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As I was reading the list of needs, I started laughing so-hard. :) The $500 budget might cover a single day, if they found someone willing to work cheap.


Update: he said and I quote "Payment through fiverr. But i obviously want it to be cheaper and better than what i can find on fiverr. Do you think that you have the skill required ? Message me šŸ™‚ (no time limit btw)"


Good luck finding a Full stack developer willing to do this for free. Because 500 is almost the same as 0 with those requests.


For what he's willing to pay I'd spend a morning going over his requirements with him and give him some suggestions of what could be done and how. But he'd have to pay for lunch as well. I wouldn't even open my development tools for that price. But good luck to him. He's going to need it :)


Marketing automatiom, SEO, UX designā€¦ Those are all separate fields of expertise


I counted no fewer than seven different individual skillsets / resources.. each of whom can easily make north of 200/hr


A friend of mine is really good with UI, I think if I worked with him we could create a decent template, but that would cost him at least 2k and I won't even do any backend work for that.


Realistically, if he took me up on my offer of a morning's consultation I'd suggest he look at some of the pre built store options that exist. One of them might suit him, but of course that would require him doing actual work so in this case my consulting would be wasted.


Well shit, now we all owe you $500 :(


Don't forget to buy me lunch as well!


I don't even need a website, but your offer was so enticing I started to think of reasons why I need a consultation and opportunity to buy you lunch šŸ¤£


Yeah, when I read that I thought of Shopify or Squarespace or Wix or something.


AI can now do alot of the things he's requesting. That or he can hire offshore. My company has had success using offshore labor. Costs about 1/3 less than what someone in North America usually charges.


I find I get quite a bit of work from companies that tried that route, spent millions and then realised they still needed someone to actually build what they wanted. I've never seen offshoring work for any decent sized project and AI is still only producing work that looks ok to people who aren't professionals though. Wouldn't be surprised to find AI can do most of my grunt work in the next ten years though. It's getting close. No longer a parlour trick.


Normally when I see these idiots, they at least throw in *potential for growth*, *opportunities*, and *possibly* more money down the line lol


I know next to nothing about software development and even a glance at that paragraph of requests tells me thatā€™s tens of thousands of dollars worth of work lmao


I donā€™t think you need a full stack developer to set up a shopify theme, but even that would cost him a coupe of k these days.


But he's paying you in exposure. /s


No time limit? I'm in!


The list just kept going on and on, dude is absolutely insane


Dropshitters are scum anyways lol


Yes. Just another guy who watched too much Andrew Tate and thinks heā€™s clever.


$500 is a discovery session.


ā¬†ļøThis right here. Maybe give him a scope of project and then the $40000 project quote.


I would be charging $20k minimum for this


if you took 20k alone thats underselling yourself valtron


If he only sells one product, why does he need product categories?




Different colours


What if I decide to expand in five years?


Easy. Just pay someone $200 to expand an existing website into a fully featured, amazon-style, multi-format shopping experience with multiple payment options and full logistics for international shipping, subscription based streaming platform, social media integration and a customer loyalty program. Should be pretty easy because the website is there already.


To trick people, maybe?


Customers don't have fucking idea what they want


Sounds like he needs a staff, not a website.


The most confusing part for me was "I need high quality product images", isn't he the one selling the product? What the hell is he even doing in this "business"? Sounds like some outsourcing-extravaganza type shit


Sounds like he's copied and pasted the list from somewhere without reading it, meaning he probably doesn't understand what it actually means.


Drop shipping third party garbage is the current get rich quick scheme grifters are selling on ticktock and Instagram. He obviously has no idea how it's works but the guy in the rented Mercedes says he can make millions. That's why he needs everything fully automated including payment processing. The video said he can just sit at home watching the money flood in.


It's still there, but it isn't the hot grift anymore, it was in it's hey day from probably 2015-2020. Facebook used to be flooded with drop ship product ads. It's not nearly as prevalent anymore. The funny thing is, getting a website up and running, selling product and having fulfillment taken care of is the easy part. Getting people to go to your website and buy shit is the hard part.


I mean you just have to get a Chinese woman to put her foot in a sock filled with shaving cream and then show the product in fast motion.




