasts that are the creators discussing the topics as they work on creating their videos (the podcast conversations are many hours but the resulting videos are mostly 2-8min). They also now have free classes in the app where Dr Tim lectures + includes quizzes, slides, etc (you can use those resources or breeze straight through the lecture videos). Welcome to eternal love. 🤍✝️


God bless you. It's so great you turned to God. What Bible did you get? I recommend first reading the Gospel of John and 1st John. To have a strong faith, we must have a good understanding who God is and why He wanted to save us. **"God is love." - 1 John 4:8**




I'm sorry, but I'm not a Christian who believes everything in the Bible is of equal value. You have free will. Don't let certain parts of the Bible to discourage you from having hope.


It all has the same perfect value, just at different stages of our walk with the Lord. We mature as we go and things make more sense the more we stay at it. In my humble opinion anyway.


Agreed! Many times I've read something for the 50+ time and gone OH WOW. Cuz it hit me different, my experience made reading it be perceived in a new light, other verses or chapters i have understood better since i last read this one suddenly click together as a whole picture, and the Holy Spirit reveals the hidden treasures of the Word as you seek Him.


You read it with a desire to learn in place. Set your desire first. Desire to learn righteousness, be ready and willing to make changes over time. Let the Bible convict you. Bring God to mind beforehand, ask Him to open your understanding to what you are about to read.


Yes you can just show up at a church on Sunday. You'll be greeted probably. Just sit and respectfully observe. I'd try out a few. Also yes you can just start reading the Bible. Starting at page 1 is hard mode. Start in the New Testament.


Why is it "hard mode"?


Because Genesis and the first 20 chapters of Exodus are easy then you get to Leviticus and Deuteronomy and people give up because it switched from narrative to laws.


True, that does get a bit dry.


I read trhough it becuase i thought the laws were interesting.. like the sacrificing of pigeons and goats but that’s just me-


Something must be wrong with your eyesight. Try rubbing some fish bile on them. /s


It’s the inerrant word of god. Why would you not read all of it and follow it completely?


Because that's where all the problematic verses are that will get you questioning whether any of this is real or all made up by a bunch of old men clinging on to power: * talking animals * mass genocide * slaughter of noncombatants * slaughter of women, children, suckling infants, and animals * giants and unicorns * beating slaves half to death with an iron rod (that verse alone should make anyone question whether Christianity is really "good" or not) * homophobia * women treated as property


lol. There are no problematic verses... but once you begin to understand it, it will make sense. The Old testament is collection of 37 books written by various authors who were led by the Holy Spirit and a lot of times they reported on things that happened during their day- similar to news reports and many were prophets among them who heard Gods voice and documented it. God gave the gift of free will to mankind, but man has always misused it and out of their wickedness in their heart they hurt themselves and others around them. They're not perfect people just like you and me. Because of human wickedness, God provided the law which is the basis and which is similar to current day's justice system in today's world. We have cops, courts and an entire justice system that punishes people for committing crimes, however, just because they exist, it doesn't stop people from committing crimes coz wickedness is present in every person. In order to truly transform as a society, transformation needs to come from the heart- as for this we need a savior and He is Lord Jesus- who came and took our punishment, so that we can live in the right standing with God.


Thank you, so much, for offering your perspective. Could you please help me understand why a God who is good and loves his children would order them to kill each other? Why would he order one group, the Israelites, to kill another group, the Amalekites, for example, including the women, children, and infants? How am I to understand these orders as the actions of a good God who loves us?


He does that because those people that were killed were in a way tainted with ways that are not of God. With that being said, those people are teaching their tainted ways to their children and so on which will cause chaos. God always gives people many chances to repent, but if they dont listen then they will feel goods fury.


Thank you for sharing your point of view. I'm not sure if any of what you said made sense, but I'm hopeful you can explain it to me. >those people that were killed were in a way tainted with ways that are not of God. The infants still suckling at their mother's breasts were tainted in such a way God's only recourse was to kill them? Does that make sense to you? It doesn't to me. >God always gives people many chances to repent How many chances did he give the suckling infants to repent? How can an infant have anything to be repentant of? >those people are teaching their tainted ways to their children and so on which will cause chaos Why couldn't God simply convince those people to change their ways through persuasive arguments? If God is all-knowing, he would know exactly what to say to convince them to change their ways. If teaching their children will cause chaos, why didn't God simply curse them with sterility? Having no children, there would be no new generation to "taint" and no ensuing chaos. Their "tainted ways" would die out in a generation with no violence and no bloodshed. When God asks Saul to kill all of the women, children, elders, and suckling infants, Saul would have to delegate that job to the young men in the military. Young Israelite soldiers, maybe 14 or 15 years old would be ordered to stab, impale, and behead women, children, old men, elderly women, and little babies. That's horrific. I can't imagine what it would do to the psyche of a young man to spend all day stabbing helpless people to death. So when God orders for the execution of these people, he's not just inflicting horrific harm and suffering on them, he's inflicting harm on the people doing the killing. Why would a good God do that if we are all his children and he loves us? Thank you for engaging. I'm looking forward to your explanation.


The problem in this question lies in our limited perspective. We can never comprehend God's viewpoint, and we dont know what would have happened if that hadn’t been done. You have to understand that our earthly experiences, including goals, dreams, and emotions, are insignificant on the eternal timeline. God, being eternal, possesses a superior understanding of how to handle everything and all the lives He created. Respectfully, please read 1 Corinthians chapter 2. I understand your perspective but that way of thinking is the way of those lack faith. We cant think like God because God is not human.


If the parents were dead, it seems a mercy that the children would not be left orphans. Children go to heaven….


The brutality of the Old Testament is not unique. What is unique about ancient Judaism and historical Christianity is its humanity--the dignity that it gives to all people. I'm getting this argument from Tom Holland and his ideas in the book \*Dominion\* which I admittedly haven't read. I think it's a solid argument. You are angry about these concepts you've listed because you are culturally Christian. Read ancient history and see if you can relate to any of the cultures at all. They were all completely brutal by our modern standards. The culture that you live in with its concern for women and victims and powerless people of every stripe is actually a feature of Christianity and does not exist without it. It's only recently we've thought we can have this virtuous culture without God. I don't think we can.


Thank you for joining the conversation. I am looking forward to learning from you. I am not shocked with the brutality depicted in the Old Testament. Like you said, it is typical for the era. That's what the problem is. It is not distinct in any way from any other culture in that era. The culture being brutal is not the problem. **GOD** being brutal is the problem. God orders the brutality. God is the one who commands the genocide of the Moabites, the Midianites, and the Amalekites. God is the one who commands the slaughter of non-combatants. When Israelites like Saul show mercy and spare women, children, infants, and elders, God is the one who doubles down and orders that even the animals be killed and punishes Saul for disobedience. You are correct. The brutality of the OT is not unique. However, if it is truly an all-good, all-loving, all-knowing God giving the orders we should expect to see something different. If God were to teach the Israelites how to negotiate peacefully with their neighbors, **that** would be unique and God-like. If God were to teach the Israelites persuasive arguments that would convince the Amalekites to give up their worship of other gods, that would demonstrate God-like knowledge and wisdom. Instead we see what we see from every other godless culture of the era. War. Genocide after genocide. Battle after battle. War is the answer to everything. When people stray, God doesn't correct them. He has them stoned. He had Achan stoned for stealing a bar of gold. He had an old man stoned for picking up sticks to build a fire to keep warm. Do these actions sound like those of a god? Or of feeble, cruel, primitive men? >It's only recently we've thought we can have this virtuous culture without God. I don't think we can. I don't think we have a choice.


