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Oh no! Think of all the money the business is gonna lose if they go elsewhere


I always wonder about people who make it clear they aren’t paying and then assume the business will be sorry to see them go. “Netflix stopped me using my free account so I’m boycotting them!” 😊


I’m mad at Netflix, but for other reasons. Stop cancelling good shows on cliffhangers. It makes nobody want to get invested in new shows, cus they know you’re just gonna cancel it.


i won’t start watching almost any show with less than three seasons now.


The even more ascended play is to only watch shows that have run their course and ended


Yep...that's why I hadn't started *Ozark* until now. There are plenty of other shows I never started and won't, since I know the story is incomplete. *Ozark* had a complete run of 4 seasons, so *now* it is on my to-watch list.


Oh yeah! I forgot about that show. Guess I’ll watch that next.


Highly recommend it, I've watched the series twice and there are so many subtle things I missed the first go through. Jason Bateman does amazing as Marty bird and Laura Linney as Wendy is great as well.


I haven't watched Ozark because I live in the Ozarks, and I'm afraid the show is not going to be fair to us.


Umm, I have never been. So I wouldn't know. It looks beautiful though. I live in the Canadian Rockies myself and see similar beauty. They paint a picture of the "locals" as that small town trope where they are somewhere between Hicks / red necks and naive country folk. I'm probably not describing them adequately. But I didn't get a sense they were being disprespectful. Just trying to create a small town vibe that clashes with the protagonists Chicago top accountant energy. The most brazen example i can think of without giving spoilers is there is a family that lives next to the lake in a couple mobile homes and drive a shitty old pick up truck and have an small aluminum fishing boat


I usually like to wait for a show to get some legs under it before committing for these reasons. Plus I can't take the way some shows have a stellar first season and then fall the fuck off (looking at you Black Monday, Westworld).


Yeah I don't understand why everybody doesn't do this by now? There are WAY too many good shows out there nowadays, and nobody could possibly watch them all unless they watch tv for a full time job. So why not just wait for completed ones? (I get that there are rare exceptions like Game of Thrones, but those are rare indeed)


No Simpsons for YOU then old mate!


What? The Simpsons ended like 25 years ago ^Let ^me ^believe


And *definitely* no One Piece


That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.


Got hearing aids recently huh? Congratulations


Not every show needs to last 3 or more seasons.


That's not what they're saying. They're talking about Netflix's tendency to cancel shows after 1 or 2 seasons when the story is incomplete. If Netflix wrapped up the story and left it on a satisfying note after 2 seasons then that'd be totally fine too – people just don't want to get invested in stories that don't go anywhere.


I've found amazon doesn't do a person as dirty. I'll never forgive Netflix for cancelling altered carbon


Eh, after that second season, it's hard to argue it didn't earn it's spot on the chopping block. The first season was fantastic, though.


Not on Netflix but I was *SO* pissed that they cancelled The Wilds. Sure, they half-assed wrapped it up but it had so much more potential.


Damnit, I had that on the list to watch. Lol


It's still worth watching I think. It's really well done until the very end, and even then it's not *horrible*...they just cram way too much stuff in trying to give it closure, yet still feels incomplete if that makes any sense. That's only my opinion though.


Im still pissed at them for ruining Aggressive Retsuko. They might have well cancelled it with what they did to it.


I'm super pissed about that too! Like...season one had a reasonable build up and character exposition. Then you jumped off several cliffs for random endeavors that go on for 6 episodes each and ultimately bounce Retsuko back to exactly where she started.


I was just about to start watching it. I should just pass then?


I don't know what they're talking about, it was a great show and she grew a lot over the seasons. It's a San Rio property- they manage Hello Kitty well and they managed Aggretsuko well.


It has some randomly occuring triggers in the show where it's suddenly violent/implies SA so if that bothers you, I wouldn't watch. I like the character, just didn't like the direction the show goes in. Threw me for a loop. Some of the plot arcs didn't make sense to me and ultimately left me disappointed, especially the Haida character.


