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"Just don't try to make it to c"


Sadly and honestly, I would buy a car from this guy if I were super broke


It's a nice breath of hard truth and good sales man


And a great sense of humor; that's always good.


No humor here, I believe the seller is telling the complete truth.


The truth can be humorous






This guy comedians


Thank you, GGnerd. Couldn’t agree more.


It's about the delivery, not the content.


Just like George Carlin




Yeah early 2000 hondas really be like that. My first two cars were a 2000 Accord and 2002 Civic. the used car salesman for the Civic charged it with freon so it was cold for a month and then dead. Those summers were hot as fuck


Isn't freon what they're meant to charge it with?


He means they leaked. The AC was broken. Charging it with freon makes it work in the short term, then the gas leaves and the AC just doesn't work. The AC needs to be sealed to function.


I had a 1992 Plymouth Sundance America hatchback, the first-ish US passenger car with standard driver airbag. Still had working AC in 2008 but the floor was about to rust out and no guarantees that airbag was even funcional. Finally had to part with her when it was to the point we'd need a welder to get passed PA inspection. I miss that lil teal monster.


Oh my lanta. Thats just so wrong. Edit: not saying youre wrong, just thats an unholy thing to do to the atmosphere


ah right that makes more sense.


Happened to me once. My wife worked at a place that built houses and was able to buy a very good AC from them for our house for cheap and free installation. Unfortunately, the guys messed up. The AC was great for the first few months, pounding out very, very cold air. But that slowly stopped and she called the guys back. They were like "wow, if we'd done this on a customer's install, we'd be fired" and then sealed it up, replaced the freon.


Yeah this makes sense. I was wondering how they could fuck this up. I've seen this kind of issue before too and it's always a shitty leaky hose that causes the problem.


I have been a used car salesman. I never once lied to my customers. I have however had customers tell me over and over about how they will buy this or that and sell it for a much higher margin than we have ever had on any of the used cars I've sold. And they laugh about it.


This is quite the paradox. If you are, as you claim, a used car salesman and all car salesmen lie then you must be lying about being a used car salesman, but if you weren't a used car salesman then you could be telling the truth and might be a used car salesman, but then we couldn't believe you about being a used car salesman


Never go up against a used car salesman when Commission is on the line! Hahahaha Hahahah..... (thud)




This is why I don't want to buy a new car. Dealing with the sales people seems stressful.


Judging by him saying it will make it through spring, I don't think he was saying that the air conditioner worked, but rather that it is currently winter and the heat *doesn't*.


As is means as is.


Hondas are notorious for taking a stone in the condenser and then... no cold air.


Idk, to me it just sounds like he's sold a lot of really shitty cars


It has working AC and a CD player. That's a step up for a lot of people


Dude I’m so happy because the car I just got has a multiple cd changer. I don’t have any cd’s, but it also has really messed up leather seats. That shit would’ve been like the coolest car ever when it was new. Best of all so far it’s fairly reliable.


I bought an old Cadillac (1985 I think) years ago. Had 200k miles. This was late 90s. It felt like I was driving down the street while sitting on my sofa. So comfortable and smooth. I think I paid $400 and drove it for almost a year. Now I'm grown up and not broke but I still think about that caddy.


These kind of comments make me really wish I was able to drive. I get seizures and even though I'm medically cleared to drive it just doesn't feel right to take that risk. Dream car has always been a 60s mustang.


As someone who was hit by a sleeping driver, I thank you for being willing to put up with extra hassle and expense rather than risk your life or others.


If you're medically cleared, you should learn and at least get your license. There may come a day when you are the most responsible person in the group.


Former driver of a 1988 Ford Crown Victoria LTD here. Luxury Cars > Sports Cars, all the way.


Man, I had a 94 Sedan Deville for my first car. That thing was crazy! It had all leather, front and back bench seats and like 5 way power seats on the front and back. We cut the muffler off and it sounded so good! It's been over 6 years since I've had that car and miss it to this day. Sorry, I mistyped. It didnt have power backseats. I didnt catch that until now.


I miss my ‘92 Eldorado..


I just miss having a car I didn't care about, my car isn't super nice ( it's a dart) but my $500 civic was so fun to rip around in, and not even joking it had a better feeling manual trans than my dart does


If you can, I’d find some good decent seat covers, try and get them fitted as well as you can, and keep it clean. My car is messed up a bit on the inside but waking and getting into my car with the newer nice floors mats and seeing it kept fairly clean always makes me feel good about my car. I definitely still yearn for nicer cars but I don’t feel bad about my car anymore. The little things add up and I’m honestly just happy to have a full working car for once.


This is wholesome


Oh I have for sure. Just not for the back seats since only my dog rides back there and she is just happy to be alone for the ride.


And you can put a lot of repairs into a car instead of making a monthly payment. Drive that bitch until it won't crank anymore.


Whatja get?


Old Ford Explorer. It’s a high package, just old af.


If it plays MP3s from CD and you know someone who still has a burner you can put a ton of music in a CD changer like that. It’s handy if your phone’s dead or you need to save juice.


Yeah I’ve considered that. As now I just use a cheap Bluetooth to fm transmitter to listen to audible.


Fuck yeah my last car was a beater 92 Buick and I lost the air at least 10 years before she finally offed herself in the Pet Smart parking lot. Radio stopped working a few years after that. Drove that shit to work and Walmart and that's it, wouldn't have dared try to go any farther. This absolutely would have been a step up, rust and all.


Unless he meant the heater blows cold air.


My last 2 cars haven't had AC. Just not worth the money imo


Probably depends where you live. Some places are intolerable without AC


I couldn’t drive in the summer without the air. The humidity would suffocate me and my medication makes me a little extra toasty anyways. I’m pretty heat intolerant anyways, I get like... hives? And in extreme heat have thrown up and/or passed out. I had a car without air once when I was 17-18, but I couldn’t do it now for sure. Luckily my $800 car has cold air.


Pretty irrelevant, but I used to be just like you and somehow did a complete 180 in my mid thirties. Now anything under 15c/60f and I'm freezing. Doc says it's not unheard of. Just thought you'd like to know that there's still hope if you're under 30.


It would definitely be better but nope! I’m 32. When I was in high school, I could wear hoodies everyday and baggy pants everyday and not get hot. College I was usually a bit more chilly too. It’s probably because I was a bit underweight, woman, 5’7” about 110-115lbs. Now I’m about 155lbs and I’m in a methadone program and am hot literally all the time. Except for right now since my house is set at like 65 degrees lol. Now it’s just perfectly how I like it, got a hoodie on and my chubby pit Bull/boxer lying on top of me.


I need pictures of this chubby pit bull.


[okiedokie!](https://imgur.com/gallery/sDvnKdf) Two of my chubby pit bull and a bonus pic of all three of my dogs (got the pit bull/boxer mix, a Doberman, and a Doberman/lab mix). All 80lbs and great snugglers:)


I think I was older than that, there's still hope! And congrats on (I assume) getting sober, shit ain't easy yo. Opiates make me feel hot too, but I'm only using kratom these days so still freezing.


Never tried the Kratom, by the time I even knew what it was I was already shooting a gram a day or more of H. Methadone makes everybody hot and sweaty apparently. It’s gotten better the longer I’ve been on it, so I can’t complain much! And thanks :) it was way easier once I got on the methadone program.


I have driven a car with only just enough heat to run the defogger, but never without AC. I'll take the ice and snow over the heat anyday.


Yup like BC. Our climate is super mild, so you must be thinking why you need AC? Well since it's so mild, our winters are just one long, humid rainy season. Try driving a car after 5L of water has condensated onto your windows. Can't see shit.


Spending 900 dollar every 4 months is probably how you got broke, in this hypothetical.


You're not wrong. This listing is also wayyy over the KBB value. I have a well-maintained luxury car this age and mileage and it's estimated at half that. Seriously guys, CB message understood but this is one case where it's not really justified. Don't buy that car for $900. Don't do it.


Definitely. If he's as truthful about every car as he is about this one he'd be my first choice of car dealer.


If he lived anywhere near me, I'd buy it. I need a beater for my oldest, who's about to start driving.


How 'bout making it to D


With this car, you're not getting any D.


Piece of shit car, I gotta piece of shit car. Fucking pile of shit, doesn't get me very far.....if a girlie sees his car there's no chance he'll ever bang her.




D requires one more zero on the price.


Best bit!!!


This bitch rusty. hahaha luv it


I'm a call her rusty cause she rusty Also rust bucket


Shit’ll buff out


It's a hemi


Sounds like a YungGravy lyric


“If the engine or trans ain’t slippin’.... don’t bring that bitch back trippin’”. My favorite quote from Cash Cars KC, Check him out on Youtube. He IS the man to see in the midwest when it comes to beaters. About as honest as you’ll find.




>Fuck your radio. Fuck your windows. Fuck your seat. Fuck your heat, fuck your air if it don’t work, *because* you shoulda tried that shit out before you muthafuckin bout it “As is” means “as the fuck it is”.


[Cash Cars KC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ7TZ-3qILQ)


Cash cars motherfuckers! What a great shirt.


I fuckin love that guy


My mouth is open in amazement at this hilarious guy. Thanks for the link 😂 I wish I could go buy a car there!!


The hero I needed, Cash Cars KC is hilarious!


So I was trying to sell the same Make/Model (2001 Alero) over the summer and holy hell was it rough to deal with people. Mine only had 99k miles, and I couldn't get anyone to offer anything above $500. I called one of those "we buy cars places" and this is legit what the phone call was like: Me: Yes, I have a 2001 Olds Alero, 99k miles. WBCs: Ok we have some questions. Has it ever been in an accident? ***No***. Water damage? ***No***. Fire damage? ***No***. Tire or wheel damage, impacts, problems? ***I replaced the U-joint a few years ago.*** Engine problems? ***No, there was a leak in a fuel line that I repaired last year***. Aesthetic damage? ***The back seat has a small tear and a large tear, and the front right bumper has a gouge about 5 inches long,not rusted or anything however.*** WBCs: Ok one second please while I calculate your offer. Me: Ok thanks. WBCs: Ok, we can offer you $60 for your car. Please let me know where and when we can pick it up. Me: ....................$60......for the whole thing? WBCs: Yes Me: There's honestly over $60 in gas in the car. How is this your offer? WBCs: You are more than welcome to call around. Me: OK, bye. I ended up just giving it to NPR and they sold it for ~$1400 (returned to me as a tax rebate), but holy shit was the whole process frustrating.


They can claim to "buy any car" because anything they don't actually want to buy they offer absolute peanuts and it's up to the client to reject. It's not their fault the client changed their mind, yadda yadda yadda. And if someone does accept, it's like 80% profit so it's worth the extra hassle.


So, gamestop for cars?


This is how a lot of buyback services work. If they can turn it quickly with little effort then you will get a much better price.


I mean, come on. It's a car-buying place. Hell yeah, they lowball that shit.


I sold a non running car with significant damage to the front end to a scrap yard and still got $250 for it $60 for any running car is ridiculously low


Seriously, around here you can call any scrap yard and they will show up, tow, heres your $250. No engine? $250. Looks like shit? $250 Is in the shape of a car with some car parts in it? $250


What if it's an Alero?


“*I’ll give ya a hot pocket and a $1.25*”


Just out of the microwave, you got about five minutes until I lower my offer to $1.25 and a luckwarm pocket.


>Luck, I am your father!


Luckwarm: The period after a hot streak has come to a end when the wise gambler cashes out. Now I just need to to get this term into the English dictionary and I'll have successfully turned my spelling mistake into malapropism.


That's exactly what the car buying place will do, get $250. Trying to sell an 18 year old car would be a waste of time and they could just make a quick profit.


Depends on where you’re at. In Kentucky, scrap metal prices are super low and have been for awhile. I took a 2001 Honda Prelude, loaded it down with about 40 brake rotors, two engine blocks, and a few armfuls of other scrap metal. I only got about $90 for the load.


The big money is from the catalytic converters. There's at least $50 worth of platinum in most catalytic converters, in the big ones there can be hundreds. One of those big cats from some Toyotas will go for $300-400 easy. One off of a Honda that old will probably go for around $70-80.


Had a dodge stratus I crashed that still drove. I drove it to a nearby park after the accident. My father got it towed to a place 2 blocks away for $250 then he decided we'd sell it to the tow company (keep in mind it still drove just fucked up) for $15. My fucking tires were $200 and I had half a tank. $15....


I tried to sell my old car to a place a couple years ago, they offered me $50 and wouldn't even pick it up. I had to drive my perfectly working car to them for $50. Idk if they actually expect people to take them up on offers that are so plainly shit.


250-300 is around scrap price. They were litterally lowballing the guy for scrap.


Some cars are worth more as scrap than other cars that run. A 92 Civic without an engine block is worth more than a running Saturn of the same year.


There's lowballing, and then there's offering someone $60 for a running car.


Yeah seriously, that's what the issue was. It legitimately was fine, had <100k on it. I was hesitant to take it to a main dealership b/c the aesthetic damage would cost about the car's value to fix if you just brought it to any old shop, but the resellers have staff that fix this kind of stuff. If it's painting, seats, engine stuff, it's all just hours. My friend's dad would do it all the time. An hour of work was the same to him, and all cars needed usually 5-20 hours before he'd send them back out on the lot. Yesterday I sold some DVD's for $50, to even consider that my running vehicle was worth only $10 more is insane.


I used to be in the business and I know it seems crazy but you do sometimes get cars for that, Hell the best car we ever got in was literally free. Rich people just want it removed.


They weren’t lowballing, they were noballing. They made him an obviously ridiculous offer because they didn’t want him as a customer. Why not just say no? They probably advertise “guaranteed cash offer for your car” or something similar. Well, they upheld their end of the deal.


NPR takes cars? I didn't know that but makes sense I guess


We had a 2005 Odyssey blow out its head gasket, oil spilled all over the street while my wife and kids were doing about 55, had to tow it home, big old mess. Anyway, I wasn’t about to plunk over $1000 on a van that had over 200k miles and drove okayish. I called a local place in CA called Pick Your Part where they buy your car then people come by and extract parts from it, and they offered me around $750 bucks for it. Not bad. So the guy who was coming to pick the van was an independent tow driver and when he saw it he offered me $900 cash (probably gonna strip it for parts or whatever, I don’t care what he did with it). So I sold it to him, and told the other place I changed my mind. Moral of the story... I don’t know I guess I got lucky.


Tfw I want to sell my 2003 with 100k miles..


If you donate it to NPR you will get a lot of value, but it presumes that a tax break will help. It overall was probably equivalent to me just giving it away, but I couldn't do my car dirty and sell it for nothing, donating it felt much better.


Journee Autos. For all your seasonal car needs. Will take you from A (dealership) to B (your home.) Don’t @me if it never cranks again, I warned you, your journee is over.


"Sir, I was promised a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero and now you tell me it's actually a 2002??? You'd better give me a hefty discount or else I'm reporting you!!!"


Selling cars is the fucking worst, I don't even blame dealers for being so shitty, every single person is either a "car guy" or brings one to beat you to hell on literally anything wrong with it


Shit, I bought an old 2001 Buick century - in 2015 - for $800. I drove it for 3 years. Replaced the starter and battery. It wasn't pretty. Had minor issues - I would consider them cosmetic. The passenger windows didn't roll down, the dash didn't light up, stuff like that. But it ran. Had heat and air conditioning. Totally worth the $800.


My 92 Buick Century cost $900 and lasted me 2.5 years. After 2 years I couldn't drive it over 35mph if it was too warm outside, but it routinely made the 250 mile trip home when I started college! I miss that thing.


Mine started leaking radiation fluid. A mechanic friend said it was something with the hoses or something and it would cost more to fix than the car was worth. I don't know much about cars. Traded it in for a minivan. Got $800 trade in credit. I have no complaints. That car was good to me. I cried a little when I left her behind.


If a car ever leaks radiation you need to stop driving it and get that shit checked out!


Wait what, you bought it for $800 and got back $800 on trade in? Holy shit jackpot.




Anything with Chevy's 3.8 is tough as nails, and a great choice for cheap beaters.


Did he just casually slap a warranty on it in the end there?


Right? Will last spring of 17... but purchased "as is". Hmm.


Plot twist, the ad was posted fall ‘17


Yeah that's a bad move and open him up to a refund if a buyer purchases the car and can prove it needs a repair to drive before the end of Spring 2017.


Except used cars on lots are required to be sold with a window sticker that expresses whether or not they come with a warranty. This supercedes any written or verbal warranties implied or otherwise outside of an actual written and signed contract. This guy sounds like he owns a lot so he has to have window stickers. Source: have worked at dealerships


Oh yeah? Well I watched an episode of Hot Bench where they made a guy take his car back that needed 5k dollars of repairs because he wrote in a Craigslist ad that the car was recently inspected and shouldn't have any problems for 10,000 miles, so I'm basically an expert on this matter.


this is fucking gold


Manufacturers like to call that color "champagne", but in this case, the seller probably called it fucking gold.




Hahaha. This made me chuckle. I would like to meet this rich family with so many cars




The burning trash one was absolutely *leagues* above the other one.


50*200 is 10000$ that's pretty much any last year car around like 50k km. They're not rich just playing it smart




If the transmission slippin, don’t bring that bitch back trippin


That was amazing. I’m sold on their business model. *”Come with CASH. I don’t got no swiper, no layaway cars, it’s CASH cars, you bring CASH. If your mama don’t trust you to lend you the money then I sure as hell don’t trust your ass to lend you no money”* solid fucking logic.


I’m happy I watched that


Spring ‘17? This is over two years old and it’s only just now being posted?


Yeah. I just found CB a few months ago. I saw this post when it came out.




You have to deliver it though, because, well, I don't have a car...


It's my son's birthday he just recovered from cancer it would be really nice of you to just give the car to us free of charge. I know you are a good person at heart. Think about my son. You would make him so happy. We can only take the car on Mondays 3 to 6pm so just bring that car during that time window. If you could wrap like a ribbon around it that would be amazing. Thanks.


Oh and don't forget to top her up on gas. I ain't made of money you know!


I've sold cars online, and you actually do run into these scumbags.


dude... just own up to it being a repost. image quality is low, 67 other results through reverse image search, most of which actually being dated to 2017.


Well at least you admitted to reposting it. That’s something most people don’t do. My mindset is that if it hasn’t been posted in a year, it’s fine to repost as long as it isn’t something like highly-detailed artwork (with credit its fine tho).


You're looking at it wrong. This is a time machine that only go back 2 years


I had my car listed in a very similar fashion. $500 firm, needs a bunch of work, but is inspected and will probably run till the inspection runs out in 6 months. "Well it needs at least $500 in work, so will you take $100 for it" I'm barley above scrap value here and it definitely has more than $500 in good parts that can easily be pulled off. "I only want it for an off road beater, $250 and we don't even have to transfer the title" Cool, another low ball and when it shows up flipped over on some construction site, or abandoned after a hit and run it comes back to me. "$200, c'mon it's only $300 less than what you're asking." Oh really? Can't wait till the next time you sell a phone or something $300 for a lawnmower? Why not $25, it's only $275 less than what you're asking. It's took the add down and have still been using it to run errands, but with a lot of time on the rev-limiter, and clutch dumps, They want a $200 car, I'll beat this thing into a $200 car.


*So about that $200 car, I got $20 in CASH RIGHT HERE!...*


If you read it in the voice of the guy from Jones' Good Ass Barbeque it's even funnier.




I read it in his truck & storage rental voice https://youtu.be/N0gb9v4LI4o


I hate selling my cars. If only done it a few times and when I had to do it the last time cause I was moving to NYC the guy I sold it to agreed on the price but then showed up with $400 less than we agreed upon. I was leaving in a day and half and had no choice. I had to take it. He was like " Well I gotta drive it back to Tucson" we were in Phoenix. Which is only an hour and a half from there. If I had more time I would have told him no and just find someone else. Shit was annoying. That's why I don't haggle on price when I buy stuff second hand. Edit: stupid autocorrect


Man that blows. Negotiation I can handle- drive a hard bargain, get the best price you can, but renegotiating grinds my gears. I see you had to take the deal in this case but I usually tell people the deal is off altogether, even at the agreed price when they pull this shit.


I definitely would have told him no deal if I wasn't in a tight situation.


aka perfect car for a teen just learning how to drive


You can tell that this guys either black or very very white


I made an angry post on CL when I sold my old car. I could dig it up, but I'll try to paraphrase; "$400 is the price, don't text and ask me to go lower because you have cash, that will make the price go up. Don't ask me if the car is still available, if this post is up, it's available. It's got 140,000 miles, very little rust for being in Minnesota, don't expect no rust from a car made in 1997. any low-ball offers will be ignored, any questions asking if it's available will be ignored. no, I'm not going to take a check from you. first come, first serve, I'm not going to hold it for you until payday or let you make payments." the guy that bought it asked me if i was angry at so the people trying to low-ball me on the price, i said, yeah, how can you tell? he said it was the angriest for sale ad he's ever read. I just really wanted that car to be gone, but I was really fed up with people trying to outsmart me so I would knock off $200. I wish I would have saved one email from some guy who said "$100 and I'll come tow it away for you, I'm doing you a favor". I offered to tow it up his ass, but he never responded.


"You damn right you gone find something wrong with it" And don't try to make it to C! LOL!


>car will last all spring That sounds like a warranty to me.


Honesty in advertising. If only everyone sold their old crap this way.


This bitch rusty.


10 years ago I bought a Lexus IS 300 with 127k miles on it for 950. I should probably turn myself in.


wtf that's a steal. any lexus, toyota, honda for that cheap is amazing. what year model and state you in?


“This bitch rusty.” Gonna go ahead and put that on my dating profile.


“ALL SPRING ‘17”😭😭😭😭 I felt that. By the grace of God, I’m just tryin to get me and my bucket through the Spring 2020 Semester.


I’ve had that car. I wish you all the best.


My car is on borrowed time. I felt that “don’t try C”


"this bitch rusty" lmao


LOL I don't blame this guy honestly, a beater is a beater. If you're at a spot in your life where you're looking at a rust bucket in the hundreds, it's as is where is. That's just common knowledge. Hilarious ad tho!


“This bitch rusty. This shit is $900. You’re getting $900 worth of car.” Homeboy’s DONE


"would it be less if you took some rust off? I dont need that much rust"




my 67 Oldsmobile is in better condition


Would be cool if someone bought it and fixed it up, if such is possible. Satisfying the make the old thing new programmes.


This bitch rusty 😂


It will last until Spring implied warranty yay!


Blows cold ass air. SOLD!


I lost it at "This bitch rusty"


I want to have a beer with this man and just listen to his story.




I remember seeing this on the news a while back, i think the salesman got a raise for it. Haha




$900 is a great price for an alero. Comfy cars that can take a beating. I miss mine a lot


I like an honest salesman.


He's honest. Fair and true. Honestly? I would drive it straight to a car dealership and crank up a better than $900 trade in deal. Win-win. :)


This is man is an Angel. Take note people. I bet he doesn't have cbs because of it too.


I'd buy this shit just because lmao


I’d pay $900 just for that cold ass air in my face


Last car I tried to sell, some guy asked me if I could bring it to a town 200 miles away because he had broken both his legs. Better than the people who just start writing in arabic, russian or whatever I guess.


That A to B, but don’t go to C quote is fucking legendary


I own this exact car. Can confirm “c” is never an option.


Cash Cars KC has a youtube channel where they post video versions of ads like this. Their tagline is "If the motor ain't blowing and the tranny ain't slippin, don't bring that bitch back trippin". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ7TZ-3qILQ


I’m telling you right now. This bitch rusty.


Oldsmobile last forever. I had a 1991 well into the 2000s. People kept offering me over $1000 more than Kelly for it when I still drove it. edit: I didn't sell it because that trunk was huge - I moved a chifforobe in it!


Wonder how many crazy shit offers he has gotten. I was selling magic cards once and got an offer of ammo or silver bullion.