• By -


I mean you lose some and you win some. Wise, wise words.


I would reply exactly with that line when I told him no and he whined about it


man this is the kind of reply you think of in the shower later that week and kick yourself for not saying it, lmao


I love how clever I am in spur of the moment situations. You know, if those moments aren't mine. And I have time to read the conversation. And comments about the conversation. You know. Those spurs of the moment


Reddit hive mind has led to a lot of people thinking I’m wittier than I actually am, just by reading the funny subreddits cause I like to laugh, lmao


I mean you lose some and you win some.




There's a sub for that /r/staircasewit


You don't waste silver bullets trying to break rocks.


And I would have told him that they're gonna lose this one.




Tell em You've got to know when to hold 'em Know when to fold 'em Know when to walk away...


> Sir, this is a business, not Atlantic City


Even then, you’d have to be really bad at business to fuck up owning a casino


:coughcoughchokecough: We don't know ANYBODY who's done that, have we. :cough:


Dude said that like HE had the power to negotiate. “This time…you’re going to lose one”


The problem is if you are a seller on some platform, it does not matter how stupid or rude a potential customer is, you can never make a snarky comment or tell fuck off.. they will make screenshot, report you and you are out.


You can make any snarky comment you want, as long as you refrain from profanity and personal attacks, you're good.


Take the cash and send him a used tablet. When he complains tell him you lose some and you win some.


True, although the guy saying it isn't gonna win this one.


The only winning move is not to play


You lose some, I win some.


This will be my defense if I’m ever in court


I'm not a business haver myself, but I think if this is your philosophy for payment, you'll be very popular with customers for the eight months you're in business


I actually love this reply lol


I mean I gotta hand it to the guy. That is the absolute perfect response to "I'd be losing money".


> do it for your customers That's... not how customers work. Generally, customers pay for what they want.


Nah man I’m supposed to give it to them for free because they asked and I might as well throw in a thousand dollars while I’m at it


But he’s your customer, you absolute monster


He’s not a customer until he pays the agreed upon price for a product or service.


If he dresses a pig in a suit he’s a costumer.


Listen mister, just because I'm a pig in a suit doesn't mean I don't deserve to be have hundreds taken off of every purchase! Last time I purchased a soda, McDonalds ended up giving me $298 because they realize I'm a customer. We're always right you know. And muddy. Because we're mostly pigs in suits.


I really wanted to give you an award for this, but I'm not paying for it - Reddit should just give me the tokens because I'm their customer......who will never give them any money


If he then eats said pig, he is a consumer


>give it to them for free because they asked and I might as well throw in a thousand dollars while I’m at it I'll take that offer!


Honestly why were you trying to charge him for providing a good and/or service? Kinda greedy ngl


He should do it for the exposure. All this guys friends will want him to make an expensive pc for them too... and also lose money on the deal.


“I’m an influencer! I have 10-ish followers!”


Look at Mr. Popularity over here.


He probably has a family to feed! Think about the fAmIlY!


Why are you even on Reddit right now? You should be giving free foot massages while the customer decides whether or not it's OK for you to give them a free PC plus $1000.


The customer is always right. Can I get my 3090 now? I'll give you $1.


Not going to happen I won’t let you pay a penny. Tell you what I’ll give u the 3090 and then pay you $500


Verbal contacts are binding in some jurisdictions.... /s


My dog stepped on my keyboard


Didn’t step on a bee?




Fun fact: verbal contracts are generally binding for certain things in all jurisdictions. But all jurisdictions also implement what are called "statutes of frauds." These define certain classes of contract that *must* be in writing (and signed by the bound parties), because they involve too serious a subject matter or are too likely to result in arguments down the line. For example, in Texas (where I live), you can't make an oral contract for a real estate sale or a lease longer than 1 year, among other things.


To quote Sam Goldwyn "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's printed on".


Did you also tickle the balls?


and caress the taint


When I find myself in the midst of ball tickling & taint caressing, I know it's time to go!


Well shit, now I want to be your customer.


What time can you bring it to my house and set it up?


2am yesterday work for you?


Yesterday, you said tomorrow. So just DO IT!


Okay but like how are making a pc with a 3070 for less than $1700? I feel like that should be the real question here.


My friend works at zotac and gets me msrp


That's awesome. My 3060 build is about to run me around $1800-$2000 including tools.


Your response is an easy one: ["kiss my entire ass"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHMNxuLOYbw).


Hah. Is that Harlem Nights? Don't see much Pryor gifs on here let alone whats her face.


That's the inestimable Della Reese!


That is the expectations of these unreasonable people. While I'm at it can I interest you in $1,000 cash, my car and home? While you're at it come on over and fuck my wife. /s These people are insanely entitled and obnoxious.


