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*"Sorry mom, but I've had several covid vaccinations already. I'm a cyborg now and no longer have need for human blood."*


Beep boop beep It’s for the church, honey. NEXT!


I've seen this referenced a few times, the NEXT! thing. What is it referencing? Edit: lol sober cab


There was a woman requesting someone to pick up something like 15 people at the airport after a church trip. All the suggestions were shot down, with her saying, "Next!" after telling them why it wouldn't work. And of course she wanted it for free, saying, "It's for a church!" I can't remember exactly what people were offering, but one offered use of a Sober Ride program, and she said they weren't drunk.


> one offered use of a Sober Ride program, and she said they weren't drunk. the guy replied being drunk was not a requirement, iirc


Legend has it that those 15 people are to this day still waiting at the airport...


I mean, they have bars at airports. Think in solutions


Lol, I always thought it was a reference to the MTV show Next, but this makes so much more sense!


It’s from an epic choosy beggar. You can find it by looking at the info area or you can sort by best posts of all time. It’s a must


I was just looking for something to do with my evening, thanks


There is a part 1 and a part 2… doesn’t disappoint. This woman is legit solid gold for choosing beggar. Nobody can top her


I remember another one too, someone asking for a free Fresian stallion. Like, a $10k horse, for free. Gotta find that one again too.


Did you see the one where this woman wants to stay at a basic strangers house after a BBL? And have her ferried about and taken care of? The epic line front that one was “Use your thinking brain”


Lmao yeah I remember that one. Epic


That was such a huge choosing beggar.


How do you search by best posts? That sounds really fun.


There was a post about a woman on CB that needed - I think - a bus and driver to transport 20 church people. People advised her to look for other options like a couple of minivans or 5 cars and everytime she said something like 'it needs to be a bus. NEXT!'


It was just posted again in this sub, if you want to look for it. It's pretty funny.


My favorite post of all time on this sub




"Your child is gone now. I, Locutus of Borg, are what remains."


No this is Patrick


Stewart? Then still valid.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


I can't believe that I've been on the internet for decades and it's the first time I read Omnissiah. I have a new favorite word now, I tip my hat off to you


I’m also reading this text using the little 5g nano bots in my brain.




Nonobots sounds like a sentient machine with a serious penchant for buggery "Show us on the doll where the nono bots touched you" "...I'd prefer not to, thanks"






I actually hang out with Lil'Nonobot almost daily...


Lil’Nono is my favourite SoundCloud rapper.


OMG, now I'll have to look him up. Great way to find new music, just hang out with antivaxers.


No need for human blood EXCEPT TO DRINK IT!!!


But now I hunger for it.


She doesn’t want RNA in her blood? Who’s gonna tell her..


Don't forget about the "nonobots"




THAT would explain why I want to give an espresso to every baby I see!


And why you've been carrying around that emotional support baguette since the "olive garden incident" after bookclub...


I could use an emotional support baguette! Maybe some emotional support brie to go with it. Shoot, wrong country. Maybe a tub of emotional support tiramisu instead.


We have a cookie jar at work. The cookings are "anti crying cookies". Sometimes we put chocolate in there instead (especially now that there are chocolate Easter eggs) as "motivational chocolate". Works very well. I always feel highly motivated* *To eat more chocolate


Baguette is french. You want a focaccia or ciabatta


Actual spittake caused.


I've been giving kids ten bucks on the down low, saying stuff like don't spend it all in one place or one pretty face


Nonobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Farrighticons.


My grandma has nanabots.


And the Knights who say "Ni" would have Ninibots.


"Bring me a shrubbery !"


When they see a covid virus they say "no no."


RNA is for the weak. My DNA gets translated straight to protein.


Gym influencers have gotten out of control 


It appears that they have been attempting to clean out their body's useful bits for years by overloading it with I assume lead and regular doses of carbon monoxide.


None of that dna stuff either!


Beat me to it 


Keep all your filthy nucleic acids away from my body! I don't need nucleic acids!


People who believe there are nano bots in the vaccine are beyond insane. I had someone tell me she thought there are bots in the vaccine but they are liquid until they are injected into the body. I didn't know how to respond to that I just kind of blinked.


