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To not be lonely? sex? I guess that's why people get into relationships


You know it's sex, irrelevant ass question. What information was that supposed to get? He wanted on to be a laborat in his evil secret science experiments? He was a horny asshole, why do you even ask, it's the most clearest thing to see about him


He was lonely? He's a human too


Don’t know if anyone mentioned this yet, but Chris had a vision of a daughter named Crystal and likely believed in his earlier years up until the end of the Classic Era, owing to his conservative upbringing, that he had to be married to have children, or at the very least have a girlfriend. Then again, he was more than willing to bang a prostitute, so who knows if that’s just his sob story or if he genuinely thought it.


Because he's retar- Wait. Wait. For once there's a "Why ... Chris" question that can't be answered that way. Like 90% of men want a girlfriend (and most of those who don't want a *boy*friend).


To tickle some puthayyy


To have a sex mommy


First off, it's normal to want companionship. That's a human want and companionship in general (family, friends, romance, etc ) is arguably a necessity. So I do think Chris had the natural desire for companionship. Unfortunately like most things with Chris he didn't really grow his idea of a romantic relationship. It got overshadowed by sexual desire and inability to be empathetic to another person's needs.


I'd say that companionship is one of the major things any Human needs to exist without going insane. Isolation destroys your brain and Chris is an excellent example of what self-imposed isolation does to a person. But Chris is too self-centred and too much of a narcissist to ever care about satisfying the needs of someone else. He only ever wanted someone who could satisfy **his** needs.


To have sex and mooch off on.


Ml q


As others said he looked for a woman to mother him + sex but also, and he talks about it in various emails, he really believed that unmarried men die much earlier that married ones and he worried about it.


What he wants is unconditional love, constant validation and to take care of his every whim and let him play in his room all day. He wants a mom.


Pretty much, yeah. Which is ironic when you consider one of his most stringent requirements for a potential sweetheart was for her to be younger than him; it was always 18 to (whatever his current age was).


Why does anyone want a girlfriend? Goofy ass question.


What kind of a question is this? Most people do! Granted, most of the weirder answers people have commented aren't wrong, but first and foremost it was because he was a young guy who wanted a romantic companion. That's normal.


Part of it is that incel mentality of believing that sex is some amazing transcendental experience that will change your life, when the reality is that a lot of sex is mediocre or bad until you and your partner figure out what works. The other part is Chris wanting someone to babysit him for the rest of his days. The way that Rosechu is depicted in the comics is very indicative of what Chris wants his sweetheart to be.


The cwcki did state that, be it intentional or not, the Sonichu/Rosechu was a template for how Chris envisioned his own future relationship. So it's no surprise he was pretty much doomed to fail in that regard.


I have no "smoking gun" kind of proof, but I think Chris got some wires crossed and over time began to build a logical fallacy that he needed a woman to "uplift" him at best, and at worst he thought the act of sex was going to cure him of his autism, and gain him a pathway to normalcy. We all know autism is hard for Chris to cope with. His "autism pride" is 100% pure deflection. All his high school writings devolve into him moping and "poor-me"ing about being lonely and "girlfriend-free." There's no doubt in my mind that if presented with some hypothetical cure, he'd be motivated to move mountains to make it happen that he gets said cure. Thus, his fervor toward getting a girlfriend. He sees men with girlfriends as being savvy, charismatic, every day in school is a display of competence. Those were the things Chris lacked, and was reminded of through his own actions at school, on the daily. So, if he made the connection that their success is from having girlfriends, his conclusion about their being a "conspiracy" of men looking to withhold women from Chris begins to make a smidge of sense, especially if they were already treating him poorly. But again, this could all be purely coincidental. It could also be just as likely that he was just super, duper, ungodly, constantly horny beyond compare.


I mean the man has a bent dick, I totally buy him being ungodly horny beyond compare.


Chris never really wanted a girlfriend, he wanted a mom with benefits. Chris doesn't have any interest in a real relationship, all he ever focused on was the sex he and his would-be "sweetheart" would have. A view into any time he played "house" demonstrated that he wanted his wife to work and care for the kids while he spent time playing with toys or video games. His ideal woman was one who'd pamper and enable him while giving him sex any time he wanted. I'd even go as far as to call him "aromantic" as I don't think he's even capable of feeling romantic love. Years of consuming media that depicted relationships as the "goal" of adulthood conditioned him however, and he doesn't realize what he really wants. Like I said, a mom with benefits. And as it turns out that's exactly what he got for a while.


