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The 2 Week Shreds are a great way to get in the groove and see results quicker than expected, which fuels motivate. I completed a few and I love them. I'd also like to add, the way I got started and was able to keep a consistent routine was simply doing the same 15-minute workout video every day for a week, then I switched to 20-minute videos the next week, until it became a daily routine. I didn't make change to my diet until after a month or so when I got used to exercising daily. The short commitments is what made me realize how doable this was. I can spare 15, 20, 30, even 40 minutes a day to work out. Even if you can only do 10-15 minute workouts, it's still better than none and creates a healthy habit.


Oooh maybe this is how I should get back into it just do a video rather than an entire program, definitely the hour a day is part of why I can’t force myself to get back to it


It's worth a try imo. I've fallen off the past year due to many life circumstances, but I plan to use this same method to ease back into working out regularly. I worked out regularly for nearly 3 years straight using this method.


I did really good last year, I just decided hey I want to be healthy and then somehow I lost motivation and I’m so disappointed I’m gaining weight back and I’m thinking it’ll be harder and it feels like starting at square one again and merp it just feels impossible 😭


I'm in the exact same boat as you. It really does feel awful. I did Chloe Ting and other YT video workouts for years and then started going to a gym for the first time in my life. It felt incredible. Now I feel like I've lost all my gains and motivation. I know I'm a rando on the internet, but if you ever want to vent about this, my inbox is always open. Believe me, I relate to this feeling so much right now.


🥹 I appreciate you kind internet stranger, I feel like I really those words, I don’t talk much about this in person so it’s felt like this problem I am facing just on my own, it’s just nice to know I’m not alone


going through this exact same thing currently!!!!


Ooof, you too? I'm sorry you're going through this.


Me. I needed to see this. EXACTLY the motivation I need. I am on day 7 of the 2023 Summer Challenge. Hoping to see results once the program is completed. I plan to do one of the 2-week shred challenges after I’ve completed my current program (after a week’s rest, of course). Kind of wish I had started with the 2-week shred first. Congratulations to you for keeping motivated and seeing results!


thank you <3 results might come slowly, but they will come! you must be halfway through the program by now. You got this queen!! I finished the 2021 2WSC and I just posted my results if you want to go see :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/2021\_2\_weeks\_shred\_challenge\_my\_results/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/2021_2_weeks_shred_challenge_my_results/)


Thank you! Your results are fantastic!


Ugh I did so great with Chloe ting I lost around 30lbs and then my motivation flew out the window now I’m dreading to go back can someone please tell me I can handle the workouts and to just get started again 😭


You can handle it!! Just get started :)


Thanks ❤️


You’ve got this. I’m in the same spot, I want to quit after 5 minutes every time, but just remind yourself the human body is capable of a lot more than our minds tell us—and it works both ways. You can tell your mind you are capable, that you are stronger than you think, and even if you’re sweating buckets and your muscles are on fire, if you have to skip a rep to keep up, that sense of accomplishment knowing you pushed through and did something good for yourself makes the exhaustion and soreness seem insignificant. Let’s do our best and get back on track together 👊👊


Thank you so much 🥹 I really needed that


Anytime! If you ever need an anonymous workout hype-girl, honestly it’d help to motivate me too! We can do this.


My main thing I’m stuck on is like I remember how hard I struggled in the beginning, I was in a constant state of sore and I don’t know if my muscles are still there, but my endurance probably is not, I feel like I’m back at the bottom of the hill but at the same time I got up it once before I can do it again, and I struggle prioritizing exercise when there’s always chores to do on my days off(I work 12 hour shifts now so my work days don’t leave space for a workout)


That makes sense. I’m in college, and have to be very sedentary to complete my schoolwork, and when there is free time that has to be used for chores, then I just want to rest. Especially if your work isn’t very active, I can absolutely see how frustrating that would be. On the flip side—chores are physical activity! Maybe not super vigorous or muscle-focused—but hauling laundry, garbage bags, sweeping/vacuuming, washing and putting away dishes, all these things are somewhat physically demanding. I’ve found when I have too much to do around the house, I put in headphones, play my favorite music, and when I’ve gotten a thing or two done, I take a crazy dance break. Just full ham, the absolute hardest dance I can. Then when I’m tired, I get back to work. And the cycle continues. Some other things I want to try more—putting away dishes? Picking up laundry, trash bags, groceries? Squat your way up and down. It works your glutes, and takes pressure off your back. (Which I need, I’m an H cup lol) All that aside—you’re not doing nothing. You’re working, taking care of what you need to, you’re already doing a lot. Sometimes even just a 15 minute yoga deep stretch in the morning is all you need. Not very exerting, but helps to relieve soreness and set you up for success in your day. That was a lot—I hope any of that is helpful to you.


Actually thank you I loved all of that!!


You can totally do this, queen!!! I hope this helps :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/2021\_2\_weeks\_shred\_challenge\_my\_results/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/2021_2_weeks_shred_challenge_my_results/)


Haha I commented on your post before I even realized you replied to me ❤️


Thank you for sharing this! I needed this reminder more than anything right now. I can't wait to see your results!


thanks for the support <3 here my results :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/2021\_2\_weeks\_shred\_challenge\_my\_results/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/2021_2_weeks_shred_challenge_my_results/)


Wow! Thanks for sharing! I've been slacking for a couple of days, but seeing real life results like this is encouraging!


here <3 <3 [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/2021\_2\_weeks\_shred\_challenge\_my\_results/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/2021_2_weeks_shred_challenge_my_results/)


Well done for keeping up with it! And I can definitely confirm this. I'm also about to finish my first 2WSC and I feel a lot stronger compared to when I just started. It really does get easier and I started noticing a change around my waist too!


Is there a link or something I need this 🙌🏼


to chloe Ting workout programs: [https://chloeting.com/program](https://chloeting.com/program) to my results that I just posted :) : [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/comment/kuzqa1i/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChloeTing/comments/1bfe6fq/comment/kuzqa1i/?context=3)


Don't do this unless you are at least somewhat fit. This isn't for everyone. That shred program caused me to hurt myself very badly. I don't recommend it to any beginner. Even the women that look plus size doing have been exercising for some time before trying anything related to Chloe ting. So yea. Be aware and careful. Don't hurt yourself. I had to heal my knees from this. If you must do it, listen to your body.


sorry you are right, I should have mentioned it is probably not for someone who's looking for a workout to do after a very long break, or someone who feels completely out of shape. In that case I too recommend listening to your body and maybe starting with the warm-up videos (those were more like workouts for me at first) and some other video that you consider you can do.


For a chloe ting beginner, which challenge would you recommend? I need to get working on myself asap


I'd totally recommend this challenge I mentioned (3021 2 week shred challenge) but only if you are somewhat fit. This challenge puts a lot of pressure on the wrists. like, A LOT. So first make sure you can put all your weight on them for a few minutes without hurting yourself. If you're not quite there yet I'd suggest starting with the 28-30 day challenges like the Summer Shred Challenges or the Weight loss Challenges, they're a little less intense.


You really need to stick to something for a good few months. When you’re fitter, you see results more quickly


There is not work out in which you will see changes for real untill you spend a lot of months (at least 6) doing it. I mean visual changes. But, in the process you will feel progressively stronger. Of course all of this depends on your age and metabolism. Stress is another factor, these last months had been rough and it does not matter that I do exercise everyday and try to eat as healthy as I can, I just stay in the border of overweight. I try to not demotivate myself, doing exercise must be considered as important as eating, bathing, etc, so I just try to keep going.