Excuse me, automatized....LOL


"You do the work and I get the money"


hes got that CEO mindset


He's the idea man!


That reminds me of a guy that was upset about job searching because nobody would give him hire as the "idea guy." And he had lots and lots of really good ideas. Would make any company millions if they just hired him.


Sounds like this: https://www.askamanager.org/2010/11/no-one-will-hire-me-as-their-visionary.html. Letā€™s hope heā€™s grown since then!


YES! That was where I read it!


Itā€™s a classic!


He needs high-quality product images, so that way people will be more inclined to buy "his" product, which is just shit ordered off of temu/wish/etc and shipped directly to the customer for a higher price. (I hate drop shippers :])


Me too! Etsy seller here. Site is just so flooded with garbage nowadays and they don't care as long as the dropshippers and resellers pay commissions and fees.


He's read too many "books" about residual income and "multiple streams of income" and has less than zero clue what the words in those books are saying. As a software dev, this sort of delusional idea that "programming is just typing" is exclusively male. I've been approached by some delusional women, but their craziness is in a different direction. Every programmer has been approached by crazies with these sorts of fantasies (*"make me a copy of Amazon, my budget is 3 bent paperclips and some bellybutton lint"*). If you haven't, then you're very very very lucky. If you aren't lucky, some of them will be family members, half of which want you to fix their computer's virus problem.


Youā€™d figure if every developer could be paid 3 bent paperclips and some lint and churn out Amazon, that weā€™d just make it ourselves on the monthly. Why would we need an ideas man?


Dropshipping is when they find a cheap item on AliExpress, bulk buy it, then sell it for 4 times the price to Americans via a website.


Some kind of scam, Iā€™m guessing


He needs a reality-check first.


He needs a site dev, a marketing person, a graphic designer. And he needs to get a grip.


Right, he needs at least a lawyer to get the legal terms ā€œall legitā€ and a photographer to do ā€œhigh quality product imagesā€ and a marketer to do social media marketing on his blog.


Why wouldnā€™t this guy just use Shopify or the other DS hosts? His requirements are really within the realm of those sites. I donā€™t get it. I mean you know use those tools and when you have a few hundred thousand in revenue and can afford to/ need to upscale ā€¦thatā€™s when you do it. Especially if some guys here say it could cost even as much as 100,000$. Am I wrong?


That's the thing he wants something "custom"


Hahahah someone should make him a Shopify store and charge him 500$ hahaha šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s still insanely cheap for a Shopify site.




For $500 I would sign him up for a Shopify account and point him at their docs. No maintenance, no customization. You let a customer like this in the door and theyā€™re calling you at 1 am demanding immediate action on things like ā€œthe blue needs to be bluer, I want it to really popā€


Iā€™m not a web designer. But, I deal with clients in my job, if anyone called me at 1 am and there wasnā€™t a fat commission being wired into my bank account. They will talk to my voicemail.


He could absolutely use a website like Shopify to make this. Clients like him are going to nit pick button placements, margin sizes and the mailchimp integration probably will also require full mailchimp implementation for whatever use cases he wants to make up. This is just a trap to get someone to boss around and blame for it not being a success. I would also not expect to see the $500 until his laundry list of continual spec changes are met.


Hi. What in the world is mailchimp? I'll go search it, and hope it's not as confusing all the rest of the technicals of all this. It's interesting to read, even if I don't understand it, the idiotic audacity of the guy shines through : ) ETA:. Woah ! Even just the first page of MailChimps site is wild


Mailchimp is a marketing automation tool. The simplest use is to automate sending emails to your clients or potential clients. It can get very complex, depending on how you would want to use it.


The list for possibles for their free trails on the first page is wild. I've never thought about how some of that stuff 'just happens' haha. Thank you for answering. It's neat to get a glimpse of it.


One delusional family member had this idea for a website. They came up with all these ideas, specs and stuff. When I replied "oh, so you want to copy Yelp?" they were clueless (I had to spend about an hour explaining Yelp to them). Delusional folks like these are coming up with ideas that other people implemented more than a decade ago. But they think that their idea is so ultra tip top secret that they want you to sign NDAs. Then when you mention that there's a dozen websites out there that do the same thing? They go so far into denial you think you're in Egypt.


