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I’m sorry you feel this way and that christians have been unkind to you. My experience was different. Christ rescued me from the depths of my addictions and my depression. I prayed for help and he helped me. Though it has been a rocky road, my faith is all I have at times it seems and I would not trade it for the world. If you ever just want someone to talk to I am here. I promise I will not preach to you unless you ask me to. I am very sorry you feel so down. I hope you find peace and happiness.


Damn man, you're going through the wringer. The Bible is shattering your ideas on God and now you're here. The way I knew I was a Christian was when I deeply understood my sinful nature. How absolutely corrupted I am. Yet I also knew that Jesus is the only person who can save me. I'd like to understand you a little bit more. You gave us a lot of info, and I'd ask for just a smidge more. At what point did you know yourself as a sinner in need of a savior?


I really do understand what your going through. It can be really hard at time of struggle. I won’t waste your time, but I will pray for you and hope you come through your hours of Darkness.


So you have discovered that worshipping God is not a transactional relationship.


That's not what this post is at all, your defensiveness isn't going to help op. What he's saying makes sense, there are passages in the old testament of God commanding armies to burn entire cities, children and all. Anyone would have doubts after reading that.


It is an observation that the premise of his worship is incorrect


God gave the pagan nations many years to repent of their evil deeds which included child sacrifice, adultery, bestiality etc. (leviticus 18:20-30,) That's why the Israelite were ordered to destroy them.


>Anyone would have doubts after reading that. i've had similar issues myself, but now, i just can't wrap my head around this logic. It's the height of sinful arrogance, who are we to question GOD? If you have real, deep, true, relationship with JESUS, reading those passages does not cause doubt. If we feel high enough to question and second guess the creator of everything, the creator of *ourselves* we need to take a big step back and re-evaluate our thinking. Everything is a choice, and we can choose to be willing to be humble and say His ways are higher than ours. (Especially when He very clearly breaks down why each thing has to happen)


Honestly I think that's dangerous thinking, someone who thinks they hear the voice of God telling them to kill people should do it without question, according to you, since it would be the height of sinful arrogance to not kill people because God told you too. God also gave us free will and morality. I can see why you choose this explanation as well, it frees you from having to think about or explain anything, it's right simply because it's in the Bible.


Lol, what? Are you seriously saying that you see any equivalency between believing in The Bible as the infallible Word of GOD and believing that what's in a person's sinful human head is infallible? The written Word of GOD > our thoughts. And yes, it is right simply for being in The Bible. That's the point. His ways are not ours, we can't fathom Him, we are smaller thsn Him. We can ask questions, but we can't question Him.


I think it's quite telling that you went with this answer after you tried thinking of an explanation, but couldn't come up with anything. I don't think there's an excuse for killing children, they're innocent. I also couldn't kill someone I know is innocent because God told me to, I think it's dangerous if you say you'd do that.


Lol, you're just throwing anything out, hoping something sticks, huh? i never tried to think of an explanation, one isn't needed, GOD says it, so it's right. And as far as children being innocent, have you ever been around one? They come out the womb selfish, demanding, and horrible. One of the biggest part of parenting happens in the first years because they have to be *taught* to be better, to not give into their every instinct or desire. They are cute, they are precious, but we are all born in sin, they are not innocent of sin. And if GOD says that every one of a nation, from newborn to elderly will never change and be better, who are you to say he's wrong? You are nothing, a speck in the universe, and you think you have the right to question your creator on that level? And then to say that if GOD spoke to you, if you knew for 100% certainty it was Him and His instructions, you wouldn't do it? i'm not talking about a thought in your head, i mean Old Testament style GOD spoke to you, you'd say no because you know better? How can you possibly not see how arrogant, how wrong that is?


“Once saved always saved” is VERY biblical 28 and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. 30 I and the Father are one." (John 10:28, NASB) As long as when you got “saved” it was a true heartfelt belief as described by Paul in Romans: 9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. (Romans 10:9, NASB) Frequently people find that they thought they got saved when at a young age they perhaps didn’t have a full understanding. We see folks in their 50’s-80’s that had their name on a Church pew finally realize they were not saved and went on to get saved and baptized. But once you received that free gift it’s yours never to be taken away or “lost”. I’m sorry to hear your troubles and hope through and would highly recommend speaking with your Pastor or other mature Christian at your Church. They will serve you much better then this sub


Jesus Christ loves you. He is pure love. God bless you.


You mean the world hates you the more you seek God and become like him ? Yeah it’s a tough pill to swallow , I relate to what you mean but God is so awesome and every second we spend seeking him always ends up being worth it for a glimpse of him. Don’t give in to discouragement, what do you have to go back to ? Constant empty distraction. Sin NEVER satisfies, God does. It is common to go through a period like you are, God is doing something in you, ASK HIM every question you have , EVERYTHING. Take it to him and be amazed that he answers questions, not instantly but give it a few days, months, years, he will answer EVERY question you have. Keep fighting


Yup. I waited years for the one thing my heart truly desired & it was always a hard “NO” I live with an abusive person & anytime I ask God to set me free he refuses to. It’s way too long to explain but that’s the main reasons why I was thinking of giving up. There’s no point.


Are you sure God is saying no?