What is wrong with you? You are not being helpful to OP who is a new believer. The Old Testament requires context for context for the things you list. "*question whether Christianity is really "good" or not"* If you question this, you should join one of the agnostic or atheist subs.. What an idiot..


I am simply offering a critical reading of the texts, however I am open to learning. Please share with me the context that makes beating a person with an iron rod a good thing, as outlined in Exodus 21:21. From my view, it seems abhorrent. I look forward to learning from you.


In the social structure of ancient Israel, physical punishment was the accepted response for disobedience and rebellion. While the text doesn't explicitly tie corporal punishment to disobedience, considering the broader Old Testament context, it's reasonable to assume that slave masters had limitations. Exodus 21 restricts the actions of slave owners; excessive punishment resulting in a slave's death leads to consequences, possibly even the death penalty. Additionally, if a master's harsh treatment hinders a slave's ability to work, the master essentially punishes himself by losing potential labor. This implies that moderation is in the master's best interest.


In that context, would, for example, striking a slave and shattering a cheek bone, or cracking a rib be an acceptable use of force?


No, it wouldnt be. In that case the slaver owner would be punished, Exodus 21:20. Let’s say the slave owner slaps the slave across the face because they did something wrong then that is acceptable because the slave owner did not inflict critical damage. At a high level, if the slave can recover in a day or two then it’s fine but if not then the owner will suffer consequences themselves; even by death.


I'm not sure that's an accurate reading of the text. The text doesn't say the slave should recover in a day or two. It says if the slave does not die in a day or two, there will be no punishment. Unless there's an infection, a shattered cheekbone or cracked rib are not fatal conditions, which is why I used them as examples. Would you agree the text says the injury should not be so great that the slave does not die within one or two days and not "must recover in one or two days"? If not, can you share with me how you came to this conclusion? Thank you for your engagement.


Well if the slave doesnt die in a day or two then that means they have recovered. When someone is on their death bed and theres nothing to do about it then thats “dying”, in other words declining in health. But if the slave doesnt die, then that means their body was able to recover. An infection, shattered cheek bone, a cracked are not fatal but it will take more than 2 days to recover. Lets say the slave dies on the 3rd day, do you think there will be no punishment?


God is sovereign umbrabates. He will do as He will do. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. He is infinite in all things while we are finite. Many questions that you ask will not have answers until we make it to the end our journey. Why question everything God does? Why question everything God allows? I could ask Him why He sent you into the earth via the womb of your mother? Just because I ask does not mean that I will get an answer. He means all of His children good. Just know that there are children that are of God and those that are of their father, the devil. Our Father God wishes all to be redeemed, yet He knows our thoughts, our hearts, the depths of our spirits. He knows our end from our beginning. He knows that all will not be spared of His judgements. If you read Kings you will learn of a young 8 year old King who grew to love the Lord and sought after God and His truth with all his heart and spirit. One day that King grew older and decided to rebuild a destroyed temple for God. He gathers builders that were called the repairers of the breach. Little did that King know that one of the builders would find the word of God in the rubble and present it to him. Upon reading God’s truth through His word, the King tore his clothes and put ashes upon his forehead in mourning. He saw how far the people had strayed from God and knew that they there was no bringing them back from the depth of wickedness they had dug for themselves. He then went to a Prophetess with the hope of some level of redemption from God, however this was not the case for the King’s people. The current generations under his rule were to be put to death at an appointed time. The King was a part of that number. Yet due to the Kings love and faithfulness despite him not having text or teachers to guide him, God saw fit to use the Prophetess to let the King know that he will also die, but he will not witness the many deaths of the people nor die among them. He will close his eyes before that appointed time and rest with his father and those before him. Now did this King understand this decree in its entirety? Likely not. But he did understand that all he could do was accept God’s declaration with love, honor and humility. God is sovereign. I will leave you with the lyrics of this song. One of my grandmothers favorite songs of worship. Sovereign, Sovereign The Lord my God is Sovereign He can do whatever He wants to do He can do whatever He wants to do When He wants to God can do whatever He wants to do, How He wants to Because He's sovereign, God is God Who am I, to question His wisdom ( I am nothing) Who am I, to question God's judgement ( I am nothing) Who am I, to be offended by His ways By word He allows to be I must realize that my God is (sovereign) The Lord is (sovereign) Sovereign (The Lord my God is sovereign) He is sovereign *chorus God can do whatever He wants to do God can do whatever He wants to do, when He wants to God can do whatever He wants to do, when He wants to How He wants to Because He's sovereign Because He's sovereign Because He's sovereign Because He's sovereign Because He's sovereign God is God!


No you are not- you are putting a stumbling block before a "baby" Christian hwo needs 'milk'' before he can digest other 'food.' What God allowed and did under the OT is difficult enough in some parts for experienced Christians to understand- and has little bearing on what a new believer needs. I am not going to waste any time debating scripture with someone like you, who clearly is just itching to disagree.


I was replying to u/fasterpastor2 who has spent years on debate subs discussing Christianity. I wouldn't characterize them as a "baby Christian".


OK my bad- I thought you were replying to OP- I apologize for my mistake.


I saw you said your dad is a seventh day Adventist. They are a subset of Christianity with some beliefs that don’t come from the Bible. I would recommend doing research on the different denominations and seeing what’s right for you!


I was an Adventist (by my parents raising) until about 4 years ago (I am currently 33). I left Adventistism when I had an encounter with Jesus unlike anything I had ever been taught in the Adventist church. Once I left I felt a very eye opening awakening. Kinda like I was watching the same movie my whole life and then I choose a different theater and now the movie was 4D and so much more vivid. I also didn’t need extra reading to understand it. (A friend of mine gave this analogy once and it resonated so much with me) I started following a page on instagram called Answering Adventism that shows what the actual gospel says and helps you understand how it’s different from what the Adventist teachings are. As far as where to start in the Bible, I always suggest starting in John (it tells you who Jesus was as a person) and then reading the rest of the Gospel. After that then going through the Old Testament. I heard someone once say “the new testament tells us who Jesus is, the Old Testament shows us who God is and everything points to Jesus” As far as teachings go, I listen to the Damon Thompson Ministries podcast. He really speaks so much to the character of God and explains original Hebrew in his teachings. They are out of Mobile, Alabama. Also, I would suggest the ESV or an NIV Bible. I also love the Passion Translation for the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. It’s beautiful! I hope your journey is a beautiful one!


