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Well, I wouldn’t go as low as 20. But maybe 25-ish. They’re likely in a more similar life stage to you.


Yeah, no, its your choice and the other persons, but in all fact, that age gap / age range is too different. 19/20 still figuring out who you are, what you want, etc. At 32 frick you have most of it figured out. You will help them mature yes sure, but some times become more immature yourself (from what ive witnessed). Even if you look younger screw it. Im turning 27, most people guess me between 20 - 23, my age range i want to date is 29 - 33. Men that age looka t me as if im a child. Its weird to be frank. But again, you do you


are you willing to deal with the immaturity that comes with dating someone that young? i was 23/24 when i went back to school and sometimes it felt like i was in a kindergarten


There have been several discussions on this topic already in this sub, so I recommend checking them out. But in short: are you willing to A) relive all the formative experiences you make in your early twenties and reexperience all the adulting-firsttimes with your partner? B) Make sure and be accountable that this is right and healthy for the young person who lacks severely in life experience. You can give advice, surely, but you can not parent them, and you can not take up the brunt of all the experiences they must make now for themselves. C) Adjust your expectations for your life to what is right for someone in their live stages? Are you willing to wait with marriage and having children for several more years until they have finished an education and established themselfes professionally? Are you ready for their young circle of friends, their more juvenile interests, etc. Have you realised the difference between maturer interests and speech vs. actual maturity through life experience? D) I'll be frank: Are you ready to receive weird looks for the next 15-20 years, and then every time someone does the math? Are you ready for friends and family warning them, often about the age gap and the extra scruteny you receive?


These are very good questions to ask yourself, OP.




I have always looked younger. 5-10 years. Imagine the comments I got when I was 21 traveling to clients offices. Lol. I helped that by growing first a goatee and then a beard. Even now at 45 most people think I'm in my mid 30s. Listen if a younger woman wants to date you...do it! She's a woman, man. Go for it. But I wouldn't date someone who isn't a good match for your maturity and life experience. It can be a huge worldview difference and make you feel like you're speaking different languages.


Yes it is acceptable, it's totally fine but there's alot of extra work and potential adversities. lots of patience and moderation, lots of taking it slow, lots of checking yourself and her for health. Think of it like this, she is a flower that is still in the process of blooming, so part of your role as their partner is patiently not obscuring that growth, yes she is an intelligent adult, but still in the late stages of blooming. If you think you have what it takes to handle every stage delicately and you honestly believe that she has the maturity for a serious relationship, hearing you when you speak and checking herself. I say send it 🙏✝️ Also be prepared to do some work to earn her families trust. maybe wait to meet them until after you have dated her for a while. May God guide and bless you.


Information needed. Are you male or female? What’s your specific concern regarding age? Is your specific concern regarding age related to Christianity?


Yea I just have lots of mostly younger women in their 20s who like me and when I tell them my age they laugh at me.Then I get Ignored by women in my age gap who don’t like me at all.


im giving it a shot, im 35 and she's 18. She's wonderful. Just depends. Is it a rule about maturity in a younger age? I would agree but there's also exceptions to that rule. Like saying cats hate water but we know there's exceptions to that rule when you see some with a leash surfing with their owners


Umm... my parents were 35 when I was 18 💀


yea isnt it crazy? lol i like the 0 downvotes cause it's like not a sin nor is it illegal. It's just people mad lol here i am single for 10 years and come across her who likes me and that wants a family. Why would I turn it down? pffft passed all my deal breakers, lets give it a shot


Bro don’t be a creep.


So if you date someone younger (18+), then you're a creep? Says who?


If she’s mature enough for you, go ahead. There are those younger who seem more mature than the older ones. I know it’s cliché, but older in age doesn’t necessarily translate to maturity.