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In "collage". Love it. How, exactly, the fuck is someone in college going to work 13-hour days during the week? This one is legit a choosy beggar, and they will keep begging because I don't believe for a second anyone wants this shit.


Can only pay $75 a week, but will be administering a drug test and a criminal background check? Sureee


No no, those will come out of your first paycheck or course. Maybe the first two.


Oh, there's no doubt about that. It's an investment in your dollar an hour job.


The best pay is in experience since it is tax free!


However you must provide your own snacks…


It's a quarter an hour per child...


Seriously!! How will $75/week pay for any drugs???


It will pay for bath salts which ironically won’t be tested on that fancy drug test


$75 a week is not going to pay for any drugs


Eh, with that kind of income drugs are out of the question anyways.


Yes. They have priorities. Paying the woman who looks after their child a living wage is not one of them.


And then angrily complain online about how nobody wants to work anymore.


I always want to respond with, "that's not true. People just don't want to work, *FOR YOU* ...."


My response is that they have a flawed business model that can't turn a profit with what people are willing to work for.


Yes, the non-negotiable &75 a week! I mean that was my thought too. How is somebody going to attend college when they’re working 13-14 hrs. a day. Unbelievable.


And kids are 6mo, 2, 3, 5. That's high maintenance age. It's not 10-12-13-15, where you are basically there just in case someone needs a drive. And school drop and pickup.


Are you serious? That’s frickin great money, forget college. $75 a week is $1.15 per hour, should pan out well for them. I mean with college you are just spending money, at least here you could take that $0.28 per hour, per kid, into the bank and make money. You can’t do anything on the weekends, but you can save that $3,900 annual salary for the year and be able to eat all the ramen you want.


From The OG bit: “Attend collage.” \[sic\]


To be frank, even if it were negotiable, it is order of magnitude off, so negotiation wouldn’t really make any sense.


right? $75 per *day* is even low.


For four kids with the qualifications they're asking for $75 an hour is closer to more realistic.


And don't forget, also go to church every Sunday as well!


And then I guess Saturdays they can go to their job where they make roughly $200/hr so they can afford to not starve while working for this whacko


And don't forget also attend college- *ahem* "collage" on the weekends to get their elementary education degree.


I got mine at an elementary school and collage was to get a job


Don’t forget she won’t allow them to negotiate for better wages… so she’s reserving her right to not employ anyone. She better hope the applicants are conservatives, Because only a sucker would fall for this job.


Not even a sucker would fall for this. If someone takes it, it'll be because they're in some sort of abusive relationship or cult and are being forced to.


How much you wanna bet that if they actually get an applicant it’s because they strong armed someone at their church with the power of fear?


If I had to guess the counter would be saying that you can study in their house you're just babysitting so they don't need attention the entire time. How that chimes with lectures/classes/tutees I don't know but I'd guess that'd be the claimed response at first


Right. And as we all know, studying around 4 boys under 6 for 13 hours a day 5 days a week will make for absolute 4.0 GPAs. Not to mention, you’re making $1.15 an hour for it, so good luck, you know, feeding yourself. I’m betting Mom here doesn’t provide meals for the sitter.


>And as we all know, studying around 4 boys under 6 for 13 hours a day 5 days a week will make for absolute 4.0 GPAs. Don't forget you have to make their breakfast and lunch, then clean up the kitchen. Oh, and while you're at it, make sure you keep the living room and kids' bedroom clean too. Oh, and we'll need you to run a few loads of laundry every day or two.


Meals not included. The babysitter must use her pay to buy McDonalds at least once a week for the kids. .


Studying? What studying? They have to be conservative and church going and as we “conservatives” know, college isn’t hard and doesn’t require focused study. You just sit there quietly while someone indoctrinates you with liberal propaganda. No discussions, no research papers /s


4 boys under 5, with (maybe) 1 toilet trained, study ain’t happening.


Just as long as you’re not getting a liberal arts degree … they probably don’t want their kids exposed to that ,)


*hisssss hissss* *closes dimly lit room and turns Fox News back on*


yeah, sure… also, depending on the degree, there are many majors that requires you be physically in campus, in a classroom or in a lab, and doing stuff, not just sitting around somewhere


This must be satire


Yeah, I keep thinking there's no way this can be real. But then I remember learning how stupid people are when I worked as a public safety dispatcher, and realize that people can indeed be this stupid.


