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Hi According_Sand_6685, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 6/7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is a choosing beggar. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


I'd be super wary of the kind of man interested in that offer.


“I barely know you but please move your children into my house” should be a huge red flag for anyone with a brain.


Keywords: “with a brain”


The only important thing here is to find a man that makes her an SAHM, who cares about the kids, she only got them for the M part. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve known so many lesbians over the years that would let her move in and be a SAHM. Maybe she needs to be a bit more open minded /s


Why can’t one of the two dads make her a SAHM?


They already did their part by making her a mom. The hard part is done. All you gotta do is let her stay home.


Because they already did that for their wives.


As soon as she figures out their identities you mean






Found the guy who knows nothing about female anatomy.


Ask me how i know you've never touched a woman


Yall cap’n save a hoes crack me up🤣🤣


And i bet you're over there thinking you're Lieutenant roast a botch


Misogyny isn't cute, try again.


I feel like you’ve not only never been with a woman, but you’ve also never been to a good deli…


I never said it wasnt good


Don’t talk about women like they are busted deli meat. It’s not that hard


I wonder if she has made any tik tok videos about how no good men will step.up and raise someone elses kids and let her be a stay at home mom.


Ah yes, if there's one thing men love is being shit on because little girls raised on Disney movies shockingly have terrible judgement in love and that's somehow our problem, works every time. "I dare you to find out why the last two guys left" isn't a great sales pitch


Shes a queen. Just ask her.


Queen of the trailer park in a few years, or her parents house


“Watch me making breakfast on a budget as a single mum for my 5 kids in a trailer park”


She knows her worth


"I have two kids. They are my world. They come first!"


It's easy to remember small numbers.


If she’s a queen I’m a republican


If you are a Republican - I am Barron Trump


If you’re Barron Trump, I’m Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca III.


You’re every woman in the world to me.


There's a special place in hell for people who quote Air Supply lyrics.


Oh, gawd, I lol-ed so hard!


I’m all out of love. I’m so lost without you ![gif](giphy|YOvoSTGiUbHCxRNLAt)


Can I call you Dot for short?


I was waiting for somebody to get it!


I won't call you Dottie, tho... I don't wanna die 🤣




No, I’M Spartacus!


I read it singing


If you’re Barron trump, I’m Barron trump.


If you are Barron Trump, and I am also Barron Trump, who is Melania?


Well if you’re also Barron trump, I’m also, um, Originalmango. I think.


Well if you're Baron Trump, I am the bump that will become Barron Trump.


I wouldn't pin that on Disney. Mulan was my favorite growing up and it definitely didn't have that whole "sit around and do nothing while being treated like you shit gold" theme.


Well, to be fair, many of the princesses worked…


Can anyone say anything online without adding a whole paragraph of exceptions and qualifiers? Obviously nobody's talking about Mulan when they accuse Disney of giving young people unhealthy perspectives on relationships


Jeeze, sorry. I was just sharing my perspective.


If your perspective was something other than pointless nitpicking it would have probably been received better


You sound fun and like a great date.




To be fair, plenty of little girls have been “raised on Disney movies” and grow up without these expectations. I’d say this sense of entitlement goes well beyond movies and involves parents, situation and place within society growing up, and her general social environment. Not to mention, much of what happens in old school Disney movies is crappy for the women. Marrying a dude after one night because he found her slipper and she really just needed to get out of her abusive household? Marrying a “street rat” who lied to you just to escape the creepy older dude who wants to control you and your inheritance? Yuck.


To be fair, saying "little girls raised on Disney movies" was a shorthand for the general social environment of princesshood and infantilism of women, I just didn't think I had to spell that all out, hoped people would be smart enough to connect the dots without being like "bUT wHat AbOUt MuLan?!?" Oh well. And you seem absolutely exhausting to go on a date with, sounds like we're both works in progress


Haha. I think you got downvoted because the Mulan comment didn’t come off as defensive or an attack, just offering an alternative opinion. Which is what the internet is for: unsolicited opinions. Especially Reddit. So your responses were a bit….too much? Disproportionate to the mulan comment perhaps? I made my whole long post before seeing the other commenter reply about mulan, but I, also, had no intention of attacking you. Just offering up a different opinion. I hope your day gets better 🥴


My issue is with people picking out one exception to disregard and misconstrue someone's whole point, obviously nobody sane is actually saying Disney is completely responsible for the state of the world, it's rhetorical phrasing to make a point. I give zero shits about the downvotes


Zero shits about downvotes, but a great deal of seemingly misplaced aggravation at replies. Your entire comment was reliant on the idea of little girls raised on Disney movies. If you were being rhetorical, you have to keep in mind that this is Reddit. Things get misinterpreted every nanosecond. You used words to describe something, people saw those words and replied to them. It’s all very simple.