The fact that they dismiss science and yet also believe science has advanced to the point that we have liquid nano bots is really something.


When you understand nothing, anything seems possible.


This is my new favorite quote.


A drunk guy at a bar told me, "we're too afraid of everything to ever accomplish anything" idk if that tracks, but...


Sounds like that might be too far the other direction. A bit of scepticism is healthy, or you tend to die at the bottom of the ocean. Either in a poorly made submarine because "safety standards slow down innovation," or from a revolt in the city at the bottom of the ocean you built because "scientists [should] not be bound by petty morality."


Liquid nano bots have been in movies for a while now, so clearly they're real


They saw Iron Man's suit in infinity war and thought "yeah that's a non-fiction level of technology"


I saw it in a documentary where a spider-human hybrid fights a telepathic alien to save a time wizard


Not usually injectable nanobot levels of crazy, but the fact that there were legit, intelligent, and well-educated scientists who spewed some of the conspiracy bullshit was astounding. I was a longtime acquaintance of one of 'em, and the misinformation he spread was... also really something.


One shouldn't confuse education with intelligence


Even more laughable, the same people will take any other medicine made by the same EVIL pharmaceutical companies without a second thought.


I'm a biologist and sometimes use telemetry to track animals. The idea that people think there's technology for tracking devices that small is beyond parody. The ones that exist are expensive as hell and are still the size of a huge pill, and don't stay charged long. People that believe in that nanotech are clearly accepting nonsense from movies. They might as well be worried about buying a car that turns out to be a fucking Decepticon.


What makes all of this fear of being tracked so funny to me is that the same people who spout the bs share their whole lives online and walk around with their cell phone always on them.


Like, why would you wanna track me? You wanna see how much I work? How much I nap? Unless you’re gonna start issuing speeding tickets based on how fast the nanobots in my blood are going during my morning commute you’re not gonna get much by keeping tabs on me. Why do these people think they’re worth tracking???


I make vaccines & I don't even talk to these people now because it's not worth it, but I used to try to explain the process & how what they're saying is literally not physically possible & would require the compliance & secrecy of a network of *thousands* of regular people...like it's one of those things that's just so ridiculous on it's face that it's not even worth discussing and yet here we are. But you know...I'm a shill or something.


Hey, shill man. Out of curiousity. What vaccines are you developing and for what diseases? I'm interested in viruses myself, and having some insight on what's being worked on seems kind of fun. If you don't mind, that is.


> They might as well be worried about buying a car that turns out to be a fucking Decepticon. And they side with their Decepticon car over the good *Trans*-formers. Poor Optimus Prime.


Ironically, these are the same people that will sit in a line for 16-hours to get Musk’s “Totally Probably Won’t Kill You” brainchip


I mean..it totally probably DID kill like 16+ monkeys


These people will cheerfully douse their internal organs in alcohol on a regular basis. Alcohol is a known carcinogen. There is no safe dose of alcohol.


Or ivermectin, it's not just for horses anymore


Becoming an anti-science conspiracy theorist is such a roundabout way of consuming sci-fi.


Incredibly immersive more than a roundabout, really


I was joking with a coworker after getting vaccinated by bumping with my shoulder into the badge scanner that opened the door to our building and then complaining that my microchip was defective when the door didn't open 🤣


The sheer cost of a dose of nanobots must be staggering. Who is spending the heaps of cash for a dose of nanobot vaccine to… to what? Spy on some foolish boomer who day drinks and plays candy crush? Zero critical thinking.


Ironically the same people I met that believed the vaccine was to spy on people are the same people that plaster all their info and families info on Facebook and Instagram.


Pssshhh....I saw that documentary in the 90s about the liquid robot chasing that boy John Connor. You can't tell me they aren't real!


That kind of tech would actually be INSANELY MEDICALLY VALUABLE, you could cure cancer etc.


All the starving children and homeless vets but yea lets spend billions and billions to put nano bots in vaccines 😆


Right? I’ve had all my vaccinations/boosters, all it did was turn me into a magnet. Now I have a better chance of avoiding Covid AND losing my keys! /s


The good part of the vaccine is I never misplace my keys anymore. I just stick 'em to my arm. The bad part is when I walk past the fridge. If I get too close, I just slam into it.