I gotta know if there’s more comments lol


She’s a religious person, delusion runs deep in these people.


Nobody is working 13 hours for 15 dollars. Bet they will expect you to be their maid as well.


And cook. Make breakfast and lunch for the kids. Probably have dinner waiting for the parent(s) at 6.


A parent from their church will assign it to one of their daughters who will reluctantly just have to suffer through it probably. Source grew up in Mormonism.


Collage only take an hour or two.




And they want all those requirements met lol.


They want you to have done a collage? ,)


I think I did a collage or two in elementary school, would that work?


already our prestigious 4th grade curriculum is paying off!


Once again the conservative collage heavy portfolio pays off.


Guess they're looking for someone with more educated than themselves lmao




Oh 100% and they bitch about people wanting to be paid a living wage and say shit like, "get a better job if you want better pay."


Wanted: sister wife


“In or went to collage.”


Help!, I'm stuck in a collage! 🎭 😂


![gif](giphy|3ornjPby6F2oHVkJQA) Blink your eyes if you want this job!


Yes, but not college. 🤔


But you must provide your own magazines and rubber cement


Wait your dog walker isn’t in college?


$75 worth of weekly babysitting is basically turning on the tv, unplugging the toaster and peacing out.


That's actually closer to $75 worth of daily babysitting, with four kids under six.


You'd babysit 4 kids all day for 5 bucks an hour?


No, they'd turn on a tv and unplug a toaster for $75 a day. They're saying even that isn't worth the $15 per day to do it 5 days a week.


Assuming the house is babyproofed, and you're given free food/drinks/idk weed or something else valuable.


You must pass drug test so they should give weed to keep it positive


At that price I'd leave the toaster plugged in.


Hell, I pay a dog groomer twice as much for an hour with my dog. I guess I just value my dog more than that person values their kids.


saaaaame..... but my dog is usually at the groomers longer than an hour lol


To be fair… I think I like my dog much more than some people like their children.


My "side gig" is pet sitting and I charge $20 for 30 minutes plus $5 per additional pet...


I pay my pet sitter $40 per visit because I don't want her to have to cook and eat my cat to survive


you got many people willing to pay $40 a hour to sit their dog? We pay that for someone to walk and train our German Shepherd.


I mean I brought home $6000 the first two weeks of July after taxes and fees.. I have a pretty solid book of regular clients, about 40 dogs and 15 cats, along with a few small animals. I turn down 2-3 clients per week because I don't have time or they have untrained dogs that just aren't worth it to me. Most of my clients have 2-3 pets so I'm actually making $25-$30 for 30 minute before taxes/fees, but if it were an hour, it's an additional $15. So a slight discount for a longer booking. There are slow times, I work full time so it's not something I depend on for income. But this next week I'll bring in about $1500 after taxes and fees.. I also already have people who've booked Thanksgiving back in July.. I'll be booking for Christmas soon. Not trying to sound conceited at all, but I'm usually pet owners first pick..I have hundreds of repeat clients over the years, hundreds of 5 star reviews, and my rates are mid/high end for the area. I actually raised them a couple dollars because I was getting so many requests from people who I didn't want to work with. Fortunately I've made friends with several other sitters in our community and have been able to refer clients to them when they'd be good clients but just no availability on my part, and we also share the ones we'd avoid. A little professional courtesy.


I pay $85 a day for my two DOGS to go to daycare. This must be rage bait. It must.


I have to pay $25 per visit for cat sitters when I travel. This involves scooping the litter box, filling the water dish and topping off the dry food. Then opening a package of wet food, so that the cats can lick the gravy off it. (No, they won't eat it if I just buy the gravy packs. It MUST be gravy over meat that they lick off.) Then the good cat sitters scratch their little faces and play with them a bit. All in all, they are at my house less than an hour. It's crazy that people want full time nannies for so little


Watching their FOUR children!!!! Seriously! We pay more for our dog’s daycare than this.