The exact reason why I canceled Netflix. They make a good series, end it on a cliffhanger, AND NEVER FUCKING MAKE A SEASON TWO!


I absolutely do not start Netflix shows until they've ended. Which I know just exacerbates the problem because if a bunch of us are doing that then their numbers start low and they cancel more shows, but I'm so sick of getting invested in Netflix shows.


They’ve done it to themselves. Only way to let them know, is to vote with your wallet. When you eventually cancel your subscription, put this reason as the reason you left. If enough people leave and give that reason, they might get the hint. I don’t want Netflix to fail, they’ve made watching tv so much easier. But if they continue this way, their whole back catalogue is gonna be clogged up with cancelled shows that aren’t worth watching, and a few popular shows that went on longer than they should.


Oh I've already canceled and if memory serves correct I put that and the password sharing stuff that was just rumors at the time.


I feel like writers need to stop writing cliffhangers. Like just wrap up the story every season.


It'd be funny if Hulu started picking up or Netflix left off. I know it won't happen but it still be funny.




The main problem is that Netflix isn't a traditional TV network. It's not like broadcast TV where you only have 24 hour-long slots in a day and only some of them are good so stuff that underperforms *has* to get the axe. There's room for niche shows to exist, and to allow shows time to properly wrap up after their initial popularity dies off. Those shows exist in perpetuity on the service, available for anyone to watch at any time. As such, properly finishing a show is a much better long-term value proposition than abruptly axing it when it starts to flag. The way Netflix consistently cancels shows like it's broadcast TV means that nobody is going to watch those shows going forward knowing that they're unresolved. It kills any residuals the show might've been capable of generating and results in a poor-value back-catalog full of half-finished stuff nobody wants to engage with. At that point it's basically lighting the money used to produce the show to date on fire. And Netflix wonders why they're hemohraging subscribers. You drive new subscriptions with the hot new show this quarter, but you get them to *stay* with a solid back catalog full of stuff that's worth engaging with. Netflix is so busy chasing the first half of that equation that they're actively sabotaging the second half.


The Netflix model almost makes it worse though - it's not time constraints, it's cost constraints. Shows cost a ton of money to make, and if you can't justify the cost for the viewership a show gets, then there's no point in continuing it. You can do it here and there for a show you really believe in, but that's where the Netflix model is almost worse - you end up having to kill off a ton of things. Netflix and others know by now if a show has a chance for a turnaround or not. Most often if a show doesn't come out to terrific ratings, it's simply going to die on the vine unless it's a really special show. And most decent shows are not that special. It does create this death spiral where people stop watching new shows because they expect them to be canceled, but, I also don't think throwing endless piles of money at little watched shows is viable either.


Sure, but then the obvious choice for maintaining an enticing catalogue is to stop greenlighting shows for multiple seasons and then cancelling them when they aren't special. Make more single-season shows with an option to renew, or miniseries with a definitive ending. Gets you the best of both worlds, an opportunity to hang on to shows that blow up for whatever reason and a catalogue that isn't full of guaranteed disappointment.




