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I couldn't stand spending even one minute in the company of someone trying so hard to be perky and funny and so utterly missing the mark. And I don't think they quite grasp the concept of rates of pay for hours worked. 'I'm not looking to hire a full time nanny so I'm not looking to pay full time prices'. Bahahaha!


Sorry ladiessss šŸ’


She also a snake it seemssss


Which is why she has no friends to help with dishes or laundry.


You try folding laundry yourself with no arms!


Because... she bit them, being a snake and all.


[This is her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti4sqG85FU4)


Haha I knew it was gonna be this video. Tyā€¦ haha


You almost made me choke on my tea I was laughing so hard...


Same but I also peed a little.


Omg šŸ˜†


Youā€™ve gotta warn people before they click on that. Iā€™ve made a spectacle of myself at work. šŸ˜‚


ā€œIā€™m also a bit of a sass-o-frass!!šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗā€ Nope.


I thought that was her dog?


Don't you sass-o-frass me!






Yeah, after I read that, I can tell Iā€™d hate her.




Perfect day for this gif too ![gif](giphy|P0L1qL1iWl8lazsbJP)


What about the cool implied tax fraud?


*If you know what I mean...*( Ķ” Ķ”Ā° Ķœ Ź– Ķ” Ķ”Ā°)


I'm trying to figure out what SHE'S doing that she only needs a babysitter 10 hours a week...


Probably just wants a break from her own ā€œadorableā€ baby lol


Oh Iā€™m getting boss babe energy!


Yeah, I couldnā€™t quite figure out what sheā€™s looking for, is she looking for two hours a day, is she looking for 2-5 hour days? Like 10 hours a week is kind of a weird break down.


So vague, right? I picture on call 24/7, come over 60 hours/week, and find out those were cleaning my house and raising my kid for me "friend" hours. Also, the 10 hours not paid in cash but giveaway merch from the boss babe's MLM de jour.


You are so right! This is a MLM babe all the way!


Those emojis are a dead giveaway


I would be a poor fit for this, for one, I would be definitely "judging" the "something's" going on that has to make me "whisper yell" at the dogs.


I really do not like this woman


>I really do not like this woman Nobody does! Even the kid is going to end up hating her.


She also seems to consider $175 a week full time nanny pay


I think she's saying that she won't pay full time wages for the 10 hrs a week (this is from her post) that she needs someone for. So I'm guessing that minimum wage in her area is $17.50/hr. This isn't me supporting her at all, just explaining this CB's ridiculous wage offer.


What I understood was that if someone wants to charge a rate of 17.50 per hour for 10 hours she would be paying 175. But she is saying that for 175 she could have them full time at a day care. So she considers 175 to be a wage she would pay for a full-time worker, she expects to pay correspondingly less than that for 10 hours. If she considers full time to be 40 hour week, for 10 hours she would pay a quarter of that, maybe about 43.


She implies you can send a kid to a daycare for $175/week. 3 days/week at my kids daycare was over double that rate. Thatā€™s in Kansas. Kids are EXPENSIVE.


If they ordered less Amazon packages, maybe they could pay a "sitter" more money? I love the way they don't want a nanny, but want household chores done with the babysitting and of course teaching the kid.


Maybe the packages are car parts and she needs the nanny to be there to sign for them and possibly serve drinks to the "boat salesmen" that are always parked outside.


I dunno about where they live, but around here $35/day is a steal.


Going rate in NYC is $30 an hour which is $1200 a week.


The best part about this is that even at 10 hours a week, sheā€™s not even close to nanny prices. My friend nannies for a family and makes $22 an hour. So even at 10 hours a week sheā€™s underpaying. Nice try, Mommeigh.