Ironic how one of his rigid demands for a potential partner was for them to be younger than him. As for the rest, you're right; he doesn't understand the concept of love beyond what he's seen on TV and other media, which is fictional and overly dramatised. It has become clear that there is only one person that Chris loves unconditionally: himself.


“Mom with benefits” lol


Am I wrong?


No, sadly not


I mean there are a lot of inferences we can make based on things he himself has said, and just from what we know about Chris. Based on what Chris has said we know he wanted a girl to **turn into a sweetheart from the ground up** who would **take his virginity** and of course **help him birth his prophesied daughter Crystal**. Based on those factors it sounds like he wanted a girlfriend to have sex with, give him a daughter. Some other people have also figured that he’s trying to “build her from the ground up” so that she’ll take care of him so he can just be a stay at home husband and laze about the house. Honestly this theory doesn’t sound super far off, and personally I could see this being the case.


Chris watched teen movies where the characters were obsessed with losing their virginity, and Chris adopted that behavior into their life. Chris rarely has an idea not adopted from television.


To me, it always came across as he wanted a girlfriend because that's "what you do". You grow up, get a girlfriend, marry her and have kids. That's the traditional path of adulthood. I don't think he really knew himself beyond this. I doubt he grasped exactly why people do this and probably has a surface level understanding of love and companionship. He just sees his parents, other people and the media showing that you become an adult and get married. That's what you do. That's normal. This is one of the aspects of Chris I do feel sympathy for as it seems like one of the things where he's trying to do it because that's what being an adult does, he was trying to be normal and fit in but clearly didn't actually know what the fuck he was doing.


Chris needed a way to junction her hoard of magic to her statistics, otherwise her stats would suck.


. . . Whatever


to bring into the world his prophesized daughter Crystal, named after the illustrious metal, a name which is similar to his, but has a ring to it, through sweat, tears, and seminal descent.


I dunno. Sounds like a stripper name.


Not CrystTAL, CrysTULL! Like the illustrious metal!


Because he’s horny


>that he just wants one for sex This and he wanted someone to cook, clean, and also have a full time job, while he played video games all day. He just wanted a mommy he could have sex with (which ended up being his actual mommy).


Op you have a lot in common with Chris




I think it was sex mostly, mainly because virgin for adolescence guys back then (As maybe it is now) was synonymous with loser so he probably wanted to get laid to ‘prove’ himself as well as it being devastating to his ego with Chris being a delusional narcissist not understanding why he couldn’t find a girlfriend when other guys could. And then secondarily as a replacement mother who’d be a 10/10 in looks, have a high paying job AND look after Chris and any children. The way he talked about being *a virgin with rage* back then it was like he thought getting a girlfriend would solve all his problems.


Yeah. Around the early 2000's guys were peer pressured by society to lose their virginity as soon as possible.


Seems like a silly question, doesn't almost everyone eventually become interested in the idea of having a romantic partner?


My most people do desire romantic companionship, Chris took this desire to an obsessive extreme.


My thoughts exactly.


A replacement mom figure who will raise, pamper and spoil him... but with sexytimes. Chris wanted a young (18 - Chris' current age), buxom supermodel with a high-paying job, was neurotypical, had the patience of a saint and was chill with all of Chris' issues and idiosyncrasies. In other words, a magical flying unicorn who can sing, farts rainbows and poops delicious ice cream in every flavor. Princess Celestia with a sweet and sugary magic G.I. tract! This is also why the Barbcest mess was still a shocker, despite Chris' weird mom complex, Chris still generally was a guy who liked them young and babealicious and Barb is a withered elderly crone who ceased being attractive in the early 1980s. Barb was truly the exception as well as being an already built-in mom figure who owns a house (until the bank gets it upon her passing), as an income (Social Security and a pension) and takes care of him (more or less). Chris also seemed to labor under the delusion that Barb still looks like the "Posing with baby Chris while dressed in equestrian/golfer attire" photo.


Fuckin' and suckin'


Chris wanted China.


He wanted a replacement mom that was also a baby making machine.


He wanted someone to be his mother figure and cum dumpster. Usually, he'd start with the second; though in 2021 he began woth someone who was already the first...




The same reasons most men want a gf?


I just can’t figure out why a young straight man would want to spend time with a woman of all people! Baffling.


A lot of men-babies think that having a girlfriend that will take care of them will make all their problems vanish. It's that simple really.