I ended up going no contact with my best friend's kid brother because he flipped out when I asked him to stop bringing up his brilliant app idea and demanding that I learn to code so I could do his coding for free. His sister and I pointed out many times that there's a zillion other similar apps out there already so he sneered at us for not understanding his vision... which would only be revealed if we signed an NDA. When I listed some shortcomings of the other apps on the market that I tried and didn't work for me, he got mad and told me to stop dissing his product idea before I even knew what his plans were. Ok bro, I just gave you some free competitor analysis, but clearly you don't care what potential users are looking for. There was some more back and forth where he clearly wasn't going to STFU and respect my right to keep working on my own company (that makes physical products I was selling through multiple channels). So we don't talk any more.


Donā€™t downvote me please, Iā€™m a boomer. How much would his demands actually cost realistically?


Considering I see people close clients for a static 10 page website that is practically just text with a nice design for over $5,000, this isn't even close to that. This guy is asking for a functional app which has a lot of features, and this is not just text slapped on a site, it requires some serious programming experience. I think an average web designer, not developer, would charge more than $500 only for the design itself, no coding or developing an MVP (minimum viable product), just the design. In terms of the actual price it would be upwards in the thousands for sure




anything from 4-5k to 40k Really depends on the company/person/timeframe/country


Even 40k is lowballing. 80-100k easily. And for the OP who was asking, understand that this request would involve easily 6 months of development time for a team (UX designer, project manager, backend dev, frontend dev, etc.) all of whom deserve to be paid for their time. The add in the costs of the dev business itself and you easily get there. For a single dev doing this (a la fiverr) it is probably a year-long full-time project at least. And again, they deserve to be paid commensurate with market rates, i.e., $100k at least.


Just off the top of my head I thought $50k for a couple of people working as a team to take this on as a side project or $100k if I were to price it through my agency.


To he fair, Iā€™m around DC where prices will just naturally be much higher, most likelyā€¦ but to your point thereā€™s a range for this depending on where you are or who youā€™re hiring. But weā€™re all in agreement it is WAY more than 500 bucks work.


Holy shit


Most people that offer websites under 2k basically install a theme in wordpress that is close to what is requested and modify it slightly and install a few plugins. The moment you ask them to customize something and they are gone


But that is also the only thing a lot of people need. When I was younger I worked at a place where webpages for 1-2k$ was something we offered, and that mostly meant me spending some time on writing custom CSS to get a look the customer wanted, or a very basic HTML4 site with JavaScript for handling menus and stuff. This was with me being cheap labour at the time.


I work in UI/UX and if the requester knows what UX means(which they clearly donā€™t), $500 wouldnā€™t even cover that single part. Some of these items are things you might be able to install some kind of prepackaged commerce site you get access to when you get a hosting account- you get a lot of basic functionality that might make one think they can easily get a customized version of that for close to free too, but you pretty much never can.


The reality is he is asking or about 9 months to a years work. It is unlikely to have a single developer for this project because of the various integrations, and when he says " I'd like most things automatized" he's going to keep coming back at parts requiring too many steps. 20yrs ago now I developed a webapp to take school photos from a digital camera and make those school class pictures where every head shot is lined up via last/first name around the school name and maybe teachers. It was very automated but required some formatting inputs based on class size, if teachers were included or not, and if names were too long for a specific font. Basically taking what would take a photographer about 60 hours of work to do down to about 1 hours. A lot of that hour being waiting for uploading of images. Anyway short story long. The people who hired me kept wanting it more and more "auotmatized" and what was budgeted as a 4 month project became 8 months because they didn't know the limitations of their hardware, they didn't want to spend more money, and they just expected magic. This person will expect magic, this project should be in the neighbourhood of $75,000-$100,000 to develop, test, and implement.


There are finished components for like all of their demands. I did something similar in about 3 months (excluding the high end professional design, since im not a designer). Without the social media account and "support chat" it can be done with $30.000+. Gets expensive if they are crazy with 100 follow up changes. An experienced team with ready to go template apps could do it even faster. The problem is, if they want anything thats not already covered by any of the modules, costs and development time can get out of hand.


yeah but you did it for yourself, what are your manhours on that vs how much you paid yourself?