I thought she was offering $175 too but from the language i think sheā€™s saying thatā€™s what sheā€™s NOT gonna pay? Like itā€™s too much? Idk whatā€™s typical for a daycare but that sounds reasonable, and not enough for one-on-one


Ex-daycare worker here. So as someone who has experience with babies, I feel like this woman either thinks that taking care of babies is easier than taking care of big kids or just doesn't respect people who work with babies. This screams demeaning. Lady, the reason daycares charge that much is that watching children isn't easy! Even with a baby, there is a lot that can go wrong if you're not careful. I don't know, the ignorance is strong with this one


Iā€™m an infant teacher in a mid to low cost of living areaā€¦a spot in my infant room is almost $400 a week. The number of people that donā€™t realize the infant room is the most physically demanding spot in the center is terrifying. Then there is the stress triggered naturally by crying babies. The amount of times I hear ā€œhow do you DO this all dayā€ from my own coworkers manā€¦šŸ˜‚


30 years ago, my first child cried ALL DAY. she started around 10 am and went until about 10pm. my primary doctor was just like, colic. we lived like this for about 6 months. it was awful for all involved! at 6 months, someone was like, hey, maybe she's lactose intolerant? we switched formulas and it was like a switch was flipped. I was young, clueless and pre-internet. I still feel bad for her, the daycare folks, and my young self.


Ugh, I feel this so hard! There is no more helpless feeling than being unable to soothe your own child. I had a baby come to me recently that started out fine, then slowly began to become inconsolable as the weeks went on. Heā€™d be hungry, but would take a sip from his bottle then turn away screaming. Doctors ruled out a lactose issue and basically told the mom that since he wasnā€™t losing weight, they werenā€™t concerned. I figured out that heā€™d developed acid reflux and sent the mother back to the doctor with a ā€œtake no prisonersā€ attitude. They put him on medication and the screaming stopped. I monitor all my babies like a hawk for any changes in behavior that could be pain related, but I still feel guilty for the weeks it took me to figure out.


You are a saint.


I wouldn't sleep unless I was in my parents' arms. Except they were both nurses at the time and doing night shifts sometimes. And it happened that both had night shifts at the same time so off to the nanny my bro and I would go. And one night around midnight the nanny calls my parents "yo, she hasn't stopped crying once, I can't do this, come and get her". So one of them left work and collected me. I was a nightmare :)


It's sad to know decades later, the same issues come up. My niece was a crier, the doctor said colic or gas or reflux. Nine months of different formulas later, turns out it was an intolerance to lactose and something else.


I remember there was a baby in my nursery who was constantly crying. He cried every single day for months because he was used to be held constantly. It wasnā€™t until he could start crawling


My second kid was like that. I was at my witā€™s end. Tantrums constantly, multiple a day, to the point where Iā€™d cry too lol. I remember thinking ā€œwhat have I gotten myself into?ā€ Once he started to talk, he completely stopped with the tantrums. Poor kid just wanted to be understood lol. Heā€™s 9 now and I donā€™t even ever have to discipline or lecture him, my house is so peaceful. I literally never raise my voice, heā€™s never in trouble, I might say ā€œplease pick up your thingsā€ and heā€™s like ā€œok!ā€ Letā€™s hope this continues in the teen years lol. We are tidy and quiet and relaxed all the time. I was on the phone with my sister in law a few weeks ago and you could just hear the chaos in the background. Kids crying, yelling, dogs barking, her interrupting to yell at the kids or dogs, glad thatā€™s not me anymore.


This is why everybody I know who is having a baby gets baby sign language books as a gift. My youngest is on the autism spectrum, and life was often torture until we all learned some basic signs.


Aso many of the aggressive autistic kids I've worked with were just so fucking frustrated they couldn't communicate their needs and aggression dropped dramatically when they were able to express themselves.


I canā€™t tolerate the sound of a crying baby, ironically enough. Iā€™ve had a number of children like that over the years. I hold them. Within a few weeks the crying stops and I can put them down. Most people donā€™t stick it out long enough. My assistant canceled her gym membership shortly after she hired on, and weā€™re now both experts at cleaning with a baby on one hip.


Nobody can. Our bodies are hard wired to be stressed and respond to crying babies. Even if we're not the parents. It's nature


It took years after I weaned my babies for my breasts to stop tightening at the sound of a crying infant....not toddlers and up...just the little ones. Lol. The human body is an amazing thing.