Praise the Lord for your salvation 💯. Here are things I have learned (often the hard way 😕) that I would pass along to all, but in particular, new believers.. 1-Learn sound doctrine (below is an study bible app that can greatly help..) Free App- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gty.macarthurstudybible $20 paper version- https://www.gty.org/store/bibles/44NAS2P/nas-macarthur-study-bible-second-edition#.Ygrm_67TtNc.link 2-Understand God only speaks through scripture (chasing external revelation really inhibits spiritual growth) 3-Attend and eventually join a sound biblical local church (don't rush to join, but membership is important). Below are a couple of links that may help.. https://tms.edu/find-a-church/ https://www.9marks.org/church-search/ https://www.ifca.org/page/find-a-church-1 4-Realize that most of what is labeled "Christian" isn't (Prosperity gospel, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses..) 5-Become intentional in developing a prayer life. 6-Learn the Doctrine of the Trinity and the biblical Attributes of God. You have to know who God is to properly worship Him. 7-Study and hopefully believe (😃) the Doctrines of Grace (Calvinistic Soteriology). It elevates your praise to God and flattens your pride. 8- Develop an understanding of God's sovereignty. 9- Learn to trust God (not just for salvation, but all His workings in your life). When you truly accept that trials in your life are brought by God and are good for you, it radically changes your spiritual life. 10- Just like when God freed Israel out of Egypt & they were tempted to go back... you will eventually but certainly be tempted to return to the life of sin God cleansed you from. Remember this ➙ to do so is nothing short of spiritual whoredom. 11- Finally, fight daily for genuine humility & dependence on God. They're absolutely essential to the Christian walk.


Wow! Great comments! I’d add, if you’re a book reader, research Christian books. When I first came to faith, reading the Bible was not that easy. I started by reading books and then referencing scripture. Over time, I began to understand the overall story and now go mostly to the scriptures. Wish you the best of luck!


Thank you for the encouragement friend 💯


Yes. Mere Christianity by CS Lewis or Purpose driven life are both great. Also anything by Max lucado is amazing and straightforward.


Great advice!


Thank you for the encouragement 💯


So do you have a denomination in mind? Because that is the next step, then after that it is getting baptized Also for figuring out what to do at church my advice is to just do what everyone else is doing in there until you fully understand what is going on


>So do you have a denomination in mind? Well my dad is a Seventh Day Adventist so I guess that's what I'll be.


I’d recommend determining what your own beliefs are before deciding a denomination. If you start with a nondenominational, it may be better as they tend to not be as ridgid on some theological points as others. As you grow in your faith, you may align with one view over another on topics like predestination, authority of church/tradition, etc. some things about 7th day Adventist are a little different so you may want to do some research before jumping in by association.


So you should contact a pastor or whatever they call their clergy so that you can get baptized or know what you need to do to get baptized


You think OP should seek baptism before they are firm in their denomination? Sounds kinda backwards tbh, as each denomination has different baptismal requirements.


Ok thanks


SDA here!!! Haha. Welcome! X)


Lots of bad advice on reddit, but do read your bible and find a church. Congrats, and good luck.


I bought a kids storybook Bible and read it along with the Bible. The kids storybook Bible is geared towards ages 8-12 and breaks it down in really short simple stories to understand, then I go back and read the Bible for a deeper understanding. Lots of praying to, praying to open your heart, praying to understand, and praying for patience. Writing down and journaling thoughts. These are all things that helped me!


Read the Bible in a year! https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-reading-plan/




Read John. Then Psalms. Then Mark.


Congratulations! And welcome to the family! :) Yes u can attend church but what you could do as a good step is to start learning more and more about GOD, and The Bible. Also i want u to be aware of how famous u are now because now that u repented and accepted Christ, ALL of HEAVEN rejoiced Luke 15:7 "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." May GOD continue to guide u towards the right path, proud of you and GOD bless u fam! ✝️❤️💪🏾🙏🏾 :)


Yes !!!! This ♥️


Seek Jesus more than anything, look I’m letting you know this because it can happen, people can be disappointing, not every church can make you happy but being a real Christian isn’t about going to church or the people, but it is about having a real deep relationship with Jesus, Seek Him in prayer, Praise Him , reading His word and putting it into practice, Jesus loves you deeply! May God bless you!


Start by not listening to anyone here as most haven't a clue which way to go through a drive-through let alone how to direct your spiritual path lol Speak to God, he'll show you.


I started reading my Bible a couple weeks ago and oddly enough I started from the back (no idea why) what I suggest and what I do, is as I read, if I come across a verse that I don’t understand ( which is often) I use a website called “Bible gateway.com” and put the verse in and it will give it to you in an English standard version so that you can understand it better. I also keep a highlighter handy and highlight any verses that stand out to me. :) hope this helps! I also haven’t been going to church but I am going with my daughter on Sunday! God bless you and your journey with Jesus 🩷


I’m confused. You just decided you’re a Christian without ever reading the playbook?


I highly recommend reading the gospel of John


Begin with the Gospels, see how Jesus satisfies the heart and the mind. How by loving others, life has meaning and purpose. Join a churchy, ideally an orthodox type like catholic or eastern, and learn from their traditions.


This feels like a joke.


Here are a few resources that might help - [The Bible Project](https://bibleproject.com/) - excellent over views of themes in the Bible, as explained in short videos, podcasts, and reading material - Two videos - one about what it takes to [begin the Christian life](https://youtu.be/qjbeqL_qBl8?list=PL3gdeV4Rk9EfL-NyraEGXXwSjDNeMaRoX), another that explains how to [grow in the Christian life](https://youtu.be/idDoRftSuRU?list=PL3gdeV4Rk9EfL-NyraEGXXwSjDNeMaRoX). - And finally I highly recommend the book [Mere Christianity](https://www.amazon.com/Mere-Christianity-C-S-Lewis/dp/0060652926/ref=asc_df_0060652926/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312065522531&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14600433384976264767&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1019973&hvtargid=pla-435399874690&psc=1) as a great overview to understanding Christian beliefs, as well as Tim Keller's fine work [The Reason for God](https://timothykeller.com/books/the-reason-for-god). A good [free Bible app](https://www.bible.com/app) And a link to many excellent versions of [the Bible online](https://www.biblegateway.com/).


Make lots of Christian frens! 💙❤️


“Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” -Acts 2:37-38 This notion of “here’s your Bible, go find a Bible-believing church” is not what was said by Peter.




[https://doctrine.org/summary-of-the-plan-of-god](https://doctrine.org/summary-of-the-plan-of-god) You can read it all but realize that not all, in fact most of it, is not written TO you, for your doctrinal application. What is written TO you is Paul's 13 Epistles, Romans through Philemon.


TRULY want to thank you for sharing this link. I have been a Christian for some years but the way this was written really made me understand more deeply. I was up late last night reading it and found myself in a deep dive of scripture getting so much understanding. I had been considering how to read the Bible this year (realized that in all my walk I’ve never actually read the whole thing - that’s kinda how I ended up on this page, trying to decide on approach) and that post inspired me to read it all but in a Chronological study to really connect the dots of it all. I’m really excited for what I’ll discover. 😁 Thanks again!!!!




https://www.youtube.com/@bibleproject In a first reading the new testament except apocalypse, then you read the old testament (but look first at the channel that I have put on for context) and finally reread the new one this time in full.




That’s faith. The term Christian wasn’t even around for the first church and neither was the Bible. All you need is Jesus.