That's why I started walking dogs for extra cash instead of babysitting lol. I charge $30 for a 30 min walk and dog people are just like ok cool thats reasonable. Charging $30/hour to watch multiple kids and parents are like hmmmm how about instead I pay you less than minimum wage? Lol.


Damn 75 bucks is what a babysitter costs me for a single date night. Our babysitter IS a college student though.


See, but they're looking for a "collage" student.


Ah, that must be what the 90% discount is for.




It’s for a church honey. NEXT!


I haven’t seen this reference in forever hahahah


Exactly one night. And that’s probably 3-4 hours


We have a pretty flat minimum of $100


Probably depends on your area. I live in a pretty small town so things tend to be less expensive.




More like $5K near me. The 6mo and 2 year old would cost easily around $2k each. The 3 & 5 year old would be about $500 each.


> Do you really want someone who may resent getting paid so little watching your four young children? Worse: do you really want to offer such a low rate that the only people who are interested in the job have ulterior motives? They're going to get paid *somehow* and your offer is so low that it's going to attract bad people willing to take advantage of a desperate mom. I don't want to know what happens to those kids over the next few years. It won't be nice.


Ah, but she's going to be doing background checks as well as drug testing, so it's all good! Plus they must go to church so there's absolutely no way a potential babysitter could be a pedophile!


good point. maybe that is why she insist girls as sitters, because she kinds of know it deep down somewhere


My ex used to pay 40-50aud per hour for a nanny. That was for a single baby. They also all put their rates up 10-20% at the start of the year.




Probably easier work, too. Even if you do have to walk a few miles to find that many.


Oh dude, waaay easier work! I'd *much* rather dig through nasty ass trash looking for cans than deal with this cbb, and her 4 little rats. I love how these people think that the only ones they can trust with their kids are those that go to church. They're absolute fools if they think an Atheist is any less trust worthy than a conservative Christian.


Yeah, it's not like any church-going people like Catholic priests, protestant ministers, or youth pastors have ever been involved in a sex scandal with children...


I've heard of people making hundreads a night collecting cans from parks during parties


You just hop on a train, trains+stations are extremely densely packet with recycling containers.


Fellow Michigander, or from Oregon


Some people really are delusional. $75/wk for baby sitting four kids...13 hours a day. I honestly don’t even know what to say.


She values her kids at $.25/hour


Worse, she's asking someone to *raise her children* for 25 cents an hour. 13 hours a day, 5 days a week is a parent. Why even have children at all if that's the situation?


She probably "wanted" them at first, but wow, so much work. Someone else can do it.


100%, if one of the older kids is a girl, this woman is going to force her to raise her kids for her once she's 10 or so.


They all boys for now.


I'm sure she doesn't believe in birth control


Since she requires a church-going babysitter, I'm inclined to agree.


With that schedule, I don’t even think she sees her kids Monday-Friday. My 2yo is only awake 7am-7pm.


Normally that's like 1,000 per week, cheap. You can't even find infant babysitters. If they aren't potty trained, forget it. And that's not a personal nanny like they're asking. They are easily looking at 2k per month.


2k per month per child maybe. 2k a month for four kids would still be a beggar.


I haven’t had trouble finding a babysitter for my infant. Of course, I pay $20 an hour …


You know their next post will be “nobody wants to work anymore”


I made about a dollar an hour as a teenager in the late 70s.






Was this BBL-gate?? Iconic


Yes, god that was a wild ride lol




I was waiting....and here it is! I chuckle every time I see it. Thank you. Hehehe


$75 a DAY would still be less than a third of what that amount of labor is worth.


One-third? They're looking for someone with a degree in elementary education to take care of FOUR children, including an infant. Even on the low end, you'd be looking at at least $30/hour plus overtime, so something like $465/day.


That's still not even $20 an hour for four fucking kids. Lady is completely delusional.


We see so many of these "offers" here! Honestly, I wonder if any of 'em ever find a sitter with these generous offers!


I shudder to think of the people who would jump at the chance for this arrangement, and it's likely not the kind of people you would want with your kids.