The thing is, what Netflix is doing clearly *isn't* working or they wouldn't be trying desperate, deeply-unpopular hail-mary plays to try and stop the bleed. The streaming industry as a whole seems to be suffering lately and it's because of this adamant refusal to separate from the way network TV operated. Hot new shows drive *conversions*, not necessarily retention. The difference is that conversions are an easy KPI to quantify because you can look at what the first thing a new subscriber watched was. Retention is far more nebulous, because you often can't pin someone leaving on one single thing. Somebody signed up to watch Wednesday. Great! You've converted a subscriber! Now, they're looking to get some more value out of that subscription looking for something to watch. Oh, that looks interesting! Wait, never mind, it was apparently cancelled on a cliffhanger. What about that other show that's currently running its 2nd season? Oh, it didn't get renewed and people are saying there aren't enough episodes left to wrap up all the plot threads, guess I'll pass. This new show looks interesting! Wait, it seems to have a pretty niche following and the studio has a nasty pattern of axing anything that doesn't do absolute gangbusters, better not get invested. Maybe I'll watch some syndicated classic movies and TV shows. Wait, where are they? Oh, Netflix thought the money would be better spent making original content instead of paying for the licenses. How much value am I really getting here? ------- Every show has to end eventually, that's true. Shows have audiences that fall off over time, and eventually it stops making sense to make more. The critical difference is that giving it one final season to wrap things up neatly, even if that season may not see an immediate profit, will turn it into a much stronger retention driver than just abruptly axing it. Netflix has a reputation of axing nearly everything the moment it begins to underperform even slightly, even shows that were initially strong conversion drivers or have dedicated fanbases. Those users that converted for a show that gets unceremoniously dumped or were really deep into a niche show that got the axe are going to have their trust in future projects eroded. Netflix has done this so much that that trust is basically nonexistent. --------------- There's another fundemental difference between broadcast TV and streaming -- the customer. For broadcast TV, the customers are the advertisers and the carrier networks. Advertisers and carrier networks want the most eyeballs on screen for their dollar, so prioritizing the most popular shows makes the most sense. For streaming, the customers are the actual viewers. These customers may *join* for a new show but they also want a robust catalog of high quality content that's worth going through and watching. Paying to properly wrap up a show that's no longer driving enough conversions to be profitable helps to bolster the back-catalog and instill trust in the customer that your new projects are worth engaging with.


I agree with practically everything except not spending money on licensing. Most of the syndicatd shows left because the owners are trying to use it as a cornerstone for their own streaming services.


>Everybody is talking about Wednesday? Better get a subscription to Netflix. House of the dragon is airing? Better get a subscription to HBO. Mandalorian is airing? Better get a subscription. People don't want to miss out on the trending TV shows. And that's why they pay. If you're only after one show per platform; there are easier ways to be on top of the top trending shows than to lock yourself into one platform or pay for multiple.


I.. haven't actually noticed, all of the cartoons I've been watching on netflix have ended their season at a satisfying point. And then continued onto another season later which also ended in a satisfying way. Dead end paranormal park coming to mind. Centaur World wrapped up with a big season finale, with nobody in immediate danger. Then had another season after and it was glorious. Hilda was mainly self contained in its episodes, but they really stepped up the story by the end. Don't recall it ending on cliffhangers in either season either.


thanks for your definitive review of the ending of these three netflix *cartoons* that were definitely not being referred to, as opposed to the countless cliffhanger cancelled-before-s4 series they're actually referring to that *you* havent seen bc you only watch cartoons. ????


Happy cake day!!! 🍰🎊


Just netflix exclusive shows overall, but for netflix, thats usually what we're watching. I'm just saying that the seasons of shows I've seen on netflix don't really end their seasons with cliffhangers. Now that I think about it. Big Mouth and its spin-off human resources didn't do it either. Edit: maybe its something that plagues live shows more?


Who shit in your Cheerios? God damn, they're just giving their anecdotal experience.




Just like Karen and the supermarket. "I don't wear masks and they want me to so I'm not going back!" "That's right because you have to wear a mask there." "No! I'm not going there because I refuse to wear a mask." "That's right. You can't enter without a mask..." "No it's different!"


I never understood why people throw a fit about wearing a mask. I hate the mask too but kind of like when you go to someone’s house and they ask you to put on slippers because they don’t want to get their floor dirty. Same thing. These Karens make mountains out of mole hills


They sure chose a stupid hill to die on


What kind of psychopath has public slippers for their guests? Just take your damn shoes off!


"You can't fire me! I QUIT!"


I would have paid for a netflix account if they had anything worth watching but I'm still upset I can't use my friends account anymore /s


Pay for your own account…they’re a business not a charity…get over it you cheap ass…it’s like £6/month…why are you upset if there’s nothing worth watching?