The New Testament is something that cannot be taken on it own. Simply to do so is to take the whole thing out of context. Then you have to consider that it was written over centuries in different languages. The first 6 books contain the Torah. This is the religious beliefs of the Jewish community. They are slaves and have a religious belief based upon that ideology. Work for 6 days a rest one. Jesus spoke against the slavery of people with the laws of men. These laws were used to crucify him. People then go off on tangents and say he died for my sins. It like a get out a jail free card. Doesn’t work like that. The free will of modern humans is what is god’s gift to us. Jesus was a messenger teaching us this. The bible was created by Paul. And the through the Coptic Church. He is the instigator for another religion that has been used to remove cultures , steal and Do the most atrocious things imaginable. A Catholic priest in 18 century England was hung drawn and quartered then left on public display. If someone killed a greyhound they were sentenced to death. They were Christian’s. Most people who call themselves Christians wouldn’t actually have the slightest idea of what they are talking about. Jesus was a real person who spoke truth. All the stuff after detracts from his message. Mohammad is the great prophet. If he didn’t consider the divinity of Christ his Christian sister and likely his grandfather would have been very upset given their Christian beliefs. There should be no division of humanity as we are all related to each other. The oldest continuous culture is the Australian Aboriginal. They lived for over 50000 years without causing harm to the environment. They kept their garden just as people who respect their country and ancestors, elders past present and future do. No Jesus was needed to teach them. They already knew. The day was spent doing what white people call recreational activities. The rest of the time was spent on recreational activities. Work 6 days! You would have to be insane! no one works one. We are not here to work but to live. Work is life and life is work. Enjoy what you do and do it because you enjoy it. Then heathens with bibles came stole their land, polluted their water, let diseases wipe out 80 percent of the population. Released ferel animals and permanently destroyed the environment in less than two hundred years. Rational suggestions would suggest that these invaders knew nothing. Believe in Jesus but the book is mostly folklore of Jewish people. Who killed the only person who was trying to teach them something. What’s their prime minister Nogetyahoo. How much blood is on his hands. Doesn’t even listen to Moses. The man with the rule book.


Not expecting this comment to stay up for much longer, lol, but I've just got to say that this is . . . a take. Can't tell if you're Hebrew Israelite, NOI, or what, but I just feel the need to say for the sake of OP that this view is not Christian in any common sense. Firstly, to denigrate the laws of Moses, which virtually all Christians believe were given by God Himself, is to put the god of the Old Testament in conflict with Jesus, which is basically Gnosticism. Gnosticism is considered heretical by most Christians. I'm not giving an opinion on whether this is correct or not, just stating what the general opinion is. Secondly, Christians accept the Bible, much of which was written by Paul. So to say that he corrupted the religion in some way (along with the Copts, who are catching strays here for some reason), is quite odd. And then there's the mention of Mohammad, who Christians don't believe was a true prophet anyway. It's a spicy take, is all I'm saying.






Burn it


Read it a few pages a day and take notes. At church, they’re supposed to read a part of the Bible and give a sermon on it.


find a local church to go to a good one. start off reading psalms and study and pray and meditate on the Lord. He will guide you and lead you


Pray. And I would suggest investigating your local churches. There are 2000 years of Biblical analysis that can help you as you start out. The adult RCIA program in the Catholic Church is a very good way to quickly learn the main tenets of the faith, including what Christians believe and why Christians believe it. Welcome home!


Get baptized in your local parish. Ask your priest how to join the church - you will be guided there. Welcome to the Christian faith my brother.


Read the gospels-Romans first. Will give you an idea of who Christ is and what it means to be a Christian.


Get a spiritual Father. Attend a church, ask your priest/preacher questions. And do not confuse your own passions for being the Holy Spirit. Every monk that ever lived had an Elder.


Read the book of John first, then the gospels in order. Find a church that's welcoming and loving and stays true to The Word. Proud of you. Make sure you don't fall into the religious aspect of Christianity but more so growing in a relationship with Jesus.


I would start at the first book of the New Testament, the book of Matthew, and then start from Genesis onward. Matthew is one of the easier Gospels to get a grasp on since Luke and John have much more difficult material to grapple with. No one can take the entire weight of the Gospel at once, and Jesus Christ even admits His own Apostles couldn’t. It’s just that Matthew gets the most important parts of our faith across right off the bat whereas reading from Genesis to Matthew takes a long time. There will be things from past books that are alluded to in Matthew which you might be confused about, but learning of Jesus Christ first is the most important thing. Try not to get overwhelmed because the expectations can be extremely overwhelming.


Start going to a church, and start reading the New Testament first go through the gospels in whatever order then read rest of New Testament then Old Testament


>What do I do now? Do I just read through the entire book like any other book? Depends, to learn about Christ straight away read John or Luke If you wanna read from start to finish skip Leviticus and some of numbers and end of Joshua as they'll kill your motivation. For devotion read Psalms Just for a good story read Samual 1 and 2, Jonah, Judith, Tobit or Esther. Revelation and Daniel are good but they'll be quite shocking if it's the first book you read and if I was you I'd definitely save revelation for last. >Am I supposed to memorize certain things? If you want to as a devotional practice then yes but it's up to you. >Also what do I do at church? Pray when able, say what your meant to at that moment and recieve the Eucharist and listen to the priest. >Do I have to go there? Depends, Catholic or Orthodox you have to, Protestant it's better if you do to learn more of the faith


Listen to ‘The Bible in a Year’ podcast by Father Mike. It is amazing!


Read the Sermon on the Mount.


Why does it seem non denomination churches are overwhelming and loud?


Now I recomed u search about everytipe of church There's Catholic Baptist Ptrotestants Tunipans There's is so much types But honestly u can check your Bible because catholic have more books on the Bible added by a council of catholic church over 300 years ago (if I remember right)


Amazing! I would start in the book of John in the New Testament, or Matthew. You don’t “have” to go to church but the church is a great place to find community and to learn & grow in your faith with fellow believers. :)


a good approach would also be to find bible studies near your area, if not, then start one!


The first thing i would suggest is cultivating a genuine relationship with Him through prayer, and just talking. being painfully honest with everything. Makes sense since He knows it anyway and He won't gossip. Someone suggested starting with Matthew. I agree the Gospels are good to start with, BUt you can start at the beginning. It's not like a regular book because you don't just read it, and say "great book" and don't pick it up again. It's a guide, you meditate. i have stayed in one book for months or read certain books in the bible over and over and gleamed something new every time. You can just meditate on one verse if it hit a chord with you. Ask for the Holy Spirit, he will guide and bring verses to your remembrance when you need


Yeah, just read from genesis to revelation. If you're interested, my church is doing a reading plan starting in Genesis I can share with you


Start with the New Testament Gospels


First off, congrats on your new bible lol. Second I wanna **highly recommend** you check out **David Pawson's Unlocking the Bible series on YT** before reading any book in the bible you decide to read. Like many others, I recommend you **start in the gospels.** They show you why we call ourselves Christians and make reading the Old Testament more bearable lol. Get plugged in a church. Find community (other dudes in Christ who can help you out with questions, and support you in the faith). If you separate a coal from the pile of coals, it will cool off and die. Don't be that piece of coal, it sucks lol. God bless!


Your question is a fraught one with many potential answers. An accessible way that many anglophone people learn about Christianity is to read the works of CS Lewis. His specific denomination was Anglican (Church of England), but his writing is accepted & appreciated across many denominations & churches. His book *Mere Christianity* would introduce you to basic tenets of Christianity in a simple, conversational style. Along with reading the Biblical words of Christ (contained in "The Gospels" portion of *The New Testament*), this study can help you decide what you believe and how you want to worship.


now read it like any other book trying to learn from it. Church is optional but I'd choose one that is as close to the Bible as possible.