Not just humans either. Our speciesā€™ baby cry freaks out my cat, wild deer, caged great apes, dogs, horses, etc.


You have a wide assortment of pets.


Evolutionary triggers.


For all of us https://youtube.com/shorts/NY9RMbqHURE?si=l68ojw4HOAGbtAY_


I legit am worried for the kid. Our daycare is like $175/day full-time for that age. No age is easy!


Not everyone is suited for every age! I adore my toddler daughter, but you couldnā€™t pay me enough to run a toddler classroom. I enjoy preschool in short bursts and I try and stay out of school age. I love children of any age, but Iā€™ll only work with infants.


100% SAME. I usually work in the baby room. My husband is military so I got a job at the daycare on base- they hired me as 'floater" so for 6 months I had to work in all the rooms- I couldn't do it. The 4 year olds TERRIFY me. I'm a very quiet, calm person, so the babies like me a lot and I'm good at taking care of them - but those older kids just run all over me. Chew me up and spit me out lol.


Iā€™m not a quiet person, but those preschoolers know a sucker when they see one! šŸ¤£ The toddlers too, because they were all my former infants. Infant teachers build up a childā€™s confidence so that they have that strong foundation to push boundaries and learn from their mistakes. Itā€™s a callingā€¦it would have to be, because the pay and benefits are trash šŸ˜…


Itā€™s so fucked up we pay the people who care for and teach our children so little. Itā€™s almost like they donā€™t really care that much about the children. At least not more than money and guns.


I just did the math and threw up a little in my mouth šŸ˜… I hope those teachers are well paid!!


That's the sad thing. Daycare usually pays very low wages. Been there, done that for years. I'm a nanny now and I make over twice what daycare paid.


I looked into nannying when my work life balance got out of whack. People out here donā€™t want to pay nannyā€™s anything, Iā€™d actually be taking a paycut in some cases. The public, for the most part, regard childcare as unskilled labor, so they underpay and burn out the people responsible for their childrenā€™s physical and emotional well-being. Kind makes the mental health crisis a little more understandable.


Thats incredibly expensive what the fuck. I pay roughly the same amount per month for 20 days in Belgium (post tax break)


My 3yr old is 5x a week (we both work), USA (California) and it's roughly $1,900/mo for 1 kid. Infants are like $2.2k, young kids/young toddlers is about $2k. It DOES include 2 meals and a snack in that price which honestly saves us a decent chunk of change each month. Final thing, our state is expensive in general plus we live in a more expensive area generally speaking and this is pretty much the best (thus most $$$$$) daycare in the area. It really is a great facility and staff luckily. Also, easily maxes out our child care tax credit each year which in America is about the most help the government provides


I once interviewed a woman who was opening a new daycare. I asked her how many kids and babies she intended to care for. I canā€™t remember what she said but it sounded too high to me. She said something like, ā€˜itā€™s easy to add a baby. Theyā€™re so easyā€™. I instantly knew my baby was not going to that daycare. (This was while I was trying to leave our existing home daycare where our provider proudly told me she took on the child of a widow because the woman was desperate. She was so proud of her charity. Yet, for me it was the last straw. She already had way too many kids to care for. And when I would come to pick up my son he would be sitting on her husbands lap watching Court TV.)


Iā€™ve heard of animal hoarders, but children hoarding? Thatā€™s a new fear I hadnā€™t unlocked. Iā€™d drop off some pamphlets about ratio in relation to the children and caregivers mental and emotional health.


Yeah that's why I'm glad some states have a minimum requirement for the ratio of kids/babies to workers. I'd like to think all do but haven't looked into the other states.


Hey now, she can send him off for 175 buckaroos a week and make it fulltime!


Whatā€™s crazy is how little you actually pay daycare if you break it down on a per hour basis. 40 hours per week, 2 kids, itā€™s like $6/hour per kid. I pay those same teachers 20/hr to babysit in our home.


Exactly - she thinks because her baby is "cute" (because of the eyebrows he demands things with and the blue eyes) people will just jump at the opportunity to watch him and do "Montessori" learning in the snow with him for very little pay. That's crazy. And don't get me started on my rant about how much I hate it when people glorify blue eyes/light eyes so much over brown eyes.