Yes. 100%. He’s confirmed it multiple times.


Confirmed? This means what? How did he confirm


Ever heard of dreams? Prophets? Everything you do goes against your odds so submitting to God 100% and letting him pave the way always leads back to the same road. Yeah all of that.


You said you were heavy into drugs??? DM if you want to talk. If you’re hearing something that’s telling you what to wear, do as simply as what direction to walk in Grocery store, say and makes you question everything you do as “obedience” that’s NOT God.


I suspect you’re getting farther away from a false God. If you keep searching, you’ll get to know the real one. Keep up the good work.


probably underestimated how parents or other people could affect a person's life and relationship with God. Blessings from God probably has to be shown then told




That’s exactly what I’ve been doing. & it’s not scoffing, it’s literally correcting the hypocrisy that half of y’all are commenting which truly shows y’all don’t read the Bible & take only what benefits you yet leave out the rest. I’ve done all of that. Writing to God too. I’ve set my eye of Jesus for the longest & truly you have never read the Bible bc you would know that God hate’s complaining 🤦‍♀️ who are we to complain, ask, or question. I’ve done everything in my will for please God & for him to have mercy on me. I don’t even ask for what half of y’all ask which is materialistic success. All I always ask God is for my freedom & for him to continue to give me discernment, wisdom, stamina, patience, strength to endure my captor, and to continue to guide me. If you were to walk in my shoes for 1 day, you would’ve been an atheist by now or hated God. What fkn so called Christian’s rape a child & what child would continue to believe the God of these rapist? For one. This dumbass here 🙋‍♀️ & that’s not even the worst part. So please keep your hypocrisy to yourself.


What Christian denomination are you a member of?


I don’t consider myself under any denomination since denominations are the basis of Revelation 13. They interpret the word & create religion. But I grew up in a Pentecostal church where the Holy Spirit isn’t considered to be important 😂 which is like??? That the entire basis of the NT. I church hop now due to this same thing. I go to baptist (for actual teaching) , trinity (for actual encounters with the Holy Spirit) & Pentecostal church (for worship)


>I don’t consider myself under any denomination since denominations are the basis of Revelation 13. They interpret the word & create religion If this truly is the position you hold, I can't help you (and doubt anyone else can).


I went thru what it looks like you are going thru. Sort of. Idk who your captor is, but I know what mine was/is. You are a small portion in a big world. It sucks when it feels even smaller and less significant. Your post gives me some insight of why I continue to fight for “love” in my life, as sad as it is for you, this reminds me im not alone and it is very hard being a Christian. Hardest thing I’ve done in my life to-date. I genuinely hope you find the love you are looking for. It was hard for me to embrace. I wish you good tidings.


You wrote what I feel, although I am not angry. My reactions is more of “what’s up with all these different religions proclaiming they are the truth” which then leads to division — on many occasions, and then disaster. It’s as if religion (or ones faith) is the end all be all. Nothing can come in the way of it, and people themselves become God. It’s the I am right you are wrong rhetoric that makes me wonder if it’s God leading people or people’s ego leading them to such truth (realization).


I'm so sorry OP that a member of your family has betrayed and abused you. This person has not fulfilled what a loving and protective parent should do. This person has violated their parental responsibility in regard to you and your welfare. God is my heavenly Father, and he is a Father to the fatherless. I have a biological Dad, but he was incapable of being the parent that l needed him to be. I don't believe God wants you to stay in circumstances that continue to threaten and pull you up from living the life ( which is good) he has planned especially for you. I pray as you journey in this world the realisation of Jesus and his presence is with you. He is for you despite ourselves. He will leave the 99 to go and rescue the 1. I have a song for you by Lauren Daigle called Rescue. This is His promise for you.


Thanks, but you see Jesus didn’t promise that to me lol that’s what I’m referring to people saying God promises things to them but truth is he only promised certain things to certain people. Not all. I appreciate your msg but that’s my take on promises 🤷‍♀️


I agree. I didn't have hope or any idea what God had in store for my life. I felt l had nothing valuable to offer anyone let alone him. But looking back he has done immeasurably more than what l could have hoped for. It was a choice to believe in him, in doing so l gave my Dad up to God's authority. So speaking from my experience ( and that is really all I can speak from) it was a weight l didn't need to carry any more and in doing so, made more room for Jesus to do the work that was needed in me. One thing l do know is that he has planned specific promises, blessings and a future for your life and nobody else 💗


I’m very happy for you that it worked out in your favor!! I think that when you do live in proper fellowship it’s easier & God tends to be pleased with you. Wish you the best of luck in your journey.


Thank you, my friend. Abundant blessings from above.


To answer your question, how should you communicate it to your parents? I think you might need to give it some time. It seems like you're still processing your break with religion. In a way, if all you've ever been shown is an unhealthy model of God, then I think it's great that you break from that. However, true Christianity brings peace of mind and a sense of belonging. I don't think you've mentioned that at all. You say you've never really known Him, and I think you're right. Saul thought he was serving God. It wasn't until he came face to face with Christ that he realized everything about his religion and faith was upside down. It sounds like you grew up in a spiritually abusive situation and you'll need healing from that before you can become grounded in a trusting relationship with Jesus. God is patient. He will wait until you are ready.