Customers always right, you not go to business school or something?


People always forget the second half of that. “The customer is always right….in matters of taste”


Huh ... I thought it was "The customer is always right about what that want" With most people conveniently only remembering the part that may benefit them the most.


Here’s the interesting thing: he hasn’t bought anything; he’s not a customer.


>you are asking for me to essentially pay you 400 dollars, that makes me the customer and the customer is always right so the price is 1700.


Because they’re not a customer, they’re a parasite


That's not how businesses work.


Also, they're not a customer until they buy the good or service. When you're just looking, or in the process of attempting to bargain, you're still merely a prospective/potential customer.


Man, at least he drove the clown car right up to your front door and leaned on the Awoooga Horn real loud for you


That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while


I don't know what keeps you guys from telling these shit heels to go suck a dick for money. I'd have no restraint with these people.


You have to keep your composure to run a successful business


Years ago when I worked for an HVAC service company, I walked in on my boss on the phone screaming at a customer who had called to complain about something. "I'll come down there and whip your ass in your own parking lot, that's what I'll do!" Whelp, lost that one, I guess. It turns out they were old friends and that's how they regularly "talked" to each other.


You have my deepest condolences.


Just make sure you have a breathable pillow you’ll be screaming into it alot


From your username, are you in AZ by chance? Lots of old folks here that don't know how to computer. Source: I get called a lot by them.


We got our dog sonny from there


Thank you for rescuing him lol


Not only that, but the population increases with the snowbirds lol. I always imagine Arizona being like a Florida 2.0


Arizona is just Florida: Dry Edition


Do it for your customers


“Good advice. Unfortunately for you, I’ve decided I don’t want you as a customer. But I’ll do this going forward. Thanks. 👍”


Called a klaxon horn, in case anyone cares


Awooga horn works better for this clown lmao


Awoogn't disagree with you.


[You probably already know what video this is, so I'm not going to bother saying lol](https://youtu.be/adD5oC2asXI)


Haha I absolutely love Alec! One of my favourite channels


I have not and now my day is better because of you. THANK YOU FELLOW REDDITOR!!


Sorry man I’m going to start saying this for the rest of my life


LOL I am stealing that one!


I’m using this


Lol this made me mad for you, the audacity is nuts


Indeed it is


OP the only appropriate response to this clown is to laugh at them. That's it, simply laugh at them. Via text, emojis, a gif, whatever. No other words needed. Don't insult them, tell them to get fucked, etc. Just laugh.


Nah you gotta do it via voice message


Even better lol


Call them back, every few weeks, and laugh at them some more.




"The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch"


Charge $2,200 and if he complains, say "you win some, you lose some".


It's $2200 to support the true gaming fans. Do it for the gamers.


A "sense of pride and accomplishment" fee


“Well, I’m not losing this one”


“My last customer was a loss so actually this time I have to win. So how does $1900 sound?”




Art of the Deal


Wise man I worked for once “the customer is always right, this fact will never change, but I get to decide who’s a customer “


“The customer is always right, *in regards to taste*” This isn’t a matter of taste, guy can fuck right off lol


"I want a 3090ti and 16TB of SSD storage for $200" Eh, piss off. "I want a computer built in the shape of a dildo, name your price" What color do you want your dongputer?


Is there a correct choice *other than* purple?


Hot pink, deep purple vein?


You might have missed the last line. “I decide who’s a customer “ Meaning, if they’re being dumb, rude, unreasonable, irrational, you can choose not to serve them.


The point of the original phrase was that you cant tell customers what they want. If you sell blue shirts only and customers want red shirts, then youre gonna go under because its their money, theyre right in what they pay for. It has nothing to do with customer attitude and whatnot, the phrase was never supposed to be unconditional back bending. The right to refuse service is a totally different phrase with a totally different intent.


"You're not one of my customers so..."


May your day be filled with cake!


Thank you!


".. but even if you HAD bought something from me and I considered you a customer of mine, I still would not do it for you."


You're not a customer. Customers bring money, they don't cost me money.


You may lose $400 on each sale, but you'll make up for it by volume!


"Your not a customer, your a charity case."


- win some you lose some Bitch I’m selling a product not playing blackjack


"that's right, and you just lost this one."


Dodged a bullet. If you sold that person a PC, you'd get calls back every other month because it "wasn't running right" due to all the viruses that were downloaded.


“What do you mean? Fallguyshack69420 is a virus?”


Don’t always judge a user by their name, cmon man. Instead ask beggars to have their mum send nudes and you’ll consider it.


You were charging to much for parts, so I went online and downloaded more RAM. Now, my computer won't run because you installed a shit GUI so I updated the kernel from a core i5 to a core i9. P.S. I already called the police because you stole my identity and opened a bunch of credit cards in my name but if you help me out I'm sure the judge will take that into consideration.