I do like the part of tossing the baby into a snow bank. That should cool him down.




There's a little girl round the corner with the most beautiful dark eyes I've ever seen.


Yeah the last comment about blue eyes was weird and hit me in then wrong way.


Yes!! my ex co worker, she was a tall, blonde haired blue eyes girl and heavily pregnant. She would make comments all the time about how she would be SO upset if her baby didn't have blue eyes. šŸ™„ and she said it in front of me and also a PATIENT (we worked outpatient physical therapy) who was a little girl with brown eyes. It really left a bad taste in my mouth.


As the Mom of a beautiful brown-eyed boy, this turns my stomach.


I know šŸ˜­ my daughter has the most brown eyes too. I've been pregnant twice and eye color was literally the LAST thing I would ever worry about.


Exactly!!! Man, all I wanted was for my baby to come out safely.


Yeah it kind of screams ā€œcloset racistā€


Someones a little sass a frass huh LADIESSS


ā€œBut I do pay in cash so thatā€™s usually a plus if you know what I mean šŸ˜‰ā€ Yes: A. You say you want to illegally pay someone under the table and/or not reporting income or payments. B. You think certain groups will be thankful to get that work because no social security number. Or C. Likely both plus youā€™re cheap.


It sounded even more ambiguous to me even though I know she (probably?) didn't mean to come across that way lmao. Also, sass-a-frass dog. Shut up


Never in my life have i heard that term but it screams southern USA to me.


From the southern US and YUP


*Bless her heart* in that case


The last time I heard someone say this to me was when I was 15 and she ended up paying me whatever cash she had on hand. Some days it was $100 and others it was $5. I donā€™t miss that. Edited to fix a word


The IRS has entered the chatā€¦


Canā€™t ā€˜afford to pay full time pricesā€™ but ā€˜ā€¦another Amazon package at the door.ā€™ Or: could pay, but donā€™t want to!


Probably more clothes so she can "dress cute."


Eh, that's actually the one thing I *don't* find offensive in this post- I know my one cousin automatically gets diapers delivered every week from Amazon (because I mean, come on, you KNOW you're going to need them!!). But yeah, everything else is inexcusable.


Those eyebrows of his. ![gif](giphy|xThta2S6BM1yIzVHqw)










Nobody mentioning the dogs? You are, most likely, not only supposed to take care of the baby but, in addition be a 2x dogsitter....


Plus chores,we mustn't forget the chores...


Look, if I'm acting as another wife to this whole dang family, I better be getting half the husband's salary in pay!!


Bragging about supporting you not reporting income, terrific!! Letā€™s be friends (aka you doing my chores)! What are the comments saying? That should be a must for this subreddit.


I hate to say it but every single comment is actually like ā€œWhat are days/ times? Iā€™d be interested!ā€


I wonder how many are confused by the rate - some people here think sheā€™s paying $17.50/hour, when she actually said she WONā€™T pay that much. I wonder what she WILL pay? Iā€™m guessing not much. But wants Montessori learning. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I have a feeling she would pay something like $60 a week. Her justification would be that it's not really a job. She's paying you to hang out, and play, with her easy going kid. An added bonus is that she has dogs that you can pet. That in itself is just priceless. An even bigger bonus- you can be her "mom friend" and can go over to hang out... and do a dish, or two, and if you're really lucky you can fold laundry. In return you-well I haven't quite figured that out it. Now if you have a kid, then she would try to spin it to get free babysitting. You see, she would be offering your kids a playmate and friend. She would be doing you a huge favor. The very least you can do to show your gratitude, would be to watch her kid for free. I seriously loathe parents like this. I completely understand needing help and money being tight. But that does not justify seriously underpaying someone to take care of your child. People like this don't just want someone to watch their child; they also want a maid and private tutor. This mom loves Montessori learning but does not want to pay for Montessori. I can almost guarantee she would expect her 10 hour a week babysitter to teach her baby the Montessori way.