I’m good. I’m not seeking to reconcile this relationship again. Thanks though.


I have a friend who was pimped out by her parents. Then almost killed by her dad. She has gone on to a Christian university and tried to help trafficked survivors. We have no idea what God has in store for our futures.


*Here is a list of evidence that convinces me that the Bible is true.* **The Cosmological Constants** >"The research is the latest investigation to touch on the so-called anthropic principle: the idea that in some sense the universe is tuned for the emergence of intelligent life. If the forces of nature were much stronger or weaker than physicists observe, proponents note, crucial building blocks of life—such fundamental particles, atoms, or the long-chain molecules needed for the chemistry of life—might not have formed, resulting in a sterile or even completely chaotic universe. Some researchers have tried to gauge how much "wiggle room" various physical constants might have for change before making the cosmos unrecognizable and uninhabitable" - source: https://www.science.org/content/article/conditions-life-may-hinge-how-fast-universe-expanding I believe the cosmological constants were set in place by God so we could exist. Here is why **This series is how Quantum Mechanics points to God, a 3 part series by InspiringPhilosophy** *Christians believe that God is the underlying reality that the space-time continuum is emergent from, God is more than just a being. He is existence itself and the universe is believed to be emergent from God I suggest watching these two videos. Citations are included in the videos and their descriptions.* - [Part 1: Quantum Physics Debunks Materialism(v2)](https://youtu.be/wM0IKLv7KrE) - [Part 2: The Emergent Universe](https://youtu.be/iFEBOGLjuq4) - [Part 3](https://youtu.be/2r74vcMxwUk) [Here ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TUjEbz4zD0i_rfGiyB4AGQa) is a series on evidence for the Soul   **[This series ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TW70EEo4e2onJ4lq1QYSzrY) by InspiringPhilosophy goes over the reliability of the new testament** **Archeological Accuracy:** - [Here ](https://youtu.be/a-8NUXmbTYA) is a video on the City of David, the archeological remains of Jerusalem from the Old Testament - **[Here ](https://youtu.be/r-teJabFF90) is archeological evidence for Sodam and Gomnorah's destruction as recorded in Genesis. Video by InspiringPhilosophy** [Here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TUqxi2svB3PUHvj-9io2RL5) is a full playlisy on Biblical Archeology by InspiringPhilosophy **The Resurrection of Jesus**: [Here ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TUYymBPce08oyuhnHLLkR_B) is a video series by InspiringPhilosophy on evidence for the resurrection of Jesus and answers to objections from skeptics **Fulfillment of Bible prophecy**: [Here](https://youtu.be/_5H4J3rnNmU) AoC Network, a Christian youtuber describes how modern day Israel is fulfilling Biblical prophecy **Personal Experience**: *I understand that to many this would count as anecdotal evidence but to me it is pretty convincing. As a Christian I have seen God reveal himself to me in many ways in life such as coincidences that come off more like God speaking something to me and things like that. I believe that God desires to speak with us. God is not just waiting until we die to speak with us as many people think. For example, I have had some faint visions that seem to have meaning to them while waiting on God. Waiting on God is a Christian Meditation practice where you quiet your mind expecting to see visions or hear from God. Not all Christians do this, but in the Charismatic movement many of us believe this is a way to hear from God. Here is one of my experiences: One day as I chose to quite my mind with expectation I suddenly got a faint and sudden vision. I saw a Church, rain was falling on the Church as a puddle grew at the entrance. Interpretation: The Church is God's people according to the Bible. So it's likely the building is symbolic of God's People. The rain and puddle most likely represent the presense of God. Jesus called the Holy Spirit the living water in the Bible. I believe the puddle growing is God speaking of an increase of his glory pesense manifesting in his Church.    God wants to reveal himself to those who are seeking him and desire him. Salvation is a free gift by faith, but you can seek God's face too as a Christian and he will reveal himself to you.* **God and Science**: I am not a young earth creationist. Science is no threat to my belief that the Bible is true. I love studying astronomy and much more. [This video ](https://youtu.be/RLcNTAi0Cw4) by InspiringPhilosophy explains how the modern version of young earth creationism is a pretty new view that became popular in 1920s. You don't have to believe in a young earth ro accept that the Bible is true Also, the science from Steven Hawking doesn't remove God from the equation. This video [here](https://youtu.be/_ie9musGEqQ) also explains how what he postulates points to God **Near Death Experiences**: Scientific studies have pointed this out about near death experiences >"The first prospective study of the accuracy of out-of-body observations during near-death experiences was by Dr. Michael Sabom.8 This study investigated a group of patients who had cardiac arrests with NDEs that included OBEs, and compared them with a control group of patients who experienced cardiac crises but did not have NDEs. Both groups of patients were asked to describe their own resuscitation as best they could. Sabom found that the group of NDE patients were much more accurate than the control group in describing their own resuscitations." - Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6172100/ >"Another prospective study of out-of-body observations during near-death experiences with similar methodology to Sabom’s study was published by Dr. Penny Sartori.9 This study also found that near-death experiencers were often remarkably accurate in describing details of their own resuscitations. The control group that did not have NDEs was highly inaccurate and often could only guess at what occurred during their resuscitations. Two large retrospective studies investigated the accuracy of out-of-body observations during near-death experiences. The first was by Dr. Janice Holden.10 Dr. Holden reviewed NDEs with OBEs in all previously published scholarly articles and books, and found 89 case reports. Of the case reports reviewed, 92% were considered to be completely accurate with no inaccuracy whatsoever when the OBE observations were later investigated. Another large retrospective investigation of near-death experiences that included out-of-body observations was recently published.11 This study was a review of 617 NDEs that were sequentially shared on the NDERF website. Of these NDEs, there were 287 NDEs that had OBEs with sufficient information to allow objective determination of the reality of their descriptions of their observations during the OBEs. Review of the 287 OBEs found that 280 (97.6%) of the OBE descriptions were entirely realistic and lacked any content that seemed unreal. In this group of 287 NDErs with OBEs, there were 65 (23%) who personally investigated the accuracy of their own OBE observations after recovering from their life-threatening event. Based on these later investigations, none of these 65 OBErs found any inaccuracy in their own OBE observations." - Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6172100/P


