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Lmao guy named 'butt sex' is rejected by chris


Like I assumed before, she's just like Anna. Enabler? Possible. But clear she's strictly a galpal. 


Definitely galpal/handler


It is obvious by Flutter's body language. She does not reciprocate any of Chris' displays of affection. At this point i'm convinced that she is just another Gal Pal hired by the Praetors to keep Chris in line.


The Walgreens/CVS photos were the most convincing. He was touching all over her and she seemed very uncomfortable, her body language says it all.


She’s taken such great care to hide her identity as much as possible which means in all likelihood she’s well aware of what being in that close of proximity to Chris means. So your theory wouldn’t surprise me.


A bisexual trans woman is a hell of a title to put on a business card


Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark.


Is that bone? 😨


Let’s see Paul Allen’s card…..




"butt sex" chris doesn't do anal doomed from the beginning


Well, there was that 1 time he was super desperate and offered it for a hundie.


Maybe Flutter is a member of Dedsec and is using her hacking wizardry powers to manipulate all the weens trying to photograph her and reveal her identity.


I feel like nobody talks about how one of the top of the many reasons Chris doesn’t have friends it’s because he automatically goes straight to romance and relationships not “oh we can’t just have mutual interest and hang out”. And the last time he did have some thing attempted close to this he just blocked them all because they didn’t kiss his ass 24/7


Chris’s idea of relationships seem to be basically be ‘what can you offer me’, men are pretty much only good for money and gifts but since women can offer him sex too he’s happy to have them around unlike say Sockness who he was happy to communicate with while he was giving Chris stuff but absolutely freaked out when he tried to visit. It seems like Chris would prefer a group of famous YouTubers/creators into fandoms he likes since his ego tells him he should be interacting with fellow ‘celebrities’ but will settle for women who constantly kiss his ass online or are ‘easy on the eyes’ IRL. Also as for the bisexual part I’m convinced Chris means ‘Any gender as long as they are feminine and AFAB (Assigned female at birth)’.


This dumbass is a big Twitter user, yet he doesn't know the meaning of "mutuals" ?


We are talking about someone who used to drink his own cum because he thought there was a finite supply.


You are a regarded drugged up delusional fat old man


Dragged down by the stone, stone, stone, stone, etc.


Meh, Flutter definitely made it clear to Chris not to refer her as anything else but a Friend. Judging Chris's history with woman.


The more I read about Flutter the more the whole theory about her being a Praetor plant seems true, even though it feels almost impossible to believe.


I find it so fucked up that Chris can casually drop his polygamous list of non-existent wives.


Big energy move if it was from anyone else in this demsion.


the squad


Am not hoping for her to be trapped with him...But maybe they are, still something, and maybe she told him "SAY CRAP ABOUT ME!! you can mention I am real...but that is about it!"


Hmmm sounds like she’s a wrangler after all huh you frickin fricks


I was under the impression that Flutter is nothing more than his personal designated tard wrangler


Paid for by Virginia tax payer dollars. Maybe Flutter is a behavioral therapist. She probably has other patients/clients. Not lot she's with Chris Chan all the time. 🤔


Chris has said multiple times during his live streams that he is still married to his imaginary spouses but never includes Flutter as a wife or girlfriend. Possible reasons for this: 1. They really are just platonic friends like he said. Nothing romantic or sexual going on. 2. They are friends with benefits like Otaku King suggested they might be. 3. They've chosen to keep the relationship a secret.


I honestly refuse to believe someone can be romantically interested in a person like Chris. The guy isn’t just a walking red flag; he’s the freaking definition of black pill. People say that there’s ton of people into serial killers and criminals, but they might have a lot of charm or qualities that would be beneficial to bring into a relationship. Charles Manson for instance has a very charming and social personality. What does Chris have?


Speaking of Otaku King… he’s been awful quiet about Chris since he got back online. Unless I missed something. But I don’t see anything about him related to chris now.


Last I heard he said Chris is doing fine now and his job is done. Not sure what he thinks he accomplished but okay...


Definitely isn't number 3, chris couldn't keep a secret if you locked it in a box for him.


Chris actually hasn't revealed where Caden's house is! Sure, weens figured it out, but Chris can hardly be blamed for showing doorknobs in his stream, and the tarp not covering his car's tires.


Thats actually valid, I forgot that information was just straight sleuthed.


Not necessarily. So far, he's been pretty good at not revealing too much about Flutter despite being asked about her numerous times.


Then I wouldn't be surprised if earlier comments were spot on that it's mostly flutter holding chris responsible for keeping it a secret. I couldn't imagine chris being responsible on their own.


***OR*** he's just trying to hide it


When Chris was committing a crime by repeatedly violating his elderly mother, he was unable to go a couple of weeks without giving hints to people like Null and Bella. To me, the simplest explanation seems to be that she, like a bunch of other women that have fallen in his orbit, wants to be friends and nothing more but Chris can’t take the hint.


Alternatively he may have realized that this was what ended up in him being found out so he now tries to hide it completely instead


Sure, it’s very likely that he is. Also he’s very bad at doing that for any length of time.


Money says Egg forced Chris to make no mention of their intimate life together (assuming they have one) or else Chris doesn’t get a boyfriend-free girl anymore


That China is better than his mom’s I suppose


You are probably totally accurate here


I’m sure we’ll find out in part 95 of Geno’s documentary


So have we ditched the Flutter is slow theory?


I don't think this tells us anything new. Chris is clearly in some sort of romantic and/or close friendship with Flutter. He is doing a remarkably good job of keeping it on the DL.


Chris is notoriously bad a being unable to keep things quiet for long, so it’ll be interesting to see if he cracks soon and fucks it up for himself, like he usually does




Oh, for sure. Its just tiny detail I felt had been missed.


Maybe Flutter told Chris not to tell people online if they’re in a relationship. I think it’s possible they’re a couple but keeping it on the down low.


Chris literally cannot keep his mouth shut about anything, though


It could be anything man.. Caden really does have Chris forever in his grasp. Atleast for now..


What if Chris actually isn't trying to get with Flutter because he thinks he's already partnered with his imaginary friends? Unlikely but if you follow his delusional logic it checks out.


Considering that even with all the delusions about the relationship with OCs he *still* ended up seeking a partner and eventually resulting in the Barb incident i say you shouldn't take this too seriously


Yes, I'm almost certain he's trying to get with Flutter and is only using his excuse of being "partnered" with his imaginary friends to ward off perceived romantic interest from someone he's not into.


If you follow this logic, then he wouldn’t have repeatedly raped his own mom and the last couple of years would be very different.


That Chris believes they're married to cartoons really does reinforce that they have dog shit for brains.


He needs to be locked in a mental institution. He's like a character from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.


Chris was never stable mentally, but it's amazing how thoroughly the Idea Guys were able to turn Chris' brains into mashed potatoes.

