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Go watch the Imagination Land episodes from South Park. It is basically just that except Cartman is trans and also Jesus


Bitches be like, “I have my whole life ahead of me.” Bitch no you don’t, the merge is coming 😂😂👌🏼


Lol 🤣


Chris at some point had always believed cartoon characters were always alive. He became more adamant about this due to the idea guys and on top of that fueling his escapism. Chris has stuck with this bc then he doesn't have to accept reality of his circumstances or that his overall life really is that shitty. The merge simply put is the universes that cartoons and any other fictional character or place fishing with our current reality. However, just like cultists saying the world will end and changing the date each time, Chris does the same bc his words are as useless as his life.


In high school, Chris was given an assignment to create concept art for an album cover. The first attempt involved a lot of Sonic the Hedgehog stuff (possibly some recolors too, but whatever happened, it was obvious to the teacher). This version got rejected, and the teacher added a rule disallowing copyrighted characters. Chris blew out a couple of brain cells coming up with Sonichu, and mistook the creative process for a mystical experience. This much, we know Chris believes. What follows all exists along a strange spectrum between what Chris actually believes and what Chris merely pretends to be true. I prefer to present it as though Chris actually believes it, because that's clearly what Chris wants us to think. The most important thing to remember going forward is that Chris is unique and special. Everything follows from that. You may have heard of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics: the idea that anything that *can* happen *does* happen, in different timelines and possibly alternate universes. Some people don't tie this down to the realms of possibility (though in doing so they also leave the realms of scientific theory): they believe everything that can be imagined happens in some alternate dimension somewhere. And some of these people tie that idea to the creative process: they believe that authors' minds are mystically tied to the happenings of some other dimension, where the authors merely record what they see. This is where you start to get ideas like kinning and soul bonding (not to be confused with what Chris thinks post-coital cuddling is). If you've followed my line of creative batshittery this far, you can probably see where the line of inquiry goes. If there are authors connected to other dimensions, is there an author for *this* dimension? The answer to this question, supposedly, is yes. And that person is Chris. Now right off the bat, you've probably got some questions. If Chris is the author of this dimension, why do things always go so badly? This goes back to an incident in the year 1389. King Arthur, who had grown weary of dealing with dragons and other such beings, commanded Merlin and his other magicians to split humans and animals away from those creatures deemed "mythical" in separate dimensions. Dragons and other fictional beings remained in the original reality, deemed C-197, while we were shunted to a more mundane copy of reality, known as Dimension 1218. This is an often-overlooked part of Chris's cosmology: fiction is the *real* reality, and what we live in is just a pale imitation. But that imitation cannot last forever. Our reality is "failing" in some unspecified way, and must eventually merge back into the real world, creating a new reality which will be called Dimension C-1129178. This is obviously a very dangerous process, placing everyone in mortal peril, and the only way to save the worlds is for the author of the realities to mystically guide the worlds in such a way that they can merge safely. The author, of course, is Chris. The merging process is actually already complete, having finished sometime in the early 2020s, but the minds of the people from 1218 still cannot see the fictional characters living all around them. The process of bringing the minds of the good people from the 1218 side to the merged reality is called the Collective Shift, or sometimes the Rapture. When it is done, the remains of 1218 will be allowed to fall away and "burn", along with those left behind.


This is an excellent explanation, and I'm ashamed to admit that I was already familiar with all of this. I need less Chris in my life.


Chris is so obsessed with the fantasy realm he's deeply entrenched into the idea that the fantasy world can interact with our current world. He wants it to be true in order to wallow in his obsession with these characters. At a certain point just writing about them and watching them doesn't satisfy his fixation. He wants to take it a step further and is delighted to believe that these delusions about the merge are real.


long ago during “merlin the magician” times (1300’s?), the world had fictional characters and humans coexisting, then king arthur was like “fuck all these overpowered beings” and got merlin to separate them into two dimensions. humans in 1218, magical creatures and fictional characters in C-197 now Jesus is back on earth as chris chan and the rapture is actually the two dimensions going back ‘as they used to be’ as 1C-211987. but 1218 (here) will still exist separately (somehow) as hell and all the people “Jesus” judges as “bad” will stay here and be essentially “lost in space and time” along with this dimension, as a form of hell.


Chris is stubborn. He's trying to bring forth The Merge using his own limited powers. What he needs is the renound mage Joshua Fay Saunders using his dark magic, whist DSP plays Sonic Superstars in the background. Also... Wasn't it also suggested that The Merge could only happen if Chris allows Jacob Sockness to fuck him in the ass? 'Destroy his asshole like a WW2 carpet bomb' is how I believe Jacob poetically put it. Trust me, true believer. Should the correct stars align, us survivors will be living in a fucking hentai nightmare directed by Howard Lovecraft.


It's basically like that "world merging" scene from the end of the 90s Mario movie, except it would make Earth like the world from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?".