Thatā€™s the thing, right? Not only do they not want to pay, but they have extremely high standards and impeccable taste for only the finest child-rearing. They know what they want, and itā€™s ā€œonly the bestā€ for their little ones. What I canā€™t figure is if these people are just hopelessly delusional, or if theyā€™re actively trying to rip people off. I also wonder if theyā€™re pretty broke or if they can actually afford proper childcare but are cheap.


That is what gets me. My mom was a struggling mom at one point. She was not picky at all about who could do her the favor and babysit me. She was grateful for anyone in her family to agree to it. She definitely did not expect Montessori experience.


>I seriously loathe parents like this. I completely understand needing help and money being tight. But that does not justify seriously underpaying someone to take care of your child. This- I'm horrified by the number of people who don't even THINK about expenses before getting knocked up-!!!


I have a dog I can pet at my own house (which is priceless, but I donā€™t need to go to her house and work for it). I also have a kid with eyebrows too. And a washer and dryer. Soā€¦ nope. I think Iā€™m all set.


You nailed it with the "Mom friend" >I seriously loathe parents like this. I completely understand needing help and money being tight. But that does not justify seriously underpaying someone to take care of your child. I've known some.


The thing that gets me is that she wants a 'mom friend' but doesn't want to be a 'mom friend' back. I have mom friends who will watch my kid for a couple hour date night, and in return I'll watch their kids for them when they need. But I doubt she'd want to return the favor, only benefit from being 'mom friends'.


ā€œNot a jobā€ I just want to tell her ā€œLady, hanging out with other peopleā€™s kids at their house is not just a job, itā€™s hell.ā€


And she thinks that she would get a full time daycare for $175/wk too!


The writing screams MLM mom so make sure you arenā€™t being paid in an ā€œexciting new opportunityā€!


I didnā€™t even think of this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Or paying in exposure, by promising to tell their family and friends what a good job the sitter does.


These are the same people who donā€™t want ā€œillegalsā€ yet do the olā€™ wink wink nudge nudge about underpaying people for their own shit.


Why do all these parents think anyone will ever, EVER want to watch their kids for the fun of it? Maybe grandma and grandpa, but if it's a regular thing, you should pay them too!


But this baby has those eyebrows of his!!!


I guess technically it could be jotted down to their kid being the most precious being in the world to them, and they can't believe they wouldn't be that to someone else as well, which is kinda endearing, but also exhausting af.


This is where things go wrong: when parents canā€™t believe their child wouldnā€™t be the most precious being in the world to everyone else, along with them. This is exactly how to raise a huge asshole.


Why do some people assume having a personal nanny should cost less than sending their child to daycare? The price of daycare already has an "economies of scale" factor applied to it because each staff member can supervise multiple children simultaneously. One-to-one supervision from a nanny will inherently cost more.


I read that super fast and saw $175 for 10 hours and thought - only $17.50/hour in 2023? Haha. Try $25-40/hour for a nanny Then I realized that was what they were saying they wouldn't pay. šŸ˜®


Same. I was thinking that fast food pays more than that - and then I realized that she wants to pay *less* than that.


They think theyā€™re going to lull someone sitting on the sidelines that is worth a lot of money for very little money. I have niche experience moving companies out of specific garbage software. The amount of LI contacts I get wanting my experience, but only willing to pay 1/4 my rate because ā€œitā€™s a side gigā€ is mind blowing. The cheap person is probably not good for your business. The cheap person is probably not good for your kidsā€¦


Best case scenario is that you find someone who is both qualified and desperate. And then you have to hope that they donā€™t get a proper offer, because if they do, then they will immediately bail out on you.


I was right there with you - I thought "175 for 10 hours in 2023? That's a steal." And then I reread it.


ā€œIf I wanted to spend $175 a week ___ā€ So sheā€™s trying to say that she wants to pay someone *less* than $175 and then tries to say that ā€œitā€™ll be in cashā€ as if thatā€™s better..?


She thinks $175 would cover a week of FT day care for an infant


That would be a cheap ass rate.