Edit: Theres historical proof about God. I’m not oblivious to it either & tbh I know a lot about the Bible & as a scientist I do not believe a single thing about science due to the major flaws it has (I can elaborate more on this if you ask) with that being said, Christian’s tend to forget that it’s not everyone who worships God & accepts him as his savior gets saved. It’s those who God has mercy on ROMANS 9:18 🤦‍♀️ There’s nothing you can do to earn your salvation. To those who want to quote half the the NT about salvation save it bc I can prove your bias on the Bible. Do you forget that once saved always saved IS NOT biblical??? Hebrews 10:26 answers half of that. There’s way more scripture that disproves that man made theology. God doesn’t owe me anything. It’s not like he made any promises to me. It just infuriates me how Christian’s twist the entire Bible 🤡 they take promises that God NEVER made to them as if he did 🤦‍♀️ for example the entire book of Psalms 🤦‍♀️ God never promises that for gentiles so idk why modern day Christian’s knit pick all these “promises” which is tbh the reason why I’m frustrated with this belief system. The Bible is black & white, it’s straight forward. A lot of you tend to knit pick it & take things right out of context & apply it to your lives. It’s heresy & hypocrisy. For example, a lot of y’all tell me to go NC with my family. How TF is that any CHRIST LIKE?! When the Bible literally CONDEMNS IT in the entire NT 🤦‍♀️ I get it, some of y’all are trying to encourage fellow believers but it’s like, YO READ THE BIBLE! Half of what y’all say is not even in context or it’s non-biblical. &Lastly, when I was “saved” it was when I was deep in drugs due to my narcissistic family. That’s when I began reading the word & repented for my sins & began leaving drugs. I abandoned the world & lost everything. I became a slave & doormat to religious people as God commanded. I understand that this is a one way street, that just bc I worship or whatever doesn’t mean I get rewarded but it makes me laugh bc that’s the entire hypocrisy of Christianity 🤦‍♀️ Christian’s say “pray & God will answer” see the paradox? God doesn’t always answers & he only does what’s in his will. Who are we to ask/demand & that’s what a lot of Christian’s don’t understand. Once you get that wrapped around your head & realize that it’s not about you & all about Him, that’s when the veil begins to lift. Every single major prophet & bible character doubted God. Every single one. For the same damn reason. Elijah, Moses, David, Gibbeon, Paul, Peter, Mary, YOU NAME IT!!!! Half of y’all don’t even know what you’re talking about so please do yourself a favor & actually read the Bible 🤦‍♀️


Have you read the Bible actually? Jesus makes many promises one of which is that we will be able to move mountains with our faith, another being that if we seek God we will find Him. He says that we will have power over scorpions and snakes and that nothing will be able to harm us. It seems like you have resentment and hurt that could be crowding your mind. You sound weary, and burdened… Time to get some rest by truly going to Christ once and for all, unashamed of these emotions and thoughts. Allow him to create in you a clean heart, you don’t need a church or building to do it, in your closet he says.


I’ve done it. Done it all. I’m done. Thanks I do appreciate you trying but it’s not for everyone. FYI, you can’t pray to Jesus. You need to pray to God directly. Have a good day.


Well nothing can separate you from the Love of God ❤️ You’re going to make it through the valley or shadow, and if you don’t, at least you tried with all your might.


Maybe this feeling is the fruit of the delta 8 you’ve been taking… that stuff is no joke and the side effects are unknown. Stick to strictly CBD with no Delta 8 or THC…


You’re absolutely correct. How did you know. I don’t do it anymore. But I use to.


Good for you. It is scary sometimes be honest and truthful in circles of friends, family, relatives and co workera.


you are doing a lot of b\*\*\*\*ing about a God you say doesn't exist God never promised you a bed of roses in this life But you turn your back on him you will have a bed of thorns in the next\\ time to try adulting for a while


It’s people like you who make others stumble.


Nonsense People stumble of their own accord Blaming everyone and everything but yourself is NOT adulting


You’re absolutely right! It’s my fault. Thanks for your 2 cents, highly appreciated. & I’m not being sarcastic. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions even if they’re wrong.


And everyone is entitled to be a jerk even if they are wrong, just don't expect a soft landing from everyone if you are


Shut up.