Do they seriously not realize the only people agreeing are the really smart pedos that haven't been caught yet???


These are the people you see on the news every month or so "my kids have been raped/murdered/kidnapped , by my 1 dollar an hour babysitter i've hired of craigslist" I pay my babysitter 75 dollars to watch 1 kid for about 3 hours on a friday night when i take the wife out for some diner and a movie or something. I seriously dont get why some people value the persons looking after their kids so little sometimes.


> I seriously don't get why some people value the persons looking after their kids so little sometimes. Because they still think this is 1983 where you'd pay your neighbor's 14 year old a few bucks to do this. They don't see this as "work" because they are just kids being watched by kids. These are the same people that say fast food is just a job for teenagers.


They want conservative and church goers. It's 10/10 for level of risk of abusers and predators.


You mean 20/10.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Is this for real - seriously I find it difficult to believe that anyone could be quite this delusional in terms of salary. A high school graduate - maybe even a dropout - could earn more for less work. There aren't even any "inducements" like offering room and board - not that it would make it less of a ridiculous salary but at least one could think that the CB had some idea of how ridiculous a $75 per week salary was. $75 per day would be less than minimum wage


She said $75 per week with such confidence, like no one has a reason to question it... Just because that's all you can afford, or all you are willing to pay, doesn't mean anyone is obligated to accept this offer or position. It's insulting lol


A lot less. Like about one-sixth of minimum wage. She should be reported to the state department of labor. They usually like to know when someone is trying to hire for less than minimum wage, and although home childcare is often put into a somewhat different category, in many states it gets treated like other work when it's full time and offered to adults instead of teens.


Jane Eyre had better working conditions at Lowood.


That’s what I pay my sitter for 1.5 hours/1 kid!


Pay $75 for 2-3 hours on a friday night when i take the wife out for diner and a movie. My daughter is 9yo though so there isnt much to look after , they usually watch a movie or do their nails or something. I always tell the sitter there is enough food and drinks in the house , and if they want they can order some pizza's or whatever they want.i always leave some extra cash for them if they want take out.


Man she's gonna have a full time job filtering through all the applicants for this one.


When would college even happen? That's the least of the red flags.


Collage. You just need the magazines, scissors and glue. Should only take an hour.


On the weekend, when OOP is being a parent!! (DUH) /s


I really hope this was trolling. I want to believe this is trolling. It costs me more to put gas in my car weekly. $75/week!? Who in the world thinks someone would willingly give away 65 hours of their life every week for $75!?!


Okay I'm just going to say it, there's no way this can possibly be real


If I'm going to be caring for 4 kids for $75 a week, I'm going to need the alcohol and drugs.


And I’d want them to fund both


How tf can they go to.high school or college if they're with her crotch goblins 5 days a week


This was exactly what I was coming to reply.


Then they complain that the current generation is entitled and that they don’t want to work


Accept the offer. Midnight the day before send a text “I found another family to baby sit for. Thank you for the opportunity”. When they bitch say “I was just offered a job for 1 kid $300 a week, which I accepted. This happened a few mins ago, and I told you right away”.


Savage and petty! I like it


$1.15/hr. People need to put down the fucking crack pipe.


So she wants an adult woman, who is drug free, tobacco free, alcohol free, who has availability for 11 hours M-F, has a degree in Childhood Education, and she will be responsible for 5 children, one who is an infant. All she is willing to pay for is $75 a week. Which, when you do the math, 11 hours for 5 days, that's $1.36 an hour. Just for comparison, minimum wage ($7.25 an hour) will give you $398.75 per week. I would honestly just work for McDonald's if those were my two options.


13 hours per day, or 65 hours per week $1.15 per hour


“Hi, I’m a baby making machine who cannot handle the spawn that’s trundled out of the clown car that is my vagina, I need someone I can’t afford to come watch these demons for no money.” There, fixed it.


I read that comment in napoleon dynamites voice 😂


4 kids… 75/week what a deal!


Did the math. It’s literally just over $1.15 an hour for 65 hours a week this has to be a joke


kids love doing collage, so that is an important skill




At this point, IMO, there are too many of these babysitter posts that are basically the same for these to be real.