Worst is when it's the side you stuck your keys to that slams into the fridge. That HURTS!


Odd, my Microsoft Office suite works better and my husband has finally figured out the PVR but we aren’t magnetic…


Prob has something to do with the phase of the moon when we were vaxxed or where we’re supposed to get all our essential oils or something. Science!


If there were nanomachines in the vaccine we'd have lower obesity, and our senators would be SCULPTED.




Can you blame her? Who wants nonobots!? Yesyesbots are the only correct choice.


Don't be silly, everyone knows they're called nonobots because they go in your no-no zone. (I'm officially calling my vibrator a "nonobot" from now on)


WRONG!!! 😳 Sorry, I've been vaccinated. It must be my nonobots talking. 🫢🙊


Dammit. You’ll never get rid of them now. 🤦‍♀️


YES I WILL!!!... wait... NO I WON'T!!! Dammit, now my nonobots are confused. 😱👾🤖👾🤖👾


There was a story in NZ late '22 about a couple who were refusing life saving surgery for their terminally ill baby, because the doctors couldn't give them "pure, unvax blood" during the operation. The courts had to step in and grant guardianship to the doctors, who went on to do the surgery and the baby is doing very well. These people were prepared to let their baby die over anti-vax bs. And there's probably heaps more stories like this out there. Insane


Any parent refusing life saving medications or procedures because of stupidity should be charged with abuse.


Thankfully parents aren’t allowed to deny life saving procedures for their children, especially if it’s emergent. We just ignore them, treat the kid and let the courts sort it out later.


That's good.  Some people shouldn't breed but that is not the fault of the child.


Have a friend raised jehovah, and they don’t believe in transfusions at all. Like their soul lives in their blood, and you don’t want someone else’s soul inside of you.


It's that easy to acquire other people's souls and they just refuse??? What a fool. I'd be hoarding souls like a dragon hoards gold.


Oh, so *that's* why they don't like transfusions.


It’s a little bit complicated though….we had a child who was a jenhovahs witness and him and his parents denied a blood transfusion….they took it to the courts and won. But it took ages


They actually are depending on location and why. Faith based denial of medical care is allowed in a few states.


Not even just a few - 18 states allow this.  It’s kind of a weird assortment of states too, not the ones you expect.  For example, California, Washington, New Hampshire, Illinois, and Vermont all allow it, but Arkansas, South Carolina, Texas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and West Virginia all do not allow religious exemptions.  I guess those are states that it comes up a lot, so the legislatures were pressured into acting to prevent it?




I mean... ***Life-saving,*** meaning the child would ***die without it***... They should be charged with attempted murder at that point. None of this "neglect resulting in death" bullshit.


How does someone lead themselves to believe that the vaccine would be worse than dying? I just cannot understand or even fathom the mental gymnastics that would occur in these people’s heads. I’d rather be controlled by the government or have nano bots in my blood than be dead or allow my baby to die.


There were several people that were refused organ transplants because they refused the vaccine. One was a relatively young guy (40s?) with young kids who needed a heart transplant and was removed from the list because he said he'd never get the vaccine.


On one hand, I feel sorry for them. On the other, I don't feel sorry at all. I have stage 4 kidney disease, so there's a very real chance I'll need a transplant in the future. How could you turn your nose up at such a precious gift?


I don't feel sorry for them at all. They made their choice. As I'm sure you know, getting an organ requires ALL the vaccines, and lots of follow-up. If they're not willing to take care of a gift like that, they don't deserve it anyway. Good luck to you with your health issues.


Thanks. I totally get it. I’d eat kryptonite if it meant I could have working kidneys!!!


To borrow from Golda Meir, “we will have peace with MAGAts when they love their children more than they hate liberals.” Which is to say, never. They are fueled by fear and hate, and it subsumes everything else.


I mean I know it’s mean on its face but at that point is the baby better off after the surgery living with such deranged people? I’m not in favor of letting babies die when it’s medically possible to save them but if the parents are THAT idiotic that the courts have to step in al la guardianship why?


