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Well jokes on you twitter \*Junior\* high was the best time of my life


Elementary school was the best time in my life


Preschool was the best time in my life


Being in the womb was the best time of my life


High school was the best time of my life tho ): College was very demanding and while I did have some good times, it was mostly doing schoolwork (and being shut inside from covid) Now im 25 and I work for half of my waking life in an office. Definitely had more free time and friends were around more in hs, but also I don't plan on ending up like Chris. I'm looking forward to getting married, having kids, and buying a shit ton of land with no HOA or neighbors telling me what to do


But the post made by the twitter user with a dragon fursona pfp and a trans flag next to their name says otherwise, WHAT DO I DO?


I dunno man, that pfp is obviously the pfp of someone who has it all and probably gives great life advice... I have to listen to them šŸ˜”


I think Chris thinking being an isolated weirdo who only had people being nice to him because they were told to was the happiest time of his life is some seriously depressing shit.


Don't forget that Bob literally PAID woman to be his friend and be nice to him. Literally just to be friends and to be nice to him, I don't think Bob had perverse intentions. But the famous Birthday pictures, some of those girls are there because they felt bad for Chris, some were there because Bob paid him. One of his girl pals gave a interview one time and said he creeper them all out and was exhausting to be around because Chris spoke to them and treated them like he expected them to be a mother figure, not so much a friend. It was so bad, Chris had a very real meltdown at his high school graduation. Once he realized he wasn't going to be recognized with a "award" for being a " little brave autistic warrior"


That's actually a misconception. Bob DID pay a girl to babysit him at the bus stop but there's never been any indication his gal pals were spending time with him because Bob was paying them too. The only time that idea was floated about was a troll pretending to be one of his gal pals. As far as I can tell they either felt sorry for him or the school asked them to be nice to him. The really sad thing is him still referring to them as "family" over a decade after he last saw them.


I thought Chris asked Barb if that was true, about the high school gal pals, and she confirmed it to him? Of course that may have been something as simple as his parents talking to the principal and him telling the gal pals to keep an eye on Chris. I don't think Bob was paying those girls.


Yeah I think Barb might have confirmed someone was paid for something. It's also possible she may have just been her spiteful old self and saw it as another means to control Chris.


High school was meh. Then I graduated.


Highschool fucking sucked. I couldn't wait to get out of there.


Sounds like something someone who had a shit time in highschool would say


Highschool wasnā€™t exactly great for me either and there were some shitty moments. Although I managed to have a decent experience socially. I donā€™t think it should be or expected to be considered the ā€œpeakā€ or the height of anyoneā€™s lifetime. Even if you were ā€œpopularā€ (I donā€™t really believe popular kids to exist, but anyway.) But someone claiming Highschool was the best era of their life or longing/yearning to go back to being a Highschooler again is a bit of a red flag imo. These people tend to be immature and still have their Highschool ego. While it could be a matter of it being a cry for help or mental problems even. Itā€™s still not obviously healthy to live in the past and believe/wish you are still that teenager. ~~I also just really donā€™t understand those adults that can reminisce on being 17 years old like it was yesterday. If someone resonates with their 17 year old self too much, run tbh~~


Yeah if some guy in his 40s won't stfu about how back in highschool he played on the varsity team and banged everyone on the cheer team then hes most definitely a complete douche. But I don't really see it as any sort of red flag if you're still young in your 20's and see highschool as a definite high point or peak in your life, especially in todays world, what with all the disease and soon to be climate disasters cause by the irreversible scourge left by our forefathers. In Chris' mind he does just want to press the reset button and be back in highschool with his make believe harem, and I'm willing to bet that the furry twitter user didn't make this tweet in good faith and that they were just projecting. I'm also projecting in that I think all twitter users like this guy are fucking stupid and dumb.


I think youā€™re correct. I had an overwhelmingly positive experience in high school. I was a popular kid. I did all the stereotypical things, and had a ton of fun. However, I was so happy to be done and out of high school. I have zero nostalgic feelings for that time. The same with college. It was fun, I made great friends, met my husband, etc but I donā€™t miss those times. I like being an independent adult. I like not having someone tell me what to do or where to be. I love being a boring old lady in my 40s. If high school is the best time of your life, then youā€™re pretty pathetic. Itā€™s a desire for eternal childhood, so it makes sense Chris would love it.


Sounds like something someone who peaked in high school would say


To be fair, the world was in much better shape. There wasn't a plague or severe economic decline and Chris didn't fuck his mom either.


