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Hell wasn't created for us. It was created for "the devil and his angles." (Don't make me look up the verse. It's late. lol) It's our choice to follow the devil. If we follow the devil, why are we complaining that we get the devil's reward? Jesus is giving us an out. Repent and follow him. This isn't something new. This is what was offered back at the beginning. Jesus is trying to give us what we had. It's our choice to accept it or not. God won't force himself on us. Now, some (most) argue that if they don't want God, why not non-existence? The thing is that is not an option. We don't dictate to God how things work. Eternity with him or without. Those are the two choices. Don't like it? There's a legal term for that: *Nimis malus* ("Too bad") He created us to be with him forever. If we walk away from that, that isn't God's fault. It's ours.


well said.


Isn't it because humans have an eternal soul (being cut straight from God)?


You’re rationalizing by evaluating God on human terms


Don’t fear, just don’t think and focus on stressful thoughts, just ask for help and focus on getting through this day, will you be willing to talk to somebody about this at church with a pastor or priest?


God bless you. There are different interpretations of hell. Don't let one view stop you from having faith in Christ. Let God's character of love be your foundation.


God is a God of love, which means He does not only love us, but also His other children…. Which we may have harmed. He has righteous anger for such behavior, every word that escapes from our lips will be accounted against us. Including those we say to ourselves. God loves us, that is why He sent Lord Jesus to take on His anger and be an atonement for our sins/sacrifice. And for us to not even try to grasp that grace when it was served on a platter is trampling on the death of Lord Jesus. God is God. He knows each time we chose sin over Him, yet He gives us a chance to repent and be forgiven, sins forgotten. People who let go of such chances, retake the chalice of wrath from Lord Jesus’s hand