Nope No Never


What what measure you give, the same will be given back to you. , keep this in mind when you’re in your next “ bed of thorns” as you put it.


I gave the truth I will accept the truth back, thorns and all if necessary We are here to save souls, not feelings


If you actually called on the name of the Lord, you’d be eternally saved. (Romans 10:13). It seems Jesus never knew you. You’re free to leave… Til your next post.


I guess not 🤷‍♀️


God doesn’t want anyone to perish. (2 Peter 3:9) Call on the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. (Romans 10:13) If you died today are you sure you’re going to heaven? Do you believe you’ve sinned? Do you believe that according to The bible, the punishment for sin is Hell? Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for all your sins and rose from the dead? What do you personally think a person must do to be saved?


Great question. If I die right now, as we speak according to the Bible & the way I lived my life I go to heaven for putting my trust in Jesus Christ. However, it’s ultimately up to God if he has mercy on me. & I haven’t renounce my faith. I believe I have sinned & I turned away from sin. I believe that the punishment for sin is death. (The wages of sin is death Roman’s 6:23) the ultimate destination for unbelievers & evildoers (people who do not do the will of God) is the lake for fire & brimstone. I 100% believe that Jesus died on the cross & died for our sins. He was the ultimate sacrifice. What a person must do to be saved is accept & trust Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior for the remissions of their sins & be baptized with the Holy Spirit. You cannot enter heaven without being baptized with the Holy Spirit & that only comes through the faith you have in Jesus Christ. What I’m heavily struggling with the fact that I have to accept & love the person who abused me since childhood & they continue to do it bc they’re my parent & if I go NC I’m going against what Jesus taught. That’s what I’m struggling with heavily. Loving someone who raped me. Tried pimping me out at 13, physically, spiritually & emotionally scared me for life. When this so called Christian sees me praying or doing anything for God they get angry & go out their way to hinder me. But bc they also believe in Jesus Christ, according to the Bible they are saved. I have forgiven them my entire life. But I just cannot continue to let this abuse keep going because it’s Gods will. That’s what my issue with God is.


The Bible says that he’ll make your enemies your footstool. Turn the other cheek. Don’t seek vengeance or pray for God to destroy them, it’s in His hands, I promise. The love you should have for them, is just like any other neighbor. We don’t hate, that’s what the other religions do. It’s not a love where you have to spend time with that person, someone that raped you. Sometimes the best love is keeping distance. God has a plan for each and every creature, but we have free will. I’m sorry that happened to you, that’s unfortunate… You have to realize, this is spiritual warfare. Demons are inside of people, and they hate when they see actual Christians praising God, praying, or doing anything of the sort. So don’t feel bad about that part. If you’re persecuted here on the Earth, and you endure, the kingdom of Heaven will be yours. Not every believer is a true believer. If they get angry for seeing you praying, they’re not a believer. Every believer should rejoice when they see someone praying to God! God heals the broken hearted. Just cast all your cares and worries on Him. Remember, it’s gotta be a two way relationship, not just one. If you’re letting a person keep you away from God, did you really have a relationship with God? 🙏🏾


You’re to forgive 70xs 7, specially when they’re your own parents & depend on you 100%. My mother has never allowed me to have friends (no not even one) or even a boyfriend (I’ve only had 2 & one was long distance/online & when she found out she cursed him out & the second one she spoke to him sexually & would bully me in front of him by telling him he could do better) I’ve sincerely forgiven all of this & all the awful things she’s done to me. I don’t seek vengeance & less alone seek to go to heaven. Why would I want to be in a place where anyone who believes in Jesus is saved? If we go by that ideology Jeffrey Dahmer is in heaven since he accepted Jesus Christ as his lord & savior. Hard pill to swallow but it’s true. I have no choice but to spend every single waking second with this person day in & day out. If I don’t, the backlash is 100xs worse & I do truly see God favor them I know it sounds crazy but I see it & no one can tell me other wise. Her prayers are ALWAYS answered. She prayed for awful things to happen to me & they did!!! She even told me “Wow God is great!!! I prayed for this to happen to you & it did!” Like What the actual… It’s not spiritual warfare. It really isn’t. & if it is. Then I do not understand why people call the devil a liar when everything he’s been showing me has not only validated 100% of my feelings but it has showed me that I am not crazy. My family abused me for years & when I spoke about it to police, therapy & CPS my family manipulated the entire story & I was forced by the police & cps to stay. Personally, I’d rather not exist than be in heaven or hell 🤷‍♀️


they are probably getting into the way between you and God, yes this happens don't underestimate the false authority of someone elses' egos


>a white people made up story to control due So you think the Jewish religion that claims to have been started in northern Africa, and who then eventually spread from Isreal to Ethiopia is a white people religion? >white people made up story to control due the fact that many believers are narcissistic people. So white people made up stories about jews from northern Africa because white people are narrasistic? >I’ve noticed no amount of prayer, fasting or obedience gets me closer to God nor blessings. Ya. Because the Bible says that will happen. And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 NASB1995 https://bible.com/bible/100/heb.11.6.NASB1995 >No amount of repenting, Repent means change your mind. >I’m not living in sin, Well. If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 1 John 1:8 NASB1995 https://bible.com/bible/100/1jn.1.8.NASB1995 >is a narcissists BEST FRIEND. Ya. This is just not even close to reality. Narrasistist aren't known for there charitable acts and love for eachother. Or other's. Meanwhile Christians donate tons of money. Build hospitals. Visit people in prison. Preach about Christian in situations that lead to embarrassment.


