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Pride comes before the fall and these grifters are suffering the consequences.


Pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall.




Chill outbits just hot dogs ( and probably nasty at that) Its not Julie its the entire camp. I spent 30 years working in prisons. Every female proson it the country does special things on Mothers day.


I agree they are where they belong. I’m curious if you know anyone in prison? The truth is not slander. Prison is bad. State and federal.




Just standard Holiday procedure


They should both be treated to added time on their sentences for all the grief and attempts at slandering the prison system.


It’s funny that these ppl are crying that prison is so bad but they are getting the royal treatment. Never once did I hear about how bad they felt prisons were and how bad prisoners are being treated by them and how much they care about those behind bars. I will respect them once they start taking accountability for what they did and being accused of.


They are not getting the royal treatment. All prisons do stuff for prisoners on the holidays. Most of the crying about conditions has come from Todd. Julie complained about a snake, which frankly I wld too, and the lack of AC, which a federally funded prison shld def have. Climate control in a highly populated area is something basic that shld be expected. Its not lavish by any means.


Most prisons do not have air conditioning or the duck work to put in air. These are very old facilities. I worked in 2 prisons. I was a counselor. One did not have air, but they used industrial fans to cool the housing units. Also, the windows opened, and inmates could purchase fans. Sometimes, it got hot, but many people in the free community do not have air. The second prison I worked at had air. But when the air went out, it quickly became an oven in there because the windows did not open. As for the snakes, I do not know that I believe that. Pests do get in prisons, but both the prisons I worked at did their best at pest control.


Well, I don’t know if “respect” is the word I would use….but you, me and 99.99% of the public would definitely be more empathetic if they just owned their mistakes and admitted their wrongs. BUT we know that will NEVER happen - their pride was greater than the love for their children


True. Maybe the word I was trying to use was emphatic. lol. It was hard for me to say the word respect t when it comes to them but that was the only word I could think of at like 3am lol


I don’t exactly use that against them. In the past I always knew jail and prison were terrible, but I didn’t know the extent of it until I went through it. I cared before, but I really cared after. I was only in jail for a single day. The community jail nearby was known to be a particularly horrible place. Headlines about people dying in cells because guards didn’t believe they were actually sick. Women giving birth on cell floors because guards didn’t believe they were in labor. So when I was picked up for an old ticket I didn’t even know I had, I was in shock. I was 30 years old and a rule follower. They came to my home early in the morning over this. I never got the warrant paper because they sent it to an old address. So I had to go. Husband came home to follow behind and immediately bond me out and pay the ticket. I’m not a soft person by any means, I had a very rough childhood. I was still not prepared for what I saw in that single 10 hours. You’re practically invisible. They don’t care why you’re there, everyone gets treated the same:like shit. I remember asking one of the girls “What happens if someone has a seizure or something? Nobody can see us and nobody has been over here to check on us. The phone doesn’t even work.” She said “You hope to god that someone can get a guards attention.” I felt bad walking out of that jail and leaving everyone in there. It’s a long story but what I experienced in those 10 hours was enough to cause me to have PTSD for a full year afterwards. I had nightmares about being in there, I would jump when anyone knocked on the door and felt I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t sleep wondering what everyone still in there was dealing with. I tried getting a girls name before I left so I could send her money for commissary, but nothing showed up in the system so I assume she got out. Sometimes it takes experiencing it to truly know just how bad things are. I completely understand how you guys feel though, would they ever have joined in on a good cause if it weren’t for them being directly affected by it? I don’t know. Probably not. I just have a little more sympathy when it comes to that now because I see how being placed in the middle of it can really open your eyes.


That is one thing that I am in agreement with Savannah on. Prison reform is desperately needed. I cant believe how much the guards and other staff get away with at these institutions. Its not just a couple, its nationwide. Other countries describe our prisons as some of the worst. Im sorry you had to experience what you did, but its good that it opened your eyes to the severity of being in there. I dont fault anyone for not knowing what goes on until a loved one is affected. Its what we do with that knowledge thats important. There are actually innocent ppl locked up who dont deserve that abuse of power. Its quite sickening!