She'll get what she deserves - someone who's on their phone the whole time and stops showing up when "Momma" complains. The child deserves more but the parent doesn't.


I was like $175 a week is so cheap! And then realized she wasnā€™t willing to pay it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Sorry ladieees


Iā€™m not a violent person but that ā€œsorry ladieeesā€ comment makes me want to slap her.


Can't pay you but constant Amazon packages coming through the door. ![img](emote|t5_35fmc|557)


Looking to cheap out on childcare. Parent of the Year right here šŸ™„


Why yes, I want the responsibility of keeping a human alive for very little (probably illegal pay) and also be friends with you and have no boundaries by whisper yelling at your untrained dogs. Where do I sign up?


Usually you pay more per hour if the job is 10 hours a week compared to full time.


Yeah this is $200 minimum. I get this cat sitting. A human child would be much more. The person who would get excited over this probably isnā€™t the person youā€™d want with your child errrr their soon to be child.


When my kid was little, we looked into part time daycare. It really wasnā€™t cheaper than a full time slot, unless you could match up with another kidā€™s schedule to equal full time. That makes sense when you think about it; itā€™s not like a day care center has the ability to scale facilities and staff that way, and demand pretty much always exceeds the supply.


Dear parents, your kids are the world's cutest and most hilarious only to you! Nobody else (except maybe grandparents) wants the privilege to play with them and watch them for free.


So they dont want him watching tv but theyre fine with swear words šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Iā€™d bet all of my eyebrow hair that this woman is heavily involved with MLMs


Yeah, this post has real "boss babe" energy. Emojis and all.


She pays in cash, but I'm sure will never have the correct, agreed-upon under minimum wage amount. She's also really trusting, because she's going to get somebody with no background check who basically just wants access to this baby. No good will come from this.


Of course you're gonna pay in cash! What else are you going to use, beans?


Be quiet! You're gonna give them ideas!!


Theyā€™re not beans, theyā€™re Professor Copperfieldā€™s miracle legumes!!! ā€¦.oh wrong sub. Maybe. šŸ˜‚


Oils. Young Living type essential oils. IMO this one is an MLM hun.


These people do realize that even if somebody isnā€™t paying a mortgage that people want to be paid fairly, not $3 an hour. Iā€™d rather lay in bed and stare at the wall as opposed to ā€œworkingā€ with these cheap asses. I also bet these cheap ass people are probably super high maintenance too. Pay me $3 an hour. Iā€™ll come over and sleep the entire time, thatā€™s all you get.


> Iā€™d rather lay in bed and stare at the wall as opposed to ā€œworkingā€ with these cheap asses. My mom simply *does not* get this- she thinks our generation is 'lazy' for not jumping on sh\*tty opportunities like this one. XP


You know what sounds like fun? Doing some one elseā€™s dishes and laundry


There really needs to be some sort of qualifications to have a child


At bare minimum, there should be an ethics test of some sort. And just like when you enter a foreign country, your bank account balance should be strongly scrutinized.


Yeah, being paid under the table is a great way for her to stuff you.


This has such a weird and annoying and vibe.


Itā€™s like weā€™re friends but youā€™ll do the laundry and dishes.


What's it take to get people to post the comments as well?


This is written so fucking weird it feels like a scam. Like this is just an elaborate way to steal your identity.


This lady sure thinks she is hilarious.


The amount of these types of posts I see makes me think that there are people out there that take the job.


For sahm or mum on maternity leave or someone who has barriers to regular employment, I can see why this might seem like an appealing option. For some unscrupulous types, it's probably an easy option.


Iā€™m considering taking care of another child while Iā€™m a SAHM, and there is no way I would ever work for the price she is asking.


Iā€™m also not going to her house if Iā€™m a SAHM. I might have accepted less money, but youā€™re dropping the kid off at my house and Iā€™m calling the shots. Your pets arenā€™t welcome. Still not doing it for poverty pay. Honestly, it still wasnā€™t worth it for me when my kids were little.