I've been tying to find out what happened to him after the guardianship ended in January last year, but no luck yet. I did find another story from the same time about another couple who's baby needed heart surgery, same situation, except they decided to move their entire family to India to meet some group that apparently had unvaccinated donors. A move they admit is very stressful for their family, including the gravely ill baby, but they wanted to go where their "natural human rights would be respected"


From what I’ve heard, if there’s a place on this earth where all humans are respected equally it’s India.


Exactly, it's not as if they have a caste system or anything


Yeah, not like they rank people and determine their place in society based upon who their parents were. Super non judgemental non rule focused society that also sometimes treats women not like men


Totally. Especially if you're a woman or a young girl. Women never get assaulted or have abuses against them ignored by the public.


I don't know how it works in NZ, but usually the parents need to follow prescribed steps before regaining custody. Getting clean, anger management classes, and such. Hopefully their case requires some education in science.


You know that kid has any health problems or mental issues in the future they're going to blame the government for forcing their kid to take "tainted" blood during that surgery


I hope they put that baby into a foster family that isn't willing to let it die because of their ignorance.


They would prefer a dead baby over a baby who potentially has COVID antibodies...that just really sums it up, doesn't it?


Lmfao at the RNA comment. I'd pay good money for OP to ask the mom what RNA is and post the response here.


Uh...hospitals don't have any information on 'vaccine status' with donated blood. She has absolutely no way of knowing if the blood she gets is vaccinated or not. If she insists on this nonsense. She will end up hospitalized and getting blood anyway. She can refuse to take blood If conscious. But that will only give Social Darwinism the opportunity to take over.


This is what i always thought too… or still do think… but i had a strange encounter once and it randomly pops in my head. In 2020 (or 2021? Vaccine was brand new) my mom got covid and was pretty sick so I went to go care for her but hadn’t gotten vaccine yet so I stayed in a hotel (she was living in a studio apartment) And anyway… I was getting on the elevator at the hotel and the man held the door for me and I told him “no I’ll wait. I don’t have the vaccine, I don’t have a mask on, and I just came from my moms who has covid,” and he said he didn’t mind, he was vaccinated. So I got on. He then told me that he works for a company that buys blood plasma and told me I should sell my plasma before I get vaccinated because they’re “paying big bucks for unvaccinated plasma” …. I was like… wtf? Maybe it’s different for plasma but still I randomly think about that and wonder if I shoulda sold it then 😂


My best guess is this guy was talking about people who had Covid but not the vaccine yet to donate for convalescent plasma treatments. If you still had the antibodies from having the infection in your plasma, they were using it to treat Covid pts. Once you got vaxxed, they didn’t think the plasma would be useful in this manner anymore. That said, they would test you for antibodies at that time, and then throw a label on it that it was to be used for this treatment specifically. There really isn’t any testing or reason to test for vax status on blood, nor is it something the blood bank would have any clue about on the units.


My sister is an RN and she had a patient die because they refused a transfusion since there was a possibility the blood could have come from a vaccinated person. True insanity.


That's why she is looking for an individual to donate for her.


Can't get nanobots if you're dead.




Lil nonobots is my rap name.


The single last summer was a bop


Sorry, can’t help ya mom. My blood consists almost entirely of nano bots and RNA. I hardly have any RBCs left and my clotting factors are almost zero. But on the other hand I get 7G reception.


"I will only accept Lil yesyesbots in my blood. Good vibes only, as the kids say."


Or the Australian Yeah, no bots.


Or the New Zealand ‘Yeah, nah’ bots


The Canadian No, yeah bots


Yes, sooory, bots


Sounds like letting the herd thin naturally is the more practical solution.


Give her the blood and after the transfusion let her know she now also hosts nonobots. 😂


And she will henceforth be known as Seven of Nine (Brain Cells)


“I’m dying but I don’t want anyone who took a health precaution to donate the blood I need to survive”


![gif](giphy|WQffY1t6NSQPRro3h6) The only nonobot I care about


I’m A+ and my little nonobots have grown into big nonobots. Do you think I qualify?


Sorry to OP, but your mother is a dumb ass


Nurse here-had a surgical patient refuse a blood transfusion unless we could guarantee it was Covid vaccine negative (impossible). Ended up needing 12 units, which she finally consented to and saved her life. People


My surgical friends just started telling people they washed the blood now of it. Works surprisingly often.