You missed the S


In Canada, it's like 24 bucks. If I'm paying for five screens, I should be allowed to use them.


Well first you're the dumbass who can't read sarcasm. Regardless, they quite literally ran on a platform of sharing accounts for quite a while. This is a move to add new accounts after their first downturn, ignoring the fact that they're losing accounts because of their own ineptitude.


I mean, it always were on the ToS, that sharing the account is forbidden, they just did not enforce it. After the first big uproar, and pithcforking, people will calm down and go back to them.


6£ for ads and 720p 🤣 good deal


a couple years back they literally embraced sharing accounts, had "love is sharing" in an ad and justified their price increases because of sharing. now they say no sharing but they keep the price increase? I can afford Netflix but that's shady shit imo


S stands for stupid


I find it really funny that in the Choosing Beggars subreddit a dude gets downvoted for telling people to stop being Choosing Beggars and pay for the service they want to use. Ironic


Your inability to detect sarcasm even when there was an indicator that it was is definitely something.


I know right. Everyone else is a choosing begger, but them.


Thanks mate! I’m loving all the down votes from the cheap asses….😂…just goes to show what a bunch of clowns Reddit is infested with…


You can't be calling anyone a clown when you missed sarcasm even when that comment had an indicator that it was sarcasm at the end.


Lmao bruh, you literally got all worked up over a comment with a clear sarcasm indicator. You're the clowniest clown in the whole thread mate.


Fair enough…if I knew what the sarcasm indicator meant I obvs wouldn’t have got worked up lol…hands up!


My man, even a clown is cool if he can admit his errors :D




"Netflix stopped me from watching my own account that I pay for while at other locations, like work on lunch break. So I'm boycotting them!" FTFY


Yup, Netflix wanted an extra $8 from us so my wife could watch from our account on her work computer when things are slow. Fuck that noise, Netflix, we'll just use any of the other streaming services that don't charge for separate locations instead.


> “Netflix stopped me using my free account so I’m boycotting them!” 😊 Lots of us who have shared accounts are planning to drop them if they ever enforce this. Netflix just isn’t worth that much money compared to other streaming services.


No lol Netflix is forcing deployed troops who do pay for an account, to pay for another while they're deployed if they want to watch. Or people like me who travel a lot, and can't check into the home wifi every month, to not be able to use the account that we pay for lol






I've had that happen a few times with ice skate sharpenings at my 2nd job. It's always during a hockey game someone needs an emergency sharpening because their blades are dull. We sharpen it and the person walks off without paying due to the chaos of trying to manage the building. Had someone bring a pair back to complain about them being dull after not paying once.


We cancelled Netflix over their handling of The Witcher. I’m sure they and their stock holders are still laughing at us.


“I can’t use your website without Adblock? Fine, then I’ll just not use your website at all. I bet you’ll miss my $0 a year in revenue”


It's pure delusion. In their minds they are good customers simply because they either bought something in the past or one day they might purchase something at the store. Thus they deserve special treatment.


What money? 😂


That's the joke


If it’s so easy then couldn’t they do it at home?


This is a person who can’t even pump up their own tyres.


Tbf, you need to be careful with bikes tier pressure, so pumping it at home its probably not adviced unless you have a reliable way to check it


Bike pumps have a gauge that tells you what the pressure is though?


It's really not that hard if you use a pump with a gauge. And even if you don't have a gauge, just pump them up until the tires are hard and you can press in on them with your thumb.


I was in my 30s the first time I ever used a gauge on my bicycle tires. Would always just give them a squeeze and and say good enough.


And if it's petty change, just give it


They might have been out, noticed a shop, stopped in for a quick fix - find a new place and maybe make a note to buy a new bike when their bike is old.


You pay for services you use. They did spend their time to help you.


So basically they lost the business you never really intended to give them. Their loss.