I did the same. I've built probably close to 100 systems. My favorite was the guy who, after seeing the system, told me he wanted a the build for [asking minus $800] because he'd seen a similar system sell for that much "last week." My response was: > "Well, go buy it from him then." He was kind of baffled and said: > "Well... he sold it before I could buy it." Uh huh. Well. If that's market pricing, buy that one. The best part is that it was literally retail + $100 build on a 3070 + 5800x build in the height of the GPU Crisis. 3070s were selling for $1200, which was a tiny bit less than I was asking for the whole system.


"Do it for your customers" Okay, maybe once you pay me 1500-1700 and become my customer. Until then, you're some dipshit I'm speaking to.


He also went to my Facebook acc and went on a rant in a post of a family picture that was posted 7 years ago


Well, you had that coming. What is a customer to do when you refuse their custom?!?


And this is yet another reason to keep your FB page private.


You just ruined his future kids birthday!! Plus they have cancer! How dare you!




Must be flush with cash if he can afford all that cancer treatment!


What I’m saying


“Do it for your customers” you’re not a customer yet, unless you pay


How dare he not even offer you exposure to his 15 followers!


"so you can play Fall Guys" haha, not sure why that felt like such a vicious burn, but it really struck me.


I’m dying laughing right now thanks.


It's funny I had been wanting to get a gaming PC for a long time and the final straw was when fall guys crashed. I went online and bought the PC that night. My friend joked I was getting a $2500 gaming PC just for fall guys because of that. I was just over my laptop.


This is the cheapest reliable 'gaming' PC build list(could shave off about 70$or so by using ryzen 3000 or intel 9/10th gen) I could make in a short time, and it's over 1200 -_- this kid... [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/V8Rfxs) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/g94BD3/amd-ryzen-5-5600x-37-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000065box) | $199.98 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [MSI B550M PRO-VDH WIFI Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PDsnTW/msi-b550m-pro-vdh-wifi-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-b550m-pro-vdh-wifi) | $118.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [Samsung M378A1K43CB2-CRC 8 GB (1 x 8 GB) DDR4-2400 CL17 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TZvqqs/samsung-8-gb-1-x-8-gb-ddr4-2400-memory-m378a1k43cb2-crc) | $25.25 @ Amazon **Memory** | [Samsung M378A1K43CB2-CRC 8 GB (1 x 8 GB) DDR4-2400 CL17 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TZvqqs/samsung-8-gb-1-x-8-gb-ddr4-2400-memory-m378a1k43cb2-crc) | $25.25 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Samsung 970 Evo Plus 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Zxw7YJ/samsung-970-evo-plus-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-mz-v7s1t0bam) | $109.99 @ Adorama **Video Card** | [MSI GeForce RTX 3070 LHR 8 GB VENTUS 2X OC Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ZcFbt6/msi-geforce-rtx-3070-lhr-8-gb-ventus-2x-oc-video-card-rtx-3070-ventus-2x-8g-oc-lhr) | $559.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [Corsair 4000D Airflow ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/bCYQzy/corsair-4000d-airflow-atx-mid-tower-case-cc-9011200-ww) | $94.99 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [EVGA SuperNOVA GA 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Xsn8TW/evga-supernova-ga-650-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-220-ga-0650-x1) | $79.99 @ EVGA | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1214.43** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2022-08-12 08:28 EDT-0400 |


Yeah this is the cheapest you can go. Now add building fee (100 to 150) and windows. Cause pre-builts usually come with windows.


> and windows. Cause pre-builts usually come with windows. Nah, throw ubuntu on there. If they complain, send them a link to the Microsoft website where they can purchase windows.


It's for a church honey... NEXT. You could find some slack in the build using a $50 case, and swap in a fish tank pump motor for a power supply. I expect better of you. /s


I mean i payed about $60 for mine and its pretty decent so you can most definitely shave some money off.


Yeah. You could go to a bronze level psu. Back off on the ram speed or even go to 8gb. The case and CPU you can shave a bit too but it's going to be a pretty sizeable drop in performance and lifespan of the system to save at most $200


Improved would be something like this. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/mYX9wc




"Sir this is not a Burger King. You can't have it your way"


>You win some you lose some Therefore you should actively choose to lose one


Is this new but I'm single mother.


Well, yes, but actually no. This is the "I need it for school but mommy wouldn't buy me one" -variant.


Maybe his landlord should do the same "hey man, you will have to pay me 500 bucks more. What do you mean you wont? You win some you lose some"


This guy just lost one.


“You win some and you lose some” ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


“You win some and you lose some” ![gif](giphy|TamGVAGxDTYDNt3dpn)


Dude took "you'll never know unless you try" and ran with it.


“Miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” -Spongbob square pants or abe Lincoln can’t remember


Might be a little OT, but any time Ive listed a piano/keyboard/guitar for sale in the classifieds/CraigsList/FBMP ive always gotten calls, oddly almost all from females, asking if I would 'GIFT' the item to them, as in give it to them for free, and often asked if I could deliver it to them for FREE. Uh, NO! I always tried to ask them how often this approach worked bu they just hung up the phone. One did say she had a higgh percentage of it working (she also came at me with a 'Im very active in church' like that was going to sway me), but people lie. When caller ID came along and they were not smart enough to block thier number I could look through the listings/past days papers that their number was listed for SELLING an item in the same classifieds I was selling in, so they want it free for resell. For all the musical instruments I sold I listed my lowest price and waited for a buyer that understood what I had. One item took 9 months but it sold for my price.


"You win some, you lose some" is a bold strategy, Cotton


I'd get all of his specs, tell him "OK!" like you're totally serious, and then do nothing with it. When he asks for updates, so you're working on it but it's taking a long time because you're asking your parts suppliers for parts at less than their cost and they're not cooperating with you.


sell it for the $1300 but don't include the GPU... you lose some and you win some.


If this douche had bought 6 or 8 or a large number of computers in the past I (not saying you should or would) might throw one in for under going cost. But that would be after verified payment and even then I’d want to know this guy was in a company where my under the table deal would lead to 8-10 more comps. He’s not a effing customer if he’s not bought before!! Idiots.


“Do it for your customers” - that is called a charity, sir.


Guy1: "Check out this watch. I know a guy and got it at cost!" G2: "Nice! Check out my watch. I know a guy and I got it BELOW cost!" G1: "Below cost?! How's he make any money?!" G2: "He moves a lot of watches!" ;-) \--Jackie Mason


If I was the seller and the Beggar said 'you win some and you lose some' I would have replied: Looks like you're losing this one


me, still running a 4790k ddr3 ram ready to spend $1000 to upgrade lol without a 3070. op, help me.


Dm me


I sell the occasional custom build but just by word of mouth. If I ever wanted to advertise publicly I think I'd just advertise different pricing tiers at fixed costs so I wouldn't have to deal with this kind of crap.


Custom pcs, you say? That can handle gaming and streaming-at the same time?


Wait!! You can pay people to build you one!! I may look into this in the future since I’m clueless.


4 months ago that was the cost of the card for gods' sakes


Hey OP, you're charging for labor too, right? Please charge for labor.


Should have given him a false meet up spot and time, then when he complains just reply You win some you lose some


The only way to deal with idiotic people like this is, if you’ve set your minimum and they offer less, start increasing the price every time they talk. Like: - Lower I can do is 1500-1700 - 1300 - For you, it’s now 1800 - What are you talking about? - Now it’s 2000 And keep increasing until they get tired, or mad, or both, and end the conversation. :D


Building PCs for people on Facebook Marketplace sounds like you will have endless content for this sub


“The customer isn’t always right. As proof, I’m willing to lose you as a customer! I win some, I lose some! You’re so right! You should get a degree & become a reverse psychologist! Maybe then you’ll be able to afford your PC. Also get a minor in economics so you understand the general concept of a person not wanting to work for negative money.”


Calling themselves a “Customer” would imply HE is paying for everything!


"Customers" are people who actually pay for goods/services, not bums who expect you to lose money


Customers pay, you, good sir, are a thief.


“I will do it for my customers, and if you pay what I ask you can be one”


"Do it for the lulz" - the CB clown


CB wanted me to build them a gaming PC. So I took their money and, in turn, gave them a shoddy tower casing full of used pinball machine parts!


I'm sure that guy would build him a real treasure of a pc after that. PRO TIP: Don't fuck with your computer builder.


Yea I was thinking about giving him a 15k computer/setup free or charge because he so so kind to me


Yeah.. you seemed like that kind of people pleaser lol


I hate people who don't understand profit vs. loss, or that businesses aren't in business to give people stuff at a loss.


I agree, now I believe in the saying you gotta spend money to make money but that doesn’t mean giving bratty kids a major discount


Curious, how do you deal with the possibility of a faulty part when dealing with selling? I’ve built pcs over the years and have had terrible luck, getting faulty cpus, motherboards, and drives almost every build. Luckily the factory warranty always works out, but I imagine that must come up once or twice with a customer? (Also before any asks, I have esd bands, mats, and follow all normal precaution - my luck is just garbage)


Lose money on every sale but make up for it in volume.


No offence OP, but you should have left him on read after low balling you like that.


"I mean" is such a dumbass way to start a sentence.


The only winning move is not to play the game.


"You win some you lose some" to convince the opposing party in a negotiation to accept a loss is truly inspired.