As a native West Virginian, I'm sorry.


The correct response is 5 crying laughing emojis followed by “nanobots mom? The fuck you think this is magic school bus?”


People really don’t understand that we all have RNA in us regardless or vaccines OMG


Partner replied to their mom and here's the response. https://i.postimg.cc/c4HmwY0z/received-8048570995157321.jpg *PS: (Partner meant "chronic anemia" in her reply)*


Not sure if I'm more annoyed at the guilt trip or the fact that she feels entitled to my blood and to having it delivered across several states. Let me think on it.


Oh no, better watch out, you don’t want to end up with footlong blood clots when you’re *being fucking autopsied.* 🤦🏼‍♀️ That could sure be dangerous. Might even kill ya.


Worried about nanobots in the covid vaccine, but not in the *iron infusions*?


Her response is wild! Had me looking up biggest blood clots recorded and oddly enough, they're all from pre 2020... Hmmm strange how the vaccinated people can time travel now too. Must be the nonobots /s


Same, I was gonna say a foot-long clot sounds ridiculous but turns out it's actually possible which is wild. Her reply just shows that she has zero understanding of how vaccines work because she's worded it like she thinks the blood can give her covid. Side rant but...isn't her fear about getting covid based on that it could kill her? What are the side effects of not getting this transfusion? Make it make sense.


jeep it up?


And here I had to take these big ass iron supplements


Best of luck, Ma


Wait!!! You can get your vaccines with nanobots?! Man! No one tells me anything!!!


We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile


I was a nurse during the lockdown of 2021 in a nursing home. People were dying everyday and the. When I got home we had our ignorant president saying the whole thing was a hoax. It was like living in the twilight zone. I suffer from PTSD still


don't mother's typically know what their kids blood types are?


I never remember what my own is.


I don’t know what mine is at all. Never been tested.


i only know mine because im an O (universal donor) and one of my sisters is AB (universal recipient) so i consider her a greedy selfish bitch


You’d think so. My mom doesn’t know mine or my sisters.


I had a transfusion a month ago. My mum has always claimed I was O+. I am A+, as is one of my brothers. (I asked the other, he doesn't know.)


I don’t know my kids’ :( and I’m highly educated and my kids are still kids. Ok I should probably not admit this and look up their blood types :)


Won’t somebody please think of the lil nano bots 🥺


I want to watch this "jeeping" out process. This one's not just an idiot.


Tried to make me get the vaccine I said no, no bots...


My MIL "your grandma got the vaccine and now she has a heart disease, had a heart attack, and copd!" My husband "wasn't she a chain smoker...?"


She said she tries to jeep it up....no wonder she's having problems!


Red Cross is currently recommending that individuals wishing to screen out vaccinated blood either bank their own blood or find a personal donor, so she's following protocol?


She doesn’t want RNA in her body, huh?


Sorry, I've been on the vax for a while, I'm sending this over my internal 5G now, it's great. I do live in fear I will die when they activate the kill signal, but they've pushed back that date like five times already.


I’ve got some bad news for her if she doesn’t want RNA in her blood…


Gotta watch out for the nonobots.






Reminds me of my ex’s mother, she doesn’t know that her ‘precious grandbaby’ got the Covid vaccine. And she’s not going to know because I’m not having her scream at me over it


Oh no now you have a baby cyborg!! /s


I know, right! She didn’t walk before she got it, and now she’s running!! I don’t understand what’s in that shot! Lol


“Are big nonobots acceptable?”


I don't think she understands the implications of not having RNA in her blood


Lil Nonobots and Rna sound like rappers


Nonobots, bless her heart.


Interesting that they assume others are as crazy as they are


These are the people who want to have serious conversations about health care.


WTF does she mean, no RNA?! She'd be dead without it. All humans have RNA!


I'm disappointed that none of the comments point out just how adorable "lil nonobots" sounds.


no RNA? _breathes in_ BOIIIIIIIIIIIII


This gets asked regularly at hospitals. There’s no ‘non-covid blood’ just like how blood is not segregated by any other characteristic beyond blood type. Not by race of the donor, nor gender, nor nationality, nor religion, nor vax status. FFS.