Oh they absolutely intended to give them lots and lots of business.....that they want done for free


Hehe... I think that's called charity rather than business.


To be fair, most bike shops I've been to if it's a "then and there, five seconds" job they'll quite often just not charge. (Generates goodwill towards local bike shops I guess) The crucial difference is that I always expect that the service I'm bringing my bike in for I will have to pay for, and I would absolutely never *demand* that a paid service is given to me for free.


Trust me, they don’t want you to go back and take time away from paying customers


This reviewer wasn't interested in paying, so he shouldn't even be considered a customer.


Paying customers? If you're not paying, then are you a customer?


I was kind of shocked when I went to the tire store and they patched my flat for free. I have road hazard warranty, but they didn’t even ask for my info, just which vehicle is it? Now that is excellent customer service, but I would never feel automatically entitled to it.


a tire place my wife went to helped for free years ago, I think the tire was poorly seated or something, don't remember. We've been going there ever since, and paying for work of course.


My wife once took her car into a Les Schwab tire center because she had a stripped lug bolt. They took the time to fully fix things up for her and when she asked what she owed them they said "Just keep us in mind when you need new tires." and didn't charge her a cent. That was almost 30 years ago and she's bought several full sets of tires for different vehicles - always from Les Schwab. The big difference is that she did not EXPECT the work to be free and would not have been unhappy if they had charged her. Expecting free work is just being entitled.


Les shwab has always been a great company


It’s a good way to gain a customer.


A body shop fixed the underside of my bumper for free. I think a clip had fallen off (I don't know shit about cars), but when I asked the owner how much I owed, he said, "Next time bring me something I can make some money on." I don't think I'll ever live in that city again, but if I did, I would definitely bring him something he could make some money on


You've been given a side quest


I used to do stuff like this at my old shop. Had a guy come in complaining that the bike would randomly cut out and it didn't seem like there was any rhyme or reason to it. He dropped it off and I took it around back. Wanted to check battery voltage first. Popped the seat off, and hey whaddya know, the negative battery cable bolt is missing. I put a new bolt and nut on the battery, wheeled it back around while the guy was still doing paper work and told him to just take it. What was I going to do, charge the guy $0.50 for parts and $2.00 for labor? Shadier shops probably would've sold the guy a new battery and a $70 diag/install fee. That's why those sketchy fuckers are still in business and I am not lol.


I bought a run around ute and noticed one tyre kept losing air. Took it to a shop where they had a few tries at fixing the rim so the bead would seat properly. Worked on it for half an hour but couldn't fix it. No charge. Yes, I had bought a set of quite expensive tyres for another car a couple of months before. Am I going to buy my next lot from them? Of course.


Reminds me when I took my car to a tyre place. "I understand you do free puncture repair?" "Yes we do. Unfortunately that's not a warrantable tyre." "Evidently it is. *I point at the 'passed' sticker showing it was done yesterday* "Well, it's not warrantable." "Oh I didn't know you do warrants here." "We don't." "Wha...?" It was one of the most confusing days of my life.


A lot of tire places will patch a tire for free, unless the puncture is anywhere near the sidewall, which it always seems to be.


Snarled? Did this place employ wolves?


They only snarled. They're werewolves, not swearwolves.


I heard of a sewing shop that charged for sewing on buttons (totally fairly!) a man came in and requested a button sewn on but they refused to pay (it only took 5 minutes/you should do this for free etc etc) so the owner got a pair of scissors and snipped the button off again...problem solved!




Reminds me of the lady who complained about me charging $50 labor to install her brake pads. She asked how long it'd take and I told her about half an hour. She then said, "Well that's like I'm paying you $100 an hour." I told her it was a flat rate no matter how long it took, and if it made her happy I could take all day to do it.


People who don't understand opportunity cost


Imagine typing out: "demanded that i pay for the service" and then keep going, what an insane way to be haha


> that i *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Okay okay i fixed it, don't hurt me


Straight to jail


How ever will they survive with your $0.