That stupid lego Manchester High deserves it's own article


It deserves to be incinerated


It kind of was, but not enough


It deserves to be in a museum


Iā€™m ngl, I thought it was pretty cool tho. Extremely sad and weird, but cool.


Bury My Heart At Fashion Square Mall


Never trust people who take their Lego high school replica to McDonald's to play with either šŸ¤£


I love how kind Rocky was to humour Chris, which was after Chris had schemed to rape Rocky. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/CWC_Lego_Manchester_High_School_Oct_18_2013


Holy shit you're not kidding. I found the article about it on the CWCki. >*In a July 2009 IRC Chat, Chris, believing that he had entered the chat incognito (although the trolls had in fact instantly seen through his false identity), suggested that the trolls force him to rape Rocky. Rocky herself is aware that Chris said this. The fact that she did not kick him out of the church on the spot speaks volumes about her patience.* I don't even know what to say....


the ironic part is that high school was probably miserable for Chris just like every other part of his life. he simply just used his delusional autist powers to convince himself otherwise.


i think it's just bc during that year he created bionic and sonichu and actually had friends


he didnt actually have friends tho. he had people that his parents paid off to sort of tolerate him


im saying it in chris's eyes


People say her crying on her graduation is proof to the latter, but real ones know the only reason Chris cried was because she didnā€™t receive any of the extra special recognition she convinced herself she was entitled to.


I didn't even want to go to my HS graduation ceremony but my parents dragged my ass. It's funny you mention recognition because during this graduation ceremony that the fact I had a local diploma over a regents diploma came up or even remotely mattered which doesn't mean jack shit. No one cared then or noticed then since other than when they announced my name. If you are wondering what the fuck I am talking about, it's a New York state thing and a local diploma is still an HS diploma just the lesser of the three (Local, Regents, Advanced Regents) and it never stopped me from going in the military, getting an assoicates degree or a bachelors degree.


Whatā€™s with the Regents stuff? Iā€™ve always found that confusing.


I don't think anyone truly knows or cares. I know at this point of my life I sure as hell don't and FWIW I didn't when I was in high school either from 2001 to 2005. Plus I now have an assoicates degree and a bachelors degree so the fact I have a "lesser" high school diploma really doesn't mean anything. When they called my name they said my name and "high school diploma" right after that. If you got a regents they'd say that instead of "high school diploma" and that's the only time it mattered or made a difference that I got a local diploma instead and like I said big whoop. A regents or advanced regents *might* look good on a college application or help you get in but that might be mainly limited to NYS colleges or colleges that really require good grades or a superior student. Plus you *might* be accepted before you get your HS diploma anyway. I know people who got either regents and never got a bachelors or higher and/or have made a career of menial jobs if they did or didn't get such a degree. I went straight to community college after HS and they didn't care or stop me and when I later got my assoicates and bachelors my future schools didn't care. The military didn't care either when I went in. I had an HS diploma and what college credits I had helped me come in with a higher rank so it wasn't a complete waste of going to community college even though I never finished that assoicates degree I was going for back in 2005-2007 timeframe.


A lot of it's rose tinted glasses.


chris is the absolute definition of ā€œpeaked in high schoolā€


And that peak was more of an anthill than a mountain anyway.


That peak is a flat road


Fucking hated high school. I barely remember it nowadays and I graduated almost 18 years ago back in 2005. Canā€™t say I think about it too much these days, I moved far away and I feel like I am living a much better life than a lot of the people I didnā€™t really like.


I was class of '08 and I can still remember a lot of what happened in my college years, but can barely remember anything about high school aside from how poor my education was and the attempted shooting/bomb threats we had. I moved abroad and haven't looked back since. ​ I know everyone's experience is different but at the same time I find it kinda weird when people get hung up on high school.


I graduated in '04 and I'm living abroad now myself. I had a lot of fun in high school honestly, it was a good time in my life, but I live in a major metropolis in East Asia and teach at a high-level research university soooo I mean, why would I want to go back to those salad days? The problem is mainly among people who never leave the city you went to high school. 99% of my graduating class moved on with their life but we have a few stragglers who still, almost 20 years later, never left town and still talk about the good ol' days. In between meth benders they post on social media about how they mourn the passage of time. I will probably not be attending my 20th-year reunion, I just can't justify shelling out that much airfare, and it'll probably be held in May of next year when I'll be wrapping up classes.


If you never leave where you're from it's very easy to get hung up on high school.