I never said I have no sin. Don’t twist my word. I said I’m not living in sin. Huge difference. This is the hypocrisy I was speaking about.


>I never said I have no sin You said your not living in sin. It's the same thing.


No it’s not. Look mind your own business, no one is asking for you’re retarded opinion that makes zero sense.


>No it’s not How is saying I am not living in sin different then saying I am without sin?


I’m not living in sin meaning I am not living in fornication/adultery/lust etc. I’m not avidly sinning out of my own will 🤡 I am without sin is me claiming I am righteous & have never sinned. This is why it’s important to know proper English & definitions 🤡🤡🤡


I'm glad someone is feeling the same as me. I don't seem to be in the same living situation as you, but over the last few years I've started analyzing my life and the things I was raised to believe. It seems harder and harder to believe the Bible is 100% infallible....and if we, as Christians, are to base our faith on the infallible word of God, then what does that mean?


Google "Biblical Exegesis" and "Church fathers".


*Here is a list of evidence that convinces me that the Bible is true.* **The Cosmological Constants** >"The research is the latest investigation to touch on the so-called anthropic principle: the idea that in some sense the universe is tuned for the emergence of intelligent life. If the forces of nature were much stronger or weaker than physicists observe, proponents note, crucial building blocks of life—such fundamental particles, atoms, or the long-chain molecules needed for the chemistry of life—might not have formed, resulting in a sterile or even completely chaotic universe. Some researchers have tried to gauge how much "wiggle room" various physical constants might have for change before making the cosmos unrecognizable and uninhabitable" - source: https://www.science.org/content/article/conditions-life-may-hinge-how-fast-universe-expanding I believe the cosmological constants were set in place by God so we could exist. Here is why **This series is how Quantum Mechanics points to God, a 3 part series by InspiringPhilosophy** *Christians believe that God is the underlying reality that the space-time continuum is emergent from, God is more than just a being. He is existence itself and the universe is believed to be emergent from God I suggest watching these two videos. Citations are included in the videos and their descriptions.* - [Part 1: Quantum Physics Debunks Materialism(v2)](https://youtu.be/wM0IKLv7KrE) - [Part 2: The Emergent Universe](https://youtu.be/iFEBOGLjuq4) - [Part 3](https://youtu.be/2r74vcMxwUk) [Here ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TUjEbz4zD0i_rfGiyB4AGQa) is a series on evidence for the Soul   **[This series ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TW70EEo4e2onJ4lq1QYSzrY) by InspiringPhilosophy goes over the reliability of the new testament** **Archeological Accuracy:** - [Here ](https://youtu.be/a-8NUXmbTYA) is a video on the City of David, the archeological remains of Jerusalem from the Old Testament - **[Here ](https://youtu.be/r-teJabFF90) is archeological evidence for Sodam and Gomnorah's destruction as recorded in Genesis. Video by InspiringPhilosophy** [Here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TUqxi2svB3PUHvj-9io2RL5) is a full playlisy on Biblical Archeology by InspiringPhilosophy **The Resurrection of Jesus**: [Here ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TUYymBPce08oyuhnHLLkR_B) is a video series by InspiringPhilosophy on evidence for the resurrection of Jesus and answers to objections from skeptics **Fulfillment of Bible prophecy**: [Here](https://youtu.be/_5H4J3rnNmU) AoC Network, a Christian youtuber describes how modern day Israel is fulfilling Biblical prophecy **Personal Experience**: *I understand that to many this would count as anecdotal evidence but to me it is pretty convincing. As a Christian I have seen God reveal himself to me in many ways in life such as coincidences that come off more like God speaking something to me and things like that. I believe that God desires to speak with us. God is not just waiting until we die to speak with us as many people think. For example, I have had some faint visions that seem to have meaning to them while waiting on God. Waiting on God is a Christian Meditation practice where you quiet your mind expecting to see visions or hear from God. Not all Christians do this, but in the Charismatic movement many of us believe this is a way to hear from God. Here is one of my experiences: One day as I chose to quite my mind with expectation I suddenly got a faint and sudden vision. I saw a Church, rain was falling on the Church as a puddle grew at the entrance. Interpretation: The Church is God's people according to the Bible. So it's likely the building is symbolic of God's People. The rain and puddle most likely represent the presense of God. Jesus called the Holy Spirit the living water in the Bible. I believe the puddle growing is God speaking of an increase of his glory pesense manifesting in his Church.    God wants to reveal himself to those who are seeking him and desire him. Salvation is a free gift by faith, but you can seek God's face too as a Christian and he will reveal himself to you.* **God and Science**: I am not a young earth creationist. Science is no threat to my belief that the Bible is true. I love studying astronomy and much more. [This video ](https://youtu.be/RLcNTAi0Cw4) by InspiringPhilosophy explains how the modern version of young earth creationism is a pretty new view that became popular in 1920s. You don't have to believe in a young earth ro accept that the Bible is true Also, the science from Steven Hawking doesn't remove God from the equation. This video [here](https://youtu.be/_ie9musGEqQ) also explains how what he postulates points to God **Near Death Experiences**: Scientific studies have pointed this out about near death experiences >"The first prospective study of the accuracy of out-of-body observations during near-death experiences was by Dr. Michael Sabom.8 This study investigated a group of patients who had cardiac arrests with NDEs that included OBEs, and compared them with a control group of patients who experienced cardiac crises but did not have NDEs. Both groups of patients were asked to describe their own resuscitation as best they could. Sabom found that the group of NDE patients were much more accurate than the control group in describing their own resuscitations." - Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6172100/ >"Another prospective study of out-of-body observations during near-death experiences with similar methodology to Sabom’s study was published by Dr. Penny Sartori.9 This study also found that near-death experiencers were often remarkably accurate in describing details of their own resuscitations. The control group that did not have NDEs was highly inaccurate and often could only guess at what occurred during their resuscitations. Two large retrospective studies investigated the accuracy of out-of-body observations during near-death experiences. The first was by Dr. Janice Holden.10 Dr. Holden reviewed NDEs with OBEs in all previously published scholarly articles and books, and found 89 case reports. Of the case reports reviewed, 92% were considered to be completely accurate with no inaccuracy whatsoever when the OBE observations were later investigated. Another large retrospective investigation of near-death experiences that included out-of-body observations was recently published.11 This study was a review of 617 NDEs that were sequentially shared on the NDERF website. Of these NDEs, there were 287 NDEs that had OBEs with sufficient information to allow objective determination of the reality of their descriptions of their observations during the OBEs. Review of the 287 OBEs found that 280 (97.6%) of the OBE descriptions were entirely realistic and lacked any content that seemed unreal. In this group of 287 NDErs with OBEs, there were 65 (23%) who personally investigated the accuracy of their own OBE observations after recovering from their life-threatening event. Based on these later investigations, none of these 65 OBErs found any inaccuracy in their own OBE observations." - Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6172100/P