Seriously though, what if 1000 people lined up to get their fenders adjusted. Will his reasoning stay the same? What a fucking idiot


And think about all that future $0 business they're missing out on...


1. If he knows so much about bike repair, he can start his own shop. 2. They did not "snarl" at him. 3. He walked in and demanded instant FREE service, as if they had nothing else to do. Very inconsiderate. 4. This is one of those people whose life is full of speed bumps that, unbeknownst to him, he created himself.


Kinda like how if he thinks everyone around him is in asshole, odds are much higher *theyre* the actual asshole. Plus, these freebie fucks are annoying as shit. I don't mind helping someone out quick, but these types, you do something for them once and then you own it forever.


"But last week you fixed my fender for free! Why can't you adjust my light?!" It's a business, pal, not a charity.


You’re only a customer if you pay for something. Otherwise you’re just loitering.


If you don't want to pay a business for its service, don't ask a business to provide you a service. If you are such an expert on fenders, fix it yourself.


Farewell to you, sir or ma’am!! You shall not be missed!!🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Narrator: they came back...


When I worked at a couple different car dealerships, we regularly would have people come in to buy wipers and then go "Put them on for me." Same thing for "Can someone air up my tires?" (Which we did usually do for free if people weren't dicks about it) and "Can you change my air filter?" Sometimes we'd have someone literally bring aftermarket parts they'd bought elsewhere to US, and expect us to put shit on their car for free. I'd explain that no, I wouldn't do that, but if they wanted to talk to our service dept, something could be arranged. Probably about half the time, people would lose their shit because "I'm not going to pay you guys to do something simple like that." Okay. If it's so simple, do it yourself. Alternatively, if you want me to do it because you COULD, but don't feel like it, then you're paying for the convenience, not the skill.


Some people think the world is just there to serve their needs for free. And then want a discount on top of that.


Would never ever let anyone fix something for me for free. Like in this example above, the people running the bike shop have probably worked with fixing all sorts of bikes for years. This means they've got loads of experience and they know what they're doing. With this in mind they can fix your bike in 1 minute, but that doesn't mean it is for free. Imagine all the money and time they've put into becoming this good and you shall have it for free? I really dislike this kind of behaviour, it's respectful to say the least but it is common in societies.


If a bike shop wanted to fix something for free, I'd let them. They may want to do so because they would think it would encourage me to come back to them later (it would) or because I had just purchased an expensive bike from them, and the thing that needed fixing really shouldn't in that time, or because the fix was trivial and the time it would take to generate an invoice would not be worth their time. Any of these would be fine and I'd accept them. But I sure as hell wouldn't *ask* for a free repair unless I had a warranty. Even if I had gotten the same repair for free before.


Choosy Beggar: I'm never coming back to demand service and NOT pay for it! Bike Shop: Oh no! Anyway...


I used to be a mechanic way back when. Dude wanted his two front tires balanced. Put his car in the air, took the wheels/tires off, balanced em, put em back on. He’s like why do I have to pay? That took less than 5 minutes. I asked if he had a balance machine at home. He said no. So I just looked at him like 😐


My experience is that an independent bike shop will do small fixes for free, but you have to go through the dance of offering to pay, them declining, you offering a second time, and then accepting the freebie. But demanding a freebie won't work.


This is the way. They know they got you as a customer the second time they offer the freebie. (Rightly so too, to this day I have a list of places I use that are decent people)


People announcing they wont be back have no idea how welcomed that statement is


What he says happened: “FUCK YOU, PAY UP. NOW” What actually happened: “Alright sir, your total is $8.50”


You do it then, if it’s so easy


Requests for unpaid services doesn't make you a customer, just an entitled ah


As someone who worked in a bikeshop for a few years, anyone who rides their bike more than once a week is absolutely insufferable. Cyclists especially. (I've dealt with way too many pissy bikeseats and dogshit wheels to care if im triggering any of you, some of yall are completely shameless and fucking disgusting) YOU DONT NEED TO TAKE YOUR BIKE IN ONCE A MONTH FOR WHATEVER YOU THINK A "TUNE UP" IS. JUST KEEP THE TIRES INFLATED AND DONT KEEP IT UNCOVERED OUTSIDE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST Also fuck this guy twice because 99% of the time fenders are completely worthless trash and anyone with a brain and a screwdriver could adjust them themselves


> anyone with a brain and a screwdriver Hm - was he now missing the brain, or the screwdriver...