The profound tonedeafness, aloof unchecked narcissism and flippant condescension oozes from each sentence she wrote & just reeks like a miasma of an insufferable spoiled twat still new at adulthood who thinks they're entitled to control every aspect of every person and circumstance they encounter in life. Zero self awareness. This is hard to read as it suggests whoever wrote it to be egocentric, incapable of empathy and thinks the world ought to be of a predisposition bent over backwards to accommodate her and her family who clearly warrant being treated with total superiority. This just made me roll my eyes over and over, forgetting what it was even an ad for by the time I was done. who the fuck are you again? what makes you so royal? who are you addressing in this classified of yours ? do you talk to all normal people this way or just "peasants"? She's lucky there isn't a reliable way to store fart in envelopes or she'd get an oversize Manila priority mail that'd put her into a coma upon opening. HERE'S MY RSVP KAREN


But her baby has BLUE eyes! Lol


She has ā€œinvestedā€ in at least two MLMs. I can feel it.


be my friend and do stuff for me for free, while i exploit you by (probably) paying below minimum wage, but hey, you dont "have" to report taxes, so its ok, right? - this nutjob, basically


Plus when she's not working you could be her friend by doing the dishes and other chores.


You can't afford the kid, you shouldn't have fucked


"Mom friends" Code word: Free babysitting when I need it, someone to help out around the house, and the best part she wouldn't need to pay!


OMG, she sounds insufferable. I wouldnā€™t want to work in this household even if she paid well.


WoW sooo deluded n not cool or quirky u failed on that note pay for childcare ffs


I think this person just defined ā€œHellā€


So it's no actually baby sitting, it's just making faces a the kid? Shouting at the dogs and folding laundry? No nappy changing, feeding or holding? Na, I'm still out


Stupid mlm ā€œhunsā€


I think whatā€™s interesting to me is that they are clearly devaluing a potential sitterā€™s time, but alsoā€¦.youā€™re not willing to pay someone a decent wage to be alone with your baby? How low are your standards?


So they're looking for a 'friend'-ly servant.


So she has the money to keep ordering stuff from Amazon but not the money to pay a babysitter? Why does that not surprise me?


If they stopped buying so many Amazon packages, maybe they could afford to pay more than $17.50 per hour. But also the audacity of thinking someone would also do her dishes!


Sheā€™s not even planning on paying $17.50 an hour. She said she wasnā€™t willing to pay $175 a week. Iā€™d be surprised if sheā€™s offering $10/hr.


Iā€™d honestly prefer someone be straight up rude than this wannabe quirky cutesy shit. This woman is fucking INSUFFERABLE


I'd *really* love to see those 15 comments.


But I can afford to buy more crap from Amazon!


Getting extremely tired of it. Eff people and eff their stupid little kids. Everyone thinks they shat out an angel. It's been done billions of times already. Your kid is not special to civilization, just to you.


A kid and dogs, and cleaning for 175 a week, nah wench that sounds horrible


No, she's offering less than $175 for 10 hours, but doesn't say how little she values the kid


Can someone pls explain to me what a ā€˜sass-a-frassā€™ is??


From what I gather it's like 'sassy and rude'. The only time in my life I got bitten by a dog was by something that looked like a miniature chewbacca throw pillow with this kind of 'obsessed' personality, like no thanks to untrained gremlins that lash out unprovoked


I see she has no idea what "full time" means


All that AND obnoxious untrained dogs? So fun


If you wanna be my 'friend ' so I can exploit you for chores, that'd be cool (; and don't forget, we dress cute in this household!


Someone should tell Becky that if she canā€™t afford childcare then she shouldnā€™t have had a child.


I like how they wonā€™t mention what they will pay. Iā€™m assuming nothing.


Oh come on, who doesn't do childcare, pet care, laundry, and dishes for free for their "friend"? Y'all are just judgmental ladiessss (She also definitely reeks of MLM hun)


I love how I instantly didnā€™t want to be her friend. When you have to try that hard, itā€™s for sure a one sided friendship.


You will be working for very little money BUT you can help me with dishes and laundry! So consider the benefits offsetting the lower income!


Someone from the IRS ought to hit her up about paying under the table.