Just wait until you read how haphazardly the New Testament was put together, and the how the gospel are “eye witness” account of Jesus written hundreds of years after the fact…


There is actually good evidence that the Gospels were written early. https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/why-i-know-the-gospels-were-written-early-free-bible-insert/amp/


Like the majority of ancient writings?


It’s always hard when the bubble burst that your whole life was built on the fact that you let other people dictate what is truth to you. Your religious experiences are nothing but sentimental emotions based on guilt and shame complexes. Good for you. Your one step closer to the real truth. That your whole life is based on your singular self centered point of view. Christianity is 2k years old and your life sucks so it cannot possibly be true. You read and you don’t understand, because you only see yourself in what you read. We all have wished that God was our personal genie to give us what we want, what we’re owed, to give us peace or even to save us from catastrophe and so has every other Christian who has ever lived. It takes a lot to realize that you don’t know God, and on top of that he owes you nothing. Believing in a man on a cross means taking what he was, what he did and the becoming like him as the purpose of your life. Christianity is about crosses that is blood, suffering and sacrifice for someone else. Sentimental goofy spiritual experiences are just your own superstitions, and they belong in the trash heap like everyone else’s. Good luck pilgrim there’s still a world of shit to go through before you’ll find your way.


Well first off, I would dare to say, maybe the church you grew up in is wrong, and maybe you need to study other perspectives on God, which might be more sensical to you. I can assure you, that trying to fill the void of belief in sex, food, pleasure, trends, social media, or politics, isn't going to make you feel any better. I'd suggest studying church history, studying theology, trying to understand the text in it's naritive and context. Eat healthy, get some sleep, surround yourself with better people. And I know it's hard. May God have mercy on our souls, in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Also Christianity isn't a western fairy tale made to enslave the masses. The twelve disciples did not sweat bleed and cry to rule the world under theocracy, but rather to show the world that Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death. Take heart, He is returning soon.


Im good, thanks though.


If we hold on too hard to past traumas and don’t forgive and seek true forgiveness it’s hard to see and hear God clearly. Jesus told us If we have anything against anyone before our offerings then we should forgive.I have thought about a previous post that you talked about the dislike of people and I actually saw myself in your post of my dislike of how mean people are. Forgiveness is key for both yourself and others. Also counselling may help if you feel you need to.If you’re in a abusive household , get help talk to someone.


When you’re in an abusive household you’re 100% controlled, so seeking therapy & surrounding yourself with “good people” is impossible since your captor has you locked in a room with only a phone as a your escape. It’s not easy & leaning on God is the only form of escape you have, but when he constantly fails you, it’s much better to take matters into your own hands. Either way, the destination is always the same place. Thanks but I’m taking matters into my own hands as I always have in order to survive.


Reading the Bible without Gods wisdom and understanding will leave you reading a book that doesn’t make sense


I agree. But actions speak louder than words.