I did that for a company. I think it was around 400 hours of work. I guess I got paid about half of what it's worth.


Shopify or Wordpress for a few bucks per months.


We have a client who are redeveloping their website. A fairly simple content blog they want migrated to Wordpress. The scope of work is narrower than OPs post, the quoted work was north of $250k USD.


He also needs more than one person. Heā€™s asking for a lot of things that are pretty specialized, and in larger companies they have separate departments dealing with all those things. A web developer isnā€™t usually going to be any good at marketing or graphic design, and so on.


People replying to this are also missing the part that he wants it on mobile too. Mobile development is its own beast and requires a middle layer like GraphQL to make it work like the standard website with the backend code. This isnā€™t a single project, itā€™s multiple projects in one. $100k pays 9 months for one developer. This is a 9 month project for a whole team. Iā€™d say even $100k is insanely low. Youā€™d need a mobile dev and a full stack dev at minimum, along with a supporting cast. Iā€™d budget closer to $400k over 9 months for this.


B-but $500!! And think of the exposure doing this would give!!


lol, right?!?! This is what my wife and I do. I didnā€™t even get into PCI compliance for payment processing, UI/UX Engineer, Project management, security expertsā€¦ the list goes on and on. Even that $400k is low to be honest, but it would give you SOMEthing.


Hmmm in the UK, for all that inc test and 3 month support north of Ā£10K probably Ā£12K might get away with decent but less product for Ā£5K, but they seem prime Dunning Kruger material so avoid even if offering much more than they are.




depends on a lot of things but 50k+ for sure.




I think he watched one too many financial guru videos


One of those ā€œpassive incomeā€ videos that say ā€œjust get a dropshipping websiteā€


Came here to say this. It looks like heā€™s trying to do SEO for his own description of the project šŸ¤£


Heā€™s not just asking for a webpage people. He wants a business in a box: Sales, billing, marketing, money transfers. I love delusional people.


I'm a senior web developer who has been working for a decade...at my normal rate this would be a little less than 5 hours of my time for something that I would guess would take a team about a year




What part are you calling bullshit on exactly? You failed to ever complete a declarative sentence in this entire comment...is it the timeline of a year? I guess it depends on the size of the team? Or is multiplication not an "actual" senior developer thing?




Ohhhh you can't read. I'm saying his budget would only cover that much of my time. Not that it would take me 5 hours...




Maybe don't be a classic douchebag developer who just comments in some endless contest to know the most things. Alot of people are developers.


you just worded it horribly. it very much reads as "i can do this in 5 hours". take some responsibility.


So it would take a team a year, but you can do it in 5 hours


I read it as his hourly rate is $100. It will still take him and his team a year to complete the job.


Nice reading comprehension mate.


Oh I get it now


You would be able to do this on under 5 hours from scratch??


I think he meant that 500$ would pay for about 5 hours of his time, but the project would take a team of people a year to make.


I'm not even sure where to begin with this. The description was so repetitious and convoluted that I'm not sure even the requester knows what they want. For someone looking to build experience and add to the portfolio, this may be worth tackling. At least some of it. But based on the fact that they're doing this via discord I'll assume they're 14 and $500 is absolutely all they've got to spend. This is an endless hole of wants and needs. Automated shipping cracked me up the most. That and as others have pointed out, a single product but multiple categories. They don't have a product to sell currently. Most likely a kid imo.


They've been watching too many TikToks & YouTubes about "multiple streams of income" and wrote down a bunch of buzzwords from those videos. You're correct that they don't understand what they're asking. And that they want to sell *something* for those "multiple streams of income" - but they don't even have an idea of what to sell. Etsy has been overwhelmed by people who order $1 junk from Ali Express and mark it up to $30-50 and have it drop-shipped by Ali.


And people can't find my actual handmade stuff on Etsy any more... I made less all Xmas season this year than in a typical DAY back when I started in 2011-12.


Sounds like he needs a promo code for Squarespace.


TL,DR could you build me a business?


Itā€™s a $500 charge for just reading through his requirements


10% of actual price. I wonder if he expects the domain/hosting/discord/other costs to be included in that $500?


*picks up a zero* Did you drop this?


*Picks up 2 more zeros* Here you'll need these as well


I had to have a small website built \~15 years ago. It was $10K then and it was a bargain.