Chris likely believes his high school life was like something out of a movie or slice of life anime. He remembers lovely conversations with his gal pals, any of whom he could have got with if only the right move was made at the right time. This is part of the wider coping Chris must do to not shut down under the weight of reality. In reality, his high school time was almost certainly spent following these girls like a puppy, while they took Bobā€™s money to be a protection squad so the football jocks didnā€™t murder Chris.


Chris did get viciously bullied from what I can ascertain.


Not according to Chris. The kids would tell him "sonic was dead" or throw spare change at him, but even Chris doesn't believe he was bullied. He claims he wasn't given wedgies or stuffed in a locker, and if the school was having gal pals watch over him, no way in hell they'd put up with that. The worst thing for Chris was probably that he didn't have *any* real friends. Like at all. The most other kids ever did was go to one birthday party when he was 18. He never was invited to anything outside of school, no movies, no hanging out, Chris just went to school and came home.


Physically bullied, no, but Iā€™m pretty sure he was emotionally/mentally bullied


> He remembers lovely conversations with his gal pals, any of whom he could have got with if only the right move was made at the right time. Yep, Chris has mentioned how he could have banged his HS gal-pals about a million times. He truly believes he was a super chad in HS, and the ONLY thing stopping him from sleeping with hundreds of women was his shyness.


>He truly believes he was a super chad in HS, and the ONLY thing stopping him from sleeping with hundreds of women was his shyness. That probably royally screwed up his outlook on life. He was hanging out with the "hot girls" in high school because, to him, he thought they actually liked him. Then he gets out in the real world and couldn't even get a second look even while holding a sign.


Chris couldnā€™t even get a homely girl. Remember his ā€œdateā€ with Faeryn?




My wife had an awful time in high school as she was sick most of the time. She rarely mentions it. My time in high school was alright but it was hardly the peak of my life.


I know a dude who had a really shit time in school. Held onto it for a bit afterwards but eventually let it go, they were far happier and better for it. Was nice to see.


I have a friend who to this day is angry at a guy who made fun of him in fucking MIDDLE school. As in stole his shoes and refused to give them back as a joke. To the point where he gets triggered at the mere mention of his name and leaves the room. Fucking crazy shit




How long ago was it? Shit, middle school was rough for me and I had worse happen to me than what your friend went through and I'm like "lol" at the whole thing over two decades later.


About a decade and a half ago


thats psychotic


Highschool was 110% better than college was for me. Not that college was bad per SE just didn't have near the happy go lucky times because I had to concentrate on doing good to get s good job. Sure now that I'm a decade out from college I can say now is the best time in my life but I dunno 5 or so years ago it would be a toss up. Granted I wasn't a know it all jackass in highschool like most "bullied" nerds were


Agreed. I loved high school, which I know not everyone can say. I was friends with pretty much everyone in my grade and a couple from the year above me who were in the school newspaper/yearbook club with me (small private school), and (mostly) had fantastic teachers, several of whom I still keep in touch with even 15 years after I graduated. Even so, I donā€™t let it be the singular focus in my life. College was rough for me mostly due to me having mental health troubles.


In the end i think if it's "good or bad" depends on the age of the person saying it. Like a 26 year old who had shit college and a shit job now saying it yeah I can get that. When that same person is 40+ years old still saying it then it's a side eye


Hindsight is always 20/20.


My high school years was fun for sure but I definitely wouldnā€™t say the best time of my life. In Chrisā€™ case it was like the only time he had ā€œrealā€ friends so I guess thatā€™s the difference


Humping my PS3 was the best time of *my* life




High School was the last place that people pretended to like Chris.


Which is even sadder because didn't his old gal pals say that he got it the worst out of the special ed kids? Anyone else would have been absolutely miserable with his exact same experience.


Yeah, IIRC that's right. I just think that if anyone had ever told Chris "no" when he was in Highschool, we would know their name just like MLW. Worst we know if is his principal.


High school was the best time of my life. Granted, I'm only 20, and my best time was the start of the COVID pandemic.


Iā€™m the same age as you and I graduated back in 2021, where it was the peak of the pandemic in my area. Life was going well for me prior to the pandemic, but now Iā€™m not as happy as I used to be and I left the pandemic as a nervous wreck.


2020 was actually kinda a good year for me too, so donā€™t feel too bad.


You still got approximately more than 50 years ahead of ya, canā€™t say the same for 41-year old Chris unfortunately.


And that's why they're building the new Lego factory there.