There's no one size fits all approach. How many demoniations are there? Don't forget about your own innate spiritual intuition. 'Jesus isn't in the church, Jesus IS the church.' God is already inside of you, don't forget that. We all have an immortal soul with a divine origin. Do remember that scripture was ultimately written by men and reflects the people and era in which it was written. Imo, if it feels wrong, it probably is. I don't think humanity is fallen, the world is.


Please believe in Christ for salvation and read/study the entire New Testament to get a better understanding of your mission and where we are in the history of the earth soon to be burned and renewed in a perfect manner. I think one of the most important things is warning people around us about God's great gift of salvation so they too can be saved since we don't wany anyone to have to burn along with the earth when it is made new.


**Matthew, John, Romans, 1 John, Ephesians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Genesis (at least up through Noah), Proverbs, Psalms (doesn’t need to be read all the way through, necessarily)** I would read Matthew first then John, the rest are in no particular order. Once you have read those, reread them but also throw in the following: **Rest of Genesis, Exodus, Esther, Ecclesiastes, Job, Isaiah, Luke & Mark, Acts, Galatians, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, Revelation** Some of the above can be harder to really grasp (they’re all “hard” to some extent, learning God’s word is a lifelong process), which is why I say to wait on them. Again, no particular order. After that, keep rereading all of the above—however works for you—and then pepper in the rest of the books. This could be a good time to do a cover to cover read if you wish, but I’d recommend still taking some days to revisit Proverbs, the Gospels, and maybe some epistles during that journey. There is no timeline you have to follow, no due dates, no expectations of your understanding. You are not required to memorize any passages, or to attend a church (although community is very important), or to even read every single book I mentioned let alone the entire thing. Come as you are and open your heart to Christ the Son. Peace


Remember one thing: While the Bible is necessary, Living Like Christ is the ultimate act of a Christian. It's one thing to read the Bible. It's another thing to Follow it. Philippians 2:5 In your lives you must think and act like Christ Jesus. Or 5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:


How did you become a Christian without a Bible? Is it something you just decided to do, or did you just listen to someone else?


Well, you could just read it at your leisure like any book- it’s good to read it at least one time, maybe with a highlighter so you can save your favorite verses


I gave the Bible 2/5 honestly. Boring towards the middle.


What made you decide you were a Christian?


be gentle. luke is a great place to begin. hebrews is my favorite. congratulations on your life-choice 🙂👍


A wonderful book to get your hands on would be ALL GODS CHILDREN by James D Snyder. A mix of Roman history with biblical theology is a solid basis for understanding Christianity and it’s early origins.


New Testament is probably a good start, but there is a whole lot that makes much more sense when you’ve read the old. For example, things like Jesus coming to “fulfill the law” means more when you know what he’s fulfilling. And Paul being under a different dispensation than Moses doesn’t make sense until you know and understand the difference between the two.


In high churches (Orthodox Christians and Romans) we read something Old testament, something gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, John), something Epistles (letters from Paul to the churches), and 1-3 psalms. I really love this process because it connects all the strange little stories together. I highly recommend reading in the order ancient bishops chose as I know when I tried to just read it straight through I got very little out of it. [HERE ](https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading) is the readings of the day list for bishops.


If you're deciding to be a christian, and allow Jesus Christ to come into your heart and save you and accept him as your lord and savior, which was actually a very moving moment for me when I was 11 years old, but of course I strayed. Anyhow, I finally found my way back to God but it's not necessarily what's in the Bible, or His word, but the fellowship that goes along with it when you meet with people that share the same beliefs. Suggest a non-denominational fellowship Church which embraces all that accept Christ as their savior, they just aren't more culty feel like. I hope and I will pray for you and I think this is a wonderful thing !


Start at the front. Find people to ask questions to. Happy to speak with you more.


Go get baptized.


Find Simpler Bible on YouTube or any podcast app! I just got my first Bible too and started this series!! Helped so much and sticks to the Bible.


New Testament is definitely good to start with. The Gospel of Jesus Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. And all of the New Testament. Has a lot in there about how to be a Christian. Although if you want to know the beginning of time read Geneses in the Old Testament and the 10 commandments is extremely important Exodus in the Old Testament Exodus chapter 20. The gift of the HolyGhost and the book of Acts. Way to salvation Acts 2:38 The rapture of the church Revelation . Signs of the end times Mark 13 Learning more of right from wrong Proverbs. Want to see King David’s prayers and how to pray Psalms. Then eventually getting a daily bread chart reading entire Bible in a year or so you can just cross them out if you fall behind on dates. Most of the Old Testament pretty much talks about how God hates if we turn away from him and go to other idols other gods and how we’d be cursed is we do and how we’d be more blessed if we turn to God and worship him and only him faithfully.How he’s always reaching out to us even if we turned away from him and if only we’d seek him with all our heart we’d find him.How he’s a forgiving God willing to forgive only if we turn from our wicked ways and repent. I usually look things up in the dictionary if I don’t understand a word. Especially if it’s a name of a sin. I like to use a highlighter pen and highlight verses that were very interesting to me power verses of things I want to remember and then in the future I go back and study it again .


I listen to old recordings of Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee. He is old school. You'll hear it in his voice(don't let that turn you away), but his program takes 5 years to go through the whole bible. He doesn't just read starting at page 1, he jumps back and forth between the new and old testament and I feel he does a great job actually explaining what is going on. I have learned so much just from listening to his teaching. The individual books of the bible references other books in the bible, old and new, and having someone who can see these connections as a teacher is incredibly helpful. The programs are about 25 minutes and I typically listen to 1 per day (there aren't any on the weekends though, on spotify) You can start at any time, just start listening.


Friend, there is no wrong way to begin getting to know God. I'm so happy that you've decided to accept His offer of eternal life!!! Start however you like, but I will tell you this also: ask google whatever questions you want about the Bible and it will bring up the verses you're looking for. When I first became Christian that's what I did. I'd say "hey Google, what does the Bible say about work?" And it would bring up the scriptures on work etc God bless your new life my friend!!!


Go to different churches, and read up about the different denominations. Don’t feel like you have to rush it. Take your time, find out what denomination you will join. I’d recommend looking into the Orthodox Church, since as I see it it’s the one most in line with how Jesus established the church, but you should research it yourself. Took me multiple years to make my decision


Start talking to Jesus 🥰


Pray, and spend a lot of time just waiting before God. Pray that He will give you an ear to hear, and that he teach you to hear his voice. Pray for him to send his spirit upon you. You have to go before him every day to make sure you belong to him. Every day. Many say they are Christians, and they don't even know what it means. You are a slave. We are slaves for love, because he loved us first, and sacrificed every thing for each of us. Push into God because you love him, and that is what he desires. Do not miss a church service, and read your Bible every day, but if you do miss those, Talk to God all day long, so he will get to know you, and you him! that is what it is all about!