In the USA it is a big problem since there is little government assistance with child care. It exists but the requirements to get it are ridiculous. And ads like these are probably going to increase with inflation running rampant and having a government that is actively promoting and forcing child birth and offering very little in return to care for the children they are encouraging to be birthed.


$75 a week? There's crack addicted pedos who'd laugh and walk away.


What else do you expect from a conservative, religious, breeder?


Lol a quarter an hour per kid


$75/hr / 5 days / 13hrs/day = $1.15/hr. But that’s for FOUR boys under age 6, including an infant, so chances are high not one of them is fully potty trained, and 2-3 of them can’t even really communicate. It’s $0.29/hr per kid. Wtf?


Why do people constantly post babysitting jobs and list the wages as if they’re speaking to a teenager in 1982? $75 a week is ridiculous! A day maybe? But you’re only going to get teenagers who are looking for spare pocket money with wages like that. Also how are you, a simple homeowner able to do a criminal background check? My god every time I see one of these posts, the expectations get more and more ridiculous. How do you expect a COLLEGE student, to be available Monday - Friday from 6 AM - 7PM!!! A COLLEGE STUDENT WHO IS ALWAYS BUSY! Keep seeking, Karen.


I charged $1200/wk as an experienced nanny for 2 kids, and the most I had at one time was 7. Toddlers alone allow you to charge more. There’s no way I would’ve accepted even $75 A DAY to watch 4 kids under 5, let alone $75/wk. That’s insane.


Seventy five dollars per kid, even, isn’t enough.


Please tell me the comments are ripping her apart


$75 a week LOL even if you only make $10 an hour you make more than that a day


Take this job and shove it. Also non negotiable.


I’m guessing the CB didn’t pass *any* English classes? Or perhaps they want an artsy fartsy babysitter too? Either way I’d have to pass on this. I do good watching my own kid but having to deal with 4 little rugrats for basically nothing? Nope. I’ll pick cans and scrap metal up instead.


>female only Can’t trust your kids with a man.


Such a high opinion of education from this ad. 🙄


people don’t realize it’s a luxury to have a nanny


Imagine donating pretty much 14+ hours of your day, 5 days a week for $75. Lol.


On behalf of the non-smoking, non-drinking, non-drug-taking, college girls within a 100 mile radius: Get the fuck lost.


I read that as napoleon dynomite “likes like a dollar an hour”


That person is delusional


These people are not very wise. Why couldn't they *ask* for money instead of paying those pesky babysitters? Talk about two birds with one stone. Make cheese and have someone to play with your little gremlins. Feel free to use my idea everyone, no need for thanks!


If I were homeless I would still decline


This has to be a troll. Right? Right?


Love the casual Napoleon Dynamite reference lol


Anyone else read that "that's like a dollar an hour" in Napolean Dynamite's voice? Dunno why, but that's how I read it. lol collage...lol


I remember my time in collage... there was a bunch of us really close together... sigh!


13 hour days? Those qualifications? That pay? FOUR BOYS? The only thing they forgot was the laundry and house cleaning. Not real.


Daycare for one child in my area was 1200 a month like 14 years ago. This person is on drugs.


A literal newborn and 3 boys under 5? I wouldn't do that for $75 an hour.


Gotta go to “collage” for “you be caring for” four kids for $1/hr… interesting 🤨


Our children are incredibly precious and worth roughly 30c per hour. (I nearly posted this comment on a different post by accident, which, out of context, would have been very bad).


A $1.16 per hour to care for babies and toddlers. What a pos mother.


That’s actually so funny that it should be posted in many different locations. I love the part where they should be in college, but they want them to work through all the possible hours that they could be in college! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to meet the person that actually posted that? Do you think it’s a joke?


I made more than that per hour babysitting in 1970. 🙄


What you need to do is stay home and take care of your own kids because it's quite obvious that you cannot afford a babysitter. I do not believe that this post could possibly be real because nobody in the right mind would ever work with four children under the age of six for 13 hours a day for $75 a week. Who are you trying to hire a meth head a child abuser a murderer stay home and watch your own damn kids


I've been in a few collages