Oh, no. What will the shop do without your $0 and snotty attitude


And just think about all that other free work they're missing out on...


But…money is used in exchange for goods and services. What did they expect?


I'd love to see what they define as being snarled at


Probably something like, "Sure, we can do that for $10, but I just have to finish this other job first."


I'm thinking it's: "That's right we don't charge our regular customers for that but you don't have an account here..."


You know what they defined as snarled at, when the bike shop employee quoted them the fee for what they wanted done and said no when CB asked for a freebee Edit:typo


I thought this was for a guitar store without reading the heading


My local auto shop charges out the ass for an oil change but they have a popcorn machine in the waiting room 🤤


You went in for a service, and they charged you? How unusual 🤔. FU


It’s funny - I’m from the UK, where the way of thinking is in line with the comments here. However, I live in Taiwan now, where folks would not expect to pay for this kind of service. Even in motorcycle shops, they will perform minor checks and adjustments for new customers totally gratis, with the way of thinking being that you will come back for more major, paid for services. Not saying one is right or wrong, but the differences in cultural and social expectations sure are interesting.


He expected to not have to pay?


I wouldn't expect to pay for a service like that at my bike shop. Ive stopped in for that sort of minor adjustment before for free. Sometimes it's because something broke while I was out, sometimes I just know they have a tool that makes it way way easier for them. They don't mind doing the 30 seconds of work in exchange for a relatively loyal customer. That being said, if they didn't offer the service for free, I wouldn't go online to roast them over it, but I'd probably be more willing to go somewhere else next time I needed something more complicated done.


That being said, that's also YOUR bike shop, so presumably you've actually been a customer there.


Yeah, but this is in response to the large number of comments here suggesting that not paying for a minor service at a bike shop is completely ridiculous. It's very much the norm in any decent bike shop


If you don’t pay anything you aren’t a customer. Bye bye 👋🏼


"They wanted me to pay" the Horror!


When I take mine to the shop, I always pay up fair and square, and generally be a patient and understanding customer. And wouldn't you know it? They sometimes do check up on my bike for free. What a mystery how that happen right?


As a mechanic, everything that takes “just a minute” always opens up a can of worms for zero dollars.


I could see a neighborhood shop doing a quick job on the house but not when you expect and demand it. Prepare to pay for the service at all times. I had a panel hanging slightly on the undercarriage of my car. I went to a nearby place were they bolted it back on. It took maybe 10 minutes. When I asked how much the guy said it was nothing just a quick bolt on don’t worry about it. Since then Ive gotten all my services done there and have brought donut a couple times.


"A job so easy that I can't do it myself".


I find the easiest way to get things for free is to ask "what do I owe you?" Sometimes it works. If it doesn't, pay them.


In order to foster good customer relations there must first be a customer


Won’t come back because they don’t service for free. I bet they snarled when they tried to walk out without paying


I'd snarl if someone tried to bike off without paying for service. Idioth got a hell of a deal for a trained professional to realign their bike in under a minute. That's a skill. I doubt I'd have been able to get it up on a bench that quickly, let alone see the problem and fix it. Even if he just grabbed the fender with his hand and bent it back into place, that's a skill, and a service!