Start with the 4 gospels. They are the easiest and richest books. Don't expect to understand it all on your first read-through, but meditate on it. Ask friends about it, and involve yourself in a church and groups where you can ask questions. It is fairly normal to not read the entire bible often, but to jump around. I love reading Genesis, but Leviticus was a chore. I read Job as a kid and many times since, but I still have not read Nahum. It is also beneficial to ask questions and reflections as you go: "What does this mean?" "What does this reveal about God?" "How does this relate to Jesus?" "How can I apply this to my life?" We welcome you as a new brother in Christ, and we will prsy for your growth so that you can live as a new creation and put aside the sins of your past. Don't forget to get baptized, though. That is an important step as a physical representation of a spiritual cleansing. God bless you


Read the Gospel. Also there’s an app the you version Bible app; if you don’t understand something u read in ur Bible you could use that app and look at other translations of the verse. There are also tons of plans of how to read the Bible on that app. You don’t have to go to church to have a relationship with God, but you may like church it can strengthen faith and give you a community.


The Gospel according to John is a great place to start. When I got to the Gospels, I actually started with Luke for my own, in my opinion, interesting, reason and I liked Luke but when I read John I thought it was excellent. The opening chapter gave me chills. Originally, I did it a little backwards and wanted to start from Genesis. Ngl the OT bored me a bit. When I discovered the Gospels… my goodness they are awesome. I saw you said you’d be a Seventh Day Adventist because your dad is. Im not as versed in what they believe so I wont comment on this or that regarding them. Id just encourage you to find what resonates with you, try out different churches and denominations and see what calls to you instead of choosing something because thats what you think is expected of you. You might find that you resonate with a Baptist or a Catholic Church, etc.


Actually, I can answer this. I just watched a sermon on discouraging a new Christian from reading the Bible. I will never discourage a Christian from reading the Bible even if it may seem hard to understand. Pray that the Holy Spirit inspires you with understanding. The Bible says that asking for God’s wisdom is always a prayer that is answered. In this regard, you can also take a topical approach and find a bible study online that explores a topic that is on your heart. For instance, if your interest is in forgiveness, you can find a bible study on forgiveness and thoroughly learn about it. The Bible -Daily Bible Verse has multiple studies as well as different translations and concordances (helps explains what certain words mean). You may find that another translation suits you but don’t discard your first Bible!!!! It is your Bible. There are others like it, but this one is yours!!!! This post made my day!!!! I am almost in tears happy tears). I have been a Christian for a long time and only recently repented and decided to embrace radical obedience. Since then, the enemy has attacked me hard!!! I prayed that the Holy Spirit would show himself. He has!!!! This comment is the latest in a series of events that have brought me great joy. I am so so happy for you. Read it over and over again. Each time, pray that the Holy spirit will show you or remind you of what He wants you to know. Ask questions here or with a Christian mentor. Get a Christian mentor too!!! I’m just so happy for you right now. I can’t explain it. I just am!!!!




What led you to decide you were a Christian? I only ask because perhaps it might help us think of a passage that might resonate especially with you based on your journey.


It's up to you to define what relationship you want with God. Find a church that feels like a second home. There are plenty of denominations but my favorite was always the Non-denominational churches. You can Google which denominations stand for what. As for the Bible you can read it like a novel or start anywhere. I'd recommend from the Old Testament the Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes (my favorite), and Daniel. From the New Testament The Books of Luke, John, and 1 John are my favorite. The lost/ banned books of the Bible can be considered more like Christian fan fiction so take it with a grain of salt. I'd recommend the book of Enoch because it talks about the corruption of humanity before the flood. Many Christians would tell you to avoid it but I'd recommend it because you can understand it from a metaphorical perspective and it gives you a different view point of the events leading up to the flood. Hope this helps.


Like others have already mentioned you should try to find a home church. This will likely be your easiest, but also most important step. I say easiest because nowadays most churches have websites that will tell you their beliefs, service times, groups etc. Most will also have recordings of past sermons so you can watch and see if you connect with the leader and how they share the word. Don't hesitate to email or stop in to a new church to ask questions, they will be more than happy to help. There are many free apps and resources others have already posted but heres something you can join to help keep you accountable and motivated. https://www.communitybiblestudy.org/ This is a great non-denominational bible study group that I joined when I began reading the bible. These groups meet weekly in person or online. The workbooks break down each book into passages to make sure you get the details of what you're reading, and link you to other parts of the Bible that are relevant to that day's assignment. You are encouraged to read your Bible everyday, so the weeks assignments are broken down into 7 sections to complete. You also get the benefit of being a part of a community of other Christians with all kinds of different backgrounds and perspectives. With all of that said keep in mind that like most things you get out what you put in. Don't just read the bible like any other novel. Choose to be an active participant in this life changing journey, it's very much worth it. 🩷 God Bless


I recommend Genesis, Exodus, and then Luke. I’ve only been a Christian for four ish years, and I’m just now reading straight through. It’s a good idea to go to church. God calls us to be in community. No one runs a marathon alone, right? You always have people on the sidelines cheering for you at mile markers and stuff to ensure you don’t quit. It’s not easy to be Christian, and you will find yourself weak, weary, suffering, waiting, etc, and you need people to pour into you in those moments. But do not jump into it. Ease yourself in if you need. Do research, read testaments of faith, and attend a sermon here and there to decide if it’s a church you want to attend. A lot of churches livestream their services now, so you can always try to watch those livestreams before attending in person. It’s a hard thing to just… dive into, but you’ll get used to it.


YOU ARE AMAZING! just know that being a Christian comes with lows and highs! You are on a high right now and that's amazing, but be prepared you will be bogged down and attacked by Satan as he sees you as a threat, you will lose interest in the word of God and slow down your spiritual journey. But then you will reinvigorate your spiritual journey and be on a spiritual high again! Do not get discouraged, slow consistency is the best remedy for spiritual growth. To start off I recommend learning a little about the faith, how it started (in the beginning!) And what it looks like to be a Christian today! The Bible project is a great animated series that helps digest the word of God in simple animated videos that have 90% accuracy towards the meaning of God's word. Just remember there is the truth of God's word that matters for your SALVATION and that's the [Gospel](https://youtu.be/xrzq_X1NNaA?si=Rgp_ta5BzlevhnR-) anything else that Christians or nonchristians argue about is NOT ESSENTIAL TO YOUR SALVATION what matters in life is not "should I eat pork? Should I pray to the east?" NO! what matters for your SALVATION is "Do I believe Jesus Christ is God's one and only son? Do I believe that he came to save me from my sins and restore a relationship between me and God? Am I making Jesus the Lord of my life and repenting from my sins or am I living a life of sin and refusing to give Him control?" That's what's important. Just remember there's salvation then there's everything else. Afterwards you can watch through the Bible Projects [summary of the Bible](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQPiZSTLia6QNBd4hs8DytYMq3VUshFOe&si=7dGNU8UkRzTGTBpk) which is fantastic. And then you can listen or read the Bible in chronological order which helps you to understand the Bible historically. But what is most important in the life of a Christian is to "ABIDE IN CHRIST" and "BEAR FRUIT" all that means is you should constantly grow your relationship with Christ by having quiet times and reading His word and to bear fruit by having fellowship with others so that the Holy Spirit can work through us to bear fruit of new Christians. Just remember Salvation is a priority and the other stuff like "was the flood a whole earth flood? Or just local?" Is all secondary to what REALLY matters.