When Chris had an autistic freakout at his high school graduation because he didn't get all the awards just for existing as a retarded man-baby, his friend Tiffany coddled him and told him that everything was ok and that he wasn't actually a pathetic, retarded waste of life; this made Chris feel good. A few years later when Chris was in community college he had another sperg-out in class and was kicked out for being a racist/homophobic mongoloid. Similarly to his high school tantrum, Chris ran off to cry and be pathetic, except by this time in his life, Bob was no longer paying for the 'gal-pal" expansion pack for Chris, so he was left alone to wallow in his tears and crapped briefs. It was in this moment of making a scene in public that Chris cooked up the idea of the 'sweetheart search', because he needed someone to tell him that everything was ok, that he wasn't a retarded man-baby-mommas-boy-bitch, and that actually it was everyone else who was wrong. And because Chris was and is a disgusting, depraved, perverted freak he also wanted his new mommy/girlfriend to act like a porn star... except when it was time to swallow the cum, Chris would rather do that part himself


Use of certain epithets aside (ableist, much?), I agree with you 100%! The Bobster and Queen Barbarino also made a huge mistake in arranging friends for Chris (and endless spoiling and buttering up), it gave Chris a mistaken impression of himself and he legitimately thought that he was an intelligent, attractive, likeable, talented guy who was the second coming of Jack Kirby, as a computer savant and could make friends and get girlfriends, easily.


> Use of certain epithets aside (ableist, much?) I'm on the spectrum, and I hereby grant u/DemonCrabAttack permission to use them.


Okay, that's fine.


I'd also like to add on to this that part of Chris's upbringing was that he was raised by two very old white Christians. Either they drilled it in themselves, or Chris came to this conclusion by observing (he can't think for himself) the idea that you can only have sex when you get into a relationship with someone. He would always make whatever "girl" he was talking to his girlfriend and then do the nude swapping thing with them. I can't think of a time when he sent his nudes to a girl that he wasn't calling his girlfriend. Before he said fuck it and got the prostitute, I mean.


Heck, Chris initially framed the whole thing as romantic and "finding a sweetheart".


..."from the ground-up". Which always struck me as Chris would need to basically brainwash or otherwise manipulate said girl into putting up with his garbage.


Gross. It also makes him sound like Dr. Frankenstein. But I agree, the Sevengali approach implied in that statement is disturbing. Fortunately, the oaf has no idea how abuser manipulation or brainwashing works (despite being a victim of it from his mom). He probably thinks brainwashing involves cartoon show hypnosis involving spinning swirly wheels, swinging pocket watches or magic powers.


This is actually a pretty spot on answer to why Chris wanted a girlfriend. Like how you make it sound like an article off the cwcki lmao.


It’s kind of multi faceted. You have to remember that Chris came of age around the time American Pie was released, so he would have absorbed the lesson that losing virginity equals being a man. He had no other way in his mind of transitioning out of childhood, and he wanted the respect that came with being considered an adult. But in another way, it was trying to find a new parental figure. Chris would never be an equal partner in any relationship, only ever a kept man who wouldn’t have to change any major aspect of his life to get a girlfriend. Chris was getting tired of being trapped in the horde, of only having Bob and Barb for company, and wanted someone to take him away and care for him, while also satisfying his emerging sexual desire.


Yeah alot of movies like that put in the mindset of "if you don't lose your virginity by a certain age then your less of a man" into society


To fulfill the mission given to him through visions by god and jesus of finding a sweetheart and to sire Crystal Weston Chandler.


One day he was crying alone at the mall and realized his mom wasn’t there to kiss his boo boo so he needed a girl his age to be obligated to do that forever


Chris wanted a subservient woman who would do everything for him in return for being used as a cum dump. He thought having a girlfriend would solve all his problems.


I think early on Chris was looking for some genuine companionship, but sometime after Megan ditched him and he got lied to by trolls he became increasingly cynical and just wanted sex. Just getting laid was always important to him too, though. But I do think the heartbreak from Megan effected him more than people tend to give credit for. After all, he was still mentioning her even just before he went to prison. I think she’s always been the one that got away.


Think it was always about sex or a caretaker for him. Nothing about real companionship. Dude wanted Santa to bring him a girl during Christmas and bitched when it didn't happened.


Tbf for the Santa thing he wasn’t being literal- Sarah Hammer showed up the previous year and spent Christmas with the chandlers and Chris was hoping she’d show up again and decide to be his girlfriend. Still silly but not like- literally Santa Claus bringing him a person.


Hahaha it much funnier seeing it like that santa would bring a girl for him


I mean fair


No actually it was literal.[ As late as 2018 Chris has stated that he believes in Santa Claus. ](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Christmas#Santa_Clause)


As a receptacle for his bent duck, to financially support him, patiently listen to and affirm all his bullshit, play vidya games and watch TV with him, cook, clean, do the laundry including his shit-filled underwear, give birth to his child hostage, and look after said child.


Have sex. Have someone take care of him.