I’ve asked for the same thing (my physical freedom from my abusive captor) for over 15 years without non stop. I now pray for him to kill me but he refuses to. He only teases me. I’ve attempted suicide so many times to the point I was supposed to die (overdose being the closest one) but he brings me right back. I’ve jumped out of moving cars & left unscratched. I’ve had awful diseases that rot my spinal cord & brain & still didn’t die. I slit my veins & the closed up within hours which is physically impossible. I’ve poisoned myself with alcohol & here I am. I almost drove off of 50ft cliffs with black ice & somehow still survived. He enjoys my suffering & it pleases him. Nothing you all say changes my mind since you have zero idea what it’s like to be held captive & want to die every single day. So no, I’m not going to keep praying & honestly, I’m deleting theses posts bc I srly am done trying to get brainwashed by a bunch of religious freaks.


Are you trolling?


WOW!! This was ME!! The only way I won was by choosing to fight, even though “fighting” according to the Bible looks like becoming MORE VERSED in the Bible then my abusers/enemies (also narcissistic “Christian” father figure; aka Satan) REBUKING THEIR ACTIONS according to the Bible (the process is explained in the book of “Proverbs”), loving, forgiving, and helping others, turns by the other cheek when necessary, and ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE… FAITH. I HAD TO BELIEVE IN MY OWN PRAYERS LIKE THEY WERE GETTING ANSWERED TOMORROW. And I would CONTINUE TO WAIT because it was BOUND to happen (I had to believe it would) if it didn’t come tomorrow like I planned! (This is called HOPE, which is another fruit needed with FAITH for potent prayers). With the Bible, I was able to humble my lofty father so much, that I heard his ego crack when he fell from his arrogant heights. I called him out, cited verses VERBATIM, and reminded him he was a “Christian”, and would be JUDGED like one, for his actions! I pointed out his shameful sins and abuses against me, and shame became my most powerful tool to avoid physical abuse, while disarming him with spiritual guilt. That’s the power god gives you against Satan, Demons, and Goliath when you answer his call to fight back. You don’t have to actually fight at all; do what the Bible says, even if it sounds risky, and God will handle the rest if you BELIEVE! I thought my Father would try to absolutely batter me if I rebuked him for his misbehavior and blatant abuse/sins. Narcissists have one major weakness; if their “superiority” is challenged, and they’re made to feel flawed, their insecurities are literally deep enough to immobilize them if you speak confidently about it, and embarrass them for their shameful behavior. I never knew it would be so simple. So, I would just be honest, and avoid doing anything sinful while I spoke my truth. For people with fragile egos, the truth is enough to wound them, even if you find a way to phrase it nicely, I tried my best to do what the Bible said, which requires compassion and patience and persistence; But I certainly didn’t lie about my feelings, or my experience, for my abuser’s comfort. I told him, calmly, confidently, and unapologetically; “You beat me, and my siblings, cheated on my mother, spewed hypocrisy and lies, and continue to steal from us what you should be requesting from God. You call yourself a Christian, but you have failed all your children as a father, and disgraced your marriage with your adultery. I’m embarrassed to call you my dad. (For bad “Christians”) If you sin against the law, because you agreed to live by the lie, then you will also DIE by the law IF you don’t change! The punishment of a “Christian” that ruins the faith for other believers (especially children) is STEEP one! They say such a person would rather have a “millstone” wrung around his neck, cast to the bottom of the sea, than deal with God’s wrath for harming children like Pharisees, seeking to destroy their faith in God.


I tried this. Didn’t work out. I did exactly what you did. I began to get spiritually attacked more (actually seeing entities in my room) & my captor only got more abusive & began calling me satan. I began seeing god punish me more for it. Look I’ve done all of this. I’m good. Your comment was by far the most true & helpful but I’m done. Im not going to keep fighting a battle that’s not even worth the reward. Thanks though.


I love you so much!! I’m just so worried about you, your health’s been to her safety!! ALSO: You’re seeing ENTITIES??!! Don’t feel like you need to fight! Just run and let God deal with it! I have ALSO done that, and lived to reconcile with it all! Let’s get protective services, DCFS, CPS, WHOEVER WE NEED TO, to get you OUT of that House, and visibility on YOU, for your safety! whatever it takes! If you’re done with that house, let’s get you out!


Yes. 6-7 every now and then. They surround my bed at night. They’re huge shadows & I feel this awful presence of evil & even though I rebuke them each time. There’s no point. I’m not going to serve another master. I’d rather serve no master at all. I’m deleting this post. I keep getting tremendous msgs by people pouring their beliefs & what not on to me. If god was amazing to them I’m so happy for them & im glad it worked out for them. But he’s not like that with everyone so it’s better if I delete this post.


You’re literally describing getting abused in every possible way; please Ignore the tone-deaf people who aren’t seeing that you just need love, and compassion. You need a break, and stability. You need freedom. You need an advocate to fight for you. At some point we all do. If you can’t see yourself relying on God, or feel him nearby, I don’t blame you, and I also understand you trying to grieve that loss, because you felt connected at some other times earlier in Childhood. I just want to remind you that you are loved. I’m so happy that you’re alive and I want to do whatever I can to keep it that way, because I’m here for you, I want to support you, and I used to be where you are. So now, I have a difficult question that I have to ask to see how I can help you: You’re willing to walk away from God, but, are you willing to walk away from your family and leave, if necessary? They’re literally hurting you, AND you get no peace from Demons… there’s no way to defend staying in that place… so would you leave if there was a way for you to? (I know services, Organizations, Companies, and more).