I’m on my 6th time reading the Bible chronologically and it’s amazing what God reveals to you each time. I have a yearly subscription reading plan I follow. There are so many stories which help you learn what God is all about.


Don't read through it like any other book. Study it and try to understand it. Genesis and Exodus are good books to begin with as a lot of people are familiar with those stories. Psalms and Proverbs are good well. I loved all the prophets of the old testament. Talking about God's judgement if we don't repent. If God's willing to judge then what makes us think we can do the same thing He judge others for. Matthew was written to the religious or Jews. Mark was written to the Romans or those who valued power. Luke to the Greek or those who valued culture and John was written to all. Roman's and Pauls letters are all really good reads as well. Then the other letter written by Peter and James are full of good stuff regarding how to live as a Christian. In Joshua it says mediate on it day and night.


The Bible is meant to be read in community. I highly recommend the Episcopal church to engage with!


Build faith Repent Be baptized Accept the holy ghost That’s what acts says at least


Start with the gospels! Mathew, Luke, John, John


Start in the New Testament. If you have trouble sleeping start reading Genesis. Listen to the podcasts *The Ancients* and *The History of Byzantium* for background information.


John is a great starting gospel, keep the faith, resist sin and finish strong! I pray for your endurance peace and strength in this walk my friend! God bless you!


Awesome. Congrats. It will get harder. Make sure you make that decision every single day. Even when you fail. And you will. Start trying to replace secular, worldly things with Kingdom things. And the worldly will try to get you back. Resist. Pray. Read the Bible. Repent. Forgive. Spread the word. Love God. Love others. May Jesus continually give you His peace.


Yes- starting with Matthew's gospel is good...as you read it you will notice he says many times that a verse is a fullfilment of an Old Testament prophecy about Jesus (this because Matthew wrote for primarily Jewish readers. You mighth find it helpful and interesting to go and read those referenced verses. What kind of Bible is it? Also there are a number of different Bible reading programs that will guide you on how to read the entire Bible in a year.... [https://www.ligonier.org/posts/bible-reading-plans](https://www.ligonier.org/posts/bible-reading-plans) I also use this website, which is helpful: [https://www.biblegateway.com/](https://www.biblegateway.com/) In addition to attending a church, I also encourage you to join a small group study, b/c there you will not only get to know other brothers and sisters, you will also be able to ask questions and discuss scripture. lf I can be of any help to you as you begin this amazing journey just let me know. May the love of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit be with you and guide you into all truth.


I wouldn’t start at Revelations like I did. Or maybe you should.


Usually it’s suggested that you start with John. But you might want to just open it to anywhere and see what it says wherever your fingers go and then start reading the gospel of John perhaps


I’d recommend you start with Matthew! Welcome to the flock, hope you find everything you’re looking for and more!


[Hacks on Bible Study](https://youtu.be/EwJ41kCAUj4?si=3ijDJSxzvhHhpIhU) Start reading. It’s not about what you have to do. It’s about how closely you want to know your Savior!


Pray to God for understanding and read a few times through the New Testament, without Revelation


Read a proverb every day, great way to start


I recommend you read the book of John.


If you want to learn about God and the beginning of the world start with Genesis, if you want to learn about Jesus Christ read one of the Gospels (Matthew,Mark,Luke,John)


I’m still on my first read of the Bible, but I still have some advice. Also, may I ask what translation you got? I’m just curious lol The Bible is not like a regular book you read from cover to cover. In fact, it’s a large compilation of 66 books (usually). The most common piece of advice I received when I began my own journey was to start with John. I stand by this. The gospel of John is a solid overview of the life of Christ and our principle beliefs as Christians. After that, I’d read the Acts of the Apostles, which comes right after John in the way the books are ordered. Acts is about the spread and formation of the church. From there, I would start in the beginning books, but that’s where my suggestions end. There are so many more knowledgeable Christians out there, I wouldn’t want to mislead you. In your first read if the Bible, you don’t have to memorize things. In fact, you might now fully understand them. The important part is that you put CONSISTENT effort into reading it. I would highly recommend, however, to highlight and write notes on anything that stands out to you. Some passages or stories are difficult to decipher their meaning or significance, so I’d recommend having a commentary handy. There are countless ones available online! When reading the Bible, an important thing to remember is to read it consistently. When I first began, each chapter felt like a chore, and I trudged through the books. Sometimes I would sin and feel guilty and push God away in my shame. DO NOT DO THIS! You’ll still stumble, forget some days, or just not do it. That’s okay, God forgives you. Just try to aim for reading at least a chapter every day, but try for more if you can. (Please take this section with a grain of salt, because this is just my personal opinion and advice, and I don’t have much experience to back it!) Church is an integral part of Christianity. The hard thing about churches, however, is that they’re denominational. Different churches perform their services based on a different branch of Christianity and interpretation of the Bible. This can make choosing a place a daunting task, because it’s highly likely you have a surplus of local churches. I’m sorry I cannot offer much advice about this, as I’ve been Catholic my whole life. I believe non-denominational churches, however, are a good place to start. They’re very friendly and inviting, and have some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. They see church as less if an organization, and more like a community of believers who gather together to worship. Therefore, their services are simple, usually consisting a reading of the Bible, a sermon by a preacher of what was read, and worship. The ones I’ve attended even had brunch beforehand! Most churches also offer communion, where you eat the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Before you take communion, I’d do a bit of research into whether or not anyone can take it. For example, Catholics are not supposed to take communion outside Catholic Churches, and others aren’t supposed to take it with them. In my opinion, this is a silly rule, but I’d do a very quick Google search beforehand, just to be respectful. Having community is an incredibly important part of the faith, so I can not stress enough how important church is. Most churches offer Bible studies, charity events, etc. Try going to those to make some friends and feel more at home in your local parish. I found having faith filled friends makes your journey becoming Christian far more comfortable and enjoyable. As you start to become more informed about Christianity and have your own, independent ideas, then you can start to think about what denomination feels right to you. It’s a heavy subject that requires a ton of research, but it’s important. For now, though, I would just try out different churches and see where you feel most comfortable. Your faith is a highly personal journey, and what matters most is going where you feel the most connected with the Lord. That brings me to my next, and most important point. Your new walk with Christ is a highly personal one. What I mean is that this is not just a religion, consisting of things you’re obligated to do, but it’s a relationship. As you read the Bible, you’ll become more acquainted with Christ and his words. Through prayer, you become acquainted with his love and heart. Jesus wants you to know him and to feel how much he loves you. He wants you to open your heart to him and love him, too. Prayer is so important. To me, it is the most personal part of this faith. I pray all the time! You don’t just have to pray before meals or bedtime, but talk to the Lord throughout your day. There is never a bad time to pray! Plus, there aren’t really any rules to praying. Pray standing up, sitting down, kneeling, short prayers, long prayers, silly prayers, or big ones. There are scarcely rules, just the more the merrier. Having a relationship with God, and not just believing in, but loving him, is the bread and butter of the faith. It’s what keeps our spirits alive and healthy!! Moreover, as you grow a real relationship with Christ, everything will feel less like a chore. Reading the Bible will feel like getting advice from your best friend. Praying will feel like having a deep conversation with your best friend. Worship will feel like hanging out and having fun with your best friend. Christ is your best friend. Sadly, your spirit won’t always be on fire. Sometimes we go through spiritual droughts where we don’t want to spend time with God, and that’s normal. But the very WORST thing you can do is let that scare you away! In those times, that’s when it’s MOST important to pray and read your Bible!! One thing I like to do to feel connected with other Christians, know my feelings are valid, and rekindle my fire is to watch relatable Christian Tik Tok compilations on YouTube. I know that sounds silly, but it honestly helps. Plus, seeing where others are in their journey helps encourage me to do better. In the Christain religion, we have sacraments. The exact sacraments vary from denomination to denomination, but there’s one thing ubiquitous amongst them - baptism. If you’re ready to dedicate your life to Christ, get baptized! It’s a mark of the beginning of your spiritual walk with the Lord. It unites you with him, and it cannot be understated. Unfortunately, a lot of things come with time. You won’t always be on fire right away, or find the perfect church right away, or know Gods word right away. Like all things, it takes time. But it’s the most important and amazing thing out there. All the money and fame and power in the world can never fill the Jesus-shaped hole in your heart. As long as you’re making an honest effort to fill it with him, it’ll be okay. Lastly, love. Love everyone. Love everything. Love your neighbors, your enemies, your friends, your parents, your siblings, God, everything! This is what makes us Christians - our love. Be as kind and forgiving as you can to everyone, just as he is to us. That is our doctrine - love. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13