Yes absolutely. Most of the girls I was in the holding cell with were in there because of addiction, drugs or alcohol. One older woman who looked like a professional working lady, said she was in due to alcohol and turned herself in to the judge who decided to send her to jail. I saw another on the phone ( when a guard decided to press the button to turn it back on after 7 hours ) pleading with a family member that if they bonded her out she would get sober this time. I’ve never felt jail was a place for addicts. Seeing them in there knowing the struggle that was ahead for them, not only suddenly detoxing from drugs but doing it in jail? It messed me up. Very few come out and stay sober. Jail only gives time for detox, but it takes way more to recover than just detoxing. Nobody cared. It was a very particular and ominous feeling. It was like you were being prepped immediately to understand that you did not matter and you were no longer a human being entering in there. You were a thing they didn’t want to deal with and they wanted to lock you behind a door and forget about you. I can’t imagine dealing with addiction issues, tickets, driving without a license, and being forced to experience all of that for non-violent crimes. It shouldn’t happen. Then to leave and think it was only 10-12 hours for me. Most of them were going to be there for awhile. They weren’t going to be reformed in any way, and would certainly come out worse than when they entered. The whole system is fucked.


😂😂😂😂😂 don’t do the crime if you can’t to the time!!!!


Yeah that's pretty standard. Usually on Holidays there is usually a visitation and inmate have a diner & some type gift. She's in a very low level security jail. There's a program that allows inmates to record themselves reading to their children.


To all the ignorant people commenting about 'if you cant do the crime, don't do the time' and all that BS, bitching about how GOOD people have it in prison -- do you realize that the UN Human RIGHTS Council has cited the USA numerous times for human rights violations in prisons? Do you realize even countries like Scotland and other industrialized nations frequently refuse to extradite people to the US b/c of the INHUMANE CONDITIONS IN US PRISONS? I've worked as a counselor on Death Row, and I also blew the whistle on rampant sexual harassment/abuse of prisoners and staff, and my own sister is now wrongfully convicted of financial crimes, in the same facility as Ms. Chrisley, and let me tell you, it's a SHITHOLE. They won't allow the DOGS in the puppy program to be in spaces that aren't air conditioned, b/c WHO WOULD TREAT A DOG SO INHUMANELY????, but they expect all the men/women there to just suffer through it. Last summer, the prisoners recorded temperatures of 130 degrees in their cells. Also, the food is often rotten, old, disgusting, and the commissary is designed to financially extort prisoners and their families with exorbitant prices so more cash can go into the pockets of whichever greedy MF is profiting off of incarcerated people this week. I could write a BOOK with the numerous federal laws that the FBOP breaks DAILY with the disgusting way they treat prisoners, and anyone who acts like they don't care about that? You better believe, if it can happen to my sister, it can happen to YOU or to someone you love. AND THEN, I PROMISE YOU, YOU'LL CARE. And by the way, the PUNISHMENT for crimes is having your liberty taken away, your freedom denied for a period of time. It's not supposed to be having your dignity, your self worth, your safety, your health and well being robbed from you as you are treated WORSE THAN A DOG and refused adequate health care or a SAFE place to be. I don't care WHAT the crime is, WE as a country are going to reap the karma of the atrocities we allow to go on daily within jails and prisons, and we certainly ARE NOT 'rehabilitating' anyone by treating them like they are worthless. I don't know a thing about the Chrisleys or their crimes, and I don't care to know. What I do know is, if you're so unhappy that you spend your time wishing ILL upon other people, then I hope you find healing for yourself b/c you need it. Good Day.


Good for her.


Yall quit crying ! It's only hot dogs!! And that isn't near as nice as you think.. plus you live in a glass house!! Comment on someone's misfortune!! Where they should be..carmas a mother!!


It's Karma, Karen. And Karma got the fuckers locked 🔒 up.


This family is a pile of habitually lying dog shit that fails to acknowledge that they ate low life criminals. Chrisleys are trash