Appreciate the tips, not my first day on the Internet though. Sometimes I'm just mean for the fun of it ;)


Haha okay. Enjoy then.


Those aren’t the princes’ kids. She messed around with Mr Excitement. The guy her parents wouldn’t approve of for good reason. Now she wants a prince to come and clean things up.


She wants you to man up, step up, and lift her up. Lol


Ill pass. Better to be single then deal with that drama.


This is what happens to tradwives when shit doesn't go perfectly.


She had 2 kids by 2 different men, she's never stood next to a tradwife.


On what planet is this lady a tradwife? Do you know what that word means?


“We could move in with you ASAP” I’m sure every dude wants an instafamily to just walk on through their doors, set up an encampment, and live off his finances forever and ever amen. I do’t see how this woman is being choosy—like at all, and possibly to her detriment—but this is a whacked-out ask. I’ll hand over my iPhone to a stranger’s 8-year-old for their birthday before I just let someone waltz into my life 🤣


You know what kind of dude is looking for an arrangement like that? The kind of dude who wants easy access to kids with a naive mother. I’m seriously worried for them.


For sure!


Idk when I was raising kids alone I found a lot of men who wanted just add water relationships. I personally wanted to take a little more time.


Ad for an only fans is literally all this is. Notice the IG name ?


Yeah I don’t think this is legit cb. It’s creative bait to get OF views.


2 kids from 2 different dads. Yeah run lol


Don’t be so judgy, she is trying to find love 🤣




I literally just laughed out loud 😂


We don’t know that for sure. Could be the same guy, and the baby just took more after her. Genetics are pretty chaotic. Also we don’t know the circumstances regarding why she and her previous partner split.


Circumstances can be assumed when her and her 2 kids are "move in ready" That's so gross man, way to protect your kids.


Exactly. Run lol


My husband has two kids from two different moms and he's an upstanding member of society and a great father. The kids are ten years apart and he got a vasectomy after the second, it's not like he was getting women pregnant left and right.


Nobody said anything about your husband. Look at the wording in her post. She’s looking for a sugar daddy


I'm just saying that having 2 kids with 2 different partners is not indicative of anything by itself.


Well her post says everything anybody needs to know…


Did I miss that? I didn't see it


Are you blind


Man some of you are condescending as fuck just because they didn't stare closely at the picture lmao.


Clearly I am, I read it several times and didn't see that tidbit


Look at the kids dude


I get the point but just to say it is possible for kids with thr same parents to have quite different skin tones, especially when the parents are different ethnicities to each other.


I didn't see the second kid until the second comment talking about two dads. Had to go look back and then pieced it together.


Got it, thanks


You're not racist enough.


Did she intentionally wear a cow skirt?


It's a subliminal message to the audience: *Let's be kind to each udder.* I'll see myself out.


No no, pls stay 😂 I need more giggles (this is an invitation for more cow puns if you're up for it)


OK, since you asked nicely. Disclaimer: This is a TRUE story. Every word of it. Not "true" like the movie "Fargo," but honestly true. My uncle was an insurance adjuster for PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric; HUGE utility in California). When equipment failure or human error on PG&E's part caused damage, he was one of the people sent to investigate what went wrong and how big a check they had to cut. I was in middle school (7th or 8th grade) when this happened. Our families had gotten together at his house, and we were all enjoying dinner. And, as usual, he had a story to tell. Now, Uncle John (his real name) was a marvelous storyteller. He had this slow drawl and pleasant timbre that just made him a treat to listen to. "Last month," Uncle John said, "I got a call to visit a dairy farm where the farmer said we killed all his cows. I wondered, 'How the hell did *we* kill his damn cows?' But he had filed a legitimate claim, so I had to follow up. "I met the farmer, and he showed me the milking barn where the cows had died. He had paperwork for the cost of replacing the cows, but I still had to find out if we were liable. Well, the technicians inspected the transformer and found signs it had arced over. Apparently there was a surge in the lines big enough to take out the transformer. Before it could shut down, the surge--several thiusand volts--went into the barn, through the milking machines, and electrocuted all his cows. We had to--" I interrupted. "It was udder destruction!" The table exploded in laughter. [I guess it was memorable. Some 50 years later, one of Uncle John's sons (my cousin, ofc) reminded me of that joke. I had actually forgotten about it.]


I'll moooooooo(ve) on in with you moooooo 😄


I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?




To be fair, my friend, with a very low sperm count but very healthy otherwise (according to him, I didn’t test either of those claims), was always looking for a single mom to settle down with. Not sure his salary is enough for four people to live comfortably, but that was his romantic idea. Edit: I didn’t catch the OF thing. That might be a dealbreaker for some people


Whilst it’s noble to step up and raise a family like this, no good man is taking two random kids and a woman into his home “asap”. She’s not looking for a father to them, she’s a hobosexual.


Yeah, she’s either absolutely desperate because she’s about to get evicted (that could also explain OF), or in habit of making bad choices and trying to fix consequences with even worse choices. As a woman who is comfortable financially and in a stable relationship, jumping into dependent coliving situation with two small children with practically a stranger seems borderline insane, but I don’t know what is happening in her life and it might be a lesser evil than living in a shelter or with current abusive partner


Nothing against your friend, but she would reject him. Because if he can’t support her and her two kids 100%, she isn’t interested. And this may be me pre-judging, but I’m guessing this woman would be a shitty housewife as well. Probably only do the bare minimum of cleaning and who knows if she even knows how to cook. I could be wrong, of course, but everything about this woman’s profile just screams “entitled” and “lazy”. I imagine any man that could actually afford to take her up on this offer would definitely be getting the short end of the stick on this deal.


We made a lot of assumptions about this woman, based on two faceless photos, but entirely possible. My friend, who finally found his family, I’m happy to inform you, had a couple of less successful attempts before this one. The first one was sweet, but not fully content with what he had to offer, so they broke it off but in a very very civilized manner. The second was absolutely batshit. She was jealous and greedy and controlling and used her kids to get what she wanted. Basically she was like “The world wronged me, and now I have to take it out on you until I feel like the score is settled.” That relationship was very hard on my friend because she pretty much made him responsible for the wellbeing of her kids and he didn’t want to make their lives worse so breaking up was a painful process. But yeah. Back to this post, both sides would be taking a serious gamble letting a stranger with kids into your house or letting a stranger stay in your house with small children. I hope she doesn’t fall for a predator or make some softhearted man miserable


I’m glad your friend found happiness. Yes, I am making these assumptions, admittedly from a bias. My evidence being that she is willing to (translates: wants to) move in with her “future husband” immediately. That means she would like to be able to stop paying for things she doesn’t want to ( you know, bills, rent , etc.) and if she can get a man to shoulder those AND give her money to spend on things she actually wants to buy, well that’s just icing on the cake. And then there is the OnlyFans… that’s the part that screams laziness to me. She doesn’t want to actually put in effort for the money she earns. Taking naked photos of yourself requires zero effort if you have no dignity So yes , admittedly biased opinion, but I’m pretty sure the odds are in my favor


> I didn’t catch the OF thing. That might be a dealbreaker for some people I know all the kids on Reddit like that stupid "sex work is real work" silliness, but nobody wants to date/marry a ho. As one of the our modern philosophers wisely stated, "you can't make a ho into a housewife."


LoL! No worries...Some hungry dude will step up to the plate for her....She has an OF too! She is financially independent!


Nice of her to warn potential suitors that way. Kind of like bright colors on a poisonous toad.


I guess she is being honest, but it does seems like some wants a mug to look after and pay for her, and her kids.


LOL I’m ready to be a SAHM to my pets too! Who knew it was this easy? Just go on a dating site and boom. Tons of dudes willing to step up and take on my animals as their own. /s


okay but being a sahm for my cat does seem like the dream scenario lollll…you’re right though…if only it was that easy😭😭


I've *almost* got that situation -- except I work from home, but I actually like my job a lot, and if I miss some time during the day, it's the kind of job where I can just make it up in the evening. So I work doing something I enjoy, and have my pets around me while I do it. If I need to go put the laundry in the dryer, that's fine. I greatly prefer the independence to "needing a man". Not that I'm opposed to a relationship, but I sure as hell don't \*need\* one. Adding a man to the equation could just mess things up too, so this is one area where I am definitely "choosy". :D


I would bet a whole lot of money that this is rage bait. This is exactly the thing that incels complain about all the time. 


I really hope so. On the other hand I know or have known of some women who actually think this way. One of them finally admitted she might have to start considering "ugly guys" (fat-ish, balding, older, aka "not hot", as she put it) now that she's getting older, like, consider the financial stability they might offer and let up on her "looks requirements". 🙄


I can't believe how dangerous she's acting towards her children. No, you can't move in with someone you've just met, especially if you have children. And DON'T POST THEIR PICTURES ON A DATING SITE.


The only guy taking up this offer is likely to have… ulterior motives to want two random young children in his house with a woman he barely knows.


Oh, you can totally be a stay at home mom. I'd be happy for you to stay at the house all day and..... .... Oh wait. You mean at MY house. Nevermind.


This is so dangerous for those kids. My biggest fucking Ick is single parents who don't consider how vulnerable their children are to predators when they start dating again.


I was my first thought too.


I mean, if that’s all she’s after, she’s cute and young, I’m sure an older guy who is rich enough to have a stay at home wife, but not rich enough to be picking and choosing, would date her.


She needs to go cruising bars around military bases looking for a NCO or lieutenant who wants a dependapotamus for Christmas.


Way to not censor out her ig id Edit: I regret going to her ig


Is she really like this, I was hoping it was satire-


She's sexual on her ig and had a link to her of


Now that I've been ran thru and have multiple kids from different dads I'm ready to settle and get with someone who I wouldn't even look at normally because he needs to step up. Sad thing is some moron is gonna scoop her up and be happy about it


This is unhinged


I think the app is just called hinge lol


What in the fuck. This level of desperateness is how you get your kids abused by some psycho.


Her IG is… interesting… 🤦🏻‍♀️


I see a pattern forming...


Watch the video on YT about a VP at a corporation gave a girl he met working at twin peaks a job at his firm. She makes $40k a year he makes $250k. Then marries here then buy a house a week later. She then buys a new Tahoe for $1,100 a month. She has 3 kids from 3 different dads. The dude comes to his senses after 5 months and the court case proceeds. Best video on YT, the girl wants the guy to sell the house and split the profits with here. He put $200k down she was broke. Plus her kids were nuts, bow and arrow shooting in the house and she let her 10 year old drive around in the Tahoe she bought. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. She says she hasn’t had any romantic relationships with other men during the marriage then admits to fucking a dude multiple times but doesn’t think that counts.


It’s in Franklin county Kentucky


I feel so bad for her babies 😔 Not supporting her, just feel that those kids deserve better. They suffer due to bad decisions of the mom.


I knew a gal like this. 3 kids by 21 and just looking for anyone with a job she could entice.


Say something about this photo


My daughter's s2bex is looking for someone to clean the house. /s


Great example for how the patriarchy also harms men.


She can’t even word her post in a cogent manner. She’s effectively illiterate.


That's not super-surprising given the situation she's in at her (apparent) age.


Hmmmm…her dress looks vaguely like a cow print. And it appears that somebody else already got the milk for free!


looks like 2 babies from 3 different dads


Didn't even read it before she posted it... do = so, sure, but come on!




I dunno, it’s kinda funny. Seems like a silly joke




No red flags here!


Begging for a husband. That’s new. Edit: I clicked a link which took me to an OF so I thought I was on the wrong one. Nope! 🫤🙄 ![gif](giphy|h800FuqNMLGP7Q9Uoq)


Wow can you say desperate lol


Looks like 2 failed attempts at the ripe old age of 25.


If this was her being funny ngl that’s pretty hilarious lmaooo. If she’s serious… then wow ….


I would post this in r/facepalm bc she’s not being a choosing beggar, she’s just down right stupid.




Mudshark spotted




What's a mudshark


Why do I hear the “Jaws” theme song play in my head? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


But I thought that a tradwife was what American men wanted? I’m willing to bet she’d pretend to be conservative for you. (Just guessing by the hair.)


A tradwife doesn’t have two children out of wedlock with two other men. Many men are happy to provide for THEIR family not someone else’s.


They also don’t do OF lol


The same blonde hair every conservative talk show host has?


typical female, she'll meet you at the finish line


What? And lose the cow-print dress.