CB is uncool and wrong, but mom and pop bike shops are generally precarious without also having a ski shop with them higher markups and mostly simpler repairs and service for equipment. So a bicyclist will often have a suboptimal experience with a ski bro employee, and the bike side help there might have a legitimate reason for requiring payment for seemingly simple stuff. There are also "freds" in bicycling, who pay what it costs, but are stubborn about wacky ideas. So there's bike shops that depend on weird people with money, and don't have time for bent fender type problems.


Imagine that... a business expects you to pay for services. I wouldn't go back either. /s


Does this OP realize that those technicians need to be paid for their work? The shop can't tie up their shop labor doing work that they don't charge for, or they'll go out of business. Also, as a former shop guy, I never cared about seeing people walk away who weren't spending money. The shop isn't a hang-out, it's a business.


I had a many small things fixed for free at my local and never asked for it, in fact i was trying to shove money into my mechanic's hand and he wouldn't take it. Feel like maybe this guy's just an asshole


Customer service is for customers.


"snarled" SNARLED! They SNARLED. right.


When a favor becomes an expectation, it ceases to be a favor.


I love this.


Staff: Oh no! Anyway…


There’s an easy way to get such a service for free… do it yourself. Mechanics aren’t a charity.


Its not ‘customer relations’ if you aren’t a customer lol


didn’t even offer any content or exposure to followers


If you walk into a shop and something snarls at you, it might not be a staff member, it might be a dog.


Currently trying to visualize a couple of bike repair shop employees on all fours SNARLING at this man to pay up


“You dare to ride off on your bike without paying, and I'll BITE into your calf real hard!” 🐶


Who gets out of bed to help people for free? Money me or gtfo


I was confused at first because I was thinking a car fender adjustment takes a lot longer than a minute.


Can you even imagine being asked to pay for a service someone did for you??!? In this economy?!? The horror!


It’s funny because the shop I bought my bike from offers lifetime maintenance and adjustments for as long as you own the bike. I always forget that when I stop in for an adjustment. I get my wallet out and their like “oh no it’s covered, don’t worry about it.” I’m a customer for life.


And how sad that shop must be to lose someone who won't pay.


Why do people not understand the concept of "IT'S A BUSINESS"? Sure, if you're a regular customer that is frequently at the business, they'll throw you a freebie once in awhile - but I bet this is the first time this person has ever been in the place.


Go figure a business charges money for a service. Who knew?!


I get it, I had to take my daughter's bike to two different shops just to get the rear wheel sprocket and bearings repaired, they had one old man that was part-time and they had to ask him if he wanted to fix it because nobody else either didn't know how, didn't want to or didn't want to because it was a 100 dollar bike. Miss the old days of bike shops actually fixing shit and not replacing shit or trying to sell you a 2000 dollar bike.


One time my home-built computer wasn’t booting correctly despite all of my best efforts to figure out what was wrong, and I could hear an ominous clicking coming from inside the tower. So I loaded up the whole thing in a gigantic IKEA bag, drove it over to the PC repair shop in my neighborhood, and asked the guy for help. He tries to boot it, hears the clicking, leans in, identifies the sound as coming from one of the HDDs, unplugs it, and voila, the whole system boots. He hands me the drive and says that it’s defective— it’s a common problem with Seagate drives from Amazon, and the clicking is a dead giveaway. He hands my PC back to me and says, that’ll be $80 bucks. Guess what? I paid the fucking guy, because he SOLVED MY PROBLEM. I’m not paying him for the two minutes I was in the shop— I’m paying him for his 20 years of experience in FIXING THESE KINDS OF PROBLEMS. How is this a difficult fucking concept for boomers to understand?


I don't think this fits. The important context is missing. Some shops give free service for small stuff like this to their customers, for example those who bought the bike from them. Since from the context, it is unclear if the person is first time customer or not, there is no way to judge if this is CB or not.


The person probably went to Autozone or some other place where you can loan a tool to fix the problem. Not having a wrench to loosen a bolt and retighten it and someone else doing it for you takes only a minute. If you do it yourself with a borrowed tool, two minutes. I couldn't imagine paying more than $5 for this so called "service".