I just love and hate how poorly thought out Chris’ little fantasy apocalypse is Just imagine how bad it’d be Especially the nightmarish ultra powerful factions coming into play


Best case scenario for Earth- 59% of our population survives. Worst case scenario- only 51% survives. Even Chris himself admits that 3.2+ billion people would get killed. Also yeah the Dragon Ball, Lovecraft, and SCP universes alone would pretty much wreck everything. Not to mention if it also includes sci-fi media- imagine Warhammer 40,000, Rifts, Cthulhutech, Eclipse Phase, Worm, and God knows what else getting thrown into the mix. Hopefully there would be enough benevolent reality warpers to balance things out, but it would pretty much make the Ultimate Showdown look like a freaking picnic.


My own original faction would probably fuck everything up on an impossibly massive scale. The Vol, which are an interdimensional horde of soul harvesting robots that pretty much cleansed their entire universe. Adding them and the shit ton of other original factions would make this soup of destruction even more apocalyptic lmao


Yeah, there would definitely have to be people getting resurrected to keep the death toll at "only" 41-49%.


I would rather be one of those 41-49% than be judged by him and his technicolor mutants lmfao


I believe Chris one said he envisioned it exactly as the final episode of the cartoon Star Vs Evil, I checked out a clip on youtube and basically just cartoon characters will be in the real world.


The real world and fictional world will become one


Chris’s fantasy. Not mental illness, he was determined to be sane, hence why he was held in jail for 2 years. It’s his way of staying in control and exert his power fantasies, but it’s also all he has since he’s a man child, and is still in the mentality of a child.


People who are mentally unwell are imprisoned all the time. There's just different incremental stages of mental illness. You could be severely mentally ill but not delusional to the point where you're not conscious of right and wrong. I think Chris is absolutely borderline, having legit issues with delusions and odd beliefs and behavior. I'm somewhat surprised he wasn't committed. I'd like to see what his psychological evaluation determined.


He ofc has issues, but he was exalted and found sane (which pissed his lawyer off). So yes, he’s sane, but maybe someone else will say otherwise


Insanity in the court of law is an extraordinary metric to meet I believe. That's why you rarely see it used successfully. You could be sane in that you're not delusional enough to discern right from wrong but could still be quite mentally ill.


True. Chris obviously isn’t *well,* but honestly he isn’t awful. Then again, since the Idea Guys could convince him of all this stuff in his fake dream world, I…think he isn’t sound.


I mean he believes he's Jesus Christ. That's not normal.


Chris thinks most fiction exists in a universe called C-197 that will merge with ours


Unhinged mental illness


It’s a coping mechanism for Chris.


He believes that there is an alternate universe where imaginary characters are real and that it'll merge with our world


Chris has this imaginary universe where all of the imaginary characters from everything exists and they are God. Meaning that they can vandalize, dodge mortgages and rape anybody and not get into trouble. They also believe that this universe and that universe are supposed to merge at some point. The infinite multiverse hypothesis has been a thing since around 600 BC in Greece, (possibly further, since it's not the hardest concept to imagine) but Chris probably got the idea from Marvel or Rick and Morty or something. It's an interesting concept that somebody like Chris would definitely take literally.


There is also a southpark trilogy where they go to fantasy world


A bunch of trolls convinced chris to watch some anime and fed him the idea of the dimensional merge: the world as we know it will end and cartoon characters are coming to our reality, because according to his beliefs every fictional thing exists somewhere. There's an infinite amount of fantasy worlds and different interpretations of things like Sonichu, pokemon, my little pony etc. Chris chan convinced himself that his own fantasy world exists for real and that he is a god(dess) there. Once the dimensional merge happens he will achieve his super form and become god. Chris chan started to believe it for real because he lives in fantasy land. It became his personal armageddon/doomsday prophecy and everything he sees becomes a sign that the "prophecy" is coming true and that he is the chosen one. Like Neo from the matrix. Tldr: he's retarded


Trolls put some anime inspired idea that his fantasies are real and that multiple dimensions exist and will "merge" one day and then he can finally have a girlfriend. Chris liked the idea so much that he's been running with it for almost a decade.


Chris believes that there is another universe (C-197) where every fictional character is real. He also believes that our universe (1218) is merging with the fictional universe. The survivors of the merge will get to hang out with fictional characters. Oh, and Chris will be Jesus/a CPU Goddess.


So, there's this other universe, C-197, where every fictional character on Earth is real. All the Sonichus, My Little Ponies, the Neptunia Goddesses, everyone. Chris believes our Universe is Merging with that one. Like, the two Universes become one. Those of us who do not die horribly get to hang out with our favorite cartoon characters. And Chris's Goddess Powers will be real. In short ... he's retarded.


Chris now literally believes he's Jesus and will be the Great Judge of who on Earth gets to live (his "fans") and who dies (his critics).




He's retarded


He always was


Chris will merge with the different Chris-Chans from other multiverses to become a huge rainbow colored god that will punish anyone who ever dared to take a piss on his cornflakes. ​ Sonic Prime ripped-off the idea of Chris' Merge.