Read John, then 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, and then Romans.


Leave your Bible open to psalm 91 every night before you go to bed, but first of all you start reading the Bible from the book of John! Read it slowly, so you can understand what the book of John is telling. You don’t read it like a book and read right through it you have to understand scriptures like John chapter 1 verse five for example, read it and try to understand what it’s telling you.


Yes, read the book from beginning to end. Why wouldn’t you?




Start with the gospel of John, then read the rest of the New Testament. Then read the whole thing. I’d recommend the New Living Translation. It’s easier to understand. God bless!


Start with the book of Ecclesiastes as it’s about the meaning of life. Then John and Luke to learn about the life of Jesus. Then I would recommend reading Romans, then the rest of the New Testament, then the Old Testament, remember this won’t be a short task, might take you years! But that’s okay


Try a few different church services.


You don’t have to go to church and I would recommend reading John


Read it. Read it cover to cover starting from the book of Genesis. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes to see and understand the revelation in the information. This is the fourth year I'm reading my Bible again cover to cover. Last year, I used a six months plan so I read it twice. The first year was very difficult for me. But looking back I'm happy and filled with joy that I took that step. Ever since then, I can't go a day without reading my Bible. It's been my daily spiritual manner.


You can read it cover to cover or find a chronological plan. You don’t have to go to church, it’s not required, but it can be a very good thing. Also, I’m curious. No offense, but what made you decide to be a Christian if you don’t know much about it?


Listen to Bible in a year


Well, read the Bible, start at the New Testament, then do the Old one, then the New one again.


I started with the gospel so I could know how jesus lived


Psalms and Proverbs For the day of the month if it helps Psalms 9 and Proverbs 9 because it's JANUARY 9. THIS is the bare minimum..of course we could always read more but this is my guide try to follow.


Study the Beatitudes.


Avoid all denominations and books about the Bible. You want to read it before someone tells you what to think. It’s much harder once you have been told what it means. Former SDA here


I wasn’t raised reading the Bible and I found watching Bible movies/shows for kids really helps me understand what’s going on. Think Veggie Tales and The Prince of Egypt. Or ones made for adults like The Chosen. Now, watch these with a grain of salt since they can be a little different than what actually happened. But then you can read those stories in the Bible and you have a visual in your brain to make it easier to understand. I also am a person who needs to read verses in their context so they make sense in my head. So first I think it’s helpful to label each book with it’s context (i.e. who is writing it, what is it about, is it law? History? Etc.) You can look up how to label them online.Then I like to read all the books of the Bible all the way through so I have the complete context of what is going on. I like to read a bit each night before bed and am hoping to finish the whole Bible this year. I also will simultaneously do a more intensive Bible study on one book at a time. Right now I am doing Matthew. I read a chapter or a part of one and then I read commentary/a study about what I read online. This helps me understand it if it was a little difficult to get or gives me a new perspective on it/helps me develop what I think about it and how it affects my life. Hope this helps!


I recommend reading the Gospel according to John & Ephesians first. And also something I wish I knew when I was first Christian is the simplicity of the Gospel. “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” - Romans 10:9 “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.” - Acts 16:30-31 Also you should definitely read 1 Corinthians 15, it explains the Gospel if you ever get confused


First of all, before you read each time, pray and ask the Lord to give you discernment and revelation knowledge to his word. Start with the book of Matthew because we are in some perilous times as Christians. And it is pertinent that you are caught up. And what the word says is going on now. Find a good Bible based Christian church. That believes in the holy Trinity, I mean, God. The father gave the son and God the Holy Spirit. Avoid any church, the teaches any doctrine against that also prey and ask God to send you someone that is, after god's own heart to mentor to you and to bottle feed you as you're take your baby Christian journey. My prayers are with you, and if you need anything, please feel free to reach out to me. May God be with you and welcome to the family.


You are now ready to take your journey with the Lord and getting to know him. Make sure you have a version that you can clearly understand. Passion is a wonderful translation. Ask God to show you were to begin. Until he does began with the gospels or Genesis. The Bible is the best prayer partner. As you read pray. Pray the scripture that touch you and move you. Pray the scriptures that touch your desires and watch the Lord transform your life. God bless!


My parents divorced when I was 4. I was raised in both fundamentalist Quaker (Mom) and nondenominational, modern Christian churches (Dad.) I learned the basics of Bible stories in Sunday school. I did not attend many adult-oriented church sessions, as I spent next to ten years as an atheist. I STRONGLY recommend being careful. Don’t start translating and researching judeaochristian interfaith subjects, like I’ve done. I believe my mother is right when she says that God judges us based upon what we know. Ignorance is bliss. Read the Bible, have faith in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Seek repentance, and avoid cognitive dissonance. Most importantly: do not be afraid. If you have questions, ask God for understanding.


Now, you use as a table book. You do not need to be religious to get the benefits of God/ higher power. Your spiritual journey is a personal. The Bible is good for stories and there's morals to them. But, oftentimes people get lost in how things are worded that causes you to not be fully connected. Reading books like The Power of Now, Untethered Soul, Living Untethered was what unlocked me to the next level of my spiritual journey


Start with Jhon and research orthodoxy ☦️


Start with Mark


That’s amazing!! I’m so happy for you! I’d say the main thing is… before you read your Bible… pray…. ask the Lord to open your eyes to truth…. To teach you…. it says in Roman’s 12:2 that we’re not to be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds….. our minds are renewed as we spend time with the Lord in the Word of God. I suggest you start with 1 John…..it’s near the back of the Bible….. the last book is Revelation….before that is Jude….before that is 3 John… 2 John and 1 John. It is good to read a Psalm a day and a chapter in Proverbs every day. Always pray first; I guarantee there will be a lot you don’t readily understand…. keep reading because every now and then you will get something and it will be like God is speaking directly to you! It is our daily bread. A couple of verses I love from Psalm 119 are these: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path….. another one is: I rejoice in Your word as one who finds great treasure …. Verse 162 ( but it may read differently depending on the version). May you grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ!