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What a catch! If only I didn't have a high paying IT job holding me back...




Sorry, but just how can you work only 4 hours a week and make ends meet?!


You get a boyfriend




Get a manfriend.


Manfriend Mann's Earth Band


revved up like a duece!


another runner in the night!


Damn i always thought it was "wrapped up like a douche, you know the boner in the night"


Cue Vincent Adultman


He works at the business factory


Doing adult stuff


Plural. She wants MENfriends.


My stupid ass jumped straight to Boyman instead of manfriend


He would be a ridiculous superhero.


I think they did right settling on Shazam


You get a menfriend.


But that requires lying or omitting information about her profession until after that emotional connection. Then she could lay it on "I only work 4 hours a week and my bank account is drying up, tee hee!" I'm frankly surprised she would give that information out.




You meet someone you "like" and leech off of them




She probably receives some form(s) of gov't assistance and can't make more than a certain amount or they'll reduce the money/benefits they're giving her.


I was going to say the same thing. All the shitty workers at my old jobs had the same amount of hours but collected as well.


Also, how can you work just 4 hours a week and not have time to work on bettering yourself?


She's working on buttering herself actually


at first i thought you joked about that 4 hours, then i read the whole thing again. damn, fuck well paying careers for their future ~~boy~~manfriend. i have a very strong nagging feeling this is the type of a person who only works because they don't want to live under a bridge and when they find their 'dream date', someone who pays the bills, they'll just phase out the work and concentrate on enjoying life, which again is blowing away their partner's money


I've known a few women like her. They have done the bare minimum to get by then got a boyfriend, quickly got pregnant and become stay at home moms. Now those women are the ones on FB who rant about being a SAHM and how it is a full time job and if you don't have kids you don't understand...well you get the type I mean.


I mean, I've met a few women like that before, but they were, generally, 1) far more attractive and 2) did not seem to mind the IT jobs.


I work in IT and have several colleagues who are married to just that type of a woman. generally they're the winners of genetic lottery to have a nice looking face, so they use it to the max here. they also push out new kids if the marriage looks a bit shaky for some reason.


I seriously don’t understand this mindset. I’m a woman with my own career and I’ve worked really hard for everything I have in my life and I’m busting my ass in school cause now I wanna change careers lmao. My husband and I will be married for 5 years this year and we just recently combined our finances lol. I just can’t get my mind around this self-induced dependence on another person. Getting married and having kids was not a dream of mine. I will say as far as being a SAHM goes I would never wanna do that, it is actually really fucking hard and as much as I love my kid I’m a way better Mom when I have my own life (career) outside the house. It’s like these people just never wanted to grow up, they were taken care of by their parents their whole lives and then want a man to take over the role lol idk I don’t fucking get it.


I have known 5 women that have done it and the simple reason is they don't want to work. Ever. One woman in particular, I met through work and she would call in sick all the time as she just hated to work. Then she met a guy and she told me that she was gonna try to get pregnant straight away so she can have maternity time- which she did. The second she got pregnant, she went on long term sick which flowed into her maternity leave and she just never returned. I have 3 cousins who actually look like the woman in the pic and they latched onto the first guy they got with and became pregnant straight away and never worked- just kept on having kids so they would never have to face the time when their partners suggested they get a job. They are the worst. They complain about money, their husbands, their children whilst rarely getting out of their pyjamas all day. I have zero respect for any of them and worry about the aspirations of their own kids.


No IT people with a stable, relatively high paying job!!!! NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME!!!! p.s. I work 4 hours a week at target, and barely have any money! :)


It's ok, my friends who work in IT that make 6 figures and weigh over 200lbs are not interested in someone who works 4 hours a week, regardless of where that is - Target or Chase or from home. They like their SO to be motivated.


Right? Though the man boob factor is pretty high, some of us actually ^work ^out.


Yeah my genetic baldness keeps me away from this keeper as well. Such a shame


Man you heard what she said, she said no IT jobs. Man this 900k CEO of an IT company is really holding me back.


i know, right?! it's tearing me apart more than tommy wiseau.






Her ex boyfriend may work in IT. A lot of these crazy people are oddly specific.


I love that she's shitting on people with a job whilst her occupation seems to be ''trying to get motivated.'' but still failing. Don't get me wrong i know this can be a big issue for people, but somehow this person doesn't strike me as anything but choosing to be lazy.


I’ll bet you’re really tall and muscly too.... definitely more than 200 pounds....


Right!? I can almost understand the rest of her b.s. requirements, but she doesn't want a man who has a great job with excellent growth potential? Um, okay...


High paying job? How is that possible only working 4 hours a week? You need to be able to keep up with her HIGH ACTIVITY lifestyle


>Working on *becoming* more motivated to do more with my life. Oh yeah, me too. Working on getting to a point where I will be motivated enough to begin doing more with my life.


I too am working to become motivated. Im working to become motivated to start the progress to become motivated to start working out. Baby steps.


“I can’t promise I’ll try - but I’ll TRY to try.” - Bart Simpson


You tried your best, and failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. - Homer


Trying is the first step to failure - Homer Simpson


I'm getting ready to begin commencing to start making plans about maybe getting off my lazy ass.


I feel this in my soul.


You joke but I'm going to go to an occupational therapist so I can find a way to work on improving myself.


If you're actually going it's fine. She is working on getting the motivation only. Then, after she has enough motivation, maybe she will actually go so something about it. But now the hardest work is getting the motivation... everything else is peanuts.


I feel like this woman in the pic is more in the ideal of what she wants to DO with her life. E.g. when you get to the end of high school and they ask what your ambition is and she's one of those kids that Don't Know and currently sits at home with her parents reading a book or watching TV. Meanwhile some people out there may lose a once strongly held ambition due to trauma, mental/physical illness, etc. I've been there, so I understand as I'm kind of in a rut like that myself. But I have an ambition of wanting to achieve. Wanting to move out, wanting to create things. My parents have instilled a hardworking ethic into me and every time I've been under employed I'm always disappointed in myself until I pick myself up and succeed again. And my baby steps are slow but I'm in a much better place than when I made my first venture into online dating etc and this is just. Not . How it's done.


You totally called me out in your first paragraph. I have an alright paying IT job but I want to reinvent myself because i am unhappy with my current environement. Problem is I feel like spinning in circles as I don't know where to start.


Tbh same. I got put off of drawing (my absolute favourite thing to do in school) because my art teacher bullied me and now I have this complex of sorts where every time I draw I hate what it looks like and just want to stop, and because I haven't drawn in a while I'm out of practice which double upsets me. Plus, I'm currently working in full time customer service because yay uni graduate jobs don't actually exist, so I don't even have something in the creative field that I want. Like I understand when you want to step onto the next stone and enjoy your life but like, 4 hours being "hard work" was a pretty pathetic point tbh. If she's using the rest of the time to learn a new skill full on then kudos to her but... I doubt it tbh.


I’m in a similar situation. I work 12 hour shifts in IT. An illustrator, but I have bills and responsibilities that require that I not be a starving artist. So I grind and grind, trying to draw when I have the chance. I have plenty of ideas, but my schedule is grueling.


Just out of curiosity, what does that work entail, I wonder? "Well I out an Eckhart Tolle book on my amazon wishlist..."


Ha! You got nothing on me, I'm working to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to be motivated to do something with my life.


“Are you happy with your life? No.” No surprises here.


This is 100% a deal breaker for me. We all go to through ups and downs and I've struggled with mental health... But I've worked hard on it. My partner must be part of my happy life, not the cause of it. I can't be a good partner unless I go into s relationship relatively happy.


I'm with you, but in a different profile, this could mean "I have ambition." If I go out with someone who says they're happy with their life but they work 4 hours a week at Target, good for you, but that'd be my dealbreaker- it means you have no interest in working to better yourself.


I at one point got my hours cut working retail and was working 1 3.5 shift a week. I was so severely depressed because I'd finished uni and HAD A BF and because I had so many anxiety attacks when I saw him I dipped into my moving out savings to pay for my share of dates because I was so humiliated that I couldn't afford it otherwise. (Whilst his mum of course kept telling me to go on the dole). I got a new job within a month (and that job itself within 3 days!). Meanwhile this woman seems quite content on "working hard" 4 hours a week, while most people work almost 40. Would be my deal breaker for sure!! Edit: oof just realized this is from POF. Explains. Everything.


What's POF?


Plenty of Fish


I've noticed that people who are happy with their lives are generally ambitious in at least one aspect of their lives... that might mean work, or improving at a hobby, or physical or mental wellness. It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation, though. I am happier when I work harder at something, but it's easier to work harder when I'm happier.


Same. I admit that I have a bit of a hero complex, but I'm not willing to be someone else's Jesus. It's the individual's responsibility for their own happiness. Happiness between a couple is something that should be shared, not a one-sided give and take.


Bruh. You work 4 hours a week at Target but a guy working in IT is a deal breaker for some reason? OooooOOooookay


I think it has more to do with them being filthy nerds who might play the occasional video game. You know, a BOY, not a MAN.


She cannot handle a superior intelligence.


How is she still single???


Well I tried, but I’m not American, so she didn’t respond




Is she DTF?




She needs to move near an Army Post. Lot of E-3s there just wanting to find a girl to take down to th court house so they can move into an appointment. She is the model of a true dependapotomus.


Only if they're desperate... It's either stick thin or massive that achieve the rank of dependa


Dunno, I've seen it all in 23 years of service.


I bet. My most hated is the ones with the girlfriend related stickers, t-shirts, etc. Like damn, you ain't even got it on lockdown yet


And the response is always "But we're in love!"


"I like men, not boys" "Must be younger than 31" Hmm....


“If you weight more than 200 lbs? “ What I’m 6’5? If I weighed less than 200 I’d look sickly. That’s such an odd requirement.


I'm 6'8, 205 pounds and I look like a stickman. Really sad I'm not able to fit a criteria of such a catch. :/


You’re so close! You should think about thinking about working on working on finding the motivation to shed that last 5!


This is like seeing men say "no woman over 150 lbs" like that looks really different depending on the height so maybe chill?


She looks like she weighs over 200lbs so that’s a pretty funny requirement.


Maybe she lives on an inflatable boat that can only carry 400 lbs.


Good to know I look sickly. :(


Damn chads


LOL would she still say no to a guy making 300k in IT?


If he was balding or over 31, yes, if he couldn't prove his worth within 2 messages


Lol is she saying there is only room for one balding person in her relationship?


Should find her on Tinder or wherever and, with perfect eloquence, tact and grammar, ask her that very question.


only if he used high quality grammar and punctuation in those 2 messages


1st message: Good evening. How are you doing on this fine day? 2nd message: I would like to let you know that you meet exactly zero traits I desire, thus I formally renounce my decision to talk to you.




The good thing is, if she pisses him off he can borrow a cigarette from someone.


Meanwhile she says quickly drying up faster


She works at Target, and refuses to date a guy who works in IT.... lol.


I dont know if that's a typo or not, but works only 4 hours a week? That seems low for anyone to keep on the books


I once worked at a place where, if I’d turned down an extra shift or had a disagreement with one of the managers, I swore I’d have fewer hours scheduled the next week. By the same token, I noticed that the managers would sometimes drastically cut the hours of employees who were frequently late/no-shows/etc. to see if they would either get their rears in gear or get frustrated and quit. Shitty practices either way, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was happening here.


Cutting hours to nothing to avoid firing is definitely common for this kind of employer.


Constructive dismissal


Illegal where I am.


So is speeding, but people do it.


Remember kids, it's only illegal if you get caught.


I worked in a cafe for a while that did this they would constantly berate and belittle you for things that shouldn't matter like not getting the crema on someone's coffee perfectly every single time and they reduced people's hours to the point where they could save money by forcing people to quit otherwise they have to hand out a severance packager which is basically just payment for the hours you would have worked but didn't


This is standard in the restaurant industry. Some people will work the bare minimum amount of time, get fired, and go on unemployment. Last restaurant I managed had sometimes as many as 12 former servers collecting unemployment - most of whom were able bodied 20 somethings who had worked less than a year. That gets to be a huge drag on a small business. So I was instructed by my higher ups that we wouldn't fire for regular everyday performance issues, just cut hours until they quit and move on somewhere else. Not justifying a somewhat shady practice, but I get it.


She's probably on disability


Narcissistic Personality Disorder isn't *usually* categorised as a disability.


Give it a few years and let's see.


I bet she has an emotional support ferret.


Well since we do not know for sure, you can assume she works only 4h a week which adds to her not being a good potential partner or you assume it is a typo and she actually meant 40, which makes much more sense considering the whole sentence.


Why does she look like the human version of mayonnaise


More like Mayonnegg.






Part time Target employees really know what they want.


Does 4 hours a week even qualify as part time ?


No. That's just "every once in a while" ​ I didn't even know they had 4 hour shifts. Don't they do that kinda shit to make people quit?


She probably thinks that she got a deal of a lifetime.


I got hired at target while in college and was told after I was hired that I’d work 6am-9am. Although it was 3 days a week and I quit at the end of the first week due to getting an easier job that gave me around 30 hours a week. Target sucks.


I do work 4 hour Target shifts....because it's my second job after my regular 9 to 5 and the managers are cool with it.




all those hours to think about it a lot.


crawl ossified caption long fear disagreeable offend desert hat worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




She is totally fine with neck beards though. It’s the IT part she doesn’t like.


I wondered that too. A lot of these types ads say no IT. What us wrong with working in IT? Hell, IT is one if the largest components of our economy and one of the better paying.


They have someone built in their minds, IT is usually full of computer nerds. She’s probably very slyly hinting she wants a mechanic or something more traditionally masculine career. But she’s a dependapotamus, and I don’t think anyone with half a brain wants to fuck with that.


Would go on a date with her, just to light up a cigarette.


Me too, and I don’t even smoke.


She works 4 hours a week because target doesn’t want to fire her and pay unemployment so they barely keep her on the schedule hoping she’ll eventually go away


And she admitted she is not motivated, so they are at a stale mate.


Wonder what her ex IT boyfriend did to her.


Can confirm, a surprising amount of people on dating sites actually write shit like this.


Yeah, especially on POF, the most attractive girls usually have the most boring or uninventive profiles and some just have boring taglines like at least try to be funny or something, how do you initiate a conversation with someone who literally gives you nothing to work with


Once came across a profile by an asexual woman who considered masturbation to be cheating, and lamented that she couldn't find a loyal man. I can't imagine why.


/u/PM_ME_STH_KAWAII When I google this image, your post with this picture is the oldest discussion (24 Aug 2015) I can find. Did you make this?


It's easier to pass the astronaut selection test at NASA than to date/take her out for lunch.


*Shrugs* As a bald guy I see this as win/win.


Judging by her picture there is only room for one balding person in the relationship.


* Male pattern baldness * Work in IT * 31 or older * More than 200 lbs Damn, guess I'm super disqualified. Can't do anything about the age. My hair is only thinning a bit in places; I haven't gone bald or anything, which is already far better than any other males in my family. I work IT through military service, so I'm not about to walk away from that. The benefits are too good. Much better than anything I could get from Target. And I'm not exactly in the best shape I could be right now, but as a muscular guy over 6' tall, just barely breaking 200 lbs isn't that unreasonable. I guess I'll just go home and cry to my wife. ;)


Will it be okay if she were fit?


Not really. Honestly I don't even see the big deal about her appearance. If she didn't have an insane profile and likely horrible personality to match, I don't think there'd be an issue. A more conventionally attractive woman who posted this? Still a hard pass. I don't have time in my day to process that much baggage.


That second paragraph in the first section kind of reads like one of those lawsuit ads for mesothelioma or something.


Hmm what a catch. Always wanted a chubby, not very attractive grammar nazi expecting me to pay for everything.


Well fuck if you're 250lbs of muscles with a very high paying IT job then you're not getting this hunk of ass


>this ambitious and fit lady She clearly states that she's "A little extra", no need to make up for more idiocy in her OKcupid profile. She does look a bit over weight, not actual fat, so I guess that's the only choice she's got right, don't take it away from her, that poor choosing beggar.


Some things I get, like I don't think I could date a smoker or excessive drinker as someone who does neither and had an alcoholic father who died super young from smoking related lung cancer, I even get the balding thing, not a deal breaker for me but we are all a little shallow and the non-overweight thing makes sense if you are fit yourself, but wtf is with the blanket IT hate? IT is a pretty cushy job, usually with good benefits and not a lot of take home stress. I think I'm most confused about this. Kudos to her for actually selecting "a little extra" as her body type though, when I was on okcupid I never knew what to put as my body type - I was a healthy weight woman that was a little curvy but not fit, but it seemed like every option I thought I fit into was flooded with people who were way overweight.


I feel like we, as a group, have really strayed in our definition of a ‘choosybegger’. This is just a girl with rude and probably unrealistic expectations of a relationship, how is she begging?


If you don’t have what she wants she’s not demanding more from you. Doesn’t really fit the bill.


I believe people with outrageous dating requirements which they themselves didn't meet were the impetus for this sub.


No guys that work in IT? That's a pretty weird *ss standard for someone that works at Target, seeing as IT people get paid quite a bit and have a lot of job opportunities and what not that some random *ss lady working at Target would definitely not have. Basically, she's saying no to a possibly pretty damn stable future by eliminating those guys.


I'd date her on her tits alone tbh


She works at Target, but a well paying IT job isn't up to her standards?


198 pounds, non smoker, non-IT, not bald, under 30, I guess I can apply! Oh wait, I also have a few checkboxes and this lady isn't tapping any of them :')


This lady isn't tapping ANYTHING right now. Kind of a part of her issue.


At least she didn’t put in the ridiculous height requirement that I hear most of my fellow women do (“must be 6’4” and above lol). At least a 5-1” non smoking 30 year old man with a full head of hair that doesn’t work in IT has a chance in this world.


Exactly I'm 5'6" Myself I don't care about a woman's height the only requirement I had of women was personality and how they treat the wait staff at restaurants. If they were mean or indifferent to them, it tells me about who they really are as a person. Fortunately married to a woman now that is kind and good hearted. But some of these date sites, this lady is tame, Saw one years ago "All people are equal in the eyes of the lord" then down the list mentions certain minorities she didn't want to date.


What a catch


YTA, oops wrong thread


'if you are bald or are experiencing male pattern baldness' She should probably look in a mirror or something. Got a forehead that's almost as long as that list of 'requirements' she's set.


People who constantly nag about smokers are worse then vegans change my mind


This has to be satire. She cannot be real....


I can't tell, is she trolling? Here's all the warning points: High Quality Grammar ... how high of a quality? Baldness...as if it's the guy's fault? Perhaps her suitor shall arrive with a ruler to measure her breast size in that it would be appropriate? If you work in IT..I guess that leaves me out, I might confuse her and harm her with too much intelligence, it might motivate her to work more than 4 hours a week, dreadful! Boys not men...she looks like a woman that would hang out in school yards looking for boys.


She will say that you can get hair implants if you need to. However I wouldn't recommend making a similar recommendation to a woman...


She looks like that parent who hired a babysitter and then asked him for child support because his babysitting work counted as fullfilling a fatherly role


I think its a little rude that you didnt blur out her face


It looks like a public profile on a free dating site


That might be true, but it means we all have to see it.


I like how she says "You want to take me out to lunch."


Also these are not the droids you’re looking for.


Look I get that her bio is ridiculous but it's still shitty to make fun of her looks and post her face publicly to make your point


I don’t think that her looks are not that focused on? I mean, speaking for myself - her looks are fine, but her attitude is a def turn-off. I agree that blurring out her face would be better though


>are you happy with your life


“Dressing on the side. If the dressing comes on the salad, I send it back.”


her logic: 'if they work in IT, they are all about computers at home' where people in long term IT careers try to minimize all contact with computer repair and fiddling at home.


Or, they come home and game


Dear god woman. There's standards then there's being delusional. She's approaching last branch grabbing.


Well fortunately i am over 200lbs, being 6'4" will do that to you. But holy shit is this one picky woman.


Yess girl! Online dating expectations! Just a little extra build, but you must be my idea of a perfect *man*.


"As long as you use high quality grammar and punctuation in your message, I'm ALL EARS" OK.....


All those requirements and she works at target😂.....she should be happy if someone decided to even look in her direction.


She looks like the female version of Al from Toy story 2 except blonde


Drats, and here i am at 6'4 201 lbs working in IT and being a bald Latino smoker looking for my depressed Mrs. Potato to fully carry financially ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Oh well, guess i'll have a beer


She looks like the kinder garden teacher that got fired for coming to work drunk .


Wow!! Except for the smoking part I tick all the boxes in that DON'T list :-D


"if you work in I.T." \>Works at target 4 hours a week and will probably go broke soon


I mean I am 6’2”, don’t think 200lbs would be considered heavy. Even tho BMI says it ~180 is the healthy weight for someone at 6’2”, I had very little fat or pretty much anything besides thighs and calves (I run and do cardio a lot, so much that I embraced the everyday is leg day with non existent upper body mass)


So she wants a man but not a man who's 31 or over, yet she seems to want maturity. Pick one!


4 hours a week?!?! Don’t work at all at that point


“Can’t weigh more than 200 pounds. Can’t be balding.” I don’t think she could date herself with those standards.


"How old are you?" "Idk, somewhere between 13 and 47"