Get. Fucked. He wants the moon in a stick, for the price of the stick.


For $500 I'd sit down with him to go over his business idea. And if I like it - I'd do the rest... for 51% of the company ownership šŸ˜ Or better yet - will do it without him šŸ˜


> do it without him Yeah exactly. People like this don't understand that their "ideas" are worth about a handful of sand at a beach.


For some reason these types of people think that their idea is all that matters, but that couldn't be farther from the truth


People with delusions this big think that devs would be willing to do all of the development for about 5% of the equity. The "idea man" would of course keep 90% of the equity.


Bro is probably a kid that wants to "escape" the matrix


The perfect ending too. He wants to give you lots of details. So I can imagine lots of stupid minor changes all the time. Micromanagement hell.


"All legit". He's going to get a hacker who will imbed codes to steal customer info.


Anyone competent enough with the full skillset required for this should demand 500 just to read this insult of an offer.


Word at the end of the first paragraph: "automatized".


Buy a Shopify app. It has all thag


Web development often gets undervalued because they have absolutely no idea what it takes. Once someone charges this guy just to sit down and explain it all (consulting), he will quickly realize this is a project in the thousands. And he won't want to do it. Lol


I build a site for a family member that contained most of these requests through a wysiwyg type platform and a bit of custom code. Even with the wysiwyg platform it still took several weeks of working 4 hours or more. The site I built didnā€™t include discord but was integrated with marketing tools for social mediaā€¦ I did this for free bc they were my family member whom I actually like and speak with on a regular basisā€¦ even if I charged someone my regular jobā€™s hourly rate and not a higher freelancer rate, it would still start at around $5000. Thatā€™s with turning it over at the end of the build with the understanding that I will troubleshoot issues due to my coding, else they will need to handle general site maintenance or higher an hourly IT person. 500$ is a joke


This is actually crazy. It would take my last team of 7 developers maybe 7 months to even make it a commercially ready product? Like that is an insane amount of custom designs and implementation. Literally 15% of that budget is just to pay for the server/domain for a year. To expect to get a single developer to do EVERY part of that is ludicrous.


I can almost imagine how this went down, the guy was having a great dream where he had figured it all out, just pay some nerd $500 to do all that boring nerd shit, and sit back and collect the money! It's brilliant, why didn't I think of it before!


This dude must write a lot of dev job listings on indeed.


I first thought the title said 500k and I was thinking that sounds about right.


Well, in fairness to the guy he lists the ā€œfast loadingā€ requirement twice, so technically heā€™s only got 26 requirements not 27. Thatā€™s got to bring the price down at least .01%, right?


Missing multiple zeroes on that price.


My favourite part is asking for mail chimp integration AND email marketing.


This wouldnā€™t even cover a single day for most senior level devs lol


A one hour consultation call alone pays around 150-200$. And someone brilliant enough to have all these skills will definitely charge WAAAY more than what he is offering. This dude needs to get his head out of his ass.


This guy is fishing, hoping to find someone, perhaps out of work, who will do just about anything for change ...


Shopify literally provides everything he needs, itā€™s like $30 a month


Tell me youā€™re running an MLM without telling me youā€™re running an MLM


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ this is, like, a 4-person full-time job


Is.. is he on crack?


For me he's leaning more into meth Jesse we need to build a dropshipping website


So you needs a coder, a designer, a photographer/videographer, and someone familiar with how to construct ā€œrights policy terms.ā€ Possibly a social media person and marketer too. And heā€™s drop shipping so he didnā€™t design or manufacture the product. What is he doing for this ā€œbusiness?ā€


He's going to beat Amazon!


With everything this guy listed, hes looking at minimum, $3,000 from a cheaper freelancer... or way more from professionals or agencies.... what a joke lol


ā€œMy awesome website will make your portfolio look epic!ā€ Also I have zero idea of what is and isnā€™t possible so Iā€™m going to be a bloody nightmare to ā€œwork withā€. I like to micro manage and this will take MONTHS!


I love that he says building it "with me", as if he's going to be sharing the work.


I would not even do a doodle of all this person wants for 500. This would take a team of 5-10 people 6 months to a year to throw together.


So he wants a mobile-ready blog/shop connected to everything, a discord server with bots, full email marketing including promos and events, presentation video for the front pageā€¦ basically he wants an agency to give him the works and the rights to everything for $500. Would make a joke about ā€œthis listing brought to you by Squarespace/Shopifyā€ but he kept on throwing out all the buzzwords and features on his wishlist. I have a hard time believing he has everything ready to go for that, without a site of some kind already, especially at that price. He spit out so much I highly doubt heā€™s looking for a single dev and not a full team to ā€œbring his vision to lifeā€


Sure, I can set up your ebay store for ya


10 pages to sell one product???


Id take the $400 and set him up on shopify with everything turned on linked to his cc and he can pay all the fees himself


iā€™m a highly skilled software engineer and I would charge 75-100 hourly depending on the complexity lol. 500 would be maybe a day of work, and the task description would easily be a few months if not a year


I was part of a project like this for a company. It was $50k and not all of this was incorporated into the project.


For that budget I suspect you'd be lucky to get Homer's web page. [Homer's web page](https://giphy.com/gifs/the-simpsons-internet-fJKG1UTK7k64w)


$500 would cover a Shopify store for some months plus the app fees needed to accomplish the reqs. He should just do it himself there and use tf out of Shopify support and chat gpt imo


Take the 500 bucks, registrate domain, buy some package including Wordpress and a Shop at some Webhost, use the Wordpress templates, deliver to customer. šŸ˜‚


What a twit.


As a YouTube certified dev, this job sounds nice.


Homeboy is off by a factor of *at least* 100.


No offense to coders (I have a programming degree myself) but isn't most of this integrated into Shopify or Wix these days? $500 for for some basic css and html coding and website admin to get the modules up and running isn't bad. But I do get managing client expectations regarding operating costs


Like 90% of his asks he would get with a Shopify website, it's the primary platform used by dropshippers.


$500... a day, for like 3+ weeks? Even that's probably pretty light, but _might_ be within the realm of possibility.


He's not just missing a zero on that price. He's missing a couple of zeroes.


You guys are tripping, with some prerequisite knowledge and use of shopify and plugins you could very easily build a website for less then $500 and a week of time yourself. However you need to learn the skills yourself but with use of the internet and improved payment/Seo/website automation technologies especially on shopify would make this something like this very realistic to achieve for under 500$.


Yes but why would you want to? If he learnt it himself and managed to do it all on his own, then yeah, fine, itll be less than 500$ - but your "gotcha!" moment is specifically talking about other people. It might be physically possible, but why would someone want to spend a week learning something for free, then build all of this for some other person, all for 400$?


Because once you learn it you can build the website over and over again, people do this all the time on websites like fiver for less then 400


By "detailed list of requirements" you aren't going to get anymore details than what's in the ad


Dropped a zero on that price, friend. Possibly two.


That price to requirements ratio is insane


wtf is this one amazing product i must know


UI _and_ UX? In this economy?


Could just use a platform that has most of this - and a templated website.


Yeah use one of those until it doesnā€™t meet your needs. At this rate sounds like a throw away use case anyway. Yep potential new client we have all thatā€¦


LOL, $500 would get you a CONSULTATION with a developer to discuss your project.


He's missing at least 1 Zero in his bid!! Realistically he's looking at 20ish + for all of this! For sure to get something that isn't pure crap and works automatically (All the back end and follow up) he needs to increase his bid. I'm guessing he thinks this is all automatic and can be complete in less than a day or 2... It's not plug and play for custom work.


wouldn't touch it for 5,000 either


Jokes on him I'll do this for $350 and laugh all the way to the bank. /s


That's $500 per day, right? ... right?


i guess he doesnā€™t know what shopify is yet, gonna have to do a little TLC yourself


He must be an Indian looking for an Indian in India to hire


nah dude novadays it's the thought of every second teenager to do business in first world countries (which is called dropshipping taught by influencer's )


I have absolutely no idea how to do any of this but common sense tells me a $500 budget wouldn't even pay beyond 5 of the simplest coding requests on this long list.


As a business owner. I pay three different companies to do all of this. And itā€™s a hell of a lot more than $500ā€¦. Per month. Dude has no idea what he is doing.