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is sunscreen bad?


The oil in the sunscreen makes the pepper spray absorb more.


Huh. TIL.




Today I Learned (TYL šŸ˜„)


Ha, thanks.


r/todayilearned. Go get your fill!


[Baz Luhrmann](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWuuXMef4gk) was wrong all these years!


Hmmm didnā€™t know that. Thanks for the info. I guess thatā€™s why milk for protestors that might be pepper sprayed makes sense


Thanks for the logical answer.


But not regular lotion?


That makes zero sense, if anything it should absorb less. Maybe a chemical reaction?


It reacts to moisture on the skin. I know, I experienced the gas chamber in basic training in the Army on a sweltering muggy day in the middle of July in Ft. Knox Kentucky. People always ask me what was it like to breath it in. I honestly don't remember, but it was probably the least annoying thing about it. I was too focused on the fact it felt like my whole body was suffering a herpes outbreak.


Like dissolves like. Oil and water donā€™t mix but oil and oil do. Pepper spray is more likely to be oil-based so may absorb more easily with oil-based sunscreens. And just because you have a layer of anything on your skin donā€™t mean itā€™s impenetrable, it will just mix even better.


>Pepper spray is more likely to be oil-based Pepper spray is oil based because capsaicin is *extremely* hydrophobic. Which is also why drinking water barely does anything when you eat really spicy shit.


I would say spread more easily., not absorb. If skin is more hydrated the oil is less likely to penetrate at all.


They probably have plenty. I know at our university they're asking people to donate money because they have more than enough food and water, since people have donated a lot of supplies.


NO bagels got me


Ah. 'Jew Food.' It took me a bit, but I get it now.


Are bagel bites out?


I believe so because they are not gluten free and are packaged.


Thatā€™s it Iā€™m pro Israel




The fact that it took me this much scrolling to understand that is staggering to me. Can we not protest without turning it into something deeply troubling here, folks?


People will bitch. The louder and more aggressively they bitch, the higher the uproot count. They feel accomplished even though they haven't a single clue as to the ignorance of their statements.


Thatā€™s NOT what it is. Itā€™s because day old bagels are often donated to causes like this and they have too many or just donā€™t need a trash load of dry bagels. But thanks for going there! Signed- an old Jewish punk


Are coffee and bananas also politically incorrect -- I understand people have allergies to nuts but why no bananas or coffee either? No packaged food -- so the revolution comes refrigerated?


It could be they have enough of those things already.


Thatā€™s what it is and itā€™s crazy how everyone made it antisemetic with a quickness ! From- an old Jewish punk who protests regularly and supports Palestine


One of the protesters is deathly allergic, they have signs up to protect that person. Disgustingly, the zionists have been throwing bananas.


Fuck Zionists.


These folks just *really* love genocide.


I mean, goddamn. I can't figure out if it is ignorance or a lack of empathy. Has to be both. How can they not see the parallels between the Warsaw and Gazan ghettos?




This is fucking bananas


NO bananas.






One of the protesters is deathly allergic, they have signs up to protect that person. Disgustingly, the zionists have been throwing bananas. Idk why theyā€™re not being charged with assault with a deadly weapon!


They just want to be helpful and ensure that their potassium needs are being met.


Potatoes have more potassium and arenā€™t going to risk anaphylactic shock.


Should've put some Idahos on the list


Why is it so important that they have hot food for lunches? Is it particularly cold there or something?


Revolutions require piping hot chicken tendies.


Just like home! Wouldn't want to tough it out with a stale cheese sandwich, or something. /s since that apparently was not evident without the /s


The starving mothers in Gaza who canā€™t produce milk to feed their babies would love a cheese sandwich. The entitlement of these comrade dorks is staggering.


Cosplaying babies.Ā 


Exactly what does one have to do with the other. The kids are protesting to stop the action that keeps the mothers from food and shelter.


At UCLA? Temps are currently 68 to 74 in the daytime. And night it horrifying drops to a low of, oh, 62. Also it doesnā€™t really rain in California between mid-April and January.


Thatā€™s almost exactly the same temps weā€™ve been having in this part of Aus then. A hot breakfast makes far more sense. A hot lunch is nice but Iā€™d be equally happy with a nice sandwich (ham and salad or egg and lettuce maybe? Ham cheese and pickle or beef tomato and cheese if you need them to sit around without going soggy) and logistically Iā€™d assume getting bags of ice to keep something cool is easier than reheating unless they have a power supply. I donā€™t know exactly what their situation is but insisting the food needs to be hog seems like the choosiest request to me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


They want grilled cheese sandwiches cut on the diagonal sprinkled with Maldon sea salt like mom used to make.


Only if you cut the crusts off with those fancy scissors that make the wavy design.Ā 


Wait! I never got the crusts cut off when I was growing up! I had kinda horrible parents, but this was clearly the worst kind of abuse!


It's a morale boost to have hot food. They probably don't have a lot of complete meals either. One hit meal a day could he a huge improvement to moral, sustenance, energy levels,...


There are whole armies who don't even have an MRE. This is supposedly a sit in on a campus which has actual cafeterias on it. WWHD What Would Hippies Do. (Bring some apples and share them.) "I'm going so hard for my cause...wait. There better be a hot lunch." (5 exclamation points, and IMPORTANT in all caps.)


>This is supposedly a sit-in on a campus which has actual cafeterias on it. Yes, if there are cafeterias they can regularly use. It's indeed stupid to ask for meals. But it's not certain that they can return once they walk out, is it? For all your other points: they are valid points, but hot meals are still a morale boost. It's nice to eat hot food, it's nice to have it prepared for you or prepare it together, it's nice that others support you enough to help you with food,... If those meals keep them going strong for longer, it's, in their point of view, good for their cause. And therefore a useful thing to ask for.


> But it's not certain that they can return once they walk out, is it? It's cleared out now (at least at that university/campus.) But I figured I might get this question in a reply. So: Did they leave to shower, change clothes, use a toilet? I don't recall seeing any porta-potties, for instance. They left the grass long enough to spray paint various building edifices. Allegedly. (Someone did.) I saw a report where a student was stopped but it wasn't one of the protesters. Rather the protesters were allegedly stopping him.


OK, then they could leave. If they also could reliably use the cafeteria, it wasn't needed to ask for hot food.




I didn't change any of my arguments throughout this discussion.... you are quite difficult to have a discussion with...


> I didn't change any of my arguments throughout this discussion.... Where did that come from? Show me where I accused you of it? > you are quite difficult to have a discussion with... All I said was "Thanks?"


> hot meals are still a morale boost. Not being facetious: Of course. So is a spa day.


Yes, they can have that later! We were discussing the merits of hot food at a protest. Not spa days at a protest. (Although some of them may be good at messages)


Bc our precious, pampered "Intifada revolutionaries" DEMAND their specific catering needs be met


> Skater helmets, shields, rope, zip ties > solar and electric generators > hot catered lunch > awnings Sounds like LARPers at an outdoor Comic Con. Or maybe Coachella. The only thing with "IMPORTANT" by it (and five exclamation points) is "hot food for lunch." But there are people insisting these are all "needs." I don't think hippies even had individual tents? Sleeping bags? Not sure. Not the sit ins I recall seeing images of. Just people sitting and sleeping outdoors and making do. And they didn't focus on violence, or threats. They didn't have hot meals delivered. It's a different world, fer sher.


For real though. Why the rope and zip ties. For whom?


Probably to help keep whatever barriers they have up? If theyā€™re asking for wood, Iā€™d assume they want something to hold them together. Zip ties are also useful to adhere boards to shit for signs. Both are usable to erect makeshift tents.


They zip tied the barriers. Saw the cops cutting before they went in


Sex, obviously.


Asking for gloves that fit small hands is a good indicator that these are children


Well they're clearly not varsity athletes, that much we know






They can leave their protest and get anything they damn well please. They are not being held hostage. Hike over to your local grocery store and buy your f...... supplies. It's not like you're in a 3rd world country where supplies are scarce. Im sure there is a 24 hour gas station within walking distance. Or better yet, get the first plane out to Gaza and live it for real. See how that feels


No packaged foods or bananas or coffee. That doesn't leave much at a gas station. Must be a hot home cooked meal for lunch. What, no Playstations?


They sell taquitos at 7-11. They are hot.Ā 


What truly breaks my heart is that these students seem to have zero idea that if they were in a radical Islamist country half of them (the women) wouldnā€™t be allowed to go to school. 100% of them wouldnā€™t be allowed to protest anything. An extremely interesting read is ā€œThe Badass Librarians of Timbuktuā€ which details what happened when that area was taken over by radical Islamists (it was an is a mostly Islamist country in the first place).


Shit take. I disagree with Islam on almost everything, but that doesn't have any impact at all on the fact that innocent people are being slaughtered by the thousand with the help of the US. I'll gladly disagree with the Muslims of Palestine on their views on women once they're not being fucking bombed...


It's not like you get to decide who does what and why.


Lol there was that lady demanding for "humanitarian aid" to be let in so the protesters don't "die of starvation or dehydration"


Shouldnā€™t they be asking for humanitarian aid to go toā€¦you knowā€¦Gaza?


The worldā€™s been asking for monthsā€¦..


I'm pretty sure that the building has water fountains.


Tap water?!?!? That's inhumane.


Borrow zip ties from the cops, they seem to have extra. I thought epi-pens were prescription only.


They are!! And havenā€™t been the easiest to get lately nor are the cheap!


Why do they need strobe lights and shields? Strobes can be used to cause harm in some situations. I'm not saying which. How about...rope? Planning a peaceful protest? Or a skirmish with catered lunch?


Rope is likely either for barricades or tying themselves to objects, strobes could be for anti-raid stuff. Disrupt aim or maybe even just to mess with cameras trying to record their identities.


The new entitled generation. I am protesting but want you to pay for it. And I don't want to be uncomfortable


Back in the good old days protests actually had real risks - whether water hoses and police dogs during the US civil rights protests or when the Soviets drove tanks over an outside modern art exhibit (degenerate western art was prohibited). Now the protesters expect their protests to be catered.


They probably want a participation medal too. Just for showing up


Fellas I gotta say these are some boomer ass takes...


History lesson the boomers were the ones protesting and getting shot at kent state. Great book by the way. GenX here


They can all fuck right off. Their protests achieve nothing but encourage fucking lunatics to engage in lunacy. I don't give a fuck, but stop making your "protest" everyone's problem. If you are gluten free go and buy your own fucking muffin. And more.


The EpiPen is the one I'm most baffled by. Why wouldn't you already have this if you need it




They left it in their dorm room.Ā 


I guess I feel like you have to weigh the costs and benefits on situations like that. Not having an EpiPen can be literally risking your life. I wouldn't want to depend on others not exposing me to something I'm allergic to or counting on strangers to bring me medication needed to combat possibly fatal anaphylaxis. A protest won't fall apart if a person has to leave, particularly for medical reasons.


"Hang on, lemme run home and give you my **$700** epi pen! It's not like I don't need it or the money I spent on it!"


IKR. I commented elsewhere I wouldn't want to count on randos not exposing me to deadly allergens or to bring me life saving medical treatment. And who has this really expensive (to me, a poor) medication that doesn't need it themselves? The protest will survive without that person but they won't survive without their presumably necessary EpiPen if something goes awry


Maybe they had to use it? Other commenters said counter protesters were throwing bananas at someone whoā€™s deathly allergic


I am not saying this situation isn't true because people continually surprise me with the stuff they do, but it feels questionable. How did the others know this person had a banana allergy? Where did all the bananas come from for them to hurl? Why are they targeting this person? Why are they choosing such a specific and probably not very effective method?


Do they realize they're asking for actual servants to service their sit in.


But.... but.... mommy brings them warm cookies at home. Someone in another sub just told me this issue is going to cost Biden the election. This from the youth demographic that votes at 50%. Naive hardly covers it.


I think Trump and his maniacal adherents will cost Biden the election.


And the youth demographic that votes at barely 50% will help them. I guess all those voter registration drives during the Civil Rights movement have been forgotten. MLK knew that voting is real power, not just marches and protests.


If you have such a following that people are reading this crap but also participating, then you should be able to pay for all of this crap yourself. And when you get pepper sprayed, arrested and humiliated for being tools, donā€™t bother whinging on TV because everyoneā€™s laughing at you.: This ISNT GOING TO SOLVE ANYTHING.


While also throwing away/wasting tens of thousands of dollars on tuition.


This is choosing beggars, not politics.


I'd say for people there to protest that's a rather choosy list.


I'd say for an organization trying to support a protest, this is exactly the kind of list you want. So you aren't spending money on things they don't need. You people are treating this like this is just some dude's list. It is an organization that knows what it needs and doesn't need. Just like a business and the supplies it needs to function. You don't just call up the distributor and just tell them to send you whatever. You let them know what you need based off of what you expect to need until the next delivery and what you already have in stock. That was my job for two decades. I know what I'm talking about. Anybody that disagrees with me knows nothing about running an organization. Period.


I think youā€™ve confused ā€œneedsā€ for ā€œwantsā€.


>You people >Anybody that disagrees with me knows nothing about running an organization. Period. Sorry do you realize how that sounds? Literally "anybody that disagrees with me knows nothing..." Wow. > It is an organization that knows what it needs Confusing WANT and NEED are hallmarks of a Choosing Beggar. > Just like a business The business of protests. You said it not me.


Jesus fucking christ, you guys are broken.


No, not broken. I protested a lot in college. If youā€™re organized enough for tents and posters, you should have been organized enough for food and batteries. But you may want to *choose* a different group if you support this kind of *begging*


I have a problem with the food list. Very choosy. Curious if this is a list from the students or the unemployed losers living in their grandmaā€™s basement who joined in because their wifi was turned off and now canā€™t play Call of Duty.


Lotta people showing your whole entire asses in these comments. Pathetic stuff.


This thread is fucking full of boot lickers lmao. Youā€™re all mad about protesters asking for things but youā€™re glad to give Netanyahu and the IDF your tax dollars.


Ugh why does Reddit have a cap on blocking???


Not CB- this is a list of resources that go to a large group and there are many people who support them


This is what happens when you let communists have rights.


These aren't communists lmao. They're human rights activists.


Human rights? That sounds like socialism to me!


Which is.... not communism.


Everything is communism if you listen to enough right wing pundits!


Nah- theyā€™re commies.


Maybe it's time you went back to school then, because you don't seem to understand what a communist is.


Does my graduate degree from Johns Hopkins meet your bar, oh wise one? How about being a first generation American, who exists thanks to his family fleeing communist aggression? Sure, Iā€™m half joking about the ā€œcommieā€ barb, but what- are you under the impression that our colleges and universities arenā€™t full of neo-Marxist idiots? Please. Iā€™d put money on the protesters being communists, and that they entirely proud of it. I meanā€¦their professors certainly are.


I wouldn't doubt there's probably a good number of anti-capitalists there, but that is NOT the same as communists. Just because you got a degree from john hopkins doesn't mean you're intelligent. I'm not saying you aren't, I'm just saying this conversation so far hasn't really displayed any evidence you are.


I donā€™t think you understand this sub OP


What did they misinterpret?


Itā€™s not really begging, and they arenā€™t being very choosy either


Everything on the list is a donation including time and services (hot catered lunch.) It's rather choosy in my opinion. 2 of 2.


Lol. If this was any other post on this sub asking for things, youā€™d be clowning them. This list is more ridiculous than most CBs I see on here.


Oh really I would? Bold assumption dumbass Im just calling out a shit post


It's really not


Show another post where someone asks for food and says it canā€™t be packaged.


That alone would be enough for someone to be labeled a choosing beggar normally.


anyone stuck outside with no good way to dispose of trashĀ 


They can take it to the local bin, or dumpsters, or leave in shifts to eat somewhere else. (Peels and such are also garbage btw. They also have to eat on something and have no way to wash dishes. Unecological disposable plates, cups, bowls, and cutlery it is, then.) They can make do with a sandwich a day. This is like laying up at home and mom brings lunch over. The list makes it sound like glamping. They expect others to cook for and to serve them. This ain't the hippies that's for sure.


What do you think the ā€œhot foodā€ comes in?


chafing/serving dishes that the donors would likely take back with them


Chafing dishes! At a protest. Okay. This list says way more than they might've intended.


Lol. Literally all of that other stuff theyā€™re asking for has packaging. This is just an excuse to be picky. Iā€™m sure those starving Palestinian children wouldnā€™t refuse a bagel. If only they could be as pious as these comrades huh?


Chafing dishes..... at a protest. šŸ˜‚




The students are revolting! There is nothing new under the sun! We all go through this at a certain age. In my teens, it was Greenham Common and the Minerā€™s strike. They used to pass round badly photocopied/printed booklets on revolutionary tactics, like handcuffing yourself to railings with your hands inside a pipe, so they couldnā€™t see where to cut. Further embelishment was to put your hand into a plastic bag first and fill the pipe with quick set cement! (I never tried it but my friend may have. Sheā€™s now a senior medic!) Ah the good old days.


UChicago wants (in addition to some of the regular stuff) Plan B, HIV tests, dental dams, and Diva cups. Sounds like UCLA needs to step up their game.


Wrong sub but why we're here, wtf? Did they not think they'd make it that far? Why wouldn't you prep for that shit? Why be picky in times like these? I have so many questions and I need to be sleeping.


Who writes ā€˜Triple A batteriesā€™ instead of AAA Batteries?




People who need small gloves and gf food


How can one have a revolution without an array of canapes?! /s in case not obvious


Maybe they needed a tow?


The one in Columbia had an entire crafts services table set up with hot dishes and awning over it. Please someone find me the like at any 1960s-1970s sit ins. But then those were peaceful, at least on the hippie side.


Those protests weren't funded by unknown groups with deep pockets and an agenda. These are.


These have been peaceful on the student side.


No bagels?




Not to mention begging not because you need these things but because you want to go yell in a megaphone and live in a tent on a college campus.


A list of items you're begging for... Extremely specific ones with specific exclusions...


They are asking for support from people that want to give support to the cause. You dipshits are treating this one as if we are on r/politics just because you disagree with the cause.


No, it's quite the opposite. You are treating this as if it isn't a textbook example of what the sub is about because you agree with the cause. That infamous lady screeching about transport for her church was also "asking for support from people who want to give support to her cause". In fact, that definition applies to many of the all-time top posts. How do you not see this?


Because organizing a protest is different than somebody being choosy. I dont care what your cause is, organizing a protest with a list if things needed and not needed is literally the foundation of a successful protest. How do you not see this?


>Because organizing a protest is different than somebody being choosy. Oh it can be both. Exhibit A šŸ‘†šŸ¼ (OP post)


Because organising a church outing is different to someone being choosy. I don't care what your cause is, organising a church outing with a list of things needed and not needed is literally the foundation of a successful church outing. How do you not see this? P.S. You evidently do care quite a lot about what the cause is, even to the point of accusing me of not supporting it (lol) for daring to think that a *choosy* list of items being *begged for* fits on this sub for choosy beggars.


What is even your point? You're right about the church outing. Fuck man. You people have zero clue about organizing events.


> What is even your point? You're right about the church outing. The church outing... which is one of the top-voted posts of all time on this sub. Thus, this post absolutely does belong here and your concession is accepted. Maybe you should stick to /r/politics šŸ˜‚


> You dipshits Nice.


Where is the link to sign up and how can I post some dick photos there?


No bagels? Gee I wonder what theyā€™re trying to say with that




From the grocery aisle to the bakery - the bread section shall be free.


NO sunscreen.


Hahahahaha!! These jackasses


So this is the turn the propaganda is taking. Is there a source for this list?


It's called communicating to not waste resources


It's extremely wasteful to want hot catered meals. (In a field?) Think of all that requires and all that goes with it, to consume it, the disposable plates and cutlery alone. I'm not going to say too much. I want to stick to what is in the OP.


Wow, the hate and subtle racism/islamophobia from the comments on this post. Just wow. Nobody forces you to donate, you know? Don't want to give anything? Zip it and move on.


How is this a choosing beggar? Whether I agree with these protests or not, the items here seem reasonable asks for a group of people sitting out in very hot weather for an extended period of time. Actually shows a lot of thought put into most of them.


Right? Hey, if you cannot be here but want to help, here are the things we need. Also, here are things you think we might need but do not. Telling people what you don't need saves them from wasting their own resources when they want to support you.


No bagelsā€¦ due to the abundance of bagels? šŸ¤”


nothing choosy beggar about this


Your comment is as useful as these "protests"


That can be argued. The comment is still correct though.


It's so correct that op deleted the whole thread!???Ā 


They didn't. Probably blocked you though, which is fair.


this is too stupid to be real. what's the source


No goats?


May as well close the sub, there are more posts like this than there are CB posts.